Strip Poker with Daddy


Until the moment my stepfather walked into the casino, I had led a pretty normal life. I was raised mostly by my mother, and my stepfather hadn’t come into the picture until I was getting ready to head off to college. Our relationship was pretty normal, but I had always had a sort of secret crush on him, and I was glad that I had moved out before he had figured out my secret.

It had been years since we talked, but he recognized me immediately as he stepped into the poker room.

“Hi, Chelsea,” he said, sitting next to me at the table. At first I felt a rush of panic that he was going to tell my mom I was out at a casino, but I was 26 and making a pretty good career out of playing cards, so I doubted anyone would care.

“Hi, Daddy.” It felt weird to be calling a man in his early forties ‘Daddy’ when I was more than a quarter-century old, but that’s how I had always known him. “What brings you to Vegas?” He and my mother spent their time living a boring life in Wisconsin, as far as I knew.

“Came with a group for a buddy’s bachelor party.” He gestured to the very loud, very drunk group of men standing at the door. “Are you playing professionally now?” I nodded, and he smiled. “That doesn’t surprise me in the slightest. You always were three steps ahead of everybody else.” He patted my head affectionately, and I faked a growl at my mussed hair.

Daddy laughed, and pulled out a rack of chips to be dealt into the game.

“Whoa there, Daddy. I don’t want to take your money.” It was my turn to tease him, and I was almost having too much fun with it.

“It’s okay, sweetie. Your old man’s not exactly a chump at the table.” He grinned and looked at the cards he had been dealt before betting a pretty large stack of chips.

I glanced down at the cards I was holding. Two Aces. You’re in for it now, Daddy. “Raise. To…three-fifty.” I added three $100 chips to the pot, sending the action back to him.

“I’m all in.” I barely gave him time to get his chips into the middle of the table before I called his bet, triumphantly flipping my cards. He laughed and showed the table his hand, containing the other two aces. The hand was a draw, and we both took our bets back.

“I’ve gotta run, sweetie. But it was great to see you, and we should definitely play some more while I’m in town.” He pulled out his walled and took two cards, handing them both to me. The top one listed his personal information, including his phone number, occupation (plastic surgeon), and email address. The second was a hotel room key. He winked as I stared at it. “I’m in my own room. Come up tonight if you’re interested in a more private game.” Taking one of my hands in his, he squeezed tightly before turning away.

Without another word, he sped off to rejoin the group, yelling along with them as they tore up the Las Vegas Strip. I tried to turn my attention back to the game, but my mind was on Daddy’s invitation and I couldn’t get focused again. After losing a couple small pots I packed it in for the day, heading from the casino back to my apartment.

As I walked into the apartment, I dropped my purse on the table and pulled out my wallet, turning the two cards Daddy had given me over in my hands. What exactly did he think was going to happen when I went to his room at night? Surely he didn’t want anything sexual to happen. But the wink he had given me kept bouncing around in my head, and I decided that I owed it to myself to check it out.

I poured a warm bath and slid in, already lost in thought about what I was going to wear and how I was going to act to seduce Daddy. As I thought about his muscular frame and the firm grasp of his hand around mine, I realized that I was getting more and more aroused fantasizing about that hand thrusting inside me, pulling my body as I climaxed.

While I daydreamed, I noticed my hand unconsciously running down my body, splashing down through the water to caress my clit. The warm water of the bath relaxed me, and I started gently rubbing my nub in circles beneath the surface. I felt my anxiety about the night slipping away, losing myself in the pleasure of the bath.

But my fingers were relentless, and it wasn’t too long before I had slipped from my relaxed state into an aggressive one. I gently pushed my other hand into my pussy, thrusting in rhythm with the gentle motion on my clit. As I thought about the dirty things I hoped Daddy would do to me later, I felt my body tense and I knew I wasn’t far from climax.

