A bitch’s fall episode B


The car rolled down the hill towards the

town, Megan desperately hoping the

streets would be empty, and no signals

would stop them. The grove rape had beem

bad enough, a public disgrace was

unthinkable. Especially when tied like a

toy hanging from rear of a car.


hopes were soon belied. As the road

joined the main highway into town, megan

saw cars and bikes behind. Eventually a

biker saw her, and stared. He pointed to

his buddy, and burst out laughing.

Normally, no one dared laugh at her. Now

she just cried as they drove closer for a

better view. They were now just behind

the car, close enough to squeeze her

exposed titties. And he did just that,

holding on to them as the two vehicles

almost collided. The pulling away was

especially painful, the guy holding on to

her mammary till it was almost ripping.

But the real pain for megan was the Guy’s

expression. No concern, not even shock,

just glee and lust. The guy even spit at

her as he left. As the spit trailed down

her nose, she realized that she had gone

out a free woman, she was returning a

slut whore.

Megan had hoped to be driven

to either of their places or somewhere

obscure. After all, didn’t they too have

some shame, dragging a helpless woman


As it turned out, they drove

right to her place. Megan knew the “good”

parts like the back of her tied hand.

Terrified at her father finding out, she

began to squirm, but to no avail.

Strangely, no one was around. At the

community hall, she figured.

Her respite

didn’t last long, she being untied and

dragged to the door. It being already

dark, she hoped nobody saw her degraded

condition. Again, they didn’t ring the

bell. Instead, they put her on a dog

leash and tied her to the post beside the

door. Then they rang the bell, and

immediately drove off.

Megan’s heart

was,hammering as,she saw a shadow

approach under the door. What would her

folks say? Hadn’t she been their epitome

of morality, more holy than the saint’s

statues? Wasn’t her word the rule of the

house on all matters sexual? And hadn’t

she reprimanded her brother a zillion

times for watching bikini babes? What

would they think? She shuddered as her

knees grew weak from the kneeling on the

welcome mat.

Her brother John, infact,

was the only one in the house. His prude

sister being late, he was going through a

porn mag that he had successfully saved

from the SS onslaught. Hearing the bell,

he quickly shelved the other plans, hid

the mag, and headed to the door.


stood at 6’4, and was used to looking

down on his bitch sister. But he saw

noone when he stared out. He was,about to

close the door, when his peripheral

vision caught a wisp of brown hair. He

looked down.

Megan could not bear to see

her brother stare at her, at her slutty

clothes, at her exposed mams. She

couldn’t bear to look up at him. For

once, the expression of shock and

surprise she expected was painted on his

face, as he beheld his sister on the mat.

On her face was scribbled, “GIFT FROM THE


John quickly took her in,

lest some prying eyes find them. Once the

door closed, megan relaxed a little.

They were inside now, just her and her

brother. He could be handled, like she

had done the past 14years.

She was

wrong. The shocked look changed to one of

curiosity not concern, and Megan’s

quickly prepared explanation became

superfluous as he made no effort to ungag

her. Instead, he ran a finger down her

face, noting the dried cum on it.


had first been shocked. To think of miss

feminist kneeling half naked was

impossible. But it was true. As he

touched her face to ensure he wasn’t

dreaming, he noted the cum. Soiled, but

still fresh, he thought. His first

instinct was to untie her and make things

“normal”, but new, and strange thoughts

flooded his mind as he beheld his nude


Hadn’t she made him apologize

for kissing a girl behind canteen? And

didn’t she spread the rumour that he was

a,moron? Wasn’t she the reason his

college gang had to stay away from the

girls’ dorms? Bitch!

Megan saw his

expression change. He was becoming

agitated, but why? She liked to think

she was the reason, her assault making

him angry. She was the reason, as she

found out when he abruptly slapped her

teary face.

The first slap had been

instinctive, the next four vengeful, the

last ten sadistic. Her face looked so

much better, the red cheeks looking like

overdose of blusher. He suddenly grabbed

her hair, and dragged her with it up the

stairs to her room.

