All for You


The summer heat hit us like a wall as we emerged from the cool of the forest.

I spread my arms and said, “Behold.”

Melissa looked around at the camping area and out at the little lake. “This is so beautiful!”

“And all just for you,” I said.

She shucked off her backpack, nearly toppling from the weight, then plopped it on the ground. “Oh, it feels good to get that off,” she groaned as she wiped sweat from her face and neck.

I set my pack beside hers. “Yeah. Modern packs are comfortable, but it’s still a lot to carry.”

“Good thing you were carrying most of it,” she said. “I felt like I was going to die about halfway along the trail back there.”

“You looked like you were doing okay. You should have said something. We could have taken more breaks.”

“No way, mister. If you weren’t going to rest, neither was I.”

Her competitive spirit was one of the things I liked about Melissa. Though she was shy, she played competitive sports growing up and always put heart and soul into everything, even something new—like hiking in the wilderness with a guy she met only a month before.

“No need to kill yourself,” I said, stretching and rotating my sore shoulders. “And to be honest, I could have used a few more breaks too. Haven’t hiked this far in a while.”

The trail had meandered through the dense forest, curving beside hills and around little lakes. Beside each lake the park service had cleared the ground for two campsites, each far enough apart for privacy. Except for a shared outhouse back in the woods and a circle of rocks for a fire pit, there was nothing. Each site was just a wide area of packed bare ground sloping from the edge of the forest to the water.

The other campsite was vacant. Pointing to it, I said, “If we’re lucky, we won’t have any neighbors this weekend.” I wiped my face, feeling the salt from the dried sweat and grime that had accumulated during the long hike. “Well, I’m hot and I’m dirty. I’m gonna go for a swim. Want to join me?”

Melissa looked at me. “Oh. You didn’t say to bring a bathing suit.”

“Well, no one else is around. I think we can skip them.”

She gasped. “What? No! Are you kidding me? We can’t do that!”

This was what I did not like about Melissa: her outrageously strict upbringing. She had told me her parents taught her from a young age that men and women had separate roles in life, that sex was shameful and only wicked weak sluts enjoyed it. Men were incapable of controlling themselves around women, and she’d get pregnant or die from some hideous sexually transmitted disease if she ever let a man touch her.

By high school, Melissa knew none of that was true. She didn’t agree at all with her parent’s strict views and the guilt they inflicted on her, but they had drilled it into her for so long that it took conscious effort to shake it. She hated the feelings of guilt whenever she felt attracted to a guy, and the fear always in the back of her mind that at any moment they would jump her.

When she left home to attend college, she set her mind to overcome these feelings. For the first time, she hung out with guys as friends and then eventually, with great effort, even dated a few. But Melissa said I was only the fourth guy she had ever dated, even though now at twenty-four, Melissa had graduated and started a promising career.

“But I’m not a virgin,” she said one evening. We were at her apartment, talking and sipping wine when the subject of sex came up.

In a shy voice, she had said, “I did it with Tony, my second boyfriend. We had been together for two years, and we both thought it was time. But it was awful. I think he got all his sex education from watching porn. He was rough, and it hurt. He was like a jackhammer.”

Melissa said she had done it with him two more times, but it didn’t get better. The guilt she still felt from doing such ‘shameful things’ also didn’t help. She hadn’t had sex since, to the frustration of the few guys she dated later.

I wasn’t frustrated. Not yet, anyway. We had been seeing each other for a little over one month but we really clicked—she was smart, fun and beautiful, and we had a great time doing things together. After only four weeks, it felt like I’d known her forever. We had even started finishing each other’s sentences. But soon I learned that anything more than kissing and cuddling was too much for her just yet. I told her I understood and would never force her into anything. I encouraged her efforts in stretching her comfort zone to fight what her overly strict parents had ingrained.

The camping trip was part of it. Though she’d only known me a short time, she said she knew I was trustworthy. She had never been camping, so when I expressed doubt that she could survive a five-hour hike, then rough it two days in the back country, her competitive spirit kicked in and Melissa quickly agreed.

The lake glittered in invitation. I pulled off my sweat-soaked shirt and said, “I’m hot and covered in grime. I’m gonna go for a swim. You can turn around if you need to.”

“Oh yalova escort my God, I can’t believe you’re doing this,” she said, shielding her eyes from my naked chest.

“Keep your underwear on and join me.”

Melissa gasped, “No way.”

Regardless, I could see she was tempted. She turned her back then said “Go on. Tell me when it’s safe to look.”

