Convention Connection


Full disclosure: I’m a pretty big fan. However – I am NOT a FANATIC. Those people can be NUTS. It might be a fine line but there’s definitely a line.

I love all the movies and have enjoyed all the TV shows. Even the animated kid’s shows are fun. I mostly love the DESIGN. The world building, characters, vehicles, architecture, lore. It’s just fun to immerse yourself in a different galaxy from time to time.

So when a traveling convention came to a nearby city I decided to give it a try.

As soon as I walked into the convention hall I knew that I had entered into an entirely new world. The costumes, the sounds, the smells, the kids running around swinging plastic laser swords. I was in for a fun afternoon.

But it was the people that really took my breath away. The costumes were FANTASTIC! Some of these people looked like they had just stepped off the big screen. The elaborate helmets and armor. The flowing robes. The alien make-up. The flight-suits complete with breathing apparatus and blinking lights. A seven-foot-tall hairy dude strolled by with a dozen kids in his wake.

I was dressed pretty simply; black jeans and boots, a cotton, off-white shirt and my leather “solo” jacket. I thought I looked pretty good for a scruffy nerf-herder but I wouldn’t win an award in THIS crowd. It looked like there were hundreds of booths and I planned to visit them all so I started down the first aisle.

After a few stops I ran across a comic shop. I’ve read more than my share of comics in my day but I’m not really into them anymore so I started to pass it by when I noticed a stunning Jedi thumbing through the racks. She was wearing a light-colored tunic and had a billowy hood up over her black, curly hair. She had dark, smoky eyes painted in greens and golds and soft, pink lips. I sidled up to the rack across from her and pretended to be interested in the books but was watching her intently.

She must have sensed me looking at her because she glanced up at me and smiled. With a low, soft voice she said, “Hello, there.”

My heart skipped a beat. She was beautiful. As usually happens when I meet a beautiful woman my mind went completely blank. In an effort to hide this I usually say something stupid. This time was no different.

“Do you like comics?” What an idiot I am.

“I like the artwork. But the stories are kind of ‘out-there’.” She held my gaze with her dark green eyes. Her slight smile and arched eyebrow showed that she knew how uncomfortable I was.

“Right?” Seriously. That’s what I said. Good grief.

“Well – see you later.” She turned and I watched her walk away. Her tunic came down to her hips, which were clad in tight, tan pants. She wore brown, low-heeled boots that came up to her knees and I could see the flash of a saber hilt hanging from her wide, leather belt. She looked just as good from behind as she did from the front.

“Bye.” I whispered sadly, under my breath.

A few booths later I was standing in front of a wall covered in photo prints from the original trilogy. Many of them were signed by the featured stars and all of them took me back decades to a simpler time and place. I was studying a particularly sexy photo of a slave princess when I sensed a presence at my side.

“Do you like her?” I turned and was surprised to see the pretty Jedi again. I guess I didn’t scare her away with my witty repartee.

“Sixteen-year-old me was in love with her.”

“I’m partial to scoundrels, myself.” Her smile took my breath away.

We looked at pictures together and talked about our earliest memories of the galaxy far, far away. She was quick with a laugh and seemed genuinely interested in what I had to say. I finally started to relax around her and I may have even stopped sweating profusely after about twenty minutes or so.

“So, are you a Jedi?” I gave her a bit of a smirk.

She turned to face me, put her hands on her hips, looked at me sternly and answered, “I am Jedi Master Loreen L’Vinya. What is your name?”

“Call me Hans.” I held out my hand to her. She took it in hers and her face softened to a pretty smile.

“Pleased to meet you, Hans.”

“And I you, Master Loreen.”

“Are you solo?”

“Not anymore.”

We both laughed at our silliness and turned to see what else we could find on the convention floor.

We spent a lot of time in each booth together. She was just as amazed as I with the artistry displayed in the character figures and the posters. We laughed together at many of the t-shirts. (“My other starship is a Falcon. A FORD Falcon.”) One of the booths contained hundreds of ship and vehicle models from tiny to full sized. I showed her my favorites and we talked about how the designs changed and evolved in-universe and out. They even had Luke’s Landspeeder that we could get into. We took turns behind the wheel and used each other’s comlink devices for pictures. We were having a wonderful time.

I noticed an advertisement sign by the speeder that said, “For more photo-ops come to Booth 450”.

