Cousins , Lovers


Generally speaking, I’m not a person given to lusting after men like they were nothing but a piece of meat. That is until I met my cousin Lucas. It happened not long ago, and I was supposed to have gone to Europe with my friends for my summer vacation. At the last minute my father informed me that he and my mother didn’t have the money to pay for that kind of trip. Instead they were sending me to my uncle’s ranch in Wyoming. I couldn’t have been more dissappointed.

My dad could see my dissatisfaction with this upcoming trip, but he told me that I wasn’t to let my uncle, aunt or my cousins see my upset. I spent two months sulking as I listened to my friends planning what they were going to do and see while they were traveling Europe. I couldn’t believe everything I was going to be missing out on. On the last day of school, I said goodbye to my friends, knowing it would be several months before I saw them again.

When I got home, my father was waiting with my mother. My suitcases, which I had packed the days before, were already loaded into the car for the drive to the airport.

At the airport, we checked in and had my luggage checked as well. I waited sullenly as my parents told me what I was supposed to do and that my uncle was going to meet me at the gate when I arrived.

The flight took almost 6 hours…the longest six hours of my life. I, with my unfailing good luck, got stuck behind an obese man who insisted on reclining his seat back far enough so that it rested against my knees no matter which way I positioned them.

By the time I deplaned, I was tired, had a headache, and my knees were numb. I walked out into the slightly crowded airport, searching for anyone who I thought might be looking for me.

That was when I spotted him. Oh my god! There was a Greek god standing in the middle of the Cheyenne airport. His golden blond hair was swept back in a clean cut style and his emerald eyes glistened softly in the dim area. My eyes roamed downward, noting that he was turned sideways allowing me an all over view, I took in the tight fit of his black t-shirt, which revealed incredibly taut muscles, and a six pack any male model would kill for. His jeans clung to his somewhat thick legs, accentuating his firm buttocks and muscular thighs. He wore cowboy boots on his feet.

As I stood there gawking at him, I felt moisture flood my most private area and I couldn’t help but flush at my reaction. I’m not an ugly girl. My shimmering, wavy auburn hair was the envy of most of the girls in the senior class and my violet eyes made some of my worst enemies green with envy. My skin is creamy white and I have a luscious, curved body, with fairly good sized rounded breasts, and slim hips. Yet I had never done anything more than kiss and touch a boy. I knew the rumors, that I was a frigid witch, but I didn’t pay attention, not caring that I had never felt the kind of attraction to a boy that my friends always talked about. But now I understood what they whispered about at sleepovers…I could feel the moisture against my underwear, and shifted slightly to try and stop the throbbing that was pulsing through my cunt.

I was still standing there, not moving a muscle, gawking at him, when he suddenly turned in my direction, saw me, grinned, and started walking toward me. I was frozen to the ground, my mouth hanging slightly ajar.

His eyes glimmered softly, roaming over my body as he approached. When he stood no more than a foot from me, he said in his deep timbered voice, “Lily?” I nodded dumbly, just staring at him, awestruck by how incredibly sexy he was. He held out his hand. “You may not remember me. I’m your cousin Lucas. It’s good to see you again. It’s been years since you visited. I know my dad was supposed to pick you up, but something came up. Our prize mare just gave birth to a new foal.” He quickly switched topics then, suggesting we go pick up my luggage. As we walked along I couldn’t help but notice the slight swagger with which he walked, and the way his jeans clung to every muscle of his legs. It was enough to make a girl really hot.

“So, I hear you weren’t very anxious to come out here for the summer?” he asked as we waited for my luggage to come down the chute.

“No, I can’t say that I was, or am for that matter. I was supposed to spend the summer in Europe,” I replied, grateful that my voice had started working again.

“Don’t worry, you’ll have fun. It may not be Europe, but we know how to show people a really good time.” I looked up at him and he winked as if he knew what had been running through my mind since I first saw him. But that wasn’t possible. I wasn’t that obvious….was I? We picked up my luggage then headed to his truck for the long drive to the ranch. I was amazed at how large Cheyenne was and how desolate everything seemed once the city lights vanished behind you. I don’t remember much of anything from the drive, I fell asleep just past the Cheyenne city limits. The next thing I knew, Lucas was shaking sumo web tools me slightly, urging me to wake.

