Cindi’s First Experience


I am writing this because ALI (READ ALI’S FIRST MODELING EXPERIENCE!) has constantly been nagging me to and I have read the beautiful comments from her story. Bobbi has also been telling me of the great response she has received from her most personal experience.

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(BOBBI’S DAY OF FANTASY)! I have hesitated for many weeks about putting my story on line about my about most intimate experience, but these are my friends and I really enjoyed your comments.

First I want to tell you a little about me. I am 19 and single. I am a little on the shy side. My parents just recently nudged me out of their house. They said I needed to experience life. I was apprehensive at first about being on my own, being shy and never really having to deal with serious problems, like food, rent, utilities etc. Deep down I really wanted my freedom, but was not quite sure I wanted all the responsibilities with having this freedom. I have also seen many of my high school girl friends getting married right from high school and having families. They moved from a family where father was in control to where their husband was in control which never left them with truly dealing with the real problems in life. I really did not want that either.

Another problem I have is guys. It seems they always promise you this or that, but in reality they only want one thing. AM I RIGHT GIRLS? Oh, I have had my share of boyfriends, but I could never see a lasting relationship. Again, I have seen so many of my girl friends falling for the same ole line. If there is one thing us girls always remember it is when WE GAVE UP OUR INNOCENCE! Am I RIGHT??? I did not want my first experience to be some cheap motel room, or the aftermath of drinking to much at a party or some other one night stand where he promised the world, but forgot you the next day!

I wanted my first experience to be a truly pleasurable experience. Oh I was not dreaming of saving myself for marriage, in fact I do not think I really want that either. I just wanted my first time to be one of REAL ENJOYMENT and PASSION!


Or was until this experience.

Girls, I truly have to say it was worth waiting for as my first experience will be one I will truly remember with the greatest happiness and pleasure I have ever experienced in my life!! In my wildest imagination, I could never have dreamed of the experiences I had that day and of all places


If there were any ghost still in this town watching us that day, they will remember us for the rest of eternity!! Read on and tell me you donÕt agree?

Let me go back in time. I met Ali a short time ago. We hit it off right away and became friends. I would tell her about my boyfriends and of the other girl stuff we girls always chat about. She told me that she felt just like I did and had many of the same problems and feelings until recently when her life took a drastic change. She said she also was a little shy and apprehensive of guyÕs real intentions. Of course she was not nearly as innocent as I was was, but we really hit it off.

She told me her outlook on life changed when she met this photographer. I thought she would start talking about him as a boyfriend, but she said it was not that kind of relationship! In reality it was a much stronger than any mere boyfriend relationship, but with no ties. Now I was starting to get confused. Ali was talking about a relationship that made her eyes twinkle, her mood get extremely happy and yet she could not tell me what kind of relationship this was! She then started showing me some of the photos she posed for. She said these were from her first photo session. I had never seen such extreme photos before. They were so simple, but so sensual. The outfits were nothing unusual, but very sexy. The poses seemed so natural. Then she showed me her lingerie photos. I said, Ali you posed like that? She said look at the photos and tell me what you see. I then started looking at these photos not as my friend, but from a artistic point of view. Then I could see why these were AliÕs most cherished photos. You could see the passion. the desire, the absolute innocence of feminity. These photos were teasing, they were sexy, they were so very erotic, yet no one could ever call them trashy. I was beginning to get a faint idea where this relationship was heading. I then asked her quietly Do you have a thing going? She merely smiled and walked away leaving me going through these photos with a tinge of I wonder if I could do something like this?

