First time Pony Girl


I was a nineteen year old virgin with money in the bank. I don’t think I’m shy, I can talk to anyone, but I never seemed to have much joy with men. If I threw myself at them it seemed to scare them away, if I played hard to get I didn’t get got. This man was different. He seemed happy to simply chat; he was a lot older than me and I guess I treated him more like an uncle. It was at least a month before we discussed sex at all and then what with one thing and another I started to tell him how much I wanted to lose my virginity in a really interesting way, like an orgy or sex in a plane or on the top of a mountain; something memorable. We came back to it now and again and gradually he got interested and I suppose that’s where the offer came from. I offered him my virginity if he could lay on the most memorable event anyone could think of. I’d been through a bad time. My parents were killed in a car crash the year I started university. They left me with money but with a big hole in my life. I spent the first year trying to keep up with work and crying myself to sleep. I’d had a sheltered life as an only daughter and had no idea how to do more than survive. I had no idea how to have fun. All my fellow students seemed to be having wild times and I’d never done anything. By the first summer holiday I had sold my parents house, or more to the point someone had sold it for me. I had bought a flat and got enough grades to do the next year, starting in three months time. I guess there are lots like me really but that’s not how it felt. Some time in that first year I read a couple of newspaper stories about people who met on the Internet and so I got chatting and talking to weirdoes. We talked about a few possibilities but he gradually sold me the idea that it had to be a mystery. I wanted to know what he was going to get out of it and we ended up with a deal. I had to trust him completely, it would be a mystery, I would get deflowered, he would fulfill some fantasies he had. We both got out what we put in and both of us would make it worth remembering. I don’t think I expected it to go anywhere after that. I think we’d planned to just be good friends but at least I would have the virgin thing off my mind and then maybe I could get a man my own age. I knew he didn’t live in London, but that’s where I met him. He already told me he had a place in the county about an hour or so out of town. London seemed the right place. My flat was there and I knew my way around. The anonymity of the big city always made me feel safe; weird really because it scares some people but somehow not me. We met in a coffee bar and it was brilliant from the word go. He was easy and relaxed as though we were still on the web. He looked a bit like Sean Connery only maybe younger, you know what I mean, just enough white hair to make you feel safe and a tan that made him look relaxed. We sat there and talked for an hour until I was feeling up for anything. He was quite clear and firm and I loved it. “You will do exactly what I tell you; you will have some choices and you can back out right up to the end, you just have to say. Are you ready to begin?” Was I just. “First we have to buy some clothes,” he said. “Let’s go shopping.” Hey wow, I thought, even though I was comfortable for money the idea of being bought things is always fun. We disappeared into a side street and then into a boutique. I guess he knew where he was going because they seemed to have exactly what he was looking for; I suppose he’d dome some research. That didn’t spook me because I knew he’d been thinking and planning almost the whole time we’d been talking. He found a lovely lacy white blouse, not see through but holes in the lacework so you could tell what was underneath, very sexy. They had a little table where he sat and had a coffee while I went off with a really nice sales lady. She felt like a real lady. She was twice my age but looked really great. She helped almanbahis şikayet me find the right size and I came back out and walked across the store to where he was. The sales lady was standing by my side. He looked at me and then at her. “What do you think Marion?” Mmmm he knew her name so he had been here before. Maybe without the bra? “Yes I think you may be right, shall we try that.” In two seconds I was back in the fitting room out of the blouse out of my bra and back into the blouse. I walked out again. I had hardly ever been out of the house without a bra but I do have good tits which are okay on their own. I guess I’ve just been a bit prudish up till now. I felt wild and exposed. The blouse covered everything but there were enough holes in the lace that anyone who wanted to look could see that I was naked under it. I didn’t feel like a hussy because it was such a classy blouse but I did feel different and it must have showed. “Much better, much better.” His voice filled me with confidence and I felt brilliant. “Now that skirt I picked out please Marion with the white shoes and no stockings.” Back to the fitting room. It was a little kilt. You know the kind that wraps across the front of you. Marion had a look at my underwear, suspenders and my best panties but she just shook her head and gave me these white lacy briefs with sort of frilly edges. I don’t