Couples Camp Ch. 06


Brad woke to the sound of an alarm ringing. The noise coming from the dorm speaker reverberated off the walls reminiscent of an emergency vehicle speeding down a narrow city street. Bouncing off the walls and alerting everyone it was time to wake.

“Ten minutes to gym class,” screeched the early morning announcement.

Brad began to rise slowly still not fully awake when the discomfort of his new device reminded him of his predicament. It was morning and he had the typical morning stiffness, but this was not a typical morning for sure. He strained against his cage, which only added to the pain from the still sore piercing, but he had to get up, he had to relieve himself.

As Brad got up out of bed, and headed towards the bathroom, the fact he was naked in a room full of other men didn’t even cross his mind. He was too concerned with his tenderness, to worry about the other men seeing his situation. The embarrassment didn’t hit him, until he attempted to relieve himself as he normally would. He stood at the toilet to pee but his stream was broken by his new piercing and shot all over the floor and side of the bowel. He looked around to see if anyone had noticed, and saw that a few of the other men were sitting down. He realized that was the solution to his dilemma and quickly sat, hoping no one would realize what he had done. Brad did his business and got up ready to get dressed.

Brad was taking his cue from the other men, who were going to their lockers, and getting their clothes for the day, as he went over and opened it up. There it was a pair of tan shorts and a green bikini top hanging in the locker, staring back at him.

What the hell, he thought.” I’m not a woman.”

`Then he thought back to the conversation the night before. Both the stern lecture Nick had given as well as the wishful feelings Brooke had expressed. Brad decided if all these other guys can wear this so can I, and he wanted nothing more than to make Brooke happy. Giving this his best effort was what she wanted and dam it that is what he was going to do, give it his best effort. The other men were getting help with tying the top on from each other and so Brad turned and asked the man next to him for help.

“Sure ten.” The other man responded to the request.

Brad thought it was weird even the men in here referred to each other by their number and not their names.

“Thanks nine. ” Brad responded, as he finished adjusting the top.

It felt weird wearing a woman’s bikini top, and now he was trying to adjust his caged member in a pair of shorts that where way too short and way too tight.

The bathroom was abuzz with men brushing their teeth, getting dressed and ready for the day and Brad was trying to keep up. It was all new to him but he was committed to trying to do his best. The first of the men were done and heading out into the brisk morning air. Brad hurried and followed the rest of the guys as they hurried out of the dorm and started jogging.

Brad was doing his best to keep up with the rest of the men as they jogged around the lake, when they finally arrived at a clearing on the far end of the water.

The men began to line up in rows and stood arm’s length away from each other as they looked forward to a short haired man standing on a rock in the front of the group.

“Ok ladies let’s get started.” Announced the instructor.

This guy looked like a drill sergeant and sounded like one too. For the next half hour or so they went through a series of calisthenics and stretches that had Brad realizing how out of shape he really was.

“That’s it ladies get your ass moving.” He Yelled.

Brad followed as everyone started off again jogging. For what seemed like the next hour Brad tried his best to keep up with the group as they hurried the rest of the way around the lake, arriving back at the resort. Brad followed along as the whole group filed their way into the cantina area where they were allowed to sit.

“Ten, rite?” the man who had helped him with his top this morning asked.

“Uh yeah, nine right?” Brad responded as the two sat together at an empty table.

The two men sat down and were served, by another group of men dressed the same as they had been the night before at dinner service. Brad and nine ate their breakfast consisting of an English muffin, grapes and a few slices of cheese, while they made small talk.

“So how long have you been staying here at Pine Lake?” Brad asked, nine.

“Well it’s been about a week for me I guess. It’s kind of hard to keep track here to be bonus veren siteler honest. I know I’m moving to the next grade today, so that’s good.”

“The next grade,” Brad enquired, questioning what that meant.

“Yeah that’s what they call it. It’s the next step in our relationship training. The first step is changing your views of your relationship. Learning to stop the “blame game” and instead looking at the relationship as a process involving both partners.”

Brad sat there listening to nine, hoping to get a better understanding of what was going on here and what was in store for him in the future.

“I saw you this morning having trouble with your cage. Must be new,”

“Uh yeah,” Brad responded uncomfortable knowing nine had noticed.

“Well you will get used to it, I got used to mine.” Nine said with an air of confidence in his voice.

Brad was shocked, he hadn’t noticed nine had a cage on, but then again he was trying not to look at the other men walking around naked this morning.

“It helped me a lot to understand my role with Ma’am and how I fit into the relationship. I’m sure it will help you focus on your relationship as it has me. I was a little concerned at first but I have to say it really is a big help for me.”

Brad sat there quite, not saying a word, as nine continued to explain.

“I’m a little worried about how the next grad, I hear it can be ruff. “

“Oh yeah?” Brad questioned.

“Well the next grade is about modifying dysfunctional behavior. So I have been told we will start taking what we have learned in the first grade and start applying it in real life.”

