Road Rage


Martha sat in the car, monitoring the speed of other motorists. She was parked on the side of Interstate 80 East in Hercules, near the exit for Highway 4. It was a warm, humid afternoon in May, and business had been slow so far. Everyone was being a good, safe driver today, and fortunately for her, that meant less headaches and stress.

She drank some more coffee from her mug, her big brown eyes still glued to the scanner. Physically, she was a thick, muscular woman of mixed European descent, standing 5’10” tall, and had dark brown shoulder length hair that was a little curly. Her skin complexion was a natural light brown, giving her a distinctive Mediterranean look.

Twenty minutes passed before a Mustang zoomed by, doing 95mph. She put the scanner down, pushed her glasses up her nose, and started the engine.

“Now we’re talkin’,” she said.

When she got home later, she stripped off her tight, stiff CHP uniform and jumped into the shower. Afterwards, she sat behind her computer in nothing but a thong, checking her email. She then logged into an internet dating website that she was a member of. She hadn’t been active in a while and discovered she had fourteen new messages.

Most of them she read and deleted, either because the men were too old or not her type. Of the remainder, two seemed interesting, an Asian man and a black guy. She emailed both of them and logged out.

The next day, Martha was off and slept in. After showering, she went to the gym and pumped some iron, concentrating especially on her upper body, butt, and legs. As she used the leg press machine and did some squats, she saw some guys checking her out. Their eyes bulged out at the sight of her huge, muscular glutes, thighs, and calves.

She approached one of them. “Hey, can you spot me while I bench press?” she asked, smiling.

When she returned home, she checked her email again. One was from Matt, the Asian guy from the internet dating site. She called him and they later met at a Starbuck’s on Solano Avenue in Berkeley.

“So, is this your first time doing online dating?” she asked.

“No, I’ve tried it on and off over the years,” he replied, grinning pleasantly. He was around her age, late twenties, and had a rugged, clean shaven face. He had a crew cut, a dark tan, and an athletic build. “How about you? Are you a newbie to this?”

She laughed.

“What’s so funny?”

“It’s just the word ‘newbie.’ I haven’t heard it in a while, that’s all. . .yes, this is my first time. So far, it’s been interesting. I’ve corresponded with some nice people and have also been hit on by guys old enough to be my dad.”

He chuckled. “I’ve heard other women tell me the same thing.”

“Have older women written you or sent you a wink?”

“Once or twice. The majority of them are around my age. Have you met anyone else in person?”

“You’re the second. I’m only doing this ’cause some of my friends had success with it. I’m very opposed to the idea of this because I prefer meeting people in person, but finally gave in to my friends’ advice. Plus the fact I’ll try anything once.”

“Don’t worry, it’s not so bad. It may seem weird ’cause you don’t know anyone and people come from all walks of life, but basically it’s just another outlet to meet folks.”

“That’s good to know.”

“Just don’t take it too seriously, relax and chill, and have fun.”

She smiled, drinking some tea. “Okay.”

He crossed his legs. “So, tell me what it’s like being a CHP officer. What’s the most dangerous situation you’ve experienced?”

She thought for a moment. “Uhmm, I’d have to say when me and some other officers chased this guy all the way from Oakland to Sacramento. He had just stolen this Lamborghini from the shop and was clocking up to speeds of 130mph on the freeway. It was like a scene out of The Fast and the Furious, cutting in front of cars and trucks every five seconds.”

“Man,” he said, shaking his head. “How did you eventually nab this guy?”

“We cornered him into this ditch. He tried to run for it but I went after him and brought him down. We even had a mini wrestling match going.”

He laughed. “Boy, I’d hate to be pinned down by you,” Matt said, checking out her brawny frame.

She shot him a naughty grin. “Maybe you’d like it. . .how’s business at your motorcycle shop?”

He let the previous comment digest in his brain before answering. “Great. We’re having one of our best years. You mentioned in one of your emails that you ride, too. Do you own a bike?”

Martha drank some more tea. “Yes, I do. I have an old Honda. You said you’re a Harley man, right?”

He nodded proudly. “You like ’em?”

“They’re cool.”

“Maybe we can go on a little road trip somewhere.”

“That sounds fun.”

