Mara Pt. 02


Thanks for sticking with me, this one may start off slow again but there’s some hot stuff for you horny devils out there. Enjoy!

Chapter 2: Growing tensions.

It was several days later that Mara started to emerge from her shell. Ezra knew immediately that something was wrong, an unfamiliar burden hanging over her shoulders that she was unsure how to unload.

He would be there when she figured out how, of course, no matter how long it took. As the days went by she became happier, and painfully more flirtatious.

Wearing skimpy outfits became the norm, catching each other, an inevitable occurance, in compromising situations seemed to be happening more often.

Several times Ezra had walked into the kitchen to find her hot, sweaty and dressed in only a sports bra and tight running shorts. Finiding her unexpectedly stretching early in the morning after a long run was confusing for him. Especially when his body was still half asleep, morning wood proudly at attention in his boxers.

She’d stared wide eyed for several seconds before feigning ignorance. That was their routine for the next week while she settled into living with him. Catching her naked coming out of the shower was by far the most embarrassing moment for them both.

He knew they would inevitably have to have a conversation, put a stop to the behaviour. However whenever he would catch her sitting in the garden enjoying the sun, a half read book face down in her lap, he would stand for several minutes just appreciating how beautiful she was.

Something that was becoming a regular occurance.

Ezra was begining to think Mara would never truly open up to him. Or help him find the answers to the burning feelings that had resurfaced.

“Ez?” Mara shouted, not noticing the sound of metallic tools from behind Ezra’s arcade machine, something he’d very rarely parted with since getting it. It, and Ezra, were sectioned off by a large cloth partition that he occasionally used for shrouding large sculptures. Mara was perplexed as to why it was so secretive, but she repected her brother’s privacy.

Ezra stopped working to review the progress, having not heard Mara call him from the kitchen. Having stripped the casing back to bare metal and plastic, it was now a bleached white, like bone. Several new pieces of equipment lay strewn at his feet, upgrades for a system he wasn’t sure would handle the modifications. As he stood staring blankly at the machine, he heard Mara call his name again.

“What’s up Mara?” He smiled to her, wiping his oily hands on a spare rag, appearing from behind the sheet like a children’s pantomime.

Upon lifting the cloth he had caught a glimpse at what she’d been wearing, albeit from behind, and it was taking all his willpower not to stare slack-jawed.

She’d strolled into his workshop and was bent over looking at some of his older works. Her bikini, a genius invention in his opinion, was two tringles of dark brown fabric over her nipples with whisper thin strands of braided fabric forming the back and side straps. Her bottoms were equally as risqué, a matching colour, they were a high waisted thong that showed an ungodly amount of her ass and legs.

As she stood and turned slowly, Ezra was gifted with a view of his beautiful sister. Framed by a glowing light she seemd angelic. A light white fishnet crop top covered her bikini, with matching sunhat and sandals. Although it was sunny, unusually for this time of year, Ezra didn’t think it was warm enough for sunbathing. Especially with a surprisingly cold breeze that heralded colder times.

Mara beamed at him regardless. Nothing in her eyes but pure joy. She had always loved watching him work, even when she was younger. Mara would sit for hours beside him, reading, while he wittled away at some marble.

“What’s up?” He repeated, unable to tear his eyes away from his sister. As he craned his neck to look through the back windows, at the sun abruptly disappearing behind some clouds, he felt a sharp crack in his neck.

Mara grimaced, the noise evidently as loud as it was painful.

“Well,” She began, setting down her book, water bottle and sunglasses on a nearby table. “I was going to enjoy what little sun you seem to get here.” Mara finished with a smirk, adjusting her bikini underneath her crop top.

“But you seem like you need more help than my complexion.” Ezra wasn’t following, he gently padded into the living room, discarding his stained shirt along the way. He began to open his mouth to reply but Mara cut him off. She jumped onto the couch beside him, staring intently into his eyes.

“While i was away, i found that i got incredibly bad neck cramp from staring at blueprints or a monitor all day so me and a friend decided to get massages. That slowly graduated into learning ourselves to save money.” Mara fell silent, hoping Ezra would fill in the blanks. She sat on her knees, feet tucked beneath her and body tilted forward in eagerness.

