Dominic Ch. 21


“Excuse me, sir,” Breck called after the man. The buzzers went off and the stranger didn’t even flinch in his stride toward the terminal.

“Hey, sir! Halt!” Breck pointed his gun at the man’s center. “Custom’s agent!”

Arthur, the little food sniffer didn’t alert. As a matter of fact, he wagged his tail and sniffed at the former private passenger as the man finally paused. The man turned and looked apathetically at Breck.

Breck spoke with as much authority as he could, “Sir, do you have difficulty hearing?”

At first, the man didn’t respond. He just pulled in a deep breath. They looked each other in the eye for a moment then the man became visibly tense. “You have something that belongs to me.”

“Say again?”

“Don’t tell me, you think I don’t know you have her,” Rousseau bore into Breck. “I can smell her on you.”

Breck backed away from the man’s solid green eyed stare. He turned to his partner, “Slater, put this man in a cage. He needs to be tested and searched. Obviously crazy, this one.”

Rousseau pointed at Breck, which drew unwanted attention, “You have my mate, and I don’t plan on playing in your jail.”

“Slater, do as I say.”

“You know who I’m talking about. Give her back to me.”

“Alright, bloke. You go with Slater. I’ll be in to give you the once or twice.”


Nakamura Toshi had spent years infiltrating the sex rings in Kyoto. He’d become so good, he’d been loaned out to other countries. His soft spoken charm and fluency in several languages made it easy. None would ever suspect the asian man with a wad of easy flowing money. By looking at him, one would presume that he was a wealthy businessman on the prowl for some new thrill. That is how he liked it.

When an anonymous wealthy patron offered to pay for the whereabouts of a wayward child, his agency generally could find them within a few days. He’d never been sent for in this type of situation.

He made himself inconspicuous as he watched the potential client from a subordinate position. The man carried himself boldly and spoke with broad angry gestures. His assistant Kim acted as the agent in most of these games and requested that he remove his sunglasses. He refused, as predicted and sat in the offered chair.

“So, you say you were not allowed into the country because a customs agent stole your girlfriend?”

“Precisely. I would like to send a man in to find her. She’s very important to me.”

The man pulled out a picture from his pocket and presented it to Kim with hesitation.

“I know this isn’t your usual thing, but it is. I believe she’s being held for sex.”

Kim glanced at the photo then handed it back.

“I’ll need a good copy of that.” In Japanese, she said to Nakamura, “She is a dark woman.”

Nakamura reached for the photograph. “Mr. Rousseau,” he said, in English, breaking the charade. “I do not usually see African women around here. There are Malay and some Samoan with dark features, but I haven’t seen a demand for such a woman.”

Rousseau responded, “She is very uncommon in every way. She managed to hide her position long enough to get to Australia. She is there, and this man knows where Kadıköy travesti she is.”

He tossed down a Polaroid of a blond man with a square face and sat back. In perfect Japanese Rousseau sighed, “She would never stay away from me so long. We are one. I need her back.”

“If I were to find her, she wouldn’t be the same. Most women can be volatile and afraid or aggressive when they return. Would you still need her then?”

Rousseau pulled off his sunglasses and stared at the detective with his gold speckled green eyes.

“I would have her if she killed me, because she was made for me.”


The club was just winding down at 1:30 am. The line was gone, but the loyal customers were peaking in to see who was in that night. But then this underdressed piece of white bread came strolling up.

“Hold up, Homey,” the wide chested bouncer growled. “This place is for playas, so you best be rollin’.”

The man scratched his stubbled face, “Oh yeah?”

“Yeah, boy wonder. Why don’t you just head on to some other joint.”

“Just cus I’m white you gone play me, right? I got the dough to be up in this bitch, so let me in.”

“Oh no, you didn’t just come steppin’ to me like…”

The bouncer straightened and gave a nod as the man raised his face, “Hey, Rousseau. I didn’t realize it was you. You sure have changed your wardrobe. I couldn’t see who it was in those sweats. And your words, man. Where have you been to make you sound…”

“Shut it, Benny. My ass is pretty chafed as it is. Here’s how it’s going to be. I want that bitch, Lucy in my office. I want Sheila in my office. I want Jimmy in my office. We’ll have a dinner meeting about what happened. We don’t turn away a paying customer. Especially not an obviously rich one,” Rousseau sighed as he held up his left hand with an array of diamond rings on each finger.

“Yes, sir.”

Rousseau strolled through the main room with his hood pulled over his head so that the other bouncers didn’t know him. He was stopped at VIP and pulled aside, before a scene could be made. Good. He didn’t hear anything blatantly negative. He pulled off his jacket and let his red hair flow over his shoulders. He’d always thought that it would be easy to blend in. There weren’t many like him anymore.

The old dogs were opting for death instead of perpetual identity change. To watch your love grow old and die was hard, but the alternative was lunacy. Accident and murder claimed the most elders, but loneliness generally took a lot. He opened the hidden door and slid into his seat. He hadn’t been to the compound in a long time. He should probably check in. Then he got the call.

