Angry Soccer Mom – The Next Day


First, thank you for the overwhelming four and five stars. I’m glad you’re all enjoying the story so far. However, if you’re looking for a “Wham bam, thank you ma’am,” this isn’t the story for you. I like stories with a little background to them so you can better understand the motives behind the characters’ decisions.

As always, all characters involved in sexual activity are 18 or older. Any similarities to any actual past, present, or future people are fully unintentional.


Chapter 1

Early the next morning, Emma slowly woke up and rolled over to the empty side of the bed. She rubbed her hand over the cold sheets where her husband usually slept, but not last night. She wasn’t feeling angry with Tom anymore, but she still felt pretty upset with him. That didn’t stop a smile from forming on her face when she thought about what did happen in that bed last night.

As Emma recalled the sexual pleasure she had with her son Jake, she felt her body get hot. Closing her eyes and sliding her hands over her silk pajamas, she thought about the size of Jake’s cock and how it felt inside her. Her nipples were already hard but got harder and more sensitive as her fingers caressed them over the silk. She fully unbuttoned her shirt and draped it to her sides, exposing her large breasts. She licked her fingers and rubbed them across her stiff nipples, eliciting a soft moan from her slightly parted lips. She whispered her son’s name as her hands slid down across her flat stomach. After reaching her waistband, she untied the silk ribbon and slipped her hand inside. When her fingers reached her swollen clit, her eyes popped open, and she let out a loud gasp. Her body trembled as she slid a couple fingers inside her. Knowing she didn’t have much time before having to leave for work, she started aggressively rubbing her clit with her thumb and hooked the inserted fingers to rub her G-spot. With how worked up she was, it only took about a minute for her climax to rise. Emma groaned loudly and her body shook as her orgasm overwhelmed her.

Panting heavily as she stood up, Emma took a moment to catch her breath before stripping off her pajamas and walking into the ensuite to take a shower. As the hot water cascaded over her curvy body, she thought about what the future held for her and Jake. While they felt no regrets in the moment, she wondered what Jake would think when he woke up. She knew that she didn’t regret a moment of the pleasure her son provided for her because Tom certainly wasn’t giving it to her. With her body clean, Emma dried off and dressed in her therapy scrubs for work. Before she headed downstairs, she quietly opened Jake’s bedroom door and peeked in on him. A small smile formed as she looked upon her son peacefully sleeping. She whispered, “I love you, baby,” before gently closing the door and heading downstairs. Looking at her watch, she realized she would be running behind if she didn’t get her butt moving. Emma had just enough time to brew a small pot of coffee and grab a cheese danish before heading out.


Chapter 2

Jake groggily woke up as he heard the garage door close. Looking outside, he saw his mother’s car move down the road. He released a loud sigh as he immediately thought of the previous evening with her. ‘My god, I lost my virginity last night and to my mom no less!’ That led to other thoughts about his lack of sexual experience.

Jake was a shy kid growing up and continued to be through his high school years. He only came out of his shell on the soccer field, being aggressive and getting better every season. It became a foregone conclusion as he approached his mid-teens that he would be a starter for every team he was on. His height and speed suited Jake more as a midfielder, but he desired to play as a forward, quickly proving to his coaches that he deserved that position. Jake was the top goal scorer for his teams every season since he was 14. But when it came to dating, he had scored a big fat goose egg. He was too timid to approach a girl to ask her out, and stammered when a girl approached him. His bashfulness led to him to only going on two first dates set up by friends in his senior year, but unfortunately no second dates with either girl. He skipped his prom, not having the courage to ask anyone to attend with him.

Jake still was in disbelief about what happened with his mom. He knew that his parents’ relationship wasn’t the greatest, but he never expected his mother to seduce him. He was sure that his father’s lack of parenting in the last few years had led to his parents growing apart. But when his dad’s forgetfulness caused another issue the day before, he strongly believed that was the tipping point for his mom. And what a tipping point it was!

