

Carletta had gone to the authorities indeed and told them of her brother and crew missing from the meteor strike and that she feared them dead having gone to try and find them and saw the truck and it’s shape and led them back to near the crater where it had collided.

They searched the area and indeed found all four dead in their tents that were burnt atop their bodies keeping Carletta away from the scene and hauled the bodies out in body bags. She knowing full well her brother was indeed dead from the crashing meteors intense explosion.

They authorities told her however that it was impossible to physically determine who’s body was whom that they were burned beyond recognition from the blast and it seemed odd that all the bodies seemed to be dried up as they put it this upset Carletta greatly.

The fact that they were burned beyond recognition didn’t stick in Carlettas mind but what did is that they told her they were dried up!!

Dried up? OMG could it be that they were attacked by this… this… “Thing” had it somehow attacked them and sucked them dry?

Is there two of these “Things”?

So that day after the authorities had removed all the bodies and placed tape all around the scene to warn people off and be able if need be to come back and further investigate the scene if need be.

She stayed there until all the emergency vehicles and authorities had left the scene being told not to go anywhere the tape was placed, as she had told them she wouldn’t do just wanted to stay there and put her mind to rest with her brother being dead.

Sometime after all the authorities had left she got back on bike and rode over to the house of the Professor and his wife, whom had been sitting out on the porch watching and seeing all the lights of the police and ambulances they could see the silhouette of their flashing lights in the tree line and woods.

Carletta got off her bike and went to them and said that her brother and the other workers had indeed been instantly killed by the blast of the meteor crash, and told them that they had put tape around that area and sealed it off.

But she made sure to tell the Professor that they had told her that all the bodies were dried up!

This really brought him to think and wonder just how could that have happened?

He made sure to note to Carletta that when they had found the “Thing” it was injured and trying to crawl out of the crater.

This all said and done, The three of them went back into the house and sat at the table as Olleda made yet another round of the brew more to calm the nerves of Carletta and relax her mind from the thoughts of knowing her brother was indeed dead.

Carletta herself told them she’d said nothing of even knowing them nor that she didn’t think they even knew that they were living here as they were, and no one had was left when she got on her bike and came here.

Neither the Professor or his wife really had any thought that the authorities would come to their place to ask any questions anyway.

Their concern was how Carletta was doing mentally from all this.

As Olleda poured her cup with the brew and then leaned gave her a more motherly hug than anything consoling her in her time of need. The Professor was himself back to writing in that diary showing no emotion at all except buried in his thoughts of what he had to write down.

So Carletta and Olleda hugged each other and sat beside each other sipping their hotly brewed cups of it and Carletta asked her and the Professor if the “Thing” had done anything after she had left yesterday.

Both the Professor and his wife Olleda said they had checked on it and it was doing alright and had not it seemed needed to summon Olleda while she Carletta was gone to go “Feed” it!

Carletta then told them she had to go back and break the terrible news of her brothers death to her sister in law and help console her in her time of need about her husbands dying from the accident as she seemed to call it.

Got up and left on her bike and went to the small town some miles away and went and told her sister in law that yes indeed her husband and Carlettas brother was indeed dead and that all the crew had been killed during the crash of the meteor there near where they were camped out in the woods.

Both hugged each other and cried a good cry of sorrow, and sat down in their small apartment holding hands, and comforting each other.

Beside her being a sister in law Andrea was also Carlettas best friend!!

After the crying was over they both sat down and began having mixed drinks, and having gotten a bit loose from it Carletta told Andrea she had something to tell her.

But this must absolutely be confidential and never ever told to anyone!

Now the thing is that both Carletta and Andrea had been lovers.

And Carletta beyond a doubt knew Andrea had one really damn fine eating pussy and the absolute best tasting pussy she’d ever ate. And there were many others she’d eaten!!

So she wanted to get Andrea talked into going with her out to the farm as she called it now and have that… that… “Thing” attack Andrea’s pussy and really get some good tasting juices.

Carletta said I have something to tell you first then secondly something to ask you after that.

She then went on telling Andrea that the meteor that crashed was way more than meteor!

And told her that Professor Frederick and his Wife lived right close to where it had crashed and went to investigate and him make notes of the surroundings from the crash and blast.

But they found something Andrea; Something totally out of this world!! Something I cannot describe!! And… And… it… feeds… on… women’s pussies Andrea!!

Andrea blurted out a loud OMG, you mean çorlu escort it’s an Alien?

Carletta told her No it’s not an Alien… well yes… it is an Alien; But not like what we think an Alien Creature is!

You should go out there with me and see for yourself.

