Does She Not Know – Angle 03



This is a 3 part story written in an experimental style.

If you are not starting with part 1, it is HIGHLY recommended that you read all three parts IN ORDER.

This is important to understanding the story itself and what I was hoping to accomplish.

I hope you enjoy the story, and I would be grateful for feedback regarding it and the style that I chose.


“I want to know. I… need… to know,” Kelly said. She felt confused by it all.

On the one hand, she felt betrayed and made a fool of; humiliated and insulted. On the other, she knew Arron’s heart too well to think he would have done either. Neither would Nicole.

Still, they were brother and sister, and she couldn’t just ignore that. Nicole wasn’t just some ex-girlfriend. He didn’t even have an ex-girlfriend.

Arron sat on the couch, saying nothing at first. Kelly could understand needing a moment to prepare himself for such a confession, so she waited patiently in the nearby armchair.

He began speaking, and soon raised his head and stared at nothing. The hint of a smile on his face told her he had put himself in the past. Perhaps the only way he could do this was to be somewhere else.

He spoke of their childhood, and she felt a little sad for them, but less so since they weren’t sad about it.

Hearing about him noticing his sister’s body was a shock, at first, but then she realized that it was nothing unusual at all. As he said, “tits are tits, and an ass is an ass.” This was just the reality of most young men and boys.

Every impulse she had to feel disgusted was immediately overridden by reason.

She couldn’t blame him, but his sister was acting intentionally. That was harder to let slide.

‘Was this normal for girls with brothers? I never had one. Am I really qualified to judge her?’

Hearing about the exercises was a punch in the gut, though, because Kelly did the same thing for him, but the joy she got from it was probably the same for Nicole.

Hearing him actually say aloud that he masturbated to thoughts of her was another punch. There were so many things about him that she wanted to believe were hers alone, even though she knew some were foolish hopes.

It was unreasonable to expect that he’d never masturbated to anyone but her, but knowing it was his sister made things worse.

She wanted to comment, but she respected him enough to not interrupt. She doubted he would have heard her anyway in that seemingly hypnotic state.

Even hearing about Nicole’s style of panties stung because Kelly wore the same kind. It had been a silly little bond she and Nicole shared, but hearing all this was tarnishing that.

So many little things that were no longer exclusive to Kelly.

They even had similar breast sizes, although Kelly was a little larger. It had always given her a tiny sense of superiority, but now she felt like a runner-up. She loved that Arron loved her breasts so much, but he had loved Nicole’s first.

She both feared and appreciated his forthrightness, as he recounted the past events.

He took pictures of Nicole’s body without her knowing. Again, Kelly wanted to feel disgusted, but she loved when he did that with her. She loved when he showed her pictures he took of her sleeping, or shots of her butt he secretly took while they were out. Still, it wasn’t quite the same.

Not even having her feet held and warmed was her own.

‘So, I have her to thank for his body.’

She recalled when Nicole had hyped up her brother, trying to get Kelly interested in meeting him. She had mentioned that he had a good body. Kelly just didn’t know that Nicole was the one responsible for it.

‘I suppose I should be grateful.’

Nicole had biting him first, as well.

‘Surely he’s not recalling their exact words from over a year ago.’

Kelly knew his memory was not that good, which offered worrying implications about what those things really meant to him.

Or maybe he did just somehow hypnotize himself and is pulling the details from the recesses of his subconscious.

‘He likes rubbing my foot into his erections. Was he thinking of her when he did that?’

His account continued.

‘Bare skin against his back.’

Kelly’s heart sank again. She closed her eyes and held her forehead along her thumb and index finger.

‘She was naked on him. Not even I have been naked on him, yet.’

Kelly looked back at him at the part when the pictures were revealed.

‘She found the pictures and confronted him? Naked?’

‘What was she playing at?’

‘She actually asked him that? Oh, my god. I can’t believe she wanted to know, much less had the nerve to ask.’

Her mouth dropped and her eyes widened as he spoke of masturbating in front of his sister; while she was wrapped around him from behind, and he was going into such graphic detail.

‘She actually handed him her panties to cum into?’

Kelly was torn between revulsion and wishing she’d örnekköy escort thought of the idea herself.

