Pauly 01


Pauly 01

“Paul, we’re just talking here, but there are a few rumblings and grumblings around that claim that you have been getting out on the weekends lately dressed as a girl, so, what’s up with that, hmm? And again, we’re just talking here, so.”

“Peter, you’re just talking here and what I do on the weekends is none of your business, but since we’re just talking here, Peter, what’s really on your mind then, hmm?”

“Well, you know, are you any good at it then, Paul? I mean, we’re just talking here, but a lot of things about you have always seemed to lean more towards a female attitude than a guy of literally any kind. And I mean that in the best way, Paul, so?”

You see, folks, here’s the thing about Peter, he always, always, always means everything in the best way! But I suppose at the end of the day, he actually means it or most of it anyways. And I think he just gave me a compliment since he had never saw me fully dressed up to that point in time, so, I mean, since we were just talking and all, right?

“Fine, Peter, but I’ve only been getting out as of late and if your next question is for how long, well, it’s been for a lot longer than you care to hear about and mixed in there somewhere is my answer about the skills that I have developed, but I’m not sure we should talk about it any further, so?”

“Well, hold on, Paul, hold on, we’re just talking here, I mean, just given your commitment to things in the past like the way you always painted your mini bikes and skateboards and such, I mean, I believe that you wouldn’t allow anything less than, um, acceptable???? Is “acceptable” the right word for me to use then, Paul, hmm?”

“Oh, the community recognizes “passable” with a rating system like eons ago, but since we’re just talking here, yes, Peter, I put in the work to be as “acceptable” as possible, so?”

Anyways, hey there folks, I’m Paul and apparently, there are a few people who have figured out that I am Pauly on the weekends, which must mean that someone had put two and two together on Chang or something because other than a very few trips out to the corner store, the gas station and a couple of quick trips up and down the Strip, I mean, LOL, we’re just talking here, so nobody really knows me as Pauly much.

“And since we’re just talking here, Paul, I mean, obviously you wear female panties then, right? And are you wearing them right now, hmm?”

“Peter, we’re not “just talking” that deep here, but yes, I do wear and yes, I’m wearing right now and yes, you might freak out if you knew for how long that has been happening, but it’s since it’s getting deep, Peter, well, let’s talk about something else then, okay? Also, you know, like did you smoke a hoochie cigarette already today to ask me about my undies, hmm?”

“Ooh, undies, I like that, Paul! And no, I haven’t lit up a hoochie cigarette yet. I mean, I sniffed a little glue from repairing Vinyl Vicki this morning, but that’s all. Besides, Paul, we’re just talking here, so, am I to assume that sometimes you go by “Pauly” as opposed to “Paul” then, hmm? And we’re just talking here, so, it’s all cool between old friends, so.”

“Well, since we’re just talking here, Peter, that is correct. But nobody really knows me much anyways.”

“Alright then and because we’re just talking here, I mean, maybe a few of us have referred to you as Pauly behind your back for quite a while anyways, but we meant it in the best way given how you are, so, since we’re just talking here, Pauly, what or when may I myself been, um, in a situation where I may have been caught off guard or something, hmm? And we’re just talking here, Pauly, so there is no point in making anything up.”

Ugh! Vinyl air mattress repair kits should have an age to purchase assigned to them!

“Well, since we’re just talking here, Peter, I really only have one story, but I think it was or could have been a big story. I mean, two years ago at baseball camp, well, I dipped into my sleeping bag wearing thin sports shorts like everyone else, but then I would slip them off and oh boy, would you and the guys have gotten a surprise or what if any of you would have peeked into my sleeping bag! And an eyeful of me in undies!”

“Oh, that’s good talking then, Pauly, so thanks for sharing that since we’re just talking here and my best guess would be that you might look pretty good laying on your belly in just panties, I mean, undies, I like that, Pauly, undies, but we’re just talking here, so, wow, in just your undies then, huh? I mean, we’re just talking here, but all of a sudden, most of our baseball camp stories seem so much less, um, worthy, so.”

“Well, Peter, since we’re just talking here, I mean, well, half way into the two weeks of baseball camp, I mean, we’re just talking here, but Jimmy did not get lucky with some chick from the summer softball camp around the other side of the campgrounds, so?”

“Ooh, I mean, we’re just talking here, Pauly, so did you spy on something then, hmm? And we’re just talking here, eğirdir escort so, if you slipped out of the cabin late at night in just your undies and hid behind a tree or something to spy on Jimmy, I mean, we’re just talking here, so??????”

