Lovers Reunion Pt. 01


An overwhelming feeling of euphoria swept over me as the golden sunlight turned red over the fields of wheat. This was real country. I changed lanes and downshifted, The eight pulsing cylinders under the hood roared to a heightened level of excitement. My eyes searched ahead, looking for any cause for concern, any other activity on the road. There was nothing but a smattering of clouds washing over the distant hills, and an open stretch of highway in front of me. Another twenty miles and I’d be home.

It had been years since this dusty little farming community had last held my gaze, but this was home. I drove across the railroad tracks by the grain elevator and remembered all the times I dreamed of leaving this place. Now that twelve years had passed since I’d left, I couldn’t figure out why it was I wanted to leave. Nothing ever changes in this dusty little hamlet, and I knew exactly where everyone would be on a Friday night.

The old bar was on the same old corner of the same old dusty street. I remember Rob and I getting busted for stealing beer from the stockroom. Those were simpler times, when there was nothing to do but buck hay and cool off down at the creek. If you were lucky, you could sweet talk Patty or Claire into going skinny dipping; but those days were long in the past. As I drove through the old town, I wondered if anyone would even recognize me anymore.

I pushed the door and entered the bar to the melodic styling of ‘Neon Moon’ by Brooks and Dunn. If there was ever a place that a song described, this was it. The bar wasn’t all that small, it had a large dance floor in the center and to my right were ten or so bar stools lined up along a cherry wood bar. The old jukebox was standing next to me and there were three pool tables along the back wall. To the left was a row of tables, where half of this sleepy little town was sitting. There was plenty of activity in the room. Couples slow dancing, some college kids shooting pool, and all other sorts of hijinks, but in the back, at a table by herself was Cassidy.

I strolled over to the barkeep and ordered two double whiskeys neat. The man eyed me as he took my money, but couldn’t quite put a name to my face. That was fine with me, I wasn’t really looking for a reunion, though it was inevitable. I grabbed my drinks and made my way across the dance floor. As I moved closer to that lone table in the back, I started to feel pangs of anxiety. I wondered if Cass would recognize me, or even care that I was back. After all I was eighteen when my father had been arrested, and my mother moved us out of town. She was so ashamed of what my father had done, I guess she thought when word got around it would make things difficult for us.

As I approached, I saw two empty shot glasses and half a Coors Light sitting on the table. I put on my best ‘girl chasing’ charm and sauntered up to her table.

“Ma’am, is this seat taken?” I mused in my best southern drawl.

I saw her eyes shift first, then she glanced over her shoulder a little, as if to see if I was talking to her or someone else. I could tell as soon as we made eye contact, that she had been crying. I could also see that she indeed recognized me.

“It’s about damn time you came rolling through, I thought I was going to have fight these assholes off all night.” Cass said, in her usual sarcastic tone. It was nice to see that some things never change.

I sat down in the empty seat across from her and just stared for a moment. Cassidy was almost exactly what you would expect a farmer’s daughter to look like. Her hair was a natural auburn and was cropped just long enough to be pulled back into short pigtails. Her eyes were as blue as a topaz crystal and sparkled in the neon glow of the dimly lit room. She had a few freckles strewn across her face, and her ears were pierced with simple silver rings in them. She was wearing a red plaid work shirt that may have fit right where it not for her ample chest. She had a gray tank top on under her shirt and a silver chain lay gently around her neck. She was poured into a pair of Lady Wranglers that were split at the knee, and her old cowboy boots were well warn.

“I see you still have a dirty mouth when you drink.” I said smiling back.

“I seem to recall that you had more than a dirty mouth when YOU were drinking.” she replied with a wink.

I couldn’t help but blush, she did know me far too well. God how I had missed this woman.

“Here, I brought you a present.” I said as I slid one of my whiskeys her way. “How are you doing?” I asked next. I knew that question was best asked with a drink in hand. Her eyes welled up with tears as she answered.

“I can’t believe she’s actually gone. How does that even happen? She’s here one minute and GONE the next. It doesn’t make any sense!” she said quietly a twinge of anger in her voice.

“You know what the last thing I said to her was? ‘Lose my number Mom because I’m done with you.’ That was the last thing I ever said to her.” The tears çorum escort broke through the anger and she cleared the table before hiding her head in her hands.

