The New Neighbour


Sunbeams streamed in through the open window and flickered Noah into life, stretching an arm to cover his eyes. Dull noises rose from downstairs as his parents argued over another mundane problem.

Slowly he swung his legs from the warm cocoon of his bed and felt the cool floor against his bare feet. Shaking away another night drinking with his mates he stumbled towards the shower to awaken his brain. Since he finished college the nights had become a collection of ragged drunken debauchery.

As his Dad told him to enjoy the last months of freedom before University he dived in head first into boozing and girls but even this had started to lose its flavour. His friends had started to bore him and the girls were too familiar to dissociate between.

Dripping back to his room he towelled himself down naked before the window, the house facing had been empty for months so he barely bothered to worry about visibility anymore. A flash of red in the garden opposite made him drop quickly to the floor and he crept stealthily to the window sill.

Peering over the edge he scanned through the overgrown garden and observed two figures moving beyond the tree-lined fence. The man wrapped his arm around the woman in red and they both smiled at their apparent new abode. They seemed to be of a similar age to his parents and Noah pondered if they had any children too.

The answer came within seconds as another figure stood briefly in the darkened doorway before edging slowly into the light. Noah’s eyes lit up as he gawped at the tall slim girl who leaned sullenly against the frame, her arms crossed moodily at her parents.

Her blonde shoulder-length hair flopped across her eyes and hid her face as she pouted her annoyance. Her father dragged her into the fresh air and tried to tease some enjoyment out of her to no effect.

Noah had not been able to avert his eyes from her from the second she appeared much to his consternation, she certainly did not fit his type. His girlfriends had been either athletic or growingly voluptuous and this pale scrawny emo failed to match any of them. So why couldn’t he take his eyes off her?

Her short skirt flapped in the breeze and exposed her long slim almost ivory legs and Noah took a long breath as he stared. Finally bringing his gaze back to her face he caught the steely blue eyes staring back at him.

Immediately he dived back to the ground, wrapping the damp towel around him, she had caught him. His heart pounded as he hid beneath the window frame, desperately wanting to see if she was still standing there looking up at him defiantly.

After waiting what seemed an eternity he nervously peeped over the frame and slumped with disappointment at the empty garden. The kitchen door was now closed and the mysterious girl had vanished, only some shadowy movements behind the net curtains gave any notice of the newcomer’s existence.

Yanking the curtains closed Noah collapsed onto his bed, the girl’s vision imprinted on his brain. For the first time in months he felt alive, the sulky girl had lit a fuse back into him. Closing his eyes, his hand slid down to his already engorged cock and he stroked it hard dreaming of his new neighbor.


The following week brought nothing but frustration, his eyes scanned the house daily in a hopeless futile effort. Her parents passed by the windows and appeared momentarily in the garden but their siren of a daughter vanished into the ether.

Occasionally the opposing bedroom would light up and his eyes would grow in anticipation but the identity of the shadow was hidden behind the thick red curtains. The trips to the pub had been rejected so he could forlornly spend his evenings lost in his headphones gazing into the darkness.

Cutting down the alcohol also made me get back into keeping in shape, which he had allowed to slide since his holidays began. Feeling fresher in the mornings he now changed early and got out for a run before his parents awoke and got back into his previous gym routine in the afternoons.

Noah had always been a sporty child with the obvious dreams of being a footballer but as he grew up it was the effect his physique had on girls that kept up his commitment. Attracting the opposite sex had never been a problem for him and his pleasant but slightly cocky manner kept them coming back for more.

At the start and end of each run, he carefully slowed down as he got within sight of the neighboring house, trying to cast an inconspicuous glance as he passed.

This morning as he turned the corner he saw the parents unpacking a car, pulling cardboard boxes from the boot. With each stride closer they became real, not just distant figures to observe from his window. As he passed the car he heard the mother shout ‘Dani’ and those long perfectly white legs slid from the car seat.

Noah almost stopped dead in his tracks as she arose before him, clumsily stumbling as he finally saw her face. Those cool blue eyes locked onto his and a mocking smirk grew as she watched. The most perfect gölcük escort dimples emerged on her almost angelic face, until that devilish smile terminated that.