“LOL, Peter, it’s more like I dropped something! I must have dropped a pair of my undies because trust me, the undies that he whacked off with several times, I mean, those were mine! Jimmy lied about how he came upon those undies! There was no mystery girl from the softball camp that went mad for him, but since we’re just talking here, we can let Jimmy have that lie, so.”

“Oh, oh snap, since we’re just talking here, Pauly, I mean, you should have started with that part of the story!”

Hey there, hey people, give me a minute to pause the story and conversation while all that sinks in with my old friend, Peter.

“Oh, oh, oh, baseball camp snap! We passed those around!”

“Well, since we’re just talking here, Peter, duh! And for three damn nights, I might add! And we don’t have to talk about the fourth night when the three of you, um, huddled up in a circle, so?”

“Tee he, okay, okay, fine, but since we’re just talking here, Pauly, I mean, if you know all that, then you were you spying from your sleeping bag then, hmm?”

“Well, whether we’re just talking or not, Peter, it was all happening right there in front of me! Also, maybe it’s about time that we switch the subject to something else then, alright? I mean, I’ll get you some vinyl repair glue or something, okay?”

“Oh, alright, I just thought that since we’re just talking here, I mean, is it normal for the circle of friends to be the last to know or witness then and we’re just talking here, Pauly, so what does the other Pauly look and behave like, huh?”

That sounded harmless enough, right? And I have lived mostly behind the curtains anyways, so.

“Well, I wear a sports bra under my t-shirts a lot, even though I have no reason too, um, I curl my hair forward a bit to surround my face, I wear double undies more than not, ooh, certain jeans were made for my body and even though shaving is a major pain, I do that on a regular basis, so, that’s me on the weekends for the most part, since we’re just talking here, Peter.”

“Well, what, no shorts, since we’re just talking here, Pauly?”

“Oh, shorts are a standard staple item. Denim, cotton, leisure, sports, PJ’s, all that, so.”

“Alright, Pauly, so, since we’re just talking here, I mean, are you where you want to be or are you getting out more and more then, hmm?”

“Oh, sure, since we’re just talking here, Peter, getting out more is the end game, but my few trips up to the “Stop & Rob” convenience store have given me moments of pause. I mean, maybe I shouldn’t use Clyde from the “Stop & Rob” as a gauge, but maybe he is what’s out there for guys who dress like a girl. Or “ewe, ick” for short, so.”

“Well, I’m not sure it’s just guys who dress like a girl, but I can see where something like that might be like pouring fuel on the fire, but listen, Pauly, since we’re just talking here, when does the day come when I get to see all this then, hmm? And I’m prepared to play the “if Clyde can see, then why not me” trump card, so?”

Well, I mean, here’s my advice people. If someone ever visits with you and starts a “we’re just talking here” conversation with you, make up an appointment that you’re late for and split! Especially with someone who you had watched jerk himself off many times in a camp cabin! With your undies! And even more especially when there was a moment of eye contact. And OMG, even more, more especially when that “I showed you my dick, so please respond” meme might work both ways!

“Peter, we need to stop just talking here, but your question is valid, so, maybe I’ll think about some way of revealing myself, but to all of the guys at the same time! Not that I would be afraid to be alone with you as Pauly, but one thing always leads to another all the time and well, I’ll put that on my “to do” list, so?”

“Well, relax a little Pauly, we’re just talking here, so what about tomorrow night? And I’m just talking about two hours of cruising up and down the Strip, so?”

Huh, so, there is an adult version of luring someone in with candy then, huh? However, I mean, there are “off limit” zones, right? Especially when that friend pointed, quickly, but still pointed his hard cock at you while he stroked it inside of a camp cabin while you were curled up in your sleeping bag and let his tongue hang out once! And since we’re not just talking anymore, maybe my tongue popped out once or twice too, but that’s unofficial since we’re no longer just talking.

And that’s when I played the “OMG, this just talking has to end” trump card!

“Peter, that’s a fancy piece of candy that you’re swinging in front of eyes and it would be nice to cruise the Strip at a normal speed and I promise to keep it on my “to do” list, but I know how things will elazığ escort end and I’m not ready for that. Also, oops, I’m late for an appointment, tee he, so, you need to leave so I can get ready for my previously scheduled and very important appointment. That I forgot all about, tee he.”

And some of that was true. I wasn’t late for my appointment, but I did have an appointment and having Peter leave early gave me extra time to get ready for that appointment. And since all of our “we’re just talking” that we did was centered around my dressing, that’s how I used the extra time while getting dressed. And since the sun was still up a little, huh, black Denim shorts seemed okay.

