The Lucky Thirteen Ch. 01


I had to work through college while saving as much money as possible. When I graduated with my Master’s in Oceanographic Studies, I put the rest of the money I had saved into a thirteen-meter sailboat. I always dreamed of sailing in my boat as a child.

I was about to buy a twenty-foot older model needing work. The hull was in good shape, but the engine, navigation systems, and sails needed to be serviceable. I knew I would spend a few years putting in money and more time than it could be worth. I dreamt of owning a boat.

Mom had saved her money as I had over the years, and I was not aware she had received a rather large insurance payout as Dad died before I was born. She always told me he had gone away and left us comfortable.

We often drove around the local marina looking at boats and talking about how we would someday take a ship around the world with just the two of us being free to be ourselves away from the world out on the water. She pulled the car into a parking spot and took her purse with her as I got out of the vehicle, and we walked down the docks looking at all the boats. It must have been thirty minutes as we walked.

Mom stopped at a light blue forty-foot sailboat with a for sale sign and completely refurbished as a new boat. She reached into her purse, pulled out an envelope, and handed it to me. With tears in her eyes, she hugged me and said, “Baby, this is all for you. I have seen you dreaming and drawing boats so many times, and as we drove by the docks talking, I knew this day would happen. You are the Owner and Captain of your boat. The only thing I did was name it “The Lucky 13,” thirteen meters long.

I held her tight, stunned by what she had done for me. As we stepped back from each other and I stepped aboard my boat. The cockpit had protective covers over everything, and the main hatch was locked. I opened the envelope and found the keys, and unlocked the hatch. The interior had polished teak floors like the cockpit, with the Saloon having dark blue-covered cushions. All the equipment was state of the art from the look of what I was seeing. The bed was in the boat’s bow with what looked to be the equivalent of a Queen sized bed.

“Mom, I want to spend a few days going over the boat before making plans for a trip out for a few days. Kind of a shake-down cruise, so to speak.” I told her as she stepped in and hugged me.

“There is fresh food and a bottle of wine in the galley, as I knew you could not leave. Many of the vessels here have people who live aboard, so just be respectful of others. Call me tomorrow or the day after, as I look forward to seeing you take the thirteen sürmene escort out, and I want to be with you when you do.” Mom said as she hugged me and kissed me on the cheek with tears streaming down her face.

“Mom, before I take the boat out, I will hire a Captain and another person who knows the marina. A boat this size took me out with her and taught me how to sail her. I would not like to go out and not know what I am doing.” I told Mom as I held her arm’s length and looked her in the eyes, “This is a long-term investment, and I need to do this. I will call the Harbour Master and have a referral first.”

Mom nodded in agreement before saying,” This is a solid idea, and I will give you time to learn to sail the vessel correctly. I had not thought of learning, but like moving from a car to a large truck, you know the basics, and the fine points of safety are also wise to learn. I love you, and take your time learning.” as she turned to leave.

The following day the marina sent a Captain and a First Mate, both female, to the boat, and they showed me how to get the Lucky Thirteen out of the marina with the engine. Once we cleared the breakwaters, I learned how to raise the sails in order and get underway. We repeated sailing in and out of the marina under engine power, once out past the breakwaters, put up the sails, and then did the reverse actions, including tying the boat to the dock.

The Captain said I had done well, but I should put the Lucky Thirteen into drydock and let a team inspect every inch of her before heading out to the open sea. What the Captain had said was a wise idea. Just thinking of how much money we had spent on the boat, it would be worth finding out if she was one hundred percent sea-worthy for long voyages. We finished the work I wanted with them, and I told her I would keep her and the First Mate in mind when I set sail.

I waited the next day to go to the dockmaster’s office, and he recommended a mechanics team capable of getting the Lucky Thirteen on a hoist for inspecting the boat below the waterline. They would remove all the floor covers and fuel and water tanks. I told him to schedule them as soon as possible as I wanted to be there during the inspection.

The team was there the following day, and the first thing was to pull the boat out of the water. They did a complete hull inspection and power-washed the hull. All possible water intrusion points looked good, and the propeller shaft and rubber worked well. Next were the fuel and freshwater tanks, followed by the wastewater tanks. One person was going over all the electronics from suşehri escort the top of the mast into the galley and cockpit.

By the end of the day, The Lucky Thirteen now had a detailed inspection report. I filed it in the fireproof and waterproof safe and paid the team for the work.