Once again he was sure she caught him staring and along with the embarrassing trip, his face reddened even more than the exercise had caused. After debating with himself for one last glimpse over his shoulder, he succumbed and took a chance. Once again she got him, leaning on the door of the car with a small box in her hands she nonchalantly watched him with a broad grin.

Cooling himself under the shower Noah cursed himself for his idiocy, she’s not even that special. Why was he making a fool of himself for that skinny nobody, she’s not in my league.

As he dried himself down he still kicked himself, I could have asked to carry the box and made my move. Flopping down onto the bed, his mind still argued. She’s not even beautiful, barely cute. Closing his eyes he murmured, “Definitely cute.” A wry smile spread across his face, “And her name is Dani.’


Each day Noah now spent between the gym and his stakeout, perched at the end of his bed waiting for the merest glance of her. In the evenings a flicker of electric light from her window would have him sprinting up the stairs to the bemusement of his parents.

The detailed surveillance had brought a thorough knowledge of her wardrobe, her fondness for fluffy jumpers, and little else. His heart did beat at the cute way she bent her head to comb her hair, the pucker she did at the end of applying lipstick, and the joyous bounce to her movements.

The one thing he craved to envision was more of that ivory flesh, those endless smooth legs filled his desire. No matter how much he enjoyed seeing her dance about the room he yearned to see more.

With a flash, her light clicked on and Noah tore up the stairs to the grumbles of his father, catching a brief glimpse of her in pink jogging pants and hoodie before she left again. The light stayed on so Noah leaned closer to examine the room, normally she would have closed the curtains but today he was in luck.

Her large bed was positioned in the center of the room with a wardrobe filling one wall and a small dressing table at the far wall so her back was always to him. It was in this mirror he could watch her applying the ruby red lipstick she chose and giving a satisfied smirk to herself.

She had a small table by the window which had a vinyl record player upon it, this always gave him his best view of her. Close up to the window she would change over the records and dance her way back across the room, shaking that tiny little ass for his enjoyment.

Minutes passed until she returned and his jaw dropped open as she scurried into the light, wrapped only in a red towel. Her bare legs glistened as she moved, the towel just covered the top of her thighs to under her arms. Water dripped from her soaked wet hair onto her naked shoulders, confirming her legs weren’t the only part of her a perfect shade of white.

Turning to switch off the light, her towel momentarily came undone and Noah took a picture in his mind for eternity. His eyes scanned down her long perfect neck to every inch of her spine and finally to the peek of cleavage of the buttocks. Now plunged back into darkness he closed his eyes and submerged himself back into the perfect whiteness of her skin.


At the persistent moaning of his father Noah reluctantly pushed out the ancient excuse for a lawnmower and began the laborious effort of cutting down the overgrown jungle of their back garden. As the morning turned into another endless afternoon the sun beat down as the shadows dispersed and the sweat dripped from his smooth body.

Peeling off the soaked t-shirt he exposed his muscular body to the burning sunlight and returned grumbling back to his work. Cursing his father he forced the machine through the tangled grass which clogged up the blades at regular intervals. At the latest stoppage, he rested his dripping forehead on the handle and took a well-earned breath.

A crack of a broken branch made his head shoot up and as he swiveled his head towards the fence he caught two beautiful clear blue eyes peeping over the edge before disappearing like a dream. In a flash, he leaped to the wooden barrier and glimpsed a flicker of pink dash behind the dilapidated shed.

Leaning over Noah could spy the edge of a blue pump peeking out at the foot of the corner, “Hey!” At his shout, the foot shot back into hiding and he waited in vain for a response. “I know you’re hiding behind the shed, I can see you.”

There was still no reply but there was movement, probably trying to find an escape route he guessed. “Don’t be scared, say hello.”

At the last remark, she spun into view, blowing stray blonde hairs from her face and pushing her chin out in defiance, “Who’s hiding?”

Noah leaned his arms over the top of the fence and grinned, “And you weren’t watching me work either.”

Her pale face flushed gölhisar escort red with embarrassment which to him only made her look even more adorable. Her eyes flashed with a hint of anger, “oh yes, like you can talk.” Her demeanor regrew its usual confidence, “I’ve seen you watching me.”

