Magic Dress – Robin Pt. 02

Big Tits

PART 2 Getting to know myself

Christmas at home! It was a bit weird. Mum made hints about “any nice girls?” and Dad said “Give the lad a chance!” and winked at me. I could not tell them what I had done, of course, or what I had found out about myself. I wasn’t even sure what that was.

One thing became clear. My leaving home had certainly done something for my parents. They were obviously enjoying sex, from the way they looked and hinted at each other, while trying to be just Mum and Dad for me. I was happy for them, of course, but tried not to think about it.

For Christmas Mum got a rather sexy nightdress, and some underwear she refused to show me. I got some new trainers and other things I would normally have liked. I was enthusiastic, of course, but they were not what I wanted.

I wanted a sexy nightie and pretty underwear. Some more girl clothes. And a cock to suck for Christmas!

On the other hand, I began to wonder about myself. It had only been that one mad evening at the drag ball. Whatever had possessed me? Perhaps I should try to get some normal relationships. If so, girls or boys? Or both? I had actually joined the XYZ society, so there must have been something in me. And the green dress had just been nice. Some straight men liked wearing dresses. Was that me, or was I the sex-mad slut in the red dress?

The only useful thing I managed to do was to buy some mascara, eyeshadow and makeup wipes plus two pairs of thick black tights, like the girls at university wore. I was able to hide these in a pocket of my rucksack. “Happy Christmas!” I said to myself.

Back at university, I rushed to get myself ready and put on the green dress. It was such a relief! I then spent a couple of hours poking a brush in my eye and getting shadow everywhere. I concluded that I could manage my eyelashes, but would have to beg for help with eyeshadow for the evening. Then in the green dress, tights and makeup I took a little walk around. The anorak didn’t really go with it, but I was still happy.

The happiness was not to last long, because the first exam was a disaster! My new found sexuality had been at the cost of attention to my studies. The worst thing was that everyone else said how easy it had been. The lecturer had virtually gone through dalaman escort the paper in the last lecture I had missed. The other exams were a bit better.

I had to go and see my Personal Tutor.

“Not very impressive,” she said. “But all is not lost. You have only dropped ten credits, and you can go through providing you pass everything else.”

The first edition of the student newspaper praised the drag ball, and made mention of “the remarkable Red Queen – it was hard to keep up with her!”

I managed to go out and buy myself a nightdress – not a sexy one, like my mother, just a pretty one in polycotton with flowers and a few bows. I also bought myself some packs of panties. When I got back to my room, I discovered I had also bought two pairs of stockings to replace the damaged ones. This was odd, because I had decided I would not wear the red dress with the stockings and suspenders.

I also got the bus to the charity shop, where the woman had a surprise for me.

“I somehow knew you’d be back,” she said, “so I kept those two dresses and adjusted them a bit.”

The waist of one had been let out, and the other had been converted to sleeveless, so it no longer restricted my shoulders. I bought them of course, then went out and found shop selling flowers. I bought a bunch and took them back to her.

Jeff had asked me to come round again. So I shaved, showered and put on makeup, and went to put on the green dress.

As I did up the suspenders, I discovered I had inadvertently put on the red one. I noticed as I was putting on eyeshadow. But there was no time to change, so I went round, feeling rather good.

Jeff looked at me a bit nervously, and I kissed him full on the mouth.

“What would you like to drink?” he asked.

“A shandy and a shag,” I said, licking my lips. “You up for it?”

It actually took a while to get him up, but I didn’t mind. His cock was nice to wank and suck. But when I had got him nice and hard, I lifted my skirt and dropped my knickers. He got the condom and lube, and we went through the same procedure.

Yes, it was big and a bit painful, but yes it was what I wanted! Soon he was ramming it in me for all he was worth. I held my skirt out of the way of my own darıca escort cock dribbling, and felt so good!

I cleaned my arse and we ate some of the meal he had got, but I was itching to go out, so I left him.

In Student Union small bar, Neville, the part-time barman, addressed me as the Red Queen, and offered me a drink. Not long after, I sucked him off in the store room (which was much better than the toilet).

Coming out, I saw Terry who looked surprised, but when I said “Buy a girl a drink?” he did so.

“Fancy a fuck?” I said.

“Let’s go back to my place,” he said, which seemed like a good idea.

In his room we snogged. It was my turn to be surprised when he lifted my skirt and put his hand in my knickers, but my cock knew what to do, and my sexy high took a different turn.

“You are so hot! How about giving me that fuck?” he said, enticingly. Of course, I knew he was bi, and the tables were turned, but nicely.

I was a bit bemused as he got a condom and put it on me. I guess he had lubed himself when he went to the toilet, but he added a bit more to me, and bent over the bed.

This was it! The first time I had fucked anyone! A man, not a woman, while I was wearing a dress with stockings and suspenders!

I don’t know what I was expecting, but it was definitely good, and he enjoyed it as well.

“Wow,” he said. “You’re amazing! It’s nice to meet someone else who goes both ways. I’m only next door, remember.”

Somehow it didn’t seem right for me to go anywhere else, so we cleaned up, had some tea, and chatted.

As he was next door, I took up his offer sometimes. I fucked him again, and he fucked me.

And the same for Jeff. But it was not the girl in the red dress who did this: it was a polite request from a girl in a flowered sleeveless dress.

I had two boyfriends (in the same hall) but they both knew, and said it was all right. They said they had other partners, but we swore we always used a rubber. I generally fucked one or the other each week and was fucked at least once by both of them. It was a fuck one way or another most days, and occasionally two in one day. I was more fucked than fucker, which suited me, but I couldn’t deny them a cock up the arse occasionally.

I datça escort resisted the temptation to put on the red dress.

It was getting towards the end of the academic year when George asked me what I had done about accommodation for the next year, and I said I had looked at a few places.

“Well,” she said, “there’s a group of us sharing a house and with two leaving, I wondered if you might like to join us. It’s mostly a sort of XYZ group, and I think you’d fit in. Come and visit, and talk to Natalie. It’d be her room you’d be taking, as she’s graduating.”

The house was called Greenmill, a large Victorian one for a big family and a few servants. There were two bathrooms for common use, and each flat had a shower and toilet. There were some common rooms including a large kitchen often used for group eating

Natalie was a biological male who made a very good girl, quite feminine, but had not had surgery. She explained about the housemates.

“The key one is Darius, a disgustingly handsome and clever man with a girlfriend who lives elsewhere otherwise they’d never get any work done. He fucks her and no-one else, but likes a handjob or sucking off to relieve the pressure. His girlfriend is happy with the arrangement, and neither think he’s gay. And he’s got plenty of spunk to spare, so most of us lend a hand or a mouth. He never does anything for anyone else, but we still do it.”

“Gary and Pavel actually sleep together in a double room, but neither of them minds the other having a bit with one of the other housemates.”

“George and Cathy are a couple, but like the occasional cock for a change.”

“You and Terry are the newcomers, of course, but both friends of George, so you’ll have to sort yourselves out.”

“The key thing of course is to take your turn with cleaning and putting out the rubbish, and respect the others. In particular respect others’ food in the fridge.”

“One more thing. This is a condom only house for any fucking, whether housemates or anyone you bring back. Buy yourself a pack whether you intend to use them or not.”

“And remember, what happens in Greenmill stays here. We don’t talk about it outside.”

The rent was good, but there had to be a catch. There was, and George revealed it.

“We want you to join the Committee of XYZ. It’ll be good for your CV.”

I refused to be an officer, so instead got landed with something else: organizing what was going to be an annual ball. However, instead of calling it The Drag Ball, it was going to be called The Red Queen’s Ball.

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