Weight of Penumbra Ch. 03


Synopsis: Before Eclipse, Aliens have lived on earth as humans for decades waiting for the moment to leading up to take it over — The Eclipse. After Eclipse, Gaelen meets Kiowa, the first human allowed to attend college. Little does he know she is not Y’vori; and she doesn’t know he is the King that will lead the final eradication of the humans from the planet he will soon rule. Their story is A Wider Sky. This is the weight of that story.


Weight of Penumbra

Beyond Eclipse

Book 2

by Talyis Bagley Ellison

(C) 2017

Chapter 3

???~Gaelen~ ???

Two entire weeks without Kiowa. Two long, dreadful weeks. I am sure I have a deep trench in my floor, from the number of times I paced my room. Like a restless animal, I walked back and forth across the room trying to alleviate the excitement and complete anxiety that was building in me.

I am surprised my powers haven’t lifted the entire building from its foundation. My eyes often landed on my bed and my thoughts wondered. Could I entice her to come into my bedroom? I pictured my Mouse sitting on the edge of my bed. She would cross her arms across her chest as if to shield herself. Thoughts of her self-preservation were all I needed to undo me, it was why she enticed me. Her sensitivity and kindness matched with her unknowingly sex appeal. Mouse had no clue how sexy she was. She probably never realized how I loved it when she got pouty, her crossed arms emphasized her cleavage. Stars, I’m dying to get a peek of her breasts.

Oh stars, if I think about her breasts now, there is no way I can focus on anything else. Yet, easily my mind drifted to her hips and that stubborn way she would throw them to one side when she was angry.

Her thighs, her lips.

I close my eyes in mental bliss and sink into my sheets. Finally finding some solace in remembering Mouse. Her lips were so soft. I wonder how soft, silky soft the rest of her would be. If only, I couldn’t finally get her to loosen up. Soon she will be in my home and any kind of feelings of fear of me, we could resolve.

I couldn’t wait to see her. I nearly picked up my tablet to call Taxa or Bane to travel to purgatory and see Kiowa at her host family.

I couldn’t wait to have Mouse in my arms again. I know my thinking is running a locomotive. My wants will not progress in a fast fashion, Mouse was slow like a turtle. I had work to do. A lot of mending work, and that was the truth. Mouse may still be lost to me forever. She didn’t trust me.

She was probably terrified once she got the summons to come to my home for the rest of her vacation. I am so happy but I know it wasn’t fair because Mouse wouldn’t be able to spend the entire time with her mom. She cared so much for her mother that was evident in those brief hours that I had spied on her. I found another side to Mouse, she carried tremendous responsibility for others.

My thoughts landed on Matthias, the human in Kiowa’s colony. I don’t like him, he’s slimy and I think he was up to something. He was going to use Mouse’s sweetness and care, I know it. I thrust my hands in the air with a pant of anger. My things that were peacefully sitting on my tables floated in the air.

I want to destroy that human. If he dares to make Mouse shed one more tear, I will tear him limb from limb as the barbarian humans did before-Eclipse.

Fuck, I shook my hand and everything came back into perfect order.

I had to stop thinking of humans that way. Kiowa was human and I loved her. If she heard me think of humans as barbarians, which I’m not sure they are, she would scowl and never believe a word I would say in my defense for my love for her.

Fuck. How was I going to win her back especially now as I pull her away from her mother and comfort? I am sure she won’t like it here, even I rather not be here around my father. I rubbed the spot in the center of my forehead that was tightly-strung with tension.

Fuck. I want my father to just lay off my back for one moment. Don’t let this blow your mind: being the future King was not a carefree life of ordering people around. I had my father to ensure that my head was grounded and level – below the ground, if at all possible. I am never going to be able to live down that I am a defect, My entire family sees that I can never rise to the occasion necessary to be a good king because I am a defect.

Fuck. My tablet buzzed and Sebol’s straight smile flashed.

“What!” I snapped

“What’s your problem?” Sebol snapped back, “I’m calling to say hello.”

“Hello,” I said coldly.

“Gaelen, it’s ok. No one thinks any less of you because you had fallen in love with the human. Actually, you should be really pleased with me. I told everyone that you had known all along and you were just prepping yourself to deal with the humans in the end.”

It was a good lie. It was partially true, as well. Professor Windsor said so himself at the beginning of the school year. Good job Sebol.

But my actions towards canlı bahis Kiowa when we return to school would also be watched very closely. People will watch to see what potential I have to lead the last extermination of the humans and the full reclaim of the planet. Fuck!

