The Carnal Canal


“Fuck, we’ve been pissing around with this for so long, we can’t get to Spain or anywhere else that’s decent now.” Tommy, like the rest of the group, was disappointed that, between the six of them, they hadn’t been able to settle on a holiday location. After all, how often could six people all get the same days off work?

“Piss off, Tommy,” giggled Tracy, “you haven’t been able to make up your mind about where to go either.”

The Group of Six, as they called themselves, three men and three women, had gathered at their local, the Bulldog, for a few pints and to finally make a decision on where to gather for a group holiday. Some of them had known each other since early school days, others since college. As a group, they were each other’s supporter, drinking buddy, advisor, strip poker opponent –anything but lovers. All were concerned that becoming too intimate would ruin the friendships.

And with Beth recently separated, all were single and all had managed to get the same week off work. The trouble was, they couldn’t agree on where to go. Sitting at the pub table, the group was a study in contrasts – among the men, there was tall, blonde, Erik, a local builder, Tommy, the husky and hunky local constable and sandy-haired Darren, owner of a small import business in the high street.

Among the ladies, Lisa was a tall, willowy blonde with a somewhat boyish figure who worked for the town council; Tracy was a curvy brunette who sang in a local band, while Beth was a short, very buxom lass with waist-length sandy hair who worked at the hospital.

After a swig of her ale, Beth dug deep into her purse and pulled out a couple of brochures. Tossing them on the table, she said, “I know this isn’t the Algarve or anything, but it might be fun.”

The others picked up and passed around the brochures, which highlighted a narrow boat holiday on the Norfolk Broads canal. The long, narrow boats (aptly named) used to be a necessity for hauling goods on inland waterways, but were now decked out as caravans on the water, able to sleep up to eight, with kitchen, shower and other amenities. Having passed around the brochures, they all looked at each other. Beth sensed little opposition. “So, shall I book it for us, then? I called the manager and he said they have a boat available for the week we need it?”

The Group of Six grudgingly agreed. It wasn’t what they had all hoped for, but it sounded like it might due for a last-minute decision. Actually, once they all agreed on the boating holiday, they were all happy with the decision. A week later, with gear on board the Natasha, the Group of Six headed out onto the canal in search of rest and relaxation.

Unfortunately, for the first two days of their trip, as they passed through locks and motored slowly along the canal, the rain seemed unceasing. It didn’t just rain, it poured. It poured all day and it poured all night. There was little to do but tie up near towns, pull on slickers and visit the neighbourhood pubs.

Day three dawned after a night of too many pints, darts and cards. Beth was first to awake. She quietly made a pot of coffee in the tiny galley, pulled on a long sweater over her pajamas and stepped out on deck. Looking at her watch, she couldn’t believe it was already 11 a.m. Even more amazing was the fact that the sun was actually out. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky and the day was becoming hot and humid. On the aft deck, she sat in a chair, sipped her coffee and enjoyed some quiet moments. Small waves lapped against the narrow boat’s hull, crickets made their cricket-ty noises from the shrubs nearby and birds busied themselves noisily all around. Tied up beneath a couple of large oak trees, all was serene.

After a half-hour of quality time to herself, Beth noticed the door easing open and Darren stuck his head out. Darren stepped onto the after deck in T-shirt and shorts, hair wet from a shower, and stretched. “Morning, Beth.”

“Morning Darren. It’s finally a beautiful day. I made coffee in there if you’d like some.”

“Coffee? No. It’s too nice for coffee. It’s actually hot out here. How about something cold?”

“Sounds good.”

Darren ducked back into the boat and appeared some moments later with a couple of gin and tonics, heavy with ice and lime. Taking a seat beside Beth, he handed her one of the tall glasses. “There you are.”

Beth smelled his toothpastey breath and was glad she’d showered and cleaned up before heading out on deck. As the two sipped their drinks, the rest of the crew gradually appeared. First Erik, then Lisa and Tracy and, finally, Tommy, who grumbled about there being no hot water left for his shower.

“Oh piss off, Tommy,” said Lisa. “If you didn’t waste the day in bed, you could have had the first one.”

As the sun rose, the six lazed about on deck, enjoying many cold drinks under the now blazing, glorious sun. It was late summer and a scorching day like the one they were enjoying might not appear again before dreary winter Escort bayan set in. A lot of gin and vodka had passed everyone’s lips and they all lay about in a bit of a stupor, the sun seemingly draining everyone of their strength.