“So you’re, what, offering me siirt escort a massage? I dont know Mara…” Ezra was skeptical, worried they were straying dangerously close to that line he didn’t want to cross. He was about to argue further when his neck ached, as if his body was telling him to shut up.

Mara looked at him expectedly, mouth open slightly and lips curled into a barely noticeable grin.

“Okay fine,” He relented, wondering what the harm actually could be. Mara jumped off the couch with a childish giggle.

“You should probably take those off,” Ezra realised Mara was pointing to his paint stained combat pants. “Besides, they’d probably get in the way.” Mara looked down at him as he begrudgingly hooked his thumbs into his waist bad. She had one leg between his thighs and he could smell her scent. He could feel the heat from her legs.

As he struggled out of his pants, now clad in only his boxers she disappeared momentarily. Mara reappeared seconds later with a bottle of lotion from her room. He shivered slightly as he realised what she probably used it for.

“Lie on your front.” Mara’s voice was forceful, something that made his heart stutter. Willingly, he turned over, head craned to the side to watch her. Although painful, it was certainly worth it. She climbed onto the couch, straddling his legs to sit right on his bottom. Light as a feather, he barely noticed her weight.

Ezra settled into the massage, relishing the feel of her hands on his near naked body. She rubbed her lotion covered hands into his neck and shoulders. Expertly working out the knots he had developed from working scrunched up under the arcade machine.

“Oh god!” He exclaimed in a husky breath as Mara worked out a particularly stiff section. Ezra became painfully aware of not only his growing arousal, which was pressing painfully into the couch cushions, but surprisingly of Mara’s. He could feel her slight gyrations with every stroke of her hands, the slight grinding of her hips on his lower back. Knowing there was only two thin strips of fabric separating them made him audibly groan.

Mara noticed, pausing momentarily. Ezra’s heart raced, thinking he had gone too far, until he saw her white fishnet top go sailing over his head.

“Turn over.” Mara’s voice was small, hardly a whisper but it sent shivers down his spine nonetheless.

“Mara, i…” She continued to grind against him and rub his shoulders as she spoke. Her breath coming in ragged intervals.

“I know…its okay.” Ezra was hesitant, still weary of that proverbial line, but Mara’s commanding voice was overwhelming. As he began to turn around Mara lifted slightly. Settling into position, he watched with baited breath as Mara hovered above his waist. She was biting her lip.

Slowly, agonisingly slow, she lowered herself down until her bikini bottoms where pressing firmly against his now raging hard boner. She gasped loudly, pressing down into him. Ezra clamped his hands on her waist. Mara’s eyes rolled back in her head, mouth hanging open in a wordless shout of ecstasy.

To her credit, Mara continued to massage his chest, kneeding his shoulders, tracing the muscles of his abdomen or playing with his nipples. Ezra’s eyes shone with desire, something that drove Mara on even more.

At her direction, he accepted a healthy amount of lotion on his hands and began to systematically oil every part of his sister that he could. He teased her unnecessarily, wanting to savour her body as she granted him free reign.

He too traced her collar bones with his finger, felt the sculpted curves of her breasts and the smooth flat skin of her stomach. Although she may not have been the most well endowed woman ever, her modest bust seemed perfect. Every contour, plunging curve and ounce of soft amber skin was exposed to his embarrassingly hungry eyes.

Her grinding was becoming increasingly rapid and pronounced. Unexpectedly Mara leaned forward and kissed him. Gently at first but growing in ferocity as her tongue reached out to explore his mouth. He didn’t know where this hunger had come from, but he blissfully sunk into it.

“Did you like my outfit?” She asked, her breath shaking. Face barely an inch from his. Her eyes sparkled cunningly, biting her lip again. Ezra nodded, boldly running his hands under her bikini to fully appreciate her breasts. Tweaking her nipples she moaned loudly.

“Say it!” Ezra stared into her eyes, open mouthed, as she ground down on him furiously. He could feel her heat unbearably, the unmistakably feeling of how wet she was.

“I thought you looked incredible. So sexy. It was all i could do not to just kiss you right there and then.” Mara hung on his every word, abandoning the pretence of the massage to place her hands either side of his head and pseudo ride him with all her effort.

