Lynn and Leif Forevermore Ch. 03


Over the next few days, Lynne spent a lot of time writing songs, and reflecting. She kept the napkin with his number on it over, and over. She wanted to call him, and tell him she enjoyed the coffee that they shared, but she felt shy.

Then she began to reason that if he was really that interested in her, he would have asked for her number so that he could do the calling.

Lynne didn’t really have a lot of experience with men, but she’d had enough of a negative experience with her first boyfriend, that she’d sworn off men for a really long time. She couldn’t believe she almost ended up engaged to him, but she was very glad they’d broken it off. She’d dated him from her senior year of high school, all through college, and part of the way through her master’s degree. She didn’t know anything about sex when they started dating, and she didn’t find him to be an especially patient teacher.

In fact, after having been with him, she wondered if she was the only woman who found sex, especially the penetration part, to be difficult. And she certainly had far more fun with her battery-operated toys, than she’d ever had in the bed with Martin. She never had trouble getting multiple orgasms with those toys, or even with her own fingers. Quite frankly, she loved to masturbate, but Martin had her convinced that this was dirty, and she’d somehow spoiled herself, or trained her body so that no one else could give her pleasure.

Somehow she didn’t think she was the problem, but when she tactfully tried to explain this to Martin, he definitely didn’t want to hear it. Since Martin was her first, and she had no frame of reference, she didn’t really get what the hoopla was about sex, and she also wasn’t interested in having anyone control her anymore, telling her, not to waste those expensive Yale degrees, wanting her to fit the mold of a proper wife, grooming her so that she’d be a proper accessory to a budding lawyer, entertaining his clients. It also hadn’t helped that her parents were more in love with Martin than she was towards the end. They still hadn’t gotten over it.

Lynne poured some wine, and shook her head ruefully, walking towards her keyboard.

She sat at the keyboard and folded that napkin over, and over again. She felt like she almost had too much baggage to even begin tipping her toe into the dating water again.

She could hear Janelle’s voice in her ear, telling her that it was “time to move along and test the waters again,”

But Martin had humiliated her so much when they were intimate, with his lack of patience toward her, she just didn’t feel like she wanted to even begin talking to a man again.


Leif felt a bit embarrassed that he’d been staring at his cellphone like a schoolboy with a crush waiting for it to ring. He even had friends call him to make sure it was still working.

As the day turned into nearly a week, he began to get a little insulted that she hadn’t called. She didn’t say she was involved. She seemed to enjoy talking to him at coffee. She laughed, and they talked for almost two hours.

They had chemistry, and you couldn’t script that. He was hoping that she wasn’t allowing the differences in their races to stop her interest in him. He felt guilty for wanting to touch her hair. He thought he’d blown it with that. But it was just a curiosity to him, the same way she’d been curious about his dreadlocks.

So yes, he was curious about her, and that tawny beige skin, and maybe a small part of him did fetishize her because she was a little bit different than him, but why was that any different than finding her appealing because she was a red head.

Maybe he did find her a bit sexier because she was a beautiful beige black woman, but that to him was a characteristic that made her intriguing, no different than if he was attracted to red heads, or a woman with freckles. The differences did attract him, but more than that, he enjoyed her laughter, her sharp wit, and her intelligence.

But, she was also down to earth. Earthy. Sensual. She had an easy, ready laugh. She savored her coffee. The way he would like for her to savor him.

He was tired of waiting for her to call him- frankly he knew he wanted to see her again, and good for him, that he knew where she was. If she wouldn’t call him, so that he could get to know her better, he would go find her.


She was wearing a simple black and white plaid shirt, blue jeans, and black boots. She had her hair pulled back in a simple ponytail. She even wore those thick coke bottle glasses. It was a far cry from the black evening gown of the night before, but he’d never been more smitten. He thought she might even be more beautiful seeing her this time, than she had been in that tight black dress the first time around.

Same as before, he was captivated by her voice, this time a simpler, more mellow acoustic set. And, also, the same as before he nursed a drink as he watched her set, this time, a Pabst blue ribbon beer.

He even noticed the second that her eyes met üvey kız kardeş porno his, and he knew, that she knew, that he was watching her.

He swore that her lip trembled, and she bit her lower lip, and he wished it he were gently biting her lips instead.

