Queen Yavara: Epilogue




Being a Highland princess was a lonely ordeal. Though my mother was a “free spirit” and encouraged me to make friends outside of the castle, I couldn’t bring myself to do it. A princess had her place, and it was not with the commoners on the street. That was why my only friend was my cousin, Adrianna Straltaira. Adri’s mom was a really busy woman, being the ambassador to Alkandra, so Adri spent most of her time living with her grandma, Great-Aunt Lydia, just a few doors down from my bedroom. Adri was never allowed to leave the castle, and I never wanted to, so it was perfect. We were like sisters. I didn’t find it weird that her skin was dark, one of her eyes was black, and her hair was half black and half blonde. She had pointy ears and one blue eye, and so she was just like me as far as I was concerned. It wasn’t until later that our differences became more important.

When Adri turned twelve, she moved in with her mother at Alkandra. I didn’t know why at the time, but I got the feeling it had something to do with the way Adri was starting to look at me. That didn’t matter to a younger me. All that mattered was that my best and only friend had been taken away from me. From that point on, we only saw each other once or twice a year, and each time she felt more and more like a stranger to me. She got tattoos that frightened me, told stories that disgusted me, and acted with such a blithe attitude that I wondered if she cared about anything at all besides sex and drugs. What had that place done to her?! As if I needed more reasons to hate Alkandra. Mother was always galled that I harbored such ill-will to the nation of monsters, though she was very private about her opinions. I understood that she was afraid of some of her advisors, mostly the mages that always seemed to be lurking around the corners. It galled me equally that she didn’t hold our enemy with as much contempt as I did, but I supposed it made sense considering her… complicated past.

It had been twenty years since the end of the second Alkandran War. I was an astute student of history; I knew that such an end was no ending at all. Mother always told me that the Highland Kingdom and the Dark Queen could not coexist, and she was right, of course. The Dark Queen (or as I knew her, Aunt Leveria) had finally broken the back of the Highland economy, and Mother had no choice but to raise the army, and march east. Many feared that the soldiers were marching to their end, but that fear bore more hope in it than Bentius had felt for decades. A pervading sense of doom had infested every nook and cranny of my beloved city. It wasn’t until it was lifted during the first days of the war, that I realized its existence. For the first time in my life, I saw the people of the Highlands raise their heads in pride and pound their chests, and I couldn’t help but be swept up in the national fervor. Something was finally happening!

Mother had always been a bubbly and cheerful woman. When I was a child, I thought she was the best person in the world, but as a teenager and a young adult, I came to see her more and more as a ditzy fool. I sometimes doubted the stories Auntie had told me. How could Mom possibly do all those things?! She was… well, she was Mom. This was the woman who had been successfully harried and cornered by a mouse during a diplomatic meeting with the Drastin representatives. This was the woman who got drunk off of one glass of wine, then tried to play strip-poker with me—her own daughter! This was the woman who used the throne room as an archery range because ‘well, it’s not like I’m using it for governing!’ No, I could simply not believe the stories I’d heard about her. The doomsday-bringer from hell who singlehandedly took Castle Thorum, vaporized the Mid Fort causeway, and brought the Highlands to its knees was not… Mom. But then I saw her give a speech on the balcony of the castle. Never in my life had I seen her engulfed in such passion. She roused the crowd with proclamations of our greatness, invigorated them with premonitions of victory, and awed them with a display of magic I never thought possible from her. Fire wreathed her head, telekinetic shockwaves shot from her chest, and her voice resonated in everyone’s minds, speaking with such confidence and strength. I was on my feet and applauding with the rest of Bentius, so assured in our victory against the Alkandrans that I was ready to pick up a sword myself.

“Mom, that was amazing!” I cried as she stepped from the balcony.

She winked back at me. “I told you I was a badass. Now,” she walked past me, and fumbled through her purse, “where is my ass-kissing lipstick… ah, there it is. Prestira, be a dear and leave the room.”

“What? Why?”

“Because Mommy has grown-up things to do.”

“I’m eighteen!”

“And I’m thirty-nine, so I win. Nana-nana-boo-boo, stick your head in dog doo. Now get out.”


She turned around, and glared at me. “Prestira, I’m not fucking around. Get out, or I’ll make you get out.”

“We’re about to go to war, Mom! If you can’t treat me like an adult now, when can you?!”

Her features softened somewhat, and she sighed. “Fine,” she smiled, “I guess it was selfish of me to enjoy the one time you haven’t been ashamed of me in the last ten years.”

“Don’t be like that.”

She shook her head, and turned toward the mirror. “Try not to judge me too harshly for this, Prestira.” She reached out, and touched the glass. A second later, the Dark Queen’s wicked portrait swam into view.

“Well, well, well…” Aunt Leveria chuckled sardonically, “just like old times, eh, sis? Ah, and I see you already put on your ass-kissing lipstick.”

“Yeah?!” I yelled, “Well, you better put on your ass-kicking lipstick, because we are going to kick your ass!”

Aunt Leveria blinked. “Prestira, baby, that was so terrible. Yavara, why is she here?”

Mom held out her hands helplessly. “I couldn’t get her to leave. What was I supposed to do, throw her out?”

“Yes, you weak little woman.”

“Not all of us are ‘strong’ enough to execute our own daughters.”

“When you fertilize a thousand fields, a few bad seeds are inevitable. Now, shall we get down to business?”

“Sure.” Mom said, waving like she didn’t care.

Aunt Leveria paged through her notes, and hummed contemplatively. “My army outnumbers yours fifty to one. They are better equipped, better trained, and better supported. Five of your generals have been paid to switch sides the moment the battle starts, and your field marshal is a drunk. Need I say more?”

“No.” Mom grumbled.

“So… are we still doing this then?”

“Might as well tear the band-aid off.”

“Cool.” Aunt Leveria touched her mirror a few times, then fished around her desk, and pulled out a hand mirror. She watched it for a few minutes, then put it down. “Your army was just surrounded. Your men have laid down their arms, and your field marshal tried to kill himself. The vampires got to him before he could bleed out.”

“Oh, good.” Mom sighed, “So, no losses?”

“Looks like one of your men died of typhoid in the barracks, but no casualties on the field. A bloodless engagement discounting the field marshal’s attempt.”

“Poor Krakis,” Mom muttered, “I hope he gets the help he needs. Alright, so now what?”

“WHAT?!” I screamed. I’d been in such disbelief of what I was hearing that I couldn’t summon my mouth to form words before.

Mom turned around and scowled at me. “Prestira, we’re in the middle of something, could you not interrupt?” She turned back to Aunt Leveria, “How shall we proceed then?”

“Ambassador Straltaira will be teleported to you shortly. She’ll fill you in on the details.” Aunt Leveria quirked her lips, “She fought very hard on your behalf, Yavara. I wanted you to surrender to me in the arena, but she negotiated it down to just the throne room.”

“WHAT?!” I shrieked.

Aunt Leveria smirked at me. “I always told your mother she sheltered you too much. She wanted to raise you like how our mother raised us, but perhaps she should’ve raised you like how our father raised me.”

“The thought crossed my mind a few times,” Mom muttered, “mostly when I was drunk.”

Aunt Leveria giggled. “I love how disgusting you are. I can’t wait to see you, little sis.” She palmed the mirror, and her image disappeared.

I flitted my eyes from the mirror, to my mom. “Mom, what is going on?!”

Mom turned around, a rueful smile on her face. “Wars are won or lost decades before they are fought. We lost this war twenty years ago, Prestira. Aunt Leveria has been biding her time, countering my every move until my only option was to attack her. She knew this. I knew this. It had to be done this way, for the Highlands would never surrender until surrender was the only course left. Now, finally, we can have peace.”

Before I could even think of how to respond to that, there was a flash of green light, and two figures appeared in the portal. Though they were twenty years apart in age, they looked like they could’ve been sisters. Though one of them had streaks of black in her blonde hair while the other was pure platinum, both their skin-tones were a caramelly bronze, and both their bodies were sleek and athletic, displayed like trophies in their scanty clothes. Each of them were tattooed all the way to their chins in tribal designs, but I still thought of them as more elf than beast. Auntie Elena, and her daughter and my cousin, Adri.

“Auntie! Adri!” I yelled, and ran to them. They took me into their arms and embraced me, and I vented into their shoulders. “Auntie, what is going on?!” I sniffled, “Mom talked to Aunt Leveria, and she s-s-s-said that the army had s-s-s-surrendered a-a-a-and that y-y-y-you were coming here t-t-t-to—”

“Shh, Prestira.” Auntie said reassuringly, holding me tightly, “It’ll all make sense soon. You’ll be OK. Everything will be OK.” She kissed me atop the head, then released me, leaving me with Adri.

“Adri, what’s happening?” I hissed.

Adri held me at arm’s length, and looked me over. “God, when was the last time we saw each other?” She gasped.

“I don’t know. Two years ago?”

She beamed at me. “When did you get so fucking hot?!”

“Stop it, Adri!” I growled, “I’m serious! This is all really fucking serious! What the fuck is going on?!”

Adri’s eyes lingered on my body for a while, then fell upon my face. I knew she was a lustful creature; everyone knew that about dark-elves and hybrids, but Adri had never shown such open desire for me before. Her gaze was unfetteredly hungry, and looking into her longing blue eyes made me feel… strange.

“Adri, stop staring at me like that.” I muttered, suddenly extremely uncomfortable.

She giggled. “You’re still a virgin?”

“Of course I’m still a virgin! I’m a Highland princess, not an Alkandran whore!”

“Oh, and so I’m a whore now?”

“N-n-no! I didn’t mean… what I—”

“I’m just fucking with you, Tira.” Adri laughed, and the avarice left her eyes, replaced with that old impish spark. “Of course I’m a whore.”

“You’re a mean bitch is what you are,” I smiled back, glad that the moment had past. “Adri, please tell me what’s going on.”

Adri gestured to Auntie and Mom, who were in the midst of a serious conversation I couldn’t hear. “My mom is telling your mom my dad’s terms of surrender, and your mom is probably giving my mom some important details before she takes over.”

“Takes over what?”

Adri laughed, “the Highlands, of course.”


“She’s going to be governess of this province now. Your mom and my dad agreed that my mom would be the best choice since the Highlanders all mostly trust her.” Adri shrugged, and pulled out a cigarette, “Personally, I think we should just rape and pillage the fucking place, but I guess I take after Dad. Wanna smoke?”

“Oh my god,” I gasped, panic taking over me, “I can’t believe this is happening right now!”

“Hey, hey, hey,” Adri said, putting her hands on my shoulders, “it’s going to be OK, Tira. You and Aunt Yavara will move in with me and Dad, and Mom will come visit all the time, and—”


Auntie and Mom looked up at me.

“You’re not going anywhere, Sweetie.” Mom reassured me, “You’re staying here with Aunt Elena until things settle down.”

“Actually,” Auntie said, and my stomach dropped in my throat, “uh… I tried to fight on your behalf, Yavara, you know I did, but…”

Mom’s face went ghostly white. “Elena, please,” she begged softly.

Auntie just shook her head. She pitched her voice low so that I wouldn’t hear it, but I had enough of Mom’s telepathy in me to read the thoughts as they came out of her mouth, “We told you what would happen if you got pregnant, Yavara,” Auntie muttered, “no loose ends. Heirs are loose ends. You chose to have her, you knew what would happen to her, and you never prepared her?!”

“I know it’s my fault,” Mom whispered just as quietly, “but please, Elena. She’s so innocent, and you know how Leveria is with innocent girls.”

Auntie paused for an excruciating moment as I stood shaking from head to toe. Finally, she whispered, “You know Leveria. The only way you’re sparing Prestira from her, is if you are the one to baptize her into the sisterhood.”

Mom glanced sharply at me, then back at Auntie. They held each other’s gazes for a long, long time. Then a smile crept across Mom’s face. A wicked smile. An evil smile. A smile I’d never seen her wear in all her life. She and Auntie shared a giggle, then came together in a passionate, vulgar kiss.

I was so frozen in shock that I didn’t notice Adri’s hands moving down my body. It wasn’t until they were already at my waist that I realized it. Her front pressed into my back, her breasts pillowed against my shoulders, and her… her… her penis pressed into the folds of my dress, and slid between my buttocks.

“Do you feel that, Tira?” She whispered in my ear, “Do you feel how long and thick it is? That’s going to be inside you very, very soon.” She sniffed my hair, and let out a shuddering breath upon the nape of my neck, “I have waited so, so long to show you who I really am. I can’t wait to show you who you really are.”

“Don’t touch me!” I hissed through gritted teeth, paralyzed with fear.

“Don’t touch you where?” Adri giggled, and slid her hands around my waist, moving them along the converging lines of my pelvis, “don’t touch you here?” she whispered, sliding her fingers past my pubis, “don’t touch you here?” she whispered again, moving between my thighs. I felt her fingers in my crotch, pressing against the soft forbidden parts of me, and I gasped, a bolt of heat shooting through me. “Or did you not want me to touch you here?” Adri hissed, and poured her tongue into my ear. My hearing was filled with little squelches and wet clicks as the wet point of her appendage lathered around my cartilage. It was repulsive, but… but…

“You’re wet down here.” Adri giggled, pressing her fingers harder, bunching my dress between my legs, “So responsive. Your body is already betraying you.” She curled her fingers, and I let out a whimper. “God, that’s so fucking hot!” Adri moaned in my ear, “You know, I haven’t gotten the chance to rape someone before. Looks like this will be a day of firsts for the both of us.”

“Mom!” I managed to cry across the room. Mom broke from her kiss with Elena, and looked upon my pitiable state. “Help me!” I blubbered, “Please!”

She unwrapped herself from Elena’s arms, and walked over to me. Adri slowly retracted her hand, letting my shame-stained skirt fall back between my legs. Mom stopped just in front of me, and smiled with that wonderful, kind smile of hers.

“I remember this,” she muttered, framing my face with her hands, “I remember the fear of what was happening to me, and even more terrifying, the fear of what was happening inside of me. God, I was just like you. Savor this moment, Prestira. Savor the fear, the pain, and the shame. You’ll only be innocent once.”

“M-m-m-mom!” I blubbered, “What are you talking about?!”

Her expression was so gentle and maternal, so loving as she looked down upon me. “Do you want me to help you?”


She kissed me. It was my first kiss, and I was so shocked that I hardly noticed it at first. Her soft plush lips pressed and opened mine, and her tongue slithered between them. Wet and hot, her wriggling appendage explored my mouth curiously, flicking my gums and teeth, then curling about my tongue. So gentle. So playful. There was nothing wrong with it; it was fun. It felt amazing. Her lips curved into an affectionate smile about my mouth, and she lathered my static tongue with a swirling pattern. I was about to join in the kiss, when my mind came surging back to me, and the horrible realization dawned on me. I broke from the kiss with a scream, and tried to spit the taste of her from my mouth. She just chuckled lowly, and pet my hair as I thrashed in Adri’s arms.

“Was that your first kiss?” Mom queried.

“Why the fuck did you do that?!” I screamed.

“Because you need to understand.”

“Understand what?”

She gave me that maternal smile again. “We are going to get through this, baby-girl,” she pitched her voice low so that only I could hear it, “just trust me, Ok?”

Mom shifted her eyes toward Auntie, then toward Adri, then back to me. I understood then. This was an act. We were at the mercy of enemies, and only she knew the way out. I gulped, and nodded imperceptibly. Mom nodded back.

“Stop tormenting the poor girl.” Auntie laughed, clapping Mom on the shoulder.

Mom’s expression turned back to its wicked façade. “Are you going to lecture me on parenting?” Mom laughed, “How old was Adri when you took her virginity?”

“Much, much, much too young.” Adri hissed in my ear, “But of course, it was me who crawled into Mommy’s bed that night, and Mommy couldn’t resist. Oh, she was so ashamed afterward, but that didn’t stop her from fucking me in the ass when I told her I wanted my second virginity taken!”

