Enough Chapter 33



We joked around and talked for over an hour with Lexie crossing and uncrossing her legs several times making sure I could look up her skirt if I wanted to. Then she asked the question that I had been sure was coming for a very long time.

“Chris, do you still have any feelings left for me?”, she asked softly, looking directly into my eyes.

“Lexie, you don’t have to ask me that question. You know I do. I asked you to marry me.”, I replied.

“Do you still love me?”, she asked, hesitantly.

“Of course, I still love you, Lexie. I don’t turn on and off that easily.”, I answered.

“Are you still in love with me?”, she then asked.

“That I can’t answer right now Lex. After everything that has happened, I think I have developed some serious trust issues.”, I replied.

“I can honestly see how that would have happened. But since we are being honest ……… do you uh, think there is any way that I could fix what I fucked up between us?”, she hinted.

“Again Lex, I can’t answer that right now.”, I responded.

“I guess that answers my question.”, she stated, staring down at her hands.

“What is the real question you’re asking Lexie?”, I asked.

“I want to be with you again. Not like it was better than it was. I want to be your entire world and you mine. I love you so fucking much and want you back. I will do anything to get you back. It seems like ever since we first met that my time with you has been cursed in one form or another. I know that I can love you with everything I am if you will let me. I’ll follow you anywhere or anytime. So much so that the sound of my voice will haunt you. And I know deep down if you won’t love me, I will never love another.”, Lexie stated, tearing rolling down her cheeks.

“Lexie, I don’t know what to say……………… you have never spoken to me like that.”, I said.

“Chris, I love you so fucking much that I will get on my knees and beg if I have to. I fell in love with you the first time we went out together and nothing has changed. I can’t explain why I did the things I did but I’m so sorry. I never believed I deserved you so I think I kept leaving before you could leave me.”, she said, still crying.

“Lexie, I would never have left you.”, I said, calmly.

“I know that now……… I was stupid and foolish. But give me one more chance and I promise I will spend the rest of my life making sure you made the right decision.”, she answered.

“Lexie, if it was just me, I would probably say yes right this minute. But I have Tai now and I have made a commitment to her. I just can’t let Tai down and I cannot involve Tai in another failed relationship. You must think about that. Tai and I are a package, she is not expendable, and I love that little girl with everything that I am.”, I replied.

“I’m not asking you to choose me over Tai. I can try and be the best mother I can to her. I will love her and do my best to help you take care of her. I just want everything that you are and everything that you do.”, Lexie cried.

“Gee, is that all?”, I asked, causing Lexie to giggle.

“Yes, that is all I want.”, Lexie replied.

“Lexie, I am so tempted to say yes right now………”, I sighed.

“Then say yes……. please say yes, baby.”, she begged, getting up and coming over to me.

Lexie came across the room and sat down next to me wrapping her arms around me and pulling me close. She leaned up and whispered in my ear that she loved me so much. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight. She finally released me and backed away wiping her tears from her cheek. She reached up with her right hand and softly touched my cheek.

“I promise you that I will never hurt you again.”, she stated.

“I’m going to hold you to that Lexie……”, I replied.

“I understand.”, she said softly.

“Let me think about it for a few days. I will let you know.”, I responded.

That night I laid in bed for a long time thinking about the conversation that Lexie and I had earlier in the day. In my mind, I listed the positive and negative reasons for being with Lexie. On the positive side she was drop dead gorgeous with a great body. She was a very sexual creature who could surprise you at any time. She had a good job and being with a police officer had its benefits. Tai liked her and they got along well. Lastly, having a female around to help with Tai was a huge plus.

The only negative side with Lexie was her inability to stay away from Cody in the past. And now, I don’t see Cody as a threat to a relationship. It took me quite a while to fall asleep, but I felt I had solved my problem.

We were several days away from the tournament I had entered Tai in so Master Garcia was explain to her several things that might happen in a tournament. He made sure she understood to follow the instructions of the BJJ referee at all times. She was as ready as she would ever be, so we decided to let her rest until the first match on Saturday morning. Tessa was not able to attend because of her schedule but Lexie promised to be there after leaving the office Saturday morning. She only had to go in for a short time early in the morning.

We arrived at the arena almost an hour early and found an area where Tai could warm up. She made quite the sight in her pink Gi uniform. Everyone was pointing and staring at her although she seemed oblivious to the entire situation. She stretched and warmed up and I sat back and just watched the environment.

Tai was scheduled to fight at nine thirty that morning in the third match of the seven-year-old division. It was a double elimination tournament consisting of thirteen contestants in that age group. Sure enough around twenty after nine they summoned Tai to the mat. I walked next to her and sensed no fear in her whatsoever.

