Her Halter Top


A description of our first venture into adding extras. “Hi Sherrie, how was your weekend?” the man asked his 26 year old employee.

“Good Mr. Hagan and yours?” she responded quietly but with a smile. It was early in the morning and a Monday. It was only 8:10AM and no one had arrived Thursday. There were a few on the other side of the building but it was only Sherrie and Ben Hagan.

Ben, who’s been married for 14 years and like many other men, always tried to keep their distance from the ladies in the office, evaluated a woman with some civility, but personally demonstrate some interest in his staff so they felt they were attractive, hence boosting their self esteem.

Other people always thought Sherrie was cute, especially her friends there, but that wasn’t openly discussed other then a compliment her or there. Sherrie, like Ben, did the same. She might make a compliment occasionally, but she never went out on a limb and only said something brief.

She always liked dressing nicely, but conservatively as she didn’t want the office assuming she was flaunting her beauty.

Ben passed her once again before the days activities got underway. “That’s a nice outfit. Sometimes I’m jealous of women, because they have such a great variety of clothes to choose from.”

She thought it odd, but said thank you anyways again and smiled. He smiled at her and went about his business. She didn’t see him until later at lunch. He was in deep thought. He was at the fast food restaurant for lunch, sitting alone, and writing some notes. She walked by with her trey of food, said hi to him again, and he looked up and said hi to her. They made small talk and he complimented her, unwittingly again, on her outfit.

“Why thank you Ben, that’s nice of you to take notice. Saying that as often as you have makes me think I should where this or something similar more often.”

“Ohh duhhh, I did compliment you earlier, didn’t I? Well what’s one more to make a person’s day? And it is a real nice outfit either way.” Of course it did seem to highlight the woman’s tits as it was tighter fitting. It was only hidden a bit underneath her blazer. He noticed, but didn’t look towards her chest. Not that she noticed. She didn’t even think that he was either.

After work, she went home, washed the outfit, and wore it again the next day to see what he might say. The next day she came in at about the same time, he walked by her, and they both stopped to get a cup of coffee.

“Hi Sherrie, how are you? How was your day yesterday?” He was just being polite and nothing else. She answered that it was fine, but dull.

“My, unknowingly he said, that’s a nice outfit by the way. You always seem to wear such professional looking but attractive outfits. Like yesterday, this one is so similar in….well, design. It is flattering on you, but very professional. That impresses me.”

“Why thank you Ben, that’s nice of you to notice. bedava bahis I appreciate that.” He left and she snickered to herself that it was the exact same one and he hadn’t noticed.

The week passed and Ben and his wife were planning with friends to go to a new place for dinner, drinks, and dancing. It was a great location. The forecast called for mildly warmer temperatures so everyone was prepared to dress for summer like weather.

Come Friday, Sherrie and her friends in the office had coincidentally planned to go to the same place. It was a hectic week and it just seemed appropriate that this was the hotspot.

Arriving at about 7:30 that Friday night, Ben, his wife, and their neighboring friends all settled in at 5 tables towards the middle, but off to the back of the dance floor. It was modest in size, but there were all sorts of tables set up as well as bars in the outdoor eatery area.

As the evening progressed more and more filed in and established their domains at various other locations outdoors.

Eventually the sun went down, the music became louder, and many stepped out to the dance floor. That included Ben, his wife and a few of their friends who sat with them. Enjoying themselves as they danced and drank, but maintained as best as could be expected, Sherrie and hew friends got up to dance to.

Sherrie and her friends all were wearing halter tops, some traditional where others who wore them might have been considered a lot more revealing. Yes, they showed a lot more cleavage and skin then some think was appropriate. Sherrie’s was fine, but possibly it was too big as it was going to cause her problems soon.

The music and the drinks in hand became more to everyone’s liking. The music was favorable, the dancing became crazier, and everyone started getting wild. That included Ben’s group as well as Sherrie and that group from the office.

Ben never was around any of his coworkers when out for a night of partying. He wanted to let loose. His wife prevented that, somewhat, but their friends let loose and he figured what the hell.

Upon seeing their boss, Sherrie and her coworkers began dancing unconventionally. Everyone was dancing, laughing, looking around, and ‘enjoying the scenery’.

Ben wore a golden brown tight necked collared shirt. It fit his frame well and highlighted a nice pectoral frame. He was in good shape for a guy of 36.

His wife, Kelly was in slacks and a sweater top and any man would find her sexy, if she was alone. She kept her eyes on two things, Ben, and the others from his office. She anted to make sure he wasn’t making too much eye contact with them.

Who could avoid that as so much cleavage was flashed everywhere. He and his friend’s studied the nature of the beauty being shown off that Friday. Kelly wasn’t pleased how Ben’s eyes wandered frequently over to Sherrie, Becca, Kim, Diane, Suzanne who was the eldest of the crowd, casino siteleri and Fawn.