“Enough of you.” Auntie scolded her daughter with a smile, then pressed the button beside the portal.

A second later, we were standing in a vast atrium, a room larger than I’d ever seen before. The ceiling was so high that thin clouds misted its dome, and the walls were lined with tiered risers filled with monsters. The sound was what struck me. It was a roar the likes of which I’d never heard, so loud that it seemed to ring in my head. The tens of thousands of wild beasts churned in the stands, beating their chests and screaming at the tops of their lungs, and in the middle of it all, standing centerstage, was Aunt Leveria Alkandi.

She wore nothing but a black crown atop her wavy black hair, and thin leather straps that crossed her pillowing breasts, sculpted abdomen and crotch. They covered nothing. Her nipples were exposed, her navel was showing, and her… her… good god, it was enormous! And it was pointed right at me! She raised her fist high in the air, and the crowd roared louder and louder, their voices reverberating off the walls and into my skull. When the sound reached the precipice of its crescendo, she cracked the whip in her hand, and all went silent.

“Loyal subjects of the Alkandran Empire,” the Dark Queen called, “our conquest of Tenvalia is complete!”

They roared once again, shaking the risers, vibrating the very stones so that dust flaked on me from above.

Aunt Leveria cracked the whip once more, and silenced the crowd. “The Highland forces were crushed and humiliated, defeated even before they drew their swords!” After Aunt Leveria was satisfied with the crowd’s reaction, she cracked her whip a third time, then pointed to the alcove we were cowered in. “And now, after twenty long years, my sister, the false Dark Queen, returns to Alkandra to face her retribution!”

The crowd roared like they never did before. A hurricane of sound rushed through the building. Horns were blared, songs were sung, whistles were blown, and it all comingled into one terrible thunder that shook me from the inside out. Leveria cracked her whip, and when the crowd went silent, she exclaimed with a gleeful smile, “And to show her appreciation for Alkandran hospitality, my dearest sister brought her own virgin daughter for our entertainment!”

I hardly heard the audience’s reaction over the thundering of my pulse against my temples. Panic gripped me and I made to thrash out of Adri’s arms and flee, but she held me fast against her.

“Stop, Tira,” she hissed in my ear, “don’t worry, I’ll protect you.”

“PROTECT ME?!” I screeched.

She smiled against the nape of my neck. “You can either stick with me, or you can go with your mommy. It’s your choice.”

I hadn’t even noticed my mom. Sometime during Leveria’s speech, she’d taken off her royal dress, leaving her in nothing but a long shift, and she’d adorned the Highland crown, and a dog collar. Now she was on her hands and knees beside Elena, who held her by the leash like a dog.

“Ladies and gentlemen and everything in between,” Leveria roared, “I give you, the last queen of the Highlands!”

The crowd cheered, and Mom began her procession. She crawled as Auntie led her down the aisle, and the beasts of Alkandra began to pelt her with food and refuse, splattering her shift, mucking her hair. She endured it all the way, keeping her shoulders bowed against the onslaught. By the time she got to the platform at the center, she was caked in waste. Adri took my hand, and bid me to follow behind them. Nobody threw anything at me, but they shouted and pointed behind jeering masks, every one of the horrible beasts appearing to me as monsters straight from the depths of hell. This was hell. I somehow found the strength to walk up the four platform steps, but when I stepped out into the center of everything, my legs gave out. Adri held me tightly against her, and though she groped me as she did it, I was infinitely glad that she was there. She had betrayed me, she was molesting me, but at least she was familiar, and at least it felt like she cared about me, if only as a toy.

Mom kept crawling toward the center of the stage until Auntie pulled on her leash, and stopped her at the Dark Queen’s feet. Aunt Leveria gazed down at her sister with an avaricious, imperious glare, letting the moment linger between them for an excruciatingly long time. Her black-sheened lips quirked. “Welcome home, sister,” she said privately to my mother.

“Leveria…” Mom whispered with a tremulous voice, “…please.”

I didn’t know until later that she wasn’t begging for mercy. The Dark Queen grabbed her cock, aimed it down, and urinated on my mother’s head. The crowd laughed and cheered, and their mirth only rose when Leveria ripped my mother’s head back by the hair, and sprayed her golden stream into my mother’s gasping mouth. When the stream sputtered out, Aunt Leveria snapped her fingers, and two orc attendants on either side dumped drums of freezing water onto my mom.

Mom let out a shrill scream, and quivered from head to toe in her puddle. Her white shift was plastered translucently to her alabaster flesh, exposing her pink pert nipples through the fabric. The orcs grabbed her roughly, picked her up between them, and carried her to a large square frame. Shackles dangled from the top and bottom of it, and they shackled my mother by her wrists and ankles, displaying her spread-eagle in the air. The orcs put the Highland crown back on Mom’s head as Aunt Leveria sauntered around the frame, her mouth moving about her evil smile. With my telepathic hearing, I heard her say, “…do you remember how you had me tortured in the arena?”

“How could I forget?” Mom gasped, her voice quaking with terror.

“I was raped by hundreds of beasts for days. I endured pain and humiliation that would break most women, but I am not most women.” She walked around my mother, assessing her like a tiger eyeing her trapped quarry, “You turned me into the Dark Queen in that arena. You made me realize who I was on the inside. Now, I am going to show everyone what you look like on the inside!”

Aunt Leveria brandished a knife. The crowd roared. I screamed. She slashed with blinding speed, and my mother froze. I expected great gouts of blood to spray from her chest and belly, but only a thin line formed in her shift. The wet fabric fluttered open, then cascaded from her body. I gasped. I had never seen my mother naked before. I had never seen her perfect breasts standing proudly on her chest, her soft tummy still shaped beneath by the athleticism of her youth, and her voluptuous alabaster buttocks perched perfectly on her thick thighs, not a blemish upon the smooth domes, not even a bit of sag even as she flirted with forty. Somehow, the part that shocked me the most was that her nipples were pierced with cute golden rings. Absolutely scandalous.

“God, your Mom’s so fucking hot.” Adri hissed.

“Shut the fuck up!” I snarled at her.

“Why? I’ve already fucked her dozens of times.”

“Lying Alkandran whore!”

Adri chuckled lowly, then slid her hands from my breasts, down my belly, and to my crotch. I didn’t dare fight her when I was so dependent upon her mercy, so I endured her fingers as they slid between my thighs, and caressed me. “You’re still so wet,” Adri whispered, “are you turned on by your mother?”


“Maybe you’re just like her then,” Adri nuzzled her lips against my throat, and rubbed her stiff cock against my backside, “fear gets you off. I can feel your heat through your panties, shift and dress. You’re so horny right now.”

“Fuck you!” I sobbed, and she only got more excited.

As Adri tormented me, Aunt Leveria paced around Mom, and cracked her whip with practiced precision. When she was done with her choreography, she draped the whip over mother’s shoulder, and let it dangle upon her left breast. The crowd hushed. Aunt Leveria twisted her wrist, then ripped the whip back. Mom let a shrill scream as a red line was drawn from her throat to her nipple. She arched in the air, and everyone in the stands applauded her for it. I wept silently as Adri rubbed my virgin slit through my layers of cloth, her touch becoming more and more familiar as the cloth became wetter and wetter. Aunt Leveria reeled back her hand, and cracked the whip across Mom’s other breast. The pale mammary fat jiggled, the smack sounded a second later, and Mother’s scream rose even higher. Adri purred against my throat, and drew her tongue along my collar. Before my mom had a chance to collect herself, Aunt Leveria whipped her again, and again, and again, striking three converging lines down her tummy. Mom wailed and thrashed in her binds, every muscle on her sculpted back tensing in soft shadows. Adri began to hike up my skirt.

Aunt Leveria delivered precise welts upon my mother’s thighs, creating intersecting lines upon each one. Then she cracked the whip between them. The cruel black rope contoured to Mom’s pelvic floor, split her fat cheeks, then swung around to sting her across the back. She howled to the ceiling, and the beasts lauded her anguish. I sobbed in horror. Adri’s bare fingers moved past my knees. Aunt Leveria moved behind my mother, and slid the whip teasingly between her legs. When she pulled it out, the black rope glistened with wetness. She raised her hand, and cracked the whip across Mom’s back once, twice, three times. Mom shrieked with each strike, the curvature of her bowed spine increasing as though to flee from the agony. I didn’t know until later that she arched her back in pleasure. I wept in existential terror. Adri’s bare fingers moved along my inner thighs. Aunt Leveria reeled back the whip, and struck. The flail slapped across Mom’s buttocks, imprinting them in a succulent shadow before releasing a jiggling ripple through her alabaster fat. This time, Mom did not scream. This time, she moaned. The whip cracked again and again, creating cruel welting lines across Mother’s perfect backside, and Mom yelped and growled with each strike. One slash wrapped around the crease of Mom’s thigh and struck her in the front, and she flung back her head and cried out to the ceiling. There were tears streaming down her face, but her lips were not peeled back in anguish. No, they were open in an awed smile. I gawked at her. Adri’s bare fingers touched my pubic hair.

“Stop!” I cried, and tried to squirm out of Adri’s hold, but she was far stronger than me. Her fingers touched my bare pussy, and my breath was stolen from me. For a moment, my entire focus was of naught but the way her delicate little digits slid through my slit, caressing me softly back and forth, grazing the bottom of my untouched clitoris. I had masturbated many times before, but this… the intensity of the sensation was so acute that it left me dumb. Back and forth, back and forth; her fingertips slid along me, getting moister with every pass, smearing my virgin nectar upon the petals that secreted it.

“You like thissss.” Adri hissed in my ear, “I knew you would, Tira. You’re so much like your mother; you just don’t know it. I’ll show you.”

Her fingers pushed inside me, and I croaked out a breathless scream. They invaded my sanctum inner depths, separated my tight walls, and snaked further into me until they met resistance. No. No! If she broke that, I’d never—she broke it. Without preamble or ceremony, she pushed my chastity to the limit of its elasticity, and broke it. Pain lanced through me like a knife, and I screeched to the ceiling. Mom’s head whipped around to see me. Through my tear-blurred gaze, I saw her eyes watch me with a sorrowful expression. I didn’t know until later that it was envy.

Blood leaked between Adri’s rolling digits and dripped down my thighs. She moaned into my ear, and hissed, “God, I love breaking virgin cunt! Do you feel me, Tira? You’ll never forget this. I’m so glad it was me who did it.”

As I endured my pain, Aunt Leveria set up more for my mother. Auntie Elena strolled around my mother with a mirror in her hand, broadcasting all the closeups upon the massive mirror that hung above us. She grinned as she zoomed in on my mother’s raised and swollen nipples, then made a show of traversing down Mom’s abused tummy until she got to the place between her legs. There, before the tens of thousands of attendees, the fifty-by-fifty-foot mirror displayed my mother’s moist and blushing pussy in all its intricate detail. Whistles and hoots sounded from all around as Auntie moved the mirror between my mother’s legs to reveal her pink coiled anus. Through my fog of horror and disgust, I couldn’t help but note how well waxed and cleaned my prim mother was between her legs. My stupid musings were immediately dashed when Aunt Leveria raised her next instrument of torture. It was a smooth metal cone; a dilator used for birth canals. She squeezed the trigger on its handle, and the cone opened slightly into eight petals. She squeezed it again, and it opened a little more. She squeezed five times until the cone had become a cylinder, and the audience was riled into a frenzy, then she hit the release, and the petals coalesced. Auntie set the mirror down between Mom’s legs, reached around her, and spread open her cheeks. The Dark Queen pressed the tip of the dilator to my mom’s puckered asshole, and pushed in.

I screamed in horror. Adri’s fingers worked deeper inside of me. The dilator bowed my mother’s pelvic floor until her entire backside seemed to be sucking into her crack, and then it all sprang forward. Mom threw back her head and sobbed as the dilator moved deeper and deeper, opening her wider and wider until her anus was a thin circle turned white with tension. When the base of the dilator mercifully reached its end, Aunt Leveria grasped the trigger on the handle, and squeezed once. Mom let out a shriek. Auntie dipped her head between my mother’s legs, and before everyone, she extended her long pink tongue, and licked along the frothing opening of my mother’s slit. The Dark Queen squeezed the handle once more. Mom sobbed, and Auntie pressed her face deeper, kissing my mother’s pussy with such tender caresses. She painted her saliva without penetrating her, leaving the womanly petals blushing and glistening with dew. A third squeeze, and Mom’s head dropped between her shoulders so that she could weep to the floor. Auntie pressed the point of her tongue against Mom’s delicate opening, and slithered inside. A fourth squeeze. Mom let out a guttural wail. Auntie opened her mouth around Mom’s folds, and sucked them into her lips as she pushed her tongue deeper.

Aunt Leveria squeezed the dilator a fifth and final time. Mom didn’t react. She just stayed suspended in the air, swinging almost limply. Spasms wracked her pelvis and sent twitches up her spine, but she didn’t move at all. Elena opened her mouth, drew her tongue vulgarly along my mother’s womanly ceiling, then upended the bottom of her engorged clit with an exiting flick. The spasms that crawled up Mom’s back became more and more violent, and then ceased. The crowd was silent. For a moment, only the sound of Mom’s heavy breathing pervaded the massive atrium. Then she tensed from every muscle, arched her back, tossed her hair over her shoulder, and screamed in abject euphoria. A great orgasmic stream erupted from her urethra and doused Auntie’s face, and Auntie opened her laughing lips, and drank it all. Mom thrashed and squirmed in her captive ascension, more a slave to her own body than to the binds that held her. She fought herself in a fit of ecstasy, then swung limply from her chains before the standing ovation of her audience.

“That was so beautiful,” Adri sniffled emotionally behind me, “no one comes like your mother, Tira. She’s like an angel every time she does.”

“You’re fucking disgusting!” I hissed at her, tears of horror running down my cheeks.

“So are you, dear cousin,” Adri hissed back, her voice like a snake’s, “my fingers suddenly don’t hurt very much, do they? You know why? Because you opened up so much down here watching your mother get tortured. You’re inviting me in!”

“FUCK YOU!” I wailed, and tried another feeble escape attempt, only for Adri to suppress it from inside of me. She curled her fingers against my vaginal ceiling, and pressed hard. My knees buckled, and I went rigid against her.

“Ah, virgins are all so easy,” Adri chuckled, “you’re like a toy, Tira. I just have to press your buttons, and you’ll do whatever I want. That felt good, didn’t it?”

I just kept my mouth shut, and let Adri play with me. I hated it, absolutely hated it! But… but… but nothing!

Aunt Leveria slowly extracted the opened dilator, and a sheath of glistening pink anal skin came out with it. Mom’s entire pelvic floor jutted with convulsions, and she kicked her suspended feet as though in a fit. I would’ve thought she were in great agony, but her lips were peeled back in a manic smile. The dilator popped free, and mother’s ruined sheath coalesced into a ruby flower about her entrance. I gawked in horror as Aunt Leveria pushed it back in with her fist.

“Yes!” Mom bellowed, her neck striating with tension, “Oh god, yes! Yes! YES! YES!”

The crowd cheered on her loss of equanimity, and she basked in their glow without shame, puffing out her robust chest with pride. Auntie formed a pinched fist before Mom’s tighter hole, and pushed alongside the Dark Queen. Before the audience of Alkandra, the two hermaphrodites made a show of playing with my dearest mother’s insides. The broken Highland queen was gaped open and outturned, deformed and reformed. Her elastic openings were exposed to all, and when Aunt Leveria removed her fist, the hole she left was so reamed that I could see clearly down Mother’s anal tunnel, the insides glistening, pink and smooth. Auntie pressed against the membranous wall that divided them, and the bulging imprint of her fingers and thumb could be seen clearly from the other side. Mom let a howl of pure masochistic delight. The sight was the most grotesque thing I’d ever seen, but I could not look away, and the longer I looked, the more aware I became of Adri’s fingers. Her other left hand my molested breast, moved down my clothed back, and grabbed my ass. For some reason, I just let her. She rolled up my skirt and snaked her evil little fingers beneath it. I gasped when she gripped the bare fat of my cheeks, but I didn’t protest. It was only when she snaked those evil little fingers into my crack, that I screamed.