* * *

A week later, on a Saturday afternoon, she chased a speeding SUV across the Golden Gate Bridge into Marin County. When she walked over to the passenger side window she saw three young men wearing football jerseys urfa escort and baseball caps. All of their faces were red and the distinct smell of alcohol reeked from the interior. Martha saw the guy in the passenger seat discreetly pass a brown paper bag to the man in the back.

She looked at the driver. “Do you know how fast you were going, sir?”

He shook his head, playing innocent. He looked like your typical jock, frat boy type.

“93 mph.”

“Ooooh,” he slurred sarcastically. “Sorry, ma’aaaam.”

“Apologies are not acceptable. Apologies won’t prevent an accident, and they won’t prevent people from getting killed. Let me see your license and registration please.”

He threw them at her.

“Step out of the vehicle, sir.” She radioed for backup, and then looked at the other passengers. “Oh, could you gentlemen step out, too, and place all your alcohol on the ground.”

They did so begrudgingly. She looked at the four bags of liquor on the asphalt. Soon, two other CHP cars arrived. The other officers watched the group while she went back to her vehicle and checked the driver’s information. She returned minutes later, where the three men were standing in a spread eagle position against the SUV. They had already been frisked by the other officers.

She gave the driver back his information and handed him a ticket as well.

“Three hundred bucks!” he said angrily. “I ain’t payin’ that!”

“Fine. They’ll just increase the penalty if you don’t. Can you guys walk in a straight line for us?”

“Fuuuuck you, biiiitch!” he slurred, ripping up the ticket and throwing it in her face.

Martha shook her head disappointedly and wrote him a new one with a higher penalty. He laughed at it, tore it up, and flung it at her viciously. “I ain’t payin’ shit!” he said.

His buddies joined in on the rowdy laughter. She then read them their rights while the other officers handcuffed them and escorted them to a car.

The driver stared at her with hostility. “We’re gonna get even with you, bitch. Just watch. My old man’s a rich ass lawyer. He’ll have us out soon and you’re the one that’s gonna pay.”

“You mentioned being a bodybuilder,” Matt said. “Have you been in any competitions?”

She nodded anxiously.

“Hey, you okay?” he asked, concerned.

“Just a rough day at work.” She sighed, thinking a moment. “Yeah, I won a few. . .I’m thinking of entering another contest.”

“Are you sure you’re all right?

She briefly told him about the incident with the frat boys. “That’s it. I don’t wanna talk about work anymore.”

“Okay.” He drank some beer, looking at her empty glass. “Want another apple martini?”

“Sure. Hopefully it’ll erase the memory of what happened today.”

After leaving the restaurant, they strolled down Solano Avenue. It was a clear, muggy night and the thoroughfare was thronged with people. She wore a tight, faded Star Wars shirt, khaki shorts, and flip flops. He noticed she wasn’t wearing a bra and her big nipples were pressed hard against the fabric. She caught him looking a few times but remained impassive. He was dressed in a sleeveless shirt, tight jeans, and sandals. She checked out his nicely shaped ass from time to time.

“I forgot to mention I like your name,” he said.

“I never did. Too homey and plain but that’s why my mom chose it.” She pushed her glasses up her nose. “I like Matt. It’s short and catchy.”

He smiled. “I agree.” They did a little window shopping. “What’s your favorite Star Wars movie?”

“The Empire Strikes Back. I know I’m a nerd, that’s why I’m wearing this shirt. You should see my DVD, model, and action figure collection.”

He raised his eyebrows. “You’re kidding.”

She shook her head, smiling. “Let’s get some ice cream and head to my place, and I’ll blow your mind away.”

Her apartment was several blocks up Solano, and upon arriving, she immediately opened the windows in the warm, stuffy unit. Then she switched on a fan and walked barefoot to the kitchen. While she scooped ice cream into two bowls, he sat on a love seat, staring in awe at the walls that were plastered with numerous movie posters. One wall was completely devoted to action figures and models from the Star Wars films, as well as ones from The Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, and other movies. The still packaged merchandise either hung from hooks or sat on shelves.

She handed him a bowl and sat next to him. “So what do you think?”

He shook his head. “Amazing. You’re hardcore. They’re worth more money if they’re still in the boxes, right?”


“You’re going to sell them all one day?” he asked, eating some ice cream.

“If I get poor,” she replied, laughing.

When they were done eating, they lied back on the love seat and watched TV.

“Tired?” he asked softly.

“Yeah. The heat’s wearing me out. What about you?”