Then, he couldn’t be sure if her lips always trembled when she sang this song. It was a folky, Joni Mitchell number, and it was so cool watching her do this song, with her own bluesy interpretation of it. The woman knew her music, and the way she leaned on that mic stand, why she caressed it like it was her lover.

Maybe she hadn’t called him because her man was music. But he knew he could convince her, that she couldn’t cuddle up with the crowd, or a lead sheet. If she was cuddling up to anything or anyone at all, it should be him.

It wasn’t like him to be firm and really insistent. He was always a take it easy, go with the flow kind of guy.

Wasn’t really like him to chase a woman. He was mostly mellow like that, and normally content to let things happen organically.

This time was different though. Quite frankly, he wanted her. He wanted to know everything about her and get lost in every inch of her sweet, creamy complexion. He wanted something more with her. Sure he wanted to have sex with her. But he also just wanted to be around her.

Adored that giggle and that cultured, yet brash little Brooklyn accent. Her earthy ways, contrasted with the shy demeanor she had sometimes where she’d look away from him and blush.

He could see that he was distracting her in the set somewhat, and this made him feel more than a little aroused, knowing he was having an effect on her. He shifted forward in his seat, and was startled again that he was getting another hard on, just based on the sweet, smoky texture of her voice, and how sexy her legs looked as they were crossed on the bar stool.

It seemed like an eternity before her set was over, even though he was really enjoying her performance, because he wanted to be able to talk to her, and could not do so while she was singing.

As soon as the music was through, he walked right up to the stage.

“Hey, Lynne,” he called.

She looked down over the lip of the stage at him.

“Leif…..hi,” she said shyly, softly, waving her fingers at him in a greeting.

“You…you never called,” he started, attempting to disguise the hurt in his voice.

“I…I wasn’t sure that I should call…I mean…” she shuffled, wrung her hands together and looked down at her feet.

She seemed so shy; he couldn’t even stay slightly offended that she blew him off.

“Why…why shouldn’t you call. Did you…did you enjoy the coffee? Or, when we were talking,” he added, looking gently into her eyes.

Lynne walked toward the lip of the stage, and she sat down, so that she was more at eye level with him.

“Of course, of course I enjoyed the coffee, and getting to know you,” added Lynne.

“So…so what is it then? Why didn’t you call? Is it because I’m white? Is it such a crime for me to want to get to know you better? Color matter that much to you? People are always talking about how they want everything to be equal, and color not to matter…but that shit still matters…anytime you’re going to let it stop you from placing a simple phone call, to continue getting to know someone…clearly, we are attracted to each other…hell I’m attracted to you…anyway,” muttered Leif softly.

“Woah, hold on there buddy. I…I’m attracted to you too, to be honest. Damn it, I’m sorry I didn’t call. Doesn’t have a lot to do with your color and all that, but everything to do with the fact that you’re a man,” said Lynne softly with a chuckle.

“What the hell? Are you a lesbian? Why didn’t you say so?” he added softly.

Lynne laughed. She laughed so hard she snorted. He’d never noticed how cute her little nose was, before she’d snorted.

Her laughter was contagious and before he knew it he was laughing too, even though he didn’t really know what he was laughing at.

“Hell no I’m not a lesbian! I love men! Wait. That didn’t come out right. I like guys, but I just…I don’t know. I’ve had a rough time and, I’m not really ready to stick my toe back in the dating waters just yet. I…I don’t know, I’m kinda nervous, and this is all kinda sudden, and I just wanna be cautious and I don’t want to get hurt again. And…you’re so different then me, I mean look at you…not color and stuff but…but…but…”

“Sounds like you have a shitload of excuses to me…about why you don’t want to get to know me better without even giving me a chance. I mean, I’m…I don’t know what you’ve been through, and I’m sorry that it sounds rough…but…I’m not proposing marriage, at least not yet. I’m just suggesting that we get to know one another, and how…how will you ever know if you can find someone who doesn’t give you a rough time…who actually makes you feel better about life and stuff, if you won’t give anyone a chance,” xnxx porno he added softly.

“Man you seem so sweet. I mean, just as sincere as anything even though you are a complete stranger. So…so what’s the catch? Gotta be something. I mean, really, you can’t be that sweet, and that honest,” she added softly.

