Mr. Roberts


I walked briskly, trying to make it to class on time. My heeled boots click-clacked down the hallway. I had a shoulder bag full of notebooks and a heavy textbook. I was running late, as usual. I stopped short at the right door and flew in, making a ruckus. I swept past Mr. Robert’s already giving a psych lecture. Psychology was my favorite class, partly because of Mr. Roberts and partly because I had a general passion for it.

I found my seat towards the back and sat down, drawing dirty looks not only from Mr. Roberts but my classmates as well. I whispered sorry and opened the right notebook. I tried to listen to Mr. Robert’s droning on and on, but I got caught up in my own thoughts.

I started thinking about the last time I had sex, which had been prevalently on my mind as of late. It had been months and I had plenty of options, but I didn’t want any of them. Frat boys just weren’t my thing. They weren’t experienced enough, and they always wanted to fuck and leave. I wanted something a little more substantial, a little more conversation afterward. College boys looked at girls like pieces of meat, I wanted to be looked at as a real prize.

“Harley?” Mr. Robert’s voice broke me from my reverie and I blanched.

“I’m sorry can you repeat that?” Snickers from a few scattered classmates.

“Nature or nurture?” He questioned.

“Nurture,” I answered matter-of-factly.

“Oh? And why’s that? You seem quite sure of yourself,” he stated.

“Sure the kid will have particular aspects of behavior due to his parent’s genetics amongst other biological factors. But, ultimately a child’s surroundings and upbringing mold and shape their personality.”

“A well-stated opinion. Anyone else?”

A girl sitting next to me shot her hand up, she was obsessed with Mr. Robert’s. She even gave him an apple one day. Who does that? He seemed to be endeared by her behavior which elicited envious feelings from me.

She one-upped me with an elaborate answer on how I was basically wrong. I rolled my eyes and looked at my notes. As the professor went on, I tried to keep up and take notes, as I would need them for the next test. We were getting to the end of class when I heard a vibrating noise. I looked around to see if someone’s phone was ringing, but everyone else seemed to be looking at me. I looked at my bag and realized it was getting louder, then softer. It was definitely coming from my bag.

“Harley? If that’s yours will you bring it up to the front of the class for me? You can get it after class, but my no-phone policy is stated clear as day in your syllabus. My face reddened and I opened my bag to turn my phone off. But it wasn’t my phone. It was my bug pink vibrating dildo. My face turned a deeper shade of red as I clicked it off.

“It’s off, so sorry about that Mr. Roberts.” I quickly reassured him.

“I don’t mean to embarrass you, but interrupting my class twice in one day just won’t do. Please bring me the phone. It will stay right here in my desk until we’re finished.”

He held his hand out expectantly and my mouth suddenly turned to sandpaper.

I had no other choice, so I grabbed my bag and headed to the front of the spacious classroom. My boots clicked against the floor and it felt like it took hours to get to his desk. Once I reached his desk, I paused for a moment, face reddening again. I opened my bag and let him peek inside.

“I don’t have time for games, take it out and hand it to me please Harley.” He demanded.

I had no other choice it seemed, so I reached in and grabbed the dildo in my hand and tried as discretely as possible to hand it to him.

“Harley, what is this?” He held it up for the entire class to see and examined it. His facial expression changed once he realized what he was holding. The entire class gasped as one and then burst into laughter. Mr. Roberts shoved it into his top desk drawer and waved his hand spastically for me to sit down like he was disgusted with me.

I felt like a complete moron and went back to my desk, looking down as everyone kept laughing. I rummaged with my notes and pen, trying not to look at anyone.

“That’s quite enough everyone. We’ve all seen a sex toy before.” More laughter and then it finally died down with Mr. Roberts shushing.

I could hardly take notes for the next forty-five minutes until class was finally over. We all got up and I heard the girl obsessed with Mr. Roberts talking about me to another girl. I had had enough embarrassment for one day.

“Hey, Ashley.” I sneered at her.

“Uh, what?” She said with disgust, looking at her friend and rolling her eyes.

“Maybe if you used one of those every once in a while, you wouldn’t be such a raging cunt.” I said and walked to Mr. Robert’s desk to retrieve my toy. I left her with her mouth agape, and I internally applauded myself.

“Mr. Robert’s I’m so sorry about that, it will never happen again,” I said.

“What you said to Ashley was pretty mean.” He stated but winked at me and I chuckled.