Before Brad could ask questions about what that meant their plates where collected up and they were directed to get to class at once.

“Well I’ll see you later friend.” Nine said as he shuffled off on his way.

Brad got up and headed to the same class he had been in the day before. As he made the climb up the steps to the classroom once again, he couldn’t help moving a little slow. He was still a little sore and not fully used to his cage yet. To add to his discomfort, now he was feeling a little chaffing from the cage rubbing against his leg, presumably from the long jog and tight shorts pushing his package tight against himself.

“Well, good morning ladies.”

Ladies? Brad thought, as he sat in the same seat he had the day before. That’s exactly how the drill sergeant addressed them this morning too but he thought it was just a macho guy making light of them, not being in good shape. But now the teacher was calling them ladies too? Well they were wearing a bikini top and girl shorts, so he figured it was just a head game they were playing with them. To be honest it seemed to be working. Brad was feeling a lot less like a man. His girlfriend had been stolen away from him, he had been bullied and made to cage his cock, pee sitting down and forced to wear girls clothes.

“Let’s get right to it, shall we?” The commanding Sir announced as Brad looked around noticing the empty seat nine had been sitting in the day before.

“I want you to all watch this next couple as they show what true love really looks like. Especially you, number ten.” He said looking directly at brad with an evil grin.

The video started. It was a couple sitting on a couch around a fire pit. It looked like it was the fire pit Brad had seen in the center courtyard. It was hard to make out the couple in the dark but the flickering light of the fire provide enough contrast to make out the figures. They were passionately kissing one another. It wasn’t a burning hot kind of feverish kissing, but a slow simmering passion of two lovers who truly enjoyed not just the act but each other’s presence but the essence of one another.

The two figures continued exploring with their mouths and hands as the fire flickered in the background their passion seemed to grow. Soon the large muscular figure was pushing his way south, with no resistance at all. The female figure eagerly parted her legs allowing her gentleman caller full access as she encouraged him by slowly pushing her hips forward.

The sounds of the crackling fire filled the classroom only to be broken up by the soft moans of the woman on screen, and the wet sounds of the kisses the couple exchanged. It was much like the scene on the beach, Brad had seen the day before. It was slow and passionate; it was loving, not a hedonistic firecracker but rather a boiling caldron of emotions. As the temperature rose on the screen so did the volume bahis and speed of the moans. She was unable to hold her mouth to his as she threw her head back in ecstasy. It was obvious to all in the class the skillful manipulation of her lover was pushing her over the edge.

“Oh Nick, I need you.”

“Please take me now.” A familiar voice breathlessly called out.

Nick? Oh my god. Brad knew that voice. It was Brooke. That was Brooke and Nick making out by the warm glow of the fire, and now Brooke was begging Nick to fuck her.

Brad felt the heat from the fire now, not from the fire on screen, but the jealous flame in his belly. It was one thing to see a picture of her hand on another man’s thigh, even if she did have her top off, it didn’t mean she had actually done anything more, than pose for the camera. Sure the insinuation was there, but now Brad was witness to her cheating. Brad eyes were glued to the screen, and his ears were wide open trying to hear every sound.

“What do you think about this couple ten?” Brad heard like a loud clap of thunder from the front of the room.

“Uh…Um, well “Brad stuttered trying to find the words.

“Don’t you think they look like a wonderfully loving couple ten?

“Well…Um, I guess, yeah.”

“What seems to be the problem ten?” The teacher asked tauntingly.

“Well that’s my girlfriend. ” Brad declared.

“Well then ten, aren’t you lucky. You should be grateful for how loving your girlfriend is. Although I bet she’s not like that with you, is she?”

“No, Sir” Brad said completely deflated at the realization.

“Well I suggest you watch and learn then ten.”

Brooke and Nick got up from the couch and walked across the screen disappearing into one of the villas that surrounded the center court yard. The next thing the class could see were the two lovers embracing inside the villa. It was one large room with a custom made bed in the center raised up about two feet off the floor with steps on both sides leading up to it. There were numerous chairs and two couches arranged around the outer edges of the room facing inward toward the bed. It looked like a small theater of sorts. If there was ever a place set up for private sex shows this was it.

It was obvious there were hidden cameras all over the room from the way the scene angles kept changing. This was the most professional “amateur” video Brad had ever seen. It was highly edited and someone had obviously spent some time getting all the angles put together in a smooth video. The sound quality was amazing too. Every ooh, ahh and slurp was clear as a bell. Brooke was already naked her dress visibly lying on the floor next to the door.

Nick was continuing his skillful kissing as Brooke was eagerly trying to unbutton his white dress shirt, stopping herself ever so often to slip a hand inside and feel his firm chest. Brooke was getting more and more desperate as she removed Nick’s shirt and tossed it aside landing on one of the couches. She immediately turned her attention to his belt and with both hands working franticly she was able to unbuckle it and release the snap holding his black slacks on. With a flick of the wrist she pushed his fly down allowing his pants to flop open and expose his tight black underwear.

