Dawn and her Million Dollar Duties


Forty-five year old Dawn Jackson delayed completion of her college education until after her children were grown. She was having empty nest syndrome and her husband Ralph suggested she go back to college to get her BA degree in Business. She had her associate degree in business when she met her husband Ralph a man 4 years older than her.

She started her last two years of college when her youngest son started college. The very shy mother of three graduated at the top of her class and the college administration offered her a job in the business office writing grants for the school. They needed a new building for expansion of their business department. Dawn’s Husband and three sons were very proud of her.

Alfred Granger a young man of 30 years old and alumni of the business course at the college made 513 million dollars in the computer industry and wants to give back to the college. Alfred is a nerdy young man that spent all his time trying to make money and did not make any time for other pursuits.

Sitting in the office with Dawn Alfred could not get over the red haired 48 year old woman’s plain beauty. He loved her small breasts incased in the button down blouse she was wearing, her large bottom encased in a three quarter length skirt that showed off her very strong legs. Alfred wanted to have her under his control having her do anything that he wanted her to do.

“I would like to donate the building in my father’s name along with 20 years of maintenance of the building, but I would have to talk to the President of the College, as I would attach

A few special requirements to the donation to pay for the building.” Said Alfred.

Dawn was on a cloud the first grant she wrote got a response like this from one of the alumni of the college to donate a new building. She was singing to herself for many days.

Two weeks after Alfred met with Dawn she was summoned to the President’s office asked her to meet the following day about the new building.

The following day finds Dawn sitting in the outer office of the President at 8:45 am. At 9: am the president’s secretary told Dawn to go into the office after a phone conversation. Dawn walked through the door and was surprised to see Alfred sitting in a chair in front of the President’s desk. A very nervous Mr. Whitman told Dawn to sit down.

Clearing his throat Mr. Whitman started. “Dawn Mr. Granger has said he would donate the new business building with a few strings attached. He will require your assistance for the next year for which you will be paid a tax free fee of 5 million dollars.”

A shocked Dawn said naively “That is very kind of you Mr. Granger I will do my best to attend to your needs.”

“Don’t say that you will do anything I need until you hear all the requirements that I have stipulated in the Donation document Dawn. Mr. Whitman why don’t you explain to Mrs. Jackson what I expect of her. ” Said Alfred looking Dawn up and down then smiling a greasy smile at her.

“You will be on call twenty four hours a day six days a week for the next year. With the exception of Sunday it will be your day off. You will do anything Alfred asks of you for the period of one year. You and your husband will move into the guest house of the estate for a year. Your children are welcome any time they wanted to visit and stay as long as they want. Mr. Granger will give you a piece of property anywhere that you would like in the country and he will build a house to your liking. If at any time Mrs. Jackson does not comply with Mr. Granger’s request then Mrs. Jackson and the College will not get the money.” Said Mr. Whitman the president of the College looked hopefully at Dawn.

“You will give me 5 Million dollars, a guest house near you, and I have to work for you only for a year? You will build a house for us anywhere we want it? Will there be a contract?” Asked Dawn in a daze.

“Yes to all three questions and there will be a contract. You will have a week to go over the contract and your husband has to sign it also that he agrees that it is alright to do anything I ask you to do.” Said Mr. Granger.

Dawn went home and told her husband about the proposal. The following day a currier brought the contract to the couple. Looking though the contract the couple found that Alfred would have complete access to Dawn. It stated that no permanent damage would be done to her body. This made Ralph very concerned and a little jealous thinking maybe Alfred will want sexual favors from his wife. Dawn on the other hand being very naïve told her husband that this was a business arrangement. Mr. Granger wants her to be a liaison between the college and Mr. Granger’s organization.

After reading the contract and thinking this was a business arrangement to coordinate the project for Alfred Dawn had a meeting with the President of the College. He told her that if she and her husband do not sign the Contract there will be no new building and she will be out of a job, as they need the new building to mobil porno get government grants to continue as a college.