It was locked, elazığ escort so

she was made to unlock it, John keeping a

stranglehold om her neck. She was then

pushed roughly into her spick and span

room, landing on her bitch brigade

As the pain subsided, megan

realized what had just happened. Her

brother, instead of freeing her, had

dragged her by her hair. Her hair! Which

was out of bounds even for girls. She

knew 18th century women were often

dragged by their hair, but her. President

of Women’s Society? She wanted to drown

in her cum drenched tears.

John used

this time to note how sexy her ass was.

Forever encased in loose skirts, they now

stuck out in full glory at his feet. He

did the logical thing, landing five kicks

on her backside. He wanted to kick her

out of her senses. To break every bone

for the hell she had made for him. But as

they say, women have better uses.

Megan,,desperate to escape the thrashes,

tried to crawl to the bed, hoping to get

up, even if her hands were tied. This

had the effect of knocking her bag over,

spilling her bitch brigade batch and

sash. John’s mind changed track again.

Pushing megan aside, he grabbed the

objects, and inspected them. Grabbing

megan again, he pushed her onto the bed.

Climbing onto her, he sat on her

abdomen, thus making movement impossible.

Taking the badge, he carefully took the

pin near her nipple. It was hard from

fear. He looked at megan, saw the fear

and desperation as she realized her

predicament, and went for it. The nipple

resisted a bit, but as megan began

thrashing on the bed, it went through,

emerging on the other side,,her soft nub

impaled on steel. He now attached the

pin, affixing the badge to her exposed


Megan knew what was going on,

only she didn’t know it was her most

precious possession now hanging from her

tit like a xmas star. She was soon

dragged in front of her queen size

mirror, her nipple aching like hot iron

pushed through her chest.

The sight

brought fresh tears. There she stood, her

talisman atrached to her breast,

obscenely advertising her utter

helplessness. She’d not even allow fellow

bitches to use it, today it was being

used on her, like Jewellery. Worse, her

brother stood behind her, crowning her

with the cap. To her it waz crowning

shame, a reversal of her revered status

as head of bitch brigade. Megan broke

into fresh tears.

For once, brother and

sister thought alike. Only John was

cherishing the feeling, loving every tear

that paid for his years of denial. He

clicked a few pics, taking care to make

Megan pose, which she strangely complied

with, doll like.He pulled the badge

slightly, making megan yowl in pain as

her tit stretched. CLICK! He pusjed both

of her hands under her boobs, raising

them. CLICK! He made her stand like the

day she took the oath for bitch headship.

CLICK! worse, she was made to say the

same lines as her brother filmed her. She

collapsed on the floor crying. Wishing it

would end, or she’d die.

She looked up

to find her brother’s detested dick

dancing before her, free of it’s bonds

and rearing to claim it’s natal opposite.

Megan shook her head. I’m her scheme,

rape was to be avoided in practice, but

incest in principle. A family sexual act

was worse than holocaust, she had told

the local Jewish seminary. Her holocaust

was just beginning.

With the ease with

which men had started using her since the

evening, John forced Megan’s mouth open

by pulling on her hair. Her mind

compared it to opening a bin by stepping

on the lower pedal. Again, she felt a

man’s member push in. John wasn’t a huge

guy, something she often told girls not

willing to buy her chastity crap. As his

dick began intruding her throat, she knew

she was dead wrong.

Like deja vu,

thoughts of the life that was were

replaced by attempts to survive another

rape session. John loved the way his

darker hair mingled with his sister’s

mane, and he decided to deep throat his

sis. Megan soon found herself choking on

his cock, and was forced to try and

breathe through her nose, taking in the

aroma of dickhair as the price for

oxygen. Her face was being bruised by

coarse hair as her pulmonary plight


Then, to her surprise and

relief, he pulled out, until only the tip

remained between her lips. CLICK! Megan

was made to look up, like a slut in a

porno mag she’d confiscated from her

brother. CLICK! Slut, she’d called the

pornstar, now that silicone blonde seemed

better off, atleast she retained her free

will. Megan was infinitely worse, her

mind escort elazığ told her, being raped by her

brother. A sin, no less!

