Sharing Sophie


Before anything else, I must say a very big thank you to Nikkiejanes’s for her advice and editing.

PLEASE NOTE, everyone in this story is 18 years of age or older.


I was standing on the platform, waiting for Sophie’s train to come in. For those who haven’t read “Just a quickie with Daddy,” Sophie is a tiny eighteen-year-old shoe shop assistant, a sweet innocent girl. Tiny but perfectly formed.

Well, she was innocent, until I fucked her in the shop toilets. I met her while flashing for my daddy in London, a couple of weeks ago. Daddy took me into the shop to buy me some new heels, OMG that was such a fun-filled day. Now Sophie is coming to stay with us for the weekend.

I had an email from her this morning.


SophieWest Sat, 10 July …06:32

To: Me

Good morning Caz.

My train is due in at 09:45, looking forward to seeing you again and to having some fun flashing with you and your dad, really looking forward to that.

I have bought a new outfit to wear, you just wait and see what I have bought, right out of my comfort zone.

Yes, I did realise that it was your dad who you were being naughty with. I found that rather intriguing and look forward to finding out more about it when we meet.

Your soon to be, slut, Sophie xxx

Reply Forward

So there I was, standing, waiting, getting excited, wondering what this new outfit will be like. The train pulled slowly into the station, “come on, come on, get those doors open,” it felt like it was taking forever.

I was shaking with excitement when the doors eventually opened and a steady stream of passengers alighted, jostling their way down the platform towards me, blocking my view as my eyes searched for Sophie. I wanted to shout at them to get out of my way.

“Sophie, come on, where are you?” There was no sign of her.

I don’t really know why, I had only had a brief meeting with the girl, yes, all right, I did fuck her in the shop toilets, but at that time I wasn’t expecting to see her again.

All the same, my heart sank as the last of the passengers pushed past me. I turned, disappointed, almost in tears and started to walk out of the station. I had forgotten that this was the last stop for this train, that it would stay in the station for a few minutes.

I heard a voice behind me, and spun around, only to see an empty platform. I turned to walk away again.

“Where do you think you are going?” came the voice again

“What the hell,” I thought, as I spun around again and right down at the far end I saw a small figure step from the train onto the platform. She was silhouetted against the sun, I couldn’t see who it was, but I knew it was was Sophie, it had to be her.

She came running towards me swinging a bag beside her.

Once under the platform canopy and out of the sun’s glare, “Sophie!” I yelled, unnecessarily. OMG, she was dressed in quite high heels, what I thought was a pair of tights, a short flared skirt, a white thin blouse that was showing off her nipples, the perfect little slut. As she approached me, a breeze lifted her skirt enough for me to see, OMG, she wasn’t wearing tights, she was wearing stockings, this girl really was out of her comfort zone.

She came running towards me giggling, well trying to run in heels that she wasn’t used too, she lifted her skirt, just enough for me to see that she wasn’t wearing any knickers.

She threw herself at me, nearly knocking me over, flinging her arms around me, pulling me in close, kissing me on the lips, so soft and gentle, but so passionate.

I pushed her away, so as to get a better look at her. “Perfect,” I thought, “absolutely perfect.”

“So come on then, where are we going? I want to show myself off.” She was in a hurry.

“Bloody hell, you’ve become an exhibitionist overnight. Firstly we need to get your clothes re-arranged,” I told a very excited Sophie.

“What’s wrong with my clothes?”

“We need to make them more attention-grabbing. We can pop into the loo’s here to do that”

“Ooh that’s all right then, what are we waiting for,” Sophie replied.

She skipped or should that be stumbled, off towards the loo’s, turning round, she called to me, “Come on.” I was so mesmerised by her, I hadn’t moved from the spot.

I hurried after her, grabbed this crazy girl by the arm and headed towards the toilets, dragged her in, pushed her into a cubicle and locked the door.

Pushing her back against the wall I undid the first three buttons of her blouse and pulled her skirt up at the waist, rolling the top over to make it shorter to reveal her stocking tops.

Standing back as far as I could to have a look at her. “OMG, she can’t go out like that!” It was way too short. I let it down a bit. “Perfect,” I thought, “a perfect slut.”

“Come on, my little slut friend, let’s get out of this place.”

“I could do with a coffee right now,” Sophie replied.