During the last half of their year together, Kelly imagined many scenarios for what could be her and Arron’s first time being intimate, but none were so brutally erotic as that.

She was beginning to feel a little warm and unexpectedly aroused. She wanted him to speak to her in this way, and hearing the words coming from his mouth was a taste of that.

‘What in the world did she have planned?’

Who was this woman that Kelly thought she had known for the past year?

They quickly became friends when Nicole was hired, and they had become best friends in less than a month. They talked about so many intimate things, but now Kelly realized that she had seen only the surface.

Kelly’s full attention was on Arron as he revealed how Nicole had sucked him off and swallowed his cum.

She wanted to hate it, but he spoke with such sincerity and passion that she couldn’t help but admire everything about it. He was describing something beautiful.

It was so much more than she’d ever hoped a man would feel about her, and now it was a reality that could possibly be available to her. He had just raised her standard.

But she still had that inkling of a doubt that he actually would feel that way. Could Kelly measure up to Nicole? Could she provide anything better than ecstasy?

She was blind-sided when he started telling her about what he did to Nicole the next day. As the account progressed, it started to feel like it wasn’t even him he was talking about despite him literally claiming them as his own actions.

A sudden motion from the edge of the hallway entrance caught her attention. She was going to ignore it at first but then remembered that Nicole had been waiting in her room to let Kelly and Arron have this talk in private.

Nicole must have snuck out and was eavesdropping.

Torn between curiosity and her focus on Arron, she hesitantly and slowly stood to get a better view. Nicole’s feet and calves were visible on the floor, but they were in an odd position.

Kelly quietly crossed in front of the still mesmerized Arron and was shocked to see Nicole with her hand moving wildly between her legs.

Nicole was masturbating to the retelling of what Arron had done to her.

Kelly stood frozen listening to Arron and watching Nicole. She couldn’t look away. Nicole clasped her hand over her mouth to stifle any sound she may have made, and she looked tortured by pleasure. Soon, Nicole’s body spasmed in orgasm, until she finally fell back against the wall.

Kelly, suddenly aware of her risk of being seen, retreated to her seat attempting to process what she had just witnessed.

Her attention was brought back into focus as Arron revealed that he and his sister continued their activities, even after moving into this apartment.

Kelly suddenly felt a little claustrophobic with the realization that she was currently under the very roof where such things had taken place. What might have they done on that couch or the very chair in which she currently sat?

And then Kelly heard what he said about them not having sex.

‘They never actually had sex? Wait, what was that last thing?… A relationship that he’d always dreamed of having with a woman.’

Before she could process that, he continued.

“It lasted only about less than two months, though,” he said.


“Why,” Kelly asked. There was something in the back of her mind trying to scrape its way forward.

Arron was jolted out of his trance.

“What?” he asked, not having clearly heard what was said.

“Why only less than two months?” she asked almost sympathetically.

Arron looked Kelly directly in the eye, but his expression didn’t change. It still had that hint of joy.

“She said she couldn’t betray you. I didn’t know what that meant, but then we had a long talk. It was hard for both of us, but I knew it was the right thing.”

He continued, “She said I wasn’t for her anymore. There was no long-term future for us, so I needed to be for someone else. Someone who could be everything she couldn’t.”

That thing in the back of her mind was so close it sent shivers down her spine.

“Then she introduced me to you.”

‘Oh, my god,’ was Kelly’s only thought before hearing the sound of sobbing disappear behind a closing door.

Arron quickly stood and looked in the direction of the hallway, and was about to go, but Kelly stayed him with a hand on his arm.

“Wait,” she said. “Let me.”

Arron sat and let Kelly take the lead.

Kelly slowly opened Nicole’s bedroom door and stepped in, closing it behind her. Nicole lay in the fetal position clutching her pillow and weeping.

For a while, all Kelly could think to do was sit next to her with a hand resting on her shoulder, hoping that it offered some comfort and reassurance.

When Nicole quieted to occasional sniffing, Kelly laid down behind her osmancık escort and hugged her close.

“You really love him, don’t you?” Kelly asked softly.

Nicole said nothing for a moment then spoke in a pained voice, “Sometimes it’s unbearable.”

