Becca XXX – Hard Time Ch. 05


Author’s note: – This is a follow on to the previous chapter of Becca XXX Hard Time. Please read it before reading this or you will not understand the plot or characters.

Becca XXX. Hard Time. Ch 05.

By the time I left the segregation wing, I’d been in there for four days and I’d been in Bronzefield for just over a week. I’d been abused by the screws, attacked by some of the inmates and gang raped by a group of unknown men at the governor’s basement orgy. To say that I was feeling as used as a teenaged boy’s cum-rag would have been an understatement.

However, my time spent in the hole had been far from wasted. It had allowed me to see what was going on in the prison which was corrupt at the highest level. It had also given me time to mull things over and formulate a plan. Justice needed to be served and it looked like I was the one who was going to have to do it.

As far as I was concerned, I now had two main objectives. Firstly, I needed to carry out my primary mission which Lexa had assigned to me without telling me. At least that’s what I hoped had happened. I knew that I was in here for a reason and that was to find Charles Hamilton. He hadn’t been present at the governor’s orgy, but that didn’t mean that the governor wasn’t involved. Coercing female prisoners to fuck strangers against their will was definitely something The Generals would be into. I would just have to keep digging until something led me in the right direction.

My second objective was a more personal one. I was going to bring down the governor and his merry band of rapists before I left Bronzefield. I had no idea if Lexa or The Facility even knew about what went on at this prison, but my own conscience told me that I couldn’t allow it to continue. Whatever these women had done, they didn’t deserve that.

Now that my objectives were clear, I listed the obstacles that I needed to overcome. My first problem was that I was working alone and I had little or no intel to aid me. I also had no means of gathering information on my targets or on the prison itself. I needed internet access and I already had a plan for that. If I could get a smart phone from Spalding, I could recruit Arrow to help me search the dark web for intel. I would of course, have to trade something sexual with Spalding in exchange for a phone, but my pussy and ass were still up for grabs if he was willing to help me.

I had many other problems to overcome. The screws like Reid and Jarvis wanted to have their fun with me as did the governor. I didn’t have a major problem with that, knowing that karma would soon come knocking on their doors. The Sisterhood and The Crow were a bigger concern to me. The Crow had threatened to kill me once I got out of solitary confinement and I didn’t doubt that she’d try. She was as unpredictable as Jekyll and Hyde, wanting to fuck me one minute and then choke me to death the next. The problem was, I might need her help if Spalding failed to come up with the goods. The Crow would undoubtedly be able to get me a phone but that really would come at a price.

I knew nothing about her other than what I’d seen first hand and what Arrow and Naomi had told me. I knew that The Crow had tried to attack Naomi and that Melody had stepped in to save her. But why had The Crow attacked Naomi in the first place?

When I’d been assaulted in the canteen, one of The Sisterhood had told me that Naomi had a debt to pay, but I had no idea what it was. I couldn’t see Naomi using contraband and even if she did, she’d get it from Spalding. They seemed to have a thing going between them, even if it did just involve Spalding sniffing her pussy-stained knickers for something in return. I knew Spalding liked to watch Naomi put her knickers back on after he’d filled them with his own special sauce. It seemed to benefit both of them.

If she used Spalding, why would she owe The Crow anything?

Without asking her there was no way of knowing. Now that I was coming out of solitary confinement, I was going to do just that.

My last two days in isolation had been pretty uneventful. Even Reid and Jarvis had left me alone; sexually at least. They were more into mental abuse than sexual. They would wake me up to break my sleep pattern or feed me at odd times of the day in order to disorientate me. I was still treated like an animal, having to use a bucket as a toilet and having my food thrown onto the floor, but they didn’t try to fuck me again. I wondered if the governor had told them to leave me alone or if Reid and Jarvis only abused new inmates. Either way, I was glad for the peace and quiet.

Eventually, I was given a hot shower and a clean set of clothes before being returned to A wing. There was no sign of The Crow as I was escorted back to my cell by Reid and Jarvis. I didn’t know if she’d been let out before or after me. It was late and the wing was deserted which meant it must have been after lockup time.

“I don’t need to tell you to keep quiet about what goes on in the basement, do I, Sloan?” snapped Reid.

“No, Küçükyalı travesti Miss Reid.”

