Mistress McKay Pt. 04

Bdsm Women

Mistress McKay. Part four. Lucy is summoned.

Three weeks passed, along with the end of the summer and I had spent quite a bit of it enjoying sapphic pleasures with my new friends. Too much time. I had almost forgotten that real life doesn’t wait for people who indulge too much in hedonism. I got a sharp reminder one morning, woken from my slumbers by my phone ringing. I knew who it was, having set Verdi’s Slaves Chorus as her unique ringtone on the device.

“Good morning, Mistress.” I tried to sound perky and awake.

“Good morning to you too, Lucy. I am invoking my right to summon you to my office. It has been rather too long since I last saw you and I am disappointed that you have not pursued my offer to help you enter our local college. I want you to come to my office tomorrow afternoon at three o’clock. There is someone I feel you should meet.”

Oh. I had forgotten all about that and knew she was right. I was leaving it a bit late if I wanted to avoid an unplanned gap year.

“Thank you so much, Miss McKay.” Reverting to her college name under the circumstances. “I’ll be there and I promise not to be late. Is there anything I should do to prepare for meeting your… friend?”

“Just the usual preparations, girl. Just in case, if you follow my drift. Now, don’t be late or you will regret it!” and with that she rang off.

I looked at my watch and discovered I had slept half the morning away. Time for a shower and a shave. Haha, it isn’t only men who have to do that! I checked the condition of my bum in the mirror and couldn’t make out any remaining marks from my last visit to the school. That healing balm was great stuff. Having completed my ablutions, I dressed and went downstairs for breakfast. Mum was in the conservatory and I joined her there.

“Miss McKay called me this morning. She says she has someone she wants me to meet. I think it must be her friend from the local college because she reminded me she had offered to have a word with her about me.”

“How considerate of her, dear.” Mum responded. Do you have any idea what kind of course you would like to study?”

“Actually, not really, Mum, but it seems the right thing to do, go and study something so that I can have a decent career to work at. She once mentioned her friend lectures Behavioural Science. I’ll wait till I hear her advice, and that of her friend.”

Mum gave me a knowing look. “Mmmmm.” She said “And maybe when you get back, you might have something to show your father and me?” she smiled.

I blushed. “Maybe, but I can’t imagine she would do anything like that in front of her friend; she is a lecturer in the college.” I hadn’t told mum about the display I had put on at the school with Cassie. She didn’t know how turned on I was being exhibited like that. If Miss McKay’s friend wants to watch me being caned, I really don’t mind at all.

I borrowed mum’s car this time and as I drove to the school I started to imagine all sorts of things. Remembering the phone call yesterday – the words ‘invoke my right’, ‘just in case’ and the final instruction ‘don’t be late’. I could feel my nipples hardening. Maybe I am to be punished after all. That would be nice.

There was a cyclist in front of me and I didn’t have enough space to overtake. I thought I had allowed plenty of time but as we crawled along at a frustratingly slow pace, I realized I hadn’t factored this one in. As it was, it suddenly occurred to me that it might be quite exciting to test her mettle in front of her friend. I arrived at the school at four minutes to three. I knew that it would take exactly that long to park and lock the car and make my way to her office. I should be just in time.

I locked the car and immediately dropped the keys. Bending down to retrieve them, I felt the familiar stretch of my hamstrings and gave a little gasp at the pleasurable reminder of that position. What would the behavioural scientists say about that? Was I deliberately dawdling? Did I really want to be late for this important meeting? Especially having been warned not to be. I quickened my pace, entered the building and came face to face with a girl who had been a year below me at school. Now in her final year, I recognized her as one of my audience from my last visit here. Oh, god!

“Hello Lucy. She said, beaming in recognition. “Nice to see you again, so soon after the last time too!” she sniggered. That was it then. Rumbled. I guess they would all know who I was, and she showed no surprise at seeing me here today.

“Back for more of the same?” she continued with a knowing smirk.

“Hello Debbie.” I ignored her comment. “Sorry, can’t chat. I’m running a bit late.” That was true. Between dropping my keys and stopping briefly to exchange words, the clock was ticking more quickly than I could walk. Running in the corridors was, of course, forbidden. I checked the time on my phone. Oh gawd, exactly 3:00. I sped up again but I knew I was going to be in trouble. çankırı escort I arrived at her door just as the phone registered 3:01. I knocked, panting a little from the rush, and the certain knowledge that I must surely have just earned myself punishment.

