Sally, Summer of Sex Ch. 29


Party Plans

Sally’s friend Sarah Malone wanted to have a going away celebration for her. Since the two of them were nymphomaniacs, it was natural that any celebration had to involve sex. Sarah suggested having a bunch of guys to fuck Sally. “A ‘gang bang” with you as the ‘bangee’. We can invite all your guys from high school and others you know to do the ‘banging’.”

Sally naively thought that sounded great and Sarah agreed to set things up.

Sarah, along with her mother, worked at a nude strip club, “Pete’s Play Palace” and she approached her boss, Carl, the night manager and part owner of the club, about using the “Back Room” for the party. The “Back Room” was actually upstairs with a large one way mirror window overlooking the main stage. It was normally used for “dignitaries”, that is to say local politicians and law enforcement supervisors who couldn’t be seen in the club and whose help was needed to keep the club running. It was also used by some of the silent partners in the business. Sarah had been invited up a couple of times to entertain those dignitaries. Suffice it to say that she discovered many of the club rules regarding sexual conduct and contact did not apply in the Back Room. Of course, the club sometimes looked the other way regarding rule violations in the downstairs lap dance rooms when a customer wanted “full service.” However, in the “Back Room” any conduct was expected, even encouraged, with no attempt to hide it.

Carl indicted it would probably be okay, “I’ll have to check with the other owners. Did you say a sex party?”

“Yeah, a ‘gang bang’, my friend is going away to college and I plan to invite a bunch of guys to fuck her. That’s okay isn’t it?”

“We’ll need to be careful. Even if you’re squeaky clean a cop might decide to arrest first and let the court sort it all out later. All he’d need is a hint of impropriety.”

“Like what?”

“Like prostitution. You better not be charging anyone to have sex. And don’t tell me anything about sex again. So far as I’m concerned you’re just renting the room. Any sexual activity is spontaneous.”

“Well, okay. But I’ve been in there and sex was expected.”

“Don’t tell me that. If you were invited up then whatever you were invited to do was between you and the customer.”

“I got extra pay.”

“Not club business. Between you and the customer.”

“So what do I do about using the Back Room?”

“I’ll do what I can so you can use it. You don’t tell me about anything that might be misconstrued. Anything that goes on is between consenting adults. No exchange of money for sexual favors. Each person you invite will have to pay the club entry fee and an extra charge. There will be an extra per minute charge for each club dancer that goes up, that includes you. I will arrange for any refreshments. We can’t have some random caterer up there. No booze, state law. Club bouncers will be in charge of security and there will be a charge for that. I’ll talk to the other owners about making sure there’s no police harassment as part of the normal club assurances. To be sure of that, absolutely no advertising of the event, invitation only.”

“Sounds like it might be expensive.”

“MIGHT be?”

“Do I have to decide now?”

“After I talk to the other owners. Then I’ll know the charges.”

Sarah left his office saddened. This looked like more expense than she expected. She had also thought that charging, like per minute, for sex with Sally would be a good way to both pay for the party and control how long anyone could fuck her. She decided to consult with her mother.

After Sarah had described the situation, her mother, Marlene, told her she’d talk to Carl. “Depending on what Carl says, we can consider other possibilities.”

“Thanks, Mom,” Sarah gave her mother a slightly more than daughterly kiss.

Marlene takes charge

At her first opportunity Marlene Malone confronted Carl. Carl expected it because Marlene was his frequent sex partner and she avoided any problems that might cause with the other strippers by frequently using her influence with him on their behalf. When it was an issue with her daughter, he was certain she’d be by pretty quickly.

He ran down the list of requirements with her, missing a couple he’d said to Sarah and adding a couple of others. It was really a stalling tactic more than a real list, not that many of the items weren’t valid. The real issue was that he needed to clear it with the other owners. “We’ve never actually rented out the room for a private party before.” he explained to Marlene. “If there’s no objection, I’m sure we can work something out.”

“And if there is an objection?” she asked in her sweetest, “you do want me, don’t you?” voice.

“Well. maybe we can work around that too. Let me see what I can do.”

Marlene had one more card and played it, “Did Sarah tell you who the party is for?”

“No, why?”

“It’s for Sally, You know the skinny girl who Escort bayan won the amateur night a month ago.” Marlene knew Carl had a basic curiosity about her.

