A Model for the Night


A Model for the night

I had spent most of this evening in the bathtub. Soaking for hours and meticulously preparing my body and legs for the night ahead. First starting off with a warm bubble bath to relax and soften my skin. Then moving on to shaving off all the hairs on my hips, thighs and legs. Spending special attention to my buttocks and the sensitive areas, I hoped might get a lot of attention.

Finally I stood up and gently dried off my skin with my big pink woolly towel. Pampering my skin always made me feel extra sensual and delicate. I took my time applying moisturiser on my thighs and legs – softening the skin.

Then came the thing I loved the most. Painting my nails!

Tonight it would be Sultry Vixen, I thought. It went so well with my skin.

I took my time applying the glossy coating, first to my toes and then to my fingernails.

They looked so pretty!

I stood up and surveyed my handiwork in front of my full length mirror. My skin feels warm and bare, the tips of my fingers and toes now a dark sultry shade of red. I could feel the warmth of my skin spread to my tummy. Anticipation was building inside me.

I slipped on boy jeans and a boy shirt – covering up everything. It was what we had agreed on.


The taxi took ages to get to my destination. It gave me plenty of time to stress out over what I had agreed to do.

I should not be doing this! I’ve never done anything like this before!

I mean sure, I’ve been crossdressing on and off since I was in my teens but this is something else!

Agreeing to meet with a strange man at his apartment? Was I being crazy?

Eventually I arrived at the door of his apartment. Gold lettering with the number 6 on the door. My fingers shook as I pressed the buzzer.

For a second as I stared at the door I thought about turning around and running away. My heart was thudding in my chest.

“Hello Vanessa. I’m glad you made the right choice.”

He was standing there, a full foot taller than me and using my girl name. I could feel my heart thudding so loudly in my chest that I worried he could probably hear it.

“Hi David”, I mumbled.

He stepped back and opened the door wider and gestured for me to step inside.

“My studio is down the hall to the right. Make yourself at home.”

I nodded as he closed the door behind me, leaving me to make my way down a little corridor to a large well lit room where a large tripod and camera had been set up.

There were lights and props everywhere.

Along one wall of the studio hung numerous other portraits he had done.

I walked slowly to the centre of the room. Amazed at how professional the entire setup looked. I had half expected him to have been lying about his ability as a photographer.

“I’m just making some drinks for us.” He called out from somewhere in the apartment.

“Why don’t you Belek travesti go ahead and undress and I’ll be right there.” The voice called back.

Undress? What was he talking about? I was not going to undress out here! I stared at the door, my mouth opening to reply but nothing came out. Was he really expecting me to just strip down?

He walked in a moment later. Balancing a tray of shot glasses on one hand. I could see him grinning from ear to ear.

“I was kidding about undressing Vanessa.” He said with a laugh. “Can’t blame a guy for trying. Right?”

I laughed back nervously.

“There’s three dresses behind that partition there. One shot glass for each dress. Deal?” He said with a smile.

He had the tray placed on a table nearby and handed me one shot glass. Lifting the other to his lips he winked and said.

“Bottoms in the air.”

I picked up the other, throwing caution to the wind, I raised the little glass to my lips and drank it all in one go. The smooth golden liquid seared its way down my throat and made me gasp.

Oh gosh.

I laughed and looked at him as he nodded appreciatively.

“Has a kick doesn’t it?” He chuckled. “Okay, go back there and put on the first dress, honey.”

I nodded and stepped back to the partition and found my way around it. Three black garment covers hung behind it. At the foot of the hangers stood one pair of black open toed high heels.

I took a deep breath and started to undress. Pushing down the jeans and slipping the T-Shirt off over my head. I felt extremely nervous but also excited as I stood there, naked in the strange apartment.

My heart was beating faster and faster as I slipped the first dress out of its sheath.

It was a lavish red cocktail dress with cap sleeves and a long almost to the hip slit running down the right. It felt like a velvet sleeve and it fit me perfectly. I could hardly believe the sight of the pretty but nervous girl who stared back at me from the full length mirror.

“Are we ready Vanessa?” I could sense his smile in the sound of his words.

“Coming.” I called back and then bit my lip.

Slipping my feet into the heels I stepped out from behind the partition.

I felt his eyes on me right away and my excitement only grew more and more as I walked towards the bright lights. The dress moved along my limbs like a caress. I could not get over how beautiful and perfect I felt.

“You look like a dream honey.” He called out and I could see him place a barstool in the centre of the room, surrounded by three lights that were pointed directly at it.

He motioned me to sit down and made me cross my legs.

“Arch your back like the minx you are Vanessa.”

I could hear the clicks and shutter of the camera go off. My body seemed to take on a life of its own and started to twist and turn according to his instructions. Arching my back Belek travestileri sensuously, batting my eyelids, pouting my lips – it all seemed to just happen without thinking – like I was born for this.