His mother came onto him like she was dying of hunger and only he could provide her sustenance. Unfortunately, the more he thought about it, the more his regret over it arose. Sure, his father küçükçekmece escort could have been a better dad through the years, but did he deserve for his wife and his son to be fucking behind his back? Jake certainly wasn’t thinking so, and he wondered what his mom was thinking as well. If the opportunity for them to be intimate happened again, Jake seriously considered turning his mom down. He just didn’t think he could do that to his dad again. As he dressed and headed downstairs, Jake made up his mind to tell his mom no if she tried to seduce him again.


Chapter 3

Tom sat in his office reviewing the specifications on the latest project his company was working on. He couldn’t quite concentrate though because his mind kept replaying the argument he had with Emma the previous day, then the subsequent brush off by her last night. He didn’t want to have sex with her, he just wanted to talk.

Thinking about the argument over his use continual use of a flip phone, Tom smirked. Little did Emma or Jake know, there was a reason for that. His old flip phone was tough to track, which helped when he was with his 25-year-old secretary Sheila. She was the same secretary he had in his previous position, but she jumped at the chance to continue working under him when he was promoted. Not only that, but she also continued to lay under him whenever they had a chance to sneak away for a couple hours or lay on top of him or bend over in front of him. Tom’s affair with Sheila had been going on for about a year at the time of his promotion. Not willing to give up on how good of a fuck she was, he insisted that she remain his secretary when his family moved across the state.

He used his forgetfulness to his advantage at times, such as the previous day when Emma called him about Jake right after he finished fucking Sheila in a motel room a few miles from his plant. He knew he had to pick up his son for practice. He just didn’t care. He preferred being with Sheila because of her sucking and fucking skills over sitting watching his son practice a sport that Tom considered boring.

Fatherhood was good for him until right after Jake turned 10. Then Tom started noticing how much of a mama’s boy he was. Jake never really wanted to play with other kids his age, especially girls. All the kid was interested in was soccer and being with his mom. It only got worse as Jake got older, with Tom noticing how shy the kid was around girls his age. Tom would try to make time for his son, asking Jake to toss a football or baseball with him, but the boy would turn him down to practice his soccer skills. At the time, he wanted Jake to expand his athletic horizons, but he just wasn’t interested. So, Tom gave up trying and started focusing on work. It didn’t help that Emma was reluctant to help him break Jake out of his shell. He threw himself into his job, eventually having something else to focus on when Sheila was hired.

It didn’t take much for Sheila to seduce Tom since she knew his marriage wasn’t the in the best shape. A sly smile from her, a few light touches there, and then finally a neck massage was enough to have him locking his office door and fucking her hard on his desk. While he did regret it at first, she was able to convince him to continue when she sucked him off under his desk. As the old saying goes, she could suck a golf ball through a garden hose.

When Sheila came into his office and locked the door behind her, all thoughts of the previous day and his family went away. He smiled as she approached him, slowly unbuttoning her blouse and unzipping her skirt. He moved his chair back from his desk, unzipped his pants releasing his average sized cock and pulled her onto his lap. Their kissing became intense, with moans coming from both of them as he moved her panties aside and slid inside her. As the clock ticked on through the morning, they fucked until they both got their rocks off. They got dressed and returned to work with huge smiles on their faces.


Chapter 4

Later in the afternoon, Emma returned home from a stressful day at work. It seemed that almost every patient she worked with that day hadn’t been doing their home exercises, making it even tougher for them when she saw them at their appointments. All Emma wanted to do was grab a shower and sit down with a large glass of wine. She wasn’t even thinking about Jake as she walked out of the garage and into the kitchen, throwing her purse on the counter before heading upstairs. As she passed Jake’s room, she heard music playing but also heard him chatting with his friends during an online video game. All she could do was shake her head as she thought ‘Damn, I hope he hasn’t had his face glued to that screen all day.’

Emma walked into her bathroom and stripped naked, turned the shower on, waited for the hot water, and got under the glorious spray. She leaned her head back, küçükyalı escort getting her long light brown hair wet and letting the hot water soothe her neck muscles. She started thinking about her son, then his cock and how good it felt. Her pussy felt hotter and wetter as she imagined him entering her again. She pulled the detachable shower head down, first spraying her nipples then moving it down between her legs. After changing the spray setting, she used the pulse spray against her clit, gasping quietly as brought herself to an orgasm while leaning against the shower wall. She slowly caught her breath as she placed the sprayer back in its mount.

