Zoe’s Challenge


Carl stopped just as he pulled in his driveway to watch the girl do a hook shot. Her name was Zoe and she was an all around athlete. She was on the Volleyball team, the basketball team, the swim team and was a star on each. Those were just the one’s Carl knew about. She was close to graduation and hoped she would receive at least a few recruitment letters from colleges for at least one of the sports she played. Because of those hopes she practiced every night and Carl was happy to help her.

Zoe’s family had moved in next to Carl when Zoe was in grade school. The house they lived in didn’t have a basketball hoop, or room to put one up. Carl on the other hand had a very large drive and a regulation hoop. It wasn’t long before Zoe had asked Carl if she could use his hoop to practice. And not much later Carl was practicing with her and coaching her.

Over the next few years Carl watched the girl grow from a gangly young girl to a toned and fit young athlete. And as she grew and matured Carl couldn’t help but notice how fantastic she looked. Now at 18, 19 in a month, she was gorgeous. She was 5′ 8″ tall, weighed 135lbs, with shoulder length black hair and green eyes. Her legs were toned and shapely, as was the rest of her young body from all the sports she did.

Carl pulled his car all the way into the drive got out and yelled, “Hey Zoe. Ready for some one on one?”

“Sure.” she yelled back, “If you don’t mind getting beat!”

Carl grinned at her chutzpah and said, “Let me change, I’ll be right out.”

Carl changed into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, pulled on his sneakers and trotted back out to the drive. He stopped to watch Zoe do a lay up and marveled at her form, at least with part of his mind. The other part was admiring the round firmness of her ass under her tight shorts.

Carl had covertly ogled the girl for the last year. He tried not to let her catch him staring at her and would never make a move, but always wished he could. He was totally and completely in secret lust with her.

Zoe tossed him the ball and said, “Come on, let’s see if you can get past me!”

Carl loved this part of the game. Zoe was an aggressive player and trying to dribble past her she would end up bumping into him. The feel of her firm body against him always gave him an instant hard on and 50% of the time he would end up losing the ball. Of course that wasn’t bad because that gave him an excuse to cop a few feels as she tried to dribble past him.

They played for half an hour then Carl called a halt. He grabbed two sodas out of the fridge in the garage and held one out to Zoe. She took it and chugged half of it before letting out a long sigh and flopping down into one of the lawn chairs Carl had in front of the garage.

“So, any letters yet?” Carl asked sipping his soda.

“One, from Central.” Zoe replied, “But there should be a few more soon.”

“A few more my ass!” Carl laughed, “You’re going to see plenty when things break loose!”

“I hope so.” Zoe replied wishfully.

“I know so.” Carl came back, then added, “And on the boy front, have you taken any of them up on their offers?”

“No.” Zoe replied shortly, “None of them interest me or for that matter are a match for me. Bobby Green did get fresh last weekend after the game. I guess he figured because he is the quarterback of the football team I’d just melt for him.”

“What happened?” Carl asked.

“He caught me in the locker room by myself and tried to…aw…you know.” she said.

“Cop some feels?” Carl finished for her.

“Well…yea kinda. He pushed me against the locker and tried to put his hands down my shorts. I think he wanted more then to cop a feel. He kept saying, ‘You know you want it’.”

“Sounds like he wanted much more then a feel. It sounds like he wanted to fuck you.” Carl

replied with a grin, waiting for her response to his use of the word.

To his surprise, rather then her being shocked or angry, she grinned and said smugly, “Yea. He wanted to fuck me, but I’m not about to fuck that dumb asshole so I whipped his ass instead.”

“He must be a pussy.” Carl said.

“Why? Because he didn’t mange it? Or because I’m a girl and I beat his ass?” She asked.

“Zoe you know I like you, a lot. But if a guy was bigger than you and wanted to fuck you, you wouldn’t be able to stop him.”

“You think so huh?” she said thrusting her chin out, “I’ll bet they couldn’t!”

“Ok, ok,” Carl said, “Let’s not argue about it. Another round?” He asked pointing at the basket.

“Sure. I’ll beat you again!” She laughed as she grabbed the ball.

After the game Zoe headed home and Carl watched her go, admiring the sway of her firm ass cheeks as she trotted away. The next day when he arrived home from work Zoe was sitting in one of the lawn chairs waiting for him.

When he got out of his car she jumped up and ran to him yelling, “Look! I got six letters from six different colleges today!”