Her opponent was a large boy probably one and a half times her weight. He was overweight but warming up he seemed to handle the weight well. The referee explained the rules to both as the opponent kept laughing to his coach about fighting a girl. In fact, the coach was returning some of the laughs himself. For a split second I wondered if I had done the right thing. Then the announcer shattered that thought.

“Ladies and gentlemen, now on mat four in the seven-year-old division we have a match between the following. In the red corner fighting out of King Ju Jitsu and trained by Martin Tong we have Conner Shelton.”, he announced getting a huge ovation.

“And in the white corner fighting out of Power Fitness trained By Master Jeet Garcia and by former MMA Light Heavy Champion of the World Chris Williams, we have Tai yatırım şartsız deneme bonusu Lynn Nguyen.”, he stated.

Tai got very little ovation because I honestly believed most there thought she would be out in two matches. I was a bit skeptical myself simply because she had never fought an actual opponent. While she did work out with Master Garcia and I, we never really pushed her to her limits.

The referee started the match and Tai began to circle to the opponent’s left side as she had been taught. In took less than ten seconds for the opponent to rush her and attempt to take her down. He grabbed Tai around the head and pushed her upper body down to his waist. Tai quickly spun to her right and dropped from his head lock. She put her left leg between his and locked him and then used her body weight rolling over causing him to fall on his back. As soon as he lost his balance, she released him and used both legs to trap his left arm then extended it under her shoulder and moved his wrist in an awkward position. This was not a traditional move, but one Master Garcia worked with all the time. With an opponent’s arm extending the pressure on the wrist was immense. I had been a victim of Master Garcia and tapped out quickly when he had it locked on me. Tai lifted her hips and pushed his wrist with all her strength. It took her opponent less than five seconds to submit. Tai released him immediately and got up then moved over to him to check and see how he was. This is something Master Garcia was adamant about. Always make sure your opponent is ok before leaving the match. The boy had realized that this little Asian girl had just beat him and took both hands and pushed Tai off him. Tai looked at me and I summoned her over to me. She ran to me and hugged me, having won her very first match. She then stepped back and looked at me.

“Why did he push me after the match was over?”, she asked, sincerely.

“I don’t know Tai, but you did the right thing sweetie.”, I said, patting her on the back.

They announced Tai as the winner and her opponent was taking a lot of razzing from the rest of his teammates. One thing that I mentioned to Tai was that no one would take her lightly again. With the win she advanced to a match at eleven o’clock, so we went back to the area that we had warmed up on. I removed Tai’s jacket and got a Power Aid from the cooler and opened it for her.

Just about that time, Lexie came around the corner to where Tai and I were sitting on the bleachers. Lexie was in jeans and a tank top with her hair pulled back in a ponytail. She had her gold badge on her belt with her Glock pistol on her right hip.

“Lexie, I won my first match.”, Tai screamed.

“Oh my gosh, I am sorry I missed it. I just got here.”, Lexie said hugging her.

“It’s ok, I’m going to fight again.”, Tai replied.

By the end of the day several things were apparent. First, Tai was very good for her age and Master Garcia was doing a phenomenal job of training her. She was undefeated going into the championship and the talk of the arena. She lost in the championship by a score of twelve to nine to a well-trained and extremely successful eight year of who was ranked third in the state. She was awarded a silver medal for her finish, and we were packing up her things when one of the opponent’s father walked up behind us.

“Hey Williams, you might think you’re a hotshot, but you don’t belong here. And she does not belong here either.” he growled.

I stood up and moved toward the area where he was standing with several other sets of parents. He instantly realized he had made a mistake.

“She was legally entered in the tournament and finished second. I am beginning to think that maybe some of her opponents don’t belong here.”, I said smiling.

“Half of that shit she did was illegal they just didn’t call it because no one understand what it is.”, he complained.

“She is trained by Master Jeet Garcia who is a nine-time world champion. Everything he teaches maybe be controversial but it’s legal.”, I replied.

“Well, we will be ready for your little gook next time.”, he said, raising his voice.

Before I could even respond Lexie stepped forward and extended her hands on his chest pushing him backwards gently. She was locked on to his eyes.

“Let me hear you call that child another name. Go ahead……… please. Say something else about a six-year-old child. What the hell is wrong with you?” Lexie screamed.

Now the situation was slightly different with a police officer involved. The parents made a great call and quickly pulled him back and shoved him toward the exit door. With the situation handled Lexie turned back and knelt down in front of Tai.

