

He sat alone at the top of the sand dune. The beach was empty, yet teaming with life. There was a line of pelicans gliding along on a wind current skimming across the top of the water, gulls high overhead, calling to each other and the tiny terns running along the edge of the shore line. It had been so long since he had been this alone. Every day, all day long it seemed as if there was someone talking to him, needing something from him – – the demands made on his time had reached a boiling point and he was nearing meltdown. This moment in time was priceless. To be all alone – no phones, no faxes, no memos to answer, no voices other then the call of the birds. The sun was just on the verge of setting and the breeze was cool and moist on his face. The surf was crashing against the shore and now his heart seemed to beat in time with each crash. He could feel his body relaxing in the peace of the scene stretching out before him. This is what he needed; the sounds of the gulls calling, the crash of the waves, and the sound of the wind whistling through the sea grass and peace and solitude. What could be better?

She slammed her car into park and sat gripping the steering wheel. “What else?” What else could possibly go wrong?” she screamed in her mind. Today had been so hectic and full of demands, everyone wanting something at the same time. No, that wasn’t right, they didn’t just want, they were demanding, either by phone, fax, memo or e-mail…. It was so frustrating. How much more could she give? God, she was tired; tired of being on the go, tired of being needed, tired of all the demands. It seemed lately that there wasn’t any time for her. Well….. She was going to make some time now. This was her favorite spot in the world. The beach was always deserted at this time of day. All the times she had been here in the past there was no one ever around. She felt safe as she got out of her car and walked barefooted towards the high dune that offered the best spot to view the sunset.

As he sat there enthralled by the sunset and bedava bahis the symphony of sound surrounding him he became aware of a different noise. When he turned his head toward the sound he thought his heart would stop. Standing above him was a vision. Her legs were long and beautifully shaped. The wind blew her dress tight against her body, clearly revealing a fabulous shape. Her long hair whipped about her face. But it was her eyes that held him. Startled blue eyes opened wide, much like a deer caught in oncoming headlights staring right at him.

Just as she reached the top of the dune she stopped short because if she had taken one more step she would have fallen across him. A startled sound of surprise escaped her lips and he turned to look up at her. She took him all in at once. Lounging there, with his feet buried in the sand, his shirt open revealing curly black chest hair. He seemed so relaxed and at ease with himself sitting there. Then he did something that took her breath away. Looking at her with eyes as deep blue as the ocean, he smiled, a smile that touched his eyes and held her spellbound. She did the only thing she could do…… she sat down next to him.

“My God” he thought, “where did she come from?” He watched her hand move to her face to push the hair away from her eyes and he smiled at her. With a graceful, fluid movement she sat next to him and as she did her arm brushed against his. It was like an electric shock. The lightening tingle of her skin momentarily touching his brought a totally unexpected reaction. Suddenly he was rock hard.

Never before had she been so bold. Here she was sitting next to a strange man on a deserted beach. This was NOT a good idea. The minute she sat down and her arm brushed his she felt like a bolt of electricity had shoot through her and for some strange reason she wasn’t afraid. She turned to him with a half formed question on her lips only to find him already looking at her. The tip of her tongue came out and licked along her bottom lip and he casino siteleri must have taken that as an invitation because…..

……..when she turned toward him her lips were slightly parted and her tongue came out and seemed to stroke her bottom lip and all thought and reason flew from his head. For the first time in his life he reacted without thought. He leaned towards her and touched his lips to hers.

As soon as his lips touched hers she felt a jolt of pure pleasure. Her heart suddenly felt as if it would pound through her chest. A small sound of both surprise and pleasure emerged from deep within her as his tongue slipped between her lips. Every part of her body was suddenly alive and tingly. His hand slid up her side and gently, almost tentatively, began to caress her breast. Her nipples grew hard and began to ache with a desire to have his mouth and tongue suck them. The small sound of pleasure in the back of her throat grew into a groan of desire.

The touch of her lips and the very smell of her brought forth a desire in him that had been dormant for so long. He knew in that moment that he had been sleepwalking through life. This woman, here and now, had awakened a hunger in him. His hand slid up her side and gently cupped her breast. As his thumb brushed across her nipple he could feel it harden through the material that separated his fingers from her flesh. His hands quickly began to undo the tiny buttons down the front of her dress and as his fingers fumbled she reached up and finished the job for him. Pink lace held creamy, firm breasts in place. With a quick movement she reached behind and unclasped her bra. Her breasts were beautiful. High and firm with nipples that were big and pink and hard. He lowered his mouth and took one in and began to suck and nibble with such passion all she could do was throw her head back and groan in glorious pleasure. As he sucked his hand slid up her thigh and with his thumb he gently, yet firmly began to stroke her through her lace panties.

As bahis siteleri soon as his mouth touched her nipple a wave of unreasonable desire began to form within her. All she wanted was for him to touch her when his thumb brushed against her clit. There was only one thought now and that was the need to have him in her. Her hands reached out and found his belt, and as if by magic they were both suddenly undressed. As she lay back on their discarded clothes he moved on top of her and she opened her legs in welcome.

As he moved on top of her he looked down to find her gazing at him with such intensity that he felt himself shake. Her legs parted and with a need as old as mankind himself, he entered her. With the sky on fire above him he found his rhythm with the crash of the surf against the shore. When her legs wrapped around him he felt as though he could melt right into her. His thrusts were strong and sure. Each thrust deep into her brought forth a moan of pleasure.

She was wet and ready for him. When his cock pressed against her and then pushed deep within she tightened around him. Her legs wrapped around him as if to push him deeper inside. The feeling was incredible. Every nerve in her body was alive. His rhythm was bringing her almost to a point of madness. A tingling began at the soles of her feet and then worked its way up through her entire body until the explosion. She shook with wave after wave of orgasm.

He could feel her orgasm take hold of her. When she cried out in release he let himself go. The tightness of her was incredible. He felt his cock grow rigid and every nerve in his body seemed to explode as he filled her with his orgasm. With a gasp and deep groan he shuddered and buried his face in her neck. He lay on top of her spent and completely satisfied.

After a soft kiss he rolled off and they lay quietly side by side, both spent. With the sun almost gone and the breeze turning cooler they both stood and quickly dressed, casting shy smiles at each other.

Fully clothed he stood close to her, wrapping strong yet gentle arms around her. She laid her head against his chest and listened to his heart beat. With a gentle kiss she was suddenly off and running down the dune.

He could only watch as she seemed to take flight.

She never looked back.

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