My Grindr Uncle


It was late at night; brushing my teeth while my dad was watching TV in the living room. Most nights were quiet because we didn’t talk to each other: all you could hear were crickets and some football game on the TV.

That boring atmosphere was interrupted by a loud knock on the door. My dad got up to open it.

-HEYYY!! – a deep masculine voice screamed happily. I hadn’t even finished brushing my teeth when I walked downstairs to see who that was.

-Mike??? Wh-what are you doing here? – my dad said surprised.

-Well, with Amy gone, I thought, why not bring a six-pack to watch the game with little Jack- they both laughed a little too hard.

-Nice! But hey let’s go outside firs-

-Yeah yeah, but where’s James?? I wanna see my nephew- the man who was knocking came inside, he was holding the beer on one hand and his phone with the other.

-James, uhh this is your uncle… Mike, do you remember him?-

-Jimmyyyyyy how’ve you been! – Mike was leaning in for a hug and as he got closer I got a good look at his face. His face was familiar… from the worst place imaginable.

How could I forget Bigdick8in from grindr, his face was exactly the same, strong jaw, green eyes, pointy nose, beautiful eyebrows, clean shaven. Even the Dallas Cowboys cap was the same from the picture.

As he was hugging me, my toothbrush fell, splashing his shirt with toothpaste.

-Hahah oh no! It’s okay don’t worry- He put the beer on the counter and took some napkins to clean himself.

-It’s not like you don’t have experience getting your shirt dirty with white stuff huh? HAHAH- what? What does that mean? Does dad know he’s gay?

-HEY don’t you start! Hahah- my mouth couldn’t close from how shocked I was. Bigdick8in was my uncle. For a moment, it felt like I was having a nightmare, the pics we sent to each other were flashing in my mind. But the worst picture sent was the one where…

I showed him my face.

My uncle was looking at me with a smile, hands on his waist – Wow it’s been ages since I last saw you, you were a little kid and now you’re like, what? 20? – I cleaned the toothpaste from my face and swallowed what was left.

-uh huh- eye contact was on hard mode; I just couldn’t be in the same room as him without feeling so confused and criminal.

He grabbed me by my shoulders and shook me a little, our faces way closer than I would like.

-So, how’s school? Jack told me you were studying computer engineering, is it hard? – as he finished that sentence, he leaned back crossing his arms tightly, the light hit him in a way that accentuated his muscles and veins, it made me remember why I talked to him on grindr.

-v-very hard- and so was my cock.

Embarrassing myself in front of them with my boner was not an option, so I backed away.

-Umm speaking of, I have a lot of homework left to do so… yeah, nice… meeting you-

Did they notice the bulge? My hands were shaking and my face was getting hotter as I got up the stairs. Locked the door of my room and sat on my bed. Not knowing what to do, an urge came upon me; to check our grindr messages.

I grabbed my phone and started scrolling üzümlü escort through the chat to see exactly the gravity of the situation. It was just as bad as I thought. Fortunately, we hadn’t talked recently, last message was a month ago, in grindr days that’s pretty much ghosting. For a moment, there was hope he didn’t even recognize me, maybe we could put this all behind us. But then…

You received a tap.

I checked to see who it was just out of habit. It was obviously him. I rolled my eyes harder than ever and flopped on my bed. I didn’t even want to return the tap, I just turned off my phone and closed my eyes.

The next day, I completely forgot about the whole thing right after waking up, but something refreshed my memory: I walked downstairs and there he was, making breakfast with my dad in the kitchen. Why is Mike, my uncle, still here? Wasn’t he here just to watch the game and get wasted with my dad?

-Hey buddy, are you in the mood for some fried sausage and eggs? – my dad said while holding a giant kitchen knife.

-What’s the knife for? You cut someone’s sausage and eggs to make breakfast? –

-You’re so funny James, ha ha. Couldn’t find the spatula, so I had to use the knife… And I’ll cut your sausage if you keep questioning my cooking skills – Dad swung the knife towards my crotch area, I got a little startled, but I just chuckled.

My uncle watched us with a smile -You guys seem close – Actually, we weren’t close, but every now and then my dad would be playful, and I’d just follow along. Making these kinds of jokes were the only thing that we had in common.

When they finished cooking I took my plate and just as I was heading upstairs my dad noticed I didn’t want to eat with them.

-Hey, come eat at the table- Why would I want to do that? Nothing would have been more awkward than eating in front of the man that I had the hots for and was also my uncle.

-I… I have something to do and-

-I said come eat with us, that’s an order young man – I kinda wanted to laugh but his voice was very strong, almost like he was actually angry, so I just sat down.

We started eating and my dad turned the TV on so it wouldn’t be so quiet. They started talking about what they’ve been up too in life and whatever, I didn’t really cared to listen so I just took out my phone to watch something on YouTube. After a while, they stopped talking and they got on their phones as well.

I was peacefully watching my video when I got a message from someone on grindr.

I shivered, I already knew what was happening, and I started to get hard. I suppressed it and I opened the message.

“Pretty good eggs and sausage, right?… I got another sausage that I think you’ll like better.” A piece of sausage went flying from my coughing mouth when I read that.

-You okay? – My uncle said with a concerned look. Asshole, you’re the reason I’m not okay.

-So, hey buddy, you’re uncle Mike was telling me yesterday that we should go camping, he even rented the cabin already and everything. Whatchu think? – No way I was going. If my dad knew where I first met my uncle, he uzunköprü escort would kill me and then kill him, and then kill me again. Going with them would be an unnecessary risk.