A few days later, Ali said we had to see her friend Bobbi. Bobbi was like a big sister to her. So we went to Bobbis . We chatted for awhile, then Ali said to Bobbi Tell Cindi about our photo shoot. They looked at each other, then turned back to me with twinkles in their eyes and smiles of happiness I could not understand. Bobbi then brought out some photos anadolu yakası escort of Ali and Bobbi posing in some remote area with tall grass, water wheels and streams. They starting showing me photos, giggling about this photo and that and of the fun they had. Ali then said,Come on Bobbi, where are the other photos? Bobbi then hesitantly brought out some photos with Ali & Bobbi modeling in lingerie. They were in tall grass, on the water wheel and all over this remote area. Again, these poses were so natural, so sexy and so very, very erotic, but never trashy. The photos started to get more revealing and sexy, but still not trashy, just much more revealing and more revealing. I was beginning to again get jealous, and for some reason a little turned on. Girls, if you ever saw these photos, you would start feeling the same way. It was starting to get a little, no a lot, uncomfortable you know what I mean? I then asked Ali, So what happened next? They just looked at each other with their eyes glittering and smiles beaming. I knew there was much more going on then they were telling, and strangely enough this was making me more uncomfortable not knowing what they were hiding.

Then Bobbi said something that absolutely blew me away. My marriage has never been better because of that day!

I thought these two were having illicit affairs with this photographer, but Ali said her confidence level was greatly improved along with her relationships and Bobbi said her marriage was at a all time high, yet neither would tell me what really happened during that photo session that so drastically changed their lives.

Deep down, I wanted to go to one of these photo sessions. I did not want to pose, I was to shy for that, I just wanted to find out what it was that could make two girls so very happy, yet so very secretive as to what really happened. I shyly asked Ali, Could I go with you guys next time?

They looked at each other and turned back with the deepest smiles and glittery eyes I have ever seen. Ali said, Lets see what happens.

If you readers have been keeping track of what has been happening, and have sent Emails concerning these stories, I am sure you realize it has been Ali who has been answering most of the Emails . Ali has gone from a person of apprehension to one of extreme confidence. She has started to take control of what is happening both with this photographer , at least at his office, and at the photo shoots. No one knows exactly what kind of relationship they have, but they know there is one. When this photographer asked Ali if she & Bobbi would like to have a photo shoot in a ghost town, Ali jumped at the request. She then asked if I could come. The photographer looked at her with apprehension, but Ali said She is very shy, but you will really like her. Ali later told me that it took all her feminine charms and persuasion to get me to go. She also told me it could cost her job if I messed up. I guaranteed her that there would be no problems whatsoever. Not only was I getting very excited about going on a photo shoot with two close friends, I was getting more excited going to a real ghost town! Girls, have you ever been to a real ghost town?

Ali said we had to meet him at 7AM. This met I had to be up and ready at 5AM. There was a long drive ahead of us, but no one seemed to care. We all were so excited, but there was more excitement between Ali and Bobbi than I could understand . I knew this was going to be an occasion I would never forget. WAS I EVER RIGHT!!!

We met at a restaurant where he bought us breakfast. He said we would need all the energy we could get. After breakfast, we followed him from a primary road then to a secondary road. Bobbi said, Isnt this the same route we were on last time? Apparently this photographer knew an area that was a major industrial complex in the 1800s , spreading for miles and miles, but, now was all in ruins and mostly buried in the woods! We made a sharp turn on a small road and headed down a steep hill ( around a mile down.), then up another hill and back down a steeper hill. He then turned off on a dirt road for about a mile. Out of nowhere, we came upon what seemed main street! There were buildings all around us. We proceeded down main street where we saw faint signs of Post office, saloon, hotel, and many smaller buildings. THIS WAS TRULY A GHOST TOWN!

Soon we pulled into a small clearing. This photographer said that this town had a population in the 1,000s and at one time was a major city a 100 years ago. Yet this was still a mining town, so when the mines gave out, so did the city. We took a tour of this by gone city. He said forget all your cares, for today we are in the past. Just visualize you are back in time 100 years ago and think what excitement and hard work it was like when this town was alive. All of us started visualizing being in this city when it was alive. But what intrigued us most was walking ataşehir escort by the saloon and thinking what it must have been like being a saloon girl surrounded by 100s of minors! Girls, just imagine walking down this street of abandoned buildings and thinking what it was really like then. I also knew that Ali and Bobbi were going to be modeling in these buildings and I was starting to get jealous and very excited!