“The one with no figure, no breasts, the plain face. All bone?” he said.

“That’s the one.”

“I always wondered how she won. Some of those other women, were …” his voice trailed off, “delicious” was one of many ways he could finish the sentence.

“If you can arrange for the party I’m sure she’d be glad to help you understand.”

“Well …” he stopped to consider the clear implication.

“You’ll do what you can,” Marlene completed the sentence, smiled and gave him a big kiss, one hand rubbed his crotch. She left the office knowing she’d have to have his cock inside her to seal the deal before she went home.

A week later, Carl asked both mother and daughter into his office. “The owners have agreed to let you use the Back Room for your private party.”

He passed over a two page document. “Here’s the use contract. You’ll notice all the charges and your responsibilities are spelled out. They want me to point out that you are responsible for honoring the ‘no illegal activity’ clause. The club will do what it can to avoid any untoward police scrutiny of this entirely legal party. The owners want me to especially caution you against any prostitution, that is, payment for sexual activity. Any illegal activity is your responsibility and, personally, I’m telling you not to mention anything even resembling something illegal to me or any club employee.”

“What about me and mom and other dancers?” Sarah asked.

“Since they are contract employees, the club can’t be responsible for their actions outside of the terms of their contracts,” Carl responded evasively.

“Thanks,” Sarah told him and planted a firm kiss on his cheek.

“Let’s look at this closely before being to sure,” her mother told her. Then she added to Carl, “But it does seem reasonable, so I thank you too.” She didn’t kiss him but just squeezed his cock under the desk in appreciation.

“One more thing,” Carl said as they started to leave. “Actually two.”

He looked at Marlene as he told them, “Sally should come by to check out the Back Room. I want to be sure she’ll like it.”

“I’m sure she will,” Sarah said, “I don’t think that’s necessary.”

Marlene looked at her daughter, “I think that’s an excellent idea, Carl. I’ll arrange for the two of you to check it out.” She looked pointedly at Sarah when she emphasized “two”.

Sarah started. “Mom, do you really think that …”

Marlene stopped her with a strong stare.

Sarah started to speak but the stare continued and she said, “Ohhh! Yes, that’s probably a good idea. I think Sally would really like that.”

“And the other thing,” Carl added. “Captain Oliver of the vice squad would like to sit down privately with Astrid to be sure she understands the nature of what things might be permitted in the back Room.” Astrid was Sarah’s stage name.

“Privately?” Sarah asked.

“Yes, privately, just the two of you. You can use the Back Room for your meeting. I suggest your most complete attention and service be extended to him since he is very important to being sure there is no disruption of the legal activities going on in the club.” There was something oddly sarcastic about the way he said the word, “legal”.

Sarah started to ask a question but her mother had the same stare. “Ohhhh!” she said, “Yes, complete and entire attention and service.”

Carl added, in a less officious tone, intended to imply that what he was saying was off the record for Sarah personally, ” He has been very impressed with Astrid and wants to experience her skills first hand. No money, no charges, no tips will be involved.”

Then in the more officious manner he stated, “I’m sure your talking to him will make certain that there is no police concern over your private party.”

“I hope so, I’ll do my best to make sure of that.” Sarah said. She was relishing the encounter.

Outside the room, Sarah turned to her mother, “Sally and Carl? what is that about?”

“I know Carl’s been fascinated by Sally since she won the amateur night contest. He’s not sure why she won. I just dangled the possibility to get him to work harder on the party.”

“What is it with Sally, no figure, no face but she has ’em lined up?”

“Don’t know, ask your father, he’s got a crush.”

“Dad likes anything with a cunt.”

“You like her too, maybe you know without realizing it.”

Sarah had no answer to that but honestly responded, “Maybe you’re right.”

Pay the Piper

The following day Sarah told Sally about the setup. “Mom, dad, and I reviewed the contract and it’s pretty good. Everyone will need to pay the club entrance plus an additional fee. We’ll can charge the guys something extra to help make up for the fixed cost. Wristbands will be used to control entry so guys can go down to the club. And Bayan escort we can use club dancers one at a time.”

Sarah hesitated before telling her the next part. “You need to make arrangements with Carl, the manager, to check the place out.”

“I’m sure that if you say it’s okay then it’s fine,” Sally responded.