“If I hear that you’ve told anyone, you’ll be taking a nasty trip down a flight of stairs and you’ll end up with a broken neck. At least that’s what the report will say,” laughed Jarvis.

“I won’t say a word, Miss Jarvis.”

“You’d better fucking not, you little bitch.”

We walked up to the first floor and Reid banged on my cell door.

Bang. Bang.

“Prisoner Heart, we’re coming in. Stay back from the door,” she bellowed.

She then click-clacked the viewing slot to check that it was clear and then she opened up.

Jangle – creak

I was shoved hard in the back and stumbled into my cell, almost falling over. I had to grab hold of the bunk to stop myself.

“Night night, cupcake,” sneered Jarvis.

Slam – jangle.

I heard the two of them laughing as they walked back down the wing, swinging their keys.

I kicked my shoes and socks off as Naomi emerged from the bottom bunk. She was wide awake and was wearing her T-shirt with the cut off sleeves and her prison regulation white panties. She was definitely a sight for sore eyes.

I wasn’t sure what sort of a reception she was going to give me after my fight, but I needn’t have worried. She didn’t even hesitate; she just rushed towards me and threw her arms around me to give me a big hug. She smelled fresh and clean and made me feel safe and warm.

“Shit, Becca, are you ok?” she asked.

“I’m fine,” I replied, a little surprised by her actions.

“I’ve been so worried about you. Even Spalding couldn’t find out what had happened to you. The governor must have been well pissed off with you, he wouldn’t let anyone else into the segregation wing.”

“I thought you’d be mad with me,” I said pulling away from her hug. “You told me to stay out of trouble.”

“I am… I was… it doesn’t matter. Some of the other girls told me how the fight started. I know it wasn’t your fault.”

She brushed her hand over my bruised cheek and took a sharp intake of breath.

“Does it hurt?” she asked.

“Not really. I tried to discourage them, like you suggested, but it just wasn’t working. They were gunning for me.”

“I know, I know. Are you hurt anywhere else?” she was very concerned.

I lifted my T-shirt to show her the nick in my skin from being stabbed with a toothbrush. It had healed well.

“Fucking hell. I think you were lucky that it wasn’t deeper. Is it ok?”

“It’s a bit sore, but it didn’t need stitches. I’ll survive.”

“It could have been a lot worse. Come and sit down. Welcome home.”

It was nice that she was concerned about me. It showed that she liked me and cared about my well-being. It was exactly what I needed after being in the hole for four days.

She ushered me over to the plastic chairs at the tiny desk like an excited puppy. She remained standing with a huge grin on her face as though she wanted to tell me something.

“What is it?” I quizzed.

“I’ve got a surprise for you,” she smiled.

“I hope it’s a nice surprise. The last one I had put me in solitary,” I giggled.

She didn’t reply. She just went to her locker and took out two plastic water bottles. I could tell from the colour of their contents that it wasn’t water. After all I’d been through in the last few days, I’d completely forgotten about the wine.

“Spalding dropped them off the night you got thrown in the hole,” she held them up like a bar tender. “He told me that you got them for me to say thank you.”

She was beaming from ear to ear. I smiled back as she pulled up the other chair and sat down.

“That was such a nice thing to do,” she said. “But it should be me thanking you, not the other way around.”

“I just wanted to show my appreciation for showing me around and looking after me,” I smiled. “Did Spalding tell you how I got the wine?” I raised my eyebrows at her.

“He told me you helped him out with a naughty favour, but he didn’t elaborate. I’m guessing that you probably wanked him off for the wine?”

“I did a whole lot more than that,” I giggled.

“What? You didn’t let him fuck you, did you?” she leaned back in her chair pulling the wine away from me.

“Fuck no. Of course not. I just gave him and two other screws a blowjob in the interview room,” I said it like it was an everyday occurrence.

“You did what?” she gasped.

“He told me it was a three-man operation to get the booze onto the wing. There was him, Wright and King. I blew all three of them.”

“For fucks sake Becca. You’ve paid well over the odds for that. A bottle of grog only costs you a handjob in here. I’ll be having words with that fucker next time I see him.”

“So will I,” I hissed. “The bastard’s taken advantage of my good nature.”

Naomi leaned back on her chair and grabbed two beakers from the sink. She slammed them down onto the desk and poured us both half a beaker of wine before handing one to me.

“Anyway, Küçükyalı travestileri fuck him. This is long overdue… cheers,” she said holding her beaker up to me.