Ali and Bobbi had brought many of their own outfits, but this photographer had also brought some of his own. He said we are going to start out with long dresses. These were long white cotton dresses. Ali and Bobbi found a private spot and started changing. They seemed really excited about this modeling. Bobbi said she wanted to try this modeling from the beginning as she was to shy last time. She said she knew how I really felt, but that I would soon have an experience like I have never had and would remember it forever. WAS SHE EVER RIGHT!!

They changed in front of me with such happiness. I did notice neither wore a bra. They said number one rule in modeling was no bra! This seemed strange at first, but I soon learned why. These were long white cotton dresses so there was really nothing to see. The sun was just starting to come over the mountain. Ali and Bobbi started posing on the steps of one of the buildings. First one then the other. As time was passing they were becoming more like girls back then. They were posing on the steps, the railings and all around the houses. The sun started hitting their dresses giving a silhouette of their figures. You could see nothing, but imagine everything! These poses looked so sexy and teasing. I was starting to get jealous. Soon we were coming to the saloon. He said Start thinking like a saloon girl. Interesting thing about these dresses was the elastic tops. Girls you know what I mean. The tops could be tight fitting or they could be brought down the shoulders for a teasing effect. He had Ali and Bobbi bring their tops down their shoulders, way down, giving a glimpse of their cleavage, just like saloon girls. He said Think like a saloon girl. I could not believe how quickly Ali and Bobbi started thinking like saloon girls! They started showing more cleavage, more legs, more and more teasing poses as if they actually were saloon girls. Their poses were so natural, so teasing, and so very erotic, yet never trashy. Could I do this?

A few more early style outfits always changing in front of me. They started teasing me with their figures. They were starting to excite me with their poses. I hate to say it, but I was starting to get excited just watching them. These were girls, not guys, why was I getting excited? I was definitely getting jealous, but excited? Yet with each change of outfit, Ali and Bobbi just teased me more and more. What was happening? The more they posed, the more their eyes twinkled and the more excited they were getting. Girls can tell, more than guys, when another girl is getting excited. Girls you definitely know what I mean. I mean there was no doubt whatsoever Ali and Bobbi were getting excited in ways I could not understand, BUT SOON WOULD!

The posing went on for several hours. Each change of outfit was more teasing and sexy than the one before. With each change, the excitement was increasing. The exotic posing, the increased teasing during changes, the gestures, I was getting turned on more and more. I was getting confused.I was getting more turned on watching Ali and Bobbi than I have ever been with any guy.! What was happening? They just smiled more and teased me more. Things were getting out of control. I was getting aroused beyond belief. What was I to do? What were they doing to me? Why was I getting turned on watching other girls? I have never had these desires before? I was confused. I was in turmoil. I was needing release real quick! Ever been in that predicament?

Finally he said Break time. Good, I could cool down and get back in control of my senses.

I thought break time was just that. True, it was a break and we did have soda and munches, but I had never been on a shoot. I did not realize what break time meant. Ali and Bobbi were starting to get even more excited, as if that was possible? They said things start to get even better after break time. Better? What did they mean. Why were they getting more excited? I could not take more excitement, I was just starting to cool down. Girls, you know how we start talking faster when we get excited. Ali and Bobbi were talking more sexy. After all, it was only us girls so it did not matter what we said. But they kept hinting on what would be happening next. They hinted, but were not sure exactly what would happen. They only knew shortly I was in for a big surprise. Was I Ever!

He called out Swim Suit Time!

