Curse Mistake


Chapter One

It was around one o’clock in the afternoon on a Saturday. A man walks down the sidewalk as cars go by on the street next to him. He seems to be watching the cars and not paying very much attention to where he is going. Several blocks down the street a woman also walks on the sidewalk towards him. She is looking at her phone.

The man seems to be about five foot ten with light blonde hair. The woman appears to be about five foot four with short dark hair. Neither of them have noticed the other yet.

The woman goes to take a selfie, posing just right and then taking the picture. She seems content and again continues to walk on. She notices a red convertible with the roof down drive by. In the car is a man driving and a woman in the passenger seat. The woman is dressed skimpily showing off her sexy body and large breasts. The walking woman sighs for a moment looking at her own breasts which are not nearly as large. She seems to shake it off and continue scrolling on whatever social media platform she happens to be on. She is now much closer to the man on the sidewalk.

As the man and woman on the sidewalk walk towards each other the man notices the woman in the red convertible and he stares at her intently as he continues to walk. The woman on the sidewalk stops and starts to pose for another selfie oblivious to those around her.

As the man continues walking he walks right into the woman while she is trying to find the right pose and they both fall to the ground.

They both get up and angrily look at each other.

“Watch where you’re going idiot,” the woman says.

“Idiot?,” he replies, “Says the woman who didn’t even notice someone walking towards her. What, were you too busy posting your stupid selfie to instagram or whatever?”

“Don’t act like you weren’t rubbernecking that skank in the convertible,” she says.

“Well her tits were worth looking at,” he says and looks the woman up and down, “Unlike your pitiful things.”

“How dare you,” she says and crosses her arms.

Unbeknownst to either of them an old woman begins to walk down the sidewalk towards them. Everyone else can hear the shouting and are steering clear. The street and sidewalk are now empty besides these three.

Now really angry the woman lunges forward with her hand and feels up the man’s crotch. At this the man is taken aback and steps back.

“What the fuck?” he shouts.

“Wow,” the woman says, “You seem to be kind of tiny down there, certainly smaller than my boyfriends.”

“Shut up,” he says and his face starts to turn red.

“Oooh,” she says, “Did I hit a soft spot?”

“Yeah well at least my girlfriend isn’t part of the itty bitty titty committee,” he replies.

The old woman sees them and can see that they are arguing, but can’t make out what they are saying.

As she draws closer she hears the man say, “You know maybe if you weren’t so short it wouldn’t have happened.”

The woman replies, “That’s such a childish thing to say. Does it make you feel like a big man talking down to a woman?”

“You know what,” he says, “It does. I see a woman like you who acts like she owns the place. You take advantage of any guy you see by being all cute. Sometimes a woman needs to be talked down to.”

“Fuck you!” she replies, “Sometimes men act so stupid. You need a woman to help you otherwise you wouldn’t know your ass from your elbows.”

“Oh yeah well-” the man starts to say, but the old woman has now reached them and cuts him off, “I think that’s enough, dears,” she says.

“Stay out of this,” the woman says.

“Yeah, fuck off you old hag,” the man says.

The old woman now angry herself says, “I was just going to try and talk you down, but it seems you both need a lesson.”

She starts to chant in a language neither of the other two understand. Both the man and woman start to feel strange. As the chanting continues the man begins to shrink and the woman begins to get taller. The man’s muscle mass decreases and his arms, legs, hands, and feet begin to become feminine and small. The woman is experiencing the exact opposite as her body becomes more masculine. The man’s blonde hair begins to lengthen while the woman’s black hair becomes a man’s style. The man can feel his penis and balls start to shrink inward as his chest begins to expand. The woman feels her chest deflate and her vagina begin to close and her clitoris begin to grow. The man feels a slit open up where his dick and balls were while the woman feels balls drop and her new penis continue to grow. The man, who was wearing just a plain t-shirt and jeans, with simple sneakers, feels his clothes start to change. His jeans turn into a black circle skirt, his shirt turns into a white tank top, his socks turn into stockings, and his shoes turn into four inch heels. The woman’s blue mini skirt turns into blue pants, her black top turns into a plain black t-shirt, and her three inch heels turn into normal sneakers. While neither of them can tell right now, their underwear has also changed Buca travesti as the man is now wearing a bra to handle his new D cup breasts and his boxers changed into panties. The woman’s bra disappeared and her panties changed into boxers.