We clinked cups and I took a sip. The white wine was cheap, warm and served in a plastic cup, but it was honestly the best wine I’d ever tasted. Being deprived of such luxuries always made you appreciate them more. I closed my eyes and savoured it for a few seconds.

When I opened them, I saw Naomi was doing the exact same thing. My admiration for her grew as I realised, she appreciated the same things that I did. She slowly opened her eyes and we both breathed out with a long-satisfied sigh.


We then both burst out laughing.

“It’s good to have you back,” she said sincerely. “You should never have gone to the hole for what happened.”

“Tell me about it,” I sighed. “What happened to the rest of the girls I took out?”

“They’re all still in the infirmary. Apparently, they’ve had to bring in extra beds for them. They’re running out of room.”

“I told them that would be the case,” I laughed. “The bitches should have listened to me.”

“I caught the tail end of the fight. You were incredible. Where the hell did you learn to fight like that? It was amazing to watch, even for a pacifist like me.”

“If I told you, I’d have to kill you,” I joked.

“Yeah right. Don’t let Arrow hear you saying stuff like that. She’s convinced you’re a spy,” she laughed. “She has a very vivid imagination.”

“I know. She told me.”

“Still, you have some impressive skills,” she raised her eyebrows at me.

We both went quiet for a moment as we took another sip of wine. I could almost hear the gears turning inside Naomi’s head as she mulled things over. Since I’d arrived at Bronzefield, I hadn’t told anyone what I was in for. I knew Naomi was dying to ask me. She was phishing for information without actually asking the question. It was written all over her face.

“I know what you’re thinking,” I said. “It’s ok. You can ask me.”

“I wasn’t…”

“You were and I completely understand. You’ve shown me yours and now you want to see mine… so to speak. You want to know why I’m in here.”

“Ok. Yes. I am curious to know what you’re in for?” she asked.

“That’s a difficult question to answer, but I can give you some clues. Does the tv work?” I nodded at the small flat screen on the desk.

“Of course. Why?

“Switch it on and flick it to a news channel.”

Naomi picked up the remote control and turned the tv on. I still found it hard to believe that prisoners were allowed such luxuries, but I guessed it relieved their boredom and prevented fights from breaking out. She flicked through the Freeview channels until she found BBC news twenty-four. It was a national channel with nothing but up to date news stories.

“What am I looking for?” she asked.

The reporter was talking about climate change so I told her to switch channels. She flicked through until I saw an image of a tower block flash up on the screen.

“Stop,” I snapped. “Go back one.”

She changed back to the tower block image. The news report was about the drugs war between The Mancs and The Lees. The tower block was where I’d been staying on my previous assignment when they had come for me. It was on The Cedars estate and the report showed bodies lined up outside covered with sheets. The reporter was talking about the incident as though it had just happened, even though it was a few weeks ago. I guessed that my rampage was still at the top of their agenda.

“Holy fuck, I watched this a couple of weeks ago. A gang war in Manchester which turned into a gun battle,” she gasped. “But what does this have to do with you?”

My time spent in the hole had given me ample thinking time. I’d wondered whether to come clean and tell Naomi who I really was. In the end I’d decided to stick with my Rebecca Sloan cover story and give as little detail as possible about my alleged crime. I barely knew anything about Naomi and until I could figure out what was going on, I had to stay in deep cover.

“I can’t say too much because I don’t want to incriminate myself. I’m on remand for murder and it has something to do with that news report. I was involved with one of the gangs,” I sighed.

“You were a drug dealer?” her voice went up an octave, she was so surprised.

“Fuck no. I just got involved with a guy who turned out to be a drug dealer. One of the ring leaders in fact.”

“No way. So, you got arrested by association?”

“Something like that. I don’t want to say anymore until I’ve seen my solicitor, but I’m in here because of that gang war.”

She took another swig of wine as she took it all in.

“Fuck. Are you on some sort of witness protection program?” she wasn’t giving up. “Who are they saying that you murdered? You don’t look like a murderer.”

“Neither do you,” I laughed. “It’s more complicated than that, but it’s not witness protection. travesti Küçükyalı I will tell you, but I need to find out what my chances are of being acquitted. I’m hoping to be out of here in a couple of weeks if it all goes to plan.”

“You always have such a positive way of looking at things,” she smiled. “I wish I were more like you.”