“Yeah, she’s a real teacher’s bursa rus escort pet that one. Anyways, could I have my phone back now?” I winked at him too and it was his turn to chuckle.

“Why in the world are you carrying that around in your bag? Don’t you have a boyfriend?” He asked.

I hadn’t expected him to be so cool about the whole thing or ask questions.

“I must have forgotten about it honestly, Again, sorry about that.” I apologized again.

“Don’t apologize, it’s fine. But I think I’ll hold onto it for you a little longer. It seems I can’t get my desk drawer to open right at this moment. I must have misplaced the key. Meet me back in this room in two hours?” He asked and I could tell he was trying to act nonchalant.

“Um, okay. What for?” I asked.

“Oh just to review some stuff for the test if you wanted of course, and I’d like to talk more about this incident today. You’re not in trouble, just a chat.” He said and I cocked my head to the side in confusion but agreed anyways.

‘What could he possibly have to say about this that hadn’t already been said?’

“See you then.” He swept a pile of papers off his desk and walked out. He smelled like cologne, and it heightened my senses. I felt a twinge of something in my belly but ignored it.

That was my only class for the day, so I decided to go home and relax a bit before meeting Mr. Roberts. I thought about what he could possibly have to say when it crossed my mind that maybe he didn’t want to talk at all. Maybe he wanted to fuck me.

‘Oh. My. God.’ I thought.

I started to get butterflies just thinking about it. I had crushed on Mr. Roberts the entire semester but never thought anything would ever happen. Professors are off-limits, right? I started to get nervous and took a shower. I was horny, just thinking about the possibility of sleeping with a professor, let alone Mr. Roberts. I hopped out of the shower to grab my dildo from under the sink and realized I didn’t have it.

My sex drive was high. I had to masturbate daily, sometimes more than once. The dry spell lately wasn’t helping and I needed something right then. I turned the shower off and switched the tub on. I laid down and spread my legs, scooting myself down so the water was rushing over my swollen pussy. I gasped and threw my head back.

When in doubt, just take a bath. I rocked my hips back and forth so the water would alternate between my clit and hole, and started to spasm almost right away. I moaned loudly and welcomed my water orgasm.

It was enough to keep me satisfied for the next few hours hopefully. I sat in the tub and shaved my whole body so it was smooth to the touch. When I got out I applied a light layer of oil on my legs and butt so my skin slightly glowed. I threw on a short skirt with thigh-high stockings and my heeled boots. I chose the taller ones since Mr. Roberts was so tall. I had no idea what to expect, so I didn’t want to look too slutty. So, I chose a top that covered my cleavage and my belly. I threw a cardigan over it and it was a good outfit. Not too slutty or showy, and not too modest. It left just enough to the imagination.

I did my makeup lightly, adding blush to my eyelids, lips, and nose. It was the way I liked t do my makeup, as it made me look like I had been crying or had a cold. Cute. I spritzed my expensive Dior perfume and put my hair up halfway.

I checked the clock and was due to meet with Mr. Roberts in twenty minutes. I drove back to school and waited inside the classroom I had been embarrassed in earlier in the day. I snuck to his desk before he came in and checked to see if my dildo was in the drawer, or if he’d been lying about it being locked. It opened right up but was gone.

“Looking for this?” A deep voice said behind me and I twirled around to meet Mr. Roberts holding up my pink dildo. “You like them big?” He chuckled.

My face heated up and I looked down at my shoes. “No, that one doesn’t really fit. It takes a while anyway.” I realized what I had just said and clapped my hand over my mouth.

“Takes a while as in for you to adjust? You are quite small.” He looked me up and down. “Take off your boots.” He demanded in a soft voice.

“Um, okay?” I slid them off and stood on my stockinged feet.

“You’re tiny, look at you.” He was so professional while teaching, it was almost as if he was a different person.

“I am not. I’m fun-sized.” I corrected him.

“Oh yeah? I could think of lots of ways to have fun with you.” He winked at me and my face heated more.

“Don’t be shy. You weren’t shy earlier when you told Ashley off.” He noted.

“She really is a raging cunt and I was in a mood.” I declared.

“Here sit down here.” He directed me to sit in his desk chair and he sat on the desk. I caught a whiff of his smell and it was divine, manly, and not too overpowering. The mixture of musk and light cologne.

“So, how long does it take you to get this inside of you, hmm?” He spun the dildo around in his hands büyükçekmece escort and looked at me expectantly.