The skittering shot glasses, got the attention of other patrons, A mechanic named Mike looked our way. Mike always had a crush on Cassidy, and tended to punch people who got in his way. So it was no surprise when the hulking giant of a man came to investigate this asshole messing with ‘his’ girl.

“Is this guy giving you trouble Cass?” He said in a slow drawl.

“No Mike, he isn’t. This is my cousin Nick. You remember Nick, right?”

Her words moved slowly through the synapses of Mike’s beer addled brain until finally making the connection that he knew me.

“Oh, hey Nick. Shit dude, I haven’t seen you in ages. How you been man?” Mike laughed and smacked me on the shoulder.

“Been better Mike. Just trying to catch up with my cousin here. Do you mind?” I said with a smile that gave away how much I wanted him to leave.

“Oh, hell, sorry man. Let’s grab a beer together before you leave town.” The giant man said with a little embarrassment.

“Let’s do that.” I replied before looking back at Cassidy. The lumbering man returned to his friends around the pool table.

“Thank you for that Nick. I really didn’t have the energy to deal with all that right now.” Cassidy said with a sigh.

“Yeah, some things never change. He has had the hots for you for years.” I said with a reminiscent grin.

“Tell me about it. Don’t get me wrong, I like being admired as much as the next girl, but he’s a bit like a hammer, when you’re trying to fix a sewing machine…Useless.” She smiled. It was good to see that again. But there was still a darkness in her eyes.

In a few minutes Cassidy had caught me up on what had happened. Cassidy’s mother had been involved in a fatal car accident a few days ago. Her Mom, my Aunt Jane had been a source of stability during my growing up, and even came to visit us after we had moved away. Her and Cass had been arguing over Cass’s ex husband, who was trying to reconnect. They had been through a nasty divorce when Cass had caught him cheating. He always claimed that he still loved her, but the damage was too great and Cass wanted nothing to do with him. Jane had secretly arranged for them to bump into each other again, hoping they’d reconnect. But the plan failed when Rick saw Cass with her new boyfriend. There was a fight, and Cassidy’s boyfriend was hurt. He broke up with her before the ambulance left the bar. With rick in jail, there was no one there to take her frustration out on but Mom, who had set the whole thing up. Jane had been killed on the way home from Cassidy’s house, struck by a drunk driver.

“Have you been to Aunt Sheila’s yet?” Cass asked, changing the subject.

“Not yet, I figured I’d better find you before I walked through THAT mess. She’d just send me to find you anyway. She called me six times on the way here to see if I had heard from you.” I said shaking my head.

“This didn’t really survive the news too well. I might have a hole in the wall too…or six.” Said Cassidy, who then reached into the pockets of her skin tight jeans and retrieved most of a cell phone.

I put my hand on top of hers. It was the first contact we had made since I left years ago. The feeling was electric, just as it had been then, and it startled me how hard she stared into my eyes. In an instant I was brought back to a riverbank not far from there.


It was the night after graduation and Cass and I were driving a few friend home from a party. Patty and Craig were already making out pretty heavy in the back seat and didn’t want to go home yet. Bobby and Claire wanted to go swimming, but nobody had any swimsuits. That wasn’t a problem Patty and Craig as they suggested skinny dipping, but Claire needed convincing. As I drove, Cass passed around a bottle of Jack Daniels she had swiped from Grandpa’s garage. It took three long pulls on the bottle and the promise that Cass would do it too, before Claire finally agreed.

We made our way down the muddy access road to the river. I had to put the suburban in 4×4 to get to our favorite spot; a secluded little pool, about a quarter mile off the main road. It was well out of earshot or sight line of anything but a million stars. There was a rope swing that Bobby and I had put up a few years back, and the giant maple it was hanging from provided a shaded spot on the bank in the daylight.

We all piled out and stood there nervously in the moonlight. Out of the six of us, only Patty, Craig, and Bobby had went all the way with anyone before, so the prospect of seeing the fine female forms we had with us had all of the boys straining at our jeans. Oddly enough, it was Cassidy who solved the dilemma of ‘what next.” She suggested that the boys turn their backs so the girls could get in the water first. Reluctantly the boys agreed and turned around. We could denizli escort hear the girls giggling, while we waited for the all clear. Bobby and Craig were ecstatic about the prospect. All the girls were beautiful, but the only problem was, one was my cousin. That reality burned like a light bulb in my brain. I wasn’t quite sure what to think about that. Clearly nothing could go on between us, and everybody else seemed to have paired off. What exactly was I doing here? And why was the prospect of seeing my cousin naked so exciting?