“When you were talking about him to me? I mean, before you introduced us,” Kelly asked.

“No.” Nicole turned over to face her friend. “I believed with all my heart that you were right for each other. As much as I wanted him for myself, I wanted you to have each other more. I focused on that as much as I could… but there were nights…”

They were both silent for a time.

“I hoped that my past with him would never come up,” Nicole continued.

“But I started putting two and two together,” Kelly finished.

“Too clever for your own good,” Nicole sadly joked, then they both offered a somber laugh.

It was something of a running joke between them, but her cleverness was one of the reasons Nicole liked her so much. It was one of the things that she felt made Kelly worthy of Arron.

“I hate that this is hurting you so much,” Kelly admitted. “Even if I was willing to step aside, I know it wouldn’t help.”

“I wouldn’t let you,” Nicole warned.

Kelly gave a little laugh. “No. I suppose you wouldn’t.” After a pause, “I don’t really see a solution to this apart from share… ing…”

Kelly’s voice trailed off in disbelief at what she’d just said. She remained silent in anticipation of some kind of reply, but Nicole offered nothing. More to the point, Nicole made no objection.

Many thoughts rolled through Kelly’s mind. Many questions.

‘I’ve never joked about sharing a man with anyone. The idea never crossed my mind in any positive way. The words just came out of my mouth as if someone else had said them.’

‘And Nicole didn’t object to the idea. Is that really something she’d be willing to do?’

Kelly looked into Nicole’s eyes. They looked in shock and desperation. Tears began to flow out, but Nicole remained silent, even though she looked like she was about to burst.

It became very clear to Kelly that Nicole was quite willing to share, but that she would never make such a request. Nicole had far too much respect for Kelly to do such a thing, and Kelly knew it.

‘Is sharing Arron with her even something that I could do? I mean, it’s not like she’s an ex that could come between us. They’re not going to love each other any less over time. I can’t forbid them from ever being around each other. She is his family and my best friend. Neither of us wants to lose her.’

There was a soft knock on the door, and then Arron peeked his head in.

“Is everything okay in here?” he asked quietly.

Kelly subtly waved him in, and then Nicole buried her face into Kelly’s shoulder.

Arron walked around the bed and climbed in to lay behind Kelly but reach over to stroke his sister’s hair. Kelly saw Nicole’s grip on her pillow tighten.

It didn’t slip Kelly’s attention that he chose her side. He willingly put Kelly between himself and his sister while still offering her consolation.

Kelly had much to think about while they all lie there silent.

It had been her policy that she wouldn’t have sex with anyone during the first year of their relationship, because she didn’t want sex to be its foundation; a fact which went far to weed out guys who she knew were not good enough.

She found it intriguing that Nicole, while fully aware of this, had still recommended her brother. To Kelly, this spoke well of Arron, and so she was eager to meet him.

Over time, as they got to know each other more, she was hard-pressed to find any faults with him. His claims of never having had sex or a girlfriend before were backed up by Nicole, whom Kelly trusted, so she believed he was, for all intents and purposes, pure.

In retrospect, neither of them ever lied to her about it, but at the same time, Kelly also never asked more specifically about oral, which Kelly understood was technically not actually sex.

What impressed Kelly was that Arron never even tried to persuade her to break her one-year rule. He was entirely on board.

While her rule did technically apply only to actual sex, she did loosely extend it to any activities that involved direct contact with genitals, meaning no oral or skin-on-skin manual stimulation. Even seeing each other naked was frowned upon, but that didn’t mean they could not sexually appreciate each other at all.

It was a gradual progression, but they eventually began fondling each other and even engaged in some dry humping during some of their steamier make-out sessions.

With the right partner, she was game for all manner of depravity, but the key factor in that was the right partner, and she wanted a much deeper relationship than mere sex could provide.

Often to her surprise, Arron was providing exactly that. They were on the same wavelength in ways that Kelly had never imagined, and she could easily see herself osmangazi escort spending the rest of her life with him.

In later months, it had even been noted by others that they acted like they were already married.

Months of girl talk with Nicole started bearing some resemblance to certain conversations and activities that Kelly and Arron had shared.