“It’s just a state of mind,” I laughed. “I just hope the judge and jury agree with me if it does go to trial.”

“I hope so too,” she replied. “Fuck, you seem so dark and mysterious. I’m intrigued now. Arrow would be beside herself if she heard you talking like this.”

There was an awkward silence which I didn’t try to fill. She needed to take in what I’d told her. Bronzefield was a Category A prison so she shouldn’t have been too surprised that I was in here for murder. After a few minutes she spoke up again and changed the subject.

“Melody’s finally out of the hole,” she said, sounding more upbeat. “She told me that she met you.”

I was shocked that Melody had mentioned me. We’d never spoken other than through body language and fleeting glances. If Melody had told Naomi that she’d met me then Naomi must also have been told where. That meant she must know about what went on in the basement in the governor’s rape room. There was no other explanation.

“Really?” was the only response I could come up with.

“Yes…” she replied, leaving it open ended.

There was another awkward silence, but this time she looked me straight in the eyes. A whole minute passed and neither of us broke away or spoke.

Finally, she filled the gap again.

“Do you want to talk about what happened?” she asked.

“I don’t know what you mean,” I lied.

“Sure you do. Melody tells me everything and she told me what happened in the basement. I know she’s been down there several times and so has The Crow.”

“She told you about the rape room?” I gasped.

“Like I said – she tells me everything. She told me you were there and that you had a run in with The Crow.”

“The Crow is fucking crazy,” I said. “But yes, I was down there with them.”


“And what?”

“Are you ok? What happened?”

“You know what happened. I was fucked senseless by more than twenty men. They either came inside me or all over me,” I said it like it was nothing.

“And that didn’t bother you?”

“It doesn’t matter whether it bothered me or not. I got plenty of cock. You don’t have to like what the cock is attached to in order to enjoy yourself. I came several times. There was nothing I could have done about it. I can’t go back and change it. It is what it is,” I shrugged.

“Fucking hell, Becca. What happened to you in the past to make you so accepting of it? You were gang raped. All three of you were,” she exclaimed. “They shouldn’t get away with it.”

“I agree, but karma has a funny way of helping me out. Justice will be served, believe me.”

We both took another sip of wine and I waited for her to fill the silence again, but she didn’t so I stepped in.

“How does Melody feel about it?” I asked, trying to turn the questions back onto Naomi.

“Initially she was ok with it, I think. She was very slutty before she came in here by all accounts. Plus, the thought of days off of her sentence was appealing, but she says it’s rigged in The Crow’s favour. Now I’m sure she wants out, but you’d have to ask her. She’s a complicated person.”

“Really? In what way?”

Naomi let out a long sigh.

“She’s sworn me to secrecy about her past. Let’s just say that she did some crazy shit to escape her previous life, but what she’s getting in here is far worse. It didn’t work out the way she thought it would.”

“Now you’ve got me intrigued,” I laughed. “Tell me more.”

“You can meet her tomorrow and it’s up to her if she wants to tell you her story,” Naomi downed her wine and shared the rest of the first bottle between us. “But between you and me, she wants to get out of here.”

“Out of Bronze?”

Naomi nodded.

“Doesn’t every inmate want to get out of here?” I giggled. “It’s hardly the Ritz, is it?”

“Not me. I’m happy to do my time for what I did. I told you before how I felt after taking a life.”

“Even in self-defence? He was about to let someone rape you while he stood by and profited from it. He deserved everything you gave him.”

“It’s no different to what the governor has just done to the three of you. Do you want him dead?” she said it like it was a rhetorical question, but I answered anyway.

“In a fucking heart beat,” I replied. “Men like him don’t deserve the right to keep breathing. Neither do any of his friends who attended his rape party.”

“Ok. I’ll agree with you on that one,” she laughed. “He is an asshole, but if he gets taken out, he’ll only be replaced by another one.”

“I guess so,” I sipped more wine to punctuate the end of the conversation.

I wanted to move on to something else. The Crow was at the top of my question-and-answer list.

“So, what’s Sheryl’s story?” I asked.

“Who’s Sheryl?”

“The Crow,” I replied.

“Oh. I didn’t know what her real name was. I’ve only ever known her as The Crow.”

“Her name’s Sheryl Scott apparently.”

“Whatever. She’s still a fucking psychopath. She’s in for murder and arson apparently.”

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