I slipped a second finger inside myself, canlı bahis moving both of my hands faster. The sensations were becoming impossible to ignore, and I pushed my body up to the edge before hesitating, slowing and enjoying the way teasing made my body scream at me.

I couldn’t wait for long though, and I kept pushing myself until the rush began to spread through my body. As I leaned back and enjoyed the soothing water around me, ecstasy flooded all of my senses. As soon as I began to relax again, I went back into my pussy with three fingers, gasping at the rough motion.

Pulling my thumb up to brush against my clit, I used my free hand to roughly grope my breasts. The hard feelings I was sending through my body were beginning to border on painful, but I felt like I had to push ahead to the next orgasm.

It wasn’t far away, and I began to gasp as my exhausted body pressed on, finally collapsing into ecstasy. I pulled my hand out, gently rubbing my clit and sliding my whole body into the warm water as I felt the pleasure consume me.

Once I got myself back into the moment, I washed my hair and stepped out of the shower. Drying myself with a fluffy purple towel, I took a glance in the mirror and grinned, wondering what kind of trouble I was going to get into that night.

Standing in front of my open closet, I flipped through the clothes, trying to find an outfit that was sexy but not over-the-top. I settled on a short black dress with an open back, figuring that I could go out and turn heads at a club if it didn’t work out with Daddy.

I tried to read a book to pass the time until my visit, but nothing could keep my mind off Daddy’s body and the desire I could barely contain. Somehow, I managed to keep myself occupied until it was time to leave.

Dropping off my car with the hotel valet, I caught a glance at myself in the elevator’s mirrored walls. Trying not to smile at how cute I looked, I ended up failing miserably. Luckily, nobody else was in the elevator at the time, and I got out on Daddy’s floor without being embarrassed.

I stood in front of his door, looking down at the room key and not knowing what to do. Should I just walk in? Should I knock? As much fun as it would be to snap in the card, kick the door in, and throw myself at him, I choose the route of slightly more restraint.

I knocked softly and heard his thick voice from inside. “Come in!” Well, that’s it, I guess. I slid the card through the slot and opened the door, stepping tentatively into the room. It was mostly dark, but I could see Daddy sitting on the bed, dressed in a tight black t-shirt and jeans.

“Hey, sweetie. Have a seat.” I smiled, closing the door behind me. I walked over to sit next to him on the bed. He placed his hand lightly on my thigh and I could feel the arousal start to creep through me. He lightly brushed his fingers down my leg, but just as I thought he was about to pull my dress away, he moved away and stood up.

“So, like I said earlier. How about a game of poker?” I nodded, excited to do pretty much anything with Daddy. He sat the two of us down at a small table and pulled out a deck of cards. “Did you bring any chips?” He was grinning, and I shook my head. “Well, it looks like you brought some cute clothes, so why don’t we bet those instead?”

It took a moment for his suggestion to register in my head, but it finally clicked. I took a deep breath and replied. “Strip poker, Daddy? I haven’t ever played before.” He continued to explain, his warm smile calming my nerves.

“Well, it’s pretty simple. Instead of betting money, we bet clothes. And once we’re out of clothes we bet…other things.” He winked, and I nodded. He dealt out the cards and I peeked at mine. Another two Aces. I sure did run good around Daddy.

“Wait a minute, Daddy. I’ve only got one piece of clothing on.”

His grin got wider as he nodded. “Sounds like you better not lose.”

I shook my head, laughing to myself as I put my cards back face down on the table. “I’m all in.” I gave him the patented Chelsea stare down, daring him to call my bet.

“I’ll call.” Well, that’s what I was hoping for. He flipped over his cards to reveal a pair of Kings, a much weaker hand but one that could beat me if he got lucky.

As he dealt out the rest of the cards, I held my breath, not exhaling until the last card had been dealt. It was another Ace, winning me the hand.