“Do you want porno 64 to do that?” I asked her hopefully.

“Absolutely!” She hit me with another devastating smile.

I grabbed her hand and led her through the crowd to the end of the row. Booth 450 was actually several booths, all roped off with a small ticket counter. There looked to be about 8 to 10 scenes set up and for a not-so-small fee you can enter and they will take pictures with your own comlink devices. I purchased a ticket for each of us and we entered a cosplay wonderland.

We had to wait a few minutes for each scene but that gave us time to talk about what we wanted to do. The first scene was a simple backdrop that looked like the famous ’77 poster from the original movie – without Luke and Leia. It took me back to when I first fell in love with these stories. When it was our turn I picked up a prop crossbow rifle, put the butt on my hip and popped a confident pose. Loreen got down on her knees beside me and wrapped herself around my leg, her hand very high on my thigh. I was afraid I would burst from my trousers like a space-slug but I managed to keep my composure while the attendants snapped dozens of photos with our comlinks.

The next scene was a recreation of the Falcon cockpit. I sat in the pilot’s seat and she stood at my shoulder pointing out the view screen.

“That’s no moon.” That might be when I fell in love with Master Loreen L’Vinya.

She sat in the co-pilot seat and we punched it together, imagining the star trails of hyperspace.

The next scene was just a phone booth sized closet covered in greeblies. We squeezed in and she put her hands up on my chest, looking deeply into my eyes.

“You know – we’re supposed to kiss in here,” she whispered and her green eyes twinkled in the stage lighting. Loreen pressed her body against me and raised herself up on her toes to place a soft, lingering kiss on my lips. Rockets went off in my head like a Special Edition closing scene. There were crowds of aliens cheering, furry Ewoks dancing, X-Wings zooming by leaving fireworks in their slipstream.

Just as I was about to grab her and give her a long, hard kiss (she could use a good kiss!) a fussy dude in a gold suit tapped me on the shoulder. When I turned back to Loreen she was gone and the moment was over.

We visited the rest of the scenes and took hundreds of pictures. We crossed lightsabers while floating over a lava river. Hid from stormtroopers behind shipping containers. Stared down Vader on the Death Star gantry. I got a really cute shot of her feeding a data disk to an R2 unit.

I held her in the Bespin scene and told her, “You look absolutely beautiful. You truly belong here with us among the clouds.” That got me another sweet kiss and was totally worth the groans I heard from the other folks waiting in line.

I don’t know when I’d had more fun and I couldn’t WAIT to see all the pictures. I will treasure them forever.

As we were leaving the photo area hand-in-hand there was a sign advertising “Light Speed Cantina. Fine off-world drinks and snacks.”

“Can I buy you a drink, flyboy?”

“That sounds great!”

We made our way to the cantina and were seated at a tall table by the bar. The cantina was dressed pretty well. Lots of mysterious pipes, tubes and chambers. Glowing orbs. Animated alien creatures in tanks. There was a Droid DJ playing loud techno-music and talking to the patrons. We ordered drinks and snacks and just watched the people interact around us.

“Can I see your saber?” I asked while we waited for our food.

“If I can see yours.” She gave me a sly look and lifted an eyebrow slightly. My face flushed with heat and my pants tightened.

“Unfortunately, they don’t let scoundrels like me enter armed. I am without a trusty blaster at my side.”

“That’s a shame.” She reached town and unclipped her lightsaber hilt and held it out to me. It was a beautiful piece, gold and silver. It looked like it came from a more civilized age. It fit her perfectly.

“It’s lovely.” I returned the hilt to her as our food and drinks arrived.

I had a “Tatooine Sunset” and Loreen had a “Jabba Juice” with rubbery blue bubbles floating in it. We got a “Happabore Sampler” – a large plate of difficult to describe food. Crunchy sticks that looked like dried tails from small creatures. Gooey, fruity bites. Crispy chips, both salty and sweet. It was all alien and wonderful.

As we were eating and talking a rather rotund fellow in an overly revealing brass bikini sat at the bar and went to town on a frothy drink in a carved mug and a plate of food like ours.

Loreen looked at me and said in a froggy voice, “How you get so big eating food of this kind?”

I laughed so hard I was afraid Yip Yip would come out of my nose!

“You know – I love a little role-playing but some of these people are certifiable,” she said with a smile.