“OK, bonus veren siteler let’s go and show you off a bit, there’s a coffee shop in the shopping centre across the road.”

We left the station and headed across the road. A car horn sounded and we heard whistling and cheers from the guys who had stopped their car to let us cross. No prizes for guessing why.

“Fuckin hell, take your time I thought,” as Sophie hitched up the side of her skirt to flash her legs at the guys, it must have been obvious to them that she wasn’t wearing knickers, that just encouraged more whistling and cheering.

“How did that make you feel?” I asked her.

“I enjoyed the attention, that felt good and those guys got a treat that they weren’t expecting. Did I do the right thing?”

“Well going by the reaction I guess you did.”

“Do I look good?” Sophie asked me hesitantly, eyes cast shyly downwards. Unsure if she had done the right thing or even gone too far.

“You look like a filthy little slut and yes you look delicious, I could eat you right now.”

“I want you to eat me; I want you to eat me right now.”

“Slow down you horny little bitch, you’ve got some flashing to do first. You need to earn that little treat.” Although to be honest I could have eaten her there and then.

There is a circular seating area just inside the main entrance to the centre; half a dozen people were sitting in various places around it with their shopping bags on their laps or the floor.

I knelt in front of Sophie and unbuckled one of the straps on her heels. Looking up, I could see and smell her pussy, she was so so wet, at that moment, I wanted her, I wanted all of her, but that would have to wait.

I told her to go into the circle and put her foot up on the bench, somewhere near the two guys on the far side and buckle her heels again.

“I’m a bit nervous, are you coming with me?”

“No, I’ll be just here, watching the reaction of the guys, make sure your arm doesn’t block their view. Don’t rush it, take your time,” I told her.

Sophie walked very nervously up to the seats and put her foot up, she kept her head down, not daring to look at the two guys as she started. The nearest guy to her nudged his mate, anyway I assume it was his mate, and discretely pointed in the direction of Sophie’s pussy.

“OMG! This girl’s a natural,” I thought to myself as she stood up straight, keeping her foot where it was, pretending to have broken one of her nails. Those two guys would now have a clear view of her pussy and if it was anything like mine, it would be dripping.

I had to giggle inside, there was an older woman sat with her husband on the other side of the circle, she noticed what Sophie was doing. Getting up, the old lady dragged her husband with her and scurried away, muttering something to him. It doesn’t take much of a guess as to what she was mumbling. It reminded me of my train trip, on the day I first met Sophie.

As Sophie lowered her foot to the floor she looked straight at the two guy’s and winked at them, before coming back to where I was waiting.

“You’re a cheeky fuckin bitch,” I told her.

“I enjoyed that,” she replied.

“I could see that, you dirty little slut.”

“Haha, I guess I am a dirty slut, aren’t I?”

We entered the coffee shop, ordered coffee and cake, found a table in the corner and sat down.

“So tell me, what is going on between you and your dad?” Sophie asked, quite bluntly as we sat down.

“Fuckin hell, she isn’t backward in coming forward is she?” I thought.

“OK. So what do you think is going on?”

“Well, I think that it is an incestuous relationship,” she paused, “so am I right?”

“Yes! Yes, you are.”

“So does your dad fuck you?”

“Fuckin hell, get right to the point why don’t you?” I was surprised by her bluntness, unsure as to whether or not I should tell her, I paused for a few seconds. “What the hell,” I thought, “she might as well know, she’ll find out soon enough.”

“Come on,” Sophie insisted, “tell me.”

“Yes he does, but not only daddy, mummy as well.”

A few seconds of silence. She didn’t look shocked just excited. “How often does that happen?”

“OMG, not just a dirty little slut an inquisitive one too,” I kept that thought to myself though; I didn’t want her to think she had gone too far.

“Come on spill the beans, I want to know everything,” Sophie demanded.

At that point, the waiter came to the table and immediately spilt both cups of coffee; it went everywhere, running off the table onto Sophie’s legs.

Jesus Christ! It was her legs that had caused him to spill the coffee in the first place, he could see all, well maybe not all, her pussy would have been in shadow, but not anymore.

Sophie had spun round in her seat, grabbed the cloth from the waiter’s arm and proceeded to wipe her spread legs. If he couldn’t see her pussy before, he sure as hell could now.

“You dirty little bitch,” I thought bahis to myself, as she made a meal of wiping between her legs with the cloth and handing it back to him.