“Are you ok, Tai?”, Lexie asked.

“Yes, I’m fine. Why was the man mad at Chwis?”, she asked.

“I don’t know Tai. Sometimes adults behave badly and that is why I’m a police officer to handle things like that.”, Lexie explained.

We finished up and drove home to relax, it had been a long day. Lexie stopped to get sandwiches for everyone and would meet us back at the house. By the time Lexie arrived Tai and I had both showered and changed. Tai ran to the door when the bell rang to let Lexie in. They both gathered around in the kitchen seconds later.

“Chwis, let’s eat.”, Tai shouted.

We sat and ate then I started a movie for Tai in the theatre room. I went back to the living room with Lexie where she was sitting on the sofa waiting. I sat down across from her which seemed to disappoint her somewhat.

“Thank you for what you did for Lexie earlier.”, I stated.

“No one is going to talk to her that way. Especially not some idiot parent who is upset that his son lost to a girl.”, Lexie answered.

“Either way…… I appreciate it.”, I replied.

I called Master Garcia and told him how Tai had faired out and he was extremely pleased. He would be back next week to resume her training. It was almost eight o’clock when Tai came in and hugged the both of us saying she was going to bed. I was about to get up when Lexie said she would tuck her in. They disappeared down the hallway and Lexie emerged several minutes later.

“She is exhausted, she will be sleeping in a few minutes.”, Lexie stated, sitting down on the sofa.

“Yes, it’s been a long day for her. But she did extremely well considering her age,” I answered.

“Oh, I almost forgot. My parents are having a cookout tomorrow for some family. Pops and Maw Maw will be there as well. I think they would love to see you.”, Lexie stated.

“Sure, we can stop by for a while. It would çevrimsiz deneme bonusu veren siteler be nice to see everyone again,” I answered.

“Chris, I do not want to seem pushy…… but uh, I was wondering if you gave any thought to what I proposed?”, Lexie asked nervously.

“You’re proposing to me?”, I asked.

“No silly, you know what I mean.”, Lexie giggled.

“To be honest with you Lexie, I’m thinking of turning gay. Women are too finicky.”, I replied.

“Oh, so you’re going to start sucking dick now?”, Lexie asked.

“Maybe……”, I laughed.

“Do you need me to teach you how it’s done?”, Lexie giggled.

“I’m not sure……. I think I need a hands-on class.”, I answered.

“Oh, this will be a hands-on class, trust me.”, Lexie laughed.

“Well then maybe, I should go get ready for class.”, I suggested.

“I think we both should get ready……”, Lexie said, smiling seductively.

I went back into my bedroom and jumped in the shower quickly as Lexie went into the spare bedroom to get some of her things that had been left behind. As I stepped out of the shower, I knew that I was taking a chance with Lexie, but I felt that this time she was sincere. I went and turned down the bed as Lexie stepped into the shower. Several minutes later, she appeared at the bathroom door in a black tank top and black lace panties.

“Just so you know when I crawl in the bed with you, I’m never getting out. So, I want you to be very sure.”, Lexie said, softly.

“Lex, did I ever make you think I wasn’t sure?”, I asked.

“No, you never have. I just want to know that you love me and want me.”, Lexie sighed.

“Lock that door and come here. I’ll show you how much I love you.”, I urged.

Lexie walked across the room slowly giving me a great view of her firm legs and tight ass. She locked the door and then turned and faced me. She very slowly moved her hand down to her panties and began to lightly stroke herself while I watched. She stood there for at least a minute staring into my eyes and she gently touched herself over and over. She finally walked over to the bed and slowly lowered her body to the mattress, never taking her eyes off mine. She leaned in and softly put her wet lips on mine and kissed me much like she did the very first time. It was soft and sincere but with a hint of nervousness. Seconds later, she gently extended her tongue between my lips causing a sharp jolt of electricity to travel up my spine. We must have kissed for several minutes before she pulled away only inches from my face.

“I never thought I would ever be back in bed with you.”, Lexie whispered.

“I can’t say I ever thought this was possible myself.”, I answered.

Lexie reached down into my shorts and wrapped her soft hands around my hard cock. She gently stroked me for several seconds then pushed my shorts down my legs. She got up and straddled me then grabbed my cock with her right hand. With her left hand she moved the crotch of her panties to the left and lowered herself on me. Lexie was as wet as I had ever remembered, and she took me inside of her inch by inch.

“Oh fuck……. this feels so fucking good.”, she moaned softly.