“It’s a big galaxy. I’ve seen a lot of strange things. But I’ve never seen anyone as beautiful as you.” I reached Türkçe altyazılı porno over and took her hand in mine.

She smiled and gazed into my eyes. “You have your moments, Hans.”

After we left the Cantina we came across an area with a remote-control Droid course and dozens of different Droids that you could drive. I have to tell you – Master Loreen was not very good at controlling her Droid. I guess being strong in The Force only goes so far.

We spent the rest of the afternoon together exploring all that the convention had to offer. We laughed and talked. Gasped and groaned. Were amazed and disgusted together. I didn’t want it to end but it was getting late and I knew we didn’t have much time left. I had a bad feeling about this.

As we were heading to the exit Loreen stopped and turned to face me. “I had a wonderful day with you, Hans. Thank you.”

“Thank you! You are by far the sweetest Jedi I have ever met.” Though my voice was light my heart was heavy.

Loreen put her hands on my chest and reached up to put another head-spinning kiss on my mouth. This one lasted a bit longer and her mouth opened slightly. Her soft tongue slipped over my lips and I could taste her saliva and lipstick.

When the kiss ended she kept her pretty face close to mine and said, “You know – I have a dark side.” She gave me another quick kiss, turned smartly on her heels and walked out the door.

My worlds crumbled to dust. Wave after wave of sadness and longing struck me in that moment. I felt as though I was standing in the middle of an empty desert and would never see another living soul again.

Suddenly I realized that she had slipped something into my jacket pocket. It was a business card from one of the vendors and she had written on the back:

Come to the Dark Side

Rm 1244


My head was filled with a thunderous Williams theme and my body became alive with the Living Force. I’ll see her again! If I can just survive for the next two hours!

I practically skipped out of the convention hall and walked down to a diner a couple of blocks away. I sat at the counter and had a light meal while reliving the fantastic day I had just shared with Loreen. I was even able to block out the two fanatics arguing about what was and wasn’t canon. One was dressed like a pink and blue Mandelorian and the other was painted green with knobby things glued to his bald head. Canon? Sheesh! It’s fiction written for kids! Get a life!

I considered engaging with them but decided against it when I remembered something my own father (a wise master he was) once said to me:

“Argue with an idiot and create another.”

The time passed excruciatingly slowly but I finally made my way back to the convention hotel and took the elevator to the 12th floor. At the end of the hall was 1244. Nice room. Double doors. A suite.

I approached the door at exactly 9.00 and knocked softly.

After a few seconds I heard the door click and it swung in about a half inch. But it did not open. Strange. I looked again to make sure I was in the right place. Yep. 1244.

Then I heard a strong, husky, female voice. “Enter.”

I obeyed the command without a thought and entered the room. I was in a small entryway with a full-length mirror facing the door. I took a quick glance at myself and wondered again if I was in the right place. I closed the door behind me and was plunged into near total darkness. Only the sliver of light from under the door behind me illuminated the floor.

“Why are you here?” demanded the husky voice.

“I was invited by Jedi Master L’Vinya.”

“There is no Jedi here. Come show yourself.”

I stepped around the corner into the living room of the suite. The room was completely dark. All I could see was the silhouette of a figure standing before the slight glow of the draped floor-to-ceiling window.

“What is your name and, again, why are you here? Do not lie to me.” I could just barely make out the figure before me as my eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness.

“I am Hans and I have come to join with the Dark Side.”

“What you desire, you do not understand. The Dark Side is a path few can traverse.

“Peace is a lie. There is only Passion.

Through Passion, I gain Strength.

Through Strength, I gain Power.

Through Power, I gain Victory.

Through Victory my chains are Broken.

The Force shall free me.”

I took a step towards the shadowed figure. “I am very interested in the Passion part.”

“Passion is just the start of your journey.” There was a sudden snap-hiss as a bright red beam slowly extended from the hilt in her right hand. The entire room was bathed in an eerie red light and she was finally revealed, taking the very breath from my body.

In a moment my eyes took in a sight that would take pages to fully describe. Her head was covered with a black cowl hiding her face but her green eyes and glossy, blood red lips flashed in the crimson saber light. The sex izle cowl was part of a black cape that was draped over her shoulders and running down her back, tied with a black ribbon at her alabaster throat. Her torso was just barely covered by a tight, black, leather camisole with a neckline that plunged to her belly revealing the milky, white edges of her breasts on either side. Her skirt was a small flap of black leather that was tied at her waist and barely covered the delta of her bare, white thighs. The sultry curve of her smooth, creamy hips were completely exposed and her legs were covered in shiny, black boots with four-inch stiletto heels that came halfway up her thighs. She also wore long, black, shiny gloves with the fingers open that ran up above her elbows. Her long nails were blood red and gleamed in the pulsating light.