Carl grinned and said,”See? Didn’t I tell canlı bahis you when it broke loose you were going to be buried?”

“Yea, you were right.” Zoe said with a grin.

They played basketball for almost an hour before Zoe went home. The next day she had 5 more letters and the day after (Friday) she had four more. Carl helped her look over the letters and organize them into a pile she was interested in and one she wasn’t.

When they were done Zoe said, “Thanks Carl. What are you going to be doing tomorrow?”

“Not a thing!” He said with a grin, “I’m sleeping in!”

“Cool! Will you have time for a game?” She asked.

“Sure, when?”

“I like the afternoons when the sun is off the driveway. It’s not so hot then.” She said.

“5:00 PM?” He asked.

“Ok, see you then.” Zoe replied as she stood and headed home.

As always Carl watched her go wishing he could get his hands on her naked body. The next day at 5:00 Carl was warming up by shooting baskets when Zoe arrived. When he saw her he was both puzzled and pleased. She wasn’t dressed to play. Instead she was dressed in a tight wife beater t-shirt, a mid thigh length skirt and sandals.

“Hey,” he greeted her, “I thought we were going to play?”

“Not today,” she said, “Instead I want you to do me a favor.”

“Sure. You know I will. ” Carl replied.

“You weigh what? 170 or so?” Zoe asked.

“Yea, 175 to be exact.” Carl replied.

“And you’re in really good shape too.” Zoe added.

Carl laughed and replied, “I like to think so!”

“Can we go into the house to talk?” she asked.

“Sure, come on.” He motioned her to follow as he lead the way into the house.

He walked to his livingroom and motioned her to a seat. She sat down on one end of the couch and he sat on the other.

He turned to face her and said, ‘Ok, so what’s this about?”

“Well…aw…well…here it is,” Zoe said, “I’ve been thinking about what you said, about if a guy was big enough and strong enough he could you know, aw…fuck me and I wouldn’t be able to stop him.”

“Yea, I still think someone like that could.” Carl said.

“I..aw…I want you to try.” Zoe said.

“What did you just say?” Carl asked stunned.

“I…aw…I want you to try. You’re big and strong. I don’t think you can but if anyone could, it would be you.”

Carl’s mind went blank and he didn’t know what to say.

Finally he came to his senses and asked, “Wait a second! You want me to try to rape you? And how far did you want me to go with this to prove I could?”

“Well, it won’t prove anything if you just stop before you get far enough would it? I don’t think you can, in fact I’m sure you won’t be able to, but if you can manage to get to the point where you are…aw…” Zoe giggled then added,” ready to fuck me I’ll admit it can be done.”

“I’m still confused. How far and what does ‘ready to fuck you’ mean?” Carl asked, both stunned by the request and excited by the possibility of finally getting part of his fantasy, to touch and see her fabulously sexy body, full filled.

“Well ok…aw…let’s see…if you…aw…get to where you are ready to put your…dick,” Zoe’s

cheeks colored a bit, “in me and I haven’t been able to stop you, that would do it.” Zoe said her cheeks flushing pink.

“I don’t know Zoe. I’m not sure this is a good idea and I’m still not completely sure how far you really want me to go.” Carl replied.

Zoe let out an exasperated sigh and said,” OK, let me put it bluntly, if you can get my panties off, if you can your dick against my pussy so all you have to do is shove it in, I’ll admit it can be done, OK? Please? I need to find out for sure if it could happen. I’ll be going off to college next year and I might get into a situation where I need to know this.”

“Zoe, I could go to jail for doing that!” Carl said.

“Carl I’d never do that to you!” Zoe said.

“I’m sure you wouldn’t, but what if someone else found out? Your parents for example? Even if you told them you wanted me to they may not believe you. I’d rather not chance that.” Carl said.

She bit her lip as she looked around the livingroom. Her eyes stopped on his laptop sitting on the coffee table.

“What if I make a video of me saying I wanted you to? Would that work?” She asked.

“Well, yea for the legal part. But when I get you to the point where I could rape you, I’m going to be seeing and touching you, all your private parts, you know that right? And how is that going to change our relationship? I don’t think it would be good for our friendship.” He said.

“As far as I’m concerned if you manage to get me to that point, which I don’t think you can, it’s not going to change anything. I will still like you and consider you my friend. After all I asked you to do it didn’t I?”

Carl had to admit to himself he wanted to. The thought of seeing and touching this young sexy girl was almost over powering.

