Bob, Sue and Anita’s Romance Pt. 06


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Sue and Anita set off into the warm evening to join the throngs of people also heading out. Their first bar was a tourist hangout, with loud music helping to get the party mood warmed up. Ironically, the music got tiresome as they had to shout to be heard and both wanted to be less candid. So they finished their drinks and moved on

Anita’s next stop was the more open beach pop up bar where she’d first met Bob. The music wasn’t as loud, and they could occupy the same quieter end of the bar Anita had originally sat with Bob. Anita got some shots, and they settled in whilst watching the throngs of clubbers at the tables before them.

Anita hugged Sue and held her hand as she was still in a daze and couldn’t believe how wonderful this holiday was developing. In any other world, this ménage à trois relationship would be fraught with jealousies and competition.

“Sue, I wanted to thank you and Bob, as I’m having a wonderful holiday. You’ve both accepted me for who I am without judgment. I would never have surfed or ridden a pony on my own and it’s all thanks to you two encouraging me.”

“Oh, but Anita, you are wonderful. You’ve gotten us out of a rut that we’ve been in for years. You’ve shown us a world of sex we wouldn’t have dreamt of a week ago. I feel years younger.”

“You and Bob are lovely Sue, looking after me rather than use or abuse me,” Anita said, blushing at her confession, hinting at her past. “It would have been so easy for you to have gone mad and divorced Bob when you discovered we’d been having sex.”

“I’m so glad I didn’t. I could never have explored Miss Stephens had I not met you and don’t think I could divorce Bob. Oh, I’d make his life hell, but we’ve been married too long to change. I think we’ve both explored and discovered far much more than we care to admit.” Sue said, on her own admission.

“My fear is Sue that this is almost too good to be true, and the holiday is drifting by and I wonder if or how this could continue?” Anita asked, but couldn’t look Sue in the eyes, as the reality of it saddened her.

“That’s our fear too. Anita, we’re not young, in a few years we will be knocking on the door of 60 and it isn’t healthy for someone as young as you to be tied down with two near pensioners.”

“But we can still…?” Anita said, full of hope.

“Oh, I sure hope so, but I think it has to be your decision. It wouldn’t be fair for us to expect you to look after us in our wheelchairs in ten years?” Sue said, laughing, hoping to put a lighter note on things.

Anita laughed and hugged her, then turned the conversation to more casual, lighter things. Soon after, they finished their drinks and left. Anita led Sue away from the bar, knowing they were close to her target bar.

“Come on Sue, I am hoping we have a pleasant surprise waiting for us,” Anita said, trying to hide her excitement.

“Ooo, I think I like your surprises,” Sue said, giggling with the drink catching up with her.

After walking past a few bars, they arrived at Anita’s target bar. The Surf Shack was decorated as described. Like a surf shack, with rough-cut timber facades and surfboards hanging off the walls, and ceiling, with a great vibe inside.

The two girls wound their way past the smokers outside into the more spacious inner non-smoking bar area. Whilst they were waiting to order their drinks at the bar, Anita felt an arm on her waist.

“Hi Anita, how’s your ankle? I wasn’t expecting you this early?”

Anita turned to find Chrissy, drink in hand, smiling at her. She wore a pink dress with thin shoulder straps that left her tanned shoulders and arms bare but was low cut affording Anita a prime view of her ample cleavage. Seeing Anita’s eyes drop, Chrissy breathed a little deeper to show the lack of tan lines on her now heaving breasts.

“Hi, oh sorry, we can bar crawl around the block to come back later?” Anita said sarcastically and then saw the disappointment in Chrissy’s face as she saw Sue alongside her.

“You remember, Sue? Sue, this is Chrissy, the first aider from the stables,” Anita said, introducing them to be sure and try to re-enforce with Chrissy that they were together.

“Oh, Hi Chrissy, thanks for looking after Anita.” Sue and Chrissy shook hands, then Sue turned her focus to the arriving barman to give him their drinks order.

With Sue distracted by the barman, Chrissy scolded Anita under the sound of the music.

“Why’ve you brought your mum? It’s a real buzz kill.”

“Haha, your assumptions and first impressions aren’t always right. I told you it’s complicated.” She needed to win Chrissy over and explain her compromise for Sue to have her surprise.

“Okay, but she isn’t my mum… She’s my Kurtköy travesti lover and we come as a pair.”

Anita let that blunt statement hang there, hoping Chrissy had preloaded herself with enough drink to accept her suggested condition or maybe preferred it that way.