Tracy appeared from below once again, with another pitcher of G&T. “Well boys, it’s getting too fucking hot out here for this girl.” Sitting the pitcher down, she pulled her shirt over her head, baring her full breasts to the sun. Always something of an exhibitionist, she then dropped her flowered flannel pants to stand naked before them. “I hope you don’t mind boys.”

“Woohoo,” piped in Lisa. “You go Tracy.”

As Tracy stood naked before the group, feelings of drowsiness left them all. Lisa watched the rise and fall of Tracy’s firm 36C breasts and noted the sheen of sweat between them. Beth glanced at the long, naked legs in front of her, then looked at the men. Erik’s gazed roamed over Tracy’s body’ the long legs, firm stomach, muscled thighs, full breasts. Tommy’s gaze was centered on her shaved pussy, while Darren blushed with delight at the sight of such a goddess. His eyes couldn’t find just one spot to settle on.

As Beth watched the three men lasciviously gazing at Tracy with longing, she couldn’t help but notice the beginnings of bulges in their pants and shorts. She decided to get in on the act. Standing, she looked at the three of them. Six eyes now looked expectantly back at her as she reached to her waist, then pulled the sweater over her head.

“Yeah, Beth,” howled Tommy, who then let out a wolf’s whistle.

Laughing, Beth pulled her light top over her head, baring her large, but firm, 42DD breasts.

“Oh my God, Beth,” laughed Tracy. She looked at the men; “how about those boys?”

“More,” yelled Erik. “Take it all off Beth.”

Now getting into the spirit of things, Beth turned away from the group, took the hem of her pants in hand and bent over to look at the three men through her legs. With her breasts falling nearly in front of her face, she slowly pulled down her pants, watching the men ogle her as she did so. All eyed her as first her bum, then legs, were bared. Darren now couldn’t take his eyes off Beth’s shaved pussy and she saw him harden further in his shorts.

Not to be outdone, Lisa now stood before the three admirers. But as she undid a string at her neck, she watched Tracy as she let her sleeping gown drop to the deck. Now three sets of male eyes moved to her body, long and lean, with small, pert breasts and a swatch of very blonde hair between her legs.

As catcalls, whistles and shouts of glee erupted from the men, the three women looked at them. As one, they crossed their arms and, standing in the sun, waited expectantly.

“C’mon boys,” giggled Tracy. “Your turn. Let’s see what you’ve got. Everybody stand up.”

Still gazing at the naked bodies before them, the three rose as one. All went to grab their shirts when Beth interrupted the proceedings. “Hang on boys, one at a time. We want a show now.”

Not surprisingly, the athlete of the bunch, Erik, started things off. A rugby player in college, he was well built from all outward appearances. Whipping off his shirt, he flexed his muscles as the women admired his hairless chest and six-pack stomach. Then, arching his back so his cock pressed against the material of his jeans, he slowly unzipped himself. With no underwear beneath, his eight-inch cock flopped proudly out of his pants and it was the ladies’ turn for some admiration.

“Yeah Erik, I’m liking what I’m seeing,” giggled Lisa. “Very nice.”

“Thank you. Thank you very much.” Popping his button, he shrugged out of his jeans, letting them fall to the deck at his feet. At six foot four, Erik was an impressive sight; well muscled and toned all over. Nearly hairless, although with sandy hair around his cock and balls. Proud of his body, he gave each of the ladies a “fuck me” look with his grey eyes.

Next it was Tommy’s turn. He quickly tossed aside the rugby shirt he wore, exposing his bulky chest, muscular shoulders and dark hair. Where Erik was sculpted, Tommy was more massive and heavy of body. “Now ladies,” he said, pulling the sweat pants away from his body and looking down. “Prepare yourselves, some women have fainted after seeing what you’re about to.”

“Oh bullshit, Tommy,” said Tracy. “Just drop ’em.”

Tommy turned away from the women, as Beth had, then dropped his pants to the deck. The three eyed his muscular cheeks and thighs, but their gaze settled at his balls, which hung heavily between his legs. Standing, he slowly turned toward them. The women all stared as his thick, 10-inch manhood came into view. Not quite at full erection, his cock pointed proudly at them, the peehole large and open. As each viewed his the cock before them, all were impressed.

Standing next to Tommy, Darren was also staring at his large shaft. “Jesus Christ, Tommy.”

“That’s going to be hard to beat, Bayan escort Darren,” said Beth. “But it’s your turn. Let’s have a look, luv.”

Darren’s cock was pushing hard against his shorts now, as he pulled his T-shirt over his head. “Well, I can’t compete with these guys,” he said, blushing. Darren’s body was between Tommy’s and Erik’s; not as muscular, but not as massive and hairy, either.

