Ron – My Saviour


My Brother Ron – my saviour

I have been OFFLINE for 18 months and hope that you will forgive me – also hope that you can accept this first story since then – don’t forget to vote and comment as that will give me more inspiration. Thanks jena121

My brother, Ron, was living with his girlfriend when my husband passed away, about 4 years ago. They came to visit about twice a week mostly so that I would not feel too lonely. I had not started thinking about any other relationship as yet, I was still grieving.

One evening my brother came over alone. I asked him where Celia was and he told me that she had left him. Apparently, they had quarrelled and she went out and found herself drunk and in bed with another man. She came home and told him but he just could not forgive her, she didn’t even try to make up after the tiff.

After a few weeks, my brother, even though he still came over for dinner a couple of times a week, admitted that he had been lonely living alone.

I thought about it and then asked him if he would like to move in with me as I still had the home that I had lived in with my husband.

Ron was a 34 yr old man who stood about 6’3′ with a solid body and weighed about 200lbs. He had dark brown hair, and bright blue eyes that were always smiling. He was nearly always very happy, except at this time. He thought for a few moments and told me that he would have to pay out his lease and he would be so happy to move in with me. We got on well together and I could see some great times for us.

About 2 weeks later, Ron moved in to the house.

We both carried on with our careers. Mine was as a buyer for a top fashion company and Ron as an IT specialist for himself. After about six months I was starting to ‘burn out’ as I had had a very busy time in that last six months and felt that I needed a holiday.

I put it to Ron that I was going to take a couple of weeks and go hiking. He immediately told me that he would love to come with me. We discussed where we were going to go; a couple of places came to mind. Then Ron suggested we go off shore to an island that had a few hills. That was what we eventually decided on and I went ahead and booked our tickets etc.

We took off and arrived at our destination about 4.00pm in the afternoon. We were absolutely transfixed by the sunset as we settled into out hotel rooms. The hills which looked more like mountains than hills, were spectacular as the sun descended behind them. The hills looked as though they were just made for hiking.

The next day we ordered a lunch pack, donned our hiking gear and set off on one of the most used paths. We enjoyed the walk and at the top of that climb we sat down on a patch of grass and just gazed around us. We unpacked our lunch and ate and after a couple of hours we wended our way back down. As good as this hike had been, we decided that the next day we would try something a little harder.

Each day for five days we took a different track and really enjoyed each one. It took longer each day for the ascent but it was worth it in the long run.

On the sixth day Ron spoke to the Manager of the Hotel and asked him which was the most difficult hike in the area. As we were experienced hikers already, he did not have any fear in telling us that it would probably be one that would take two days, with an overnight sleep at a hut at the top of the mountain. This suited us well. We had bought sleeping bags just for an occasion like this/ We ordered a few necessities in food and other stores. Because Ron was a strong man he was able to store these items in his backpack. I only had to carry the sleeping bags and an extra pair of shoes for each bahis siteleri of us.

The Manager also told us that there was a ham radio in the hut and if we got into any trouble to try and contact him or the Rangers and there would be help available as soon as possible. We assured him that we would be all right but we were grateful for his concerns.

We left the Hotel about 7am that morning and progressed slowly up that path. It was such beautiful scenery on the way up that we took out time and stopped often to appreciate the surroundings. We arrived at the top and found the hut about 4pm and that gave us time to set up our sleeping bags and organise some more firewood. There was already some inside the hut, all hikers know that there should always be some left for the next travellers. Ron went out and chopped some more wood, which we both stacked outside the hut, ready to be placed inside before we left in the morning,

We had some of out stores for dinner and organised something for breakfast. We sat beside the fire for a couple of hours after we had eaten, discussing the trip up, and then feelong tired after our long hike that we were ready for bed.

Ron went out to do his thing and came back. I thought I had better do the same, as I didn’t want to go wandering around in the middle of the night.