“I’m not a complete stranger now. We had coffee together. Besides, why can’t I be sweet and honest? That’s the way I was raised. To be real honest. Say what you mean, and mean what you say. Sure you aren’t being harder on me because I’m white? Would you believe I was nice if I were a black dude trying to get to know you,” said Leif.

“Oh Leif, I don’t know…I probably to be honest, would be harder on you, if you were a black dude trying to get to know me…because I just got over being burned by a black dude…it gives me a headache just thinking about it all,” she rubbed her temples.

“Well, I think it’s time to give a white dude a shot then,” he said.

He gently reached for her hand.

She took his hand, and the current that spread through him rocked him to his core.

“I…I think you might be right Leif. But…but let’s…let’s take it real slow and just get to know each other as fiends,” said Lynne softly.

She released his grip on her hand and walked down the left of the stage.

He turned to face her, and meet her.

“How much slower do we have to go, I feel like I’m running the Olympics with a tortoise? ” he said.

She laughed, and laughed, and laughed. Again the cute little snort presented himself. It was nerdy as hell, but also cute. She thought he was funny. That was a good thing. It made him feel warm inside. Warmer than he’d ever felt with a woman. Not just hot but warm. Intriguing.

“Not that slow. Listen, do you like pool?” asked Lynne.

“I’ve never played pool before,” he said softly.

“I’ll teach you. It’ll be fun, I promise…maybe you’ll learn well and get to make some money off me. And…I’ll buy you a beer. I owe you that much I guess, because I didn’t call. It really wasn’t to be rude. I just….I’m kinda somewhat shy…and….I don’t know, I’ve kinda had a rough time, I was in a bad relationship…and I just…I guess I didn’t really feel ready…but you seem so sweet. Please…don’t…don’t end up being a jerk, or I might wind up being a lesbian,” she quipped.

He chuckled.

“I promise to treat you right on behalf of all mankind. It would be a sin for a woman as beautiful as you to give up on men…I tell you what…. the loser buys the beers, and it sounds to me like you already know what you are doing, and I’ll be buying you a case of beers by the end of the night. Man. A woman who likes a good cold beer. I like you already,” said Leif.

Her face lit up, and that beautiful chin dimple puckered. It was all he could do not to kiss her sweet little chin right then and there.

“I think I might be liking you too,” she said smiling.


She enjoyed playing pool. Her father had taught her, how to play. It was one of the few things she and her father shared outside church errands when she was growing up. The pool hustle had put some extra money in her pockets when she was a struggling college student.

She also enjoyed teaching Leif how to play. He was different than any other man she’d ever met because he was pretty gentle and didn’t seem to be put off by following her lead, nor did he seem to mind that he was losing terribly.

She helped him with his positioning, properly racking the balls, and learning the fundamentals of the pool shot. To make it a little easier on him, she didn’t even make him call his balls at first.

She couldn’t help but be distracted by his thick, muscular arms, and broad chest when he took off his leather jacket, and was down to a thick sweater.

She was staring at his arms as he leaned over the pool table. The closer she got to him, the more she realized how devastatingly handsome he was. If not for the dreadlocks, he could probably be a model. Some type of underwear model, with his chiseled features, and those striking blue eyes.

He soon claimed to be too thirsty to play any longer, but Lynne suspected that his thirst was due to his being distracted as she pushed out her rear out to line up her shots. She didn’t really do it entirely on purpose, maybe part of it was, but she also had to stick out her ass to get a good shot because the pool table was in the corner.

“Fair enough. Let’s grab the beer that I owe you. The beer is good here. I like a nice, cold, draft beer,” she added.

They both hopped up on the bar stools.

Lynne was a bit of a regular, so the bartender already knew to get her favorite Pabst blue ribbon off the tap.

“Damn, we have so much in common in some ways, that it’s scary. That’s my favorite beer too,” said Leif.


“Yeah, really. So what other things are you into?” he asked.

He casually threw his arm around her shoulder.

She zenci porno sort of blushed and then leaned into him a little. She loved the feeling of his arm around her. She inhaled his warmth. He smelled sweet, clean and manly. She didn’t know why she was surprised that he smelled so good, because he had those dreadlocks. It was probably the same way he felt when he smelled her hair the first time, and she felt pretty guilty for assuming that his hair would smell different than hers. She was doing the same thing he did to her, when they first met, on accident.