I opened my eyes and felt something hard, yet comfortable beneath my cheek. Oh my god! I had fallen asleep on his lap. My cheek rested against his firm, muscular thighs and my feet were on the seat near the passenger door. I sat up quickly, having to pretend I had felt his erection against the back of my head. How he had driven like that I’ll never know.

“We’re here,” he said quietly, as if talking to loud would make the tension in the cab of the truck unbearable.

“So we are,” I said softly, not looking him in the face. I think this disturbed him, because he grasped my chin with his tan, calloused hand. His emerald eyes stared straight into mine, fueling an arousal in me that had been building since I first saw him. He saw it there, in the depths of my violet eyes, no matter how hard I tried to keep it hidden.

Satisfaction glimmered in him, knowing that I was so aroused by his presence. “I know your secret,” he whispered, leaning closer to me. “Your father told my uncle that you were uptight and sometimes snobby, I figured that meant that you were frigid too, not at all like the little girl I remembered, but you’re not are you? You’re a hot little number…it just takes a really hot man to get to you.”

I tried to turn away, ashamed that he could figure me out so quickly…that he could know how hot I was for him.

“Don’t look away from me, Lily. You know you want me, admit it. All it takes is three little words and I’m yours. I want you and you can have me…we can do things together that you’ve never dreamed of. Come on…you know you want me. All you have to do is tell me and I’m yours.”

I knew he was goading me, trying to humiliate me, before rejecting me. But I couldn’t help my response. I had to answer him. I couldn’t not do it. “I want you,” I said shamelessly, yet turned my head away as a tear coursed down my flushed cheek. It was followed by yet another, and another, until I was crying silent tears of embarassment.

I stiffened slightly, when I felt his arms come around me and pull me against him in a warm, comforting embrace. “Shhh, relax, Lily. I didn’t mean to embarass you or make you cry. You shouldn’t be embarassed or upset. It’s perfectly natural to want someone…even if he is your cousin. You can’t help the way you feel. Neither can I. The moment I saw you standing there, staring at me as if I were the sexiest guy in the world, seeing that desire in your eyes, I wanted you. You are beautiful beyond belief, and way out of my league. You’re sophisticated and belong in an ivory tower. It’s almost ironic, the unattainable princess and her fiercely protective bodyguard…wanting each other, yet coming from two completely different worlds. It’s almost enough to make me stay away from you. Almost. But I can’t stay away from you Lily, don’t think I’ll even try. I’ll have you. And you’ll have me.”

I had listened to his speech, every word pounding at my defenses until there was nothing left. I knew he would have me..and I would give myself to him, without hesitation. He would be my first. “I don’t want you to stay away, Lucas. I want you to be my first.”

“Your first?” he asked, just a little shocked. “You mean you’ve never been with anyone?”

“I haven’t. Does that bother you? Do you still want me?” I whispered, afraid that because I was a virgin, he wouldn’t want to be with me.

“How can you even ask that?” he cried, stunned. “Of course I still want you. Even more now than before. Just the thought that you want me to be your first is enough to make me explode.” He grabbed my hand and gently placed it against the front of his jeans. I could feel his penis, hard and erect beneath the fabric. “This is the state I’ve been in since I first saw you. I prayed to god that you wouldn’t notice in the airport. I didn’t want to freak you out.”

“You could never freak me out, Lucas. You’re too sexy for words.” I bravely leaned forward and brushed my lips against his, gasping when I felt an electric current run between us. I pulled back and stared, surprised at the connection.

“God, Lily, what was that? I’ve never felt that before,” he gasped, as startled by it as I was.

“I don’t know what it was, but I want to feel it again,” I said, before leaning in and kissing him again. This time it wasn’t a little brush across the lips. This time I planted my lips on his, kissing him in a way that I knew would break the tension that had been building between us. His lips were soft and moist, and opened beneath mine. His tongue slid across my lips, opening them, and slipping into my mouth. I moaned as our tongues tangled, mating the same way that I knew we would soon. I pressed myself against him, my breasts pushing against his chest, my nipples hardening beneath my shirt. His hands threaded through my hair, controlling the kiss. We were so absorbed in each other that we didn’t hear sumowebtools the front door open or the sound of boots thudding against the ground. It wasn’t until a sharp knock sounded on the window that we jumped apart and looked guiltily at the man staring at us through the windshield. I had a feeling we might be in big trouble.