Now it was Noah’s opportunity to turn crimson, his cockiness dropped into stunned silence as he realized his peeping had been observed all along. In an instant all the negative slurs flashed through his brain, peeping tom, pervert, stalker and a flicker of fear appeared on his face.

In a moment of bravado, he tried to deflect her words, “I’ve no idea what you’re talking about.” A forced unconvincing laugh tried in vain to convince her of his innocence, “and where i am supposedly watching you from?”

Her unease had evaporated and she now edged closer to the fence growing more confident with every step. Without a word, she motioned to his bedroom window with those sharp cool eyes and smirked as his face crumpled in defeat.

His skin ran cold as reality dawned, she had caught him red-handed. All the times he’d ogled her from his window she’d known he was there, cock in hand, watching.

She moved within touching distance of him and her perfume wafted through the cool breeze, her pink summer dress rippled with the wind. “You must have enjoyed what you saw,” her slightly husky voice mocked him. “You kept on coming back.”

Even though she teased him Noah started to relax as he stared into her beautiful face, there was no sign of anger just a twinkle of naughtiness in her demeanor. Her smile had grown broad, her red lips shone on her pale skin and his discomfort brought her dimples to the surface.

A shout from inside her house broke the spell as they both looked towards her house and her smile dropped slightly. “I guess they’re calling for me,” she looked a little disappointed to be leaving. She turned to make her way back to the house and Noah once again locked his eyes on her ivory bare back open through the dress. “I’m Dani by the way.”

“I know,” he answered without thinking immediately wanting to kick himself. “I’m Noah,” his skin flushed red as her grin returned.

“Well, bye for now. Noah the peeping tom.” She spun and skipped back up the garden with an extra bounce to her step, her short dress swishing showing a tantalizing peep of her smooth thighs.

As she disappeared into the house Noah adjusted the rock-hard bulge in his jeans and reluctantly returned to his work. Trying to do the impossible and wipe her from his memory.


That evening he had a real dilemma, now that she knew should he return to his customary position or behave like a decent human being and obey her privacy. When her light clicked on any idea of decorum evaporated and he clambered to the edge of his bed and peered.

She appeared dressed as before, dancing around her room in the flimsy summer dress. Noah cared little if she knew he was there, his heart pounded and he stroked his hardening cock through his shorts. She shimmied across the room with her back towards him, those long slim legs swaying as she moved.

She stopped by the door of her room and reached her hand back to slip out the hooks of her dress. As each undid, more of her achingly white skin peeked through till her entire bare back was visible. There was no bra and as she slipped the straps from her shoulders she wriggled the pink dress down her body.

Noah pressed up against his window pane as each inch of flawless skin became visible willing the dress to fall to the floor. As she twisted it hung just on her hips and her hands slid down to slide it past her waist.

Sliding a hand into his shorts Noah gripped his hard cock and waited for her to expose that perfect little ass. Agonizingly she held that pose for an eternity before she turned her head, that mocking grin written large across her face. She raised one hand from her waist and turned it into a one-finger salute before plunging the room back into darkness.

Hurling himself back on his bed Noah buried a frustrated roar into his pillow before rolling onto his back in contemplation. Sliding down his shorts he gripped his cock and thinking only of her furiously wanked till completion. As he lay panting, the sweat dampening his t-shirt, he vowed that this was one conquest that had to be won.


It was the final show she performed for him, as for the next two days the curtains remained securely drawn. A dark outlined shadow flickering in the electric light was the only proof of her existence.

Now was the time for action, his clandestine stalking had been shattered and he needed any excuse to see her in the flesh again. As his parents went to work Noah ate his breakfast with one eye on his neighbor’s car, waiting for them to leave.

When it finally pulled out of their drive he leaped up and pulling on his trainers ran into the garden to plant his alibi. At full speed, he was at her front door and persistently gölyaka escort ringing the bell, till he saw movement through the frosted glass.

With a turn of the lock, she peered around the half-open door, blinking into the sunlight. It was obvious he had awoken her, her blonde shaggy hair fell listless across her face and a small wrinkled frown on her forehead appeared when she saw him.