He grinned sheepishly, pulling his shirt up over his head and tossing it to the side. kaçak iddaa It landed on the corner of the bed, slowly sliding down to the floor. I took the opportunity to examine his bare chest for the first time and was not disappointed. He wasn’t absurdly muscular, but he had obviously not skimped on going to the gym as he got older, and a slight smattering of gray hair only served to make him appear more distinguished.

Daddy pulled the cards together, shuffling them up for the next hand. “Nice hand, kid.” I stuck my tongue out, teasing him as he dealt out our cards. I was in the zone, playing perfect poker as Daddy lost piece after piece of clothing. Finally, he lost the last hand and stood up, teasing me as he started to pull off his black boxers.

He appeared to change his mind, pulling them back up to rest on his waist and walking toward me. “Why don’t you help me with these, sweetie?” I pondered yanking them off and pushing him down onto the bed, but I decided to continue teasing him.

“I think I can wait, Daddy. Are you unable to undress yourself?” I grinned, absolutely loving the feeling of having Daddy exactly where I wanted him after all these years.

He sighed sarcastically, chuckling as he finally pulled his underwear completely off, leaving himself standing naked in the middle of the hotel room, inviting me to inspect him.

My eyes made contact with his, eventually trailing down his neck to get another glimpse of his muscled chest. His abdominal muscles were subtle but pronounced, but they could only hold my attention for so long. Finally, I got to what I was hoping would be the main course for the evening.

Daddy’s cock was thick and inviting, even it its relaxed state. I dropped to my hands and knees and began to crawl toward him, challenging myself to see if I could turn Daddy on.

The view must have been amazing for him. My breasts hung down into my dress, giving him an eyeful of cleavage as I continued to crawl. When I reached his feet, I ran a hand gently up his calf, teasing him by flicking it up and down his thighs, being careful to avoid actually touching any of his more sensitive areas.

When he was finally completely aroused, I flicked my tongue across his head, smiling at the way his body flinched. I continued to tease him, gently blowing my hot breath onto the head of his wet cock, pushing him to the edge until I felt like neither of us could take any more.

I lifted my hand to hold his balls, gently massaging them as I made slow, wide circles on his head with my tongue. Daddy moaned, and I slowly moved my tongue down onto his cock, pulling it into my mouth.

Taking as long as possible, I finally took his entire length, licking all over as it went completely inside me and was pushed around by my lips and tongue. When I finally felt like neither of us could take any more teasing, I pulled away briefly before diving back onto his cock, sucking and licking it enthusiastically.

My hands stroked up and down, squeezing and pulling his cock. He moved backward to sit down on the bed, and I shoved him playfully, encouraging him to lay down.

He obliged, and I crawled seductively up his body, loving the way his eyes lingered on my chest. I rested on my hands and knees above him, slowly bringing my mouth down to caress his neck. He titled his head backward as I gently sunk my teeth in, gently bringing my mouth shut and sending a shiver down Daddy’s back.

My tongue continued to run down his body, raking across his chest and flicking his nipples. Even with my eyes closed, I could see Daddy writhing beneath me, desperate for my attention to turn back to his cock.

Just as things were heating up, I teased him again by rolling off to the side and cuddling my head to his chest. “Goodnight, Daddy.” I pulled a blanket over us and feigned sleep, but Daddy wasn’t having it. He took my hands and pulled me up to a sitting position, yanking the straps of my dress from my shoulders and letting them fall to my sides.

His firm hands continued to undress me as I sat in the bed, lifting me to pull my dress completely off. As I sat completely naked, I invited Daddy to look over me, feeling the lust that we had hidden for so long. His strong hands took me by the shoulders and pushed me back down. As I relaxed, his hands ran down my body, cupping my breasts and firmly pulling my legs apart.

He kicked the blanket from the bed, sliding down to the foot and putting his body between my legs. I closed my eyes and sank kaçak bahis into the pillow as his tongue began to tease my thighs. His lips nibbled gently at the area around my pussy, denying me the pleasure of the firm touch of his tongue for the moment.