With my modesty bike shorts underneath, of course.

[Door chime jingle]

“Oh, sorry, but I have one last appointment expected for this evening, so I can’t take on another, holy pin stripping hell, what the hell, Paul? Wait, Paul?”

“Pauly, Earl, it’s Pauly, so?”

“Pauly? So, it’s true, it’s all true then?”

“Oh, I don’t know how to respond to that, Earl, since I don’t know what may or may not be true, so?”

“Please! Are we going to dance that dance then, Pauly? At first, I thought Robert was lying about how he saw you at the “Stop & Rob” convenience, but I can see that Robert wasn’t lying, so?”

Whew! Bobby had actually caught me on a good day, so, yay for lady luck! But we didn’t speak. I mean, I think Bobby was pissed off that Clyde the owner told Bobby to take a number and get in line, LOL.

“Well, we didn’t speak, but it was a good day for me, so I hope Bobby had a couple of nice things to say about what he saw, so?”

“Oh, I usually don’t get into my younger brother’s business, but you seemed to have kept him busy for a few days, so?”

Guys, right? They’re always whacking off! Here, there, in the camp cabin, in their bedrooms, it’s just whack, whack, whack off, all the time!

“OMG, Earl, Earl, words Earl, did Bobby have any nice words to say about me? You know, those sounds that come out of a person’s mouth?”

“Oh, well, does “ugh, ugh, ugh, ooh, ooh, ooh, OMG, OMG, OMG” count then, Pauly?”

Crossdressers, right? They take what they can get! I mean, it’s what I heard in the camp cabin back then, so.

“Ugh, are you ready for my truck then, Earl?”

“Oh, I have an empty bay for your truck, Pauly, just like my younger brother has empty balls, so, hey, here’s an idea! We’re alone, so give me a little spin so that I can see what all of his fuss about then, so?”

Oh no, nope, I will not define how that went, folks! A proper spin takes practice, which I quickly put on my “to do” list, but I gave it my best shot. And I’m pretty sure it wasn’t much.

“Mm, mm, mm, that’s nice, Pauly! Your spin needs work, but everything else is just fine! And, and, and, could you use the office bathroom and go even darker around your eyes, hmm? Oh, and just what am I doing to your truck this evening?”

“Darker, Earl? I’m teetering on goth as it is! I mean, two red lightning bolts, one bolt on each side of the bed, just in front of the tail lights, so.”

“Well, am I joining you in the office restroom then, Pauly?”

“Earl! The Auto Pinstripe Shop is not a club! Also, that was a request for sex, right? I don’t know all of the lingo yet, so? And we’re just talking here, Earl, so you can say some things to me for educational purposes, so.”

“Oh, well, Pauly, if we’re just talking here, I mean, most certainly there is some lingo that says the older brother should check things out before the younger brother gets busy with it, so?”

Hah! There is no such lingo! Right? And I wasn’t about to get involved with any “getting busy” stuff with Earl or his brother, Bobby, but when you’re “just talking here” and all, I mean, it’s entertaining, so.

“Earl, I’m not getting busy with your brother, Bobby! However, since we’re just talking here, Earl, I mean, is bathroom sex, well never mind. Would you like me to walk down to Lava Java Coffee Shop after I redo my eyes then, hmm?”

“Hey, Pauly, we’re just talking here, so, what were you going to say or ask then, hmm????”

“Fine, since we’re just talking here, Earl, I don’t think that I’m tall enough for bathroom sex, so, if we were talking about that, I mean, what might you have to say about that then, hmm? I mean, things have to line up, right Earl?”

“Oh, well now, Pauly, I mean, since we’re just talking and all, I mean, twerk me and let’s find out how things line up then!”

So, listen folks, way back in the middle somewhere, I said to high tail it out of every and all “we’re just talking” conversations, didn’t I, hmm?

“Well, Earl, I didn’t really want to talk about how badly I just spun around for you, so twerking doesn’t stand much of a better chance, so?”

Because you see folks, here’s what happens when you don’t high tail it out! You get spun around, which Earl did a better job of that than I did and you get twerked! Or humped. Either elbistan escort way, huh, yay for the strength of Denim! And let’s not talk about how I went limp at the torso and just let things happen and OMG, please, let’s not talk about I gripped his damn arms! Which is total code for let’s not talk about any of this to his brother, Bobby!

“LOL, if I smoked, Earl, oh boy, I would light one up right now!”

“(Wheeze, huff, puff) grab me a smoke (wheeze, huff, puff) and since we’re just talking, it’s crazy if we don’t do that for real someday, Pauly!”

