Sissy for Mommy’s Nipple Cream Ch. 06

Big Tits

Life after Julia and Jamie’s double date with Damien and Darnell was a pleasant blur of simple pleasures. Thoroughly satisfied with her daughter’s deepthroating skills, Julia once again allowed Jaime a hearty dollop of BBC Cream on each of her nipples during their regular breastfeeding sessions, gladly refilling her tub every few days with an evening trip to the backroom of the 8-Ball. Jaime always asked to come along on these trips, but Julia told her that she wasn’t quite ready to handle that many big black cocks at once. Jaime pouted, but in truth she was riding a high that she thought she might never come down from. Not just from her reinstated supply of BBC Cream, but because she was in love.

Darnell had met Jaime at just the right moment. She’d been teetering on the edge of accepting her new self and was suffering from weeks of cum withdrawal and rigidly enforced chastity when he’d swept into her life, wrapping his strong arms around her and making her feel safe and secure enough to just be herself. That moment when he’d blown his load in her mouth while her eyes were locked with his had imprinted something deep within a primal part of her psyche that had never quite gotten over losing her father at a young age. Darnell was her Daddy now, big, strong, and protective, and she’d do anything to please him.

Soon Darnell was coming over to visit Jaime every afternoon. He was always kind and gentle with her, but she was so eager to please and hungry for his sweet cum that he never left the house without receiving at least a couple of blowjobs. Julia tried once to seduce Darnell into letting her in on the action for a mother/daughter threesome, but Jaime’s fiercely jealous response to her mother trying to ‘steal her man’ held her at bay. She knew better than to stand in the way of puppy love and was just happy to have her daughter back for good. After the “man-stealing” incident, Jaime put a little extra effort into making sure Darnell was satisfied every day and he always staggered out of their house with a smile.

Thanks to Jaime’s infatuation with Darnell, Julia didn’t have to use her endless supply of black cum to coerce Jaime deeper into her feminization. She now had a much more potent source of leverage at her disposal by simply hinting at changes Jaime should make if she wanted to keep Darnell happy. Julia started out small, nudging Jaime to wear a little more makeup, keep her lip gloss fresh, and to update her wardrobe to show off a little more skin while preparing for her next big push in Jaime’s transformation.

Just after school let out for winter break Julia surprised Jaime with a set of three wrapped boxes, which she said were early Christmas presents. Jaime giggled gleefully at the surprise, but was confused when she unwrapped each gift and removed them from their boxes. There was a bottle of pills, a large container of dried herbs, and some sort of contraption with all manner of tubing and plastic cups. Julia struck decisively in the moment of Jaime’s confusion, knowing that she only had one chance to frame this in the right way in her daughter’s mind.

“Honey, I know you’ve been doing your best to keep your little boyfriend satisfied,” Julia offered in a gently concerned tone, “but I’ve been talking with his older brother Damien and unfortunately it sounds like you’re missing a couple of key assets to keep his interest for long.”

“But Mom, I’m doing just what you told me to do,” Jaime protested with palpable fear trembling in her voice, “I’m wearing my makeup just like you told me, and I always make sure to wear booty shorts or miniskirts to show off for him, and I must be blowing his cock at least a dozen times a week.”

“I know dear, and the progress you’ve made in your oral skills with the proper motivation has been nothing short of miraculous. But you’re still missing some things.”

Julia paused and hefted her massive H-cup breasts meaningfully.

“A hung stud like Darnell wants more than just a flat-chested blowjob bunny. He wants, no, he deserves a set of big, soft titties to play with. Which is why I got you these titty skittles.”

“Titty skittles?”

“Yes, or hormone replacement pills if you’d rather be technical. These little wonders will start your little chestbuds growing, and help the rest of your body and face get the curves you need as well.”

“Then what’s the rest of this supposed to be?” Jaime asked as she nodded slowly, struggling to process what was happening.

“Well, even wonders such as these take time to work, so I thought we could enlist a little help from Mother Nature while we’re at it. Do you remember me telling you about how much mommy’s breasts grew once I started feeding you? Well if we can get you producing milk then the same process should work for you. Does that make sense sweetie?”

Jaime continued nodding, trying to imagine what it would be like to produce breastmilk of her own.