I pulled off the rest of my clothes and padded naked down to the lake. The water at the edge was warm. I started wading out, but it was shallow and the mud sucked at my toes. After a minute of wading, the water was still only just above my knees.

I looked back at the shore. To my surprise, Melissa was watching me. When she realized I caught her looking, she gave a little squeak and spun around again.

When the water reached my waist, I called out “It’s okay to look now… again.”

I dove under the cool water and swam further out, surfacing near the center. It was deep enough that my feet couldn’t touch the bottom. Floating on my back, I enjoyed the cool water and the peaceful feeling of being out in the wild.

A frenzied splashing came from the shore. Amazed, I saw Melissa sprinting into the water without a stitch of clothing.

She was too far to see much detail. I knew she didn’t have enormous boobs, but from what I could tell from the distance they were a little larger than I had pictured. Her hips were wide, and she had an amazingly narrow waist, giving her a true hourglass figure. I made out just a little patch of fuzz above her crotch before she dove forward and started swimming.

Melissa reached the center of the lake but kept well away from me, grinning with her head bobbing as she treaded water.

“Wow, Melissa. You’re full of surprises,” I said.

“I can’t believe I’m doing this, but it feels soooo good.” Melissa grinned, turning in the water to take in the surrounding woods.

“Told you,” I said. “Nothing better after a long hike. And it’s been too long since I did a hike that long. I’m out of shape.”

“You look pretty good to me.”

“Yeah, I saw you peeking. I thought you’d be too embarrassed.”

Melissa smiled. She said, “I’m supposed to be stretching the comfort zones, remember? Nice buns, by the way.”

“Thanks. Wish I could return the compliment, but you were too far away for me to get a good look at you.”

“Good. But don’t get any funny ideas just because I’m doing this.”

“We’re skinny dipping. Heck, YOU’RE skinny-dipping. My head is getting all kinds of ideas, Melissa.”

She looked just a little scared.

“Just kidding,” I said. “You can trust me. You know that.”

“I… I know,” she said, looking chagrined.

“Except,” I said, “you’re naked and only ten feet away. The temptation! I’m starting to… lose control. You’re too beautiful. Too sexy! You’re turning me into… a sex monster!”

I growled dramatically, then surged splashing towards her. Melissa shrieked and with a smile, turned and swam away. I followed, but she was a much stronger swimmer. Each time I got close, she laughed, splashed, and submerged, only to pop up at some unexpected spot far away.

After one chase, I was treading water, waiting for her to resurface when she popped up right in front of me, just beyond arm’s reach.

She said, “You’re a horrible swimmer, you know.”

“Hey, I was never on the varsity swim team like you.”

She said nothing but edged closer, looking me in the eyes, wearing a coy smile.

The water was the color of very strong tea. Looking down, I could just make out the top of her boobs, but that was all.

She moved closer, still with the same little grin. Just when it seemed she wanted to kiss me, she planted both hands on my shoulders and with all her weight dunked me under the water.

I came up sputtering. By the time I got the water out of my eyes, Melissa had nearly reached the shore. I went after her, but I was only halfway when she was already wading through knee-deep water.

As she strode through the shallow water I had the chance to admire her naked form—her broad, toned ass, that narrow waist, her smooth wet skin gleaming in the afternoon sun.

“Nice buns too,” I called out. Melissa’s shoulders tensed as she reached back to to cover her ass with her hands. She then paused, dropped her hands to her sides and smirked at me over her shoulder, teasingly waggling her bum before sprinting back to our backpacks.

Melissa was wrapped in a towel by the time I got there. I was still naked, and she raked her gaze over me from top to bottom, wide-eyed in wonder. I stood, letting her look.

Then she realized she was staring and turned her head, eyes fixed on the ground. “I… uh, are you planning to cover up anytime soon?”

“Why? I don’t mind you looking. Besides, you’re wearing the only towel we have.”

“What? You only brought one towel?”

“This is backpacking. Every ounce matters.”

“Grrr. Okay, then turn around. I’ll hand you the towel, then I’ll get dressed.”

“Well, I yozgat escort dunno,” I said teasingly, “You’ve had a good look at me. The most I’ve seen of you is your bum from a distance.”


“So, it’s not fair,” I pouted dramatically.

She rolled her eyes. “Guys. You’re really all just little kids at heart, aren’t you?”

I nodded eagerly with an exaggerated, hopeful look.