For whatever reason, they al wore halter tops and it was good. It was very good. Just as the last song was being played, Ben and his wife were still dancing and Sherrie’s top began slipping off. Sliding lower and lower, he saw more and more boob. Everyone, other then Ben was caught up in the music. He still danced, but he was preparing to get a visit from the nipple fairy.

The fairy was ready to open up the blinds so he could see Sherrie’s center of ecstasy. Her top that she didn’t realize was down to right above her nipple, was about to go below the poverty level of desire.

Just then his wife and a friend slipped off the floor and went to the ladies room. He was left to dance for himself, he thought. The Sharon, another neighbor, asked him to dance. He was distracted due to Sherrie. She got his attention and he declined and walked towards Sherrie and the others.

He walked up, staring at her bosoms and whispered, “I am going to be in heaven real soon. It’s only because of the beauty that stares me down.”

At that point she turned with a weird face and wondered what he was talking about. At that point the others discovered what he saw a while ago. One began laughing. Two other’s walked up and before they got there, Ben told her what he started out to say.

She looked down and gasped and pulled up her top. She looked at him, blushed, and didn’t know what to say.

“Ohh my Ben, that could have been a disaster, couldn’t it have? I’m so embarrassed.”

“No Sherrie, don’t be… you are a beautiful sexy woman. In another situation, I’d be honored to prove that to you. You sure have a wonderful body. I sure hope you understand the intended compliment too.”

She said yes, but was conscientious the rest of the evening and danced half of what she originally started out dancing. Instead they all stood around flirting with guys, drinking, and arranged to find rides home. The last part they were unsuccessful as most guys found others to go home with or already had other plans.

It was 1.30AM and Ben, Kelly, and the rest of them were heading back to Dave’s house for some more drinking. Ben was stopping at the all night carry out for beer. On his way, since he was alone and Kelly went back with neighbors, he took his time and left after the others.

He did a full circle and offered to drive Sherrie and the others home. Sherrie, by herself at the time, accepted. She was drunk by that time. She laughed, flirted, and tried snuggling with Ben.

“So are you ready for the sneak preview that the ‘fairy’ almost granted you, or do you care to, ummm… hehehe… work for it”, she asked Ben.

In the Blazer at that time, no one knew where she went off to. He sat there in the parking lot, thinking that it was a prime opportunity to take advantage of the good looking woman. Albeit, several bahis siteleri years younger, willing and available. He wasn’t… he’s married with children… but he was all alone and she was drunk and acting flirtatious as well as openly willing.

He looked at her; she looked at him with that drunk, smiling stare. He looked at her chest and her cleavage seemed more visible. He was buzzed, but not as much as Sherrie.

“Oh God Sherrie, if I do what I’m about to do, it’s all going to come back and somehow haunt me… I just know it.”

“What’s that you’re about to do, Ben”, she asked moving back and forth as she couldn’t quite control her drunken frame.

“Ohhh, I can’t tell you what I’m thinking. I mean I’ve complimented you in the office and they are sincere compliments and nothing other then that. At least I try intending that to be the case. And if I do want I feel and desire to do right now, you might misinterpret my compliments later as potentially sexually harassing. I don’t want that. But… but lord Sherrie… you look… so… wow…”

So sexy tonight; do I look sexy tonight Ben. Sexy enough to be kissed or buffed by you right now, right this moment”, she asked.

“Umm, what’s buffed mean Sherrie?”

“Hehehe, she laughed, ‘Buffed’ means slick and lick and muff my tits, Ben…hehehe!”

“Ohhh, god yeah… I’d do that in a heart beat. But now isn’t the time. Let me drive ya home and if you wanna do some ‘photo shares’ with me on the way home, as in lower that top for me to see your glory, I’d allow you the best compliments I can think of. Is that good?”

“Hehehe Ben, you are soooo cuuuute! I think you are sooo sweet not taking advantage of me. You could do that, you know that don’t you?”

“You really, honestly think that Sherrie? Well, I’m happy if you’d let me to compliment you all the time. I’m willing and available, if you are at all interested in the near future, to explore the nature of this conversation too, okay?”

By the time they got to her house, she pulled her halter top down several times. She took his right hand and let him, while he drove, feel her boobs and nipples. She even pressed them firmly into her tits too.

By that time, he was hard and horny. He knew he had to get some of that action, somehow and someway!

“Sherrie, boy you are more then sexy. You are sweet, fun, and a nice person. But I have to tell you two things. Pull up your top and I’ve got a hard on right now.”

She looked at him in surprise, looked down at his crotch, developed a perplexed look on her face, and then looked up at him.

“What would you like me to do? I don’t think I should do anything, should I? Don’t you have to go too?” Then she put her hand down by his crotch and grabbed it his cock, but with some hesitation as if she wasn’t sure it was right for her to do that.

He put the palm of his hand over her hand and squeezed her hand more, letting her know it felt great.

“That’s nice Sherrie, that’s real nice. I have to go now though… okay. I have to leave now, sorry.”

“It’s okay Ben, I liked that we did all this. I hope you and I, well maybe I shouldn’t get my hopes up?” She kissed him on the lips and got out.

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