“I… I’ll, go and get two fresh cups,” the waiter stammered, not taking his eyes off Sophie’s still spread legs. He quickly wiped the table and left.

I didn’t say anything, but he had just wiped the table with the same cloth that Sophie had been wiping her pussy with.

“My God, you are a dirty slut aren’t you, to think that you hadn’t flashed at all up until a few minutes ago, now look at you. I can see we are going to have some fun.” I said to her, a dirty giggle in my voice.

“I don’t like doing things by half,” Sophie replied, “if I’ve made up my mind to do something, I go all out with it.”

“Turn round and close your legs,” I told her, “the waiter is coming back, we don’t want a repeat performance,” I giggled as I said it, Sophie giggled in return.

While we sat drinking our coffee, we got back to the conversation that we had started before Sophie decided to show the waiter what she had between her legs. I told her that I had an agreement with mummy and daddy, that they could have me for sex any time they wanted, however, and wherever.

“So doesn’t it worry you that they might want to do something that you don’t want them to do?”

“No, I trust them implicitly, they would never hurt me. It is so much fun, enhanced by the fact that I never know what, where, or when. It does get a bit wild at times and I do get the occasional spanking, but I enjoy that.”

“So do you think they will want to fuck me as well?” I detected a note of hopefulness in Sophie’s voice as she asked the question.

“Well, that depends,” I replied teasingly. Knowing full well that once they had seen her, yeah, of course, they would, so long as that is what Sophie wanted and yeah, it seems she did.

“Depends on what?” She asked, still with that hopefulness in her voice, and a sparkle in her eyes.

“Well, if you are going to dress like the slut that you have become, over the weekend and if you call them mummy and daddy as I do.” Calling them mummy and daddy, wasn’t actually necessary, I just thought I’d throw it into the mix.

“That’s easy,” she replied, “I don’t mind calling them mummy and daddy and as for being a slut, I’m enjoying that, so best make the most of it.”

“My God,” I thought to myself, “this girl hasn’t even got to the house yet, and not even met mummy, but is already hoping to be fucked by her.”

We finished our coffee and devoured the cakes. I stopped the waiter as he walked past and asked for the bill. “There will be no charge,” he said. “Sorry I got you wet, miss, I hope it didn’t burn you?”

It was a bit late to worry about that, but it had been fun, so no harm was done.

“OK young lady, I guess we had better take you to meet mummy, daddy will be home later.”

Down the road and across the park is the quickest way home. OK, so it might normally be the quickest way, but as we passed the tree against which daddy had fucked me after meeting Sophie for the first time, the urge to have this gorgeous young lady again became too much for me. I grabbed her by the hand and virtually dragged her off the path, across the grass to the tree, throwing her back against it. Sophie’s eyes widened as she looked around and asked.

“What! Here in public?”

“Shut up! Yes here, right now!”

“OK, but not here,” she insisted. “That tree over there, with the seat all around it.” I wasn’t going to argue with her.

I knew she wanted this as much as I did. She was biting her lip and my hands were trembling as I slid her blouse down her arms and off, followed by her skirt. I wanted this girl naked, just as I had been when Daddy fucked me here just a couple of week ago.

Despite my desperation to get at her, I had to stand back and look at this naked vision in front of me, such a tiny thing, but so perfectly formed.

Telling her to sit on the top of the seat-back; I knelt on the seat spreading her legs as I did so.

Moving forward between her legs, I pulled myself close, our lips met and our tongues collided, dancing around each other.

Only two weeks ago, this beautiful girl was just an innocent shop assistant, who had never thought about sex with another girl. She had never experienced an explosive orgasm like the one I gave her that day in the shop toilets. She told me that afterwards, that she had never experienced flashing, only in her bedroom at night with the light on, but in the almost certain knowledge that no one was watching.

Now, look at her, sitting here naked in a public place, waiting, wanting that sexual experience all over again, this time not behind a closed door, but in public and it would appear, not caring who sees her.

Sophie was breathing heavily already, I pushed her hard against the tree, remembering how the bark had bitten into my back while daddy was fucking me here. It had felt like the rough bark was grabbing my flesh and deneme bonusu was pulling me back against it. I knew that Sophie would be feeling that as well.