“Well there are two sides to priming that pump. esenyurt escort The first is internal. These herbs will make your body think you’ve just given birth and have a hungry baby to feed. And on the external side, this pumping system will provide the stimulation to encourage your body to keep increasing your supply.”

“My supply of breastmilk,” Jaime said hesitantly. “From my breasts…”

“Yes darling, unless you want to lose Darnell to the first floozy to push her juicy tits in his face.”

Julia saw jealous anger shining from her daughter’s eyes and knew that she’d taken the bait. She opened the bottle and pulled out a small pastel blue pill, holding it out until Jaime finally opened her mouth and accepted it. Then she pulled her daughter’s head to her chest and let her nurse, washing it down with a steady flow of milk. As Jaime’s mind slowly went blank, surrendering to the bliss of breastfeeding, her last focused thought was the image of Darnell admiring her as she sported a chest just like her mother’s. She smiled, causing a dribble of warm milk to run down her chin and onto her flat chest.

Julia’s gifts were applied with variable success. The hormone pills were easy: at every breastfeeding once Julia was satisfied that Jaime had earned her treat (usually by studious application of her increasingly skilled mouth and tongue) she would provide her daughter with her dose before helping her to wash it down with milk and BBC Cream. Usually she would just place a pill on Jaime’s waiting tongue, but if she were feeling playful she might place one in the cream coating each of her nipples or even place a few in her own mouth before transferring them to Jaime with a deep French kiss. The recommended dosage was only a pill a day, but Julia was careful to keep that nugget of information to herself. Perhaps eventually she’d scale back, but for now she was eager to see results and tripling the prescribed dose at a minimum seemed like a good place to start.

The herbal supplements were more difficult. Jaime said they tasted like old lawn clippings and Julia was soon tired of constantly nagging her reluctant daughter to choke them down. The solution came to her as she watched Jaime frantically chasing a dribble of cum down her breast with her tongue. That evening she took an empty yogurt tub to the 8-Ball for a “special collection” and the next morning she mixed in a heaping scoop of Jaime’s herbal supplements. At first Jaime was leery of the “parfait” Julia offered her for breakfast, but after a tentative taste she dug in with relish, licking the bowl clean before she was done. After that Julia had to make more frequent trips to the 8-Ball to stock up on “yogurt”, but for as much as she teased Jaime about the effort she truly didn’t mind.

The biggest challenge was logging enough time on Jaime’s new milking machine. Julia insisted that she needed to get at least four hours a day of high-intensity nipple stimulation to trick her body into lactation, but between winter break homework, orally satisfying Julia, her nursing schedule, and daily visits from Darnell for blowjobs the only time she had available was while she was asleep. She tried a few times, but the sensations of the large twin cups rhythmically sucking on her nipples and chest in an unrelenting pattern were too much for her to ignore, and she always ended up ripping them off in frustration. Once again Julia came up with the solution. She convinced Jaime that once she “pushed through” she’d learn to enjoy the sensation, and it might even help lull her to sleep. To help force her to push through, Julia talked Jaime into letting her tie her down in her bed for the evening.

The next night Julia expertly tied long black ropes to each of Jaime’s wrists and ankles, then tied those ropes off to the corners of her bedframe. Once she was satisfied that Jaime couldn’t wriggle out, Julia fastened the milking cups to her chest and switched on the milking machine.

“Now sweetie,” Julia explained as Jaime’s eyes started to roll back from the pumping sensations, “I know that mommy told you the nipple stimulation would eventually help you to fall asleep, and that’s true, but what I didn’t mention is that the ‘blissful relaxation’ stage doesn’t really start until after you manage to climax. Good luck!”

Jaime’s protests fell on deaf ears as Julia shut the bedroom door behind her. She writhed back and forth, pulling against her restraints with all her strength and moaning helplessly as the merciless suction cups continued to alternate between high and low vacuum, sending unending waves of pins and needles sensations coursing through her chest. Jaime’s nipples in particular had grown sensitive under her forced medication regimen, and the throbbing suction was sweet torture.