[Tries to light a cigarette for the first time]

“(Cough, ewe, cough) um, since we’re just talking here, Earl, I mean, did you just say that you would mind having my bare butt available to (cough, cough) you, hmm? I mean, I’m talking to the macho auto decal and foiling guy, right?”

“(Wheeze, huff, puff) aha, aha, aha (cough, cough) hey (wheeze, huff, puff), well, you kind of bring it, Pauly and if you’re stepping out (wheeze, huff, puff) well (wheeze, huff, puff), ooh, give me a minute and I’ll show you a (wheeze, huff, puff) few things (wheeze, huff, puff), so?”

“Ugh, close enough, I guess! Oops, not for that, Earl. I just never heard the words directly before, so that’s what I was going for. Anyways, do you want a coffee while your catch your breath? And since that was a better talk than I expected, I’ll reline my eyes, so? Also, LOL, where do you keep the shop towels because oh boy, you brought it, Earl!”

In his shop pants! But the damn wet spot was like this big [makes an extremely large hand circle]

[It was not that big, but it was a wet spot]

Also, huh, the shops office restroom was cleaner than I expected. But I darkened around my eyes and walked the five or six doors down the Strip to the Lava Java Coffee Shop.

[Door chime jingle, jangle]

“You’re number 413.”

“Oh, um, there are only seven people plus you in the coffee shop, so how does that work then, hmm?”

“Oh, sorry, sweetie, I meant you’re the 413th Tranny in Middleton to visit the Lava Java Coffee Shop, so, what can I get for you then, hmm?”

“Oh, oops, I forgot to ask Earl the auto decal guy what he likes, so?”

“Earl? From five doors down? He likes people like you on the side and a half shot, so, give me a spin then, sweetie.”

Well, I had two practice spins, so.

“Well now, I picked a bad life not to have a dick then! I’m Gianna, so what do you want and what is your name, hmm?”

“Oh, um, I’m Pauly and I’ll have Earl’s half shot and a small double-double for me and what’s up with the Strip on Thursday evenings then, hmm?”

“Oh, life on the Strip tends to be pretty normal during the week, but listen, if we’re just talking here, Earl will just fag fuck you and not look back, so?”

“Oh, well, I was just talking about that in my head as I walked down here, but if we’re just talking here, isn’t that about all I should expect then from most guys, hmm?”

“Well, maybe, but if you come back to the Strip tomorrow night, I mean, we’re just talking here, but I might have a nice match up for you, Pauly.”

“Yeah, but if we’re just talking here, Gianna, I mean, do you have a nice match for me or a nice hook up, hmm?”

“Nope, a good match. Billy has a side area in his brain for guys like you and maybe you’ll have to put in a little work with Billy, but since we’re just talking here, I mean, a boyfriend is your goal, right Pauly? Or are you hoping to charm me with your three, hmm?”

“Hey, I’m three plus, plus, Gianna! But since we’re just talking here, Gianna, I mean, as long as it’s not Billy McKenna!”

“Oh, the one and the same! And since we’re just talking here, what’s the issue with Billy then, hmm?”

“Well, I wouldn’t normally talk about this, but I know Billy McKenna from a place and I thought we had a moment, but come on, that situation with his step sister and her friend is just weird, not that I would say that if we weren’t just talking here, so?”

“Ooh, well, it’s less weird than it seems on the surface. Sasha just plays the slightly younger step sister trump card a lot and her friend Jacqui goes along for the ride, so, um, but since we’re just talking here, Pauly, I mean, Sasha has Billy wrapped, but I promised you, she doesn’t have him whipped. I mean, yeah, it can be seen as a little weird, but it’s not that weird when you know the whole story, so?”


“And you just said that you made up a make-believe eye contact moment with Billy at a place and Sasha can be handled with a small distraction, so?”

“Well, I was going to cruise the Strip tomorrow night anyways, so, if I stop in and see Billy McKenna, I mean, I can say “hey” or something, but no promises since we’re just talking here and all, so.”

“Good. Here are your two coffees, so, drop off Earl’s half shot and then go all vroom, vroom away from his side fag ass and I’ll keep an eye out for you tomorrow night then. Also, if you stop by the Tubular Throw Pillow store down the Strip on your vroom away home, I mean, tell Martha that you’re there with Giana on your mind, so?”

Damn! Strip code! I didn’t even know normal stripping lingo and here comes more on the Strip code!

“And why would I stop by the Throw Pillow Shop tonight then, Giana?”

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