Melissa Loves Daddy Pt. 01


All characters engaged in sex acts are eighteen or older.

Daddy and I have a secret. The night it happened was totally a surprise, even though it started out normal. Every Saturday night me and Daddy and Mom had a movie night. We’ve done it since I was a little girl and it’s my favorite thing. I always would cuddle up with Daddy and he would put his arm around me and make me feel safe and little, even when I was a teenager.

I told Daddy everything. I told him about my crushes, I told him when I got my first period, I even told him when I got tingly and achy down there. It was the only way I knew how to explain it. “You’re getting older, Melissa,” Daddy told me. “You get feelings in your lady garden like this when you think about guys you like, or maybe girls.” I always liked the cute names daddy used. Lady garden made me feel pretty and girly, especially when I started getting hair and it creeped me out.

“I think about guys, Daddy.” I didn’t tell Daddy that he was the guy I thought about most.

But that’s all he said to me about it. I knew it made him uncomfortable when I mentioned it. But it was a July night after the hottest day of the summer the year I graduated high school when that changed. I was cuddling with Daddy on our movie night. Daddy liked to put a blanket over both of us when we cuddled like this. Even if the blanket was kind of warm and sweaty, I didn’t care if it let me get close to Daddy. We sat on the couch while Mom sat in the recliner. She was closer to the TV than us and had to turn to see us. I lay back on him while he had his arm over me. He would usually put his hand on my belly, especially since I had gotten boobs.

We were about an hour into the movie when I started getting that wet, tingly feeling. I was really close to Daddy and I could smell him. There was kissing on TV and it made me wonder what it would be like to kiss Daddy like that. I know it’s weird, but it’s where my mind went. You couldn’t really blame me, anyway, Daddy was tall and though he was dark skinned he had green eyes. My eyes looked just like his. “Daddy,” I whispered to him.

“What, Missy Bear?” It was what he called me sometimes, and I wasn’t crazy about it as a teenager. My butt was bigger than I liked and I was always a little tall for my age. Now that I was grown I knew I was just tall, not just for my age. I didn’t like being reminded in any way of being big. When I told Daddy he said I had a cute, curvy butt, but Daddys had to say nice things like that, right? Daddy was always really nice about my looks. I tried to look pretty for him. I had short, curly hair, black like Mom’s. He said I had a cute nose too, though I thought it was too long. He was just always nice about the way I looked, he said I was a beautiful girl and he would love a girl like me at his age. I could always count on him.

“I’m feeling it again, Daddy,” I said, a little whiny.

“What?” Daddy whispered.

“I’m wet and tingly. You know… down there. Low in my tummy.”

“What’s making you feel like that?” Daddy asked.

I shrugged my shoulders, embarrassed to tell him. “Well just take some deep breaths and get yourself a drink of water. You’re ok,” Daddy said.

Even though I didn’t really believe him, I took Daddy’s advice. I was pretty thirsty, though. It was a hot day and everyone had been sweating, even with the air conditioning. When I lay back down with Daddy I snuggled up next to him and could smell his sweat again. I kept thinking about kissing Daddy and my wet tingles were only getting worse. I squirmed, and could tell my panties were already wet. I felt overwhelmed by Daddy, his scent, his breathing, his strong arms around me. It was like he totally enveloped me. Though I was technically a grown-up, I felt so little with him, which I liked.

I tried to make daddy notice my squirms, and stared at him beseechingly. Daddy just watched the movie. I could tell that he knew I was staring at him and he was ignoring me. Though he usually listened, Daddy was always a little awkward when I told him about my tingles. Maybe I could make it through the movie. When I got tingles like this before, I would watch TV or read or play outside. Anything to distract myself. But it was impossible to think of anything but Daddy now. He filled all of my senses.

“Daddy,” I whispered, rubbing my thighs together. I was hot and sweating now. My tingles had never been this strong before.

“Babydoll, just take a few deep breaths. I promise you’ll be ok.” Daddy couldn’t hide his embarrassment.

“I can’t Daddy. I need to get rid of it, it’s achey. What do I do?”

“Nothing, Melissa. You just have to settle down.”

