Master’s Mark


My Master- You call me and tell me that You are taking me out, but where and what W/we are doing is undisclosed. You tell me only to dress provocatively and not to disappoint You.

So i draw a bath, wash my hair, and shave. Because i am excited about seeing You, i play quickly before i step out of the bath. When i towel off, my body shudders as the cold air hits my wet body.

i go into my closet and choose as short denim skirt, a tight pink shirt, and a black bra and panties. i debated about the panties, but decided that it is better to remove them if necessary than to face Your wrath if You had wanted me to wear them and i had not put them on. i lift my brown curls away from my face and put a clip in my hair. After i am dressed- i scrutinize my appearance. After a little tweaking, i am pleased with the results, and believe You will be too. i do a little twirl in the mirror, and giggle at my own giddiness regarding Your impending arrival.

The last touch is to put on my collar. i still feel shivers down my body when i put it on. You have given me two, one for use when You and i are alone, and one to wear in public. The home one, is openly BDSM. The public collar is the one i put on- silver, clean lines, small clasp in the back that can only be opened again by the You, my Master. It is subtle but clear in its symbolism. i am Yours.

i glance in the mirror one last time when You call to inform me You are turning the corner in front of my house and for me to meet You outside. i grab my things and run outside, just to see You pulling up. It is good to see Your face. When i climb in, i am anxious to know what Your plans are this evening, but You do not reveal them to me. Instead, You tell me to be patient-relax. These words i hear from You often, and i am amazed You do not tire of reminding me to do so. You instruct me to play as You drive, but not to cum until You give the word. i turn my body towards You and pull the fabric aside to give my fingers access to my pussy. Already i am wet with anticipation, i have missed You so. As You drive, i become aware of only You, and the sensation i’m giving to myself. Where You are driving has become irrelevant that is until W/we finally stop. It has been hard to touch myself and not cum, and i am breathing heavy, but i managed to accomplish that task by using Your strength to guide me. But when i see where You have stopped- i start to panic.

It is at this moment You tell me to cum, but i can’t. i sit frozen mid stroke, with my fingers buried inside my pussy. i look outside and see the tattoo parlor and know what Your plans are. i want Your mark, truly i do. i want the world to see i am owned, i am Yours, i am not accessible. Sahabet but i am scared of the pain, just a little. Again You tell me to cum, and this time You are growing impatient with my lack of action. i look back to You, into Your eyes and renew my playing. i had been so close before the distraction, and so it had taken only moments to renew my vigor. When i cum, i close my eyes and throw my head back, my body racking with my orgasm.

You scoop me up, “Good girl, that’s My creature” You say. My fears escape my control and tears form on my lashes. i curl up in Your arms and relishing Your strength. “Do not fear, little one. This is My desire. To have My mark on you so that I will always be with you, on your mind, in your thoughts. I will never ask something of you that I do not believe you can withstand. Because you are Mine, you will do this for me, and All will know Who you belong to.”

And that is what i tell You, through my tears, through my fears. “i am Yours.” Then You hook the leash onto the collar.

This place You have taken me to is owned by a friend of Yours, and You have already discussed what it is that You want on me. W/we enter, and conversation ceases. You step forward and address Your friend with a hearty handshake and warm greetings. i follow closely behind, eyes lowered, too scared to be disruptive. You take me by the leash and guide me down a short hallway to a room in the back. It has been set up with the tools of His trade. i see small utensils used for branding and some piercing tools. i close my eyes to block the image of impending pain.

“Little one, you must remove your skirt and panties,” You direct me to climb into the chair then. The Gentleman comes around, and puts my legs up into some kind of stirrup deal, and then fastens them down, so i will not jerk them closed when he is working. You come over, and stroke my face, tell me to relax, that this will make You happy. i want so much to please You. i take a deep breath and let it out slowly, forcing my body to calm.

First the Gentleman pierces my clit with a little ring, and that wasn’t so terrible. i have experienced far more discomfort from Your hand. But when He heats the small bits of metal to perform the branding i start to panic again. He treats the area on the lower right side of my abdomen, right above the thigh with a special cleanser. This is where You have chosen the brand to be. You keep Your hand on my face, Your voice gently encouraging me.

At the first touch of the metal, i nearly faint, but i concentrate on Your touch, Your voice, Your eyes. He proceeds to use other tools to get the mark to Your specifications. Over and over the glowing tools Sahabet Giriş sear me. i am able to finish the experience and remain conscious only through Your strength. The flesh is disfigured due to the swelling and it is hard to tell what it will look like after it has healed. But i am sure that You will be pleased. The work i have seen from Your friend has always been impeccable.