After exiting the shower, drying herself and putting on a lightweight t-shirt and tight leggings, Emma walked up to Jake’s door and knocked. She looked up at her tall handsome son after he opened the door and said, “Hey baby, how ya doing?” while tracing a finger down his arm. He surprised her by pulling his arm back and replying, “Mom, we need to talk.” Emma simply nodded and walked downstairs, gesturing at Jake to follow her. She asked him to wait in the living room and came in a minute later with her full wine glass.

She sat down and looked at her son, “Jake, I’m assuming you want to talk about last night.”

“Yeah, Mom, I do. I…I…” He had a hard time looking at her, only staring at the floor.

“Honey, just say what you want to say. Don’t worry about what I may think.”

“Mom, don’t get me wrong. I loved every second of it, but…” He took a deep breath and finished his thought. “…but I don’t think we should do it again.”

Expecting that this might happen, she replied, “I’m not surprised, but may I ask why?”

“Well, first, it’s incest. Two, while you didn’t step out on him to do it, you cheated on Dad.”

She sighed and took a long sip. “Jake, honey, look at me.” He just shook his head and didn’t look up at her. Emma sighed again and said, “Jacob Wells, look at your mother right now.”

Her tone was enough to get him to look at her. He thought ‘Holy shit, she’s gorgeous.’ He felt himself getting hard but unsuccessfully fought against the increasing erection.

Emma didn’t notice the growing bulge in his pants. “Jake, your father and I have, um, let’s just say grown apart. You’re an intelligent guy, I’m sure you’ve noticed.” He nodded, so she continued, “I love your father, but I’m not in love with him anymore. His work is more important to him than me and you, proven once again by not picking you up for practice yesterday. I truly think he has given up on being a husband and a father, don’t you?” Jake shrugged. “Come on, think about it. When was the last time he came to one of your games?”

Jake looked up at the ceiling as he thought about it. “I think maybe…last year sometime?”

“Honey, it’s been about a year and a half. Honestly, I didn’t want to say anything to you, but I think it’s more than just work that keeps him away from us. And as far as intimacy between your dad and I, it’s about the same length of time.” After draining her glass, Emma stood up and looked down at her son. “I’m going to pour another glass of wine and go up to my bedroom. If you want what we had last night to be a one time thing, send me a text to say you don’t want to continue.” After refilling her glass, she walked up the stairs, stopping before they were out of sight of each other. “Just so you know though, I love you. I will always love you, even if you decide that’s what you want.” From this angle, she was finally able to see the large bulge in his shorts. “But judging from what I see, I don’t think that’s really what you want.”

Jake watched as she turned the corner at the top of the stairs, then heard her bedroom quietly close, leaving him alone with his thoughts.


Chapter 5

Jake remained downstairs for half an hour, not doing anything but thinking and staring at the clock. He fiddled with his phone, typing multiple texts to his mother but then erasing all of them. ‘Oh my god, what the hell am I doing?’ He looked up the stairs then back at his phone. ‘She’s lonely, and I’ve rejected her. She must be feeling way down on herself now. Way to go, you idiot!’ His mind fought with his cock over his indecision, each trying to force him to decide. Standing up, he said out loud, “Dude, there is a beautiful woman upstairs that wants you.” Nodding, Jake walked up the stairs.

He hesitated one last time before knocking on her door and entering without waiting for her to answer. With the cloth covered lamps softly lighting the room, Jake looked around and saw Emma sitting on the chaise lounge chair in the corner of the room. He closed the door and approached, noticing that she was wearing a sheer nightgown while she finished the last of her wine. She set the glass on the floor and reached up for him, pulling him down to place her lips on his.

If their kissing could kültür escort generate electricity, they could have lit up a small town with the intensity of their passion. Their tongues danced as their lips pressed hard together. Jake slid his hands up her strong legs and under her nightgown. She moaned into his mouth as his hands reached her breasts, making her nipples harden quickly. She kissed him along his jawline, working her way to his earlobe, then whispered, “Oh god, baby, I want you so bad.” Jake shivered hearing those words.