-Hey, umm isn’t Jimmy gonna be at school tho? Plus, the cabin is already pretty small for two since there’s only one bed. – Mike said while lowering his voice.

-Nonsense, he can take a day off school, right? And hey, if it’s too small I’ll sleep outside in a tent and you guys can sleep in the bed. – Dad, stop. My cock was throbbing from just thinking about all the nasty things we could do while my dad sleeps outside. A part of me really wanted to go just to see what happens, but I was afraid of ruining my dad’s relationship with his brother.

-Oh, well, I mean… If Jimmy really wants to come, of course he’s welcomed- Before I could say anything my dad said – Oh come on, of course he’s coming, you’re not staying here alone! you’re coming with us. – I just stood there without saying anything, I didn’t want to admit I wanted to go, but deep down I was really excited.

We finished eating, washed our plates and I went to my room to pack my things for the camping trip. My backpack was full of all the things I needed when I heard a notification from my phone, it was Bigdick8in again. This time, I got excited when I got the message. The idea of doing something with my own uncle didn’t seem so unappealing anymore.


“What’s up” I responded as if this wasn’t the weirdest shit that’s ever happened to me.

“I had to pretend I didn’t want you to come… but of course I want you to come… I would love it if you came”

“I will come, just for you”

“Where are you right now? Send me a pic” the conversation was just about to get interesting so I locked the door.

“In my room” I pulled up my shirt with my teeth and sent him a picture of my chest.

“Your turn” my pants were already too small for my dick as I massaged it softly.

“I can’t, I’m in the living room”

“That makes it more exciting”

“You naughty little boy, don’t worry, you’ll see my cock soon enough” When I thought about it, we hadn’t seen each other’s cocks, just body and face pics. Now I definitely wanted to go on that camping trip.

“Can’t wait to see those 8 inches” After I sent the message, dad knocked on my door.

-Jimmy! I have something for you! For the camping triiip! – Fuck, I had a raging boner and pants were all wet. I wanted to put on some clean pants but my dad was being so annoying that I just grabbed my pillow and used it to cover my dick.

-WHAT? – My dad just stood there and the first thing he noticed was the pillow.

-Here you go buddy- He handed me what looked like a walkie-talkie.

-What is this? –

-A walkie-talkie son, there’s no signal or Wi-Fi where we’re going so if anything happens, we can communicate with this. – Excuse me? How was I going to send my nudes to my sexy uncle while camping?

-Wait, what? This is so annoying dad, can’t we go to a cabin for 21st century people? –

-Relax, you’ll survive, I’m sure you’ll find plenty of activities to do to not get van escort bored – My dad said while slowly directing his eyes towards my pillow again.

-Whatchu hiding under there, son? – To make things worse, my dick only got harder when he grabbed the pillow. I pulled away, clutching to my pillow.

-Nothing! I just spilled some soda on my pants and I was trying to clean it with the pillow. – Most stupid excuse ever.

-Hahaha you’re not gonna clean that with a pillow… come here – He grabbed me by my hand and went into the bathroom.

-Dad, I’ll clean it myself don’t wo- There was a stain remover product in the cabinet that he took out, it was like a little toothpaste tube.

-I’ve been meaning to use this for the longest time, they say its really good! So let’s see… – He got closer but just stood there waiting for me to remove the pillow.

-Come on, take off the pillow –

-No dad, I-

-What’s the problem? Just take it off – His voice did that thing again. It was very strong and confident, which made sense since he used to be in the military. Unfortunately for me, dominant men really turned me on, so my boner just got even bigger.

-Uh, f-fine – I gave in not really thinking about it.

-Oh… – He immediately saw it, I had my pants on, but my cock was actually pretty big.

-I’m sorry… I was-

-Don’t worry James, you’re my son, this is nothing I haven’t seen before – Does that mean that he had already seen my boner? Or, was I reading into it? There was a little silence that felt like an eternity but then…

-… Well? Go on! Take them off –

-WHAT? What do you mean?? –

-Well I’m not gonna apply the product on top of your hard cock am I? take them off so I can clean them – He was right, but that took me off guard. I slowly started unzipping my pants, with his face right in front of my erection, it felt surreal and I was shaking a lot. I was a virgin, so I didn’t have any experience getting naked in front of someone. I knew it was just my dad, but, if I just paid attention at his big hairy hands taking off my pants, I could cum immediately.

He got a little impatient and grabbed my pants with both hands and pulled them down swiftly. My cock flopped under my briefs. It felt like we were in a porno and I was weirdly into it. My dad got a good look at my size, but I know he pretended he wasn’t looking.

-All right, I’ll give them back to you when they’re clean, okay? – was he pretending not to smell the cum from my pants? It was painfully obvious, but he was completely unbothered. Why was he doing this? I could’ve cleaned them by myself. After that, I couldn’t see my dad the same way. His big muscles and hairy arms where very eye-catching to say the least.

Footsteps got louder from the stairs and a silhouette appeared across the bathroom, it was Mike. My rock hard cock in my underwear was out in the open for him to see. My hands immediately covered my balls and my dad looked back at my uncle. My hands couldn’t even cover the shape of my dick entirely. From his angle, we looked highly suspicious.

-Ummm… I’ll go check the… tires. – He quickly turned around and slowly walked downstairs, there was confusion behind his eyes, but more than anything, you could tell he felt extremely awkward. Did he think my dad and I were doing something? I didn’t want him to think I fuck anyone I’m related to. I mean, I wanted to, but only with him… Not with my dad too… Right?

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