A Life Changing Ring Ch. 04


(All characters depicted in any form of sexual activity are 18 years of age or older)

I would like to thank my editor Todger65

Chapter 4: Having Some Fun

After I left Pam’s room I went down to Dave’s, inside he was snoring on his bed. I put on the ring and moved it from the line to the circle and took his hand. I’m not really sure how to describe what happened next. It felt like I was falling but also getting pulled in multiple directions, I couldn’t hear or see anything, and then it was over and I was lying with my eyes closed. I opened my eyes and saw I was in Dave’s bed, I got out of his bed and found I was naked.

Dave was in good shape but I had to keep from laughing at the fact my manly man big brother was a little short in the manhood department. I walked around his room thinking of what I should do to make a fool of him. While I was doing this I did find and send out the topless pic to everyone in his contact list with the text ‘Itty Bitty Titty Committee President.’ While flipping through his photos I also found quiet a few he took of women with them not knowing including mom, Meagan and Pam; it’s always good having dirt on your brother.

I spent the next several minutes pacing back and forth trying to think of a good prank to pull on Dave but nothing seemed good enough. Then it hit me, I laughed at the image of Dave waking up to what I had planned. I got everything ready and put my plan into action. After I was done I did as the book said and pictured myself deactivating the ring. I had that same falling/pulling feeling then was standing next to him back in my own body. I laughed at what I saw in front of me and left him there and went to bed.


In the morning I was woken up by a laughing Pam, “Jim wake up I can’t believe you did that.”

I looked up at her with a grin, “Did what sis?”

“You know what. Mom and dad woke up when Mrs. Carls called. She said she would call the cops if their son didn’t get inside and dressed and what he was doing was just indecent,” Pam kept having to stop to catch her breath she was laughing so much. “When dad asked what she was talking about she said look on your porch. Meagan and I where already up but hadn’t gone outside, so when mom and dad stormed down the stairs and out the front door we followed. When we went outside there on the front porch sitting on the bench was Dave, butt naked with a pair of panties on his head and another pair wrapped around his cock.”

“When dad yelled at him to wake aydın escort up I’ve never seen anyone jump so high and then when he saw where he was and how he was undressed it was so fucking funny watching him try to cover up. Dad is still down there asking him what he was thinking jerking off with his mother’s panties while he had Meagan’s on his head out on the front porch.”

I laughed with her as she told me what happened, “What he say?”

“That he doesn’t know and you and Kevin must have worked together to do it. Mom is talking to Kevin and sent me to get you.” Pam and I went down stairs where Meagan was telling Kevin what happened and they were laughing almost as hard as Pam and me.

Dad came storming over to the four of us, “Ok this isn’t funny who did this to your brother?” They each told him that they had nothing to do with it still laughing. “And you Jim?”

“Dad I swear I did not carry my brother downstairs and onto the porch and leave him like that. He must either be lying or he did it in his sleep.”

“Dad I bet that’s it,” Pam jumped in, “I’ve seen him using our panties to jerk off before.”

“So why didn’t you say something?” Dad snapped.

“Because I didn’t think it was that big a deal Dad I have seen you do it too remember?”

Dad blushed as Meagan gasped, “Daddy is that true?”

“Ok yes I have but it was when your mom was visiting her mother and I can’t tell her panties from you girls’, it wasn’t till Pam caught me and told me they were hers that I knew.”

Kevin and I both just lost it laughing when we heard that. Dad tried to say something but it came out more as angry sputters, then he turned and left. Pam and Meagan told us what happened again and we all had a good laugh.

After breakfast Pam and I went to her room to laugh over what happened again. “Jim it was so hilarious seeing Dave like that, but I could barely control myself knowing you did it.”

“Pam I didn’t do a thing, Dave did.”

“Oh come on you did it, tell me the truth.”

“Pam how the hell would I carry him down stairs alone? And even if I did find a way I’m not touching my brother’s dick with my hand even if I wore rubber gloves.”

“Ok I guess you couldn’t do it alone and Kevin wasn’t lying when he said he had nothing to do with it.”

“How could you tell?”

“He has a tell, when he lies he always scratches both ears at the same time.”

“I’ve never noticed that. Was that true about catching Dad jerking off with aydınlı escort your panties?”

“Yes and what I said about dad was true, and I have caught Kevin doing it over the years. And you too.”