“Um, I’m not sure, maybe ten or fifteen minutes?” I guessed.

“How long do you think it would take me to do it?”

“To fuck me?” I blurted and covered my mouth again.

His eyes widened. “Do you want me to fuck you, Harley? Is that why you look at my cock while I’m teaching, distracting me greatly?”

Holy shit. This was not happening.

“I’ve thought about you while masturbating.” I blurted again and assumed this was going to be a habit, my raw honesty.

“As have I.” He stated and my eyes widened.

“You have?” I asked incredulously.

“Many times. Every time just about. Do you want me as bad as I want you?” He leaned closer and his smell overpowered my senses. My pussy started to throb in response to his nearness and his smell.

“Yes.” I breathed and he tucked a loose strand of my hair behind my ear. His hand brushed my cheek lightly and I sighed.

“Are you sure? You don’t even know how bad I want you.” He leaned even closer and I leaned in for him to kiss me.

He backed up suddenly and I blinked hard. He was teasing me and it was working, he was driving me crazy. My orgasm from earlier seemed so far away, so small in comparison to this very moment. I couldn’t believe this was actually happening. He wanted to fuck me.

“How bad do you want me?” I asked looking up through my thick lashes, giving him my sexy eyes.

“I was just going to ask you the same thing.” He stood up and took his suit jacket off, walking behind me and draping it over the back of my chair. He leaned close to me and whispered in my ear behind me. “How bad do you want me, Harley?” His breath tickled my ear and I giggled. “Tell me.” He demanded and put his hands around my throat, pulling my head back into his chest.

“I want you so bad Mr. Roberts.” I cooed.

“Danny. But you can call me daddy if you want.” He whispered again in my ear, and I shivered. I had always dreamed of calling a man daddy while he fucked me. I didn’t have one, so it wasn’t weird for me. “Tell me again how bad you want me,” he demanded again.

“I want you so bad daddy, please.” I pleaded.

“Please what?” He growled in my ear and I just about melted.

“Please daddy, fuck me.”

“That I can do, but not before we play for a bit. Would you like to come home with me for the evening?” He stood up straight and walked in front of me. I wanted nothing more than to be in his bed.

“Yes,” I uttered. I was still in shock this was happening.

“Yes, what?”

“Yes, daddy.” I corrected.

“Good girl. Let’s go.” I put my boots back on, he took my hand and guided me out of the classroom, letting go when we reached the hall. He turned all professional until we got into the elevator. Calling me a good girl made me feel a way I had never felt before. It was as if he could read my mind and knew my fantasies.

In the elevator, he pressed close to me and bent down to my neck, using just the tip of his tongue to lick up my neck and nibble my earlobe. My pulse was going wild when the elevator doors opened suddenly, and we both straightened and tried to act normal. There weren’t many people in the hall, but we acted normal anyways.

We walked out to the parking lot and he gave me his address to meet him there. He winked at me and caressed my cheek softly and admiringly. It made me shiver and he was gone just like that. I hopped in my car and turned the ignition. I rested my head on the steering wheel, wondering what I was getting myself into. I gave myself a small pep talk and said fuck it, driving to his place. I needed him inside me and fast, or I’d explode. I told myself I could just go home and masturbate, but I knew it would only make it worse. It had been so long since I’d been with a man and I needed this.

I pulled into his driveway after about minutes of driving and got out of my car to knock on his door. He was already there. He greeted me at the door, waiting for me. He had taken his suit jacket off and shoes and looked more relaxed. He waved me in and I walked into a small, but beautifully decorated house. There were plants everywhere and the brown leather furniture fit nicely.

“The bathroom is down the hall to the right if you need to freshen up, I’ll be waiting in my room.” He said and walked down the hall, leaving me to take my shoes off and cardigan. I walked down the hall to the bathroom and fixed my hair and made sure my makeup looked good. I took a deep breath and steadied my nerves. Everything would be fine.

I left the bathroom and walked around, looking for Danny’s room. It was a bit further down the hall to the left and I peeked around the doorway.

“You can come in Harley, no need to peek.” He chortled.

“Sorry, I’m just a bit nervous,” I admitted.

“Nothing to be nervous about baby girl, everything is perfectly fine. We’re just two adults having some fun, that’s all.” He caddebostan escort sat on the bed and patted the spot next to him.

I walked across the room and sat next to him on the bed. I had to hop a little, as the bed was so tall. This drew another chuckle from Danny.