Finally against his better judgement kaçak iddaa Carl heard himself say, “Ok. I’ll do it. When do you want to do this?”

“Now.” Zoe replied a quiver in her voice, “Right now, before I change my mind.”

Carl breathed a sigh and said, “Ok. Let’s make your video first.”

Carl quickly set up his lap top and turned on the camera.

Zoe sat down in front of it, smiled and said, “For anyone who sees this I’ve asked my friend Carl to help me with a project. I told him I didn’t think a guy could rape me if I didn’t want him to. He has agreed to try and I have agreed to let him try. No matter what happens this is not rape. I have agreed to it and Carl is completely innocent.”

Zoe looked up at him and asked, “Good enough?”

“Good enough. Come on out to the garage then.” Carl said, leading the way.

Carl had a work out area set up in his garage and thought that might be the best place to do it.

As he stepped into the garage and said, “Give me a second to clear some of this stuff out of the way.”

It didn’t take him long and he had the exercise equipment pushed up against the walls. The floor in the middle was covered by a large exercise mat.

He turned to Zoe and said, “Before we do this, I want you to think about it, that you’ve asked me to try to rape you, fuck you. Again you do realize I have to touch you to do this?”

Zoe giggled and replied, “Geez Carl, you’ve been copping feels from me for years! The only difference now is you’ll have to take my clothes off and you’ll be touching my naked skin… that is if you can.”

It surprised and embarrassed Carl that Zoe realized what he’d been doing over the years.

“I didn’t…” Carl began and was cut off by a wave of Zoe’s hand.

“I know you were doing it. I let you. I also know that sometimes you let me win while we are playing. But this is different. This time you can’t take it easy on me. I have to know if this can really happen, or if I can stop you.”

Carl stood staring at the young girl for a second, then said, “Ok, if this is what you want. I won’t be taking it easy on you.”

Carl walked over, opened a cabinet and grabbed a roll of electrical tape from inside and shoved it into the pocket of his shorts. He turned and walked back to Zoe, who was watching him. When he was close without warning he grabbed her wrists and pulled her to him. Zoe was taken by surprise but it didn’t take her long to react. A moment later Carl found he had an armful of wildcat. Zoe was kicking, hitting and struggling with all her strength to get away from him.

Zoe scratched him, bit him and her thrashing fists and flailing feet connected hard several times. A time or two when she hit him hard Carl thought he was going to have to let her go, but he held on trying to get a grip on both her wrists. He finally managed, then as he held her wrists he tripped her so they fell to the floor. He landed on top of her and heard her breath leave her. She lay still, stunned by the fall and impact.

Before she could recover Carl, pulled her wrists together and with a few quick wraps, he had them taped tightly together. When Zoe realized what had happened she renewed her efforts to get loose. This time Carl sat on her legs and held her wrists pinned above her head, letting her use up her energy. Soon her struggles weakened, then stopped. She lay under him breathing hard from the exertion.

After a few moments of rest, he decided it was time to get on with it. The thought of seeing and touching her naked body had his cock rock hard. He slid down until he was sitting on her ankles. He slipped his hand up under her skirt and hooked his fingers into the band of her panties. When Zoe felt him do that she again began to thrash and kick. With his weight on her ankles holding them down it did her little good.

Carl worked her panties down off her hips and down to her knees as he sat on her ankles to keep her legs restrained. When he had her panties around her knees he slid up until he was sitting on her thighs, reached behind him and pulled her panties the rest of the way down her legs and off.

Carl slipped one knee between her legs and began to pry them apart. Zoe was almost exhausted, but as she felt Carl place his knee inside her legs, releasing one she again began to struggle. Carl stopped, held her free leg down with one hand while keeping her wrists pinned with the other and waited until she quit struggling, then moved his other knee between her legs. He was now in a position to take her, but both her legs were also free. When Zoe felt her legs free she went wild, kicking at him as hard as she could.

Carl quickly straddled one leg to hold it as he grabbed the ankle of the wildly thrashing other leg. He held on letting her struggle. He felt her movement get weaker and weaker until she stopped, panting, totally exhausted. He pulled the leg he held down and straddled it too, pinning both beneath him. He reached down and worked his shorts kaçak bahis down until his raging hardon sprang out. With one quick move he placed both knees between her legs shoved them apart and quickly wiggled into position where his cock was nestled against her warm slit.