Her situation was made all the worse by the steel chastity cage which had been locked around her shrunken clitty for the better part of two eskişehir escort months. In all that time her only release had come from regular anal milkings at the hands of her mother. While those had provided some relief to the pressure that built up in her trapped balls, they were not directly stimulating in the way the breast pumps were for her newly discovered erogenous zone. Most of the time Jaime was able to keep her mind off of her chastised situation by focusing on pleasing Julia and Darnell to keep the pleasant haze inducing combination of mother’s milk and BBC cream flowing down her eager throat. But now, laying alone in the darkness, there was nothing to distract the budding sissy from her desperate horniness as the steady pumping kept her continuously on the edge without ever allowing her the sweet release of climax.

When Julia returned to release Jaime in the morning she found her daughter babbling incoherently and soaked in her own sweat. A quick check of Jaime’s caged girlhood confirmed to Julia that climax had eluded her poor little sissy. Sighing with pity, she gave her sack a loving squeeze and a gently consoling pat.

“There there my dear,” she soothed as she began loosening Jaime’s restraints, “perhaps you’ll have better luck tonight. Now clean yourself up, take a shower, and put your face on dear. You still have duties to attend to, and you can’t go about your day looking like that!”

Jaime was utterly exhausted and found herself dozing off all throughout the day. While gingerly massaging her red, swollen chest in the shower, during her feedings with Julia, and while pleasuring Julia and later Darnell with her talented mouth. That evening Jaime and Julia had a girls night in, cuddling together on the couch in their pajamas while watching a chick flick. As usual they kept the movie rolling as Jaime took her evening feeding from Julia’s dripping breasts and when Jaime took her mother’s wordless cue to get to work between her legs. But the third time that Jaime began to gently snore mid-lick, Julia pulled her in for a sleepy kiss and told her it was time for bed.

Jaime protested and begged to be spared another night of pumping, but Julia was firm.

“Do you really think you can afford to delay growing some titties if you want to keep your man? Honey, you feel asleep while sucking his cock today. If he wasn’t looking elsewhere before, he certainly is now, and there is no shortage of well-endowed girls your age who would love to lick up his sweet baby batter.”

A fierce glint of jealousy flared to life once more in Jaime’s eyes, and she steeled herself to endure as Julia once again tied her down hand and foot to her bed and attached the breast pumps to her daughter’s flat chest.

“Remember dear, pumping will be restful bliss for you just as soon as you can reach that first climax. Try not to fight it, just lie back and let it happen, and try to enjoy the sensations.”

Jaime tried her best to follow Julia’s advice, but the incessant pumping soon had her once again straining helplessly against her

bonds. All through the night she remained locked in the throes of lust as she rode on the edge of orgasm, frustratingly unable to make it over the crest. Again Julia entered in the morning to find her daughter incoherent from a night of endless, fruitless stimulation. As Julia surveyed the situation, Jaime, driven mad with lust, begged her mother for relief.

“Please mommy, please just let me out of my cage this once. I promise I’ll be good, I’ll be a good little girl I swear. Just let me cum!”

Jaime’s desperate pleas were silenced by a swift slap from Julia. Tears already welling from hours of frustration began pouring down her face at the stern rebuke.

“After all I’ve done for you this is how you repay me?” Julia lectured as she switched off the pumps. “After all my work to doll you up as a pretty girl so that you can keep guzzling that BBC cream you can’t seem to get enough of? Proper young ladies do not cum by rubbing their little clitties, and I thought you knew that by now. Now start draining mommy’s breasts, you did such a poor job last night I’m nearly bursting.”

Jaime had little choice as she was still tied to the bed when Julia lay on top of her, guiding an erect dripping nipple into her mouth. Her tears gradually subsided as muscle memory took over and she began to suckle, gulping swiftly to avoid drowning in the milky flow. Once Jaime’s resistance faded, Julia started to lightly caress her daughter’s gradually lengthening hair, gently cooing soft reassurances of what a sweet and pretty girl she was and promising that tonight she would help her to finally make it over the edge.

Jaime spent the day once more stumbling through her schedule like a zombie. When evening finally came she panicked as Julia led her to her bedroom and tried to flee, but the massive doses of hormones from the pills and herbs Julia constantly pushed on eşme escort her seemed to have sapped her strength, and her mother was easily able to wrestle her down on the bed and bind her hand and foot.

“Well,” Julia huffed as she caught her breath. “After that little display I have half a mind to leave you to your own devices and keep my help to myself.”