“You HAVE TO check it out with Carl. Mom made certain arrangements.”


“She wanted to give Carl an incentive to arrange for the place.”

“Yeah?” Sally began to understand where this was going.

“Anyway, she knew Carl was, well, curious about you?”

“I see, curious.”

“You know what I mean. He wants to fuck you!” Sarah blurted out.

Sally laughed, she had just wanted Sarah to say it. “So, your mom told him I’d fuck him if he agreed to let us use the place.”

“Well, not exactly.”

“What, exactly?”

“Okay, that exactly. She knows you’re always looking for cock so she figured it would be okay.”

“Well I wish she’d asked me first.”

“She was thinking on her feet. Didn’t have time to contact you. And you are always looking for cock. Besides, don’t feel bad, Carl promised me to some police captain without asking me.”

“You’re always being promised to some guy. It’s almost like part of your job.”

Sarah knew she was right but denied it, “No, I’m not. This was different. Kind of like, ‘fuck him or your party will be raided’.”

Well, I guess you better make sure we’re not raided and I’ll thank Carl for arranging for the place. What do you know about him? Is he a good fuck?”

“My mom lets him ride her pretty frequently so you could ask her.”

“If she let’s him do her a lot, he must be good.”

“Or she’s just getting on his good side. She manages to get a lot of concessions for the rest of us dancers.”

Sally went for her number one topic when it came to guys, “What’s his cock like?”

Sally and Carl

Two days later Sally was in Pete’s. Sarah and her mom were in the back entertaining guys and there were only three dancers in the main room. One dancing, one trolling the half dozen guys sitting around looking bored, and the third sitting to the side engrossed in her cell phone screen.

After some effort, Sally got the attention of the one doing the trolling. “I’m here to see Carl.”

“He’s in back,” the troller walked away.

Sally noticed a girl behind the bar, doing her best to ignore everything going on. She walked over, “HEY!”

The bar maid, if that’s what she was, turned around, “Yes?”

Sally decided she needed to be more direct, “Could you get Carl for me?”

“Maybe,” she tapped the tip jar on the bar, “who are you?”

Sally wasn’t about to pay, at least not without an argument. “Tell Carl it’s Sally. He’s expecting me.” Then she added forcefully, “He asked me to come in so I think you better get him.”

The girl sauntered to the back and returned with a short, overweight guy in his 50’s.

“Sally, so glad to see you!” he wrapped her up in his arms, pulling her into the pillow of his body. One hand went to her butt.

She let him do his fondling, after all, they both knew why she was there and things would get much more intimate than a butt grab.

He led her to a stairway tucked away in a separate small room. He unlocked the door at the top of the stairs, they went in and Carl turned the lights up.

She was impressed. Downstairs the whole place had a slightly seedy look, disguised by the dim lighting. Here, everything was clean and tidy and bright. Carl dimmed and brightened the lights as a demonstration. “I like ’em brighter. Love to see everything the ladies have got.” He smiled in a friendly but suggestive way. Sally was happy that it didn’t seem as creepy as it could under the circumstances.

She looked at the huge window that overlooked the stage below. She hadn’t noticed it from downstairs. She was trying to figure out how it worked.

“Some window huh?” Carl said. “Somehow let’s us see everything but can’t really see it from below, even if you’re looking. I’m told it has something to do with the angle and the dark ceiling.”

You like it?” Carl asked, making small talk rather than being interested in Sally’s opinion.

Sally was unsure how to proceed. Just get undressed, let him seduce her, try seducing him? She decided to just make sure he knew she was available and then let him make the next move. She picked one of the large comfortable looking couches and sat on it. “Wow, soft,” she declared in complete honesty, leaning back against one arm, putting her arms up in an inviting fashion and spreading her legs wide. She smiled at him, “everyone just calls you Carl. What’s your last name?”

“Ronconi,” he said, accepting the silent offer and sitting beside her. She lifted the leg next to him and put it on his lap. She felt for his cock and made sure her thigh was resting on it. He leaned in for a kiss.

Sally decided to Escort play the coquette and put her finger on his lips, stopping him in mid move. “You are forward,” she said, “What kind of girl do you think I am, Mr. Ronconi?”

“Uhhh.” his first inclination was to berate her and tell her he knew exactly what kind of girl she was and let’s get down to it.