“Shhh, Tira. You don’t want them to notice you, or you’ll end up just like Mommy.” She kissed my throat tenderly, and began caressing türkçe bahis my… my… my butthole!

“Please stop!” I whimpered.

“Why? You saw how much your mother loves it there.” She snuggled up against me, her raging cock pressing against my ass through her dress, “I want to see how far the apple falls from the tree.”

She pushed one finger into me. I let out a gasp. A part of me that should never have been touched by anyone was opened, and a warm foreign appendage snaked inside. I felt her against my thin, tender walls; prodding and poking. I felt her knuckles stretch my gripping aperture as they passed through me. I felt her nestle into my tight filthy channel, and then I felt her retreat, and push in again. She did this over and over with just her one finger, and as she did this, her other hand delivered three fingers into my tight wet heat, and pressed against my back wall. I shivered from head to toe.

“Oh, yesssss,” Adri hissed, “oh, Tira, Tira, Tira… you like it here better, don’t you?”

“No!” I sobbed even as I marveled at how her invading finger felt inside my disgusting channel.

“Ah, Tira,” Adri sighed, “there’s no hope for a woman who likes it in the ass. You’re going to be an anal slut who begs for it on all fours like a bitch. It’s who you are. It’s in your blood.”


“Watch, dearest cousin,” Adri whispered, “watch what my mommy and daddy are about to do to your mommy.”

Auntie and Aunt Leveria stood up, and walked around my mother. Auntie took her position behind Mom, while Aunt Leveria took her position in front. It was at that moment that I realized what was going to happen. But of course Aunt Leveria was going to do this. It wasn’t enough that she had conquered the very land my mother swore her life to defend, it wasn’t enough that she had raped, tortured and humiliated her, no; she had to take everything! Never in my life had I wished for something so horrible, but in that moment, I prayed that the roof would fall and crush my mother before she had to endure something so terrible, so unholy. The hybridization. I’d heard the horror stories; I’d seen the evidence on Auntie’s own flesh! It was a fate worse than death.

“Stop!” I screamed at Aunt Leveria, “Stop, stop, stop! I’ll do anything! ANYTHING!”

Aunt Leveria paused, and looked over at me. They all did. All of Alkandra turned their gazes from the performance at centerstage, to the molested teenager in the corner. I’d never been more terrified in my whole life, but I did not cower. I stood my ground as best as I could with Adri’s fingers inside of me, and stared down the Dark Queen. Beside her, I saw my mother beaming with pride at me, tears rolling down her cheeks. Even Aunt Leveria assessed me with respect. She opened her mouth, and said, “I know you will, Prestira.” Then she turned back to Mom, and her expression alighted with a sick kind of affection. “Are you ready, Yavara?” she asked softly, gently, lovingly.

Mom bit her lip as a tear rolled down her cheek. She smiled as though her older sister had just given her the most heart-warming gift, and nodded. “Take me home,” she whimpered.

And with that, Aunt Leveria’s lined up her cock against my mother’s tiny slit, and pushed in. They both gasped at once, their chins tilting to savor the sensation as my mother’s lips sucked wetly around her sister’s grotesquely-thick meat. The juxtaposition of Aunt Leveria’s veiny, muscular organ and Mom’s soft pale folds was a striking one, made ever more so when Aunt Leveria’s tight nuts squished against Mom’s taint. I could see the bulge within my mother’s pelvis; I could see it throbbing. I could see it slide down her body when Aunt Leveria slowly pulled out, and then I could see it form once more when Aunt Leveria shoved in. Despite the deformation of her body, Mother’s face was wrought with impassioned pleasure. She locked eyes with her older sister, a woman who now looked twenty years her junior, and she growled with lust. Auntie Elena split my mother’s plump crack with her cock, then pressed her head to Mom’s gaping anus, and slid inside easily. Mom turned her face skyward to let out a satisfied moan, and that moan turned to a primal cry when the two hermaphrodites began to thrust as one. They pounded into Mom’s supple flank, jiggling her flesh with impacting ripples, stretching the insides of her holes with each retreat and forcing them back in again, and again, and again! They feasted upon her like animals, sucking her nipples, licking her throat, consuming avariciously and without gentleness, gnawing and biting, leaving marks upon the flesh. Mom loved it. As Aunt Leveria bit upon her pink nipple and stretched backward until the piercing was an ovoid hole, Mom squealed in ecstasy, and grinded her wide hips to deepen the jackhammer penetration of her nethers.

Adri pressed her thumb to my clit, and began to rub it forcefully. I sobbed in her embrace, but I could not stop myself from leaking, nor could I stop the way my insides fluttered delightedly around her pressing and prodding fingers, moving so precisely outside and inside me, touching me like they knew all the secrets that I didn’t. I didn’t want to push my anal muscles against Adri’s invasion, but when I tried to expel her like the shit she was, I only tightened around her, and the coiling embrace of my anal sheath brought me such terrible pleasure. I didn’t want to moan, but I did. My sobbing lips parted, and between my terrified expirations, came a guttural moan of pleasure.

“You like watching your mommy get raped, don’t you?” Adri giggled, moving her hands with more passion, rubbing me harder, pressing deeper, “But she’s not getting raped, Tira. She’s getting exactly what she wants.” She kissed me on the throat, and whispered, “And so are you. You just don’t know it yet, but I’ll show you.”

The shackles around Mom’s ankles snapped, and she wrapped her legs around her sister’s hips, dipped her ass low between her rapists, and took them with screaming gusto. She reveled in the captivity of her arms, using the chains to brace against while Aunt Leveria greedily squeezed and slurped from her flailing breasts, and Auntie Elena delivered vicious strikes across her flank that sent ripples up her succulent thighs. They thrusted with such force that she lurched between them, allowing her to drop impactfully upon their impaling organs, squelching her clear syrupy fluid from her stretched pussy. The crowd cheered her on, their voices growing louder and louder, their feet thundering in the stands above and shaking the very foundations of the castle. Adri rubbed and penetrated me harder, smooshing my clit into my moist folds, tormenting the erogeneity of my virgin hole, burrowing through my clenching rectum, touching fingers inside of me. I was feeling hot everywhere. Sweat glistened from my flesh, my hair was matted around my tiara, and my clothes were becoming damp, wrapping against my body. I had never felt such disgusting, invasive sensations in all my life, and I had never felt such pleasure either. I had never felt such horror, and I had never felt such arousal. This argument of the senses tormented me more than the torture itself, for I was slowly beginning to come to the horrible realization that the disgusting invasion was the source of my pleasure, and the horror of seeing my mother raped was the source of my arousal. The primal sensations and emotions of the moment cut right through an entire life of modesty and self-control like butter, opening that shell of nobility to reveal the grotesque thing inside. Me.

The crowd’s roar became louder by the second. Mom twisted and writhed between the hermaphrodites ravaging, dancing chaotically, flinging her head from side to side as her body heaved in deep undulations. Adri’s fingers moved slickly inside me, squelching with my nectar, smearing my own secretion back into my holes to slicken the penetration. I wasn’t clenching around her anymore. I was letting her do it. I was enjoying it. A feeling was building inside of me, and the more that feeling built, the less I cared for meagre things like propriety and pride. It swelled between my legs, emanated from my violated pussy and anus, lanced from the rubs dealt to my throbbing clit. I whimpered and groaned, sobbed and moaned. Mom was screaming with every breath, exalting to the ceiling as if speaking to God. Her audience was working itself into a frenzy, their voices rising with her soprano crescendo as though she commanded their noise. Her eyes rolled back, and she threw her head back, draping Auntie in her mane. As her throat clenched around an exerted whine, clear fluid rained from her pelvic floor. The droplets oscillated with her body, then spurted, and gushed in a great gout of release. Auntie and Aunt Leveria suddenly surged into Mom, and held her aloft, suspending her displayed body between their bridging forms as she let out a great cry of ecstasy before the manic crowd, and I was there with her, blubbering out my orgasm in great ecstatic sobs, collapsing against the woman who ravaged me and letting her take all that she wanted. Mom’s voice reached its peak, and then… then she changed.

Auntie and Aunt Leveria pulled out and stepped back, letting their creamy expulsion leak from Mom’s gaping flesh-holes. She swung limply from her wrists, and stared sightlessly at the ceiling. Her blue eyes stayed unfocused in a trance of ecstasy as the skin around them darkened. Her alabaster complexion became tan, then caramel, then bronze. The slight wrinkles and sagging of her middle-aged body tightened and smoothed, revealing the decades of athleticism beneath her. Her soft tummy became a washboard, her arms became sculpted, her back became a splendor of shadowed muscles, and her pelvis was drawn with two dramatic lines. And there, at the convergence of those lines, my mother grew a penis. It was small at first, barely larger than my pinky, but it ballooned and lengthened, inflating from her crotch until it waggled between her legs. It was smooth and without visible veins, the cute pink head nestled into tight foreskin, the flesh supple and unblemished with bumps. It was perhaps six inches long, but it was thick and full, nearly occupying the entire space between her robust thighs. I dropped my head, and wept into my chest. My mother was gone.

“Watch,” Adri commanded, forcing my head up with her sullied fingers on my jaw, smearing my chin with my shameful juices.

Mom regained herself, and looked down. She examined her new body with awed fascination, her expression alight with glee. With a snap of her fingers, the chains that bound her wrists snapped, and she dropped nimbly to the stage before the rapt and silent audience. She looked upon them, the people of Alkandra, and she beamed into the sunlight with euphoric tears in her blue eyes. Before the tens of thousands, she reached up, plucked the Highland crown from her head, and smashed it into the stage. The thunder that followed was the likes of which I’d never heard before. The sound hit me like a wave, and Mother raised her hands into it as if she were some sonic god. She basked in it until it faded, and then she threw her arms around Auntie, and wept into her shoulder. They embraced like old friends, then parted to look between them. Their cocks were rigid and rubbing against each other, and Mom cackled and moaned delightedly upon the new sensation. They playfully sword-fought for a moment, their eyes wrought with lust, then they dissolved into a fit of girlish giggles, and embraced once more. When they locked lips to kiss, the crowd roared their approval, but the two of them didn’t seem to notice at all. They just consumed each other’s mouths, and undulated their bodies, pressing their masculine organs between them, grinding their hips to savor the homosexual combat of their parts. When they parted from each other, their gaze was full of such love that it seemed to shine from them, and they spoke tender words I did not bother to hear. Then Mom turned around to face her sister.

The audience hushed. Aunt Leveria and Mom stared at each other for excruciating seconds. Mom bowed her head, and dropped to one knee. The room exploded with noise again, and the sound only grew louder when the Dark Queen presented her cock, and Mom paid tribute to it with a lingering open-mouthed kiss upon its tip. Aunt Leveria bid Mom to rise, but she shook her head with an impish smile, and stayed on her knee. She grasped one hand with the other, slid her familial ring from her finger, and presented it to her sister.

“What’s this?” Aunt Leveria asked, “The old Tiadoa seal? Why would you give this to me?”

“I’m on one knee and giving you a ring,” Mom grinned, “need I say more?”

Aunt Leveria laughed like it was a joke, then the realization struck her. She looked from the ring, to Mom, then back to the ring. The audience hushed as the situation was realized. Auntie’s jaw dropped, and mine did too. Aunt Leveria, however, just stared at Mom with her cold, calculating gaze.

“You always were much cleverer than I ever gave you credit for,” she whispered.

“Did you really think I’d let you just win?” Mom giggled up at her.

“You know, I actually did.”

Mom sneered at her. “The game is never over, Leveria. You better hurry up and make your decision; everyone’s watching.”

Aunt Leveria looked at the ring, then scanned the immense room, then looked back down at Mom. “Goddamn it, I love you,” she hissed angrily, grabbed the ring, and shoved it onto her finger. The room exploded with pandemonium, and Mom leapt upright to embrace her sister in a heated, combative, but loving kiss. As their tongues slithered together, so did their rigid cocks, each one jockeying for position in a rubbery display of smooth bronze lust. They parted with challenging smiles upon their faces, then Mom pivoted on her heel, pulled another ring from her hand, and knelt before Auntie. Auntie jumped higher in the air than I thought possible, and clapped her hands with glee. “Yes! Yes! Yes!” she shouted, and she and Mother embraced in another loving kiss.

The other hybrids came to the stage. There was Headmaster Dog Meat, Councilor Lydia Straltaira, and Councilor Esmerelda Giana. They all embraced and kissed their new sister, and jokingly compared the sizes of their members, for which they seemed to care very little for, for Dog Meat proudly displayed her four inches of fun without any shame at all. For a few precious moments, I thought they may have forgotten about me, but then Aunt Leveria tapped my mother on the shoulder, and pointed directly at me.

“Your turn, Tira,” Adri chuckled sardonically, and pulled me off my feet. I tried to fight her, but she suppressed me with a telekinetic spell, and simply carried me in the air toward the others. All eyes were on me now, the tens of thousands of merciless beasts staring at the lone high-elf like wolves salivating over a cornered hen. Adri flicked her wrist, and a nearby bench emptied itself of audience members, floated over the stage, and landed before my watching mother. That was where Adri then dropped me. I landed awkwardly on the bench, my momentum carrying me forward so that I fell into my Mom’s awaiting arms. I screamed and scrambled backward, but before I could attempt my vain escape, Adri’s hands came down hard on my shoulders, forcing me to sit.

“There’s no need for that, Adrianna,” Mom scolded, “she can’t run from me.”

“I know,” Adri sneered, and kneaded her fingers into my shoulders, “I’m just making sure everyone knows I get your sloppy seconds.”

“Oh, I’ll make sure she’s very sloppy,” Mom chuckled, then gazed down at me.

“M-m-m-mom?!” I whimpered, “Y-y-y-you said I could trust you!”

“I lied,” she sighed, “I needed to give you a little hope so that you’d hold out for me. Adrianna is a very potent lover, and I knew you needed something to keep you from falling into despair, and surrendering to her.”

“What are you talking about?!”

“I wanted to preserve your innocence.” Mom smiled fondly, and brushed my hair behind my ear, “You remind me so much of a younger me. I remember how visceral losing my innocence was. I remember the terror and pain, but I can never get it back. No matter what depravities I engage in, no matter what tortures I endure, nothing will ever be quite like that night I was transformed.” Her gaze turned dark before me, “The closest I’ll ever get, is to do it to you.”

She balled her fists in my bodice, and ripped it down the middle. The garment tore cleanly through all layers of cloth, revealing my petite teenage breasts in a jiggling display. I yelped and made to cover them, but Mom intercepted my wrists with lightning reflexes, and held them with immeasurable strength.

“It’s not in my DNA to hurt you, Prestira,” Mom whispered, “you may not understand it now, but the pain I am causing you is all out of love.” She lowered her lips to my right nipple, and muttered, “After this, we will be closer than ever.”

Hot wetness wrapped around my pink node, and a plush slithering appendage circled it. The sensations of my mother’s nursing were so intense that I didn’t realize how good they felt until a second later. I was in such shock that I couldn’t stop the moan from seeping from my mouth. When that unbidden sound reach Mom’s ears, her eyes went wild. She slurped and suckled with a deep passion, toying with my nipple until it was so hard that it felt like it would burst. I had to grit my teeth from preventing anymore involuntary surrenders, but I could not stop myself from bowing my back and presenting my chest. Mother secured my hands together against the small of my back, and smiled around my areola as she pulled back her head, and stretched my breast into a conical point. I couldn’t stop the moan then. It came from deep within my belly, and seeped from my lips in a decadent purr. I slammed my mouth shut, and twisted my face away, a tear rolling down my cheek. Mom giggled, then nursed from my other nipple. She didn’t stop until both nodes were swollen and red, and then she rubbed her lips over them, letting them bounce and spring back beneath her plush flesh. She was so sensual with her mouth that I could barely find it within me to fight her, but I did. I tried kicking her, and she subdued my ankles with a telekinetic bind. I tried spitting on her, and she just raised her face so that my spittle splashed across her cheeks. She grinned when she saw my look of shock.