She began to gently move back and forth on me placing her hands on my chest for support. I reach up and place my hands on her hips following her soft but firm movements. Lexie’s eyes were closed as she focused on the sensation my dick was giving her hard clit. She leaned forward and pressed her lips to mine like before with a more urgency and passion.

I released her hips and very softly began to run my fingertips up and down her spine, something she always loved. She pulled away from my mouth and opened her eyes.

“Baby, I’m going to cum.”, she whispered.

Lexie was looking into my eyes in a different way than before. It was almost as if she was looking for a sign of a renewed emotional bond. I was not sure what Lexie what looking for, but I took a leap of faith.

“I love you, Lexie Thomas. I will never let you go again.”, I promised.

“Oh fuck, I love you baby………”, Lexie moaned as her orgasm shook her entire body.

Lexie rode wave and wave of intense pleasure as I felt her orgasm flow from her body. It was very wet and extremely powerful. Lexie shook for close to fifteen seconds before she collapsed on my chest breathing heavily.

“Give me a minute baby.”, she panted.

I held Lexie in my arms for several minutes as she recovered from the powerful orgasm. She lifted her head and kissed me softly, her soft tongue forcing my lips apart. Lexie’s kiss was passionate and promised of things yet to come. She pulled away from me and looked at me with eyes full of lust.

I rolled Lexie off of me and got up pulling her out of bed towards the master bathroom. I turned on the shower and pulled Lexie inside with me pressing her against the tile wall.

“I love you so much baby.”, Lexie moaned.

I grabbed the large bottle of body wash and applied it to Lexie’s upper body. I then slowly used my hands to wash her as I looked into her eyes. I turned her around, so she was facing the wall and I applied body wash to her shoulders and back. By now Lexie was putty under my hands enjoying every touch and anticipating the next. I knelt down behind her and reached around gently soaping her pussy and firm ass. I felt her right hand move down her body and found her aroused clit quickly. I could see she was gently rubbing herself as she spread her legs even further apart. I used my hands and gently spread the cheeks of her ass apart exposed her tight hole. Lexie gasped as the tip of my tongue licked her asshole for the first time.

“Oh God…… baby.”, she moaned, still rubbing her clit.

Lexie’s breathless comment told me everything I wanted to know. I began to softly run my tongue around her tight hole making sure I lubed it with my saliva. Once I had her extremely wet, I extended my tongue forcing it into her small sphincter. She moaned as my tongue penetrated her and I got my first taste of her asshole. I began to slowly force my tongue inside her and slowly draw it out as if I was fucking her with my tongue. Lexie was already passing the point of no return as she furiously rubbed herself with her right hand. I forced my tongue inside of her as deep as I could holding her hips tight against the tile wall.

Lexie screamed in pleasure as the hot water sprayed on her head and back. Lexie’s legs were shaking, and I could feel her beginning to slide down the wall. I leaned back just in time to catch her semi limp body sliding down the wall onto the shower deneme bonusu veren casino siteleri floor. Lexie still had her hand buried in her pussy softly rubbing herself. I gently turned her around and looked in her eyes and saw something that looked like complete content.

“Lex, are you ok?”, I asked as the water beat down on us.

“Yes baby, I have never been this ok before.”, she whispered, softly touching my cheek.

After several minutes, we both dried off and went to bed. Over the next two hours I lost count of how many times Lexie had an orgasm and I had two as well. We fell asleep in each other’s arms, and I woke up the following morning with Lexie laying right against me. I looked at the clock and it was a little after six o’clock and I knew Tai would be getting up in the next few minutes. I quickly got up and covered Lexie with a blanket and then got dressed. I opened the door and went to the kitchen and made a pot of coffee. I was drinking my second cup when Tai came down the hallway.

“I want cereal, please.”, she announced climbing up on the stool.

“Yes ma’am.”, I replied, getting the box and the milk.

I fixed Tai a bowl of cereal and poured her a large glass of orange juice. She was almost through eating when Lexie came into the kitchen.

“Hello Tai, I see you already have breakfast.’, Lexie commented.

“Hi Lexie, you want some cereal?”, Tai asked.

“Sure, why not?”, Lexie replied, grabbing a bowl and sitting next to Tai at the island.

I went to the back and got dressed and made up the bed. I went back into the kitchen just as Lexie was loading the dishwasher. Tai was still at the island drinking her orange juice.

“Chwis, are we going to Lexie’s house to eat lunch.”, Tai asked.

“Yes, we are if that’s ok with you.”, I answered.

“Can I go swimming in the pool?”, Tai inquired.

“Well, you have to ask Lexie that. It’s her house.”, I laughed.