Slowly I kissed my way down her neck, her throat and yes, down to her beautifully shaped tits. I reached her already hard nipples; she let out a low moan as I flicked them in turn with my tongue. I squeezed her tits gently, making her nipples stand out even more than they already were, all the time sucking and flicking my tongue around them.

I looked up, her head was back against the trunk of the tree, eyes closed tightly, and again she was biting her lower lip.

While still teasing those lovely hard nipples, I slid my hand down, across her belly and between her legs, easing a finger between her dripping pussy lips, slowly sliding it up and down, each time teasing, just lightly touching her clit before sliding away again.

Sophie was now in a world of her own, gripping tightly onto the back of the seat, her body shaking, not yet uncontrollably, but it wouldn’t be long.

I sat back on my heels, to get low enough to be able to get between her legs and taste her, OMG, how I wanted to taste her.

I eased two fingers into her, slowly, in and out, rhythmically fucking her. Oh my! The taste as I lap up her sweet nectar. She jumps as I flick her clit with my tongue. I remove my now soaked fingers and slid one of them between her bum cheeks to her rosebud, gently stroking it, at the same time inserting my thumb into her pussy. Once again slowly fucking her, all the while pressing on her rosebud with my finger, gently massaging it. Her juices were trickling down my finger and lubricating her. I was tempted to insert my finger, but didn’t want to spoil the moment in the event that she didn’t like it, there would be plenty of time for that over the weekend. I knew I would find her limits, if she had any that is.

Instead, I kept massaging it, while still sucking and licking her clit.

Sophie was close to an orgasm, she was sweating, her legs and arms were shaking, making the whole bench move as she gripped tightly onto it. As I flicked and sucked on her clit, which was now standing up like Little Tom Thumb, she let out a continuous loud moan.

I could feel her pussy pulsing, going into spasm, squeezing tightly on my thumb. Her moans were turning almost to screams, her legs tightened and clamped against my head, making it difficult for me to get to her.

Sophie was shaking uncontrollably now, she let out an animalistic scream, as I felt my face being coated by her warm cream.

Slowly she relaxed, I looked up at her. A slight trickle of blood was tracing a line down her chin, she had been biting on her lip so hard. Tears were flooding from her eyes, taking her make-up with them, she looked a mess, but at the same time, my god she looked so beautiful.

She was still shaking a little, I held on to her while she came back into the real world, relaxing and slowly sliding down the seat-back onto my lap.

Wrapping her legs around my waist, she pulled her naked body tightly into me. Our lips met and our tongues started dancing again, a slow waltz, becoming a tango. I could feel her tears trickling down my own face, mixing with her juices that were covering me.

I pulled away, placed my hands either side of her face and wiped her tears away with my thumbs.

Through the tears, she laughed.

I looked at her inquisitively. “What’s so funny?” I asked.

“Haven’t you seen them?” She replied.

“Seen who?”

“That group of people over there watching us.”

Sophie had seen them and not said a word, “Didn’t you want to stop?” I asked.

“NO! I wanted them to watch us.”

“My god, you’ve turned into a really dirty girl, haven’t you,” I told her.

“I’ve had a good teacher,” she replied.

“I guess you have, but now I had better get you home to meet mummy.”

I got her dressed again, the group of people dispersed and we ran, skipped and laughed our way across the park. Well yes, I know that it’s difficult to skip in heels, but we laughed and she tried. Down the road, into our garden, around the back and opened the door. I shoved Sophie inside, but she said that she needed the toilet. There is one in our hallway, I showed her where and then went into the kitchen to see mummy.

“What, no Sophie?” Mummy asked.

“She is here mummy; she’s in the loo at the moment.”

“You’ve been a long time, was the train late?”

“No, I took her to Queensgate (The shopping centre) and got her flashing.”

“Did she enjoy herself?”

“Fuckin hell mummy, the girl’s insatiable. I couldn’t stop her. The waiter in the cafe spilt two cups of coffee over the table, he couldn’t take his eyes off her legs, so we got our coffee and cakes for free. OMG mummy you just wait until you see her.”

Mummy was busy chopping vegetables when Sophie appeared in the doorway.

Gone was the scruffy girl I brought home from the park. Her hair had been brushed and once again was cascading, like a waterfall over her shoulders, make-up re-applied. Her blouse had been buttoned up properly, her stockings straightened, and her skirt, OMG! She had folded it over at the top again, just as I had done at the station. She had ladders in her stockings, but could do nothing about that.

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