“Then you’ll love this.” Mara leaned back, out of the reach of his questing hands and reached behind her. Ezra’s eyes bulged as her bikini fell sinop escort away. Fully topless, he drank in her beauty. He thrust upwards, meeting her own grinding, with renewed effort.

They were both close. They locked eyes as Mara clamped her legs around him, the feeling of her almost bare pussy lips around his cock sending him to heaven. They both came, Ezra first, and then Mara shortly after as she felt his hot cum pulsing through his cock. They collapsed breathlessly on one another. Body’s glistening from oil and sweat.

Ezra stared at the ceiling as Mara stretched out along his body, breast still bare and mashed into his chest. He expected to feel regret. Despite his feelings he almost wanted to feel that crushing, heart wrenching guilt. The only thing he did feel was love. Love for his baby sister.

Watching her fall asleep in his arms, the only thing Ezra wanted right now was her.

Ezra didn’t see Mara again until tomorrow’s night arrived, and with it the tempestuous storm and never ending torrent of icy rain.

The storm was blotting out any of the weak sunlight, casting a permanent moody glow over the once lush grassy hills. Everything was washed with a dull grey as thunder crackled above.

When they were younger, Mara and Ezra had been inseparable, spending more time together than some deemed acceptable. But ever since their parents had tragically passed away together when he was 10, and Mara 9, she had clung to him.

Even during their formative years, staying with their grandparents further down south, they had managed to navigate the more delicate subjects and give each other just enough space to grow. Even still, they had had the awkward encounters of walking in on the other half dressed or getting out of the shower.

Mara had, after a rather unpleasant nightmare when she was 18, before she left, walked into his room to cuddle, oblivious to the fact that Ezra had just seconds ago been masturbating. He had just heard her door close and yanked up his boxers just as she’d entered, praying she hadn’t seen anything but she remained quiet.

They had always shared a more relationship type of relationship, just without those parts.

As he lay sprawled on his small, soft two seater couch, feet extended onto an equally plush stool, he thumbed idly at the controller in his hands. One of Mara’s old action games flashed idly by on the screen, only barely registering the giant of a man in cobalt blue armour slashing and hacking at green overgrown ape like creatures in typical over the top type action.

The sound of soft padding feet drew his attention as he watched Mara gingerly creep towards him. He knew why. She hated storms. Wrapped in a giant fluffy dressing gown as soft as silk, her seemingly bare legs poking out from underneath the rim. She teetered on the edge of the room, as if waiting for permission for something she never had to ask for.

He patted the couch next to him, moving a bottle of water that was resting next to him onto a coffee table to his left and straightened out the cushions for her to sink in next to him. She tucked her knees up to her chest and lay her head on his, sighing deeply she seemed calmer.

He assumed she had dozed off because an hour went by and she hadn’t uttered a word, just watched him murder countless aliens and other horrors in his game. The lights flickered gently as the storm raged on causing Mara to flinch suddenly. He swore quietly as he jumped as well.

“Sorry,” Came a sheepish voice. She scrunched up against him tighter. The room was bathed in a soft orange glow from several racks of candles spread throughout the room and the gently crackling fire place. Her face was framed by that lazy flickering glow, enhancing the already beautiful pallor of her skin. Her eyes twinkled in the half light, enticing him to stare endlessly into their murky depths.

“You okay?” Ezra asked, almost soundlessly as if not to frighten her, even though she was far from fragile. She nodded, her eyes never leaving his. She slid up slightly higher, her head now on his shoulder, with her chin turned upwards so she could look at him. His eyes were eventually drawn to her gown, splitting open slightly to allow him to stare down into the gently sloping cleavage.

Although the shallow light offered little in terms of illumination, he could see the almost hidden ridge of her camisole, a pale blue, peaking out from under the fabric. The thought of her in essentially next to nothing sent chills through his body, stirring his already wakening cock. An almost inaudible breath escaped her lips, steaming against his chin. He could feel her heat.

“Mara?” He murmured again, inching his chin closer down to her. Without waiting… no, unable to wait any longer, he bent the last few inches between them and pressed his lips to her’s again. They lightly brushed at first, barely touching just relishing the contact of each other’s skin. Slowly they became more passionate.

Ezra şırnak escort tilted her head up, cupping her chin she moaned slightly into his mouth, sending another pulse to his now rock hard cock.

She felt everything.