After He has dressed the burn, and given instructions about care and cleansing, You have me thank him in the proper manner.

i drop to my knees and question Him with my eyes. After a nod of acceptance, i undo His belt and pull out His cock. Not nearly as beautiful as Yours, but i crave the taste of it. i hunger to please Him and in doing so, please You, because of what He has given me. Your mark. i take Him deep into my mouth and inhale His scent. My tongue stroking the length of His cock. i maintain a steady rhythm until He takes control, grabs my hair and thrusts His cock into my mouth. Repeatedly He fucks my face, His cock cutting off my air supply. It is hard to refrain from pulling away, but i know that if i do, You will be disappointed in me. Finally, His thrusting hastens and He cums. i know better than to allow any cum to escape my lips and so i swallow deeply and once again. “Thank You, Sir. It is an honor for me to receive Your talent upon my skin, and then to receive Your cum within my mouth. i am grateful to You.” i kiss the palm of His hand once more before turning to You, hoping You are pleased with me.

You look at me and smile in that protective way and instruct me to go sit in the truck. Then You dismiss me and turn Your attention to Your friend. i hear You discussing His skill as i walk back through the store. Your hearty laugh is the last thing i hear as the door closes and i am standing on the sidewalk. i climb into the truck and turn the radio on, lightly stroking the new ring, wondering how it looks. i decide that i cannot wait to see it, and so i angle down the rearview mirror and do some impressive gymnastics to enable me to see a glimpse of it before You emerge from the parlor. i see You shaking Your head as You look at me, with a half grin. i can just imagine the state i am in.

“girl, sit up. Carry yourself in a manner that would comply with your role as my pet.” You start the car, drive just a little further, and then You stop the truck and get out. You take me by the leash again and lead me into a bar and i realize it is Wednesday. Tonight is the night of Your weekly biker meeting. There are men everywhere looking at me and my leash and the Man holding the leash. You greet a few people, and then walk over to a chair and have a seat. i sit Sahabet Güncel Giriş at Your feet. You visit with people, catch up on news and stuff, and casually stroke my hair. i am in ecstasy. i ask You if You are thirsty, and You reply “yes”. You also tell me to get something for myself to drink, so i go up to the bar and order a drink for each of us. There is a man at the bar next to me. He is rough, unshaven, slightly drunk and does not appear to have had a shower in the last week or two. He pulls on my leash, thinking he’s being funny and causes me to spill a little. He then tries to pull up my skirt. You see this, and get up. You walk over to this man and address him and his behavior. You talk about respecting a Man’s property, etc. How no one would dare touch His motorcycle or think it permissible to climb onto it and take it for a spin, and the same holds true with this piece of property (me).

When he is sufficiently dressed down, You turn to me. You press into my recent brand with Your thumb and i wince. You say “Do you see this?!? This means you are Mine, My property, My girl, My creature. No one can touch you without My permission. Remember that, and I will protect You from men like this one, forget that, and I will turn you out and all you’ll ever be with are men like him.” Then You turn me around and bend me over the barstool and spank me until the heat rises off of my ass. Tears are streaming down my face and i come close to begging You to stop. Never have You spanked me with Your hand so hard. The patrons in the bar have stopped what they were doing and are now focusing on Your actions, my reprimand. You step back and admire the work You have just done to my ass and then You thrust into me, full force. i feel like i’m going to explode. There was no warning, no prepping, just Your cock inside of me at once.

You continue to drive Your cock into me, harder and harder, until i scream. “please, please can i cum?” Your response was to fuck me harder.

“How do you ask?” You demand as Your cock drives into me, punishing my pussy. Your body thrusting against the red and welted flesh of my spanked ass.

“please, Daddy! please, let me cum for You, Daddy. Please. i am Yours. i am Your whore. i am Your cunt. i am Your girl. Please, Daddy. i need to cum!”

And when You say “cum for me now” i do not hesitate like before. i cum for You, because of You. And while i’m cumming, You press Your hand into my brand again. “you are Mine,” You whisper to me, as You thrust deeper. “Do not forget this lesson.” and then You cum in me. The intensity of the pain, the pleasure, the euphoria, causes me to cum again-or still- i lose track. my only thought is of You and this feeling You give me.

Immediately i drop to my knees and clean the cum off of Your cock, thanking You for allowing me to cum, for giving me Your mark, for sharing this lesson with me… You are my World, You are my Soul, You are my Master, You are my Strength, You are my Daddy.

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