The man, now a woman, and the woman, now a man, look at each other and then at the old woman.

“What just happened?” the new woman asks and is taken aback by her new much higher voice.

“What did you do?” the new man asks accusingly of the old woman.

“As I said, you two needed a lesson. I could hear you yelling at each other and you both seem to take your genders for granted. I figured that you both could use some experience seeing things from the other side. Hopefully your new perspectives can help to salvage what little left there seems to be of your marriage,” the old woman says.

“Marriage!?” both the man and woman yell.

“Wait, are you not married?” the old woman asks. “I could have sworn with the way you were yelling like a married couple. Also, I thought I saw the young woman grab your dick.”

The new man blushes and says, “That was just something I did out of anger. I’ll have you know I have a wonderful boyfriend.”

“I have a great girlfriend,” the new woman says, “I can’t possibly imagine marrying her, I mean him,” she points at the new man.

“Well, I feel the same asshole,” he says.

“I probably should have used a different spell then,” the old woman says, “Damn, I really fucked up.”

Now both concerned, the new man asks, “What do you mean?”

“Well I thought you were married so I added in a special task that needs to be fulfilled for you two to turn back to normal,” she starts to say, “The complete spell, well it’s more of a curse, works like this. Your genders will change every Saturday at, what time is it?” she asks.

The new man checks his phone, “It’s 1:30.”

“Ok,” she says, “Your genders will change every Saturday at 1:30pm and you will be given a task to complete. Your genders will stay changed until midnight Sunday where they will change back if you have completed your task. However, if you don’t complete your task by midnight Sunday, then you will forever be trapped in these forms. You can get out of this curse by meeting a specific condition. Another caveat is that for the first change you have thirty minutes to complete the first task otherwise you become trapped.”

“What is the condition?” the new man asks.

“What’s the task?” the new woman asks.

The old woman looks sheepishly away from them and says, “The first task is for you two to have sex.”

“With him?!” the new woman shouts while pointing at the new man while at the same time he points at her and shouts, “With her?!”

“Yes,” the old woman replies with a sigh.

“I don’t like guys,” says the new woman.

“Yeah, well I don’t like girls,” says the new man.

The new woman starts to get teary eyed, “I have a girlfriend, I don’t want to cheat on her, I don’t want to be a girl.”

“How do you think I feel,” says the new man angrily, “I have a boyfriend, and I definitely don’t want to be a man.”

“Look, I’m sorry,” the old woman says, “But in my defense from far away and even somewhat up close you really seemed like you knew each other.”

“Fuck you, old woman,” the new man says, “You’re so old how could you trust anything you hear?”

“Yeah,” says the new woman, “What kind of jackass curses two random strangers she’s never met before from just hearing a few words?”

“I said I was sorry,” the old woman says.

“That’s not good enough,” the new man says, “change us back.”

“I told you it’s not that simple,” she says.

“I don’t care just fucking do it, you old piece of shit,” says the new woman.

“Just change us back, you old sack of shit,” says the new man.

“You know what,” the old woman says, “Fuck both of you. I don’t owe either of you anything. I was going to be nice and help you as much as possible, but I won’t put up with this. You are on your own. Good luck figuring out that specific condition I mentioned.” She starts to walk off.

“Wait, you can’t leave,” says the new man.

“Watch me,” says the old woman.

“We’ll just follow you,” says the new woman.

“Did you forget what I said earlier?” The old woman says, “You had half an hour since your first transformation to complete your first task otherwise you’ll be stuck like that. Now it’s probably more like fifteen minutes and unless you want to do it right here where any passing car or random pedestrian could see you I’d recommend a filthy back alley I passed before reaching you. It’s only like a five minute walk behind me which would leave you plenty of time. Or you could continue to hound me, it’s your call.” She continues to walk away.

They look at each other and the new man and woman start to walk in the other direction. While walking the man asks,”What’s your name?”

“Why does that matter?” she replies.

“Because I don’t want to haver sex with someone whose name I don’t Buca travestileri even know,” he says, “Besides we might have to spend a lot of time together going forward.”

“Fine,” she replies, “It’s Larry.”

The man laughs.

“What?” she asks.

“It just was funny to me, hearing such a pretty girl saying her name was Larry. It doesn’t really fit. How about when you’re female we call you Lauren?” he says.