Noah poised himself against the porch frame and beamed his always-winning smile, “Hi, sorry if I got you up.”

She didn’t reply, just a small almost inaudible huff blew from her cute nose before the frown reappeared.

“My footballs gone over into your garden, could I just come in and collect it.” It was a wholly childish ruse but it had always worked in the past.

“A football,” she wiped the sleep from her eyes and looked at him wearyingly. “How old are you?”

Ignoring her sarcasm he took a step forward and pressed against the door frame as she moved her body behind the door. “I’ll only be a second.”

Remembering her state of undress at that present moment she held the door firmly closed, “that’s ok I can throw it over.” With a little smirk at her conquest, she attempted to shut the door.

Noah was not going to be beaten that easy and as the door edged towards him he stepped in his foot and slid his body past the frame with a knock on his shoulder. “Just through here is it?” Without looking back at her he made his way through to the kitchen.

Slamming the door in shock she tore after him, her bare feet scampering on the hardwood floor. “Hey perv, you can’t just come in,” his behavior had dashed cold water on her face and she was wide awake and angry.

As he stopped by the kitchen door he took a long look at his pursuer and understood why she’d hidden behind the door. She wore a white Ramones t-shirt which barely made it to her waist and as she chased him she held it down but her white panties still peeked through.

“Who the fuck do you think you are?” Her face was now flushed with anger at his impertinence and she prodded him hard in the chest. “You can’t just force your way in.”

Noah felt the hard poke but his eyes dropped to her hard pert nipples which pointed out from the t-shirt. She barely had a chest to speak of but they still provoked pure lust in him.

“My face is up here,” she glared at him as his eyes rose to hers. Her nostrils flared with rage as he stood there dumbly.

Even in her current dishevelled and irritated state she still took his breath away. Taking a step closer to her, he leaned his body almost touching hers, and brushed away the stray blonde hairs.

Half expecting a swift smack he moved closer, and as he did she backed away till she felt the wall at her back. Their eyes locked and never blinked as they played out their dance till desire took its chance. Noah plunged his lips into hers and felt her resistance crumble, both of them kissed hungrily without impunity.

His body was alight with passion as he pulled her body tight against his, his hands sliding down the thin cotton shirt. Their tongues slipped between their lips and toyed together as his hands cupped both of her finely curved cheeks.

With a shocked gasp, she pushed him away and Noah stumbled back a step, staring back at her in confusion. Her face now reddening not in anger but in bewilderment and regret, those blue eyes watered in fright.

Neither of them spoke a word but as Noah’s eyes fell to the bulging outline in her panties both of them understood. His mouth dropped open in pure stunned surprise and he looked helplessly back into her tearful pretty face.

“Please go,” she quietly sobbed as she pointed to the door. “Just go.”

Without a word Noah turned and walked away in a fog, her soft weeping accompanied him to the door. The warm outside air engulfed him as the door slammed behind him and he staggered dumbly back to his house.

In his confusion and bewilderment, he staggered to the toilet and vomited instantly, his brain spinning from the morning’s revelation. Dani is a boy, the girl he’d been fantasizing about for weeks, the girl who owned his thoughts has a penis.

He’d always thought of himself as a modern lad, he had no problems with anyone being gay or trans but never did he think he could be aroused by one. His shame and revulsion were also from his treatment of her, her tearful face sent waves of disgust throughout him.


The following week Noah threw himself back into his former teenage debauchery, back into sleeping with his usual conquests, to drink and fuck away the memory of Dani. It never succeeded, any moment of silence and she’d pop back into his mind, her soft sobs filling his ears.

There had been barely a glimpse of her since that traumatic morning, Noah hadn’t scanned the house with the same attention but he often caved in and tried to peep. The thought of her alone and humiliated by his hands always made him reluctantly pull away from the window.

Noah knew he owed her several apologies but he couldn’t bare to see the disappointment in her face. The joy he remembered in her face, that twinkle in her eyes, and those delectable dimples, when she smiled, were now gone, and it was his fault. Like a coward, he couldn’t find the nerve to confront her and beg for forgiveness so he hid in alcohol and pussy.

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