“C’mon then,” said Tracy, stepping close to him. “It’s how you strut it that matters.” With that, she pulled his shorts to his ankles, freeing his seven-inch member for all to see. Giving him a squeeze, Tracy said, “you’re just fine Darren.” She looked over her shoulder at Beth and Lisa, his cock in her hand. “Right ladies?”

Lisa and Beth nodded agreement.

Then, with men and women facing one another, there occurred one of those awkward moments. There they were, nude to the world, and no said anything for long moments.

Beth, though, broke the moment. “Who’s for drinks?” Reaching for the pitcher Tracy had brought from below, she poured everyone a glass and, the awkward moment gone, they all went back to sitting around or lounging around on deck. It was funny, though, as everyone was taking turns examining the flesh before them.

Once the pitcher was finished, adding to the relaxed, alcoholic haze they were all enjoying, all lazed in the sun for some time. Finally, Beth got up, picked up the pitcher and went below to mix another. Stepping into the tiny galley, she spotted a deck of cards and poker chips on the table. After mixing a pitcher of crushed ice, gin and tonic, she picked up the cards and went back on deck.

“Here you lot,” she said, gazing around at the cocks, breasts and bodies arranged about the deck, “it’s time for a little fun. It’s poker time.”

“I hope you don’t mean strip poker, Beth, because I’d say we’re already finished,” said Darren. “Look around. What would we play for?”

“Oh, piss of Darren, bright boy. I’ll be right back.”

Beth ducked below once again and grabbed a pad of paper and a handful of pencils. Back on deck, she sat in front of the group, cross-legged, and couldn’t help but notice Darren eyeing her pussy. “Here we are then,” she said as she ripped the paper into small squares. “Since we’re done stripping, as Darren has so brilliantly pointed out, everyone write down some kind of a forfeit a loser will have to do.” Tossing a pencil to each, they all gave some thought to a forfeit, then scribbled away. Beth scribbled, then handed out chips.

When everyone was finished, Beth took charge again. “Right then, all the boys’ forfeits in one pile, all the girls’ in the other. And if boys or girls win and lose, they can go ahead and pick different partners.” Picking up the cards, Beth looked around at the naked crew: “All ready for some stud then? One draw? Ante up.”

Lisa giggled and the others nodded their agreement as Beth dealt the cards. As the players gathered up their cards and pondered their odds, they called for cards and held. For herself, after taking a card, Beth had a pair of eights, king high, and believed she was in good shape. As they laid down their cards, though, she had the high hand until Tommy, smiling across from her, threw down three sevens.

“Yes,” he shouted. “This one’s mine and that’s my forfeit on top. Go on, pick it up, Beth.”

Beth reached to the pile of forfeits and picked Tommy’s off the top. A quick glimpse showed just one word scribbled on it – blowjob. Looking over at Tommy, she noticed his cock had already fully hardened in anticipation.

“C’mon on Beth, babe. It’s your game, your rules. Don’t tell me you’re not going to follow through?”

Sitting next to her, Tracy grabbed the note from Beth’s fingers and read it. “Woohoo, Beth. You go girl. He’s all yours.”

“Don’t laugh too hard, Tracy,” replied Tommy with a laugh. “You’ll get your turn, I’m sure. It’s the only thing I wrote down.”

Beth looked at Tommy’s large cock and licked her lips. Then, on all fours, she moved across the deck to where he was lying. Unable to close her fingers around him, she pulled down on his thick shaft to pull his foreskin back. Rock hard now, Tommy’s large swollen head gleamed in the sunlight. Moistening her lips again, Beth bent over him and, knowing all were watching, opened wide and took his head into her mouth. Tommy closed his eyes as Beth sucked, but then found he had to watch. Slowly, Beth eased down his shaft until he hit the back of her throat. Then, slowly, she began to move up and down his cock. As she sucked, she gripped his balls with her other hand. As Lisa and Tracy watched and cheered her on, Beth picked up her pace until Tommy moaned in pleasure.

With that, Beth pulled off his cock with a slurp and sat back. Then she leaned forward once more to run her tongue slowly from his balls to the tip of his head. “That’s all for now, big guy. It could be a long game.”

Tommy groaned, but laughed. “Okay. But you’ll Escort be back for more.”

Looking around, Beth saw that Erik and Darren were rock hard after watching her performance, and Tracy and Lisa were running fingers over their now-damp pussies. “Whose deal is it now?”