Julia swiftly raised her hand to forestall Jaime’s begging apology.

“But we must keep in mind our true goal of growing you a set of tits so you can keep ahold of your boy toy. So I will still help you dearie, because that’s what good mommies do.”

Julia moved to the foot of the bed and switched on the pumps. Jaime’s body arched as she felt the potent surge of sensations course from her nipples and chest throughout her whole body. Then she felt a new sensation in time with the first, a buzzing vibration from her electrified chastity cage. She looked down to see Julia grinning as she held the remote.

“Like I said darling, proper young ladies don’t cum by rubbing their clitties. But a vibrator on the other hand is a girls best friend! Sweet dreams.”

Jaime hardly noticed her mother leave the room as she was completely focused on the new dual sensations. She felt the familiar pins and needles pricking her newly sensitive nipples driving her up the wave of arousal, but now it was accompanied by buzzing vibrations around her most sensitive, and recently ignored, parts. With each pulse of suction the intensity of the vibrations grew, quickly bringing her once again to the plateau of pleasure where she’d been stranded the past two nights. For a long moment she worried that she might be stranded there once again, before a sudden painful jolt of electricity from her cage hurtled her over and the wave of pleasure came crashing down in sweet climax. Her balls stung from the repeated shocks, but the tears that streamed down her face were of pure relief as each surge of electricity triggered another surge of pent up cum from her caged clitty.

Julia had been right. Now that she’d managed to climax the insistent pumping of her budding breasts was more soothing than painful. Jaime managed to keep herself awake through another cycle for another, weaker orgasm, then finally fell blissfully asleep to the soothing pumping and buzzing.

Jaime awakened in the morning to find that she’d been untied and that Julia was laying next to her in a frilly lace nightie, gently stroking her face. Looking up into her mother’s eyes, Jaime saw nothing but pride and love as Julia slowly leaned in and lowered her full red lips to met Jaime’s glossy pink ones. Their kiss started simple and sweet as their lips met with tender gentleness, but from that first spark a wildfire of passion erupted as their mouths danced an intimate tango. The pumping and vibrations reached another climax as they kissed, the electric shocks causing Jaime’s body to tense suddenly under Julia’s before surrendering to the release of yet another milking orgasm. Julia giggled as she finally broke away.

“Another one? You must have had dozens last night. Now it’s mommy’s turn!”

Julia pulled herself up and straddled her daughter’s surprised face, quickly sitting on her open mouth and grinding her wet pussy back and forth. It didn’t take long for the mature bombshell to reach orgasm as she massaged her breasts with one hand and played with Jaime’s remote with the other. Just as she reached climax she hit the shock button on the remote, triggering yet another matching orgasm from her writhing daughter below.

“Well, just look at the mess that you made,” Julia feigned disappointment as she pointed out the puddles of wet and dried cum between Jaime’s legs. “Clean that up with that talented little tongue of yours and I’ll see about breakfast.”

Jaime knelt at the foot of her bed and obeyed with a smile, lapping up her spilled seed. It was nothing like the rich, creamy fullness of black cum, but she didn’t mind it as an appetizer, and in truth she felt in that moment as if there was nothing in the world that she wouldn’t do for her loving mother.

Julia took careful measurements of Jaime’s chest every day to track their progress, but in spite of the pills, herbs, and pumping after two weeks Jaime had only just barely reached an A-cup, and she hadn’t yet produced a single drop of milk from her breasts. Of course, the nightly milking sessions did produce plenty from Jaime’s clitty, and to spare the sheets Julia made a habit of placing an old dog bowl between Jaime’s legs each night to catch her “milk”. In the mornings she’d set the bowl on the floor and instruct Jaime to clean it out, petting her softly and cooing “good girl” as she went to her hands and knees and eagerly buried her face in it and lapped up her own seed.

One morning after yet another disappointing measurement, Julia pulled Jaime in for a long close hug. It was meant to be reassuring, but the feeling of her mother’s beautiful, milky, H-cup breasts pressing against her pitifully flat and sore chest broke the dam holding back Jaime’s feelings. As hot tears streamed down her face, Jaime buried her face into Julia’s ample cleavage and sobbed.

“There there honey,” Julia consoled her daughter, “it’ll be okay, these things just take time.”

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