“You accidentally saw my hidden delights, so either you are a trans-curious lesbian or another T-girl?” Anita asked.

“My long-term girlfriend left me for an Australian surf chic. I don’t normally chase tourists but you’re right, I’m trans-curious… You’re pretty, have a lush body and look available?” Chrissy said.

A hint of pain showed in her eyes, but her hand stroking Anita’s arm reflected her intentions.

Sue cut in, passing a small beer bottle to Chrissy. “The bartender said that was your usual?”

Chrissy, whilst looking a little stunned, smiled to confirm back at Sue, then nodded a ‘thanks’ to the barman. Anita placed her hand on the back of Sue’s head and pulled her in for a passionate kiss, whilst her free hand drifted over her breasts, fondling them.

Sue enjoyed and was excited with this public display of passion. Everyone else in the bar was too busy to notice, except for Chrissy, who found it an exciting display between the odd couple.

“So, Chrissy, if you want me, we come as a pair?” Anita pressed for a decision.

“But what about your dad?”

“Hmm, there you go again… He’s not my dad. Bob’s Sue’s husband and my other lover… They’re an open-minded couple I met on Saturday. He’s having a night in, so you have us to yourself.” Anita smiled and let that sink in.

“Hmm, nothing kinky though?” Chrissy said, looked unsure, her eyes searching around the bar to see if Bob was lurking in the shadows.

“Oh no, well nothing beyond a Trans-woman and middle-aged woman with a lesbian desire she needs filling,” Anita said, laughing, hoping the prospect was exciting enough for Chrissy.

“Hmm, I’m interested, but…” Chrissy still was unsure.

“Well, that is the deal, is both of us or neither… Sue is only part of the conditions… I would however, like to spice up the deal?” Anita hoped Chrissy was braver and more trans-curious than her eyes suggested.

Sue had paid the barman and returned to join Anita and Chrissy, with both drinks in hand, and now Sue was eager to join the conversation. Anita smiled and winked at Sue, leaning into Chrissy to talk into her ear, leaving Sue unable to hear her conversation with Chrissy.

Anita explained her idea to surprise Sue and her further conditions, causing Chrissy to giggle. Anita realised Chrissy was on board when she nodded and her free hand squeezed her arm. Chrissy excitedly replied into Anita’s ear and kissed her on the cheek.

“Okay, I’ll let my friends know I won’t be joining them, I’ll be back in a minute.”

Sue now felt a little at a loss at the possibility of having been used. It seemed this had all been a ruse for Anita to meet up with Chrissy. Sue passed Anita her drink and took a sip of her own, about to give Anita a piece of her mind.

“Sue, what do you think of Chrissy? Is she a suitable substitute for Miss Stephens? She’s fit, tanned, has gorgeous boobs and a gorgeous tight ass.”

Anita nodded to Chrissy as she wound her way across the bar to her friends. Chrissy’s pink tight fitting, summer dress flicked with each of her hips sways, whilst also hugging her tight backside, with her shoulders and arms exposing her tanned skin. Anita’s comment put Sue right off her prepared admonishment.

“Err, yes she is pretty… But you know I don’t like women in that way, with what’s missing between their legs?”

“Well, we’ve come to a compromise. She’s dying to have a piece of me, but I’m NOT leaving you on your own. I’ve told her we come as a pair. Sue, if you’re ever going to experience a woman, now is your chance, on neutral ground, plus I’ll be with you.”

“So this my surprise?” Sue wasn’t sure why she was getting excited between her legs, whether it was the prospect of more sex with Anita or the chance of a Lesbian experience with Chrissy. She glanced again to Chrissy across the bar and felt her heart flutter at the prospect of seeing her naked.

“Yes. I hope you don’t mind? As long as it works for the three of us, it could be fun.” Anita smiled, realising Sue was getting on board with her surprise.


Across the bar, Chrissy reached her friends, and she quickly explained her dilemma.

“What?” Asked her friend Bee, not comprehending the issues.

“I said; I fancy the tall redhead with purple highlights, but she’s not interested if her friend isn’t included.”

“Whaaat?” Bee repeated as Jules and Janice laughed hysterically. “That’s her mother with her, isn’t it?”

“No, they’re lovers, it’s kind of kinky but also a turn on,” Chrissy said, blushing but excited. “I’ve had threesomes before, but not like this…”

“What’s different? She’s not that old, she’s cute. I’d fuck her,” Jules said, giggling. “Although Kurtköy travestileri that hair cut isn’t doing her any favours.”