I knew he was wrong. Men and women got feeling antalya travesti like this and I knew there were things they could do to find relief. There was something vaguely wrong about expecting Daddy to do something about it, but I didn’t care. I knew he could do something. I needed it now. “Please, Daddy. I don’t know what to do. I’m all achy.” I writhed next to him again.

“Melissa…” I could see in his eyes he was relenting.

“I know you can help me, Daddy. You can do anything.” I grinned at him.

Daddy sighed. I could see he was frustrated, but now that his ego was at stake he couldn’t say no. “Ok, Babydoll, I think I know what I can do, but you have to be still and quiet. Can you do that for Daddy?” All the lights were off and the movie was pretty loud. I would probably be ok.

I nodded my head. My heart was pounding so hard I could feel it in my lips.

Daddy’s hand on my shoulder moved down my side. I just had a long t-shirt and panties on and the thin fabric let me feel every rub and slide of his hand. His strong hand went down to my thigh and I trembled when he touched bare skin. His hand moved closer and closer to my lady garden and I felt time slow down. I had wanted Daddy to touch me like this for so long, though I knew it was weird to have a crush on my Daddy.

It shocked me to feel his other hand on me, moving down the side closest to him. Having his hands all over me now made my heart beat even harder, I was sandwiched between his two big hands. My tingles were now electric pulses shooting through me. I had never felt this wet before. Daddy’s finger dipped down the front of my panties and I felt it rustle my hair. His other hand was busy too, and pushed up the other side of my nightshirt, rubbing across my belly.

Daddy knew what I needed, though he didn’t feel quite right doing it. I needed him to take control, I needed my body to be at his mercy. His fingers traced the lips of my cooter and my stomach quivered. “God, Missy Bear, you’re so wet,” he whispered. I didn’t know what to say. His other hand moved up under my boob and it closed around it. My boobies always felt too small to me, but just like always Daddy said they were beautiful. His finger flicked my hard nipple. He wanted to touch me, and that made me feel like he meant it, and I felt sexy and desirable with Daddy’s hungry hands on me.

Daddy’s fingers were getting slippery from the juice from my kitty. A bead of sweat rolled down the side of my face. He rubbed me down there, circling my opening and stroking my lips. I hadn’t even dared touch myself like this before. It didn’t feel right for me to do it, but Daddy’s hot fingers down there felt more than right. My body undulated like the ocean and I let out a little whimper. “Shh, Babydoll, you have to be quiet. Mom wouldn’t understand.”

“Yes, Daddy,” my trembling voice said. Daddy’s fingers closed around my nipple and he pinched it. At first it felt really good, but he pinched so hard and then pulled. It hurt, but somehow the pain made the pleasure better. I didn’t understand it, but I had to have more. “That feels good Daddy. Pull on it some more. Please.” My nipples were rock hard under Daddy’s touch.

Daddy did just that, and another flash of pain shot through my nipple. “You’re a good little girl, Melissa,” Daddy said. “You deserve this.”

I opened my mouth to say thank you, but Daddy’s fingers spread my kitty open and he stroked me on the inside. I gasped, and Daddy shushed me in my ear. I couldn’t believe what Daddy was doing to me. I was melting and I felt like every ounce of me would ooze out my kitty onto Daddy’s hand. Daddy rubbed up and down the cleft of my kitty, and I thrust my hips forward to beg for more. His other hand gripped my boob like a vice, and yanked on my nipple, bringing more exquisite pain. The pain was like spice on the pleasure and I prayed that he wouldn’t stop. Daddy was in complete control of me now, he controlled what I felt and gripped me so hard he controlled where I could move.

Then something happened that I would never forget. It was like an arrow hitting a bullseye. Somehow Daddy found this magic spot inside me. I jolted up, using every ounce of my willpower not to cry out. It was like nothing I had ever felt before, and my garden overflowed with my sopping pleasure, soaking every part of my body. More pleasure than I thought was possible shot through me. His finger flipped this way and that, touching that thing inside me exactly the way I needed. My mind buckled under its intensity. His hand squeezed and kneaded my boob, pinching and twisting my nipple, providing little doses of exquisite pain.