“You can spit on me all you want, Prestira.” Mom chuckled, and began kissing her way down my belly, “But something tells me you’re not so much the spitter, as you are the spat upon. Am I right, Adri?”

“You’re very right.” Adri snickered behind me, “She’s just like you.”

“Just like me?” Mom asked with an excited smile.

“Just like you.” Adri confirmed.

“Oh, Prestira,” Mom grinned delightedly at me. “We are going to have so much nasty, nasty, fun together.”

She kissed her way down my tummy, through my untrimmed mound, and beneath me. Her blue eyes never left mine as her mouth opened, and her breath caressed my petals. I heard her take a deep inhale through her nose, and I felt her shudder. Her grip tightened around my wrists, and she pressed her lips to the entrance of my sex.

“Mom, don’t!” I whimpered.

Mom looked up at me, her sapphire eyes alight with desire. “From now on, Prestira,” she whispered, “I want you to call me ‘Mommy.’”

She licked me. Her tongue slithered into my folds, parted my petals, then drew along the underside of my clit. I shivered from head to toe. She turned her face slightly, and planted sensual kisses down my folds, then opened her mouth, and wrapped my entire outer lips in her gently-sucking lips. As I let out involuntary cries of pleasure, she snaked her tongue inside of me, and began to taste me from the source. I groaned and gasped, doing my best to struggle, but the fight seemed to be fading from me, and I was so weak. A strange lassitude suffused my muscles and bones, making every motion a labor. I tried to close my thighs around my mother, but it was no use. They stayed open for her, and let her ruin our relationship with every wonderful lick inside of me. I rolled back my head, and let out a low, guttural groan.

Aunt Leveria and Auntie were standing on either side of me, stroking each other’s cocks as they watched. Dog Meat and Esmerelda were fucking in the corner, while Great-aunt Lydia held the mirror to broadcast my desecration to the onlookers. My violation was displayed in crystal-clear detail, showing my thin thighs splayed out before my mother’s consuming mouth, revealing all that was occurring which I could not see. Mom’s face was smeared with my juices as she devoured me, deforming my netherlips with her burrowing tongue so that she could taste my nectarous ovule. The sensations were only heightened by the visuals, for I could feel viscerally the way my clit rubbed against her nose, the way her lips sucked around mine, and the way her wriggling appendage lathered my stretching entrance on its way to pleasuring my insides. She knew exactly where to lick me, and how. She knew exactly when to pause, and when to continue. She knew everything about me that I did not, and the longer she went, the looser her grip on my wrists became, and the looser her grip needed to be. When I felt the preeminent quaking in my nethers, she pulled out, her mouth and nose filmed with my excretion. She grinned up at me, and wrapped her lips around my clit.

“Oh god!” I cried, tears of shame, anger, horror and pleasure all coursing down my face. I wept to the ceiling and prayed that it would end, then asked God for forgiveness when I realized my prayer was a lie.

Mom sucked my clit, grinning at me as she toyed with it. She brought me to the back-arching precipice, then flicked me from her lips, and whispered, “Your pussy tastes so good, Prestira,” she licked the froth from her lips, and hissed, “but I have more… refined tastes.”

She planted her lips against my pelvic floor, and kissed her way down. Down, down, down she went, past my clit, past my pussy, and down the bridge of flesh between my holes. I felt the heat of her breath against my puckered anus, and then I felt the tip of her coy little tongue. My flesh prickled all over, and a slow breath eased from my mouth. Her intrusive member prodded and tasted my filthy entrance, testing it. She drew her tongue along the spokes, then circled the rim, then moved into the center. I felt pressure, and then she broke through. Her hot, wet slimy tongue wriggled into my tightest hole, and began stirring it. As I was pleasantly stretched open, her lips came around my dilated rim, wrapped around it, and sucked.

“Stop! Stop! Stop!” I shrieked, loving every second of it. Auntie and Aunt Leveria descended on either side of me like vultures, and each took one of their breasts into my mouth. As they suckled, I noticed the way Auntie’s lips and tongue moved to make me feel comforting pleasure, while Aunt Leveria’s teeth gnawed as she sucked fiercely, shooting intense feelings of pain and pleasure deep into my breast. Their hands converged upon my crotch to penetrate me with their long elegant fingers, and they began opening my insides. Adri massaged my shoulders all the while, seeping her touch deep into the knotwork of my back. She pinched me every now and then just to hear me squeal, but she otherwise stayed her sadistic compulsions. My objections ceased on my tongue, and I willowed into the embrace of the four women. I tried my best to keep from breaking under their wet soft pleasure. I failed.

My delectable moans and groans carried freely from my mouth, and into the ears of the Alkandrans. Their adulation of my incestual rape was but a rumble in the background, for my focus was solely on the battle that raged within me. My flesh had betrayed my pride, but that was to be expected when dealing with Alkandrans, who were said to have tempted the devil himself. Though I could not deny the wet pleasure being dealt to my erogenous centers, I could deny my acceptance of it. I had to. I could not admit to myself that I enjoyed the way my cousin’s hard cock rubbed against my back. I could not admit that I liked the way my aunt’s mouth felt upon my nipple. I could not admit that I was captivated by the way my small breast deformed about her muzzle as she nursed from me, and the way her blazing eyes stared so covetously upon my face. I could not admit that I savored the way Auntie suckled from my other nipple, so tender was her consumption that I could not tell where her tongue ended and my flesh began. I could not admit that I spread my legs wide to feel their joined fingers inside of me, prodding and rubbing along my secret spots to deliver a steady felicitous stream through my core. Worst of all, I could not admit how much I loved the way my own mother felt inside my asshole. I could not admit that my entire pelvic floor was alight with sensation when she twisted her sucking lips about my filthy anal ring, nor could I admit that my bowels were quaking with perverse euphoria as her slithering tongue pushed deeper. I could not admit any of this, but I did not have to, for my body was betraying all.

Their hands were all over me, squeezing and embracing, penetrating and rubbing. It was as if I could make a chair of them, and lounge in the splendor of my own violation. I did. My back finally gave out, and with a groan of defeat, I rested against my cousin, and tilted my neck receptively, letting her do as she pleased. Letting them all do as they pleased. For endless minutes, I was awash in their caressing fingers and licking tongues, their grabbing hands and sucking lips. It was as if I was the captive of a many-mouthed and many-limbed beast, and was forced to suffer the sensuous consumption of my flesh.

“Mmm…” Mom moaned as she finished her meal with a smack, “I love the taste of my baby-girl’s asshole.” She stood up, and the two hermaphrodites at my side ceased their nursing, and pulled away.

I was faced with the full brunt of my mother’s nudity. There was no doubt that she was an exquisite specimen, more voluptuous and toned than the Dark Queen herself, if just a bit shorter. Though Aunt Leveria’s penis was nearly cartoonishly big, Mother’s was not small by any estimation. And it was aimed right at me.

“Have you ever seen a hard one before?” Mom asked softly.

“No.” I muttered.

She wrapped her hand around her shaft, and shuddered visibly. “Oh, it’s so sensitive. I always imagined what it would be like, but even my mind couldn’t concoct such a wonderful thing.” She stroked it softly, and chewed on her lip, “Every surface of it is teeming with nerves, and the harder it gets, the more pleasure I feel.” Her gaze rested upon my nubile form, and she smiled at me, “Look how hard you’re making me, Prestira.”

“Don’t say that!” I whimpered.

She cocked her head. “Why not?”


Mom’s smile turned wicked. “That’s what’s making me so fucking hard right now. You are the forbidden fruit, and you’re so ripe and juicy, not yet plucked by undeserving hands.” She slid her shaft between the folds of my pussy, and groaned as I gasped, “You’ve turned into such a beautiful girl, Prestira,” Mom moaned, her brow furrowing as she slid her underside through my blushing folds, “I always watched you when you weren’t looking. I imagined how you looked naked. I imagined the way you moaned.”

“Stop!” I wept, unable to close my thighs against the felicitous tingles that crawled up them.

“I’m not going to stop, baby-girl.” Mom groaned, “I’m going to take your virginity, and give you mine.” Her eyes were alight, her breath was heavy and fast, “I’m going to take your precious innocence, peel away the last barrier between us, and make us closer than ever. I won’t be rough, but I will be forceful if I have to be!” Her cock was getting harder and harder as she smushed my folds and petals, smearing my juices, “Are you ready, Prestira?!”

“WAIT!” I screamed. Mom paused, some of the sanity returning to her eyes for a precious moment. “Just… wait a second!” I was breathing heavily, my flesh was glistening, and my pussy was aching from within with a hunger it had never felt before. I held out my hands toward my mother, and said, “let me just… let me just touch it for a second.”

Her brows went up. “Why?”

“I’ve never felt one before, OK?” I growled, “If it’s… if it’s… if it’s going to be inside of me, then at least let me hold it first!”

Mom gave me an inquisitive smile, then crawled onto the bench, straddling my lap. Her rigid cock slid against my belly, and poked me between the breasts. “You wanna play with it?” Mom tittered.

I glowered at her, then gave her member a curious little flick. It waggled against me, and Mom shivered. I looked up at her. “That’s all it took?”

“It’s sooo sensitive!” She gasped, “Don’t stop touching it; make yourself familiar with Mommy’s new toy.”

I grasped the head lightly, and marveled at how hot it was in my hand. It pulsated in my palm, and leaked sticky precum between my fingers. I didn’t know why I found it so fascinating, but I did. I circled the crease of the head with my loose grip, then slowly pulled back the foreskin.

“Mmmm…” Mom moaned, “spit on it.”

I didn’t know why I felt compelled to do as she said, but I did. Perhaps it was because this was a situation I had volunteered for. It gave me some strange sense of control to know that Mom would acquiesce to me. I couldn’t stop this from happening, but I could dictate how it would. I had the feeling that I could probably tell my mom to do just about anything, but I… I liked being told much better. So, wondering what the fuck was going on with me, I pursed my lips together, and let out a long glob of bubbly spit onto the head of my mom’s cock. She groaned as the rivulets ran down her shaft, then hissed when I lubed my hand with my spit, and began rolling my grip along her throbbing length.

“Do you like it when I do this?” I asked curiously.

“Yes!” Mom cried.

“What else do you want me to do?”

“Oh, whatever you want, baby-girl.”

“I want you to tell me what to do.”

She looked down at me, and a deep understanding dawned in her sapphire eyes. The moment was so profound for her that there were actual tears threatening her lenses, but she blinked them away.

“Lick your mommy’s fat cock.” Mom whispered affectionately, and knitted her fingers into my hair. She kept the tiara on my head, apparently enjoying the cute little crown perverting my image as I slowly lowered my lips to her throbbing head, the urethra frothing with her pre-ejaculate. Warnings blared in the periphery of my mind, all alerting me to the perverse position I was putting myself in. This was my mother, the woman who had given birth to me, who had raised me, who had read me stories and sung my lullabies. If I did this, it was by my own volition, and I could no longer divest myself of all the sin that happened here. I stuck out my tongue, and quickly licked her tip. Mom hissed, and wound her fingers tighter in my hair. I smacked my lips, and tested the taste. Not bad. Not bad at all. Actually, it was kind of good. Actually, it was really good. I became aware too late of the infamous effects of a hybrid’s venom, but what did it matter anyway? I had done it. I had willfully licked the penis of my mother, and I had enjoyed it. There was no going back now. I was complicit. I needed to be punished.

“Mom,” I whispered, “I feel such guilt and shame.” I looked up at her as the tears came down my cheeks, “Why does it make me want to do it more? What’s wrong with me?”

Mom took my face gently in her hands, and beamed broadly. “You’re like me, Prestira. I wish I could say there’s nothing wrong with you, but that would be false.” Her smile turned crooked, “You’re a masochistic little girl who gets turned on by humiliation and degradation. That’s what happens when you live a sheltered life where everybody does what you say. Now,” she ran her hands through my hair once more, and whispered so lovingly, “suck my Mommy’s fat cock, you little virgin slut!”

I didn’t know what came over me. Hearing my mother give her degrading incestuous command caused something twisted within my mind to click. Without preamble, I opened my mouth, tucked my lips over my teeth, and wrapped them around Mommy’s throbbing head. She let out a cry of delight, and I moaned in sexual hunger as I took inch after inch of her, sliding her along my pillowing tongue, tasting her until she reached the back of my throat. I stopped there when I felt the imminent gag, and looked up at my mom for directions.

“Oh my god,” Mommy whispered reverently, gazing down at my face, “this is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” She gently guided me to pull back, and my sealed lips drew my cheeks gaunt with their suction. Mommy cried out in glee as I slurped my way up her shaft, then let out a sigh when I descended once more. “It’s Ok, baby-girl,” she moaned, “Mommy doesn’t need you to deepthroat her. That would be too intense for the both of us. Just keep sucking me like that! Oh my god, you feel so good!”

I smiled proudly to myself, wrapped my hand around her base, and commenced slurping and sucking my mother’s pole until her thighs were quaking.

“Pull out!” Mommy cried suddenly, but too late. Her knees buckled, her jaw tightened, and she let out a squeal. A great gout of hot fluid suddenly filled my mouth, and when I ripped her out, it splattered me in the face, splashing my nose, mouth, cheeks and hair. I winced before it got into my eyes, but some of it somehow managed to get into my nostrils. As my sinuses were saturated with her pungent scent, I unconsciously swallowed what was in my mouth, and licked my lips. Mommy continued orgasming upon my neck and breasts, each spurt suffusing my flesh with a pleasant heat. She thrusted frustratedly in the air, then calmed herself after about half a minute.

“Goddamn, that was amazing!” Mommy exclaimed, breathing heavily. She collected herself, then assessed what she’d done to me. “How do you like your first facial, Prestira?”

“It’s… sticky… and hot.”

Mommy giggled. “Hot and sticky are a great combination. Let me fix you up a bit.” She ran her cock along my face, smearing her cum around, and though I knew it was degrading, I also knew she did it out of love. There was a doting smile upon her lips, a knowledge from experience that I would like this kind of strange marking of ownership. She was right. The idea of her using her defiling organ to mark me with her seed aroused me in a very primal sense. I found myself kissing her shaft as it rubbed along my face, and flicking my tongue across her delicious underside.

“Indulge yourself, Sweetie,” Mommy groaned, “take all that you want. I’ll be able to last so much longer inside of you now that we got all that poison out.”

I finished cleaning my mother’s shaft, then planted a trail of kisses up her underside, finishing on her tip. We stared at each other for a moment, then Mommy slowly climbed down. She grasped my ankles, and bent my legs until my heels were pressed to my thighs upon the edge of the bench. My knees were clamped together, and she beckoned them to open, revealing all of me to her. I dug my nails into the wood of the bench, every inch of me teeming with anxiety. This was it. There was no going back from this.

“Are you ready, Prestira?” Mommy asked softly.

I bit my lip nervously, and gave her a single nod. Turning my eyes downward, I watched in rapt anticipation as Mommy guided her tip into my petals, and pressed against my tight entrance. She applied increasing pressure, stretched me further inward with every second, made me whine with fear until she suddenly broke through.

My breath caught. The first thing I noticed was how warm she was. Heat suffused my soft inner flesh, and spread with her deepening penetration. The second thing I noticed was how big she was. My malleable canal stretched around her, flattening and squeezing to accommodate her throbbing girth. It was painful enough for me to let out an exerted hiss, but not to the point where I needed to scream. She was steady and gradual with her penetration, but she didn’t stop for a second. By the time I noticed her length stabbing into my bottom, she was already all the way inside me.

“FUCK!” Mommy screamed, “Oh my god you’re so tight!” She leaned against me, and struggled to catch her breath, “You feel so amazing, baby-girl. How do I feel?”

“It hurts!” I groaned.