My heart jumped into my throat and my cock instantly hardened to carbonite. She was absolutely the sexiest creature I had ever seen.

“I am Darth D’Zirous. The Dark Side is a path that must be traveled by two. Do you wish to join me?”

“I would give anything to join you.” My voice was barely a whisper.

“Come kneel before me,” she commanded.

My body glided to her as if pulled by a powerful tractor beam. I knelt at her feet as she raised her lightsaber and placed it to the side of my neck. I could almost feel the heat coming off of it but it was probably just the heat coming off of me.

“You shall be now known as Darth Dan’Jerous. You will begin your journey to the Dark Side, with me as your guide.”

“Command me, Master D’Zirous.” My head bowed humbly.

I looked up as I felt her move closer and stand with her legs wide right in front of me, just inches from my face. She held the glowing, humming lightsaber with one hand and pulled the cord of her skirt with the other, throwing the tiny skirt aside. Her pussy was bare, smooth, wet and stunning in the throbbing red light.

“There is only Passion. Show me your Passion.” She grabbed my head and pulled my face between her legs, pressing her hot pussy onto my hungry mouth. I reached up under her cape, grabbed her smooth, bare ass and pulled her to me even more. I licked all around her beautiful pussy and nibbled on the soft skin between her wet petals and her thighs. I felt her shudder with desire when I took one of those petals between my lips and sucked it gently. I ran my slippery tongue up her quivering slit and found the nub of her clit, teasing it and circling it before sucking lightly. I could tell from her hip movements and moans that I was driving her wild with dark, sensual pleasure.

“I see you have been to the Dark Side before.” Her breathless voice was but a whisper.

“Yes, my Master. But never with such a beautiful and powerful guide.”

I slipped two fingers into her hot wetness and began to slowly and gently explore inside her silky cave while continuing to suck and nibble on her very aroused button. Her hips started to buck and her moans got louder and more urgent when I found her G-spot with my slippery fingers and began to slowly stoke her fire. She dropped her saber to the floor and held my head tightly, pushing herself harder into my face. For long minutes I continued to raise her arousal to dizzying heights while she moaned and groaned with dark delight.

“I am going to cum so hard! Don’t stop! Give me the release I need!”

“Share with me your Dark Passion, Master! I want to drink of it!”

I felt her body start to spasm and she arched her back, grabbing my hair with both hands. She threw her head back and cried out, “Yes! Yes! I’m cumming for you!”

Her pussy suddenly exploded with moisture as a mammoth orgasm racked her body. I licked, sucked and massaged her all the way through her epic release of passion and held her tight as her knees weakened and she began to teeter on her heels. I kissed her sweetly all around her fantastic pussy as her moans of pleasure dissipated and her breathing calmed.

“Yes. You will make a fine Dark Side apprentice,” she said breathlessly. “But I must sit.” She pulled the cord holding her cowl and cape, dropping them to the floor. Her sleek, black outfit was even more stunning when uncovered and my beskar-hard cock throbbed with intense desire. She sauntered to the couch and sat, crossing her legs and putting her arms up on the backrest. She looked stunning.

“Open the drapes,” she commanded.

I pulled the curtains aside, revealing the glittering lights of the city below. It was beautiful and looked just like the city-planet of Coruscant. The golden glow filled the room with a soft light.

“Come to me.” I eagerly returned to stand before her. She slowly, languidly uncrossed her black, shiny legs flashing that beautiful pussy. She reached up and softly rubbed the throbbing bulge in my pants. I swear I almost filled my drawers with Moof Milk just from that simple touch.

D’Zirous stared deep into my eyes and said, “I wish to hold your saber.”

Never breaking eye contact she unclasped my belt, unbuttoned and unzipped my pants, revealing my sopping wet briefs. She ran her fingernails around the wetness there and slowly pulled my pants down to drop at my ankles. She then carefully hooked her thumbs in the waistband of my briefs and pulled them down until my engorged cock bounced out suddenly.

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