Executive Platinum Ch. 20


Dear Reader. Rocky Mountain Christmas tells the tale of my niece, and her unexpected seduction of me; followed by 3 stories telling the story of my sister Gayle and my neighbor Janet.

Executive Platinum is a 20+ part series that tells of meeting my girlfriend Gloria, my unexpected seduction of her, and our life ever growing closer. And now, in this and one last Executive Platinum story, both story lines come together, to almost complete the story of Jim and the ladies of his life. There are no new characters here, they’ve all been introduced in other tales.


I pulled into my driveway, unexpectedly finding an older white Toyota Camry pulled to one side. Once before I’d made the mistake of assuming that the car that had been parked near the side to give me room to pull into my own driveway was my housekeeper; this time I recognized it with a smile. I’d seen this same car parked across the street in front of Janet’s home a couple of times over the last few months; I assumed it meant that, this time, Bug was visiting me.

Easing the front door open, the house was as spotless as it always was on Fridays after my housekeeper had been there. Soundlessly closing the door behind me, surprisingly I heard voices from the bedroom, although I couldn’t quite understand them. I quietly stepped down the hall, slowly avoiding the creaky board by staying hard to the left and crept toward the back of the house and my bedroom.

On the TV screen I saw myself, our good friend Jenny and my late wife Debs. I recognized the movie immediately, one of our homemade erotic videos; one that I’d had out for the first time in years just a few weeks before to watch with my girlfriend Gloria and hadn’t gotten it put back away. The first voice that I heard and recognized, was not my own however. It was Jenny’s husband Bill who had done the filming this time. The instruction of “tweak her nipples” was clear, but it was impossible to discern whom it was addressed to. Lying on my back, my cock was buried in Jenny’s pussy while my wife was riding my face and tongue; Jenny and Debs were leaning into each other, their mouths interlocked, their hands stroking each other’s breasts and bodies. When he instructed them to tweak their nipples, they both did, their fingers finding and twisting and pulling, eliciting a moan of pleasure, but not from the screen. Stepping further through the doorway from the hall my eyes traversed from the screen to the bed from where the moan had originated, finding my gorgeous niece, Bug, apparently awaiting me.

She hadn’t noticed me yet, her eyes locked on the screen.

I had to assume the sexy little nothing she was wearing was for me, but just as she was watching the movie without me, she’d also started pleasuring herself without me. Her right hand was under the lacy blue negligee and inside the matching panty, the movement of her hand and fingers emphasizing how she was touching herself. Her left hand was on top of the negligee material, fondling her own breasts; her fingers tweaking first one and then the other of her nipples. “Oh, Uncle Jimmy, eat my pussy! Suck my clit!” She breathed aloud, seemingly on the verge of a self-induced orgasm. “Oh, I want you to fuck me so bad… Oh yes!” As I moved from the doorway, for whatever reason, she sensed I was there. Her head turning to look my way.

“Watching my private movies?” I asked, a wry grin on my face. “Couldn’t wait for me?” I stepped up to the side of the bed, her hand pulled out of her panty as she rolled sideways to face me.

“You’re late, and I was bored and horny.”

“You didn’t want to go see Janet?”

“I do. We’ll see her tomorrow, but tonight I want you. How come you’re so late?”

“Plane was a bit late. I almost stopped and got something to eat on the way home; but I guess from what I just heard, you’ve got something here for me to eat?” I grinned and bent over to her, her arms going around me, pulling me down to her. I started to kiss her, but immediately stopped with just our lips touching. I’d been traveling, almost 18 hours since I’d departed Frankfurt. My mouth felt like I’d been sleeping in it, my body was sticky, and I would guess I didn’t smell the best. “How about you let me go take a shower and brush my teeth before I take you up on that offer and eat that sweet pussy of yours? I’ve been on the road seemingly forever and I need to wash up.” Reluctantly she agreed, begging me not to be too long.

“So, were you snooping, or did you just see the movies out?”

“Neither,” she giggled. “Gloria told me they were out when she left and might still be.”

“Hmm,” I grunted, “I’m going to have to have a talk with my ladies about our intermixed privacy and what gets shared and what doesn’t.” I’d already toed my shoes off, taking them and setting them in the closet, unbuckling my pants and slipping them off while watching Bug watch me. “You know we ended up making a new one ourselves,” I said. If Gloria was going to tell my niece, and it popped into my head she’d probably also told Janet, beylikdüzü escort then it only seemed fair that Bug also know about that one.