“It always does the first time,” Mommy gasped, finally regaining control of herself. She took me gently by the back of the head, and tipped my face upward so that our eyes connected. She was beaming from ear iddaa siteleri to ear, and tears were in her eyes. “You’re a woman now, Prestira.”

“And you’re a man.” I smiled painfully back at her.

“I suppose I am,” she laughed breathily, then grinned impishly, “now let me show you how much of a man I am.”

She slowly pulled out, and I felt my netherlips stretching with her, sucking her for every inch until I wrapped around her head. She whined all the way out, her brow furrowing in distressed wrinkles, but the light in her blue eyes told me that she loved every second of it. Tingles permeated into my depths as my pussy tented about her exit, and those tingles only intensified when she slowly pushed in again. This time, it didn’t hurt as much. The next time didn’t hurt as much either. Though she was slow and gentle, it was impossible for her not to hurt me with her size, but every gradual plunge into my broken virginity stretched me out more and more, conforming my supple insides to her shape, creating a hollow within me that coalesced about her exit then squeezed around her entrance. I wrapped my arms around her neck, and pulled her against me. I needed to feel her press to me, to sense her motherly warmth and love against my body as she did such terrible things to me. Oh, such terrible things. Such terrible, wonderful things.

“You’re getting wetter, and you’re starting to relax around me,” Mommy whispered into my ear, “it’s starting to feel good, isn’t it?”

“Yes!” I whimpered.

“Do you like Mommy’s cock in your virgin pussy?” she hissed heatedly.

“I love it!” I cried, “I wish I didn’t, but I can’t help it!” I let out a whine of existential distress, “I love how my mommy’s cock feels! Oh god, what’s wrong with me?!”

“There, there, baby-girl,” Mommy whispered lovingly, “Mommy’s got you. Mommy’s going to make you feel so good.” She squished her breasts against mine, and formed a seal of moist warmth with our pressing tummies, “Give in to this, Prestira,” she whispered, “give in to the evil. Your my daughter, which means deep down, you’re just a masochistic little slut who wants it hard, and rough, and ugly!”

“YES!” I wailed, and Mommy began to pound into me. Deeper and deeper she went, driving through my last virgin inches with her increasing force, plunging into my moist bottom until I was hollowed out just for her. Her crotch smacked against me, each impact reverberating through our bodies, sending the pleasure further into my core. I cried out with every thrust, helpless in the gale of such overbearing lust, only able to hold on for dear life and endure it. I wrapped my legs around her waist, and beckoned her ever forward, needing her inside me, needing to feel her hard heat stretching me to my bottom. My breath came from me in tight pants, and as she thrusted faster and faster, my expirations accelerated until I was hyperventilating with ecstasy.

“I’m fucking coming!” I sobbed, “Oh my god, don’t fucking stop! Make me fucking come, make me fucking come, make me fucking come!”

Her thick rod ran traffic through my cunt, brutally opening it, reaming it until my pristine virgin slit was turned into a grotesque sucking hole that devoured her meat with sloppy gluttony, spilling viscous saliva onto the bench, pooling it in my anus. She breathed heavily in my ear, her groans becoming more labored, her whines becoming more exerted. I hardly heard them. I was in a reality of my own, carried by waves after waves of orgasmic sensations that ballooned from my depths, emanating from every point of felicitous contact she made with my membranous sheath. The feelings ascended within me until I was gasping for air, and I plastered myself to my mother, holding her inside of me, needing to feel her merging with me in this moment of pure bliss. I choked out a final weak cry, and then descended, squirting my release all over my mother’s crotch, wetting out joining so that each of her decelerating thrusts squelched upon impact. She wrapped her mouth around mine and kissed me fiercely, translating all her love, lust and desire through her tongue and lips.

When it was done, we parted with tender smacks of our lips, and stared into each other’s eyes.

“You’re so beautiful when you come,” Mommy hissed, “it was like watching an angel fall.”

“You didn’t come.” I muttered.

“No,” she smiled, her teeth gritted with her need.

“Why not?”

“I’m saving it.”

“For what?” I giggled drunkenly.

“For this,” she growled, then pulled out her rigid shaft, and spun us around so that she sat on the bench, and I was splayed haphazardly upon her lap. She lifted me with a telekinetic spell, rotated me away from her, then slowly lowered me. I once again became very aware of my audience, who were cheering and whooping at my nude display. I didn’t know why, but part of me enjoyed their voyeurism. The other part of me was writhing in terror when I realized what Mommy was planning. Great-aunt Lydia was focusing the mirror’s image on my pelvic floor, and behind my gaping display of broken chastity, Mommy was lining up the tip of her cock below my hovering anus.

“Mommy, don’t!” I shrieked.

“Keep screaming, baby-girl,” Mommy cooed lovingly up to me, “enjoy this.”

“I mean it! Stop, OK? You win! I’ll join you! I’ll become a hybrid!” I took the tiara from my head, and threw it across the stage. The crowd roared, but I no longer cared about them. “See?!” I screamed, “Fuck the Highlands! Fuck the high-elves! Long live the Dark Queen!”

Mommy just shook her head, and grinned. Telekinetic spells took over my limbs, making my arms hook beneath my knees and pull my legs up before lacing my fingers behind my head, putting myself in an airborne nelson hold. My plump alabaster buttocks bulged and spread wide beneath me, stretching and exposing my little pink anus before the tens of thousands of beasts. On the big screen, I could see myself lowering slowly toward Mommy’s pulsating head until I finally felt her poke me. I let out a whimper of terror, and felt hot tears course down my cheeks.

“This is it, Prestira,” Mommy said, cupping my buttocks and sinking her fingers covetously into the fat, “this is your rebirth. Enjoy this pain, this humiliation, this terror, for it is the last time you will ever feel it so vividly. I love you, baby-girl.”

“Don’t!” I screamed. I was slowly lowered, and I felt my pelvic floor stretching inward. I could see the spoked folds of my orifice smoothing as the pink center became dark. “DON’T!” A pressure began to built in my anus. “MOMMY, PLEASE DON’T!” The pressure became pain, and the pain intensified as my crack indented. “PLEASE STOP, MOMMY!” I shrieked. The pain grew and grew, my pelvic floor bowed to the very limit of its elasticity, my closed anus stretched, and stretched, and stretched… and opened.

Mom’s tip broke through my resistance, and my anus enveloped her head, and swallowed it whole. I bellowed to the domed ceiling above, and the crowd roared. Unable to free myself from my telekinetic hold, my head was forced forward, and I was forced to watch myself on the giant mirror. My pink virgin asshole stretched tightly around Mommy’s thick bronze meat, a grotesque display of her girthy dark column disappearing into my pristine hole. The visuals were shocking, and accompanied by the agony in my rectum, I was overcome with the horror of what was being done to me. Inch after inch of Mommy sank into me, filling out my tight sheath until my ass pillowed between her gripping hands and crotch. She let out the most pleasurable moan she’d uttered thus far, and shivered against me.

“Oh my god, Prestira,” she hissed, “your shithole feels so good!”

“Don’t say that!” I sobbed, “Oh my god, don’t say that! How could you do this to me?! HOW?! I hate you! I HATE YOU!”

“Shh,” Mommy cooed soothingly, “shh, baby-girl. You don’t know what hate is yet. The hard part’s just begun.”

She lifted me from her lap. It felt as though I was shitting her cock out of me, and the relief was palpable. Then another sensation quaked in my rectum, a feeling of my insides being pulled slowly out. I looked at the screen, and screamed in horror. A bulb of ruby flesh protruded from around the last inch of Mother’s birthing cock. The sensation was so concentrated that it seemed to suck all feeling toward it, and when Mommy thrusted in once more, she shot those sensations into me, creating a sleeve of my prolapsed anus as she plunged deep. My ass smacked against her, and I wailed in agony. She growled in pleasure, lifted me up, then dropped me again, and again, and again. I screamed with each impaling impact and sobbed with each sloughing retreat, manically inconsolable in the worst moments of my life, overcome by the existential horror of being anally raped by my own mother. When I next plunged down her ravaging pole, she let go of my ass, and brough her hands around to spread my pussy. The crowd roared. I nearly fainted. My vaginal floor was bulging with the imprint of her cock from the wrong side. The ruby veined membrane distorted and flattened as she lifted me, then deformed once more when she filled me again, displaying the shape of her organ through my very flesh.

“Goddamn it, you feel so good!” Mommy cried, “Oh my fucking god, Prestira! Take it, you virgin slut, take it!”

Mommy didn’t stop. She lifted me and dropped me over and over, making me feel the full force of her weapon until its shape was molded into my rectal flesh. She rubbed my pussy as she did this, coercing unbidden fluid of arousal to run down my taint, and lubricate my sodomy.

The change was subtle at first. The pain began to recede, but not completely. It persisted, but not to the point that it took over my mind. I had the place of mind to begin maneuvering where I could. Though I was trapped in my own leg-lock, I could at least control my seizing anal muscles. I relaxed those, and more of the pain went away. Mommy slid into me easier now, and though the fit was still air-tight, it was less of a struggle for her to move in and out. I didn’t realize at the time that I’d just surrendered to her. At the time, it was just a way for me to cease the agonizing reaming of a part of me that was never meant to know the touch of another. I didn’t realize that I’d taken the last step toward my doom. The realization came to me slowly. At first, it was just a subtle sensation, like an ache in my rectal cavity. My bowels were being displaced and compacted, so it made sense that I would feel an ache. But why… why did the ache feel… empty? Like a strange sort of vacancy of sensation, a void in my center that wasn’t quite a numbness. Ah, it felt kind of nice actually. The void became a relaxing lassitude that seeped into my rectal muscles, making them feel fluid and lithe. That relaxing lassitude became a steady pleasure, then a torpid euphoria. My breathing was becoming slow and steady. My body was becoming loose and rubbery. I was becoming entranced by the sensation of Mommy driving into me, squishing my supple insides, opening my sucking channel, plunging deep, deep, deep into my welcoming bowels. My breathing became hot. A moan seeped from my lips.

“It’s happening, isn’t it?” Mommy whispered in my ear, “I can feel you changing around me, Prestira.”

“What the fuck is going on?” I mumbled, stuck in a fugue state of post-traumatic stress and sexual bliss.

Mom nuzzled her mouth against my throat, and kissed it so tenderly. “You’re becoming like me, Prestira. You’re turning into an anal slut.”


“There’s really no use denying it now,” Mom chuckled lowly, “the hard part’s over. The corruption is complete. If I pulled out, you’d beg me to put it back in.”

“Fuck you!”

Mom ceased her telekinesis, hooked her hands under my joined elbows and knees, and pulled me out of her. Her cock slopped from my gaping shithole with a wet splat, leaving me to gawk at the ruinous tunnel she’d made of me. Upon the big screen, my pink insides slowly coalesced, but not all the way, letting every cheering beast in attendance see my vile ruby depths all the way to the bottom. The pleasure I was feeling vanished, but the vacancy that had precluded it surged to the forefront. Now it wasn’t just a vacancy, but a hunger—no—a starvation! It gnawed at my nethers, not just my ass but also in my pussy, and the terrible dissatisfaction didn’t stop there, but crawled into my belly and raged through my spinal cord, firing through my corrupted synapses, an overwhelming signal of unfulfilled need.

Aunt Leveria was at my side. She stood with an expectant grin on her face, and chuckled sardonically at my pitiful appearance.

“WHAT?!” I barked at her. God, why was I suddenly so frustrated?

“Oh, nothing,” Aunt Leveria sighed, “I’m just waiting for you to break.” She pulled out a timepiece from her purse, and made a show of examining it, “I’d give you about a minute.”

“Fuck you!”

Aunt Leveria giggled. “You wouldn’t believe how many times ‘fuck you’ has precluded ‘please fuck me’ in my life. It’s like clockwork—speaking of which.” She checked her timepiece, then grinned back at me, “Should be about forty seconds now.”

“I said, ‘fuck you!’ What part of that is so… is so…”

Aunt Leveria’s grin turned wholly evil. “Is so… what, Prestira?”

“Oh…” I groaned. The hunger within me was becoming unbearable. It infected me throughout my body, making my limbs weak, making my flesh break out into blushing sweats. My hips moved on their own accord in a slutty little dance, and I pressed and rubbed my ass against Mommy’s throbbing shaft. Oh god, I needed it. I needed that hard, hot piece of meat like a junky needed a needle, and like a junky, I was coming to the realization that I would do anything to get it. I was ruined. I was irreparably destroyed, turned into some craven addict for something so self-destructive and horrible. I wanted to weep in despair, but such despair would’ve required my pride to surmount my desire, and nothing could. It was over. There was no reason to fight any longer. Why… why had I fought at all?

“Any second now…” Aunt Leveria smiled at me. That smile hadn’t changed a bit, it was still as evil and cruel as it had ever been, and yet… yet, I found commonality in it. There was a secret inside-joke to that smile, and it was like I finally got it. I grinned back at her, and her evil little smile widened. With a twirl of her hand, an astral gemstone appeared in her palm. She held it to her throat, and her voice was projected throughout the room.

“Good people of Alkandra, I do believe Princess Prestira has something she’d like to say to you all.”

Aunt Leveria held the stone to my throat, and beckoned me to speak with that secret little smile we shared. “I… um…” I cleared my throat, and said, “I… I… I like it in the butt.”

The crowd roared like I’d just told them I’d found the cure for cancer. It was the single most bizarre moment of my life, but I had a feeling that bizarre moments were about to become the norm for me. Emboldened and delighted by their reaction, I followed it up with a gleeful confessional. “I like it when my mommy rapes me in the ass!” They cheered louder, so I yelled, “I want to get raped in the ass in front of all of you!” And as their thunderous applause reached its crescendo, I screamed, “I want to be an Alkandran whore who gets raped in the ass forever!”

An inspiring speech to be sure, but it had the intended effect. The crowd went absolutely bananas. As I basked in my perverse glory, I felt a gentle hand on my chin, and I turned to the source. Mommy was weeping with a proud smile upon her face. I didn’t know why I was so emotional, but I burst into ecstatic tears as well, and we came together in a passionate and vulgar kiss. As our tongues exchanged hedonistically between our consuming lips, Mom relieved me of the hold she’d put me in, and allowed me to plant my feet into the bench. I raised myself, she centered her cock against my anus, and we surged against each other. Our impact reverberated through our bodies, reaching our fingers and toes, and we both mewled in abject ecstasy to be joined once more as mother and daughter, as rapist and victim, as lovers forever. I felt something prodding my other hole. I broke from my kiss just in time to see Aunt Leveria lining up her shot. Before I could even scream, she plunged her entire organ into me.

My breath shot from my lungs. As my pussy stretched to the very limit of its elasticity to accommodate my aunt, her sister bulged on the other side of me, pressing against the new penetration from the wrong side, squishing my membranous division.

“Oh, Yavara,” Aunt Leveria groaned delectably, squishing her bronze bust against my alabaster bosom, “I love the way your cock feels pressed against me from inside your daughter.”

“Nothing like some family bonding time,” Mommy laughed breathily behind me, “god, your so thick, Leveria! Poor Prestira must be absolutely stuffed right now!”

“Look at her face,” Aunt Leveria giggled, “I think we broke her.”

“Ah, well,” Mommy tittered affectionately, and embraced me lovingly from behind as she did such terrible things to my asshole, “I guess that means there’s no reason not to play rough with her.”

“I like it…” I slurred drunkenly, my mind shattered with masochistic euphoria, “I like it… I… want you… to fuck me… fuck me as hard as you can… fuck me forever…”

Aunt Leveria touched brows with me, and grinned that evil grin. “As you wish, my dearest niece.”

They granted my wish. Lifting me between them, they fucked me as one, surging into my bowels and against my womb, filling me so completely that my pelvis bulged clearly with Aunt Leveria’s imprint. The two sisters interlocked their legs to give me one lap to bounce from, and I rebounded violently each time, my ass jiggling, the flesh turned red from the abuse. I was so stuffed that their cocks rubbed together inside and out, leaving no space but the thinnest sheet of flesh to endure their brutality. They kissed each other over my shoulder like I was nothing but their toy to pleasure each other with, and that very idea of such objectification aroused me to new heights.