As a passive joke, Kelly had asked if Nicole was talking about her brother and Nicole let slip a nervous affirmation. To say it was a slip was not even accurate. It was simply Nicole’s refusal to ever lie to her.

Whether Nicole had confirmed it or remained silent, the end would have been the same, except that the silence would have been more disrespectful in Kelly’s eyes.

When Kelly and Nicole got off of work, they went to the siblings’ apartment and waited or Arron to arrive. There was a major discussion to be had, and Kelly peacefully asked Arron to explain everything.

As she lay there alongside both of them, she took particular note of the fact that the two siblings had not sided with each other against her. There was no anger. There were no excuses made. Nicole was even seeking comfort in Kelly’s arms.

Nicole hid her eyes so that she could not see her brother. At that moment, it hurt Nicole too much to even look at him for all he meant to her, and in a sense, she was sacrificing herself to Kelly.

And what of Arron? He wasn’t behind Nicole, hugging her. He was doing the minimum that could be done to show his sympathy and support for his sister while more fully supporting Kelly.

Even if Kelly had been the kind of person to seek revenge, they were providing her with absolutely no reason to do so. She loved them both completely and didn’t want either of them to suffer any pain or anguish, especially not of her doing. Part of Kelly even now wanted to offer Arron to Nicole.

The idea of keeping the two of them from each other on any level had become offensive to Kelly, but there was still of matter of how to resolve this.

Kelly realized that her previous disgust had stemmed from her feelings about loyalty much more than the fact that the two were siblings. The more she thought about it, the less their being related actually mattered with regard to general sexuality.

Before either of them had even met Kelly, they had agreed to not have sex with each other, and they both upheld that agreement.

The idea of making Nicole happy appealed to Kelly greatly, and she couldn’t deny having found the idea of sexual relations between siblings somewhat appealing as well. That’s partly why she had made that infamous joke, to begin with.

Kelly and Nicole had even previously once joked about one of them watching the other have sex. Kelly just never imagined it being with Arron.

This development seemed to be providing Kelly with opportunities more than obstacles.

Kelly turned her head toward Arron and quietly asked, “Could you give us a few minutes?”

“Sure,” Arron replied, then left the two alone, shutting the door behind him.

“We’re gonna be fine,” Kelly reassured Nicole. “All of us.”

Nicole pulled back to meet her eyes with relief.

“I could never let either of you go,” Kelly added. “I have a feeling that you are aware that next week will be mine and Arron’s first anniversary.”

“Yeah,” Nicole answered with a half-hearted laugh that pleased Kelly to hear.

“And I imagine you also know that I do intend to fuck your brother’s brains out.” They both laughed a bit more joyfully.

“You may have said something along those lines a few times in recent months,” Nicole understated.

“Yeah. I may have.” She paused. “I… I’d like to do that here if that’s alright with you. In his room, I mean.”

“Absolutely,” Nicole granted. “Do you want me to find someplace else to be that night?”

The question carried some extra weight to Kelly.

She and Arron had been rather openly affectionate around Nicole, so the idea of fucking in his bedroom while Nicole was at home had never been a problem, but today’s revelation had Kelly wondering if all of those displays had actually been torture for Nicole to witness.

But the fact that Nicole had just then asked, instead of decided to, put Kelly’s mind at greater ease.

“I don’t… want… you to,” Kelly replied contemplatively. “I’ll let you know if I change my mind, but… no.”

‘I… may… want you to join in. Later, at least,’ she thought.

That was the question on her mind for the next several days. She wanted her and Arron’s first time to be just the two of them, but bringing in Nicole later was already starting to sound like a wonderful idea.

However, she didn’t want to make any hasty decisions. She wanted to have time to mull it over.

On the night before the celebration, Kelly informed Nicole of her decision.

It was a Saturday, so none of them had to work. Kelly and Arron had never gone through the stereotypical dating phase, because their relationship just evolved naturally from hanging out with Nicole, so they thought it would be fun to go on a first date together.

It was a standard dinner and movie, but they both had fun pretending they were being uncharacteristically frisky with each other. Although it was not a conscious plan, they were both priming each other for their big night.

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