Tea, Cake or Something? Ch. 03


We retraced our steps down the High Street, stopping to look in the shop windows and steal a kiss in the darker doorways. Despite taking over two hours to eat a bowl of delicious pasta, drink a bottle of good wine and a cup of excellent coffee it was still only 9:30 when we returned to his flat. We agreed it was probably too early to go to bed so cuddled up on the sofa and he told me about Naples, the Venus with the Perfect Bum sculpture in the art gallery and his extended family. I suspect we were both glancing at the clock on the little side table awaiting the arrival of ‘a suitable time’.

We both knew when the suitable time arrived.

“I shall get fresh towels and a flannel for you. Do you like to shower or bathe before bed, or are you happy as you are?” he asked.

“I’d like to bathe,” I told him, “would you do my back for me?”

He helped me up then went to find towels while I headed into his bedroom. I stripped totally unselfconsciously and was as naked as nature intended as he entered the room laden with towels.

He looked me up and down appreciatively which I very much enjoyed.

“Would you like me to dig out some pyjamas for you?” he asked, although I’m certain he knew what my reply would be. “I usually sleep nude,” he continued, “but I could wear my boxers if you prefer?”

“If you wear boxers,” I started, “I’ll wear my knickers, bra, your shirt, my skirt and the biggest coat I can find in your wardrobe.” I finished.

“That’s settled then,” he said turning to the door, “I’ll dig out my winter coat for you.” he chuckled and went to start running my bath.

I loo’ed and when I entered the bathroom he had his elbow in the water.

“That should be OK,” he announced, “not too hot to make you sticky and not to cold to make you shiver. What do you think?”

“I think you have far too many clothes on.” I told him, “I think we can both squeeze in and wash each other.”

I met no resistance as I started to undo his shirt. I tossed it lightly into the hallway. His trousers were quickly followed by his socks. I looked up at him as I reached up for the waistband of his boxers. He smiled nervously down at me. I eased them down. This is where I’m supposed to say it was a foot long, as thick as my arm Bycasino and as rigid as a flagpole. It wasn’t. I have no experience of men, other than my husband. I didn’t know if it was particularly big, small or average nor was it rampant, having said that it certainly wasn’t asleep either. I just knew it was his and resisted the totally unexpected urge to kiss it. I stroked it gently, stood up and kissed his lips instead.

The bath was a wonderful experience of sensual exploration. We dried each other, paying particular attention to the delicate areas and he led me to his bed. We snuggled up close. There was no rush now, we had the entire night. An undefined point in time tomorrow defined the end of our night.

He kissed my neck and nuzzled my ear exactly as he had years?, months?, days? Was it really only hours ago? I turned towards him and kissed him tenderly. He was naked now and I wanted to explore him. He was surprisingly fit. The fine dusting of hair on his chest matched the hair on his head, white. His chest was quite broad and muscular with good shoulders. His tummy was almost totally flat and it seemed that he carried no spare fat.

“You didn’t feel twenty years younger after watching me walk up the stairs this morning.” I accused playfully and poked him on the chest.

He pretended to be in agony then asked,

“Why do you say that?”

“Because,” I told him with a grin, “you told me that watching me walk up the stairs had taken ten years off your age and if I would do it again it might take another ten off. You watched me walk up the next set of stairs and when you got to the top yourself you announced that you felt like you were sixty five again! Sixty five plus twenty is eighty five and you,” I said, stabbing my finger tenderly into his chest to emphasise each individual word, “are, not, eighty, five, by, any, manner, of, means.”

“Ahhh! But I said that if you would come down and do it again I MIGHT feel another ten years younger. You didn’t come down and do it again so…” his accusation tailed of as I kissed him.

“I don’t believe you are seventy five either. As the son of a war bride you are probably not much older than me, if any. What’s more I don’t care. You’ll do me fine whatever age you Bycasino giriş are”

I kissed him again before resuming my exploration.

My turn to tease but as he had no boobs the area for exploration was severely restricted and I did want what he had between his legs. I spun it out as long as I could but my fingers were drawn like a magnet. I traced a finger down his hip, across his thigh to the inside then upwards while watching his face for reactions. His eyes were closed and he was desperately trying to hold his breath. My fingers reached the base. It was a lot firmer than it had been in the bathroom and firmer still than when I carefully dried him. With fingers on one side and thumb on the other I moved carefully up his length. It was fully out of the foreskin and I discovered pre-cum had lubricated the head. I ran my finger around it and was gratified to hear his sudden intake of breath. I had something to play with, something to tease, please and caress. I felt it grow in my hand, watched it grow and leak little droplets of lubrication which I gleefully spread around the head making it shine in the soft bedroom lighting. I kissed him lightly on the lips and he rolled gently onto his side. I changed the position of my hand as his hand reached across and probed between my thighs. I lifted my knee in expectation and he didn’t disappoint, he found my wetness instantly and slipped between my swollen lips.

That first touch, knowing that I had him in my hand and would soon have him inside me, was electrifying. He eased inside and found the button again and pressed. My response was instant. I shuddered with pleasure.

“Please,” I begged, “pleeease!”.

He rolled me onto my back, I parted my legs as wide as I could as he positioned himself between them. I guided him to me, held the glistening head in position and looked directly into his eyes.

“Please,” I begged again, “make me yours.”

I felt the head at my entrance, he moved a little and it opened me up. I watched his face, he was smiling and I knew I was smiling.

“Are you sure?” he asked quietly.

I nodded, “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.” I told him emphatically and sighed with intense satisfaction as he pushed into me.

We Bycasino deneme bonusu made love, soft, gentle love. He laid on me, we rolled and I laid upon him. I sat and I knelt and he slid into me and made me cum and cum. We stopped, rested and started again always loving always kissing always stroking and touching. We slept.

I awoke first, it was light outside and the room a little chilly. The duvet and sheet were in a heap on the floor beside the bed. I looked at his naked, sleeping form and eased down the bed. I kissed him, whispered,

“Thank you,”

and eased back up to rest my head beside his on the pillow.

“And thank you,” he sighed rolling over and taking me in his arms.

I reached down between our bodies and took him in my hand. He laughed, suddenly wide awake, and rolled me onto my back. My legs parted as I held fast to his cock and his fingers found me and pushed urgently inside my pussy. I needed his cock there and stroked him urgently. He responded quickly. I pushed him onto his back, swung my leg over and lowered myself onto his manhood with a loud grunt of satisfaction.

Instinctively he grabbed my breasts and squeezed hard as I bounced up and down on his cock. I fucked him until I could bounce no more. With little respite he rolled me onto my back, lifted my legs and rammed his cock hard into me. I screamed with another orgasm and he fucked me through more until he collapsed on top of me, exhausted.

We kissed, we cuddled and told each other that it had been a damn good fuck and that we would fuck as often as possible. I dozed off very content with thoughts of all sorts of pleasures sparked off by reading 50 Shades and the stories on internet.

When I reawakened the room was much brighter and two beautiful blue eyes were looking at me from less than twelve inches away.

“Good morning sexy,” he whispered, “fancy a fuck or shall we make love?”

What a lovely dilemma.

“Both?” I ventured.

On Saturday morning I was awakened with a rousing,

“Wakey, wakey. Rise and shine. My cock is stiff and your pussy’s mine!”

I cracked an eye open. Toni stood by the bed with a loaded breakfast tray in his hands. He wasn’t lying about his cock either.

“You’re defenceless,” I told him reaching out for his stiff cock.

“I have tea, toast and home made marmalade and you want ‘something’?” he grinned, “whatever next?”

Whatever next indeed! The weekend has just begun, would you like to know how it progressed?

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