“I’m just a fucking whore!” I confessed with an ecstatic smile, “I’m a depraved whore-princess who loves getting fucked by my mommy and auntie! Give me your cocks!”

“I got one more for you, slut!” Auntie growled, stepped onto the bench, and plunged her cock into my mouth. Where did she come from?! WHO CARED?! There was another penis inside me, and that was all that mattered. I sucked it covetously, moaning around my spittle-soaked seal, glugging and gagging in turn as she took my head in her hands and thrusted down my throat. Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES! I was stuffed full and abused from every hole, made to endure the full length of every shaft running through my tender orifices, plunging through my coiling sphincters, opening me forcefully and making me take them deep into my sanctum innards until all was desecrated! I was a whore! A filthy masochistic pig who loved being fucked in front of everyone! I wanted to be covered in come! I WANTED TO BE OVERFLOWING WITH IT! I squeezed around their shafts, rolled my lewd muscles up their columns, and willed them to burst inside of me, to fill me with their filth and mark me as theirs. Oh god, I was coming! I was coming from every hole like a fucking whore! My ass was spasming and convulsing around my mother, my pussy was seizing and clenching around my aunt, and my throat was swallowing continuously around my auntie, taking her deep into my tight gullet so that she could empty into my stomach.

The feeling built within me. It rose steadily, driving me to the point of madness, driving me over it, pushing me into the boundless heights of insanity as great waves of orgasm swelled, and swelled, and swelled, and then burst! Auntie gushed down my throat with a groan, Aunt Leveria exploded into my cunt with a squeal, but Mommy just kept fucking me, driving through my orgasmic throes, creating a constant cadence to hold onto as I surfed the ebbing tide, and descended back to reality.

I opened my eyes. Auntie pulled out of my mouth, and left a nectarous deposit on my tongue for me to enjoy. I smiled gratefully up at her, and she stroked my hair fondly, and laid a kiss on my lips. We passed the load between our tongues as we smiled in lust, then she broke from the embrace to sit beside me on the bench. I looked down. Aunt Leveria slowly pulled her cock out of me, revealing every inch of her slickened dark meat, and then leaving me gaping and leaking all over the bench. It was hard to see how bad my pussy had been abused, for there was a rigid bronze cock standing in the way. My cock. It was smooth and supple like Mommy’s, but not as large. Mine was thinner and shorter, about the same size as Auntie’s. It was so cute. I was absolutely delighted!

“Thank you!” I blubbered tearfully to Aunt Leveria.

“Don’t thank me just yet, Prestira,” Aunt Leveria smirked crookedly, and knelt between my legs.

Mommy’s hands came round me to squeeze my bronze breasts, and I shuddered all over at how sensitive I’d become. Every inch of my flesh seemed to be erogenous, and those parts of me that were already pleasure centers were now teeming with sensation.

“You’re so beautiful now, Prestira,” Mommy whispered hoarsely in my ear, her breath tight, “my little girl’s all grown up!”

“All grown up,” Aunt Leveria echoed with a sardonic laugh, and wrapped her hand around my shaft.

“Oh fuck!” I cried, the surge of sensation flowing into my new loins.

“Mommy’s going to come in your little asshole now,” Mommy hissed, “you might find that you like it even more now that you’re a faggot!”

And she plunged into me with a sudden fury of thrusts, bouncing me off her lap, prolapsing me with every retreat, hollowing my guts and ramming against… against… against something! My new organ quaked and convulsed with every thrust, delivering pangs of violent pleasure deep into me. I was back in the throes of insanity once more, twisting and writhing in my mother’s embrace, unable to contend with the new sensations. Auntie wrapped her lips around my new cock, and vacuum-sucked me down her throat.

It was too much. Oh god, it was too much! I screamed and wailed, wrapped my hands behind my head and danced like a whore atop my mother’s piston-driving hips, taking her into my ruined shithole over and over until I reached the sudden peak of sensation, and burst! A great surge of pressure lanced through my bowels, into my loins, and out the tip of my cock. I poured thick volumes of seed down my aunt’s throat, and she swallowed with relish, humming delightedly to have conquered me so easily. Mommy finally let out a great cry, and exploded into my desecrated channel. She overfilled my colon with her hot nectar, giving me a debauched enema that leaked into my rectum, and ran in viscous rivulets from the loose cuff of my anus, now too exhausted to close. She thrusted a few final times into me as she quaked all over in orgasm, then she collapsed against my back, breathing heavily.

Aunt Leveria pulled her lips free, and smacked contentedly as Mommy and I simply sat there, and savored the warmth of each other’s bodies.

“What now?” I asked her softly.

“Don’t worry about it, Prestira,” she whispered, and planted loving kisses upon the nape of my neck, “never worry again. We’re home.”

“We’re home.” I smiled back at her, touched our brows, and giggled.

Auntie helped lift me off my mother, and I stood up on wobbling legs. The audience above began to disperse, and the revelry began to flow through the doors, and into the raucous streets of Alkandra.

“Dear sister,” Mommy sighed splendidly, and took Aunt Leveria’s hand, “I do believe I’ve earned one of your world-famous blowjobs.”

“Oh, you’ve earned much more than that, wifey,” Aunt Leveria chuckled lowly, drawing her finger along Mommy’s new organ until it was engorged once more, “but not here.”

“Why not?”

“Because I don’t get penetrated in front of the commoners,” Aunt Leveria sneered, “that was one of the many errors you made as Dark Queen. Only the elites get to see me get fucked,” she grabbed Mom’s cock, and squeezed it until Mom whimpered with pain and pleasure, “I’m interested to see what kind of man you are, dearest sister.” Her lips curved wickedly as Mom willowed in submission, “But I think I already know who will be bottoming most of the time between us. Still, I didn’t get an enema just for better smelling farts, so, shall we?” She gestured toward the stairs leading to the royal wing, where Auntie was lounging patiently with a cigarette between her lips. The massive doors to the royal wing were wreathed in skulls, and guarded by two immense trolls that wore a metric ton of spiked armor.

Mommy dawned a scared and excited smile. “What have you got waiting for me back there, Leveria?”

“Oh… just some fun activities too extreme for public viewing.” Aunt Leveria chuckled sardonically as she watched Mommy turn pale, “You’re not going to chicken out, are you?”

Mommy just shook her trembling head. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world, dearest sister.”

Aunt Leveria grabbed Mommy’s ass, and kissed her fiercely. “Goddamn it, I love you.”

“And I love you.” Mommy smiled, and the two walked ass-in-hand toward the royal wing.

Adri sat beside me, and pulled out a cigarette. “Smoke?” she asked, offering me one.

“Why not?” I smiled, and took it. She lit hers with a spell, then passed it to me. I took it between my lips, and sucked from it sensually as she lit the other. I coughed, of course, but though my virgin lungs burned with agony, I savored the sweet pain.

Adri grinned at me, then took a practiced pull from her square. “So, what do you wanna do now?” she asked.

“What can we do?”

Adri laughed. “You came into this room as the princess of a backwater country no one cared about. Now you’re a hybrid of Alkandra, and the daughter of the wife-queen. You can literally do anything you want.”

“Anything?” I asked with raised brows.


I eyed the frame Mommy had been bound in, then turned my gaze to the wicked Alkandran princess. “I believe you claimed sloppy seconds on me?”

Adrianna let out a long plume of smoke from her lips, and smiled just like her father.


I was a very, very old orc. Being old for an orc was getting past the age of sixty, and I somehow managed to get to a hundred and fifty. I guess a thousand years of ***********ive tribal breeding really did help me out in the long run. Too bad most tribal orcs died before they reached forty just because they were too cowardly to grow old. There was no doubt about it, being old sucked. My tits were down to my belly, my ass was down to my knees, and my nose and ears just kept on growing. I had been a radiant beauty in my teens and twenties, a definite MILF up to my fifties, and passably fuckable even into my sixties, but after that, it was a shitshow. I had been old for most of my life, and frankly, it was getting… well, it was getting old.

I examined Princess Prestira Tiadoa’s naked bronze body, and frowned. Here was a bitch that was a hundred and ten years old, and she didn’t look a day past nineteen. She didn’t act like it either, fucking hybrids. Life for them was just one giant party after another, interrupted a few times by displays of horrific violence when a party just got out of hand.

“You made the same mistake as your mother,” I grumbled, “you got all your tattoos when you were too young, and now you have no space to put new ones.”

“Can’t I just—”

“No, you can’t just heal one off!” I growled, “If you want a real Protaki or Terdini tattoo, then you have to keep it with you forever! Otherwise, what’s the point?”

Prestira pouted her perfect lush lips at me. God, she was worse than her mother. “Please, Certiok! I promise I’ll keep this one.”

“Promises from liars mean jack fucking shit.” I waved derisively at her, “Go find some street artist to do a fake.”

“But I don’t want a fake!” She sobbed, and turned to my great-grand-daughter, “Brockia, tell her that I mean what I say!”

Brockia frowned at Prestira. Though Prestira was nearly a hundred years Brockia’s senior, Brockia was the more mature one. She had to be. Even though all dark-elves were direct descendants of the Dark Queen, they had a lesser standing in Alkandran society than hybrids. Leveria hand-picked and transformed her hybrids, and took concerted steps to limit the number of hybrid offspring; only Elena and Yavara were allowed to breed. Dark-elves, however, were ubiquitous. There were millions of the black-haired and black-eyed hermaphrodites, and beyond their beauty and libido, there was nothing special about them. While hybrids had lightning reflexes, acute intelligence, and agelessness, dark-elves were just androgynous sluts. I thought my daughter would be a preeminent figure in society, but she just ended up owning a tattoo shop. Really, it was her own damn fault. Being the daughter of Leveria Tiadoa didn’t mean one inherited the Dark Queen’s ambition, and my little Trenokia spent her life tattooing, fucking, drinking, fucking, eating, fucking, and sometimes sleeping until the day she died. Not a bad life by most people’s estimates, but not the grand designs I’d had in mind either.

“These markings aren’t accessories for you to wear to parties,” Brockia growled at Prestira, “these are the symbols of my people!”

“And I totally respect that!” Prestira insisted, “So, if you could just tattoo your sun goddess on my asshole, then—”

“Prestira, baby, what’s going on in there?” Wife-Queen Yavara asked from outside the shop, “We’re having a threesome with the duke of Drastin in one hour, and I want to get my enema done before then.”

“Just take my niece with you!” Prestira shouted back.

“The duke doesn’t have a great-aunt-grandniece fetish, Prestira, nobody has that fetish. He wants mother and daughter, and since your younger and more responsible sister is on a diplomatic mission to the summer isles, you’re going to get cream-pied by mommy for a better international trade deal, now come.”

“I’m not going until I get this fucking tattoo!” Prestira snapped.

The curtain fluttered open, and Wife-Queen Yavara Tiadoa stepped into my shop. The third-most powerful woman in the empire wore a silken toga that exposed one of her breasts, but just a fraction of the intricate tattoo work I had done on her flesh. Only her face was unmarked. Everything else—and I mean everything else—was covered in my artwork. I had done quite a few full-body designs, but Yavara and Elena represented my best work. They were two of the most famous women in the world, and they were going to live forever, so their flesh was my legacy. The most famous woman in the world didn’t have a single tattoo on her, nor would she ever. The Dark Queen considered her flesh too great a canvas to ever be besmirched by ink.

“Hey, Certiok,” Yavara smiled warmly, “you look good today.”

“I look like a cancerous testicle.”

“But you’re such a radiant cancerous testicle.” Yavara grinned magnanimously. The two of us hadn’t been on speaking terms for twenty years after her transformation, but… well, time heals everything, and she had more history with me than anyone else still living, so I guess that made us best friends in the end.

I shoved an arthritic finger at Prestira. “Tell your brat that the world doesn’t stop and start at her whim.”

“That’s hard to do when it mostly does.” Yavara sighed, then turned to my great-granddaughter, and smiled, “How goes it, Brockia?”

“It was going fine until about ten minutes ago.”

Yavara pouted her lips just like Prestira did. “Will sucking your cock make it better?”

Brockia thrusted her finger at Prestira. “She already offered, and the answer is still no.”

Yavara raised her brows. “Her, I can understand, but you’re denying me?”

Brockia smiled confidently. “I know my worth.”

Yavara assessed her with an appraising look. “My, my, my, I am suddenly very intrigued. What are you worth, Brockia?”

“Name your offer.”

Sometime during Alkandra’s early days, the internal currency of the city moved from gold, to sexual favors as more and more dark-elves came in from all corners of the empire. The worth of each sex act sometimes depended on the sexual expertise of the individual; for instance, on rare occasions a woman might be so good at giving head that her mouth was worth the same as her pussy, but in general, the order of worth went: handjob, blowjob, rim-job, pussy-eating, anal, then vaginal; though anal was worth more than vaginal to hermaphroditic hybrids, while vaginal was generally worth more to dark-elves. Penile services could also be exchanged, though these were a separate currency generally priced by size and shape, although a few renowned lovers could sell themselves on their technique if they lacked tangible worth. The premium body-part currency was non-hermaphroditic hybrid pussy, as fully-fledged female hybrids were extremely rare on Tenvalia, and their vaginal skills were said to be second to none. Body-part currencies were generally exchanged for mild goods and services, while multi-partner services were exchanged for more costly endeavors. Back when I was young, beautiful, and powerful, I could command orgies with the founding members of the Hybrid Court at will. Needless to say, those times had past.

Yavara screwed up her lips. “I’ll offer you… one incestual threesome with Prestira—vaginal only, and… two ass-to-mouth sessions with just me.”

I raised my brows. A very high offer from someone of her standing. Yavara’s handjobs alone were worth at least at least a ten-karat diamond ring.

Brockia shook her head. “Sorry, but no.”

Yavara was taken aback. She gave Prestira a suspicious look, then turned her head back toward Brockia, and puzzled as she scratched her chin. “I’d say you were taking me for a ride, Brockia, but my daughter looks suddenly very worried. Alright, you have unique tastes then, is that it? I’ll offer you… hmmm… I’ll offer you… one scat session with oral consumption.”

“What the fuck?” Brockia exclaimed.

“Oh dear, did I just misread you?” Yavara said hastily, “It’s not that I think you’re into that—I’m uh… I’m not into that either—gross, right? Hahaha! Who would ever do that?” Yavara wringed her hands nervously, and grumbled, “It was in the heat of the moment, ok? Things escalated, and… don’t judge me. Anyway, I’ll offer you… fuck it, let’s stop beating around the bush; I’ll offer you one day of slavery. All-inclusive, nothing off limits.”

There were men who would die for such an offer from her. Brockia snorted, and pulled up her skirt to reveal her cock. Yes, she had inherited that from the orc side of her family, specifically my long-dead father-in-law. Yavara’s jaw dropped.

“How about I counteroffer?” Brockia sneered, “I’ll fuck you in the ass right now, and you go away.”

“Deal!” Yavara exclaimed at once, and threw off her toga.

“No, MOM, you whore!” Prestira growled.

“Oh, fuck off.” Yavara snarled back, getting on all fours on the floor, “You’ve been getting stuck by this stud for months and you never told me about her? And you wonder why your little sister’s the favorite.” Yavara stroked her thick tattooed cock with one hand, and ran her other lasciviously through her leaking pussy and about the tattoos that surrounded her bleached anus, grazing the inked lettering that read, ‘property of the Dark Queen.’ “Come here, Brockia.” Yavara purred, “Let me see if you live up to your namesake.”

“Welp,” I groaned as I grabbed my walking stick, “I think I’ll head out.”

“You don’t wanna watch?” Yavara sneered at me as Brockia began to mount her.

I sneered back at her. “I’ve seen this play before, Your Highness.”

“Hey, don’t call me that, you biaAAAAAAAAAH YES, YES, YES! OH GOD, YES!”