As if on cue, Ali and Bobbi knew what was next. They got a pair of bikinis, bright blue ones. Sexy, teasing, but not to revealing. They aydınlı escort changed in front of me. I have seen girls changing in front of me before. We all have. Yet what Ali and Bobbi did next was shocking! I guess it was shocking to me, being new at this, but after I thought about it, it was really the natural thing to do. Before Ali put on her bikini, she stood naked in front of me, bringing her hands up and down her thighs, and said How do I look? I have never been asked by a naked girl, how she looks. Yes, we have all asked other girls this question, but that was going on a date or other event, all dressed up. How do I answer my best friends question? Ò How do I look?Ó in the nude? I had to think. I started looking at Ali differently. She asked the question so I had to answer how her sexy long blond hair came down her shoulders. How her perky breasts showed the beginning of being excited. How her neatly cut blond hair between her legs brought out her feminity. Oh she looked great, but this question was starting to turn me on again. Just as I was about to answer, Bobbi asked the same thing. Again standing nude in front of me with her hands going up and down her thighs. She was more mature, but also had a great figure. Her brown hair was shorter, but still great looking. Her breasts were much larger, but in a sexy, erotic way. Her dark hair between her legs was starting to turn me on. I could see some moisture forming. She was definitely turned on and made no mistake about it. They looked at each other with smiles and quickly changed before I could answer. They said, Ò Tell us later.Ó They were teasing me and knew it!!

Another pair of swim suits came some more teasing. I could see they were both getting excited. Their breasts were getting tight and nipples more pointed. There were definite signs of moisture between their legs with this change. The more they teased me, the more they got turned on. The more turned on they got, the more excited I got. Where was this going? I was getting apprehensive as to where this was going. I was getting more excited thinking where this was going!

Next he said lingerie time.

Lingerie in a ghost town? This was different. I would never have thought of this, yet I remembered it was the lingerie poses that Ali and Bobbi like the most. It was bizarre that the poses they liked the most, and I have to admit that I did too, had to be kept in a different place as the average person could not understand the true significant of these poses. Remember, at first, I was shocked seeing Alis lingerie photos! As most of us, I did not understand, at first, the significant of these poses. I do now!

Ali picked out a red outfit. it was a satin one piece just above the knee killer piece! RED, THE COLOR OF PASSION! Bobbi pick out a green one similar to Alis. GREEN, THE COLOR OF ENVY! I could see the meaning. I could understand the purpose! RED was passion we were all holding back! GREEN was my envy or jealousy I was not part of this! I was again shocked to see they wore no panties, just the tops. After changing, they both looked at me with smile I soon came to recognize, but at the moment was one of confusion for me.

They posed, in these sexy outfits, on the stairs, on the railings, and inside these long since deserted buildings. The poses were so very natural, so sexy and yes extremely erotic. You could definitely see in their eyes this was true passion. They were not made up or fake. The pent-up

passion was clearly coming through in each and every pose. Their eyes, their body movements, everything they did was flowing of passion. I was getting turned on again! Far more than before!

My best friends were turning me just by watching them. This photographer knew a formula in bringing out true feminity, true passion, and yes the most exotic poses I had ever seen. I knew these photos would also be the most prized possession of Ali and Bobbi. I also knew they would have to be kept secret as very few would truly understand the real passion in these poses!

The three of us were watching each other knowing full well the effect we were having on each and every one of us. They were posing for me and knew they were turning me on beyond anything I had ever experienced! I could not take my eyes off them. This was so natural, so sexy and so erotic. We were oblivious to the surroundings. It was like a dream UNTIL HE SAID TIME TO CHANGE!

This broke our dream concentration, but not for long.

Ali, as usual, was the leader. She picked out a stunning bright white outfit for her. It was low cut and short with lace designs. Sexy, but not trashy. She picked out another white outfit for Bobbi. This one was also low cut to show off BobbiÕs larger breasts, but in a erotic sort of way. They looked at me and said in unison COME JOIN US. YOU WILL NEVER FORGET IT! How could I refuse? I was turned on more than I have ever been before. I had watched them posing with jealousy. My pent up desires were getting the better of me. I could not hold out much longer. I needed a release, but I was not sure what to do. They had sparked a flame of passion that was new to me. I knew what I needed. I knew what I wanted. I knew what I had to have! BUT HOW!

Maybe by joining them I could figure out something. I needed to do something really soon.

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