“I’m okay.” He sneaked a glance at her large, erect nipples, uşak escort still pressed tightly against her T-shirt. His hard cock was making his underwear wet. She sat closer to him, took his hand gently, and squeezed it. Before he had a chance to respond, she leaned over and kissed him and they had their hands all over each other. It led to passionate French kissing, with her sticking her long tongue into his mouth enthusiastically. Saliva dripped from her mouth when they paused for a second. Martha had the widest grin on her face. Then they resumed soul kissing, with her hands unzipping his pants and boxers and removing them. She stroked his long, massive dick feverishly

His hand caressed her big, muscular thighs. Eventually, he stripped off most of her clothing and tossed them on the ground. The last thing that remained was her black thong and she kept this on as she did an erotic lap dance for him. He leaned back in the love seat and just grinned, enjoying every minute of it.

When she was done, he eagerly pulled down her thong, almost ripping it.

“Take it easy, hon, we got tons of time,” she said, caressing his head.

His jaw dropped open at the sight of her thick, muscular body, at her medium-sized breasts with their giant nipples that were stiff and erect, at her huge, shaved vagina, and at her big, curvy ass. What a package! He thought about all the unlucky guys out there that would be jealous of him tonight, wishing they could spend an evening with a woman like her. Of course, buff women weren’t every guy’s cup of tea. It was sort of an acquired taste.

She looked at his athletic, toned frame, took off her glasses, and then sunk to her knees and gave him a blowjob. As she sucked his penis wildly, he leaned down and kissed her wide, long brown back. Her sticky skin smelled of Coppertone sun block. She licked his balls slowly and sensually and he closed his eyes and moaned. At one point, she tried to shove the entire sack into her mouth but it didn’t fit. Back she went to sucking his long cock eagerly, filling her whole mouth with his massive manhood. It looked like she had a large ball (no pun intended) in her mouth and he laughed.

She shot him a mischievous grin and resumed. Later, she sat in his lap and he sucked her breasts and humungous, dark nipples.

“Ooooooooooooh, yeah,” Martha moaned loudly. “Ooooooooooooh, God, Oooooooooh, God. . .that feels sooooo good.”

His penis was already inside her large, moist pussy, and she kept going up and down fast. As her vaginal muscles sucked and gripped his cock, he grabbed her big butt cheeks and squeezed and fondled them. Occasionally, he slapped them hard and she smiled devilishly.

“Do that again!” she said.

He obeyed.

“I like that.”

He did it repeatedly until her ass got a little red. They kissed several times before she started grinding up and down on his dick again. The faster she went, the louder their moans got.

“I’m gonna cum, sweetie.”

“I’m ready for ya.”

He pulled out his penis and sprayed warm semen all over her grinning face, breasts, and chest. The last of it spurted onto her eyelids and nose, and she wiped his cum across her body sensually.

A week later, she visited the internet dating website and found she had eighteen new messages. She read through most of them, deleting the ones that weren’t a match. The black man that had emailed her earlier wrote back saying he had met someone else, best of luck to her. She shot him back a similar note, wishing him happiness and success.

The remaining guys were cute and intriguing, most of them black, Latino, Middle Eastern, and Asian. Nothing against her own race, but she discovered that she was attracted to men of color. There was something about them that piqued her curiosity, that made her want to learn more, that aroused her and turned her on.

She sat staring at the faces on the computer screen, thinking for a moment. But I like Matt. She felt a connection and chemistry with him even though it had mostly been lust. So what if we’re fuck buddies? She still felt something unique and positive with him, something vibrant and electrifying. She felt alive with him.

After pondering the subject some more, she decided to cancel her membership with the site.

A few weeks later, they rode their motorcycles to Lake Tahoe.

The summer skies were clear and blue when they arrived at a spacious, two-story house secluded from the touristy downtown area. They heard nothing but the sound of birds singing. The nearest house was down the block, and no others cars lined the street.

Matt put their belongings on a sofa, looking around the wide, sparely furnished living room. He walked to a large, panoramic window that offered a breathtaking view of the famous lake below.

“Wow,” was all he could say.

She put her brawny arm around him, giving him a warm kiss. “Isn’t it wonderful? And we have it all to ourselves for the whole week.”

“Fantastic,” van escort he whispered sexily, French kissing her. “So this belongs to a buddy of yours?”

“Yep. A college friend. She and her husband asked me to housesit for them during their vacation. . .oh, did I mention there are dogs, too?”