“I know, I watched that one first. She’s a pretty lady.” I glanced over at Bug; the last of my lovers to whom I’d introduced Bug had become her lover also — so much so that I was now seemingly second string. “They turn out better if there’s someone to do the filming, don’t they?” The movie that Gloria and I had made had all been by remote control and tri-pod. It made for a rock-solid picture, but the framing left a lot to be desired. Gloria had watched while I’d edited and reduced it to something watchable the morning before she left, but I hadn’t had time to make her a copy. Now with her moving in soon, there was no need.

“You know she’s moving in with me?”

“She said she’s been assigned here temporarily. When is she moving?”

“Maybe as early as Monday. Her daughter Melissa is going to drive across country with her and then fly home.” I didn’t see any reason to expand on the fact that the bed my niece was currently lying on would soon have the “vacancy” sign removed. It turned out I didn’t need to worry. “You talk with Gloria occasionally?” I questioned

“We haven’t talked that much, but she called me,” Bug said as I pulled my shirt off leaving me totally naked. I emptied my pants pockets and dropped all my clothes into the clothes hamper. “She wanted me to know that although she’s expecting to share your bed it’s not an exclusive relationship and whatever relationship we have, we can continue with — she’s not going to interfere with that. She said if I needed her to get lost for a night or weekend or sleep on the couch, she’d do that for us.”

“She did, did she?” I replied, stepping toward the bath.

She giggled. “She also said that she’s not averse to watching or being watched or joining in, she’s found that to be quite fun. That’s when she told me about the video.” I nodded and stepped into the bath.


“Is this new?” I asked a few minutes later, shower done, teeth brushed, and cock hard. I was referring to the nightie that my hands were now running over.

“Do you like it? I got it for you.”

“I’m not sure. The last time you got a sexy nightie for me without telling me about it you almost died.”

“I don’t think the chances of that are very strong this time.”

“I do like it, very sexy,” I replied, my hand stroking down her belly and across the panty. “What was wrong with the other one? You wear them once and then replace them?”

She giggled. “No, I don’t throw them away; I just saw this the other day and knew you’d like it. So I got it.” My finger went between her legs, across her taint, and found the gossamer string that split her ass on the backside. I slipped my hand a bit more underneath onto her bare bottom. “You’ve got a gorgeous ass and I still find it magnetic.”

Her hand went behind my head, pulling my face to hers. This time our mouths opened, our tongues dueled, as our hands roamed each other’s bodies. The heat from her pussy emanated through the thin cloth of her panty as my hand stroked up her body. Her hand ran across my abs and belly making a bee line for my cock. I continued upward with mine, my hand finding and squeezing her breast, my fingers finding her nipple. A moan emanated from her as her head tipped back, exposing her neck to my mouth. “Oh, Uncle Jimmy, fuck me now. I want you in me.” Her hand squeezed my cock, barely stroking my erection. I was ready; apparently, she was too.

“You don’t want me to eat you first?” I queried, my hand pushing into the cloth about where her clit would be — and, finding it, she shuddered.

“I just want you in me.”

Fingering the cloth of the panty aside, finding it soaked as I did, my fingers easily parted her lips and slipped into her vagina. There was no doubt where the moisture on her panty had come from. She spread her legs, lifting her knees and pointing herself at me. I moved between her legs and she reached for me, pulling me toward her. Leaning on one hand I held my cock pointed to her quim and moved forward, easily entering her, a third of the way with each renewed forward motion, until I bottomed out. With a growl of pleasure her legs wrapped around behind mine. I pulled partially out, and her legs tightened, pulling me back in. When I tried to pull out a bit further, her legs tightened sooner to prevent me from pulling out too far. With long, slow, deep thrusts I felt her body responding to mine. I wasn’t doing much for myself; the angle was allowing me to fuck her without causing the extra friction that I needed to cum. Her hands reached and grabbed my ass, trying to pull me deeper into her.

“Oh…. Uncle Jimmmmmy…” she breathed out, her voice shuddering as she neared orgasm, “Oh my god, you fuck me so much better than anyone else….”

Stopping my thrusts elicited a protesting groan from Bug as I left her on the verge of orgasm. When I reached down and raised her left adana escort leg over my shoulder, causing her to rotate slightly on her right side, her “ohhhh” of changed pleasure confirmed she would survive without an orgasm for the moment.