We slowly got out of the truck, and I walked around to join Lucas in facing his father, my uncle. It wasn’t his fault and I intended to make sure my uncle knew that.

He stared at us for a moment, making us feel even more ashamed and guilty than we already did. We looked away, unable to tell what he was going to do or say. Needless to say his words surprised us. “Lucas, you couldn’t wait to seduce your cousin until after she met the rest of the family?”

I was stunned, but I had a feeling Lucas was far more shocked than I. “Dad?” he asked cautiously.

“I could have gone out to the airport to pick her up. I wasn’t needed at the birthing. The vet was here and could have handled everything fine without me. I sent you because I had a feeling you two might hit it off. Looks like I was right.”

I couldn’t believe it. My uncle was condoning what had just occured and everything else that was going to happen between Lucas and I.

“After you meet the family, Lily, I want to have a serious talk with you. Your mother will be joining in the discussion, Lucas. There’s something we need to tell you. We need to discuss the real reason Lily was sent here this summer.” Having had his say, he turned away and walked back toward the house.

Not sure of what to say, I stared at Lucas numbly, unsure of what to do next. He kissed me lightly, as if assuring me that everything was going to be fine. With his arm around my waist, we walked to the back of the truck to unload my luggage. Slowly we walked toward the house, trying to prolong what was to come.

When we stepped through the door, the first thing I noticed was the aroma of a fresh baked apple pie, filling the room with its sweet scent. An attractive looking woman, older yet, still young looking, approached me and gave me a hug, introducing herself as Lucas’ mother, Nancy. I smiled shyly and was introduced to everyone else, including Kyle, Lucas’ older brother, Kyle’s wife, Rhianna, Lucas’s younger sister Jessica and her husband Nick.

We ate a sumptuous meal, with apple pie and vanilla ice cream for dessert. Everyone was extremely friendly and either didn’t notice or ignored the tension between Lucas and I, who ended up sitting next to each other through the entire meal. During the meal, we tangled our feet, keeping in contact with each other, even though we were seperated by more than a few inches.

After dinner when Kyle and Rhianna went home to their apartment and Jessica and Nick left to go back to their own ranch, Nancy and my uncle, David, escorted us to the living room where they had Lucas and I sit on a loveseat that was so small there wasn’t any way not to touch. Our legs pressed against each others’ as did our shoulders. We were trapped.

My uncle spoke first. “Your mother knows about what happened in the truck tonight. I told her. I felt that we should both speak to you honestly about this matter.”

Nancy broke in saying, “It’s not that we condone cousins who kiss once in a while, nor do we condone incest. But sometimes the feelings one has for a family member can’t be helped. That’s what we are going to discuss tonight. Along with the real reason you were sent to us Lily.”

She continued, her soft voice seemingly loud in the small room. “You were sent here specifically to meet Lucas.” Her announcement left us both paralyzed. Did she realize what she was saying, what she had just told us. I was sent here to meet Lucas. I had to say something.

“But that’s not possible. My parents would be apalled by what happened tonight.”

“No they wouldn’t, dear,” she said gently. “I think I should start by telling you the truth about your parents, David, and I. You see we’re all related. Your mother, Dianna and I are sisters and we, in turn, ended up falling in love with our brothers…David and I, and Dianna and your father, Mark. We had no idea what we were doing was wrong…David and I first slept together when I was 12. It was so special for us…so right. There was never anyone else. When I was 16 and your mother was 14 our parents found out. By that time Mark and Dianna were sleeping together as well. I found out I was pregnant….that’s how our parents came to know about what we were. We were kicked out of our home…” “Thankfully I was already living on my own when they learned of our relationship. I took in Nancy, and your mother and father…my brother and sisters. As soon as we were able, Nancy and I married. There had never been any other option. We were so much in love, being related didn’t matter. The same went for your parents. It was as if we completed each other. There was no one else in the world who could make us feel the same way. Oh, we all tried dating other people, but we always came back to each other.”