As he did he felt the crown of his cock settle between her soft, warm, wet, pussy lips, then felt her tremble. Carl, more then anything in the world, wanted to push, to slide his hard rod into her until his balls slapped her firm young ass. But he knew this was as far as he was suppose to go. If he did any more it really would be rape.

“I told you I could.” He groaned as he rubbed the head of his cock up and down her warm,

slippery groove,”I could take you right now and you couldn’t do a damn thing about it. This should prove it can happen, but now I..I…should stop…I have to stop.”

She didn’t say a thing, just stared at him with her lower lip caught between her teeth. Carl stared into her eyes, the tip of his cock nestled against her warm, wet entrance. The thought filled his head, all he had to do was push, one push and he’d be buried balls deep inside her. His long time fantasy would be full filled. And even if it was rape, with the video she had made he could claim it was consensual. He nudged forward a fraction of an inch and felt her pussy lips spread around the tip of his cock.

‘One push,’ He thought, ‘that’s all it would take, one push and I will be inside her and no one can say I raped her.’

The more Carl thought about it, the more he convinced himself he should. He grabbed her hip with his free hand and was on the verge of slamming forward when he saw a look in her eyes that made him stop. Her eyes were wide, full of emotion and Carl interpreted it as fear.

“Carl, what…what are you going to do?” Zoe whispered.

He stared at her as he pushed forward a fraction more. He could feel the wet lips of her pussy hugging the crown of his cock.

“One push, that’s all it would take, “Carl muttered staring into her eyes,”I told you I could.

One…push…and you will be…I will have…raped you.”

Carl wanted to, god how he wanted to. He felt himself tense, knew he was a split second away from lunging forward and taking his young friend. Of a sudden the years of watching her grow up, of mentoring her, playing basketball with her hit him. He could feel the warmth of her labia around the head of his cock, inviting him in, inviting him to slide his hard shaft all the way into her. As he felt that powerful urge to enter her, as he stared down at her, he was filled with a feeling of revulsion at what he had almost done. She stared back, her eyes wide, filled with emotion.

“I told you I could. “Carl said a note of sadness in his voice,”What you don’t understand is how close I am to actually doing it. I think I’ve proven I could.”

Carl began to slowly pull back, trying, with gritted teeth, to maintain his resolve not to do what he so desperately wanted to. As he did he felt Zoe’s legs move and a moment later felt them wrap around his hips, trapping him.

“Zoe,”Carl said, “what are you doing? I…have to get up…I need to get up or I’ll…I’ll…”

To his surprise Zoe’s arms rose and circled his neck. Her wrists were still taped together and she used them to pull him back down to her. As she pulled him down Carl became aware that she was breathing hard. His eyes met her’s, which were wide with the emotion he had thought was fear. As she used her strong athletic legs to pull him in, the crown of his hard rod again nestled between her warm, slippery inviting lips.

“Do it.” Zoe moaned, “Do it Carl! Do it!”

“Zoe, I…” Carl began.

“DO IT!” Zoe groaned loudly, “Take me! Do it now!”

As she moaned her request she used her strong young legs to pull him forward and at the same time raised her hips, forcing the head of his cock into her tight entrance a bit farther.

When he felt the wet warmth of her folds caress the head of his cock, as he again heard Zoe

moan, “Do it!” Carl lost his resolve and with one hard push shoved the entire length of his steel hard rod into her.

As his balls slapped against her ass Carl felt Zoe’s strong young legs pulling him tighter, felt her heels digging into his ass cheeks and heard her moan over and over, “Do it! Do it! Oh God do it!”

At this point he couldn’t stop. He began to fuck her hard, slamming into her over and over.

It didn’t take long and Carl heard Zoe’s moans go up an octave, felt her body stiffen, then heard her scream,”OHHHHHH…FUCK!”

As she cried out her arms and legs tightened around him, pulling him deep inside her, holding him in a fierce, tight embrace. At the same time Carl felt her pussy rhythmically milking his cock as she climaxed. That was to much for him. He groaned as his cock exploded, blasting rope after rope of cum into her fertile, young womb. A few moments later they lay still, panting, Carl’s cock still buried deep inside her.

“What…the hell was that?” Carl whispered.

“I’d say it was two very good orgasms.” Zoe replied with a sly grin.

“That’s not what I mean!” Carl snapped, “It wasn’t suppose to go that far! I wasn’t suppose to really…well…aw…hell. rape you!”

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