“Fine,” she sighed, then with a brief hesitation, dropped the towel to her side. She looked up and away, a blush spreading over her cheeks.

“There,” she said. “Satisfied?”

I was lost for words. I was teasing. I never expected Melissa to actually reveal herself. But there she was, exposed completely, despite the shame and fear I knew she must be feeling.

I examined her with the same scrutiny she had just given me. Her breasts were good handfuls, lovely as they jutted in gravity-defying firmness. Modest nipples capped her small areolas. Her narrow waist flared into wide hips that made her look womanly and lush. There was a modest patch of closely trimmed fur was just above an otherwise bare pussy. Melissa was cute, sexy and overall breathtaking.

“Are you done yet?” she asked, still looking away.

“Can you give me until sunset?” I said. “You’re beautiful, Melissa. I could look at you all day.”

“I am not beautiful. My ass is too big. My tits are too small.”

“Your boobs are just right, and you have a fantastic bum. A fantastic body! You have nothing to be self-conscious about.”

“Liar,” she said, but I could see her suppressing a smile.

I said, “You can look at me too, you know.”

After a hesitation, Melissa summoned the courage to meet my eyes. Her tongue darted to moisten her lower lip, then she let her eyes scan down my body.

However, while I had been drinking in the site of her naked form, I had naturally stiffened. When she saw my half-hard dick, she gasped and drew back, unable to take her eyes off it.

“Sorry,” I said. “It’s a natural reaction. Doesn’t mean I’m going to lose control.”

Melissa stood transfixed, staring as my penis slowly raised skyward. “What? Oh, uh, I know. It’s just… a little scary.”

I grinned. “My dick is scary?”

“Huh? Oh, no, I didn’t mean that, silly. It’s a little intimidating to see a guy getting, uh, excited. All big and angry looking.”

“Well, it’s hard to avoid. I AM standing here stark naked in front of an incredibly beautiful woman.”

Melissa’s eyes flicked to mine before locking back at my dick. “I know,” she said. “I mean, my head knows how bodies work and everything. But according to my parents, the next thing that happens here is you brutally assault me, then leave my battered body to die in the woods.”

“Yeah, you’re right,” I said. I gestured to the surrounding forest. “These woods are littered with the remains of all the women I’ve lured here to their doom.”

Melissa tried to scowl, but a smile broke through. “You ass. That’s not funny!”

“Got you smiling, though.”

“You’re terrible,” she laughed.

I paused, then took her hand. “I would never hurt you, Melissa.”

She blinked and turned away. “I know. I know.”

“And you’re really brave.”

“I’m not brave. My heart’s racing. I feel like running away.”

“No, you’re brave. C’mon. First, you agree to camp in the woods with some guy you just met. Then you go skinny-dipping. And now you’re naked in broad daylight in front of an equally naked guy. Pretty courageous, considering it was two weeks after we met before you’d even kiss me.”

Melissa gave a weak smile.

I said, “But if you’re not comfortable with anything, you say so, okay?”

She nodded.

“Promise? This is supposed to be fun.”

“It’s okay. I’m okay.” She fixed me with a reassuring look. “Really.”

“Good. Then if you don’t mind, mademoiselle,” I said, stepping forward and pulling the towel from her hand, “I need to dry off. And you should get dressed, okay?”


I started drying my hair, and Melissa went over to the backpacks. I couldn’t help sneaking another look at her as she squatted and rummaged in her backpack.

Once dry, I walked over beside her and opened my own pack.

Melissa sat back on her haunches. She said, “That was really nice, you know.”

“What was?”

“Swimming. Skinny-dipping. Then being naked in front of each other. I feel kinda… free. I think I see the appeal.”


“Nudists. Nudism. Naturists. You know. There are people who do this all the time.”

“Oh,” I said. “Well, yeah. I see what you mean. I’ve swum naked a few times, and it is nice. But I never walked around in the buff. And I don’t think I could ever handle being naked in front of a bunch of strangers.”

“Oh, me neither. I’d just die!”

“But you’re all right being naked in front of me?”

Melissa thought for a moment. “I trust you, so I guess that makes it more comfortable. And it’s not really sexual, is it? I mean, it is a little, but not like… ankara escort getting naked to have sex. And I like seeing you like this.”

“I like seeing you too. Like this.” We grinned at each other, then after a moment I said, “You know, in that case, since there’s no one else around…”

Melissa flashed an impish look “…we could just skip getting dressed for a while?”


“I’ve never done that before.”