“You could say thanks,” Sebol snided. “Hello, Hello? Gaelen what are you doing?”

I flicked my fingers bringing my tablet into the air above me. Showing me and my empty bed and neat room.

“Nothing. You know its just sucks being home. I miss you, babe.”

“Aww, I missed you too. Come on out. The girls, Taxa, Bane and I are going to go to Purgatory. The word is the human is there.”

“Why don’t you leave her alone,” Again the pressure in my forehead build.

“Why should we? She had some nerve thinking she could go to school with us, try to blend in with us and even worse come to The Realm.”

“I am sure she didn’t have a choice. Did Taxa or Bane say anything about last week?”

“No why? What’s happening last week?”

Hot air flew out of my chest with relief. Kiowa’s visit was only between the family and my father’s close officials. Fuck, if my friends were going to see Kiowa in Purgatory who knows what they had in mind. I had to go. I was thrilled to go. I couldn’t wait until tomorrow evening when she was to come to our house — to be a guinea pig for my father’s curiosities. No doubt, he also wanted to see how I would react to her but I don’t care. I love her and if he had a problem with that, I was going to make it known. Fuck, I was the future king and I had a mandate – my first mandate to stand firm on my lover. No one touches Mouse.”

“Yeah, I’ll go with you. Meet me at my house. And my brother is coming too.”

“Ok. I can’t wait to see you, Babe.” She flew a kiss to me and then unlinked.

I was going to see Kiowa. Fuck yeah!

?????¯??.ºO•??•~•??•Oº ?????¯??

Purgatory is odd. Even with the gang of us walking down the manicured streets lined with houses. It was the perfection of before-Eclipse. I even think I caught glimpses of what I remembered as a child living in a neighborhood like this. It was a stark difference from the colony Kiowa grew up in. Here the homes had everything. In Kiowa’s colony, she didn’t even have her own bed to rest her head on.

Up head, I can hear the girls gossiping in hushed whispers. I had a sinking feeling that this was not going to be a good idea, even though my impulse was always to forsake logic just to see Mouse again. I’d do anything stupid right now just to glance at Kiowa through a window to watch her do whatever it is she does in a given moment of the day.

Fuck, what am I now, some kinda perv?

I growled to myself, I need to be here to protect Kiowa from whatever Sebol has in mind. I was so glad my brother, Anesola was with me. I wasn’t sure where Bane stood on the issue of me and humans, but Taxa was gun ho and itching to kill humans and Anesola was the only one to reign him in. I overheard my brother say to my second, “your time to kill humans will come soon.” “It’s hunting season my brother,” Taxa responded.

Fuck, he was truly bent on destroying Kiowa as his first victim in his line of upcoming victims in the annihilation of the Earth’s first inhabitants. It was a good thing I was here.

“No one touches Kiowa. If she is to die, it will be by my hands.” I wanted to throw up saying it, my stomach twisted in knots and my temples pulsated with stress. It was Kiowa’s request, that I end her, not anyone else. The thought made me sick.

“What do you mean “if she is to die”?” Taxa snarled.

“I think it’s here?” Haazic interrupted and took a mini break from fondling my other second, Bane. Ever since their soles had opened revealing each other’s name; they were as it should be, mindlessly insatiable love of each other.

This wasn’t the case for me. I had to win my loves heart. She had no reason to trust me, but I was determined to figure a way to have her see me again. See me who I really am and my position on humans.

“There’s a light on, let’s go through the window and see if we can see her.” Haazic whispered, her tone was almost wicked.

I furrowed my eyebrows. I remember Haazic was Mouse’s first college friend and she was so excited to have an actual friend who wanted to be her friend. Dylan, her hallmate only wanted to watch tv and she didn’t allow my Mouse to pick any of the shows. Kiowa was just ornamental to Dylan.

Sebol was the first to peek through the window and then turned to us giggling. Her perfect manicured hand covering her mouth but her eyes were slitted with glee.

“Look at how they live! So primitive!” Haazic whispered.

I rolled my eyes, this was far from primitive compared to the colony life.

“Look, she’s writing,” Sebol giggled.

“Is she by herself?” Haazic asked.

“Yeah, poor thing looks so sad about losing Gaelen.”

She did? My ears seemed to perk up. I had to see her. If I don’t see her, I know I will combust.

The kaçak iddaa girls dashed around the corner of the house to the patio. Bane chased after, grabbing Haazic’s ass for good measure. Taxa hopped and then ran while slamming his fists in his meaty palm, licking his chops. My brother and I ran around the corner but just as we were catching up, Sebol was already knocking on the sliding door window, startling Kiowa.