As if to

atone, her brother pulled out for a whole

minute as he listened carefully. He then

shoved it back and pushed in and out so

fast as to make her dizzy. The hold on

her hair was painful, the abrasions on

her mouth more agonizing by the minute.

When the world had finally gone fuzzy

with a headache, Megan felt him squirt

seed in her facial fuckhole. It was

salty, warm and to her mind, no less

than poison. John coolly made her

swallow, and lick up his sticky flaccid

dick. Once done, he ran downstairs,

locking her in.

John had heard his

parents return, and knew he had to come

fast. He’d done that. Basking in the

afterglow, he opened the door, taking his

mother’s groceries to the table. Once

he’d answered the usual questions, he

told them that Megan was in her room

changing. He now excused himself,

deciding to complete his plans before


He found megan was sitting as

he’d left her, drooly cum dripping along

her chin. For a momwnt he thought his

rapid strokes had wrecked her mind, but a

pathetic look assured him she was very

much alive to her progressive

degradation. Stage 2 began.

Megan was

made to spread her firm and popular legs

for her brother. He found a veritable

mess, ut had already been used. Never

mind, cunt was a long lasting resource. A

summary cleanup later, John was pushing

his 10″ dick into the well abused hole of

his prude sis. He was surprised how tight

she was, enveloping him involuntarily in

her warmth. What treasures she had, and

so selfish about them too. She deserved

to pay.

His drool lubricated sperm rod

soon hit her cervix, the gate to her

womb. More pictures followed. He grabbed

the badge, and used is as a handle to

push in and out of a once proud woman,

now a helpless hole. Megan by now knew

the routine, her womanly instincts

lubricating her for fertilization, for

making babies. She was back in an age

when babies justified a woman’s

existence, her whold life was geared to

raising healthy children. It seemed women

had only changed outside, their bodies

still yearned to be fucked as much , to

be seeded as much, to be used as much by

the stronger sex, as they liked. Women’s

lib seemed a distant chimera to a cunt

violated by her own brother

Worse, her

mind was falling in it’s spell. Rape was

an ordeal, incest a sin, she should be

hurting and crying. Instead, her body

began ro rock in rythm, her breathing

became rapid, and she felt a surge of

blood to her private parts. Each thrust

made her yearn for more, more of her

lover, no matter who he was. Suddenly,

she could hold it no more. A warm

sensation passed through her body, as her

mind blanked to enjoy the novel feeling

coming from her groin. She moaned in

pleasure, gripping her vaginal intruder

tightly as she came.

“Dirty slut. You

came for your own brother. Jeez, what a


As if she cared. She was slowly

returning to normal, no longer minding

the pounding of her hole. She

unconsciously reached up, grabbed him in

a tight embrace as they made love. The

feel of her hitherto hidden assets, and

the knowledge that she had cum for him,

took him over the edge. He poured his

seed into his sister’s slit. She was his,

claimed and conquered.

If megan thought

her lovemaking would last, she was wrong.

She had begun to realize that her

assailants’ interests always came before

hers, and her survival in fuckable shape

was the only limits to their perverse

fantasies. She was confirmed in her

belief when John made her put on two

nipple clamps under the tight sweater he

chose for her. They stuck out obscenely,

andcher mind was torn between pain and

humiliation. An equally high pair of

shorts complemented her top, and he cut

out the crotch, giving enough wind to her

cunt to make her shiver. Worse, she was

still dripping cum, and kept her legs

closed lest any should fall down.


quickly exited the house, she being made

to give an alibi of a,walk. It was dark,

and she hoped nobody would notice the

bumps on her chest. She was again


She met her classmate at

the turning, and he tried to get away

seeing her unhappy look. He had recently

been made to apologize publicly for

grabbing a feel of his gf in a girl’s

toilet. But John called him back.

Emboldened by the confidence of a fellow

victim, he came back. He was still

scared, and John made his move.

The guy

not having seen the clamps (improvised

cloth elazığ escort bayan clips), he casually, reached out

and squeezed a boob, commenting how heavy

it was. Megan kept her hands to her side,

as his hand stayed wrapped on her tit.