“I come to this place all the time. There’s a Karaoke bar in the corner. And…I’ve been known to sing a few when I get a few in me. And then…..there’s the mechanical bull in the corner. I’ve been known to ride that bull a little bit when I get a few in me there too,” she added with a chuckle.

“I don’t believe either one. Not as shy as you seem,” he chuckled.

“I’m shy, but when I’m with my girlfriends, I let it all hang out,” she added smiling at him over the beer.

“It might not be bad, to let it all hang out, with a guy you are interested in seeing too. I…I’m noticing that…well…it’s fun being around you. You seem…I don’t know…you aren’t pretentious and don’t do things that you think will impress me. Being with you is like being with the fellas,” he added softly.

“Gee, thanks a lot,” she added softly, twirling around her glass.

She was growing attracted to him and was not sure if him being reminded of the fellas when he was with her, was a good thing or not…she wanted to take it slow, but she also did not want to only be his friend. She watched his mouth as he talked and thought about what a shame it would be to never taste his hot kisses.

“No, no, no, I’m not saying it’s bad at all. It’s like. I’m attracted to you like mad, but I have fun with you too. I…I’m being honest I didn’t know it was possible to do both at the same time. I, I always end up with girls that I vibe with…kinda like you, and they end up being friends but I’m not like…sexually attracted to them in any way. And then, on the other side, there are some pretty hot girls that I know who…well, I think they are sexy but after a while, it just kinda wears on me that I don’t actually like being with them. They are attractive, nice girls, but…no substance there…no meat. Not fun to be around. You intrigue me…you

are crazy hot. You’re both…you’re both hot and fun to be around,”

“I……I think you are intriguing yourself. Way…way different than I saw you on the stoop. Not…..I mean…I guess I stereotyped you a little…there’s more to you than ganja boy…with a guitar. I’m…I’m real interested in getting to know you more too. And…and helping you with your stage presence. You say you play with your back to the audience. You can’t do that and be a rock star. You need to get up there, and feel the energy, and not be shy around folks. Go on and get up there,” she said pointing at the Karaoke Machine.

“Hell no, Lynne, I don’t sing,” he stuttered.

“Are you stuttering? You the shy one for once? I thought that was me. I’m the shy one. You’re too shy to sing a little song for folks who can’t even sing, and are half drunk? That’s damn cute. Well then, I’ll go up there by myself then. I love singing up there for kicks, and besides if I’m really good, they throw me tips…I’ve never seen them throw tips at anyone else up there. If you got up there with a guitar you’d really be jamming,” she added.

She hopped off the stool and went over the Karaoke bar to make her selection.


She sang another piece of my heart by Janis Joplin. It was getting hot in the crowded bar, and she unbuttoned her black and white plaid shirt. She was wearing a simple white t-shirt under the plaid. She was bouncing around the stage now, jumping around like a true disciple of hard rock, and he couldn’t help but notice the way her soft little globes wiggled with her every moment. He wondered if she was wearing a bra. His maleness throbbed with lust. What he wouldn’t give to palm those small, cute little globes. She was shaped like a pear, and had a really nice ass, but her breasts would certainly constitute a handful in his loving hands.

Loving. He wondered where that thought came from. How could he love her already? And yet, somehow he knew he loved her, because the feelings that he was having for her were deeper than the feelings he’d had for other women before. He was ashamed to say that he’d mainly just slept with women that he’d gotten to know on a superficial basis. He’d never really done the relationship thing before.

But something about Lynne made him know she was special, and he couldn’t take the previous, casual approach that he’d had with dating, and women. Whatever he did with her, somehow, he knew it wouldn’t be casual. She acted like a man eater on stage, but it was a front. She was shy in her actual life, when she wasn’t performing. And she was so reticent to get to know him. He couldn’t break her heart.

She was so damn cute. Damn cute and sexy as her little breasts jiggled about in that white t-shirt. Testing him. Tempting him. He wanted to bend her over the pool table and give them something to really jiggle for, he thought, as his nostrils flared with the intensity of his longing.

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