Venetian Episode


In the night of Venice, there are no doubts. In the starred night, lovers can meet, no matter what, who or where… These were my thoughts when I had just arrived in the city; it seemed to me every dark street held a romantic story and every portal had been built just to hide lovers. I, for some reason, felt attracted to these ideas and never failed to cultivate them in my mind. As a result, they grew stronger until I was convinced I was destined to live one of those stories.It was with this mindset that I ventured out of the little hotel where I stayed. The evening was calm and to me, the air held some eerie promise. I was gazing at the canals when someone said next to me, “Enjoying the view?””Indeed,” I said, “it is my first time in Venice.””Really! And what brings you here?” I looked at him fully in the eye; he was young, but not so young as not to have some almanbahis experience. Actually, with his looks and his extroverted way, he might have tons of experience.”Nothing brings me here if not curiosity. And what brings you, if I may ask?””A woman.”” Indeed…something tells me she may not be the only one.””Thank you, but she is. I live in her house, by the way.””I see.””She is my aunt, my mother`s sister. My mother lives in England, she likes it there.””And you?””Oh, me too. I am only visiting.””I see, well, I must go, it is getting late.””Have dinner with me.””And your aunt?””No, only with me, in a restaurant nearby.”I looked at him; here I was, with this charming rogue who posed as a nice boy. My good sense told me those were the worst. Still, I smiled and asked, “Where is this place and why should I go with you?”” It is nearby and because I am not unpleasant almanbahis yeni giriş to your eyes.””You are quite vain, you know. Most young men are. Think I need a favour?””Oh, no, I need a favour, I need some company for tonight.””Company? Go home for company.”” I need the company of a stranger.””I see, why a stranger?””Well, we are both in passing.”I smiled at this and asked directly, “Where is this place?”We ended up in a sort of noisy bar; customers looked at us for a minute when we came in and then resumed their conversations. This relaxed me quite a bit; no one seemed to care about us, no one would. So, feeling sort of adventurous I sat down at a small table, facing my handsome stranger.”Tell me all about yourself,” he said.”Why should I?””Because I find you fascinating.””You are joking, you just want me to fall for you.””And you will not?””No, I almanbahis giriş do not fall for anyone.” It was not that true but still, I would not give him the satisfaction of seeing his advances so welcome.”So your heart is made of steel?””Young man, I have no heart:””All the better then, I have none myself, or so my ex-girlfriends have told me.”He was so beautiful I believed the ex-girlfriends were right. Beauty and kindness did not always match.”And do you think that is a good thing?””Well, you tell me, after all, you have no heart yourself, you just said it.” I had to laugh at this, I had to admit this bantering was much to my liking. I was tired of many things in life but not of this kind of flirting. I found it so refreshing, even if it led to nothing.We ate in silence for a while and this was ended when he said, “Would you consider sex with me?”I smiled and answered, “You are too young.””I am not a minor if that is what you are implying.””I know that. Still, you are too young.””I do not cling afterward if that is what you fear.””I know you will not cling, you are the runaway type.”

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