“Anita’s with the ginger hair is the one I want to fuck… Well, I actually want her to fuck me…” Chrissy said, in a stage whisper. “She’s got a cock, a very nice one from the bulge I saw… She’s a trans-woman… A very fuckable one at that… It’s something I’ve never considered, but now I want her to have me.”

Chrissy quickly explained how that afternoon she’d checked Anita’s ankle out and how the breeze gave her a view up her skirt to see a cock shaped bulge in her leggings.

“It’s all I’ve thought about since,” Chrissy said, admitting her desires. “I’ve never fancied cock before… But on that body, it would be a treat.”

“So what’s the problem?” Bee asked, with Jules and Janice nodding approvingly.

“I don’t know… But you know those scam warning adverts, ‘if it sounds too good to be true, it is’.”

“Look, don’t kick a gift horse in the mouth, go fuck them… We’ll stay until you’re happy so we can back you up… or if you want an orgy?” Bee said, hoping for the latter.

“Ginger is looking better and better… after another drink, the short blond one can have me too,” Janice said, sending all the friends into a frenzy of innuendo and giggles.


Chrissy left her friends and returned across the bar to rejoin Anita and Sue with doubt in her eyes, glancing back at her friend’s who also looked unsure.

“I’m not so sure… It all sounds too good to be true,” Chrissy said to Anita.

Before Anita could respond, Sue gave Anita her drink and stepped in between them. She cupped her hand behind Chrissy’s neck, pulling her down to give her a lingering, passionate kiss on her lips. Her spare hand-pulled Chrissy’s free hand round to her bum, guiding her forefinger so she could feel the gem end of the butt plug deep inside Sue.

Sue removed her guiding hand but Chrissy kept her fingers there, tapping and pressing on the butt plug’s end, exciting Sue further, as Chrissy ground her pelvis into Sue. Finally, their kiss ended, both women smiling, pecking little kisses on each other. Sue stepped back to see Anita grinning and Chrissy turning to her friends to wave and mime an ‘OK’ sign.

Across the bar, Chrissy’s three friends agreed to spice up their evening with some fun at Chrissy’s expense. Pretending to mistake the wave as an invitation, they made their way across the bar to join the waiting trio.

“Hi girls, I’m Bee, this is Janice and Jules,” Bee said, as they waved and nodded their introductions.

Chrissy stole them each an evil glare, knowing their game. The three were all dressed to party, with the shortest, tightest skirts they could muster and figure-hugging tops. Jules stepped forward to pair with Sue, her hand stroking the small of her back as she made small talk.

Chrissy stayed resolutely with Anita, wrapping her arm defensively around her, guessing Bee’s intentions. The six partied together, making small talk, enjoying the music and the surrounding vibe. Bee played the ringleader, telling some scandalous jokes and teasing everyone whilst casually dancing to anything with a beat.

Sue enjoyed the attentions of the younger women. Jules especially as she was very tactile, her hands running over Sue’s arms and back as the two talked. Sue found it invigorating to be out in such a relaxed company, chatting about nothing, dancing to whatever beat played and enjoying each other’s visual treats.

The drink having already relaxed her, Sue found her eyes regularly dropping to rest on each of the three attractive women’s breasts as they talked and danced. Jules were nicely rounded and ample, slightly exaggerated by her smaller size. Bee’s nipples kept showing through her blacktop. Janice’s smaller breasts jiggled when she laughed.

As Sue danced with them chatting, she found her eyes dropping further to watch their pert cheeks and long legs. Jules brought a round of drinks and she came from behind Sue to pass her drink, pressing her ample boobs into Sue’s back. Once her hand became free, she ran it down Sue to her hips, pulling her in to grind into her bum for a fleeting moment, lingering a tantalising kiss on her shoulder.

Sue’s body ran with an exciting shiver at this young woman’s attention, feeling herself moisten between her legs, enjoying being with these young excitable bodies. After a few drinks, she even wondered about what they would look like in their underwear or even naked, not being so repulsed by what is hidden inside their panties.

Bee, Janice and Jules enjoyed their toying with Sue, especially as her nipples showed her hidden excitement after Jules’s kiss. They always enjoyed toying with any tourist they could trap, but Sue was more enjoyable than your average lone straight tourist entrapment. Bee could see Jules would happily pair off with Sue, but the night was progressing and their favourite nightclub would now hold Travesti kurtköy more opportunities.

