Return to “Weekend School” Ch. 06


[This story involves principal bodily functions and those offended by them should read no further. It also does feature spanking and other forms of discipline. All charcters are over 18.]

Deirdre Carmody took the speed up on the Honda NSX sports car she was driving down to her niece Laura’s weekend school. Deirdre had more or less brought Laura up and she was looking forward to seeing her after several years. And that Laura, who had her own inheritance so could do more or less what she wanted, had invited her made her that much more pleased with the prospect of reuniting with her clever niece.

She had dressed nicely in a somewhat “country” style: tweed skirt, nice chenille blouse, flats, and sheer hose. Deirdre was in her late 40s but retained a pleasant figure and a lovely face. She had been married but lost her husband in a freak accident. So raising her niece Laura when Laura’s parents divorced and re-located was a renewal of life for her.

Arriving at the school, Deirdre was impressed with how well-appointed it was. Everything made her recall her own days at a premier girls’ school and she also began remembering the way the mistresses punished the girls, with tawse and cane. No sooner had she rung the bell and walked into the nicely-furnished entry hall but Laura emerged, dressed somewhat severely, as if she indeed were a school mistress, to greet her.

“Aunt Dede,” she gushed, “what a pleasure!”

Deirdre hugged her niece whose appearance impressed her. Laura really did look the part of the Headmistress as the niece explained to Deirdre how the place functioned. Deirdre grinned when Laura told her how she played the role of a prefect, but at the assembly the final morning, the pupils returning to experience their former life were surprised to learn she was actually the Head.

“And yes, Aunt Dede, we do punish them somewhat severely,” she added, as she related the proceedings of that morning’s assembly, detailing the various canings and humiliations to which the students were subjected. She led Deirdre to a comfortable room with a large bed and plenty of closet and drawer space.

“I’d like you to meet my colleagues if you don’t mind,” Laura said. “Melody is older and was once my teacher, Anne is my age and has a nice strong personality, and Diana is just 20 but is quite attractive and has learned to be severe as needed,” she explained. “I haven’t ever let any of them discipline me, however, and I hope you might be willing to do that when we are with them. It would do them good to see that I can take it. And maybe, my dear Aunt Dede, you might wish to bare your bottom…”

Deirdre blushed and began to feel herself get wet down in her knickers.

“Oh, Laura,” she said excitedly, “you do remember the way I used to punish you. It really was for your own good, but yes, a bit for me, too,” she confessed. “I’ll be willing to let you put me through my paces if you feel that would even things up. And yes, I feel we both enjoy some of this, or maybe more than some, don’t we?”

Laura hugged her aunt and said, “Let’s start her for a moment. Aunt Dee, please lift that skirt for me.”

Shamefacedly, Deirdre lifted her tweed skirt, exposing her rather pretty pale blue knickers she had only recently selected on a trip to Harvey Nichols.

“We have some nice lingerie, I see, my dear,” Laura said with a wicked grin. She proceeded to insert her thumbs in the waistband of her aunt’s gorgeous underpants and slowly pulled them down to her knees.

“Hmm, I see we still don’t shave but I’m pleased you do trim that forest a tad,” Laura commented. “Now over my lap, sweetie.”

Deirdre, embarrassed to the core by now, complied with her niece’s order and felt silly lying across Laura’s skirted lap. Her embarrassment was swiftly interrupted by Laura’s strong arm applying spanks to sinop escort Deirdre’s bare, white bottom. The spanks hurt but Deirdre felt herself getting very, very, excited and wet down between her legs.

Laura rather commandingly ran her finger between her aunt’s spread legs and noted, “Hmm, this girl appears to be quite wet as she is being disciplined. I shall have to make an entry on her term report under Conduct.”

“Oh, please, Miss,” Deirdre responded, falling into character, “please don’t mark me down in Conduct for that! My mother will whale my poor bottom all over again if I bring home a bad mark in Conduct!”

“You should have thought of that before my prefect caught you with your finger down there being naughty,” Laura replied with some dripping sarcasm. Then the now-experienced disciplinarian slowly inserted her finger into Deirdre’s cute little recessed bottom-hole as Laura’s aunt began to breathe more heavily in response to this extreme stimulation.

“Oh dear,” Deirdre whimpered, “I’m sorry, Laura dear, but when I get … stimulated like that it makes me need to, you know, go….and I’m afraid I may…have an accident now. Can I go to the little girls’ room?”

Smiling, Laura said coolly, “I’m so sorry, Aunt Dede, but you know that naughty girls cannot be excused during their disciplining. You’ll have to hold it…or else subject yourself to very serious punishment.”