John now raised her sweater to reveal her

suffering sack of meat.

The guy, called

Ron, could hardly believe it. The bitch

was being used. Even a cheerleader

wouldnt agree to such a streetside

squeeze. Which meant she was drugged or

he was dreaming. Well, they said if you

aren’t sure if you’re dreaming, pinch.

He did, on her tit. Soon, her other jug

was out and the two merrily abused the

humiliated girl.

Megan saw the two

hands sticking from her chest, two sets

of leering eyes, two dicks getting hard.

A normal girl would have gotten used to,

and not bothered to know the deatails of

the new assailant. But her bitchified

brain refused, reminding her that Ron was

on the brigade blacklist, that he

regularly “misbehaved” with girls, that

she was next on his line of fresh


She was pushed to her knees, and

Ron entered her. The routine began,

except that cars passing could see her

abuse. From the corner of her eye, she

saw a carload of teens pass. They were

almost gone, when one of them saw her

through the marijuana haze. Soon, hoots

and jeers were coming from the gang. One

threw an empty beer can at her, which hit

her head, increasing the pain. Eventually

they picked up the courage to come


One of them reached down and

attached a leash to her neck. Her brother

said nothing just clicked away. Another

took out a drug needle and pushed it into

her tit, followed by more. To make

matters worse, Eon came, squirting his

stuff over her sweater and tits.


boys now formed a line, and Megan was

soon feeling utterly exhausted from being

headbanged on a dick. It looked bizarre

as a line of dicks approached her like

cans to a canning machine. Worse for her

, the guys stuck pins in her boobs,

turning her already pinstuffed boobs into

veritable pincushions. Jizz was soon

dripping down her face, turning her

sweater into a cum-absorber. She’d

counted 5 but the total was about 10.

What she didn’t know was that the beat

police had joined in, in exchange for

“license” to use public property for sex.

She found out only when a potbelly

replaced a skinny frame, and a huge dick

pushed in, making her gag inspite of her

recent experience. He was also brutal,

ramming his dick deep inside and holding

it there till her lungs almost gave in.

When he came, the semen covered her face,

shutting her eyes and stuffing her nose.

She guessed this was how a trash whore

looked like.
Some cum was washed away by

the tears which flowed again.

Once they

left, and she and her brother were alone

again, she was made to take a round of

the entire neighborhood. Luckily it was

“earth hour” and lights were out.


they soon saw Trish, arch enemy of the

bitch brigade and head cheerleader,

coming towards them. She too had a look

of total disbelief when she saw her enemy

walking so shamelessly. But she needed no

encouragement. She grabbed the sticky pin

covered tits, and slowly and painfully

pulled out the pins. Once done, she went

into her house, and returned with real

nipple clamps, a thong and a torch.


clamps were soon in place, and Trish

added weights for good measure. The

shorts were removed, and the thong was

put in place. Trish reached down, and

Megan felt the torch being stuffed in

her, held in place by the thong. It was

obly when she was pushed on all fours did

logic dawn. The torch shone from her

pussy, as trish sat down on her back,

pressed her hells into Megan s kidneys

and grabbed her hair in one hand, leash

in the other.

So arrayed, megan began to

crawl, as Trish bounced on her back,

pulling the hair and occassionally

squeezing a tit. She stuck two fingers in

her mouth, and then sucked on them,

saying “bitch flavour. Yum!”


wanted to die. Here was her arch rival,

sitting like a horaerider, abusing her at

will! She had taken every chance she got

to denounce the cheerleaders’ skimpy

clothes, obscene dances, and loose

“morality “. Now if anyone saw her, a

slave, worse a mule to her mistress, ehat

would they say? How could she face the

bitch brigade again, when she was beimg

used in ways even prostitutes weren’t.

She felt worthless, a piece of meat to be

used wherever, whenever and anyhow, by

whosoever wanted a fuck, or had been

snubbed by her.

As she lugged the

biggest female victim of her prudishness

on her back, the biggest male victim

walking along clicking pictures, she

regretted, for the first of many times,

being a bitch when she still had a chance


[To be continued ]

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