“Fine,” Lauren replies, “What’s your name?”

“It’s Samantha,” he says, “But you can call me Sam.”

They reach the alley. They walk far enough in so they don’t think anyone can see.

“Now what?” Lauren asks.

“Um, I guess I need to get hard,” Sam says, “Any tips?”

“You could stroke it while thinking of something that would usually get you horny,” she says.

“Okay,” he says, and he puts his hand down his pants and closes his eyes and starts to rub his member. As he does he says, “You should think of something you like to get wet, otherwise I’m going to dry fuck you and it will hurt.”

“Okay,” she says and closes her eyes.

Sam thinks of his boyfriend, Cole, and his toned naked body and Lauren thinks of her girlfriend, Emma, and her sexy naked body. Sam gets a full on erection and Laurens crotch starts to feel damp. They both open their eyes.

“Turn around,” Sam says.

“What?” Lauren asks, confused.

“It will be easier for me if I’m not looking at your face,” he says.

“Fine,” she says and turns around facing the wall. Sam pulls his pants down letting his cock hang freely. Lauren feels him reach up under her skirt and pull her panties down. They fall around her ankles.

“Wait,” says Lauren, “We need a condom.”

“Do you have one because I don’t,” replies Sam.

“No,” she says.

“We don’t have time to look for one,” he says.

“You’re right,” she says in defeat and she braces herself.

Sam lifts Laurens skirt and aims his cock at Lauren’s pussy. He starts to push into her. Lauren moans a little at this as she feels her hymen tear as the head pushes into her. Sam puts his full member in her and starts to thrust. At first Lauren feels pain, but that starts to wear off and despite herself she starts to feel pleasure. She reflexively starts to buck her hips as Sam thrusts into her. After a bit Sam grunts and Lauren feels his cock tense up and shoot a load of semen into her. As this happens Lauren orgasms in a loud cry and Sam exits her.

They both stand there for a bit and catch their breath. Lauren feels wobbly and sinks to her knees.

Sam’s cock starts to shrink and become flaccid. He pulls his pants back up.

“Are you okay?” he asks Lauren.

Lauren feels a bit of cum go down her leg. She gathers her strength and stands up. She pulls her panties up and is a little grossed out knowing that Sam’s cum is leaking out of her pussy and into her panties.

“I’m fine, all things considered,” she says.

Lauren starts to walk forward, but her legs give out and she starts to fall. Sam catches her.

“Thank you,” she says and when she looks at him she blushes a bit. Did he look this handsome before, she thinks to herself. At the same time Sam notices that he thinks of her as being really pretty which wasn’t something he had really thought about earlier. They look away from each other.

“Le-Let’s go look for that old woman,” Lauren stammers out.

“Yeah, let’s go,” says Sam.

They both exit the alley and walk back toward where they were arguing. The old woman is nowhere to be seen. They walk for a bit in the direction she went, but don’t see any sign of her. Eventually they get to a relatively busy street.

“She’s gone,” says Sam.

“If she made it here she could have hailed a cab and is most likely long gone by now,” says Lauren, “What should we do now?”

“For starters let’s see what we have on us,” says Sam.

They had both been so preoccupied with everything else that they hadn’t checked yet. Lauren realizes she has a small handbag on her shoulder. In it is her phone and her wallet. She checks her wallet and it still has her driver’s license for Larry. Sam checks his pockets and finds his phone, wallet, and some cosmetics that were originally in Samantha’s purse. She hands them to Lauren.

“Why do I need these?” she asks.

“My pockets were filled to the brim, I don’t really have room for them, just put them in your purse,” he says.

“Fine,” she says and does, “Is your license for your old body?”

“Yes,” Sam says, “Which means, officially,” and he points to both of them, “We don’t exist. We’ll have to be really careful in these bodies.”

“Right,” says Lauren.

“For starters let’s exchange phone numbers. We don’t know what the other tasks will be. The old woman said it like it wouldn’t always be the same. Maybe we won’t always have to fuck, but it will probably help to do whatever the task is together,” he says.

“Makes sense,” says Lauren. They exchange numbers.

“How is your home life?” Sam asks, “Do you live with Travesti buca your girlfriend?”

“No, we’ve only been going out for a few months, how about you?” she says.