“Laura!” Deirdre now whined loudly, “Laura, I’m going to make a doody right here if you don’t let me…” Laura responded by reaching down and pulling Deirdre’s knickers right up snugly around her bottom.

“Oh, Laura,” Deirdre almost screamed, “I’m losing control, oh no, I’m making one right in my knickers! Oh, this so embarrassing!!”

Laura well remembered when she had been disciplined like this by her aunt. In fact, when she was 17, she had not been allowed to use the toilet and filled her knickers while Deirdre was spanking her. She revelled quietly now in her aunt’s discomfiture.

“Oh, Aunt Dede, you are so naughty!” Laura exclaimed. “You’ve filled your knickers with soft brown poopoo!”

“I know, Laura, I know!” Deirdre cried. “I made a doody in my undies! At my age, how shameful!”

“We’ll clean you up and take care of this little situation,” Laura said as she briskly pulled down Deirdre’s knickers and got them off her legs without spilling the soft shit in the crotch. She quickly deposited them in a canister in her personal bathroom for cleaning later. Then she took a sponge and washed off Deirdre’s shit-smeared buttocks and crotch with a clean cloth.

“You need to get better control, Aunt Dee,” Laura commented, “or you might find yourself in nappies before the day is over.”

“Oh, no, Laura,” Deirdre cried, “that would be so humiliating! Oh, no!!!”

“It could happen, Aunt Dee, unless you start behaving like a big girl and not a little one who poops in her panties,” Laura continued. “Now get back across my knee, right now!”

Deirdre was frightened by her niece’s strong dominance and complied with the order, her bare broad bottom once again across Laura’s grey-skirted lap.

Laura now began to spank, regularly and increasingly firmly. Deirdre’s bottom grew rosy then crimson. Finally the spanking was over and Laura had Deirdre stand and kiss her by way of bringing the session to a pleasant conclusion.


Deirdre spent some time in her room recovering her sense of herself after the embarrassing treatment she had received from her niece, Laura.

Laura returned to console her and took her in her arms and hugged her aunt warmly.

“Aunt Dee, it’s so wonderful to have you here,” she began. “I hope you’ll enjoy the rest of the time after that little initiation.”

“Oh, Laura,” Deirdre replied, “it was so exciting when I realized I couldn’t sivas escort hold it anymore and that you were going to make me poop my panties. Whew!”

“Now I’m going to introduce you to the rest,” Laura continued. “You should understand that everyone recognizes that I’m in charge but I do give them great amounts of discretion, especially in their punishing the pupils. I think it would help morale if I permit you to discipline me in front of my colleagues.”

Smiling, Deirdre said she would certainly be up to the task.

They proceeded to the well-appointed teachers’ lounge, where Laura introduced her aunt to Melody, Anne, and Diana.

Anne was the first to speak up and grinned as she observed that Deirdre must have had some experience in “putting our Headmistress through her paces” when Laura was growing up under Deirdre’s guardianship.

“Yes, Anne,” Deirdre replied, “Laura could be a handful but she responded well when I had her take down her knickers and present herself for what she had coming.”

“Please don’t give them anything they can use to shame me, Aunt Deirdre,” Laura chimed in. “They are all too willing to turn on me whenever anyone gives them an opening.”

“I think you need a little refresher, my dear Laura, in how you speak to your elders, beginning with me,” Deirdre said in a suddenly firmer tone.

“Oh, Aunt Dee,” Laura answered charmingly, “you’re not going to punish me here in front of my colleagues, are you?”

“I think that that’s precisely what you need, Laura dear, so that you learn that even as Headmistress, you must respect everyone,” Deirdre intoned, making it clear she would brook no resistance.

“Very well,” Laura said, as she felt herself get suddenly quite wet down in her knickers. “I’m willing to take what’s coming to me, Aunt Deirdre. Please realize I did not intend to offend you.”

“Laura,” Deirdre responded, “you clearly need a lesson in ladylike behavior even though you are now in charge of this school. Stand in front of me and lift your skirt well above your waist.”

The three women watching this scene were amazed at how the dominant Laura was so willing to be taken in hand by her pleasant-looking but seemingly deferential Aunt Deirdre.

“She does need to be taken down a peg or two,” Melody chimed in, and Anne nodded her agreement. Only Diana remained quiet and made no indication of agreement with the others.

“You’ll pay for that, Miss Haynes,” Laura snapped.