Going home Dawn told her husband that there was no alterative but to sign the contract and to have a 5 million dollar paycheck at the end of the year will be great all their worries will be over. A year is not so long after all they both concluded. In Dawn’s mind she was being hired as a liaison person for the project. A very nervous Dawn delivered the contract signed on the appointed day to Mr. Granger.

One month later Dawn and Ralph her husband was moving into a beautiful Guest house. It had 6 bedrooms all with full baths. Large living room, Family room and Large eat in Kitchen along with servants. Alfred was out of town for two weeks, so Dawn and Ralph had two weeks to get used to their new surroundings. The couple put their house up for sale.

Monday morning of the third week of her new job finds Dawn in Alfred’s office.

“Good morning Mrs. Jackson I hope your husband and yourself like the guest house?” Said Alfred.

“The guest house is very luxurious Mr. Granger.” Said Dawn.

“I will expect to meet your children and also your husband.” Said Alfred.

“I will set it up Mr. Granger. When is it convenient for you?” Said Dawn.

“I will let you know Mrs. Jackson, and call me Al from now on please. We will be working very closely for the next year” Said Alfred with a smile.

“To make sure you are in good health I have made an appointment with a doctor I know. You will do what he says. Take your husband with you. You can take the rest of the day off after the appointment.” Says Alfred as he hands her a piece of paper with a time and address for the appointment

After leaving Alfred’s office Dawn called Ralph and told him that he has to go to the physical exam by her employer with her. She went home, showered and dressed for the appointment. Dawn was ready to go just as Ralph came in the door. The drive was only about 15 minutes that neither said anything to the other. The building was a converted house across the street from the hospital. Walking into the building Dawn was greeted by a Male Nurse. He introduced himself as Ted. Giving a clipboard to Dawn he told her to fill it out and bring it back to him.

Dawn filled out the paperwork noting that she would be given a full GYN evaluation. She brought the paperwork back to the desk. Nurse Ted looked it over then called her back up. In order for us to give you this physical for Granger Associates you have to check the box giving them the right to bring in anyone that they think would be needed and to use you as a teaching tool if so desired. The last thing on the paperwork that has to be checked is that you will be willing to be examined while you are nude this is another stipulation of Granger Associates.

Dawn argued with Ted for a few minutes on that point until he said he would have to call Mr. Granger personally to see if this could be changed. She remembered what Alfred told her just before she left his office. Dawn was to do what the Doctors told her to do. So this Mother of 3 Boys will be totally nude for her exam.

Returning to her chair Dawn waited for her name to be called reading a month old issue of Woman’s Day feeling this just wasn’t her day, The thought of her being nude for the entire exam brought color to her face, she does not like to expose herself to her husband let alone to this strange doctor and a nurse who will see her naked, but she was just beginning a year of not being her days as she will find out throughout her year of being indentured to Mr. Granger. Things will get much more humiliating for this mother of 3 before the end of her year of work for Mr. Granger.

Coming out of the Exam room area Ted picked up Dawn’s Chart and called her name telling her husband to come into the back area with her. The first door in the area is marked toilets with a little hole in the wall with a door over it marked specimen recovery. They walked down a hall half way and the male nurse brought them into a rather large exam room. There where 5 doors on each side of the hall and one on the end. Dawn has never been in an exam room this large before.

Ted gave Ralph a seat at the foot end of the exam table. On each wall up 3 feet were mirrored glass on each side the length of the wall about 2 feet high. Ted told Dawn to remove all her clothes and put them on the shelf next to her husband then take a seat on the exam table. Ted left the room leaving the door open.

Ralph got up and shut the door as Dawn reluctantly began to undress. She removed her top and slacks folding them neatly she laid them on the chair. As more of her body came into view her complexion turned a brighter hue of red. Then after a moments debate with herself she removed her panties put them in between her outer clothes. She removed her bra and put it on top of her blouse. Crossing her arms over her small breasts she walked to the exam table looking with shock alman porno at the nude image she sees in the mirror. Dawn can not believe she is doing this. There she was completely nude for a physical required by a person that will give the college and her money after a year’s indenture to him.