The next hand was won by Lisa, with Tracy having the low score. “Oh, damn,” said Lisa as she picked a card off the girls’ stack. The forfeit was one Darren had written; it called for his favourite – 69. “Darren, you naughty boy, I recognize your writing. Now, who shall I pick as a partner?”

Unable to help himself, and gazing at Lisa’s tuft of blonde hair, Darren quietly said he’d be happy to oblige. Gazing at the array of hard cocks available across the deck from her, Lisa moved to where the men were sitting side-by-side on the deck. Reaching, she gave each cock a firm squeeze, then licked her lips. “Hmmm. These are all very, very, nice boys… But I feel like some pussy right now. That is,” she looked over her shoulder, “if Tracy feels up to it.”

Tracy, who was running a finger over her damp lips, simply smiled and lay back on the deck. “Yay, Tracy,” said Lisa as she moved to her. As Tracy squinted into the bright sunlight, Lisa straddled her head and lowered her pussy to her lips. As Tracy took a couple of tentative licks, Lisa sighed and looked at the bare pussy below her, which was wet and ready to be explored by tongue. Lowering her head between Tracy’s thighs, she ran her tongue over Tracy’s lips and felt her shudder with enjoyment.

As the men and Beth watched, the pair kissed, licked and sucked each other; enjoying each other while seemingly oblivious to the audience across the deck. With all eyes on them, the men stroked themselves slowly, while Beth probed her own pussy with a finger.

Finally, after watching for long moments, and as each woman moaned with a clit between her lips, Erik couldn’t take it any more. “Hey, you two. Enough is fucking enough. We don’t want to just sit here and watch you two get each other off.”

Pulling away from Tracy’s pussy, Lisa licked her lips and looked at Erik. “Sorry. I guess we were getting a little carried away.” Each woman gave the other’s clit a long, warm kiss, then they unentangled themselves and sat back on deck. They then leaned to each other and shared a long kiss.

“Right then,” said Tommy, looking at them. “Let’s continue.” With that, he gathered up the cards, shuffled and dealt to the assembled boat’s company.

As each in turn discarded or drew cards and bet, Beth again found herself with the same pair of eights, king high. This time, she thought, it must be enough to win. Thinking of Tommy’s thick cock in her mouth, and looking at him displayed wonderfully across from her, she found she badly wanted to win the next hand.

As the cards were laid down though, she found that everybody had unbelievably good hands; making her pair of eights nearly worthless. And, once again, she found herself with the losing hand. “How can that be,” she complained to nobody in particular. “Normally that hand’s a winner.”

Erik, whose flush had won, laughed. “Suck it up Beth, and pick a card. Any card.”

A little angry at having lost with a decent hand again, but also a little thrilled with being centre stage once more, Beth reached for a card. Picking it up and looking at it, she recognized Erik’s writing. Threesome.

“C’mon Beth, we don’t want to wait all day,” said Tracy with a giggle.

“It’s threesome,” said Beth. “A threesome.” As she moved to the men, she whispered, “Sorry Darren,” and moved to take Erik’s cock in her mouth. Again on all fours, she moved her lips over Erik’s head and shaft and Tommy, laughing, moved behind her. Grabbing her hips, Tommy placed his head against Beth’s pussy and held it poised there. Watching her mouth on Erik, Tommy waited until she had taken him deep, then pushed slowly into her body.

Mouth full of Erik, Beth moaned as Tommy’s thick shaft plunged into her, stretching her pussy in a delightful manner. With her mouth full of Erik’s hot cock and Tommy fucking her from behind, Beth found herself carried away in ecstasy.

All eyes were glued to the action. Erik couldn’t take his eyes off Beth’s lips wrapped around him, Tommy watched as his well-moistened shaft plunged in and out and Darren stared as Beth large breasts swayed to and fro with the motion of the threesome action. Lisa and Tracy watched for long moments the fucking before them, then kissed again and began to finger each other.

Darren, looking at Lisa and Tracy now enjoying themselves, found himself the lone player with no action. Feeling left out, he rolled onto his back and moved beneath Beth. With her breasts swinging, he began to lick a nipple each time one passed over him. Beth’s threesome was now a foursome, while Lisa and Tracy were busily engaged with each other.

Suddenly, from out on the canal came loud whoops of enjoyment. A couple of men in their 20s were rowing past the longboat in a dinghy complete with a cooler of beer. Seeing the fuck action happening before them, both let out appreciative yells.

Pulling off Erik, Beth watched the pair for a moment.

“Give ‘er one for me mate.”

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