Unfortunately, when I went outside it had become darker that I realised. I thought I would just go into the bushes. When I went to step into a group of bushes my leg slipped and I fell down a crevice that was in the ground. I tried my hardest to pull myself out but to no avail. It was getting very cool and I cried out to Ron. Apparently he didn’t hear me. After I had been gone for about 20 minutes he became worried. He came out of the hut and called out to me.

“Gail, Gail, where are you. Are you alright.”

“I’m over here Ron. I have slipped and can’t move my legs.”

He followed my voice and found me. It took him about half an hour to dislodge me from the crevice but I could not stand on my legs when he put me on the ground. He carried me into the hut and checked my leg.

“Well, it looks as though you may have an broken ankle sweetie, he said. I will just bind it now and then call the Rangers or the Hotel They can send a helicopter to pick us up.

He did this and the Hotel Manager told him that he would contact the Rescue Squad who would be here first thing in the morning. He gave me a couple of sedatives to help me sleep and we both went to bed.

The next morning, Ron was up early and had already replaced the cut wood that we had used before I awoke. Then told me that the chopper would be here within the next hour.

The Helicopter landed about ½ mile from the hut but as they had a stretcher, they carried me down and loaded me in to the vehicle. Ron followed with all out equipment and boarded.

The rescuers took me straight to the nearest hospital where the doctors told me that t I had been very lucky. I had actually broken not only my ankle but also sprained my knee. The put a plaster on the whole leg and allowed me to go back to the Hotel. We stayed there for a couple more days but felt that we should go home.

Ron arranged out flights back and an ambulance picked me up from the Hotel and took me to the Airport. We flew home and were very glad to arrive.

An Ambulance took me home from the Airport and the drivers managed to carry me upstairs to my room. I thanked them for all their help.

Ron followed them downstairs and got all instructions for my care. He also called our local doctor and got him to come and see me. After the doctor left a little while later, Ron canlı bahis siteleri told me that he was going to do some shopping and get some medications for me.

“Is there anything you need while I am out” he asked.

“No thanks darling, I’m fine.” I replied.

“I will be back a soon as possible then.”

Ron returned about an hour or so later. I heard him come in the front door and go to the kitchen.

I could hear him clashing around with the pots and pans and felt guilty that I couldn’t be down there to do the cooking. I dozed off to sleep and woke when he came into my room with a tray. I was so surprised! He had cooked a wonderful meal, A Carpet-bag steak with mushrooms and vegetables; Roast Potato and Pumpkin, with Broccoli and Cauliflower with cheese sauce and lightly cooked Snow Peas.

“I thought you may like a decent meal after the last couple of days. Even though the food at the |Hotel wasn’t too bad, it never comes up to a home made meal.”

Luckily Ron could work from home and look after me at the same time. He arranged for a Nurse to come in 4 days a week to bed-bath me, She also gave me a full massage after the bath, but he looked after everything else himself. I naturally had to apply for a couple of months from work; I thought that should be enough before my plaster came off. Ron was marvellous, he would carry me to the bathroom any time it was necessary and handled all the meals. I couldn’t have been looked after better by a professional.

One day the Nurse called to say that she could not get in that day and would Ron be able to get someone else for the day? Ron rang the agency but was unable to get a Nurse at that short notice.

He came up to my room to tell me and I was so downhearted; I always looked forward to that bed bath and bed bath. He noticed the look on my face and told me not to worry, that he would work something out.

He went downstairs and thought about it. He then returned to my room and told me that he was going to give me a bed bath; after all he was my brother.

Ron then organised the warm water and towels, along with the massage lotion. He got out a clean nightie for me and some clean linen for the bed.

He laid the towels on the bed alongside me after sliding me onto my side and began to wash my back and right down my leg and then dried those parts. He then rolled me over onto the other side and did the same thing washing all along my sides and legs avoiding the plaster and dried me. He then had to roll me onto my back and he was looking rather shy when he had to take off my nightie and he saw my breasts right in from of his eyes. He handed me the washcloth and asked me to wash that part of myself, which I did. Then he had to wash my feet and also my groin area. That was going to be a lot harder for him. I told him not to be embarrassed as it was only for that day. He rinsed out the washer and wiped it over my feet, tying to put off the moment when he had to wipe my private parts.