Dawn got up onto the exam table and crouched over so that she could cover herself as much as possible. Keeping her legs tight together to preserve what little modestly she has left for a few moments more. Before long she will be totally exposed to an indeterminate number of people. In spite of his wife’s predicament Ralph was getting excited at the thought of other men seeing his wife naked and examining her.

Sitting on the table and looking at herself in the mirror Dawn was becoming curious about her body. She has not looked at herself while she was completely naked in a long while. Dawn moved her arms away from her breast smiling self consciously and thinking to herself although her breast are small she has large nipples and after 3 children her breast are still perky. She relaxed her legs a little looking at her unkempt pubic mound. Becoming more curious she opened her legs a little to see her vaginal area. Dawn could feel the air hitting her slit and to her shock she realized she was very moist.

Ted knocked on the door then entered the room seeing Dawn naked on the exam table. Dawn seeing a man coming into the room she brought herself almost into the fetal position asked that she have a female attendant present at her exam only. Ted told Dawn that there are no female attendants for this doctor’s office.

As Ted was leaving he told them that the door is to remain opened from now on. Dawn could not believe that she is facing the door and it is to remain open. Ralph stood up to protest at this new revelation. Ted told him it was proper protocol for Granger Associates exams. A Defeated Dawn sat on the table watching men and woman walk by the room. Some women were dressed and to her shock some completely nude walking down the hall with male nurses and other men in lab coats following them. Some of the people did a double take upon seeing Dawn naked. For over an hour Dawn sat on the table waiting for the doctor being exposed to the gaze of non medical people walking past the room.

Finally an hour and a half after a naked Dawn sitting on the exam table Doctor Dorman came into the room followed by Ted and six male interns. A Humiliated Dawn sat crouched on the exam table when she saw the Doctor and six young men that are as old as her sons coming into the office.

“You will have to sit up with your hands at your side for us to examine you Mrs. Jackson let us get this over with as soon as possible.” Said Dr. Dorman.

An embarrassed Mrs. Jackson dropped her arms to her side resigned to the fact that she will be thoroughly humiliated before this exam is over and to her amazement her nipples were getting hard and she was becoming wet vaginally. Dawn turned red from the top of her head to her waist she could see this in the mirror. The Doctor started his exam of Dawn by checking her eyes, hearing. She could not understand why she had to be nude for these tests. He had her get up and look at a chart he wanted her to read the third line down which she did with no mistakes. A male technician came into the room with a machine to check her hearing.

Dawn having another problem with is exam presently she was concerned that all the people in the room could smell her excitement. Her husband was aware that his wife of many years was becoming very aroused he could see her nipples getting hard and he knew that familiar scent her excitement also.

Escorting Dawn back to the exam table the Doctor had Ted help her put her feet in the stirrups. Dawn was totally exposed to everyone there and also anyone that walked by the room at this time. The doctor checked her heart and lungs, then had each of the interns take turns checking her. Some were very gentle and did the exam with very little touching of her breasts others did take liberties in touching her with the back of their hand.

With her legs in the stirrups the doctor had each of the interns examine her breasts in the reclining position. Each intern took a side she had two different men rubbing her breasts at the same time. Then they helped her out of the stirrups and had her sit on the edge of the exam table and did the breast exam again. She was asked to stand up and put her hands on her head she remained that way for about 10 minutes in full view of anyone that passed the door in the hall.

After all the interns finished examining her breasts the words that women dread were said to her. Please lay back and put your feet into the stirrups again. This is the most humiliating and exposed position any woman can be in she thought. The Doctor helped her put her feet in the stirrups and spread her wide. Looking at her very hairy thick red haired pubic area after the Doctor found it hard to see alexis texas porno her labia through all the hair the doctor announced that for the good of the interns he was going to have the Nurse shave her vaginal area.