Now Andrea being drug into the depths of having been told that it fed on women’s pussies shivered and ask Carletta just how she knew it fed on women’s pussies?

Carletta grabbed Andreas hands and held them in her own and said;

“Because…Because… I’ve been with it Andrea.” “Oh how it pleasured me”!

Andreas mouth shot wide open and she looked directly into Carletta’s eyes and knew she wasn’t lying at all it was all true.

And then said; “You mean you had sex with it?”

Carletta said; “Yes..Yes..In a way I did have sex with it!” “It ate my pussy Andrea!”

Is it like a human or something ask Andrea?

Carletta told her oh no it was nothing like any human form of anything, and told Andrea she could not tell her just what it looked like exactly, although in her mind recalling what it did and looked like to her it would be described as some octopus looking creature.

And that she did not want Andrea to know as yet.

And told her that they would have to go out to the farm and let the Professor himself describe it to her as he was an absolute scientist at this sort of thing as Andrea agreed he indeed was a specialist in foreign creatures.

Andrea asked her when can we go out there?

Carletta now lustful wanton of another round of that thing said;

“Why not right now?”

Andrea’s own mind just had to know now just what this “Thing” was, and told Carletta let’s go and we can take my truck.

So off both went in Andrea’s 4×4 truck and as they turned into the long almost un graveled road to the Professors and his wife’s place, Andrea asked if they shouldn’t have called them first to let them know they were coming out.

Of which Carletta told her that they did not have a phone out there at all.

Telling her as well it would be perfectly fine for them to show up unannounced because they never had visitors out here at all and that she Carletta was welcomed anytime.

They got to the farm house and got out of the pickup went through the gate and as usual the Professor and his wife were sitting out on the porch and greeted Carletta very acceptingly and the Professor then noticed Andrea with her and called her by name and asked if she were one of his pupils at the university recalling she was very intelligent, and very interested in his teachings.

Carletta then said that it was good that the Professor knew Andrea and then told them that she was her sister in law. And very best friend.

The Professor then asked if Andrea was there to ask questions about her husband and gave her their deepest sympathy of hearing his death.

Carletta said no Professor it’s not that at all as to why she’s with me.

She wants to know about the… the… “Thing”!

The professor almost irate at her having told anyone anything about the creature they had but was quieted as Carletta told him that Andrea was here to feed it!

Well with the air finally cleared about all that and why Carletta had another even younger woman with her calmed his total fear that was getting out to everyone to fast.

Now his wife on the other hand was totally different about it!

She got up threw her arms around each of the young women’s shoulders and said;

“Lets ladies go inside and have a bit of hot brew and you two look like you need it as it seems you both have been drinking.”

So off to the kitchen table they went and sat down as his wife Olleda poured them each a cup of the hot brew and sat down with them.

Olleda made small talk of sorts asking of course if Andrea indeed took her husbands classes as she comfirmed this, though seemingly getting a bit squirmy acting twisting and turning in her chair figgitidy

of sorts.

So Olleda catching onto this quickly called her husband into the kitchen and sit down and start taking notes in his diary that the new one Andrea was getting called!!

He came right in then and sat at the table with his diary already open looking at Andrea and writing down what he was seeing and how she was reacting.

Olleda just got up and said I believe I must and better make the hot brew a bit stronger for this one don’t you agree honey?

He looking at the much younger Andrea and indeed said Yes she will need it if the… the… “Thing” is calling her back!

Both Andrea and Carletta alike were squirming in their chairs now and he took note that it seemed both were somehow being mentally summoned by this… this… “Thing”.

Olleda had noticed it as well and telling both her husband and Carletta who already knew the affects and asked Carletta if it was calling her back to?

Carletta told them Yes… Yes… it was summoning her to! But not like it had the first time it wasn’t as strong a calling to her as before!

As all eyes turned to Andrea and watched as she was really getting the full blunt of the mental almost mind controlled calling from something, somewhere, calling her to come to it.

Olleda stood up and poured her an even stronger cup of brew and said drink it quickly my dear you will need it to go where your being called.

As Andrea drank it quickly and Carletta to stood up and she and Olleda grabbed Andrea up and took her to the living room and immediately began disrobing her as Andrea was shaking and shivering both from the affects of the stronger brew and by the absolute wild mental callings of this “Thing”!

Then her bra and panties followed now fully naked before them all caring none that she was even so in front of strangers no doubt, escort çorlu as both Olleda and the Professor made absolute mental note that this one was even more slender than Carletta, with much smaller sized tits in size but her tits were very puffy nippled.