Pulling her leg to me, I kissed her calf, her foot dangling in the air over my head. Plunging into her sopping wetness, this time a bit faster, she again approached orgasm, and I again stopped just when I had her on the edge. “Oh God, Uncle Jimmy…” she protested, her whine becoming another moan of pleasure as I lifted her other leg onto my shoulder. Leaning into her let her legs flex and control how hard I plunged in, her legs were my shock absorbers.

Her moans and thrusts back against me were almost continual now. Having taken her to the edge and then letting it momentarily go away was having its affect as I’d presumed it would. How many times had I ever teased my wife like this, taking her to the edge of orgasm, only to stop at the last minute, thereby increasing the arousal? Pulling back once again, this time I really did pull out and, bending, kissed her. Starting with her mouth, one ravenous kiss in return, at least until I pulled away. A huge groan as my lips found her nipples, biting gently through the lacy cloth, and then moving my mouth to her pussy. “Oh God…. So good, so good… Uncle Jimmy…. Oh!” Her body quivered as my tongue traced down her belly and between her lips, over the panty that was virtually non-existent and then, pushed aside with my fingers, my tongue twirled around her clit before sliding lower and plunging into her vagina. Rising just a bit again I inserted a couple of fingers as my tongue tantalized her clit, carefully monitoring as I knew she was on the verge of an orgasm which I still wasn’t going to let her have. Her breathing was hard, her hips rising to force her pussy against my face. The way her body tensed I knew she was there, so pulled away. Reaching down I pushed and pulled her hips, rolling her onto her face, telling her “on your knees.” Obediently she did exactly that, pulling her knees underneath, her shoulders falling to the bed, her ass exposed to my wanton stare. I had to use a hand to point my cock to her pussy, but as wet as she was, I found myself easily sliding in and out. She didn’t last, perhaps three thrusts and she was over the top, an orgasm wracking her body, my own orgasm spilling my impotent seed into her a few thrusts later.


“I like sexy lingerie,” I said, perhaps half an hour later, my hand again stroking the material and her body. Both of us had collapsed after our orgasms, just cuddling together on the bed, I had almost fallen asleep. Even though it was relatively early evening in San Diego, the 9 hours difference to Germany made it almost sun-up there. It would be a few days before my body was acclimated to my home time zone.

“Mmmm, me too,” she whispered. “I like wearing it for you and I like the way it feels on my body.” I didn’t respond; just let my hand continue to caress her.

“Does Janet like lingerie? Do you wear it for her?”

“Mmm, yeah. We both do occasionally; wear it for each other, but not that often.”

“I’ve seen your car across the street on the weekends a couple of times. For some reason on those weekends Janet doesn’t seem to come see me.”

Bug laughed. “I wonder why…”

“I guess you two are getting pretty serious?” I asked a bit later. I knew it was getting close to prying, but I also knew that as both were my sometimes lovers, Janet more so than Bug, I probably had a vested interest in knowing where they stood.

Bug was silent, but I could tell she was thinking. “I think I’m falling in love with her,” she finally responded.

“Oh God, you don’t love me anymore!” I quipped, trying to conjure a look of horror on my face.

Bug laughed, her hand came across her body, slapping my arm and then sliding down to cover my hand which was on her breast. “You goof! You know I’ll always love you.”

“Does this mean I’ll have to give up my two gorgeous lovers? They’re going to be all tied up with each other?”

“I don’t think so.” She was quiet for another few moments and then continued, “She asked if I wanted to move in with them.”

“When? Now?” I asked, befuddled as I knew she still had school left.

“No, thinking ahead. After I graduate in December, I’ll probably be moving back. I’ve been interviewing with some companies here; if I could get hired by one of them…”

“So you come back, move in with Janet and then I never see either of you anymore.”

“Ummm, we talked about it a couple of times.”

“Talked about what?” I queried, not quite following her mind.

“About you. About us.”

“And?” I prodded when she didn’t continue. I rolled onto my back and she turned on her side towards me, snuggling up with her head on my arm.

“I love making love with Janet, but I sometimes need a hard cock and someone who knows how to use it. And so does she.”

Janet had gotten into afyon escort the routine of coming over to spend the evening every Wednesday that I was in town, and at least once every Saturday or Sunday, most of the time both. “So what, you discussed sharing me?”