“And that’s why you were sent here, Lily. You may not remember it and I’m pretty sure Lucas doesn’t, but you two were inseperable when you were younger. When you and your parents came to visit…the first thing you would do is give Lucas a hug and a kiss. You did everything together and never left each others’ side. Lucas was fiercely protective of you, never letting any harm come to you. We all knew then that it was the same way for you as it had been for us. There was no denying the pull we saw between you…it was such a vibrant connection, almost everyone around you saw it, even at such a young age. It hasn’t changed, from what David has told me.”

“Your parents could have sent you to Europe, Lily. They have plenty of money to do so,” David said. “But we thought the timing was right to bring you two back together. Lucas, you’re 22, and you were planning on moving out soon, having bought your own small ranch recently. And Lily…you were going to leave for college this fall. We thought it best to reunite you before these events occurred…to make you see what has been there all along.”

I turned away from them, from Lucas, trying to bring to terms everything they had told me. It’s not every day you find out your parents are really brother and sister. Or that they want you to be with your cousin. Lucas, taking my refusal to look at him as shame, stood up and started pacing.

We had never been in a situation even remotely like this before. It was almost unbearable. I was so attracted to Lucas, felt things around him that I had never felt before. But he was my cousin. Through the haze of worry and doubt, I heard my aunt tell my uncle that they should leave us be. Quietly they left the room.

Not wanting to, but having to see him, I looked up at Lucas. He was looking out the living room window, staring at the flat, green pastures. I didn’t know what to say or do, but he spared me that by speaking first. “Do you know what this means?” he asked, still looking out the window. “I don’t what anything means anymore. I’m not sure of myself, of what I feel, of what to believe.”

“Don’t you see. They mean for us to be together. In every way. My father wasn’t angry when he saw us kissing, he wasn’t even surprised or shocked. He had expected it to happen, just probably not that soon.” He turned to me, took my hands in his and sat beside me. “I don’t know what this is. Is is lust, a fierce attraction, or something deeper? I don’t have the answer to that, but I want to find out. Come with me when I move out. Come stay with me on my ranch so we can explore what’s between us. Please say yes, Lily.”

His eyes were pleading with me, willing me to say yes. I saw something in the depths of his eyes, something wild and untamable, more than just desire. It was hope and something more…something undefinable, but I needed to find out what it was. I knew my answer. It was one simple word. “Yes.”

The three weeks before we moved into Lucas’ ranch home, were some of the best of my life. He didn’t push me to sleep with him, not matter how far we went, or how aroused he was. We revelled in the time we spent together. He courted me and romanced me, making me feel as if I was the only woman in the world for him. Between picnics by the lake, to horseback riding across the meadows, we spent every waking moment together, not being able to tear ourselves away. We didn’t notice it, not right away, the feelings growing deeper, the bond between us become stronger with each passing minute. We didn’t realize it, but we were falling in love and unable to stop it or turn back before it was too late. By the time we moved into Lucas’ home we were on the verge of showing each other how we felt. I was ready to belong to him. As a surprise, on our first night in his new home, I decided to give myself to him.

While he was out working all day, I set up the table with the best plates, wine glasses, candles. I made sure that I was at my best, having taken a long, luxurious bubble bath and doing my hair up just right. My dress was perfect. It was a simple black cotton dress, yet it had spaghetti straps and a button down front. I left three buttons open to leave just a glimpse of the tops of my breasts. Beneath the dress I put on some lingere that Nancy had gotten for me before I arrived. It was perfect. The underwear was black lace and satin french cut, with garter belts to hold up the black hose that adorned my legs. The black high heels I wore were the finishing touch. I purposely forgot to wear a bra, I thought he would enjoy that even more.

When he came in he was surprised to see everything that I had done. But he was even more surprised by how I was dressed. I told him to go change and come join me for a delicious dinner.

When he came down the stairs, I couldn’t help but take a deep breath. He was devastatingly handsome. His blond hair was wet, evidence of his shower, but brushed back out of his face. He wore a dark blue business shirt, with a striped tie around his neck. His khaki pants were kind of long, slouchy, touching the floor when he stood.

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