“You are so small and adorable, my god.” He looked me up and down. I secretly loved the names he called me. I looked down and twiddled my thumbs.

He took my chin in his hand and directed my face up to his.

“I want to taste those lips.” He said huskily and I bit down on my lower lip. “Don’t do that, you’ll drive me crazy.” He leaned in and took my bottom lip in between his teeth, biting down gently. I made a small sound of pleasure and he groaned. He kissed me full-on, parting my lips with his tongue and exploring my mouth. He broke it off and I was panting. “I want you to submit to me and let me tell you what to do.” He whispered.

“Okay, daddy,” I replied and he made a sound in his throat.

“I love when you call me that baby girl, you’re gonna be a good girl for daddy aren’t you?” He said thickly.

“Yes daddy,” I said again and he pushed me down on the bed.

“Turn over and let me see that ass baby, I’m going to fit that big dildo of yours in your pussy to get ready for my cock, and then your ass.” He said and my eyes widened in fear.

“Will it hurt daddy?” I feigned a pouty face and he caressed my cheek.

“I won’t do anything to hurt you, baby, ever. You’re going to love this. Have you ever been fucked in your ass?” He asked.

“No daddy, but I’ve played with myself, and it feels okay,” I admitted.

“Good girl. Now turn over.” He requested and I submitted to him. I wanted to submit to him, give him everything I had.

I turned over and stuck my ass out for him, arching my back.

“Fuck baby I love your ass, I’ve wanted to see it naked for so long.”

I moaned softly at his words and he groaned again, pulling my skirt off my hips and sliding them down my legs. He kept my stockings and panties on.

“Holy shit,” he breathed.

“Like what you see daddy?” I asked in a low voice.

“Yes baby girl, I love it. Pull those panties off for me, I want to see all of you.”

I reached back and slid my panties off my hips and they fell to the ground.

“You’re making me so fucking hard baby, you look incredible and that pussy is so wet for daddy already.”

He worshipped my ass, feeling every inch of it and squeezing softly. Then he used his mouth and licked both cheeks from my thigh up to the arch of my back. He spread me apart and I felt his hot breath on my pussy and ass. He licked from my clit up, over my ass, and up to the arch of my back again. I mewled like a kitten, gripping the sheets in my fists.

“Spread your ass for me, baby girl.” He demanded and I complied. I spread them apart as far as I could and I felt something dripping all over my ass, dripping down across my pussy.

I felt his fingers touching the tight tissue of my ass, where no one had ever touched me before. He massaged and slid the tip of his finger in and out, working my muscles. He instructed me to relax and I took deep breaths. His other hand drifted down and under my belly, where he gently massaged my clit between his lubed fingers. It was a sensation I had never felt before and I moaned into the sheets.

“Don’t cover your mouth baby, I want to hear you.” He growled and I turned my face to the side, moaning dramatically.

“It feels so good daddy, please don’t stop,” I begged.

His finger was all the way in my ass now and it felt surprisingly good. He slipped another finger in and my ass stretched over his finger, stinging a bit. I hissed and he instructed me to relax again. I did as he said and once I started to relax it didn’t sting anymore and felt good again.

He took his fingers out gently and I felt another texture against my ass, my dildo. He rubbed it over my ass, which felt open and exposed. He brought it lower down to my pussy and pushed against my hole lightly and then more forcefully. He pushed it halfway in and I gasped while gripping the sheets even harder. He let me adjust for a moment, before sliding it out and back in again. He kept doing this while the pad of his thumb gently massaged my ass. I moaned loudly and I could hear the sounds of approval he made at his behest.

“You want my cock in you baby girl instead of this dildo?” He asked breathlessly and gutturally.

“Yes daddy, I want you inside me so bad daddy,” I begged and he slid the dildo out of my pussy.

“First you’re going to take this dildo in that tight little ass, and I’m going to fuck your pussy at the same time.”

My eyes widened in excitement and I agreed hastily.

“Spread that ass again for me.” He commanded and I did as I was told.

He worked the dildo into my ass slowly, pouring more lube over my ass and sliding the tip in and out until my muscles loosened. He reached under my belly and played with my pussy at the same time again and I whimpered, on the verge of tears. He pushed further in and I panted, it felt like I was going to tear. I tried to relax my muscles as best as I could, but Danny took his time, letting me get used to it. It started to feel better and better until suddenly I felt like I was going to cum. Danny sensed it too because he picked up the pace and rubbed my clit harder.

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