Anita enjoyed Chrissy’s attention as they chatted about each other’s work, lives and hopes. Both realising that their conversation was beyond flirtatious fun, the two had a connection. Both women wanted to know more about each other beyond the holiday. Chrissy’s touch was more than an exciting fizzle, and her eyes followed Anita as she talked.

Anita had kept a watchful eye on Sue, watching her enjoy the attentions of the three circling lesbians, like cats playing with their prey. It was all harmless fun as Anita noticed Sue’s growing affections with Jules. A fit of fleeting jealousy crept through her seeing Sue’s nipples showing through her dress and her beaming smile enjoying the attention poured on her by other young women.

Bee announced it was time to move on to a club, inviting Anita, Sue and Chrissy, with them. Astonishingly Chrissy stepped forward to decline, saying the three would remain. All three hugged and kissed goodbyes. Jules embraced Sue, using her tongue with Sue reciprocating, each delving into each other’s willing open mouths. Jules hand brushing and fondling Sue’s soft boob and hard nipple.

Sue, despite wanting Jules’s fondling to continue, repeated her trick with Chrissy. Sue guided her hand around her back to introduce her fingers to her gem butt plug. Jules pulled from her kiss, looking shocked at Sue, giggled then delved her tongue back into Sue’s willing open mouth, as her fingers tapped and teased her butt plug.

Bee finally pulled Jules away, for her to rejoin Janice, and the three worked their way out of the busy bar, waving. Sue returned to Anita and Chrissy, a little flustered in her excitement, blushing. Anita squeezed Sue’s bum in approval, welcoming her back with a kiss.

The women chatted and danced as they finished their drinks. Chrissy became more comfortable, with the three sharing wandering hands and kisses as they danced. No one seemed to pay attention to the trio in the bar, as their excitement raised enough for them to decide it was time to move on.

Soon they were exiting a taxi outside a newish typical suburban terraced house on the outskirts of town. Sue paid the driver and asked him for a card, so they could call for a homeward journey later. Inside the house was sparsely furnished, and like many new homeowners, Chrissy apologised for invisible messes and lack of furniture.

“Um, would you like a drink?” Chrissy asked, then realised that none of them was there for more drink.

Seeing the negative responses and anticipation for the agreed debauchery on their faces, Chrissy pointed and led them giggling upstairs to her bedroom. The bedroom was bare except for a large mirrored dresser and a double bed with lots of cushions, but no wardrobes.

“It’s all right, everything we need is with the real mess in the spare room. You girls wait here…”

Chrissy disappeared with Sue and Anita able to hear her in the spare bedroom, talking to herself searching for something. Sue and Anita hugged, kissing and enjoying each other’s bodies, warming up their excitement. From the hallway, Chrissy’s voice rang out.

“Right you two, I need you to strip to your underwear to see what contraband you are hiding and why you are in my office for detention.”

The two feigned surprise. Gradually the pair undressed, hanging their dresses and purses on the back of the dressing table chair. Standing in their underwear, the pair couldn’t help but giggle with excitement as Chrissy walked in.

Sue nearly wet herself at the image, Chrissy was as sexy a school teacher as any student could imagine. She stood in the doorway in a typical school teacher’s gown and mortarboard hat, with a riding crop in her one hand. Her free hand flicked her gown open to reveal her naked beneath except for red silk lingerie, red fishnet stockings and a long blue strapon.

She made a beeline for Anita. “I can already see you have some contraband girl.”

She pulled Anita’s shaft from her panties and slowly stroked it, then turned to Sue, beckoning her. “Come here, girl.”

Sue coyly walked over to her as Chrissy put her riding crop on the bed and slid her hand into Sue’s panties, her fingers exploring her wet delights, as Sue moaned.

“Hmm, you’re all wet girl, you need to strip for inspection.”

As Sue removed her bra and panties, Chrissy dropped to her knees and enveloped Anita’s shaft in her mouth, sucking her hard. Chrissy stopped as soon as Anita moaned and stood back up, licking her lips. She undid the gown and span it off onto the floor while throwing her mortarboard to one side. Her red silk bra followed, releasing a gorgeous pair of large pert breasts, making Sue and Anita gasp in appreciation.

Chrissy stood there swishing her riding crop, enjoying seeing Sue and Anita’s eyes hungry for her, making her wetter with anticipation. She was excited to see Anita primarily hairless and Sue with the minimum trimmed hair on her bonnet.

“Neither of you are to cum unless I allow you to… I need you to last the distance, Anita… Lie down on the bed.”

“And you, my lovely wet girl, can squat on your friend’s contraband, like a bad girl behind the bike sheds… but she’s not allowed to cum.”

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