That night as I relaxed aboard, I had a few glasses of red wine sitting in the cockpit, and two attractive women walked by and paused before speaking. “So you bought her?” one of them said to get my attention.

I raised my wine glass to them in a toast before saying,” She is all mine and today passed her annual inspection and is ready to go wherever I choose to take her! Would you ladies like to come aboard?”

One of them looked to be five-foot-eight with long soft brown hair pulled back in a long ponytail halfway down her back. Her shorts and halter top showed a toned body with large, firm breasts and solid, well-muscled legs. Her friend had the same outfit, and her hair was short to her shoulders. They stepped aboard, and the two of them introduced themselves. The one with long hair was Tina, and the short-haired one was Kim.

We went below, and I turned on the air conditioning and opened a bottle of wine for us. Kim gathered three glasses from the galley, and we sat down on the sofa with me in the middle and Tina and Kim on either side of me and talked. They had a boat a few down from mine named The Slippery Lips.

“Odd name for a boat,” I said as they laughed.

“Not for us, as we are not talking about the lips on our faces, but between our legs, Tina said as she spread her legs and pointed to her crotch.

I must have blushed as Kim said, “Tina, you embarrassed our host.” as I shifted in my seat.

I looked to my left and right before asking aloud, “You are both lesbians, I take it?

Kim put her hand on my thigh, leaned in, and whispered,” Yes, but when we find a man who will fit in, we share him. Right, Tina?”. And Tina nodded her head and placed her hand on my other thigh.

I will not say I was not turning on at the moment, but I wanted to see how far they would go with teasing me.

I did the same as I placed my hands on each of their thighs. Both spread their legs, leaving my fingers to access the crotch of their tight shorts. I paused inches from the crotch of their shorts and leaned forward, and refilled our wine. All of this had moved quicker than I wanted, but still, I was enjoying this to continue.

I stood up, moved to the seat opposite the sofa, sat down, and continued talking about our boats. They would take theirs out for weekend excursions taksim escort with friends every few months. They also gave me a tip as a liveaboard. All you needed to do was verify you were living aboard. The slip fee was about half of the cost as just storage. Not many people lived aboard their boats. At night on a comfortable night, they would sit out on the fantail topless, and very few people noticed, and the few that did never said anything to them. It was common in the community to wear little clothing after dark. I smiled at them as I reached over, picked up a baggie with some rolled blunts, and offered to light it for us. Tina nodded her approval as Kim pulled off her top. Figuring this was time to get comfortable, I took a big hit off the blunt, and after passing it to Kim, I stood up and pulled off my shirt and shorts, leaving me nude as Tina followed suit. Soon the three of us were naked and having a good buzz. Nothing sexual would happen as it was just a relaxing time for the three of us.

Both of them were fit and had low body fat. I looked at their breasts, maybe a large B to a small C cup. Both of them were utterly hairless from the neck down. I let my eyes return to their faces and did not linger anywhere else. It was difficult for me not to become aroused at the moment.

“Kim turned to Tina and said,” I can not believe he does not have an erection with both of us sitting here naked as the day we came into this world.”

I smiled and continued to look them in the eyes and not lower as we relaxed. Kim said,” It is time for us to return to our boat for the night. Before you get underway, give us your e-mail, satellite phone number, and GPS locator so we know where you are on the water. This way, we can stay in contact in an emergency.”

“Sounds good. I will write everything down tonight before I get to bed as my First Mate will join me in the morning, and I want to be alert when she arrives”. I said as I watched Kim and Tina climb naked out of the galley and out to the cockpit. They did not bother putting anything on and did not seem concerned if anyone saw them as they walked two boats down to the Slippery Lips. I sat at the desk and wrote everything down for them. I thought about taking it to them in the morning, but instead, I walked to their boat nude and knocked on the fantail to get their attention.

Tina stuck her head out of the cabin and waved me aboard,” Do you have the information already for us?” she asked as I saw Kim step out of the bedroom wearing a large strap-on dildo.

“Yea, here you go. I will leave you two to what you were about to do,” I said, feeling myself blushing as I was shocked.

Tina smiled and asked me if I wanted to stay and play, but I shook my head and backed out of the cabin and back to my boat. I thought about staying and having fun, but I knew Mom and I would head to sea in the morning. I went to the front berth on my boat and slept for the night.

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