remember them all that well and I don’t have them any more so I can’t tell you the details. Off came my panties and suspenders and stockings and on went the frilly briefs and the kilt with a pair of neat white shoes with three inch heels. The briefs were very light, almost felt like I wasn’t wearing any and my legs being bare emphasized that even more. I was paraded out again and met with total approval, he clapped gently and made me twirl around. He took out a little camera and made me pose at different angles. “I wanted to give you a record of this day,” he said. “Something for you to keep.” I knew I was being led down a road. Here I was for the first time in my life in an expensive boutique being dressed by a woman who obviously knew everything there was to know about being discretely sexy and now posing for pictures feeling slightly naked in my new clothes. I could see in the mirror that I looked stunning. He knew what he was doing. Feeling expensively coquettish was brilliant for my confidence and knowing that he had planned this transformation made me ready to do anything he said. He let me walk around the shop and practice sitting down and standing up so that I was feeling okay with the length of the skirt and the way the kilt flap behaved. It wasn’t revealing really; I mean if the top flap blew back the one underneath covered everything. I’d have to get hold of the edges of both flaps and pull them back myself if I wanted to show anything, but it looked risky and that was what made it feel so great wearing it. He could have taken me there and then I think and the day would have counted as well done. My only worry was that the increasing wetness in my virgin vagina was going to leak out and ruin my beautiful new panties. When I was ready we ventured out into the street. I don’t know where we walked but he got me used to being out in those clothes. I’ve never been a flirt but I noticed people looking at me. I kept close to him. I liked the way some guys looked a bit jealous of this older guy with the stunning chic. You could see it in their eyes. I loved it. I showed off a bit to make them more green with envy. I liked making him look good because he had made me look gorgeous. “You get a choice now” he said, “you don’t have to do the next bit but its always been a fantasy of mine so please do it if you can.” “What have I got to do?” “ I’ve always loved those pictures you sometimes see of girls whose knickers have lost their elastic and fall down round their ankles.” He grinned sheepishly. “ I know its silly but almanbahis canlı casino you’ll have to cut the elastic and then walk along and wait for them to drop.” I giggled.”Have you got a pair of scissors or a knife?” “Of course.” He handed me a small ivory handled pocked knife. When I opened the blade it looked wickedly sharp. “You can reach inside the waistband of the kilt and cut the elastic. Be careful.” “You do it” I said. I don’t know what made me say that but I wanted him to touch me. The whole idea seemed wild and wicked and when I looked up and down the street there was no one around. The thought popped into my head that he had picked the street specially but that made it all the better. It could have felt like I was being manipulated but it felt like it was planned and therefore safe. He didn’t need any second bidding. I felt him pull the waistband back and then the funniest feeling as he cut the elastic and a bit of the panty down between my buttocks I could feel them go loose instantly. They weren’t going to stay on long. He walked ahead of me taking out the camera. “Walk towards me and lets see what happens.” I stepped forward and he walked backwards just in front of me clicking away and I felt the fabric sliding down my legs. I kept looking at him, smiling, pretty much saying take me now as I felt the slight tug of material across my thighs and onto my knees. In another second they were round my ankles. “Walk past me then step out of them and bend down and pick them up.” I moved forwards, short little steps with my panties round my ankles, he circled behind me snapping away. As he got in position behind me I stepped out of the pretty lacy cloth and bent down. I knew what he wanted and even as I bent I realized which way the wind was blowing. I let the skirt blow up over my ass and literally posed there showing him everything he could have wanted to see in the middle of the street. I was dreaming slightly, wondering what was happening to me, as his hand brushed my skirt down and gently lifted my shoulder pulling me upright and sweeping me into his arms. “Beautiful, beautiful,” he said. I melted. I felt so sexy it was unbelievable and I was still a virgin, where was it going to end? We wandered along the street, I think he was giving me time to get used to being naked under such a short skirt. As we passed a waste bin he smiled at me and dropped the panties into the bin. You can tell why I cant remember much about them. That street led out into a much busier road, I should know where it was but I was in a bit of a daze by then and just floating along on his arm. “Next fantasy,” he said. What was he going to do, strip me in the street? “We are going to catch a bus,” he said. “One of the open top tour busses. I want you to go up the stairs ahead of me