I shuffled my way out of the tattoo shop, and onto the streets of the largest city in the world. Alkandra was a mess of stone skyscrapers that towered over winding streets and bustling neighborhoods. The perfectly-planned utopia Leveria had first envisioned so long ago was gone. It wasn’t for lack of effort, but Leveria, like all good rulers, realized that a controlled population was a weak one, and so she let Alkandra grow naturally. And it was continuing to grow by the second. Dark-elves fucked on the side of the road without a care, taking partners of all races and creeds. I watched a fat orc hobble drunkenly to a dark-elf woman in the midst of grocery shopping, tap deneme bonusu veren siteler her on the shoulder, and present her with his half-flaccid cock. The beautiful dark woman pondered the offer for only a second before she dropped her grocery bags, dropped to her knees, and took him all the way into her throat. They were perfect strangers, and yet, this social transaction was hardly rare; it was happening everywhere. In ten years, the population would double. In twenty, it would quadruple.

“This is going to start a war someday.” I muttered to myself.

“Probably sooner rather than later,” Princess Adrianna Straltaira said from beside me. Wherever Prestira went, Adrianna wasn’t too far behind. The irony of that wasn’t lost on me even after all these years.

“Do you like sneaking up on old women?” I growled.

“I was hoping to give you a heart attack, actually.” Adrianna winked, and I couldn’t quite tell if she was joking or not. She had too much of her father in her. She was the first and last of her kind, for Leveria wasn’t too keen on how powerful a half-hybrid child of her own seed had become. Adrianna was second only to Yavara and Leveria in terms of magical abilities, but she had her father’s cunning and her mother’s tact, and was unmatched in her sword-fighting. She was also one of the most valuable lovers in the empire, and I knew from experience that she lived up to her reputation.

But all that didn’t matter to me, because I was an old bitch knocking on death’s door, so I gave her shin a hearty crack with my walking stick, and growled, “Respect your elders, Adrianna, or I’ll tell your father you’re planning a coup!”

“Ow, fuck!” Adrianna growled, grabbing her wounded leg, “Tell her, you old bat! I’m always planning a coup! She’d be disappointed in me if I wasn’t!”

I left the half-hybrid lying in front of my shop, and made my way down the street. The noon sun glared from the silver statues that adorned each skyscraper, creating bright highlights in the sky as I walked in their shadow below. The Alkandran streets were a knotwork of multi-textured roads that could become canyons of architecture in a moment, opening into sudden wide boulevards that displayed the splendor of the city on all sides. Street merchants were always shouting their wares and offering their prices. If they were dark-elves, incubi or succubi, they had two menus on their board depending on how the customer wanted to pay. While the normal rumble of metropolitan life pervaded, it was always punctuated in Alkandra by some woman squealing in the throes of orgasm. A pedestrian always had to be mindful not to step on the hands and feet of people fucking in the middle of the road.

I stopped, and watched a pair of youths promenading on the other side of the street. A dark-elf was proudly showing off the city to a nervous high-elf. They were becoming more common by the day. For the first few decades, only a few entrepreneurial high-elves braved the city of beasts, but as the generations came and went, more and more citizens from the Highland province moved into the capital city. There was tension, of course, but it mostly came from the orcs. We did so relish the opportunity to treat high-elves as second-class citizens. Unfortunately, the echelons of Alkandran government were all made up of former high-elves, so the lynchings and gangrapes were put down hard before they became commonplace. Now most of the beasts that wandered the streets paid the high-elves no mind at all. Only a few orcs would give them odious glares, but most of these orcs simply adopted the self-righteous sense of oppression. The tribes had all been wiped out over a century ago, and I alone remembered what it truly meant to be under the heel of elven rule.

“That over there, that’s the Tiadoa Tower,” the dark-elf said, “that’s Wife-Queen Yavara’s personal place of pleasure. She invites commoners to party with her if they make a good impression; that’s the place you need to go if you want to move up in this city.”

“What about the Hybrid Court?” the teenage boy at her side asked.

The dark-elf giggled. “Luka, my naïve dearest half-brother, if you didn’t make it through the ***********ion process, then you already have no chance.”

“But,” Luka looked around nervously, “I heard there are ways to get in there. Secret back doors and such?”

“The only secret to getting into the Hybrid Court is to be rich enough or important enough to warrant an invitation. Fortunately for us both, no other place in the world allows a couple of broke nobodies like us to become filthy-rich somebodies; we’ve just got to hustle.”

“Ok then,” Luka said eagerly, “how do I make a good impression on Wife-Queen Yavara?”

The dark-elf smirked back at him. “Dearest half-brother, I’ve seen what you’ve got in your pants; you’ve got no chance.”

“Is that all that matters here then?!” the boy yelled frustratedly, “Lanie, you brought me here because you said this place was the land of opportunity, and so far, the only opportunities you’ve presented me with are working as a whore!”

“You’ve got to start from the bottom, Luka!” Lanie exclaimed, “Your reputation is all that matters in this place, and right now you have none. If you want to party like a hybrid, then you need to get that tight little asshole to work! I know a couple of goblins who run a brothel for a very specific clientele; male orcs who want to dominate male Highland boys.”


Lanie grabbed her half-brother, and pulled him into a hard embrace. “You said you wanted to leave the Highlands for a better life, right? Well, I’m offering it to you. You make yourself a reputation with these guys, and you’ll make inroads with some very well-connected people. One night you’re getting passed around in a dank cellar, but the next you’re entertaining posh guests at a dinner party. Once you’re in, all it takes is a conversation with the right patron.” She kissed him fiercely, then parted, and said, “I told you I had a plan, Luka, but I can’t do it on my own. I need you, and I’ll protect you. I swear it.”

Luka nodded, “Ok, Lanie.”

Lanie smiled. “Great.” Then she twirled her half-brother around, and bent him over against the wall.

“Lanie, what the fuck?!”

“Relax, Luka,” Lanie purred, and pulled the boy’s pants down to expose his plump little ass, “I’m horny, and you need training.”

“Right here?!”

“Look around; nobody cares. Besides, you’ll have to get used to being watched. Now, when I push my tip against you, I want you to push back against me. Ready…”

I turned away from the impending sodomy, and continued my journey. The cavernous streets ended abruptly after crossing the Knife River. Here, there were vast fields of agriculture that stretched to the northern horizon, but only a few miles to the west. The Great Forest stood in defiance of Alkandra’s expansion. Oh, Leveria had tried to cut it down for lumber and space, but after all of her workers mysteriously disappeared for the third time, she let Arbor and the Forest Father have their woodlands. Instead, Alkandra stretched in a long thin band between the coastline and the Knife River to the south until it connected with Ardeni two-hundred miles away, creating the megacity. The Tundra to the north had been converted to endless farmland, all fed by the aquifers of Glacier Lake. I made my way slowly across the bridge, and toward the one structure that stood on the west side of the Knife River.

It was a massive pyramidic temple nearly as large as the rebuilt Castle Alkandra, which was so big that its dome had to be ventilated lest it rain indoors. I glanced back at the behemoth castle that dominated the Alkandran skyline, and shook my head. Leveria just always had to one-up her little sister, even when Yavara didn’t know they were competing. I turned back to the temple, and began my arduous journey.

The great stone temple was decorated with silvery statues of robed women in various forms of lust. As I made my way up the immense steps, I past a statue of a robed woman performing oral sex on another. Both their heads were hooded, but their robes were open to display athletic hermaphroditic bodies. The Hybrid Court was originally setup by Elena Straltaira during her gubernatorial tenure as a way to marry the long-hated enemies of the Highlands and Alkandra. At first, Elena found it difficult to find quality candidates, but as the years rolled by, and as tension between the Highlands and the rest of the empire eased, the ambitious and gifted citizens of the Highlands realized the opportunity Elena was presenting. The Hybrid Court would be the most powerful governmental body in the empire, and the Highland kingdom was quickly becoming a backwater province of irrelevancy. And so, the brightest and most promising young men and women of the Highlands came to Elena. The ***********ion process was rigorous, making certain to challenge the candidates’ physical, mental, and sexual abilities before they were brought before the Dark Queen. On the surface, it looked like an insidious way for Leveria to castrate the Highlands by corrupting their most gifted youth, but of course, it was really Elena they were loyal to. She never saw the Hybrid Court as an arm of Leveria’s empire, but as a counterbalance to it. In a strange way, the steps I walked up weren’t Alkandran at all, for those who lived in here had almost all been born on the other side of the Great Forest, and the power they wielded was vast. Some could say that the Highland Empire had prevailed after all, though those people would be fools. These creatures might’ve been loyal to Elena, but they would never willingly go back to the Highlands. Neither would she.

When I reached the top of the steps, I was greeted by two hooded guards, who were of course, naked beneath their opened robes. They didn’t need armor anyway. No one was foolish enough to try hybrids in combat. The guards let me pass without a word, as I was allowed to walk anywhere I damn-well pleased in Alkandra. I entered a vast and expansive atrium with a pyramidic ceiling that narrowed to a dot hundreds of feet above me. The atrium was circled by tiers of floors that stretched up to the same dizzying heights, and I often wondered if anyone simply tripped and fell from the top levels. Probably not. Hybrids somehow managed to be graceful even when they were taking a shit.

The ladies of the court were festooned about the opulent temple, mostly fucking each other, but some were entertaining important guests. This place was Alkandra’s main attraction for foreign dignitaries, and a king’s ransom was paid to have access to it. It was Leveria’s strongest diplomatic tool, and also her greatest weakness if Elena ever decided so.

“Certiok Terdini? Is that you?” the woman herself asked from a few floors up.

“Is there another old she-orc bitch you let ruin the atmosphere here?” I growled up at her.

Elena giggled sonorously, and finished fucking one of her nine daughters with a few orgasmic thrusts, then left the poor girl quivering in a puddle of her own making. She raced down the steps, skipped over to me, and embraced me tightly.

“You know you’re always welcome here,” she said, parting with a kiss on my brow.

“I suppose it’s good to make you ageless sluts stare mortality in the face every once in a while.” I grunted, though I was smiling.

“Well, mortality has such a wizened and stoically beautiful face; why wouldn’t we?” Elena said charmingly, and took my hand in hers. We walked through the heavenly atrium, passing scenes of lust and debauchery that were so beautiful they should’ve been painted. The hybrids were living pieces of art, and they created masterpieces with their joined bodies. The woman beside me was likely the most sought-after of them all, for unlike Yavara, Elena rarely left the temple. Perhaps a street commoner would get lucky with the free-spirited wife-queen, but Elena’s list of cliental was very short, and consisted of the most powerful men and women in the world.

“Why did you come here, Certiok?” Elena asked.

“I want to talk to you.”

“My ear is always available to you.”

“I wanted to talk to you about what’s going on in the summer isles.”

Elena stopped, and frowned down at me. If I was anyone else, there would’ve been a blade in my throat in that moment. “What about the summer isles?” she asked cautiously.

“Yavara let it slip that Princess Trenaria was going there. Princess Trenaria is supposed to be in Terondia.” I gave her a disappointed look, “Elena, why would you ever let Yavara in on a conspiracy? The woman has the tact of a bull.”

“And enough magic to level a city block.” Elena glared at me, “Are you going to tell Leveria?”

“That depends. What are you planning?”

Elena’s jaw twitched a little. “Democracy,” she muttered.

“Goddamn it,” I sighed, “did Esmerelda write another manifesto or something? I told Leveria not to transform a rebel leader, she knew it was stupid, but all you had to do was put her balls in your mouth and suddenly rationality goes out the window. This is why governing by dick-sucking ability is a bad idea,” I glared up at Elena, “but not as bad an idea as letting commoners vote!”

“I came up with the idea on my own, if you must know.” Elena said, then paused to wave to her passing hybrid mother and Headmaster Dog-Meat, before turning back to me, “And it’s not a true democracy, but a republic where the hybrids rule by consensus.”

“Ah, so it’s just a selfish power-grab. Now I see why Yavara agreed.”

“It’s more nuanced than that.” Elena said, “Remember how the last Alkandra collapsed? One woman dies, and everything goes to shit! If god forbid, Leveria befalls some accident, or is assassinated, or just gets too drunk one night, then what? We all just sit around and wait for Alkandi to reincarnate? That could take a hundred years! And in the meantime, everyone with the hint of a claim will vie for the throne, and whoever gets it isn’t going to give it up to an infant incarnation! That is how totalitarian dystopias are formed. We can’t be ruled by the whim of one woman. The Dark Queen can still be a figurehead, but levelheaded minds must be the ones to steer this ship.”

I let out a long sigh. “Why can’t anyone just leave well enough alone?” I gestured around us, “You’re in fucking paradise, and you’re dissatisfied.”

“Things can always be taken away, Certiok. This won’t last forever.” She chewed her lip nervously, “Are you going to tell her?”

“I don’t know.”

“You know you don’t have to fear me.” Elena said, squeezing my hand tightly. Her eyes were so earnest, but I would be remiss to think she wasn’t capable of having me murdered in the street.

I squeezed her hand back, then pulled away from her.

Though Castle Alkandra was always in my sight, it took me four hours to get to there from the hybrid temple. By the time I reached the massive staircase leading to its main entrance, my legs were so shot that I could barely feel them. I ordered a palanquin to carry me up the one-thousand steps, and I paid with cash since my pussy was less then worthless, and a gummy blowjob would maybe buy a candy-bar at best. My carriers took me past thousands of citizens traveling to and from the massive capital building, as well as opportunistic dark-elves dressed as hybrids to fool unknowing tourists out of a few hundred coins. Dark-elves used their bodies as currency, but they still needed retirement savings for when their tits got saggy. We past novelty merchants, weapons vendors and drug dealers, all of them operating legally. The laws Adrianna (the original Adrianna) and I had put into place in the second iteration of Alkandra had been carried over to the third. Nothing was illegal but slavery, rape and murder. As I watched the city become small in my back window, I wondered what Adrianna would’ve thought of Leveria’s empire. Even after all this time, I still missed her. Brock and Trenok were just faded memories to me, remnants of an era long gone, but Leveria had built this place from Adrianna’s blueprint, and every stone seemed to evoke a memory of her. If she were still alive, she probably would’ve been very-much like Elena.

I turned forward as my carriers brought me through the massive double doors, and into the atrium of Castle Alkandra. Unlike its pyramidic counterpart across the river, this atrium was as raucous as the streets below. There were dead bodies in the corners, people fucking against the pylons, and beasts fighting in the middle of makeshift boxing rings and gladiatorial sands. Instead of taking the safer route offered for diplomats, I stepped out of the palanquin, and nimbly made my way through the chaos, knowing just when to duck and stop to avoid being trampled or decapitated. I got to the other side unscathed, then walked past the two armored trolls that guarded the royal wing, and into the royal chambers.

Princess Adrianna was waiting outside her father’s office, sitting in a chair made of her redheaded servants. They were teenage dawn-elf virgins, as Adrianna had very particular tastes, and their faces were consumed by her succulent bronze glutes as she lounged upon them. Two women feasted upon her ass and pussy, while a male dawn-elf was deep-throating her cock. She cruelly held his face against her crotch, not allowing him to do anything but suck and swallow as she watched him from behind her smoldering cigarette.

“The walking dead returns.” Adrianna sneered when she saw me.

“How’s your leg, dear?” I grumbled back.

“Bruises heal, but there’s no cure for being an old cunt.”

“Nor is there for being a stupid one.”

Adrianna grinned wickedly at me, yanked the teenage boy’s head back, and sprayed his face with fountains of cum. The young willowy man opened his mouth and moaned delightedly as he was besmirched by royalty, then screamed in agony when she put her cigarette out on his tongue. She locked his head between her strong legs, and held his mouth open, making him take the pain until the embers were all extinguished. When his screams died, she placed a loving kiss on his lips, and their joined mouths glowed with her healing spell. The man crawled away, and Adrianna stood up from her seat of women, her juices stringing from their pristine pale faces.