Fuck don’t open the door, Mouse, I pleaded with her in my mind.

She looked at the window curiously and then her body tensed like a wooden board not breathing taking in air and not releasing any either.

She hesitated at first and then looked around the room, ensuring no one knew we were here. She then girded herself, her eyes narrowed and he stature becoming as big as she could make it.

“What do you want?” She said through the pane.

“We just wanted to visit our friend?” Haazic responded with a smile, Bane sneaking his hands into her front pockets leaning over her.

“We are friends?” Kiowa asked suspiciously.

“Come one, we came all the way out here to see you,” Sebol added. “And see Gaelen is here.” She pulled me in front of her. Now, all that lies between me and Kiowa is the patio glass. God I wish I were on the other side of the glass

Kiowa opened the door.

“What are you doing here? Can’t you get into trouble?” Kiowa whispered.

“We own this planet. We can go anywhere we please at anytime we please, ” Sebol said as she pushed past Kiowa and picked up the notebook Kiowa was writing in. “Ohhh, a little diary. Let’s see what is on the mind of The Human that dared to attend college.”

“Please don’t,” Kiowa reached for Sebol, but Taxa held her back.

“Ben and Maddie must have had another fight, because the house seems a bit off, not carefree or welcoming as it was before. Since I got here, Ben has only said ‘hello’ and ate dinner on his own. Maddie didn’t eat dinner with me either, she just said ‘take anything you want from the fridge.’ They only time they shared a room together was when they sat silently reading books on either side of the room. I felt like one of those kids my mom talked about where the kid was put in the middle of feuding parents — awkward situations not know which side to pick.

This was different it was odd ever since the moment I came back to college that they had been fighting. Maybe Maddie wants to have children and the strees of not being able to ever be a mother was getting to their marriage. Ever since I came back, they seem to become more and more distant. I didn’t want to brooch the topic, it wasn’t my place to pry.” Ohh,” Sebol added with a cruel smile. “That’s right we castrate and sterilze them to make sure they are infertile.”

“Please give me my notebook back,” Kiowa wriggled out of Taxa’s hold.

“No,” Sebol said raising her notebook with her power out of Kiowa’s reach.

“Ohh, it gets juicy!” Sebol said and then continued to read. “I miss my mom so much. I wish I knew why I was summoned to come here so soon. I wanted to spend time with my mom. I don’t want to go back to school. I am terrified. “

The girls cackled loudly, teasing Kiowa. Aw poor Mouse. I was right, I was selfish. Mouse needed the time to be with her mother, not spend it at my house.

“I wish Gaelen were here to be a distraction. He was so good at distracting me. I miss him too. I don’t know where stand with him,” Sebol read and then yelled at Kiowa. “No where. Got that. You stand no where with our king.” Sebol slapped the notebook closed and then pulled Kiowa close to her.

“Hey hey, none of that,” Anesola stepped in.

“Scum,” Sebol said and pushed Kiowa back.

Haazic laughed and Kiowa’s eyes began to burn.

“Are you getting angry, Human?” Sebol added.

“I thought you were my friend, ” Kiowa said facing Haazic.

“I am not friends with humans,” Haazic said coldly.

“You wanna know how we found out you were human?” Sebol laughed.

“Haazic overheard you say you were human. She told me and well the rest is history.”

“Great thanks, now that that’s all cleared up. You can go, now.” Kiowa said and then turned away from Sebol.

Sebol launched at Kiowa for turning her back. Her manicured red nails clawed at Kiowa but surprisingly Mouse fought back with the barbarous cat.

Anesola and I quickly jumped in and pulled the women a part, me holding Sebol and Anesola grabbing Kiowa.

“See he doesn’t want anything to do with you,” Sebol said as she matched my grip on her by turning to me and kissing me hard on the lips. I watched Kiowa’s eyes burn with pain. Fuck, whatever inkling of trust she had in me was now ruined.

“Kiowa, I am sorry. We are going now,” I said to her.

“Why did you come here anyways. What, for shits and giggles that you come watch the captive animals? Is this your zoo field trip?” Kiowa trembled violently with anger.

“How dare you speak to the King in that tone,” Bane’s voice boomed with threat. I guess kaçak bahis I know where he stands. He had so much malice in his voice I didnt know he had it in him. He had been so lovey dovey with Haazic lately. No Bane was supposed to be a general, a warrior. Fuck, I had two angst driven lions as seconds that wanted to rip my girlfriend a part for lunch.