and I’m going to take pictures up your skirt. I know its a cheap little fantasy but I think all men have it and most of them aren’t walking round London with a stunning blond with no knickers on.” Again that sheepish grin. “How long have you been waiting for this?” I said, hugging his arm and whispering into his ear. “Since I was about fourteen I think,” he said. I laughed. I couldn’t wait to get on the bus. I felt so confident with him by then; the way everything had been planned, I just knew that this wasn’t the end of the story, this was just fun bits to get me going, and I was going. Its not as easy as it sounds walking up the stairs of a bus as its moving along and trying to give someone a look at your pussy for long enough for them to take a picture. I was getting a bit bold by now so when I got to the top step and I could see there was no one up there I turned round and looked down the stairs. I could see the camera lens and there was no-one behind him. I flipped up my skirt and let him see my crotch full on. I think he has one of those burst mode things on the camera so it takes loads of pictures very fast. almanbahis casino I felt such a slut but it was really fun. I was having the time of my life. None of these things were part of any fantasy of mine but I knew they were his. I was a just a blank sheet of paper ready to be written on. We sat at the front and watched the buildings go by. “That was very brave of you, flashing me like that, how did it feel?” “Wild,” I said. “Totally wild.” “Did it turn you on?” “You bet.” I grabbed his hand and pulled one finger down to my crotch. “You decide,” I said, forcing one finger into me making him feel the wetness without breaking what I knew would be broken later. “I’ll do it again if you like.” He moved back a couple of seats and took out the camera again. I stood up facing back down the bus. There was no-one on the top deck, I can’t imagine how he could have arranged that, I guess it was just luck but it made it all the better for me. I felt that I was meant to do this because there was no-one there. I picked up the corner of the kilt with one hand and lifted it across my body, snap, snap, snap, I took hold of the other corner, click, click, and drew it across the other way and there was my pussy out in the fresh air and straight into the camera. I held it for what seemed like a long time and he just grinned. “Undo your blouse and lets see the whole thing.” The mood I was in by them its a wonder I didn’t throw it off the bus. I had the buttons undone in a flash and pulled it open letting it flap in the breeze while I opened the kilt again. I don’t know how many pictures he took but I loved every second of it. I caught sight of someone watching from a second floor window. I thought about waving, but the bus was moving so I let it go. He sat me down again and handed me a dice. “Shake the dice onto the floor, he said whatever number comes up, that’s how many.” “How many what?” “Secret,” he said. Was it how many items of clothing to strip? How long to hold my skirt open? How many people I had to flash? I had no idea, but by then I was sure I’d like it. “You can back out if you want to,” he said. “It’s your choice.” Back out? Sitting there virtually naked on the top of an open bus – not likely. I threw the dice on the floor. Two. I laughed out loud. “That’s how many buttons you can do up on your blouse. Better than a one,” he said. I carefully did up two buttons. He gently kissed the back of my neck. “Well done,” he said. “Passed every test, you’re a star.” That’s how I felt. I know I was glowing, I could feel him loving it and I was just giving off heat. “Time to get off,” he said, getting up and leading me down the bus. “Mind how you go on the stairs in case someone is coming up.” “So long as they haven’t got a camera.” I giggled. Back on the street I was led down a small road and realized that we were getting into Soho. “You may not have been anywhere like this before, try not to look too surprised and remember you can always say no.” We turned a corner and he led me into a shop that opened my eyes. It was a sex shop I suppose, though mostly it sold clothes, not just any old clothes, lots of leather and rubber and stuff like that. He led me over to a rack full of leather cuffs and collars. “Pick some cuffs that you like.” It felt like a command more than a request and it sent a tingle through me. I reached out and picked up a pair of cuffs and slowly wrapped them round my wrist. It was a deep sensation, I’ve never felt anything like that before. I didn’t know what to think but they were a bit hard. He obviously saw something in my face and reached over to another pair. “Try these. They’re fur lined.” I wrapped them on and it was a great sensation. He helped me do up the buckle. It was soft but firm at the same time. “Those?” “Mmmm” He left the one cuff attached to my wrist and picked up a matching set of leg cuffs. “Try these.” Again the firm tone. I lifted up my foot and he knelt down on one knee so that I could rest my foot on it. I knew from there he could see my pussy as he bucked it onto my ankle. “Other leg.” I changed legs and the second cuff was cinched up. He smiled and stroked my skirt down across my bum.

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