The door opened and Miss McKay waved me in. Across the room stood a magnificent woman. Tall, around five foot ten, with amazing black curly hair that spread sideways and down, covering her shoulders and reaching down to conceal her bosom. Long legs, encased in what looked rather like riding boots and a mid-thigh black leather skirt. A white blouse, slightly see-through and I thought I could detect her navel behind the material. She had a pretty, yet stern look on her face which looked like it enjoyed laughter but could also express anger, disappointment, haughtiness, and that is what it was doing now. She scrutinized me as I stood there gawking at her.

I suddenly remembered my manners and turned to Miss McKay. I stood politely with my hands clasped in front of me and greeted her good afternoon and thank you for the invitation. I should have shut up. I was stuttering and stammering, blushing and beginning to feel like a fool.

“Welcome, Lucy. I want you to meet my friend and colleague. You may call her Miss Dee. Dee, this is Lucy who we were discussing before her tardy arrival.”

So, it hadn’t gone unnoticed. I stepped forward and gave a little curtsy. “Hello, Miss Dee. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“And a delight to meet you too, Lucy. I have heard much about you from Miss McKay and I believe, between us, we may be able to give you some direction in life. I understand you may be interested in a place at my college. You have left it very late, you know. Term has already started but we are always interested in accepting new students.”

For thirty minutes or so we fell into deep and searching discussion about my interests, educational ones, by the end of which Miss Dee had persuaded me that I should enroll in her course – Behavioural Science which would take three years to complete. I decided there and then that I liked this lady. She was confident and seemed trustworthy, and knowledgeable on her subject. This became more evident when she asked me why I had arrived for this meeting at what appeared to be a calculated one minute late.

I was slightly taken aback, not expecting it to come from her. Miss McKay, yes, but now I was being put on the spot by this new lady. I stammered again, mentioning cyclists and dropping keys and old friend, but after a moment my excuses tailed off into silence. I knew what must follow such a question, where it had come from and where it was leading. I stood up, spread my feet apart, placed my hands behind my neck, elbows back, and spoke to a space above her head, not daring to catch her eye.

“I apologise for being late. Mistress McKay warned me against it and yet I disobeyed her. I know that I deserve to be punished.” My eyes were watering as I shamed myself before this lady who stood up and walked the few paces it took to hover over me. Her hair brushed aside and I could clearly see that not only was she braless but that she possessed lovely C-sized breasts with strong, dark and rather stiff nipples under the diaphanous blouse. My pussy gave a lurch. Oh lord, here we go again.

“So, you say that you deserve to be punished, Lucy, and I cannot disagree with that, but are you willing to be punished?” demanded this imperious lady before me.

“Yes, Mistress. I am willing to submit to punishment.” I whispered, and then a little louder, “If it would please you, Mistress.” It hadn’t taken me long to work out the connection between Mistress McKay and Miss Dee. Clearly they were two of a kind, and I was a suitable participant in their game. To call her Mistress was surely the correct title.

A snort of derision. “Oh, yes, Lucy. It would please me very much, particularly as you are already calling me ‘Mistress’. But now that we have established that you are willing to accept punishment, please tell me what you think would be a fitting penalty for taunting your benefactress and myself with your deliberate tardiness.”

I didn’t have to think About that for long. “The cane, Mistress Dee. I should be caned. Twelve strokes?” I looked up at her and saw that she was glowering down at me still. It seemed I was not being ambitious enough for her.

“Twelve strokes of the cane… from each of you, Mistress?” I dared look her in the eye and I saw a satisfied softening of her expression.

“Is that really what you want, Lucy? You want your Mistress McKay to give you twelve strokes of the cane, followed by a further twelve from me?”

“Yes, Mistress. I should have arrived on time and I deliberately failed to do so. I want to be caned for my disobedience. Please give me the caning I deserve.”

“And how would you like this caning to take place, Lucy? Knickers down, bending over holding your çapa escort ankles here in the room, right now?” Miss Dee was really drawing it out of me, bit by bit.