Dawn protested until the doctor very sternly told her that she was to do as she was told or Mr. Granger will hear about her objections. Dawn was very embarrassed, not only she will be exposed to young men that could be her children, but she will have her vagina shaved. She has never been shaved in her life even her husband has urged her to shave for him and she refused. Dawn looked over at her husband and he was sitting looking at her exposed vaginal area with a grin on his face which he tried to hide when he looked up at Dawn’s face and saw the humiliated expression on her face she was nearly in tears.

The Doctor told Ted the Nurse to get the shaving equipment. When he came back with the equipment he was told to shave her. Ted used scissors to trim her first, then he put shaving cream on her pubic area and began shaving her. He was rubbing her clitoris as he shaved her before long she was getting very aroused by this. This was causing her more embarrassment as Ted was shaving her with the Doctor, 6 interns and her husband looking on. Ted was sticking his fingers in her vagina to hold her lips while he shaved her just leaving a little landing strip from her clit up about 4 inches. She was on the verge of orgasm when he finished shaving her. The Doctor told Ted have her stand up. He helped her out of the stirrups, had her stand up and turn around. The Doctor told her to bend over and lay on the exam table. She did and he spread her buttocks and checked to see if she needed any shaving on her backside. She did, so he told Ted to lather her up and shaved her rectal area. Ted put on some lotion to take out the razor burn on all the shaved areas, while taking liberties with touching her most private area.

Most of the interns were in there middle 20s. The Doctor finally introduced Dawn to the group after they have been working on her for the last half hour. Each one of them introduced themselves to her. She was getting very scared now. She was wondering what they would think of her. The Doctor was about to start her GYN exam and in came one more young man. Dawn did not see him come in as she had her head turned talking to a few of the young men to her side

The Doctor said. ” Glad you could make it Bobby.”

Bobby explained. “I had to get some information from a doctor before I could come to this class.”

The voice was familiar to Dawn she turned and found, to her dismay that it was one of her sons grade school friends. Bobby had moved with his parents in sixth grade out of the area. She did not know he was becoming a doctor as her son had lost touch with him after high school. Dawn could not believe this. She hopes he does not recognize her. Dawn did not say anything to him. Hoping he didn’t know who she was.

The Doctor got the interns attention just as another doctor called DR Mayors entered the room carrying a large case with him. He told one of the interns to go to the car and get his medical bag. The Intern came back with it. He helped the Doctor set up the equipment he brought in. Dawn was looking at it she did not know what this equipment was for. She asked the Doctor what they were setting up. He told her it was a camera that can be put in her vagina. It sends an image of her vagina on the monitor in real time. She shuttered to think this was going to be done to her in a short while in front of all these young men including her sons’ boyhood friend. She did not know if she could go through with this


Everything was ready and Doctor Dorman introduced DR Mayors as the authority on OBGYN exams. DR Mayors thanked Dawn for consenting to this exam. Today we are going to concentrate on the interior of the vagina using this instrument and he held up the camcorder with light on it. This in inserted into the vagina to see to the cervix. For the next 15 minutes he talked about the use and what can be accomplished with it. The doctor took each of her feet and helped her put them in the stirrups. She was in the most exposed position a woman can be in and she was in front of 7 young men, two Doctors she just met and her husband She was very humiliated, but she was very moist also. This was embarrassing her. How come she is becoming excited in this situation?

She did not believe this could turn her on, but it is. The Doctor looked at her vagina and noticed she was excited also. He took the dildo sized round head that was attached to the camcorder with light on it and inserted it in her vagina. You could see the interior just like you were in there. Everyone could see her very intimate area now. She was becoming more excited by the minute. Dawn was spreading her legs wider now. She loved the feel of the instrument it was so hard.

The Doctor had all the interns come up one at a time and use the instrument on Dawn. When Bobby came up he said hi to her and asked if she remembered him. She was mortified he was talking to her about the times he was at her house and he was also using the instrument on her at the same time. He whispered to her that he had dreamt about her when he was younger.

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