I stretched out my left leg with the right crossed tightly over it. The slit of the dress opens up and shows off my long slender thighs. I hear him give a groan of approval and the clicking of the shutter speeds up.

“That’s lovely Vanessa! You have legs to die for!”

Before long we moved onto the next dress. He handed me another shot glass, this one felt taller and the drink hit me like a pile of bricks. I could feel my feet wobble in the heels as I walked back to the partition.

“These photographs of you look amazing Vanessa.” There’s a real excitement in his now husky voice.

“I feel amazing.” I called back, my voice wavering a little shaky as I tugged off the dress and slipped it back into its cover.

The next one was much much smaller. It was a skin tight strapless black cocktail dress that ended just under the buttocks and seemed a size too small. I squeezed myself into and stared at the girl in the mirror.

She looked hot. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were a mix of nervousness and excitement.

I took a deep breath and stepped out into the lights. The alcohol was working its way through me and making it more and more difficult to balance on the heels. My foot twisted twice on the way to the barstool, catching myself just in time.

“I’m glad you’re enjoying the drinks too honey, they really make modelling these outfits so much more relaxing don’t they?”

I could only nod back. The lights and the dress and the sounds of the shutter started to work their magic on me once more. My body started arching and posing for the camera. The movements languid and sensual, making me think I had found a part of me that seems to love all the attention.

The material of the dress hugged me like a second skin, moving when I moved. The fit however was too tiny and I caught myself tugging and pulling at the skirt of the dress that seemed to constantly want to ride upwards – exposing more bare skin than was appropriate.

One time it just snapped upwards all the way up and off my buttocks and I giggled out loud as I adjusted it.

Sorry. I called back.

He only gave a soft growl in reply, the shutter going off all the while.

The last shot was a bright pink colour and smaller than the rest.

“Careful, this ones a killer.” Then with a smile and tipped the contents into his mouth.

I matched him with my own, even though the room was spinning around me.

It tasted like nothing at all, maybe a hint of strawberry. The reaction was delayed and no sooner had I turned to head back to the partition I felt the room start to swim around me. It felt like I was underwater and every step I took in the heels felt slow Travesti Belek and mushy.

“I got you hun.”

He said, his deep voice now inches from my ear, holding me around the waist and helping me steady myself.

“You won’t need the heels for the next dress.”

I nodded and slipped each foot out of it in turn as he held me and then walked barefoot the rest of the way.

The little dress I had on was quickly tugged down. It pooled around my feet and kicked it away, not even caring to slip it back into its hanger. Only the third dress mattered.

Except it was not a dress – it was a baby doll nightie, or at least it most resembled one. In actual fact it was light as air and completely sheer. I held the little wispy garment in front of me and looked at it in shock.

Most of it was its pink ribboned straps and the delicate pattern across the bodice. The skirt was white and did nothing whatsoever to cover the modesty of its wearer.

I slipped it on over my nakedness and stared at my reflection- my body would be completely on display.

I felt my lips open to ask a question but instead nothing came out but a sigh.

I took a deep breath and stepped out into the light. The stool was gone from the set – replaced by what looked like a soft and fluffy pink rug. He had also lost the tripod and was holding the camera in his hand – a big smile playing on his lips as he watched me walk towards him.

“This dress looks best lying down Vanessa, so I took the liberty of laying down this rug for you.”

I nodded and slowly settled myself down on it. The warmth of the lights poured down onto me and the last drink I had taken was working its way into my belly, leaving me burning up with a warm sensual glow.

The rug felt like caresses all over my burning skin. Teasing and licking every nerve ending. I stretched out on it and stared up at him towering over me as he pointed the camera at me and leaned over.

The shutter started its clicking and I felt my body respond, arms and legs stretching out on the pink softness. The alcohol was now making the room spin and warm pink clouds burst all around me, leaving me sleepy and blissful all at the same time.

“Snow angels?” He whispered and I felt the pink warm clouds descend to take over my body.

My thighs and arms splaying wide for the camera as the sleepy clouds gathers me up in its arms.

When I woke up it was morning and I was back in my own apartment. Dressed in my boy clothes with a dull throbbing ache in my head.

I sat up slowly, the room swimming around me as I realised I would have a massive hangover for the rest of the day.

There was however a large white envelope on my chest. I stared at it for a moment before ripping it open as best I could in my groggy conscious state. In it were three glossy photographs of me in the red cocktail dress, looking stunning. So stunning in fact I had to stare at them for a moment to convince myself it was indeed me in each of them.

One had writing on the back. A handwritten message from him.

Vanessa, you are breathtaking. Stop hiding your inner princess from the world.

I smiled. I promised myself I never would.

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