“You had better keep quiet, Laura,” Deirdre responded with a firmness in her tone the others had not previously heard. “You are hardly in a position to make threats against others who are merely advising me of your naughtiness.”

The use of the word “naughtiness’ stimulated both Deirdre and Laura. If someone had checked their knickers, they would have found both women to have secreted quite a bit of fluid as their excitement levels rose.

Laura now lifted her skirt above her waist and disclosed her charming patterned knickers. Deirdre kept herself from admiring the knickers long enough to insert her thumbs in the waistband and bare Laura below the waist in front of the three other women.

“Oh, Aunt Deirdre,” Laura exclaimed. “Now everyone is getting to see my most intimate places.”

“You should have thought of that before you behaved like a petulant little girl,” Deirdre observed magisterially. “Now get across my lap,” she said, as she sat herself down in a comfortable armless chair.

Laura placed herself across her aunt’s commodious lap, recalling how she had often been in this position when growing up under her aunt’s control. She began to think about how Dede’s punishments combined with affection—Laura lovingly remembered how Deirdre would soothe her red bottom by gently rubbing Laura’s pink labia down between her legs after a spanking.

tekirdağ escort But now Deirdre began to spank Laura’s pale bottom and it began to color steadily as the spanks went on and became stronger.

“Ow, it hurts!” Laura cried. “Please stop, Aunt Dede!!”

“It only does good when naughty girls feel they are being punished for their misbehavior,” Deirdre responded quietly.

She was delighted when Anne handed her Laura’s own hairbrush to use for the next section of the discipline.

Now Deirdre began to strike Laura’s already rosy bottom with the flat side of the hairbrush. Laura immediately began to scream and Deirdre said, “If you don’t quite down, sweetie, we will have to either gag you or bring in some of your pupils to see the Headmistress being spanked with her own hairbrush.”

Laura’s face reddened almost as much as her bottom as she quickly calmed down and stopped screaming. But the pain of Deirdre’s harsh strokes kept her on edge.

Melody suggested that since it was the Headmistress who was being punished, that some Mistress’s strokes were in order.

Laura realized she had set herself up for this and gritted her teeth, determined to show all of them that she could take it with the best of them.

Melody handed Deirdre the older teacher’s own special little whip which she had reserved especially for this diabolical punishment.

“You have been a very bad girl, Headmistress,” Deirdre said in a cutting way. “The faculty are quite correct in suggesting that some Mistress’s strokes are in order. So you will reach down and after spreading your cheeks quite wide, you will hold yourself open in front, you know what I mean.”

Laura was dismayed at having to hold her own vaginal lips apart so she could be castigated right in that highly, most sensitive place. She obeyed the humiliating order and felt how wet her labia and her whole vulval area had become.

Deirdre took the little soft whip and quietly positioned in down beneath Laura’s split and without warning, snapped it with some authority right into the open cleft that Laura had made as she held her own labia apart.

Laura now did let out a clear but restrained scream as the whip kissed her most intimate place, but she did not release her hands holding herself open for this supreme punishment.

Deirdre surprised her niece now by again striking the open vaginal opening with the little whip twice quickly before Laura could respond. But she did let out a real scream and jumped up.

“You will get back in position or I will double the administration,” Deirdre said in a soft but very convincing voice.

Frightened that her poor vulva would again feel the kiss of Deirdre’s whip, Laura got back into position and even held her labia apart as well as her cheeks.

“Aunt Dee,” Laura now pleaded in a very small voice, “I….I need to pee and if you punish me any more, I may lose control…right here.”

“You know, Laura, that naughty girls are not permitted breaks for that purpose once the discipline has begun, so you will have to hold it, I’m afraid,” Deirdre said in her firmest tone, anxiously hoping that her niece would lose control and that the colleagues would witness her releasing her pee stream down on the floor.

“I really can’t hold it,” Laura whined, sobbing, as Deirdre tapped her on the bottom, ready to resume the spanking.

Suddenly, Laura lost control and a strong pee stream burst out from her whipped vulva and tinkled onto the floor loudly as the three women watched in amazement.

“Laura, you have really disgraced yourself,” her aunt commented. “I had hoped you would behave like a grown-up woman when you submitted to punishment but I suspect we may have to put you in nappies,” she added, copying Laura’s earlier threat when Deirdre had lost control of her anal sphincter in her knickers.

“I think that is enough,” Deirdre said calmingly, as she first wiped Laura as one would a small child who has lost urinary control out of fear, and then bade Laura to stand, retrieve her knickers and let her skirt down.

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