After resting a bit, they walked the two dogs, a pit and a big German shepherd, around the quiet streets. When they returned to the house they fed them.

Martha replenished the pit’s water bowl. “There you go, Snoop Dog,” she said, patting his head gently.

“Love that name,” Matt said, chuckling.

She poured water into the other dog’s bowl as well. “Here, Dr. Dre. There you go.” She squatted down and played with the German shepherd.

“Like that name, too.”

“My friend loves rap as you can tell.”

After having dinner, they rode their bikes downtown and played some slot machines at the casinos. She indulged herself in a few games of blackjack and tried her hand at the roulette wheel while he watched.

Then they went to a divey biker bar on the outskirts of town. After having a couple of drinks at the counter, the two watched a heavy metal band perform on a tiny stage. During the show, she saw a group of rough looking skinhead bikers staring at them. He noticed it, too. They tried to ignore them but they kept looking their way.

“Wanna leave, babe?” he said into her ear. The music was deafening.

“I’m not scared of them,” she replied, looking back at the bald men.

“Don’t stare fight, and don’t provoke them. With your size, you could probably crush them, but still. C’mon, let’s go.”

After they exited the bar, they found another skinhead sitting on her Honda.

“Could you get off my bike, please?” she asked politely.

The man didn’t budge.

Martha pushed her glasses up her nose, getting impatient. “Could you get off my bike?” she asked firmly.

“Or what?” the man asked. “You’re gonna beat me up, lady?”

She remained calm and cool.

“If you just get off the bike we’ll leave and you’ll never see us again,” Matt said.

“Damn right I better not see you again,” he said, staring at them with hostility. “We don’t like your kind here, Chink. So go back to where you belong. And we especially don’t like seeing mixed couples here.”

Martha looked at him angrily, her fists clenched tight. “Don’t call him that.”

“You should stay with a white man, lady. You ain’t got no business with this Chinaman.”

“I said don’t call him that. I can be with whoever I want,” she said firmly. “Whether they’re black, Asian, or whatever.”

He shook his head. “People like you disgust me.”

The rest of the skinheads came out and circled them.

“We’re gonna teach you a lesson, lady.” He approached her, pulling out a switchblade.

“This is between you and me,” she said. “Leave him out of it.”

The man nodded, and Matt stepped away. “If you win, you’re free to go.”

“God, look at the size of her arms and legs!” someone said.

She stood ready in a fighting stance as he slowly inched closer. Suddenly, he swung the knife at her viciously but she ducked in time to avoid it. He delivered another fast, deadly swing but she quickly backed away. All his jabs just made swishing sounds in the air.

“C’mon, Lewis, cut her!” a man said.

As he tried to send another blow, she grabbed his arm and knocked the weapon out of his hand. She quickly pocketed it and punched him hard in the face, knocking a tooth out. Blood oozed from his mouth and he wiped it away with his sleeve. His murderous eyes never stopped looking at her as he lunged at her, bringing them both to the ground with a thud. He threw a right hook in her abdomen, and then a left. When he tried to hit her again, she took his arm and wrestled him down.

Matt stared in awe at her, raising his eyebrows.

Martha had on a sleeveless shirt that showcased her powerful arms prominently, and tight, black leather chaps that had slits on the sides, exposing her bare thighs underneath. Lewis grabbed these slits as she sat on top of him, pinning him to the asphalt. He tried to knock her off but it proved futile. He dug his hands deeper into the openings until she felt them on her bare ass. She pounded him in the face with her fists a few times and he released his grip. His mouth and nose were all bloody, yet the hateful, maniacal expression remained on his face.

When he still struggled to get up, she punched him one last time in the eye and that knocked him out. His head landed on the ground with a thud.

She sighed, looking at her bloody hands.

As she was sunbathing on the deck of the house, she looked at her bandaged hand. She was on a lounge chair, lying on her chest, wearing nothing but a bikini bottom. The bottom was the kind with tied strings on the hips, and Matt noticed they were coming loose. He sat on another chair next to her, rubbing her down with Coppertone. When he was finished, she did the same for him. He wore only his shorts.

Snoop Dog and Dr. Dre were sleeping peacefully near her, and the boom box was blasting a hip-hop tune. She propped herself up on one elbow and drank some beer.

“You okay, babe?” he asked.

“I’m fine. You want another beer?”

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