Brooke let out a moan as she worked her hand down inside the elastic waist band and found the enormous surprise she had so longed for. Nick reached down and grabbed her hand as he pulled his lips from hers.

“Slow down lover.” He instructed in a soft yet authoritative tone.

“I want to look in your eyes while you show me how much you want me.” Nick said as he gently pushed Brooke to her knees.

Brooke gladly knelt in front of him as she pulled his loose black slacks along with his underwear in one smooth motion. The camera zoomed in from another angle as it showed Brooke taking the tip of his already firm dick into her hungry mouth. Brooke was causing Nick to grow larger and larger with her wet tong and soft lips.

“Keep your eyes on mine.” Nick demanded.

Brooke was doing her best to please Nick in every way and looked up at him maintaining eye contact while she continued her skillful assault on his tool.

Brad was trying hard to watch the screen, he didn’t want to miss a second of the action, but he was being distracted by a pain welling up from his groin. He was getting aroused again. He was getting aroused at watching his girlfriend thoroughly enjoying another man. The larger Nick got, the more pain Brad was feeling from his own dick deneme bonusu straining against its cage.

Nick would pull back and tease Brooke from time to time, slapping her cheek with his massive meat, holing it out for her to greedily lap at with her tongue.

“That’s it baby; show me how much you want it.” He teased.

Brooke was doing her best to keep her eyes open and maintain eye contact with Nick but every once in a while she would lose herself in ecstasy and let them fall closed, as she pushed herself as close to Nick as possible.

Brad was in a trance from the rhythmic bouncing of his girlfriend on this man’s massive cock. He could only imagine what Nick must be feeling, since Brooke had never given Brad a blowjob anything even close to this before. Brooke was speeding up her attack and Nick was gently pushing forward in a perfect dance of passion.

“I want to watch you, as you take all of me on your tongue,” Nick breathed heavy as he pulled his dick back from her loving lips.

Brooke took firm grip of her lover and stroked his cock until he began to moan. Arching his back and pushing his hips forward as he gently placed his hands on either side of her head and gently tilting her upward, so he could get a better look at her tongue as he lost himself.

“Oh yeah, that’s my girl.” Nick cooed as he shot his hot load on her waiting tongue.

The camera zoomed in even closer to show the white hot load scalding Brookes eager tongue, as Nick gently raised her chin with one hand forcing her mouth closed. Brooke needed no instruction she wanted nothing more than to swallow her lovers prize. She wanted him with her always and the idea of allowing even a drop to evade her was unthinkable.

The final image was of Brooke licking her lips with a huge satisfied smile and giggle as the screen went dark.

“OK everyone but ten is excused until the afternoon session.” Sir announced.

“So I see you enjoyed it as much as she did.” Sir mockingly observed .

Brad looked down at his throbbing groin. It was hurting something fierce, straining against its confines, yet there was a wet spot on his shorts. He felt that all too familiar sense of embarrassment warming his cheeks.

“You got excited watching your girlfriend suck another man off, you got excited watching him cum on her tongue, and you got excited watching her swallow his seed. Didn’t you?”

“Yes Sir.” Brad responded ashamed at the words he was hearing.

“You realize this is your new relationship correct?”

“Yes Sir.” Brad confessed.

“Well I have to say, I’m impressed. You have already finished first grade. Not many come here and finish first grade in only two classes. In fact I don’t think I have ever seen anyone take to my class so quickly. Congratulations. You can go to second grade for the afternoon session.”

Brad couldn’t help but have a little smile on his face from the compliment. He felt accomplished and even a little proud at the thought he had progressed faster than anyone Sir had ever seen before.

“Well you better get a move on.” Sir snapped as he walked back behind his desk and sat down.

Brad victoriously left the class and walked down the steps towards the main walkway basking in the late morning sun. The Buzz of activity from the lake caught his attention as he looked around the resort. This was the first time he had taken the time to look around and take in the wonder of the whole place. Everything seemed a little bit brighter than before. This place was beautiful and he was starting to feel like he might actually like it here. The fact he was wearing girl’s clothes and wearing a cock cage wasn’t even on his mind. He was simply enjoying the sun and the breeze. Brooke had asked him to try his best and he had. Not only did he do well but even the teacher told him he had done better than anyone ever. Brooke should be proud of him. And the thought of her being proud of him made him happy. I wonder what second grade will be like he thought to himself as he strolled back towards the dorm with a happy thoughts dancing threw his head.

“Hey ten.” Brad heard. It was the nurse that had checked him in the day before.

“You got promoted to second grade so you need to come to the front office” Brad followed her up to the exam room.

Brad was told every time someone advanced they were to receive another injection to celebrate their advancement. It seemed strange, sure but what didn’t the last few days? He just accepted the situation and took the shot as instructed.

“Well it’s about time for afternoon exercise so you better get out to the dock before you are late” She instructed when she was done.

Brad felt a little weak from the shot he had just gotten but figured it would wear off, so he just ignored it and tried to hustle out to the doc.

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