Though it felt amazing, this izmir travesti wasn’t doing anything to get rid of my tingles. In fact, they had risen to full on electrocution, and my whole body shook and twitched with their force. I felt like pressure was building up inside me, like a flood at a levee.

But then something happened. It was like the levee broke, like a boulder pushed up a hill, finally rolled to the edge and fell to crush anything unfortunate enough to be caught there. I felt an explosion inside me and my body went into freefall. It was like every cell in my body wanted to burst, and I clamped my lips down, my breath hissing out my nose. “Good girl,” Daddy whispered into my ear.

My body thrashed and twisted and my nipples and garden felt like they were on fire, but somehow in a good way. It was as if Daddy’s hands were magic and they had cast some kind of devastating pleasure spell on my body. My head pushed back into Daddy’s chest and the muscles in my belly clenched.

But slowly, the roar slowed to a trickle, and my whole body was exhausted and tender. I lay there with Daddy, gasping and winded, not understanding what happened, but knowing that Daddy loved me enough to do this to me. My vision started to blur and tears ran down my cheeks. I didn’t know why, maybe it was because of how much I loved Daddy, or how I was a little scared of what happened to me, or even the knowledge that I would need this again. But I jerked and sobbed in Daddy’s lap. My panties were soaked, like I had peed.

Mom looked back, hearing my sniffles, and Daddy quickly withdrew his hands from my body. “Melissa, what’s wrong?” she asked.

All I could do was shake my head, but Daddy knew what to do. “Missy Bear is just a little upset right now,” though I was just the opposite. “We’re gonna go upstairs and settle down for a bit.” Though Mom’s face was confused, she nodded. “No need to pause the movie,” Daddy said.

I couldn’t get what Daddy did to me out of my mind. He had taken me upstairs after and helped me wash my face, but he shushed me when I asked him any questions. At night I thought about his rough but gentle finger up inside me and I writhed and sweated under my sheets. I don’t know why I didn’t try to touch myself like Daddy did. Maybe it was because I didn’t think I could do it as well or it felt a little too dirty. Maybe it was because I felt like my garden belonged to Daddy now, and even I wasn’t allowed to touch it.

Either way, though what he did made my tingles better that night, they got so much worse over the next few weeks. It scared me a little how intense they got, and I was afraid that I would never feel normal again. On top of it, I felt kind of weepy and squishy since I would be leaving for college soon. I had never lived away from home and I was afraid of that, too.

If I had felt normal I would have talked to Daddy about it sooner. At the movie night the next week I squirmed and ached next to him. It was so much worse than it was before, and I felt like my own body was torturing me. “Daddy,” I squeaked. I tried my best not to make my voice whiny and little, but I couldn’t help how I felt.

“Shh, Babydoll,” Daddy said.

I could see it in his eyes. He knew exactly what I needed. Hell, I had certainly twisted and turned around enough for him to notice. “Daddy, please.” Again I sounded like a whiny little girl, but honestly, I felt like one too.

“Melissa, no.”

“I’m so achy, Daddy.” I was so wet too I felt like I was leaving a puddle on the couch.

“Melissa, no. Just forget about it, you’re being very selfish.”

That hurt me a little. I guess in my heart I felt like Daddy had enjoyed what we did too, and that it wasn’t just a thing for me. But in the state I was in, the tears welled up inside me. It was one of those times where one emotion piled on top of the other. I was mad at myself for bugging Daddy about something that I knew was wrong, I was mad at Daddy for what he said, and I was frustrated that I was getting upset. I was an adult, going away to UC Santa Cruz in just a couple of weeks. This wasn’t the way an adult acted. Daddy was making me feel like a little girl, though in a bad way this time.

And he knew. He was trying his best to watch the movie, but I could tell he knew how upset I was. That was what got him last movie night when I got him to touch me. That was what always got him, he couldn’t bear to see me upset, especially when it was his fault. I looked up at him, my lip quivering, my eyes blurring, waiting for him to acknowledge it.

Daddy’s mouth was set in a straight line when he turned to face me. “Damn it, Melissa,” he hissed. “You need to stop this now. You’re being ridiculous.”