“I’m the same, my boyfriend and I have only been dating for six months,” he says, “Will you have trouble getting home?”

“No, why would I – Oh” she says. Lauren had never cared before, but there was a pretty seedy part of town she had to walk through to get back to her apartment that wouldn’t have bothered her as a guy.

“I can walk you home,” he says.

“Thanks, that’d be great now that I think about it, ” she says.

With that they walk back to Lauren’s apartment.

Once there Sam says “It’s also probably good that I know where you live,” and he types something in his phone. Lauren’s phone goes off.

“I just texted you my address,” says Sam, “that way we both know each other’s address in case of an emergency.”

“Okay, thanks,” says Lauren, “I wonder how we’ll learn what the task is for each week.”

“I don’t know, but I imagine we’ll find out somehow,” Sam replies.

They then both stand around awkwardly for a bit and Lauren goes,”Goodnight Sam.”

“You too,” says Sam and Lauren shuts the door and Sam walks away and to his apartment across town.

Chapter Two

Back at her apartment Lauren decides to get a better look at her new body. She removes her clothes and checks herself out in her bathroom mirror. What she sees looking back at herself is a very attractive woman with long blonde hair, and what must be D cup breasts, her only basis for this being that her girlfriends breasts are that size and her’s seem to be about as large. She decides to shower to clean herself up. Lathering up her new body turns her on a bit, but she holds herself back from playing with herself. She feels it would be a betrayal to her male self. She decides instead to just put on some baggy clothes and go to sleep. The next day she wakes up still a woman and texts her girlfriend about being sick and cancels their plans for the day. She makes a mental note to try and steer plans away from Saturday and Sunday from now on. She spends the whole day at home and wakes up the next morning male again. Now male again Larry goes to work like normal.


When Sam returns to his apartment he also takes his clothes off and checks out his new body. He is hot with a six inch penis, even larger than his boyfriends. He takes a shower and his new body turns himself on, but he decides not to masterbate. He feels that it would be crossing a line. He texts his boyfriend periodically, but comes up with excuses not to meet until Monday. He spends the rest of the weekend at home. Monday morning Sam wakes up female again and goes to work like normal.

As the week goes on Sam meets with her boyfriend Cole one night. She wastes no time in getting him to fuck her. She just wants to put the previous weekend behind her. She enjoys it, but can’t help feeling like something is off.

During this week Larry also meets with his girlfriend Emma and they have a date night followed by sex, but like Sam, Larry also feels like something is off. In both cases their partners start to notice a change in them.

It reaches the following Saturday. Both Larry and Sam are home alone when the change occurs and they both once again find themselves as the opposite gender.

Sam receives a text from an unknown number. It says that Sam’s task for this weekend is to eat out Lauren while Lauren receives a text that says she must give Sam a blowjob. After the text Sam calls Lauren and they agree to meet at a hotel. Neither of them wants to give their neighbors too many chances to see people who they would think of as strangers leaving their apartments.

They both arrive at the hotel. The clothes they were wearing as their original genders had changed once again and Lauren was now wearing a blue tank top and black miniskirt.

“Hi,” Lauren says once they arrive at their room.

“Hey,” Sam replies, “How’ve you been doing?”

“Fine, I was kinda hoping that last weekend was a dream, but here we are again,” says Lauren.

They both sit down on the bed and awkwardly wait for someone to say something. Sam breaks the silence, “So should I start or should you?”

“Let me,” Lauren says, “I want to get it over with, just give me some time to mentally prepare.”

“That’s fair,” says Sam, “I could use some time too.”

After a while Lauren gets up and moves to face Sam. Sam starts to undo his pants and he lowers them. Lauren gets on her knees and prepares herself. She wants to get it done so she wastes no time putting her mouth around Sam’s cock. Surprisingly she doesn’t find it as bad as she thought she would. She starts to go at it and Sam even puts one of his hands on her head and helps her with the pace. After a bit Sam cums and Lauren is forced to swallow a good amount before she can pull away, and what’s left ends up on her face.

“Sorry,” says Sam.

“It’s fine, it’s fine,” says Lauren, “Just let me wash it off in the bathroom.” As she washes her face in the bathroom she realizes she feels hot, and her breathing has grown heavy. She refuses to admit the truth, which is that the blowjob turned her on. As she reenters the room she sees Sam standing. He gestures towards the bed.

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