How his tongue probed insistently, yet caringly, around her mouth. His hand gently brushing her neck, tussling through her hair or gliding down her spine, tracing the pattern in her camisole before repeating the circuit.

It electrified her. Made her burn with a passion she didn’t know she had. She had decided upon this since long before she had returned. Long before she’d even left in the first place.

Pushing herself up by her elbows, all whilst never breaking the kiss Mara swung one leg over Ezra’s, straddling him but hovering centimetres above where she knew it lay pulsing.

She broke off the kiss, panting heavily already she reached forward and untied the already loose robe. Ezra’s eyes bulged. Not just with lust but filled to the brim with love.

She was overwhelmed.

She had loved him since the beginning, as he had her.

Letting the robe fall slowly from her shoulders in dramatic slow motion she soaked in his admiration. He drank in her beauty. The curves of her breasts and the soft firm skin hidden beneath her surprisingly sheer top.

More lingerie than common underwear, the almost wafer thin material did little to hide her hard nipples.

“You’re beautiful.” Whispered Ezra, almost lost for words. Fresh tears trickled down Mara’s cheeks as she dove back in for another make out session. She sank down, feeling Ezra’s hard cock beneath her.

They gasped simultaneously. Eye’s locked as they slowly began to grind on one another. Arching her back in pure bliss, Mara grabbed Ezra’s hand that had rested on the small of her back and pressed it hungrily to her breast.

Cooing again, she was lost in his touch. Pure ecstasy coursed through her as he kneaded her breasts tracing his fingers over her soft supple skin, drawing delicate circles over her nipples through the fabric. She whimpered, unable to keep her orgasm from approaching rapidly.

She ground her hips down heavily one last time. Feeling the firm outline of his manhood pressing against her lips, barely separated by her thin matching panties and his equally thin running shorts. Ezra’s head rolled back, eyes closed for several seconds until he felt Mara lift off, ending what was almost causing him to explode in his shorts.

He tried to speak but found he had no words. She placed a finger across her lips to silence him.

“Has to be you first.” She stated matter-of-factly. Conviction soaking through every word. “I need to do this.”

With determined fingers she hooked into the waistband of his shorts and pulled them down. The tight nylon shorts were, in hindsight, a bad choice as their heated exchange had left him sweaty causing the fabric to stick to him like glue. With much effort, and embarrassed giggles from the pair of them, she finally managed to pull them to his ankles.

Ezra blushed as he was fully exposed, his cock wasn’t massive but he had never complained and Mara’s wide eyed expression bolstered his ego a little. Hesitantly she reached out and wrapped one of her small hands around the shaft.

Slowly she settled into a rhythm, gently stroking up and down his shaft while the other hand fondled his balls with equal care.

Had he died and gone to heaven? Certainly felt like he was being jerked off by an angel. How had it come to this? But he knew how, and he no longer cared.

The woman he loved more than anything in the world knelt before him staring at him with nothing but love. Ezra was roused from his reverie by the unmistakable feeling of something wet on his cock. At first he thought she’d spat on it but watching as her head now bobbed gently on him he realised she had taken him into her mouth.

He gasped audibly as he felt her tongue run along the underside and caress the tip. It was all too much. The kissing, the agonising grinding, her incredible body and now this. He could feel it rising within him. He worried for her, that this would be too far.

“Mara!” He cried, tensing up. Placing a hand on her head to ease her off. But she was prepared. Feeling the pulsing in his cock and the increase in his panting.

She did what she had planned for years. Taking as much as she could in one go she moaned loudly as Ezra exploded violently into her mouth. She gulped the first few shots before being overwhelmed and pulling back. The final few ribbons streaked across her face, arm, stomach and chest. She looked shocked for a moment before smiling.

That damn smile.

His body and soul exhausted he reached down to cup a blush filled cheek and brush the hair from her eyes. She smiled shyly. Standing, she surveyed the damage.

Her camisole was covered in her brother’s cum. And a lot of it. Deciding against keeping it on, she reached behind and lost one of the last pieces of her clothing.

Much to her brother’s shock, she now stood practically naked before him, clad only in a thin pair of cotton panties. A visible damp spot staining the front. She scooted over to the couch lying with her back on his chest, oblivious to the pools of drying cum that stained them both.

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