“No Mistress. I should remove all of my clothing to show my acceptance that punishment must be received naked. I want to submit completely to the two mistresses who will administer it. Also, there is a caning bench in the room opposite. May I please lie over it and be strapped into it securely with my ankles and knees separated widely, so that I am fully exposed to you and so that I cannot escape or avoid the full caning.”

“Well, that was a heartfelt plea, if I ever heard one!” Miss Dee looked over at Miss McKay. “What a well-trained girl you have here, my dear.” She added with a delighted smile.

“I have one final question for you, Lucy, before we permit you to follow through on your promises.” She half smiled as she asked, “How hard would you like me to cane you? Do you want me to make you gasp, or would you want to shriek?” Her smile broadened as she watched my face.

“The decision is yours, Mistress. If you wish to cane me very hard, I will have no choice but to receive the severity of caning you wish to give me. Please allow me to remove my clothing for you now, Mistress. I feel that I should be naked when I beg for a caning and Mistress McKay expects me to be naked throughout any punishment session. I feel that session has already begun.” My pussy was alight, knowing that I now had found another mistress, and this one seemed to bring out the submissive in me even better than Miss McKay. I could sense the juices beginning to flow and wished I could give my pussy a rub.

With a wave of the hand, Miss Dee gave me permission to strip. I suppose I had expected this from the very outset, from the moment I heard miss McKay’s ringtone yesterday morning. I bent down to unbuckle my shoes, keeping my legs straight so that I would once again stretch those hamstrings but also to show Miss Dee how supple I was. I slipped off my shoes and placed them to one side of a convenient chair nearby. Then came my skirt, and my top, both of which I folded neatly and placed them on top of my shoes on the floor. Now facing both mistresses, I unclasped my bra and revealed my breasts to them. That joined the rest of my clothes and left me just in my boyshorts.

I was aroused and knew there would be a damp patch in them. My pussy was swelling as I stood up straight and squared my shoulders, exposing my tits to the gaze of the two women who watched with close attention. There was no hiding the flush of excitement and the hardness of my nipples. My thumbs slipped under the elastic and I bent to remove the final item. Folding them carefully and putting them on top of the small pile of my dignity, I stood again, raised my hands and clasped the fingers behind my neck. Elbows back, feet apart, head lowered – no eye contact now. I was their naked slave, awaiting punishment. With a throbbing clitoris beginning to emerge from its hiding place and my tits thrust out proudly, demanding the appraisal they were getting. Hard, tight nipples begging to be sucked.

“Well, this one needs no persuading!” Dee looked at me admiringly. “Not only with a very fit looking and attractive body and a pretty face, but her attitude and comportment are already greatly developed. Well done, Mistress McKay! Oh, how I am looking forward to taking her into my domain.”

This was new. What did she mean by that? Does she mean studying her course at college? Or does she expect me to become her slave? Actually, I’m such a submissive bitch, if that’s what she plans, I rather think I’ll go along with it. Let’s see what happens. No need to challenge or even ask yet. First, I have a caning to take.

I was commanded to go into the corridor and await further instruction. I was to stand in this same position and if anyone passed by, staff or schoolgirl, I was to say nothing. “Wait outside the punishment chamber until we are ready to take you in there.” Mistress McKay told me.

As it happened, nobody passed by, but the thought of being found there by someone, standing naked in the punishment position, was enough to thrill my pussy and nipples. It would be obvious to any passer by that I wasn’t exactly averse to what was happening to me.

It must have been about five minutes when the two ladies emerged from the office. Without a word, Miss McKay took a key and unlocked the door to the room opposite. As we entered, I realized I hadn’t been in it before. I knew about the caning bench and the layout of the room having come across Cassie’s red-headed friend one afternoon in a local café. She had described the room and its contents to us, going as far as to say she was a regular visitor there now, taking a beating every two or three weeks, as soon as her marks faded from the previous one. I could sympathise with that.

And there it was, the caning bench, standing çarşamba escort free in the centre of the room. A dark room, with dark green wallpaper and dark wooden furniture but with bright spotlighting. Shelves lined one wall, covered in shiny metal objects, instruments of pain no doubt. Whips and canes hung from hooks on a wooden rail on another wall. I didn’t have much time to see what else there was as I was taken by the elbow and led by Mistress McKay to stand at the foot end of the caning bench.