Looking between her legs she had a far more black curly haired pussy as to Carlettas more dark brown longer haired one, and had indeed a very much more profound showing of clitoral area that stood out more and was in fact even much longer than hers or Carlettas and had thin long dark brown colored lips poking out from the curly black pubic mound.

Olleda shuddered herself at the thought of all that much more clit and pussy lips meant this one was going to feel it and feel it good!!

As she and Carletta now grabbed the shuddering and shivering Andrea under the arms and led her down the hall the Professor right behind again noting that this one had an even tighter rounded ass but more so than that she indeed had wider hips than Carletta the kind of hips that he referred to as “breeding” hips!

Now they arrived at the door Carletta and Olleda having Andrea under the arms stood back as the Professor slowly opened the door peeked in and saw that the “Thing” was in the far corner, But it was bigger headed than before and already it’s deep gray eyes glowed.

Just as they did when looking into the other two womens eyes saying to him that now this… this… “Thing” was already lustfully wanton and excited to be given a new sacrifice… A new victim!

In came Carletta and Olleda with young Andrea and led her to the bed of which as yet she hadn’t seen the creature… The “Thing” that was about to feed on her pussy.

As they put her on the mattress and put her back against the wall and each one grabbed a leg then and there and spread them wide open and shoved her legs up into the air and against her flatly planted feet and pulled her arms down between her legs and got up and stood back.

The Professor now sat right down at the edge of the mattress on the side as always with pen and diary making every note of just what his wife and Carletta had done to Andrea to themselves get her ready to accept the “Thing” to come and feast on what had to be one very delicious pussy.

Unlike Carletta’s and his wife’s pussies that were very tight lipped together, Andrea on the other hand lips were long and spread open to the very opening of her cunt he noted. Even more so was that she had one much longer and bigger clit area that stood out proudly and profoundly right into her long thin lips!

As Olleda went and stood before the creature the “Thing” and it immediately raised it’s body up upon it’s many tentacles now longer and fuller and some of them even now had tiny little feet all up and down them like centipede has.

It crawled forth much more like walking now than slithering and snaking as it had before getting these tiny hundreds and hundreds of legs on some of it’s tentacles and specifically used them to now walk towards the new victim giver of nourishment it seemed to know and act as if that was what it knew now.

Andrea still there as she was put her long slim legs pulled up to her knees and spread wide open had not seen the creature as yet even Olleda was in front of it blocking her view to see what the hell it was coming to feed on her pussy as she knew it to be.

Then Olleda arrived at the end of the mattress and stepped away and went back to standing beside Carletta hugging her as both shuddered and cherished the thought and feel younger Andrea was about to feel and seemingly one hell of a lot different and better!

Andrea tried to get up to push herself up and get away from this… this… “Thing” that looked just like a damn octopus in her minds thoughts as it crawled upon the mattress with much more ease using it’s tiny hundreds of hair like legs and Olleda and Carletta both got right on the mattress immediately and grabbed Andrea and pushed her back down onto the mattress.

Telling her do not show any fear and look into it’s eyes that helps a whole lot!

As her eyes did indeed look right into the “Things” glowing gray ones much bigger now they were and more defined than before as she shuddered and shook all over as it was mentally enveloping her mind with the lust and wanton need to have it feast on her young pussy.

The Professor again told that it had no intention to harm at all, it’s only need and desire was pleasure for her and it to feed on her life giving to it liquids, and juices.

Andrea was back right on the mattress with that tight little rounded ass of hers her back solidly up against the wall as it and she were locked into each others eyes.

As it’s feeding tentacle came forth from it’s body the sucker mouth much bigger, much wider, than before and now a long almost snake like tongue shot out of it’s mouth a whole thing it had grown as well and that made Andrea shiver like crazy at seeing it come shooting out of the sucker mouth of the “Thing” her belly quivering as her body was seeing it as if in her it was already shooting up into!

Seeing this made both Carletta and Olleda gasp out and shudder themselves at knowing with this addition it absolutely would go into a woman’s vagina and deeply at that!! As if this… this…”Thing” had absolutely acquired that for the sole purpose of thrusting it up into a woman’s vagina/pussy.

Both of them now fully wanton to have this damn “Thing” feed on them again and feel that thrusting up into their pussies, their vaginas, and the thought of the intense pleasure that would give them filled their minds.

Almost jealous that it was to be the much younger Andrea who would get that first pleasure from it’s newly added and grown long shooting out and snaking out tongue from it’s sucker mouth.

While çorlu escort bayan it’s tentacle slithered and squirmed forwards now nearly to where Andreas shaking and quivering hands between her legs were as Olleda told her reach out and grab it behind the head and aim it at her vagina to have began to suck and feast on her.