Mom turned back in the recliner just in time to see me red faced and teary. “Daddy…” I choked out. There was nothing I could think of to say, and I felt mortified crying like this in front of Mom. So I just got up and ran to my room, sobbing all the way.

On my way up the stairs, I heard Daddy say “Emotional about moving out,” to mom, but I couldn’t catch any more than that.

When I lay in bed that night, I was mad at everybody. Daddy for treating me like a kid, Mom simultaneously being oblivious and for butting into Daddy and my conversation. I was most angry at myself. I had felt so much more together and grown up the last year of high school, getting good grades and applying to a good college. When Daddy told me how smart and responsible I was I knew he wasn’t just saying it to make me feel good. I felt especially little in my room. I had Disney posters on the walls, several of the Little Mermaid, which I had gone crazy for when I had seen it as a little girl. I still liked all the movies. Feeling little felt bad now, not the way it did when Daddy was holding me. I didn’t understand why.

The movie Mom and Dad were watching was just barely audible in the living room right below my bedroom. When it was over I heard the stairs creaking with both of them. They went into the bedroom.

Long after I thought both of them had gone to bed, I heard a soft knock on my door. Daddy came in without waiting for me to say anything. My anger had cooled a little bit, but I didn’t want him to see that. “Missy Bear,” he said as he approached the bed.

“Don’t call me that,” I turned away.

Daddy sighed. There was suppressed frustration in his voice. The bed creaked as he sat down next to me. His hand closed around mine, and the spiteful part of my mind told me to jerk it away. I couldn’t do it. “Babydoll, you know I hate to see you upset like this.” My achy wetness had faded a bit since I had gone to bed, but it welled up again like the tide coming in.

I couldn’t say anything back. The most frustrating thing was that I knew Daddy was right, but I hated that he was. Who lets their Daddy touch her kitty? It was perverted, no matter how wonderful it felt and how much I wanted him to do it again. “Missy, I did my best to raise you right. Maybe I doted on you too much, maybe I crossed one boundary too many. I’m sorry.”

My anger started to crumble. Daddy knew just how to talk to me. “It’s ok, Daddy.” My girly voice croaked. I turned back toward him and squeezed his hand as hard as I could.

“You’re so big- I mean grown up now, Babydoll. You know I can’t give you everything that you need. When you go away to school you’re going to find a nice boy who will treat you right. I mean…” he shook his head, “It will break my heart to do it, but I know I have to let you go.”

I shook my head, “No Daddy. Please.”

“That doesn’t mean not talking or seeing you, Missy. It just means that we’re going to be different now. I know it’s scary. It’s scary and sad for me too.”

I knew he was right, but did that mean I was doomed to be achy and frustrated all my life? I didn’t believe the thing he had said about me finding a boy. Boys were weird and scary. Of course this wasn’t Daddy’s fault. All he was doing was trying to make me feel better. I realized then that Daddy wasn’t the perfect, overpowering man he had seemed to me all those years, and it felt foolish that I had thought so. I wanted that back. Now I felt more sad than angry. “Ok, Daddy. I know. I’m just gonna miss you.” My fragile composure fell apart again and I was sobbing against Daddy’s chest.

Mom and Daddy spent the first day at school with me. They drove away after an exhausting, teary goodbye after the sun had set. My roommate’s name was Lacey, and she seemed nice enough, if quiet. I hoped we would have a good year together.

Daddy had left me with a package and made me promise not to open it or show Mom until after then left. It was small, about as big as a thick paperback book, but it was too light to be a book.

There was a little card with Daddy’s messy handwriting inside. “I can’t give you everything you need, Missy, and it breaks my heart.” Stupid tears welled up in my eyes again. “I want you to be the woman you were meant to be, but you’ll always be my little girl. When you open this package, you’ll know why I had to keep it a secret. It can help you in ways I can’t. Mom wouldn’t understand.”

It was a plain brown box under the wrapping paper and I opened it. My heart leaped and I looked over my shoulder. I was relieved to see that Lacey wasn’t there. Inside the box was a little pink egg, a little bigger around than my thumb. There was a cord from the egg, connecting to a little box with buttons. I pressed the buttons and laughed out loud when the egg started to vibrate. Daddy had come through like I knew he could.

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