“Leave us,” she commanded, and her three virgin pets crawled away. “I know why you’re here.” She growled at me.


She chewed on her lip, her black and blue eyes narrowed at me. “Mom says you’re untouchable, but I wonder if the penance would be worth it just to hear you scream.”

“You’ve seen what your father does to traitors. I’d hear your mortal screams echoing in hell. Kill me, and Daddy won’t need permission from Mommy to do what she’s wanted to do for a century, you uppity cunt.”

Adrianna grinned wickedly at me. “I hope you live long enough to see what I’ll do to her.”

There was a loud bang behind the office door, then it flung open, and an extremely terrified Prestira Tiadoa came running out, topless with semen sprayed all over her chest. “They’re fighting!” she yelled, and slammed the door behind her, “Your dad and my mom! They’re not fucking around! We need to get out of here before they blow the whole fucking castle up!”

There was another explosion, and the stone walls of the castle shook to their foundations. Prestira put her hands overhead and scrambled down the hall, but Adrianna just stood there, flexing her fists. Little tendrils of flame coursed along her veins, and the dust around her settled upon her translucent shield.

“Adri!” Prestira cried from down the hall. Another boom, and the immense wall before me formed a crack all the way to the ceiling.

Adrianna just stood there, looking at the door. “This could be our chance, Tira,” she muttered, “if they weaken each other, I can finish them off. Mom will bow to me after that; she’ll have no choice.”

“That’s my mother in there!” Prestira shouted.

“And it’s my father,” Adrianna said softly, “someone needs to die, Tira.”

“It’ll be you.” I said, “If you go in there, you’ll come out in pieces.”

“What do you know, you daft old cunt?!” Adrianna snarled at me.

I just smiled at her. “The corpses those two bitches have made between them would stack higher than this castle. You’re not ready for this, little girl. You’re not even in the same league.”

Adrianna’s posture relaxed. Prestira ran over to her beloved and took her by the hand, and they both fled down the hallway, and out of sight. I took a deep breath, walked over to the door, and flung it open.

The entire eastern wall of Leveria’s office had been blown away. Papers floated from the high ceiling, every piece of furniture was on fire, and the two dueling queens were lurching against each other in the throes of violent ecstasy. Their hands were in each other’s hair, their mouths were wrapped and consuming voraciously, and their bodies heaved back and forth as they jockeyed for position, fucking each other’s holes in a battle of dominance. Yavara inevitably submitted as she always did, and their kiss became more impassioned as Leveria alternated the holes she fucked until they locked together in paralytic orgasm, and collapsed onto the floor with a sigh.

“This isn’t over!” Yavara gasped, “We are coming back to this first thing tomorrow! You can’t keep treating me like trash!”

“You love to be treated like trash!” Leveria snarled.

“Fuck you, you delusional cunt!” Yavara growled, and stood up, semen leaking from both her gaping orifices, her cock wet with Leveria’s juices, “I’m not going to just take your bullshit! I am a goddamned queen, and I will be fucking treated like one!”

“You missed a high-profile diplomatic meeting so that you could get fucked by a tattooist!”

“You call that a meeting?!”

“You’re an Alkandran! Things are expected of you!”



“Hi.” I said.

Both women stopped, and looked over at me. Their expressions immediately softened, and their postures relaxed.

“Hey, Certiok,” Yavara said, slipping back into her toga, “I was just… I was just leaving.” She walked over to the door, then stopped, and turned around to look at her sister. “You drive me crazy, but I still love you, Leveria.”

“And I love you too, Yavara,” Leveria smiled back, “we’ll talk about this in the morning.”

“See me tonight with Elena?”

“Just for fun.”

“Just for fun.” Yavara echoed with a smile, and left.

Leveria ran her hands through her hair, and let out an exasperated sigh. “God, what a mess this all is. What can I help you with, Certiok?”

“I just came to talk.”

“I was just about to begin organizing my itinerary, but…” she gestured helplessly to the papers floating everywhere, “siblings fight, I guess.”

“I wouldn’t know. My father killed all my brothers. He was afraid of them challenging him.”

She smiled wryly. “Your father was a very wise and forward-thinking man.”

“Until Brock Terdini ripped his throat out.”

Leveria waved her hand dismissively. “If a foreign power conquers me, then that is god’s will, but if I die getting stabbed in the back, that is my fault.”

“What was all this about?”

“You should know, you were there.” Leveria grumbled, extinguished the fires from a sofa, and collapsed in it. She patted the spot next to her, and I shuffled over to the couch, and sat into the plush cushion. “I rather like this new window me and my sister made,” Leveria mused with a chuckle at the forty-foot-tall hole in her wall, “it gives a really nice view of the Alkandran Bay.”

“I suppose.” I muttered. The moon shimmered off the dark waters and danced with the thousands of candles glowing from the ships in port. A warm summer breeze wafted humidly into the room, carrying the tang of sea-salt.

Leveria lit a cigarette between her teeth, and sucked the smoke in deeply. “Do you remember when the Lowland fleet came here?”

“How could I forget?”

Leveria laughed. “What a strange day that was for me. It was my first day as the Dark Queen, and I had to fight a battle I had personally designed to be impossible to win. I had to fight myself, and I won. That is the true test of life, Certiok, and most people fail. You must best yourself at every opportunity, or you will become weak.”

“Sounds exhausting.”

“Oh, it is,” Leveria sighed, and let out a plume of smoke, “but it’s worth it.”

I looked up at the Dark Queen, and sighed. “Leveria, everyone’s betrayed you.”

She cocked her head, and smiled. “I know. I know all about the summer isles.”

“You do?” I raised my brows, “And you’re just… letting it happen?”

“What is Alkandra, Certiok?” She prompted, “Is it the people, the land, or the culture? No. Alkandra is three women. I am its mind, Yavara is its beating heart, and Elena is its conscience. Alkandra is three lovers in a teenage romance. The highs are epic, the lows are disastrous, and the middles are just the drama-filled stages of discontent between raging arguments and mind-numbing makeup sex.” She gestured broadly out toward the sparkling city, “This place is in a permanent state of flux. It will never be finished, the dream will never be realized, and the destiny will never be fulfilled. The three of us will fight, break up, start a war, make up, fuck like crazy for a century, then do it all again.”

“What’s the point?”

Leveria shrugged. “Love, I guess. That’s all this is. Just the cyclic nature of falling in and out of love over and over,” she moved her finger in a circle, “but we’ll always keep coming back to each other, because the highs are worth the lows, and the lows are pretty fun anyway. Such is the nature of life from the perspective of a spoiled immortal.” Leveria grinned at me, “To all the rest of you, it must feel like total bullshit.”

“No, we do the same, just on a smaller scale, with much smaller stakes.” I narrowed my eyes at her, “There’s going to be a war soon, isn’t there?”

She nodded. “We need to clean out the bad blood. That fucking daughter of mine for one… god, she’s great in the sack, but she is trouble. Oh, and Prestira is such a fucking enabler, so she’s gotta go. Esmerelda too, need to get rid of her before she stuffs Elena’s head with anymore idealistic horseshit.”

“You’re going to fight all of them?”

“Yavara will come around to my side. She’s not really part of Elena’s hybrid cult, and she hates the idea of democracy.”

“A lot of people are going to die.”

“A lot of people are dying right now.” Leveria said, flicking her cigarette, “Nobody gives a damn.”

“I don’t think Yavara and Elena will forgive you if you kill their children.”

“Which is why I’m not doing anything to stop them.” Leveria winked at me, “You shouldn’t have prevented Adrianna from going after me, Certiok. She knows who she’s fucking with; let her dig her own grave.”

“You’re pure evil.”

Leveria smiled at the thought, then shook her head. “You know, I don’t think I am. If I may be so bold, I think I’m quite benevolent.”

“I know you.”

“Yes, I rape, torture and kill with pleasure, but I also made the greatest city the world has ever seen, and I’ve united all of Tenvalia. I think when all is said and done, history will look very favorably upon me. Of course, I’ll be the one writing most of it.”

“‘Why everything now sucks,’ by Leveria Tiadoa Alkandra.”

Leveria laughed, and put her arm around me. “Goddamn it, Certiok, I wish you’d just let me bite you! I don’t know what I’m going to do when you’re not here to call me on my bullshit.”

“I’ll be with my ancestors; why the hell would I want to stay here with you?”

Leveria’s smile fell. “Certiok, I’ve already told you. I’ve been on the other side. There’s nothing.”

I just smiled, and pinched Leveria’s cheek. “Just because you weren’t aware of it, didn’t mean there wasn’t anything there, Leveria. N’shiliok foctuna gritanilok farcio; it’s an old Protaki saying. It means ‘there is no such thing as nothing.’” I tapped her forehead, “Your memories are transient, for they die even as you live. Your identity is a construct of your memories, and so it too will die. Everything you know and everything you ever felt will fade away, but you are eternal. If you have died and come back, then there wasn’t nothing in that nothing; you were there, weren’t you?”

Leveria shook her head, and a tear rolled down her cheek. “Thank you for that, Certiok.”

“You’re welcome.” I smiled, and snuggled into her arms. The summer breeze was sweltering, but my old bones needed another soul to keep them warm. I had lived a very good and very long life, and I just wanted to rest for a while.


I put down the letter, looked out at the Gratoran Wall, and let out a cloud of thick marijuana smoke. In my travels through Balamora, I realized just how insignificant Tenvalia really was. Balamora was nearly five times the size, and filled with wonders that were so gargantuan and alien that they seemed to come from another planet entirely. The Dark Queen might’ve been the most powerful being on Tenvalia, but even when Yavara had the combined abilities of herself and Alkandi, she couldn’t scratch the surface of the deific prowess it must’ve taken to make the behemoth I now stared at.

The Gratoran Wall was a mountain range. A manmade mountain range, made by one man. A woman, actually. The shear rock walls went a mile high, then became jagged snowcapped peaks that towered over the landscape. On one side of the Gratoran Wall, were the rolling hills of the many dwarven princedoms. On the other, was nothing but desert for thousands and thousands of miles. That was the orc empire, and if I squinted, I could almost see the steel city of Hektinar glinting off the horizon as the sun set behind it. As for the wall itself, flocks of valkyries and tribes of wildlings roamed the many peaks, which provided ample pastures and excellent defense. The wall was a divider, but those who lived atop it lived atop the world, and there was no division for us; only vast expansive sky.

“What are you thinking about?” Soraya asked me from the bedroom.

I looked down from the top window of our mountaintop monastery, and surveyed all the figures around the many bonfires below. Hundreds of hybrid hermaphrodites, women, and a few pure-dark males were dancing, drinking and fucking in the waning sunlight. Ten generations of my descendants were down there, either children of my womb or children of my seed, all engaging in the wonderfully taboo lust of incest. There seemed to be no ill effects on the children born of hybrid incest, for I had lain with my children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and so forth, and had made children with them, and they had made children with each other, and all of those children were as keen and athletic as I ever was. Some were adventurous, and wandered off on their own, usually to Drastin or Hektinar. Terondia, the capital of the elven empire here on Balamora, was too conservative for my children’s liking. Though the elves here came in many different shades and sizes, they all equally disdained the lustful nature of the hybrids, and so we did not make our home there. So our growing family set down roots in Drastin, where every race and color was welcome, and where the laws were few; and the orc empire, where the laws were many, but where we were treated with reverence for the ancient orc blood that ran in our veins. After a few hundred years, Soraya and I still felt like eternal guests in other people’s lands, so we made our own land. And though the mountain peaks could be treacherous, and the cold could be brutal in the winter, it was unmistakably ours. Our little Alkandra. Not the Alkandra Leveria had made, but the one Adrianna and I had built half a millennium ago.

“Furia?” Soraya asked, and molded her front to my back, “Will it just be us tonight?”

I reached behind me to run my hands through her fine hair, and bring her lips over my shoulder to kiss my turned face. “Just us sounds nice for a change. Sometimes the clean-up of an orgy isn’t worth the fun.”

“Blasphemy.” Soraya giggled, and kissed the nape of my neck. She rubbed my pregnancy bump, then let her hands wander to my crotch. “What’s that letter you were reading?” She asked as she pulled out my hard cock, and stroked me from behind.

I flicked the marijuana spliff out the window, and opened the letter on the table. “It’s from Leveria.” I groaned as Soraya’s deft fingers touched me expertly.

“Leveria?” Soraya mused, “We haven’t heard from her for a hundred years. How are things back in Tenvalia?”

“Yavara started another civil war,” I sighed, “looks like she got Elena on her side this time. God, that’s the fifth one. You wonder why Leveria puts up with her?”

“I don’t,” Soraya giggled as she massaged my aching organ, “I know exactly why Leveria puts up with it, I know exactly why Elena goes along with it, and I know exactly why Yavara starts it.”

“Not everything is about sex.”

Soraya scoffed. “They’re just like us, Furia. Everything is about sex. These high-casualty civil wars are just… dedicated roleplaying fetishes.”

“Bad luck to all the poor bastards who get killed over it.”

She sighed, and snuggled further into me, creating a bed of supple flesh against my back. “Who cares about the little people, Elena?” She whispered, “They’re ants.”

“We’re all just ants.” I muttered, looking out at the vastness of the manmade mountain range. A lone valkyrie flew over the Iona peak, then descended into the jagged dark silhouette of the mountainside.

“You’re thinking about the ones we left behind.” Soraya murmured, “You’re always like this when we get one of Leveria’s damn letters.”

“I was just wondering what they’d think about all this.”

“They’d love it, Furia. We did good.”

I nodded, and smiled. “Yes, we did.”

End of Epilogue.

End of Queen Yavara.

Author’s note

Thank you all for reading Queen Yavara. It was often a battle to write, but I hope it was a filthy joy to read. This was my first ever foray into erotic writing that was originally started back in May 2017. I’ve put it down, given up, restarted, and rewritten this entire series. It has been a labor of love and hate, but I think in the end that it was mostly the former for me. The characters you read are little pieces of my psyche that I spin out and evolve, and even I don’t know what they’ll do. I let them tell the story for me, and I tried my damndest to remain truthful to them.

You may have noticed that the story gradually changed focus as it went along. It started as Yavara’s story, then became Prestira’s story, then became Elena’s, then became Adrianna’s, and lastly became Leveria’s. Of all these characters, the titular Yavara was the most difficult for me to write. When coming up with the idea that she had been forced into an identity that was not her own, I wanted to avoid pigeonholing her into a dichotomy of personality, as that would just make her seem bipolar, and make Leveria’s big reveal rather obvious. While every other character had unique traits and motivations that made them very easy to write, Yavara’s motivations could never be set in stone, for she herself was never certain of them. Did she want power? Perhaps, but not to the extent that Zander pushed her to grasp it. Did she want love? Yes, but whose? Everyone’s?! Is she good? Is she evil? Is she just a shallow slut? This was the greatest challenge of writing this story, and I hope I succeeded; I can’t really say. I know what I intended to convey to you, but ultimately, the story is yours to interpret as you please. By writing down a thought, it no longer becomes my own, and so I hope that you created from this story, something worth your time.

Now, because I can’t help myself, I’m going to be a little mean to you.

If you have gotten this far, I can only assume you’ve read every word of every chapter of this long and twisted story. Upon finishing this author’s note, Queen Yavara is now a story of 783,407 words. To give you some perspective, that is 280 more words than the King James bible. The entire Lord of the Rings series—including the Hobbit—is 576,459 words. Atlas Shrugged is 561,996 words. War and Peace is 561,304 words. His Dark Materials trilogy is 390,575 words. Les Misérables is 655,478 words. Jean Christophe is 610,000 words.

You could’ve read an entire semester’s worth of literary masterpieces with the time you spent reading this cheap smut. You could’ve broadened your horizons and cultured yourself with great works from great human minds, but you instead decided to read over three-quarters of a million words of dreck, half of which was repetitive anal sex. And for that, I am eternally grateful, you depraved little bunnies.

With much love,

E.L. Whitewall.

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