Apparently, Craig and Bobby figured that out too. They started laughing and then Bobby leaned over.

“Looks like you’re gonna have to screw you cousin tonight! Claire’s mine and Patty and Craig are sleeping together already.”

I just shook my head. Some friends these were, Three beautiful women here and they leave me my cousin. While I was still pondering that, we got the ‘all clear’ from the girls. The three of us spun around in unison, but to our disappointment the girls where up to their necks in the water.

“Let’s see some naked penises already!” Cass shouted from the water. The girls cheered us on and without further hesitation we began to strip at a breakneck pace.

When we were nude, Craig and Bobby bounded into the water, while I walked calmly in. There was the usual immediate splash fight, but Cass stayed out of it. Instead she carefully watched me walk into the water. I could feel her eyes sweeping over me as I made my way to her. At this point you could hear screaming and laughing as the other girls were unable to fend off the nude men trying to feel their charms. I swam over to Cass and we watched the melee ensue.

“Look at those silly boys! Imagine how ridiculous they are going to feel when they figure out that the girls are still wearing their bras and panties!” Cassidy said with a chuckle.

“Serves ’em right for leaving me here with the only girl I CAN’T fool around with.” I replied, feeling a bit dejected.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. None of those guys would have had a shot with me anyway though. They’re still little boys…I saw that on the way in. Wook at da teenie tiny widdo winkies!” She said with a laugh.

“This is BULLSHIT!” I heard Bobby say over my shoulder. Apparently he had discovered that Claire was indeed still clothed. Craig had found solution to that problem with Patty a moment later. Now he was spinning Patty’s bra above his head while she climbed him trying to get it back.

Cass and I were laughing when Bobby did the same to Claire. She was embarrassed but was a good sport. She negotiated a display of her breasts for the return of her bra, and when she rose out of the cool water cupping her pale breasts, the boys hooted and hollered. Patty followed suit with her own pair of perky titties and was awarded her bra back as well. The girls tossed their bras, and to the boys delight, panties on the bank and returned to the deep water to resume their horseplay. I was ogling the girls coming back from the bank when Cass stepped directly in my way. She stared me straight in the eye and smiled an inquisitive.

“Do you want to fool around with Claire? I don’t think I should break Patty and Craig up, but I’m sure I could distract Bobby if you want Claire to yourself. She talks about you all the time and I’m sure you have a shot. It’s no big deal.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing! Was Cass was really willing to fool around with a guy she didn’t really like just so I could have a shot with Claire? Who was this woman? She certainly wasn’t the cousin I knew. Our eyes locked for a moment, It was as if she was staring directly into my soul. There was excitement in her eyes, and longing, but also trepidation. I blinked a few times, and looked over her shoulder at Claire who was chicken fighting on Bobby’s shoulders Her lithe youthful body was glistening in the moonlight, her golden hair was flowing down her back and her naked ass squirmed and flexed as she fought. Then I looked back into Cassidy’s crystal blue eyes. The question was still there, but the enthusiasm wasn’t. I made my decision.

“No Cass that’s okay. She is sexy, but I couldn’t ask you to do anything you didn’t want to with Bobby. He is hoping to get laid tonight, and I don’t think anybody’s first time should be wasted like that. I know I wouldn’t want mine to be spent with someone I didn’t care about. Besides, I would rather hang out with you than maybe fail when I make my move.”

Her expression narrowed. She almost looked disappointed but there was relief in her expression as well.

“Okay, If you’re sure. I was kinda hoping to get some cock tonight myself, but they left ME with YOU too.” She said with an impish grin. “Maybe we should just tease them then. You definitely have the biggest penis here, and all that farm work is doing good things for you cuz. Besides, I see the boys staring at me.” She was wiggling under the water, and a moment later came up with her diyarbakır escort own bra and panties. “I know they want me.”