He eventually gathered the courage to do this. I could see that he was starting to become excited, he was getting a bulge in the front of his trousers/ He gently wiped around my groin area and then even more gently lifted my leg and placed the washer in his hand along my pussy. I can’t tell you how good that felt. I knew it shouldn’t but I hadn’t felt a man’s hand anywhere near my pussy for over 4 years. I writhed with his touch and pushed down harder onto his hand.

He glanced up at me all the while with his hand resting on the same part of my anatomy.

“Don’t stop Ron, please don’t stop. It feels so good,” I begged/

“Awe you sure Gail, güvenilir bahis I love you and would do anything for you. I know that you haven’t been with anyone since James passed.” “Oh Ron. If you only knew how good it feels. I also know that you haven’t been with anyone since you moved in with me. Who is going to know? I am feeling so horny now.”

Ron then dropped the washer on the floor and proceeded to take off his clothes before climbing on the bed with me. He leant over and kissed me on the lips nod pushed his tongue into mine. I responded immediately and we tongue-duelled for a full five minutes, until we had to come up for air. He lowered his mouth to my breasts and began to suckle on the nipples and gently bite them.. He drew the whole breast into his mouth and sucked them, one side at a time. While doing this, his hand wandered down towards my belly and then onto my hips and then to my groin.

I couldn’t hold back and followed his body with my hand and palmed his hot cock, I rubbed it and felt its hardness, feeling it rising and growing harder by the minute. Ron then inserted his middle finger between my pussy lips and pushed it right into my wet hole. He continued to push and pull working my pussy into frenzy. I knew that I would not last too much longer and I turned to him and whispered in his ear.

“Baby, I know that this is wrong, but I want you to fuck me, please fuck me.”

“Oh, my darling, anything you want, but I have one more thing I want to do first. You can’t imagine how I am so eager for you.”

He lowered his head onto my stomach and slowly licked his way down my belly. He swirled his tongue around my navel and then around my Mound of Venus. Eventually, he touched the tip of his tongue to the opening of my pussy, and licked the small amount of hair that was at the entrance, all the while slipping his tongue further inside my hot and wet love hole. He then got on his knees and between my legs and continued to lick and lave my labial lips and tongue my clit. He was getting me so worked up I wasn’t sure how muh longer I could keep from cumming.

“Oh Ron, that is so wonderful, it makes me tingle all over, I think I am cumming.”

“Give me all you’ve got darling, I want to swallow all you cum. I am so greedy for you after all this time.”

At that I exploded. I screamed “I cummmmmiinnng baby, take it all.”

We lay back and Ron rubbed my tummy and mound and we were speechless as we caught our breaths.

“I have never had anything so sweet as that delectable pussy,” he said.

He rolled me onto my side and lay behind me. “I think this will be the best position for you my darling, not so awkward with your plaster.”

“Oh yes Baby, that feels so comfortable.”

He then slid down beside me and arrowed his big cock at my pussy from the back. He slid into me so easily, it seems as though he belonged there; had always been there. Ron worked his cock in and out of my very, hot and wet hole for about five minutes and then spoke.

“I don’t think I can last too long my love, it has been so long since I have been so worked up..”

“Well, my darling, we will have a lot of time to have more of this from now on. In fact, I think you should cancel the Nurse after this week, what do you think.

“I will cancel her as from tomorrow, I can’t wait to be able to hold you in my arms and cuddle you; that is when we are not fucking, So expect a lot more of me in the future. And much more of my loving.”

“That sounds pretty good to me, I can take as much as you can give, for as long as you want.”

“I can’t see myself ever leaving you, Gail. No woman has ever made me feel as good as I feel at this moment.”

So Ron and myself continued living together after I resumed work. We would sleep together every night and take it in turns doing both the cooking and shopping. He would do the laundry because he was home more that I was and I wondered how many times he would wank off while sorting my panties?

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