“Hey it’s not really our fault we do live with three fine foxes.”

She blushes, “Jim really that’s your mom and sisters.”

“Yes but that doesn’t change the fact that you are all smoking hot.”

“Shut up.”

“And if I don’t? Are you going to suck my cock again?”

“Not so loud someone might hear you. And you know I plan on doing that when we get the chance.”

“We’re alone now,” I smile.

“Are you crazy with the mood everyone is in right now we are sure to get caught.”

“You know that only adds to the thrill,” she shakes her head, “fine wanna watch a movie or something?”


Pam and I went downstairs to watch a movie her choice kind of surprised me as she wanted to watch Fifty Shades of Grey. For a movie based on what is basically porn it wasn’t very good or arousing. The nude stuff was ok but still. But maybe it is because I’m a dude or maybe it was the fact the skinny actress couldn’t hold a candle to my stacked little sister.

About half way through the movie dad, Dave and Kevin went over to see what kind of shape the high school football field was in before practice started up next week, A few minutes later mom left and as the movie was wrapping up Meagan said she was going out, she didn’t say where but it was a good bet it was to fuck whatever dumb ass she was dating this week.

So there I was alone with my little sister and a magic body-snatching ring.

The credits were rolling on the TV screen so Pam was getting up to take out the disc, I turned the ring and touched her leg and whoosh I was her. I hadn’t thought ahead however and since she was leaning forward to stand up and the difference in her center of balance I fell flat on her face.

At first I was afraid I broke her nose as bad it felt, but the pain started to pass. Plus I had a different feeling to pay attention to, the feel of big tits under me as I lay on my stomach. I got up on my hands and knees and stayed like that, the feel of my new tits hanging below me and that big round ass in the air.

I stayed down like that as I crawled over to the player and took out the disc. To any women out there you may think what’s the big deal, but the way your curves move as you walk and crawl is so different, the two main things aew those magnificent aydıntepe escort breasts bouncing around with each step as your nipples rub against the fabric of your shirt or bra and not feeling a cock and set of balls between your legs instead you feel your panties rubbing against your pussy lips and clit.

I just walked around the house enjoying these feelings for a while mainly trying to get used to walking as a woman while I was alone so I wouldn’t fall on my face in front of people later. Once I got the hang of walking in bare feet I went up to Pam’s room and put on heels. Why the fuck do women wear these things they’re so uncomfortable?

I tripped, stumbled, and fell more than once nearly breaking Pam’s ankle twice. I did eventually get the hang of it, I guess walking in these things makes you feel sorta sexy but they still fucking hurt. I thought of taking some nude photos for my private collection but I couldn’t do that to Pam, I’ll save that for Meagan.

But since I had already seen and felt her amazing breasts I didn’t see anything wrong with enjoying them from this perspective. Her shirt was off in a flash, her bra on the other hand took some doing. Taking a bra off a girl as a guy was simple but wearing the bra and taking it off when you’ve never done it before was a little tricky, but I soon had her fabulous tits released from their fabric prison. It was a strange sensation seeing those beauties hanging from my chest, but feeling what she felt when her nipples were pinched and tweaked was out of this world. I could feel her pussy getting wetter and wetter by the second and really wanted to finger myself, but since we hadn’t gone that far together part of me just wouldn’t let myself go that far.

I was enjoying playing with my new boobs when her phone buzzed in my pocket I read the text, ‘Hi sweetie your aunt decided 2 come for a visit we’ll B home soon’. I got her bra and shirt back on, changed her shoes back, ran down stairs, and sat where she had been then turned off the ring. As she came to I sat back down, “Hey sis feeling better after your nap?”


“Yeah silly you’ve been out awhile now. I guess bondage puts you to sleep,” I chuckled.

“Oh shut up Jim. How long was I out?”

“Around 45 minutes. Oh and your phone buzzed a second ago.”

She pulled it out and read the message, “Mom said our aunt is visiting but didn’t say which one.”

About that time mom and her little sister, Jill, walked in. Jill could almost pass as mom’s twin, it’s only when you look at their faces up close you see the difference. Jill is 32 and has one daughter Pam’s age. Jill had our cousin her freshman year of high school and doesn’t know who her dad is, “Hi you two. It’s been too long.”

To be continued…

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