But she beat him to the punch, “I’m exactly that kind of woman, Carl. But pleasure is best when prolonged.”

With just those few words, Carl began to see why she was in demand. Already he was captivated. No matter what else, she had a fabulous smile and something about her manner and tone said, “I’m going to give you the best fuck of your life.”

“You know there’s nothing I want more than to see that cock of yours. I bet it will feel great inside. For that matter, I would love to feel it’s warm skin in the palm of my hand. You know, I love penises of all shapes and sizes. I can hardly wait to see yours, Carl.” She rubbed her leg against the hardness in his lap. “Oooo, I can tell it’s a nice fat one, Mr Ronconi. but I’m not going to look yet, I love the anticipation, Don’t you? It’s like Christmas.” She reached for his belt buckle and paused, “No, not yet, Mr. Ronconi, good things come to those who wait.”

“I’m getting wet, just thinking about your wonderful tool going into my pussy, and then coming out, or just being inside. Your fat, wonderfully warm tool. You wanna feel how wet I am?”

Before he could answer she answered for him, “You bet you do.” Putting both legs on his lap she told him, “here, Mr. Ronconi, take off my shoes.”

Once he had her shoes off, she got up, dropped her jeans,took his hand and pushed it inside her panties. “See how wet.”

He rubbed her damp labia and began to stroke her clit.

“Not yet, you naughty boy,” she pulled his hand out and jumped back on the couch next to him. “I know what you want now, Carl. You want to see my little titties. Shall I take off my top or do you want to do it?”

He stammered, “Uhh.”

“Of course you want to do it,” she pulled his hands to the buttons on her blouse. As soon as he had unbuttoned it, she shrugged it off her shoulders and let it fall to the floor.

“Not much inside the bra, Carl,” she made allusion to her almost non-existent breasts. There was no reason to deny the obvious and that further put him at ease. “Unhook it, I know you want to.”

He obliged, revealing her huge, erect nipples, as hard and red as brand new pencil erasers but much bigger than on any pencil he had ever seen. “Dying to touch these beauties, Carl? Go ahead.”

He pinched them and rolled them between his fingers. She moaned in pleasure, “Oh, wow, Mr Ronconi, but you know what I’d really like and you would too? They’re so hard ’cause they want you to suck and lick them. And I can see your mouth is watering at the chance.”

He was hypnotized by the way she seemed to say what he wanted almost as soon as he wanted it. She even seemed to be telling him what he wanted just before he wanted it. When she told him what to do, he wanted nothing more than to honor her request. If she told him he didn’t want something or wanted to wait for something, he put it off. All the time she called him”Mr Ronconi” to make him feel important and “Carl” to make him feel desired. Hypnotic was exactly the word.

After almost an hour Carl found himself sprawled naked on the couch in the Pete’s Pleasure palace “Back Room”. That is, naked except for the semen filled condom he wore on his spent penis. He felt totally relaxed and totally satisfied and yet like he had been through a wringer, a most pleasurable wringer. Her lack of figure or breasts were the furthest thing from his mind. He only remembered her telling him how wonderful he was. He remembered the many different positions and his cock in her and sometimes feeling like the whole universe was only his cock and her tight twat. He had been on the verge of orgasm several times. Each time she sensed it and told him not to cum, and he didn’t, there had just been that prolonged on the edge feeling. And then when she knew he really needed to release, she told him to let go an the explosion was a tremendous release. and All he could think of about her face was that smile.

Sally, completely naked, had just gotten up from her position riding Carl’s penis. “That was fabulous, Mr. Ronconi,” she told him, flashing her winning smile and gathering up her clothes. She dressed, bra and blouse first, underwear and jeans last. “You are one great fuck. But I bet all the women tell you that.”

Carl fully accepted the flattery and asked, “will I see you again?”

Sally knew he was asking about more than just meeting with her. “Don’t know. You going to the party?”

“It’s invitation only,” he reminded her.

“Well after this evening and maybe if the base fee was reduced, then …” She paused for effect, “you never know”. “You look tired, Carl, I’ll find my own way out.”

She gave his shrinking, condom garbed cock a parting kiss, sucking it all the way into her mouth and swirling her tongue around its tip. “Bye, Mr Ronconi,” she wiggled her fingers at him, smiled and left. He lay back, smiling.

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