“Me neither.”

Mellisa swallowed then said, “Uh, but can you keep yourself under control?”

“You know I can. But I dunno… can you?”

Melissa scowled. “Oh no. That wasn’t part of the agreement.”


“Our agreement, remember? I’d go camping only if you promised not to jump me. I never said anything about not jumping you.”

I laughed. “Pretty one-sided agreement, if you ask me. Whatever was I thinking?”

“Let’s try it,” she said, eyes sparkling.

“What, go around naked?”

“Yes. Want to?”

“I’m a guy. I’m not going to turn down a chance to see a beautiful woman naked. Of COURSE I want to.”

Melissa chuckled. “Well, okay! Then let’s do it. But just… no funny business, mister.”

“Right. I won’t crack any jokes at all.”

“You know what I mean.”

We stuffed our clothes back into our packs, stood up and faced each other.

“This is going to be interesting,” I said, looking her over a second time. “Sure you’re okay with this?”

“No, I’m NOT sure,” she said, looking me over too. “But I want to try.”

We got to work setting up camp. We filled a filter bag with lake water, then used it to dribble safe water into our bottles. We gathered fallen branches and twigs from the woods to use in the fire pit. I found the bottle of camp suds, and we washed out our sweat-soaked clothes from the day and hung them on a rope we strung for a clothesline.

It was all the normal camping activities, except naked. Melissa’s body was a constant distraction, but I kept my dick under control and tried not to stare. I caught Melissa furtively glancing at me too. At first she looked away, blushing, then later on just met my eyes and smiled. After a while our nakedness felt relatively normal—our self-consciousness faded and we could focus more on our tasks.

Once, while we were tapping the pegs of the little tent into the ground, Melissa was on her hands and knees while I stood behind her. I was distracted by her ass and her lovely pussy peeking from between her legs, when suddenly she turned around and was face-to-face with my half-hard dick.

She gasped, wide-eyed, then flicked her eyes up at me. After a hesitation and another quick look at my dick, she crawled away to secure another tent peg.

When the little two-person tent was up, I unzipped the side entrance and slid our thin camping mats and sleeping bags inside.

Melissa peered in. “Wow, you weren’t kidding when you said it was small.”

“Every ounce counts. But it’s bigger than it seems when you’re inside. You should’ve seen the first tent I had. This is a palace by comparison.”

She crawled through the door and sat cross-legged.

“A palace, huh?” she said, looking around.

I crawled in and sat on the other mat.

“Sure it is. The roof is high enough to sit up, and we’re not pressed against the walls. As hiking tents go, this is luxury.”

Melissa looked doubtful. “I didn’t realize we’d be sleeping so close.”

“You’ll be okay. If it makes you more comfortable, you don’t have to sleep naked. And you know, I think I might have a little padlock in my pack. You can lock the zipper on your sleeping bag so I can’t get in.”

“You ass,” she laughed, punching my shoulder. “But I’ll sleep near the door, in case I need to make a quick escape.”

“Suit yourself,” I said and stretched out on my back with arms behind my head.

“Yeah, there’s definitely a lot more room in this new tent,” I said, “And it even weighs a little less than my old one.”

Melissa’s eyes returned to my dick. When I noticed her intense gaze, I sat up on my elbows and looked down at myself. I wasn’t even half-hard anymore.

“See?” I said. “I’ve been able to control myself.”

Melissa’s eyes never left my dick.

“Something wrong?” I said.

Melissa glanced at me, then looked away, turning red.

“I’ve just, uh, never seen one before. Up close.”

“Huh? What about your other boyfriends?”

“I only ever did it, like, three times, remember? With one guy. And it was always dark and he was always in a hurry.”

“Oh,” I said, “Well, then go ahead.”

“Go ahead what?”

“You’ve never seen a guy up close. Go ahead. Look. Touch.”

Melissa’s eyes widened, “Touch? No way. You’ll get too excited.”

I laid back, stretching out with arms behind my head. “Melissa, guys aren’t animals. I might get hard, but that doesn’t mean I’ll turn into some kind of sex fiend. Go ahead. I don’t mind.”

Melissa scooted down eye level with my crotch, propping up on an elbow.

“What do I do?” she said.

“Anything you like. Explore, play with it, study it. Further your education.”

“Well gee thanks, professor,” she said sarcastically, “Will any of this be on the exam?”

“I guarantee it. Just don’t whack my balls. You can do almost anything except squeeze them really hard or hit them.”

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