Daddy pressed his hands firmly into my knees, pushing them apart as he ran his tongue in a gentle path around my outer lips. The excitement continued to run through my body, begging for Daddy to please me. But he continued to keep me on the edge, torturing me with the occasional brush of his tongue.

I felt like I couldn’t take it anymore, and pushed myself downward on the bed, pressing my lower body into him. He didn’t back away, and finally, finally, touched his tongue to my aching clit. I let out a desperate moan, and he began to push me faster and faster. I felt like I had been teased for years, waiting for this moment to come.

His lips and tongue didn’t give me any time to relax, relentlessly punishing my clit and pushing my body to climax for him. He slipped a finger inside, gently stroking upward and toward him. The pleasure was being forced through me from both inside and outside my body, and I didn’t know how much longer I could last.

When Daddy pushed a second finger inside me, I finally felt that my body was his to command and I let go of all the control I was trying to exercise. I relaxed completely, and I was rewarded with another of Daddy’s fingers inside me. The tension of him roughly moving in and out while his tongue danced across my clit became too much to take, and my body finally exploded into ecstasy.

What I remember most about my first orgasm with Daddy was the relentless pounding of my heart as my every muscle in my body tensed before relaxing and filling with pure pleasure. He slowed his pace significantly, still pushing warm pleasure into me but relaxing and easing up on my sensitive body.

His warm hands relaxed and then sped up again, squeezing another orgasm from my tired body. As I finally fell back against the pillows, I felt Daddy crawl up beside me on the bed, placing his hand on my chest and feeling my pounding heart.

“Ready to go to sleep now, sweetie?”

“I don’t think so, Daddy.” I pushed him down against the bed and swung a leg over, straddling his chest between my knees. Gently gliding downward on his body, I ran my fingernails down his chest and admired the marks I left. Pressing my hands down on his chest, I kept moving down his body, lifting my hips to hover above his erect cock.

I dug one of my hands into his chest watching as he writhed and smiled at the pain of my fingernails. I took my other hand and moved it beneath myself, gently guiding his cock inside me.

I let out a wonderful moan as I slowly slipped downward and let Daddy’s cock move completely inside me. When I came to rest, I looked into his eyes and saw that he was as consumed as I was, feeling nothing but the passion between us.

I lifted myself up and crashed back down on his cock, loving the feeling of him thrusting inside me. Leaning forward, I dropped my head to meet Daddy’s, thrusting my tongue into his mouth. He pushed back into me, and I wrapped my hands around his head to pull him closer.

While we kissed, I rolled my hips forward and back, rubbing Daddy’s cock against the walls inside me. His hands wrapped around me, pulling me closer. I closed my eyes again and felt his teeth gently biting my ear. The feelings that shot through me left me powerless to resist Daddy’s lust, and I rolled over onto my back, inviting him to have his way with me.

He stood, pulling me by the legs down to the foot of the bed. His strong hands took a firm hold on my hips and thrust, entering me again. My hands laid loosely at my sides, bouncing as Daddy roughly fucked me, pushing himself inside me again and again.

As he increased the pace, I became vaguely aware of his finger on my clit and I felt my body begging to come one more time. Daddy leaned over me as he kept thrusting in and out, and I could see in his eyes that his body was also preparing for climax.

His lips met mine again, pulling us together for a final, deep kiss as we started to climax together. I felt my body squeezing his cock as he started to come deep inside me. His lips and tongue were hot and aggressive, using my mouth as we came.

I did my best to relax as the pleasure washed over us and the world disappeared. The two of us were together in the moment, and it was ecstasy.

When we had finished, he laid on top of me and rolled over, pulling me to rest on his shoulder. Our hearts beat together, and loudly. He stayed until morning, and I awoke later to find another business card of his laying on the table, with a red circle marked around the phone number and a heart scribbled below it.

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