“Well, Lucy. You requested that you be secured to this item of furniture to receive twenty-four strokes of the cane, twelve from me and twelve from Mistress Dee. Are you sure this is truly what you want?” she demanded.

I gulped a bit. Can’t help it, no matter how much I need to do this, there is always the background fear of the helplessness, the pain, the impossibility of stopping it once it begins. My heart beat a little faster, and my voice let me down as I squeaked, “Yes, please, Mistress. Please strap me down over this bench and please cane my naked buttocks to teach me to always be on time for appointments.”

I looked across at Mistress Dee, who was tying her hair back. As I watched, she lifted off her blouse and I gasped at the sight of her unadorned breasts. Full and round, with lovely big, thick, dark nipples. They looked like fruit pastilles without the sugar, and I hoped that one day I would be allowed to suck on them as if they were.

“I like to remove my top when I administer a caning.” She said to me. I expect Miss McKay would already know that. I had never seen Mistress McKay reveal any of her body parts and this was an interesting change. With her, it was simply punishment from the headmistress, which I loved, but Miss Dee was introducing a potential for so much more. Having spent much of the past month with my face buried into several pussies, I knew that to mix such delights with punishment would be a dream come true.

Mistress McKay brooked no such pleasures today though and I climbed onto the bench, positioning my knees on the supports, about eighteen inches apart, and bending over the torso section. I felt straps at my knees, securing me into place, and then my ankles, spread even wider. Bent at the waist with my ass pushing backwards, the bench forcing me to arch my back, I could sense my pussy lips separating and I knew my cunt and anus were now completely exposed. My clit throbbed to my heartbeat. Mistress McKay was securing my waist, and my wrists, fully extended beyond my head, were secured by cuffs to an extension bar that I could grip with my hands.

While she was doing that, I felt other hands smoothing my buttocks, gently feeling over them and giving them a squeeze. I hoped Mistress Dee would be impressed at how firm and full they were. All those miles of jogging and other exercise had helped to ensure that. A finger dallied at my anus which reacted to the unusual stimulation by closing and opening like a jellyfish swimming. Or that’s what it felt like to me. She held my inner thighs with both hands and parted my pussy without touching it. I whimpered, wishing that she would touch me more intimately, but she didn’t. It was obvious that she was enjoying the visual display of my most secret places and I revelled in the attention. I was glad I had made sure I was completely hairless for the pleasure of my mistress. I almost came there and then.

But she withdrew, without a word, and I lay there silent and expectant, and extremely horny. Mistress McKay had never made me feel so utterly shameless and desirous of further ministrations like Miss Dee was doing to me. If this was an example of me entering her domain, lead me on!

Mistress McKay came to my left side, bearing a medium thin, whippy looking cane, flexing and bending it as she positioned herself to start my torment.

“I will give you six medium strokes to re-introduce you to the pain of a caning, Lucy, followed by six hard strokes. You will keep your voice steady, do not cry out but count the number of strokes, thank me and request the next stroke. Failure to follow these instructions will result in extra strokes being added. And remember, you are being assessed by Mistress Dee whose time you wasted by arriving late to your appointment.”

“Yes, Mistress McKay. Thank you. Please give me the first stroke.” I tried to sound brave, but I was quailing a little at the lack of warm-up.

She taunted me by whooshing the cane noisily through the air several times, and then I felt the tap tap on my ass as she took her aim.

Whooosh, crackkk! Yes! No! Owww! She was right. I had forgotten how the first few really sting, and if this is medium.. ooooh boy! More calmly, after taking a deep breath. “One. Thank you, Mistress. Please cane me again.”

Twenty seconds, and the next whoosh and crackkk. Oooooyaa. “Two. Thank you, Mistress. Please cane me again.”

Four more of the same. Whoosh, crackkk, thank you, and at the sixth, “Sixxx! Thank you, Mistress. Please cane me again, but please cane me harder for the next six.” A little sob. Of course I meant it, but in fact my ass was stinging like mad and I would have liked a few more ‘medium’ strokes before she raised the tempo. However, I knew the rule. Submit!

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