“He is not my King!” She spat out and Bane lunged at my little Mouse.

Anesola quickly assessed and grabbed Kiowa to him and held his hand out to stop Bane, “Relax, no one is disrespecting Gaelen or you.”

Anesola’s and my tablet began to buzz adding to the chaotic energy. Something was going to go badly very soon.

“You promised me!” Kiowa’s eyes burned into me.

Shit, what did I promise? I promised to figure a way. I promised to love her. I couldn’t think above the incessant buzzing of my tablet. It dawned she meant I promised to kill her.

Anesola unfolded his tablet while still maintaining Kiowa safely in his arms huddle over her, holding her in a safe embrace with back to Bane and my dangerous Y’vori friends.

“We need to leave. Now!” Anesola spat.

“Why?” Haazic asked pulled Bane to her now, turning the roaring lion back into a love dazed poppet.

“Because the rebels have led an uprising in one of the colonies,” I answered still reading my father’s screaming text message for me and Anesola. I was his peevish child breaking curfew. “Where the fuck I am?” as my father put it so eloquently in his text. My jaw popped with annoyance and relief. “We have to go.”

“Thank’s for your hospitality Human. We will see you at school,” Sebol sneared and turned to leave followed by Haazic with Bane at her heals.”

Taxa narrowed his eyes on me as if he were challenging me to dare be kind towards Kiowa.

“You are dismissed, Taxa.” Anesola commanded in my stead. Taxa huffed loudly and then turned to stalked through the patio door as well.

I shifted my feet with my hands in my pocket. I had to say something, anything to make this horrible visit better. “This is Anesola. He’s my eldest brother,” I said sheepishly. I don’t know why I was introducing my brother to her. Maybe I just wanted her to see that my family wasn’t completely horrible, because for sure in the next 24 hours she would learn how terrible my parents were especially concerning humans survival on their planet. Wow, I am already sounding like one of them — the rebels.

“Thanks, Anesola,” She said and pulled herself out of his protective embrace.

Kiowa quickly retrieved her notebook from the ground, “I thought journalling would help. Apparently not.” She tore the pages out of the notebook and crumbled them up. She walked up the single stair to the kitchen and turned on the stove’s gas lighting a fire. She set fire to her thoughts, emotions and feelings that she had so delicately penned on the burning pages

“Can I hug you?” I asked in a near whisper.

She blinked her eyes in disbelief, “You didn’t even say anything!”

Oh Fuck!

ºO•?? ~Kiowa~ ?•?Oº

They finally left. First Anesola, Gaelen’s brother and then Gaelen. As soon, as I couldn’t see the backs of their heads, I collapsed onto the floor, taking huge breaths of air. I didn’t need Gaelen on my mind right now. I needed to focus. On anything, but Gaelen, but his face and his actions just watching and hearing my intimate thoughts being read by Sebol…

I grabbed the throw pillow and screamed into it.

I could feel someone near my back. I jumped to my feet. It was only Ben.

“Sorry,” Ben replied as he came out of the shadows. “I was coming down for a glass of water. Who are they?”

“Friends,” I said with a sigh and a lie.

“They don’t seem like friends.”

My cheeks burned with embarrassment. He saw me being bullied, “I suppose they aren’t.”

“Aliens,” Ben shook his head. “They are not supposed to be here.”

“They go where ever they please,” I hated quoting Sebol but she was right.

“Yes and it seems you can go anywhere as well,” he said with contempt laced delicately within the old Ben, who was my kinda caring father figure.

“What do you mean?”

“I didn’t just come down for a glass of water. It seems we have learned the meaning behind your early return to stay with us. Tomorrow, you are to travel to The Realm. You are going to leave and spend the rest of your time with a host family in The Realm.”

“What?” My eyes blinked nervously.

“Did I hear correctly? Were rebels leading a revolt? Humans are fighting against the aliens?”

In that moment, Ben had came to life, the most alive that I had seen him since returning to their home. I don’t know why I didn’t debate why I started blurting out information, but I did. “Some Y’vori feel that humans should have a place in this world and they are helping humans in the other colonies.”

“Y’vori care about humans?” He seemed as shocked as it sounded.

“Some,” I encouraged.

But how did I know if it were true? I only knew and trained with Samson all of two whole weeks before being summoned to Purgatory. The way Samson trained, anyone would think there was a ulterior motive or he was a demanding commander only expecting superior excellence in performance as a solider under his command.

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