Emma placed her hands on Jake’s shoulders and pushed. “Stand up, baby.” Once he stood before her, she stood up in front of him and pulled off her nightgown. She took the lower hem of his t-shirt and lifted it up over his head. Her fingers traced light patterns on his strong abs, eliciting another quiet moan from her. “Baby, you are so fucking hot.”

He responded in a soft tone as he caressed her body, “So are you, Mom.”

They began kissing again as Emma maneuvered Jake backwards onto her bed until she was lying on top of him. She worked her kisses down his body, then hooked her fingers in the waistband of his shorts to pull them off. She grasped his stiff cock and started stroking, keeping her eyes focused on his face the whole time. His cock became slippery as she coated it with his precum. Winking at him first, Emma ran her tongue up the bottom of his shaft from his balls to the tip before pulling just the head into her mouth and sucking hard. Jake, who was watching her, gasped and threw his head back onto the pillow as his mother took his manhood into her mouth. She slowly worked her way down his shaft, taking half of him into her mouth m before pulling back and releasing him with an audible pop. As her hand moved stroked him, she asked, “Feel good?”

Jake moaned, “Holy shit, yes. Please don’t stop.”

“Oh baby, I’m just getting started.” She took him back into her mouth and removed her hand. Placing her hands on Jake’s hips, she lowered her head quickly, taking him fully into her throat, vibrating the head of his cock with a loud moan. She pulled off again and gave him a wicked smile. Then she took him right back into her throat again, swallowing and humming around the head. Jake groaned loudly, but unlike the previous night, he was able to hold off from cumming too quickly. But his mom had other plans. Emma wanted him to cum in her mouth, and she wanted that cum RIGHT NOW!

She pulled her head up almost to the point of releasing his cock from her mouth, then dropped right back down, taking him into her throat again. Jake grunted, “How the hell did you learn how to do that?” She just pulled off and smirked before sucking him again. Emma bobbed her head up and down half his length, slowly increasing her pace and how hard she was sucking. Her hand stroked the other half, and in doing that, felt him get harder. She opened her eyes and saw his balls tighten up.

Emma moaned louder as she thought ‘Oh yeah, baby, give it to me. Your mom wants to taste you.’ Jake let out a loud groan and grabbed her head to hold her there as his cock started blasting thick cum ropes into her mouth. She swallowed quickly as his cock kept pulsating with his climax until finally, his body relaxed, and he let go of her head.


Chapter 6

Like the previous night, Emma moved up and laid next to her son as he caught his breath. She caressed his chest and asked with a chuckle, “You okay, Jake?” He just looked at her with his charming smile, then pushed her onto her back and started kissing her neck.

Jake looked at her and said, “Your turn.” Emma moaned as he worked his way down her body, kissing and licking her collarbones, breast, stomach and finally her thighs. She had already spread her legs for him, revealing to him up close how dripping wet she was. He looked up her nervously. Sensing how he was feeling, she reassured him.

“Baby, it’s okay. I’ll help you. Just use your lips and tongue to kiss and lick my pussy, especially right here.” Emma let out a moan as she rubbed her finger over her sensitive clit, already out from its hood. Jake just nodded and started kissing her lips. Her taste and aroma were intoxicating, making him moan quietly as he pleasured her.

“Fuck…you’re…a…natural…at…that.” Her voice stammered and her hips twitched with every lick he made across her clit. He wrapped his lips around it and started sucking. “OH FUCK!” Emma grabbed his head and pulled him tighter into her pussy. “Slide…a…couple…fingers…

inside…me…” He pulled his mouth off her clit and did as she instructed, making her moan but giving her a chance to talk normally. “Now hook your fingers up and press against front wall. I’ll tell you when you’re there.” He hooked his fingers and found her G-spot. “YES! Right there! Keep rubbing!” She pulled his head back onto her clit. Within a few minutes, she let out a long moan. “Oh yes, right there! Fuck, that feels incredible! Yes…yes…keep going. Almost there…FUUUCK!!!” She grabbed his hair as her body trembled from her intense climax. Her pussy squeezed tight around his fingers and pulsed, pumping out her pussy juices onto his chin, hands and the sheets. He kept going with his mouth and fingers, but she pushed him away and whispered, “Too fucking sensitive.”

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