“Uh, huh!” she giggled. “We were discussing what we like, whether we were going to be exclusive or what and we both admitted we really like having you available. We both thought it was the perfect arrangement, having each other all the time, with you available when we need something else.”

“But you don’t need me,” I teased, “there are strap-on’s and double ended dildos, and when all else fails you can always use a vibrator or a cucumber….” I left it there, she didn’t respond.

“So, are you going to be exclusive?”

“We already are, at least we’re not seeing others. Except for you.”

“And what does that mean, I get both of you from now on? Threesomes all the time?”

“Are you getting both of us tonight?”

“I guess not.”

“I love fucking both of you at the same time, sharing you with her, but sometimes I need you all to myself. She said that too, sometimes she just needs what you do for us, for her. I know what she means; sometimes I just need you to myself.”


“So you did have the Christmas present negligee here!” I said as Bug joined me in the kitchen, recognizing she was wearing the negligee from a couple of months before. She’d been asleep when I’d gotten up well after sun-up, late for me, but truthfully my body was on German time. She’d awoken me in the middle of the night and we’d made love then and I’d deliciously awoken her again just after dawn, and we’d done it yet again. She fell back asleep and a few minutes later I’d slid out of bed. I’d already done my regular Saturday pool cleaning, and now breakfast was almost ready. I covered the eggs with a slab of cheese and dropped a cover over them to let it melt.

“Birthday negligee,” she corrected, “and yes, you had it already. We left them here after your birthday.” She sidled up and put her arms around me and hugged me. I gave a quick hug and a squeeze of her bare bottom before turning back to the eggs in the pan. “Janet will be over in half an hour or so.”

“Oh?” I glanced at her, and then back at the eggs. The toaster popped; I grabbed the two pieces of bread, slipped a Canadian bacon slice that I’d already cooked on it, lifted the eggs and cheese and handed her a finished breakfast sandwich.

“I wanted you to myself last night, but she wants to join us too.”

“Is that why the negligee? Dressing sexy for your lady lover?” I asked, ignoring that I was still totally nude myself.

“Maybe some,” she giggled, “but mostly for you, and I just like dressing sexy.”

I was just finishing cleaning up when I heard the front door open and close. Bug had gone to the toilet, so I stepped out to greet Janet alone. When I was home, Janet and I usually got together at least twice a week, but with me having been in Europe for 12 days and with Bug visiting, I was pretty certain she’d be wanting sex. Knowing that Bug, our mutual lover, was here and had been since the day before, certainly had to have gotten her imagination running. On our regular date nights or days, Janet and I just got together; wherever we’d been, whatever we’d been doing, and however we’d been dressed, we knew we were going to have sex. Sometimes we’d go to dinner; a treat from her normal routine of needing to be at home for her husband. Other times we’d get naked and take a swim, but sometimes we’d just talk; touching, holding hands, gradually moving closer until she’d slip into my arms where we’d kiss and fondle and arouse and strip each other naked and have our fun. Occasionally, on an off day or evening at a totally unexpected time, I’d get a call, or she’d show up, and on those days, it was obvious she didn’t want to talk, or swim, or eat — she wanted to fuck. Once she’d come over, on a mildly chilly evening, wearing a long coat. Long coats in Southern California are probably short coats anywhere else, but I hadn’t recognized she was naked underneath until she took it off. Another time she’d come over wearing a body-hugging sweater dress, that with panties and a bra could have been appropriate for public consumption, but without any underwear was decadently indecent and arousing. This time she was wearing a swimsuit cover-up, essentially an oversized T-shirt, something she’d have slipped over her swimsuit at the beach to walk back to the car or, if she’d been over to my pool swimming naked, where she needed something to cover up to walk back home. “Hi Jimmy,” she said, the look in her eyes enough to tell me she was happy to see me, the glance down at my naked, but not erect, cock telling me she was glad to see all of me. “She better have left some for me,” she said, sliding into my greeting hug, her arms wrapped around me. I bent to her as she looked up to me and we greeted with a kiss.

“Left some what for you?” I queried, knowing full well what she meant. Her hand slid down my body until it found my cock. With a smirk she stepped back, reached down and lifted the cover-up off, exposing her virtually naked body to me. Virtually naked in that all she was wearing was a large mesh, crotchless, body stocking that hid nothing.

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