“Sure, you can, Tai. In fact, I will swim with you.”, Lexie stated.

Lexie changed and drove home and we promised to be there a little before one o’clock. Lexie promised not to tell anyone we were coming to make it a surprise. We arrived at quarter to one and went up to the front door and rang the bell. Lexie’s mother Jennifer opened the door and it was apparent we were a surprise.

“Chris and Tai, what a surprise.”, she said, hugging us.

“Lexie said I could go swimming with her.”, Tai explained.

“Well of course you can. Please come in.”, Jennifer said.

We followed her to the living area, but Lexie’s dad was already in the backyard getting the grill ready to cook. I told Jennifer that I would go outside and say hello to her husband Jim. Tai took my hand and we walked out the back door and into the sun room.

“Why hello there….”, Jim stated, setting his scraper down.

“Hello Mr. Thomas.”, I said shaking his hand.

“And you must be Ms.Tai. Nice to see you again.”, Jim stated, bending over.

“Yes sir, I’m Tai Lynn Nguyen.”, she answered.

“Well, I’m Jim Thomas, Tai.”, he said, softly shaking her hand.

“Can I go look at the pool?”, Tai asked.

“Yes, you can but don’t get too close to the edge.”, I instructed.

” Yes sir,” she replied, running towards to door to the room.

“So, what brings you here, Chris?”, Jim asked, going back to his grill.

“Uh, maybe I should let Lexie answer that……”, I hinted.

Don’t tell me the two of you are ……. you’re together?”, he asked, stunned.

“You better ask Lexie….”, I repeated.

“Ask me what?”, Lexie said from behind me.

“Are you two back together?”, he asked again.

“I don’t know. Chris are we back together?’, Lexie giggled.

“Don’t make me kick your ass, Thomas.”, I replied.

“I guess we are.”, Lexie replied, wrapping her arms around me.

“That is wonderful news. Does mom know?”, Jim asked.

“Nope.”, Lexie responded.

“You better get your ass in their and tell her.”, Jim instructed.

Lexie turned around and walked back into the house and was in there for about five minutes before she came out of the door with her mother. Jennifer walked up to me and wrapped her arms around me kissing me on the cheek.

“Oh my God, I am so happy.”, she said softly.

For the next few minutes Lexie answered nothing but questions on what had happened, and she did the best she could. I went out by the pool and talked to Tai then went back with her into the sunroom. We had just sat down at the table when Jennifer told her husband that Pops and Maw Maw were outside. Jim and Lexie went out to help them into the house because Maw Maw was now in a wheelchair. She could still walk but not for any amount of time. Usually, a twenty-step distance would wear her out and she would get weak.

Several minutes later, Jim pushed Maw Maw into the sunroom with Pops walking right behind him with Lexie holding his arm. There was also a young woman in medical scrubs that came in with them. I got up and moved two chairs so Jim could place the wheelchair up to the table.

“Hello Maw Maw, it’s so good to see you again.”, I said, kissing her cheek.

“What the hell…… I haven’t seen you in ages.”, Pops said, shaking my hand.

“Yes sir, it’s been a while. You remember my daughter, Tai Lynn Nguyen.”, I offered.

“Well little lady……. You are beautiful. You can call me Pops.”, he stated.

“Yes sir, it’s very nice to see you again.”, Tai responded.

“It’s easy to see she is yours.”, Pops replied.

Of course, for the next twenty minutes or so, I had Tai explain to Pops and Maw Maw how she had come to live with me. She explained everything carefully even the fact that she was now training in martial arts.

“So, tell me Tai how well do you do in school?”, Pops asked.

“I have a 3.98 grade point average right now. But I’m trying to get to 4.0.”, she replied.

“Manners and smart……. That is a great combination young lady, Chris, you should be very proud of her.”, Pops complimented.

“Yes sir, I am.”, I replied.

“Ok, now for the bigger question. “Is this just a visit or is it something more.”, Maw Maw asked.

Lexie walked around the table and behind my chair then leaned over and wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me on the cheek quickly.

“Something more……”, she explained.

“While I’m so glad to hear that I have to ask a question.”, Pops said.

“What question?”, Lexie replied.

“Chris are you really sure about this. I love my granddaughter dearly, but she does not have a great track record.”, Pops said sternly.

“Grandpa, that’s not nice……”, Lexie scolded.

“Maybe not but it’s true.”, he replied.

“Pops, I am sure about this. We have it straightened out this time.”, I answered.

“I certainly hope so. Well, welcome back to the family.”, he laughed.

“Thank you, sir.”, I answered.

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