Andrea reluctantly reached her shivering hands out and grasp the “Things” tentacle behind the sucker mouth of it that was now fully opened and squeezing open and shut the much more profound sand paper like inner mouth very much bigger than when Carletta and Olleda had it come to them.

Everyone noticing and both women gasping and heatedly grunting out as they saw that now the “Things” tentacle was bigger much bigger than when they had it in their hands. Or was it that Andreas hands were much smaller and it absolutely both!!

Her hands could not fully encircle the girth of it’s tentacle, it had swollen and grown out that much bigger than when they’d had it in their hands.

Andrea was watching wide eyed and full of lust and need and fear all tied together seeing this “Things” tentacle come snaking and squirming up between her legs and having just grabbed it behind it’s sucker mouth she shivered all over in mindful anticipation of it attacking her pussy.

Just as the sucker mouth got right up to her pussy it’s mouth spread even further open and then there attached itself to her entire pussy and clitoral area all together at once.

She flung her head back and wailed out loudly and then and there shook all over and writhed and churned her upper body against the wall about as the gnawing and sucking of it’s mouth on her pussies entirety sent her over the top with a mind blowing orgasm then and there.

The Professor told her that she must try and tell him what it’s doing as it’s doing it so he can make a complete and thorough writing of it all each time.

She just cried out it was sucking and chewing and something really really rough was gnawing at her p… her p… her pussy! Screaming out she was having a mind blowing orgasm from all this!!

Then her back arched outwards from the wall she about came right off the mattress squirming and writhing and twisting as she cried out something was… was…. shooting up into her a tongue oh it’s tongue was shooting up into her!!

As then and there that screamed out she fell limply back onto the mattress her head fell forwards but her body shook and shuddered over and over and over again each time telling them all that tongue of it was shooting into the depths of her pussy.

The juices gushing from her cunt as it swallowed them the professor taking absolute note that she gushed way way way more than his wife or Carletta had by how it drank her juices gulpingly down into it’s long tentacle throat swell after swell of each gushing juice wave moved through it’s long tentacle and filled the “Things” belly with all of it.

Freckled little Andrea was glowing and just shooting her limp head up as it plunged that tongue deep up into her pussy.

So intense it was that her entire freckled body glowed from each one all over her face contorted in reddening of them on her face as well as her body and just absolute gasping for air grunts filled the room as the “Things” suckered mouth worked her pussy over and the wet as hell sucking sounds of it’s mouth came loudly in unison of her gasping grunts.

Both Carletta and Olleda alike were now absolutely fingering the hell out of their pussies from watching this… this… “Thing” suck at and newly tongue fucking the shit out of Andreas much younger pussy both a gasp from hearing and seeing the huge amount of juices being sucked from her.

The Professor made absolute note that his wife and the younger Carletta were themselves captivated by the… the… “Thing” so much that they were playing with themselves as the absolute smell of womanly pussy scent was filling the whole damn room now!!

Finally the “Thing” had finished it’s upper body was totally swollen outwards below it’s head filled to the max with the juices of young Andrea’s pussy givings. She slumped headed over as it freed it’s sucker mouth from her whole pussy with a loud vacuum sounding pop.

Andrea then and there just fell forward with her entire back and body her pulled up and spread wide open legs limply shot out and fell onto the mattress her pussy wrecked, and chewed all up, her cunt lips stretched much further outwards, in their being sucked so hard and so intensely up into it’s mouth and red gnawing scratching like marks were all over her pussy and her now fully extended out clit that hung like a finger and was fallen down into her petal lips splayed wide open and soaked as could be.

Her pussy spasm’s were going absolutely crazy right with everything else going on!!

Carletta and Olleda both themselves had strong powerful orgasms from watching this creature… this being… this “Thing” tongue fuck and suck and eat and chew at little Andrea’s pussy they themselves each acted as though they themselves felt it’s tongue and mouth on their own pussies!!

And now went and got on the mattress and picked limp little Andrea up and carried her into the living room.

The creature… the “Thing” crawled right back to it’s corner and bask in the absolute unbelievable and best tasting pussy juice feeding it had as yet. As if showing and telling the professor who still sat right in his spot writing in his diary and taking every note of the creatures once finished reaction to it all and wrote down himself that it seemed to have fed on the best tastiest juiciest pussy yet!!

What happens now? What about the women? Do they near fight now?

Argue and brawl to be one that gets the next pleasure from it?

Does it acquire new ways and body adaptions to further pleasure them?

One of them wants that “Thing” to absolutely tentacle fuck her!! Which One is it?

That is in Chapter 4 or 5 or 6!!

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