Her walk to the bank was slow and deliberate. The water slid effortlessly from of her well tanned form. I watched in amazement as her shoulders exited the water. The moonlight reflected off of her moist skin. Her back came into view, and with it the wonders of her perfectly toned torso. There wasn’t an inch of her I didn’t want to see in that moment. She stopped when the water reached the crack of her well formed ass. The dimples I saw there took me by surprise. Never had I seen such a body. Had I really missed it? Cass had become a woman right under my nose. She looked over her shoulder at me first; The profile of her exquisite form visible to my hungry eyes for the first time. Her breasts were full and round, a D-cup at least, and her thick nipple extruded upwardly away from their milky smooth mounds. She winked at me before looking over her other shoulder at the others playing in the water.

“Does anybody want another drink?” She asked without completely turning toward them.

I heard Bobby and Craig whisper a collective “Whoa, SHIT!” when they noticed the incredible woman standing a few yards away. I would have laughed if I wasn’t so awestruck myself. When Patty and Clair cheered for more booze Cassidy slowly continued her walk to the truck. Every male eye followed the crack of movement as her toned, heart shaped ass was reviled to them. When she reached the clothes pile she crossed one foot in front of the other and bent over. Her ass was taught and her young sex was shaved smooth. Her clit jutted from the folds pressed between her luscious thighs, and there was a metallic sparkle glistening in the moonlight. There was a collective sight as she collected the bottle of Jack. She then turned and walked back into the water. My cock was painfully swollen, in spite of the cool water, and when I saw her delicious breasts in full view, I felt it throb even more. She had PIERCED nipples! They were simple silver rings, but it was the most incredibly erotic thing I had ever seen. Her thick nipples stood tall and proud, and I couldn’t think about anything else. I wanted to taste every inch of her…my own COUSIN!

Her walk back into the water was met with whistles and cat calls from the boys, and even from the girls. When she sauntered over to Claire with the bottle, Bobby tried to step in and ask for a drink. Cass pushed him out of the way, her eyes locked on the suddenly nervous blonde.

“Claire, would you like a drink?” She asked in a tone dripping with sex. Claire seemed especially shaken, but nodded her head anyway.

Cassidy smiled with a wicked grin and unscrewed the cap of the bottle. She took a long pull from the bottle, then when Claire reached for the bottle, Cass pulled it away from her. With a mouth full of whiskey Cass winked at Bobby, then kissed Claire square on the mouth. Claire fought for a moment, then accepted Cassidy’s sensual tongue into her mouth as well as her ration of whiskey. It was as if a shock wave passed through the entire group. The sexual energy of Cassidy’s actions evoked strong reactions in each and every one of us. Even Patty clutched at her chest and let out a quivering sigh. The two ladies kissed for several seconds until Claire finally relaxed. When Cassidy broke the kiss, there was a wondrous fire in the eyes of both women. All was silent for a moment, then Claire let out a yelp and her whole body shook violently. A smile spread across Cass’s lips as she raised her fingers from beneath the water and licked them. Another pulse of electricity went through the group as realization struck us about what we had just witnessed. When Cassidy asked if Patty wanted a drink, she lunged at the opportunity, and with the same result. When Patty had a tremor of her own, Cass broke their kiss and turned to swim toward me.

“Hey! I want a drink too!” Craig and Bobby called out in unison.

“Sorry boys, There isn’t much left. Besides, I wouldn’t want to affect your little performance. Those girls are going to need attention, and I can’t fuck em for you too.” She said flatly.

She continued to swim in my direction. My cock was painfully hard and it seemed to grow with every foot of space she covered between us. She slid right up against me, brushing her exquisite breast against my chest. I felt my cock bump between her legs. She looked startled at that, but relaxed her expression into a smile as she trapped my cock between her thighs.

“Well, I think that should keep them occupied. Would you like a drink?” She whispered the question right into my ear. My cock pulsed between her thighs as her answer. She smiled and slid her smooth, slender hand around my aching cock. My eyes went wide with the new contact.

“Laugh Nick, pretend like I just made a joke.” She said seriously. I laughed and she began stroking my cock under the water. “I’m a little drunk, and I know I may regret this in the morning, but let’s go for a walk.” I nodded my agreement to what ever this erotic vixen wanted.

“What about that drink?” I asked.

“Not here, If you want me to be your first, like I want you to be, then no one can know.” She said pleadingly, her crystal eyes reflecting the longing in my own eyes.

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