– -Mr. Rousseau. I have found a woman matching that description, – – Nakamura Toshi’s voice was barely audible over the music. – -It took some money…- –

“Where is she?”

– -If it is her, she’s very ill. She needs medical attention and some time to return to normal…- –

“I want to see her.”

– -I’ll let you know where she is when she can tell me she wants to return to you.- –

The phone went dead.


I was positioned off of the bed on my knees that day. Breck Kadıköy travestileri and Mike hadn’t felt the need to speak to me in days. I guess, they thought the new drugs made me unaware. My body was weak and filthy. I couldn’t hold it until the time they’d clean me. I was sponged off quickly and dried with a rough towel. I looked down at my sagging stomach and sighed. I’d never gained weight before. I didn’t realize how they’d fed me when I was drugged. I didn’t get the usual injection when I looked Mike in the eye. He seemed sad. I was repositioned over the same rancid sperm covered bed, and I was forced to stand and see what had been done to me. A feeling of dread followed. My legs were so tired. The two nodded over my head and drew me down to a bowed stance over the bed. When I tried to see the person in the doorway, I was chained in that position without the sight of the man. I looked down between my legs and saw a pair of neatly pressed pants. The pants were joined by Mike and Breck’s trousers and a quiet discussion was occurring as I slowly slid closer to the disgusting sheet below my dangling breasts. Breck rested a hand on my ass and I dropped.

“She used to be a right stunner. She’s a bit flubbo, but I don’t think she’ll stay that way. You get her on the treadmill and she’ll trim just fine.”

“And, the hair?” The soft low voice made me shiver.

They were done with me and I was finally going to be sold off as a whore. I was a whore, wasn’t I? My body was good for nothing more than a man’s enjoyment. Even my pussy had become silent on the need to be satisfied. Was I satisfied? I worked to get back to my hunched stand. Even if I was just a whore, I wasn’t gonna let this man see me as weak.

“We don’t know what to do about it. I’m sure you can cut it all off and start over, if you want.”

“Unnecessary. I will take delivery to my friend’s home. He will clean and prepare her.”

“I’ll have to warn you,” Breck pulled the man aside. “She’s a fighter. You take her at your own risk.”

“I will see that myself, now. Have the chemicals been removed? Perhaps, that is why she has become an undesirable experience for you.”

“She’s a lousy fuck, because of the drugs? Oh yes, she is. Before we knocked her completely out, she’d squeeze your cock like a vise. She might still be lousy, though. I can’t guarantee anything.”

My arms, shoulders, and thighs were massaged slowly in turn. The man placed his fingers on the small of my back and said, “She’s tired. You’ve had her on her back for too long.” He inserted a finger into my pussy and it slid in without opposition. “When was she last pleasured?”

“She pleasures you, not the other way round,” Mikey piped in.

“So,” the man inserted another finger and stroked the opening gently. “Her tension has not been relieved?”

“She stinks, now. I won’t go down on her if you paid me.”

“Cunnilingus isn’t needed.”

As they discussed my lackluster appearance and sexuality, the strange man caressed my body and massaged my breasts without much objection from my two owners. I drifted into a detached interest in where the hand would touch next. Breck slapped Travesti kadıköy my ass and was reprimanded by this new man sharply.

“She is responding to me, isn’t she? You’ve caused enough trouble. I release her, and you get your money. If she does not orgasm, I will pay you double.”

I laughed inside at the confidence this man had in himself. I was warming to his touch, but I wasn’t too optimistic about anything. His feathery touch just pulled at my senses without overtly exciting me.

“How old is she?”

“I’d say close to thirty. Is that too old? She looks younger when she’s cleaned up.”

“I prefer a mature woman to a young girl,” his controlled soft voice soothed. “Would you mind moving away from her? I want to start, now.”

“You want lube? She’d be pretty dry.”

“No, thank you.”

I felt something cold and wet flow over my slit. He dropped the small dispenser onto the bed next to my right hand. He slid into me quickly and I gasped at the sudden fullness. His response to my noise was a more firm rub of my thighs. He lightly gripped me and moved with slow deliberate thrusts deep inside me. I thought he would slam into me like most of the men did. He relentlessly pulled all the way out then all of the way in without a sound. I noticed my body was tensing. I couldn’t detach myself from the methodical impalement of my body. I stifled a moan. What was this man doing? He rewarded me with a light stroke of my clit. He pulled me in and held me so that I couldn’t help him get off. He forced me away, if I tried to meet his thrusts.

“It’s okay. This is for you. I’m not nearly done with you.”

He gave my clit another rub and my head dropped to the bed. Uh. The smelly sperm stiffened sheet didn’t distract me from the sweat rolling down my breasts. I tried to fight it. It wouldn’t stop. The tap, tap, tapping made my abdomen feel funny. Then, he gripped me firmly and pulled me into him. I screamed. It wasn’t painful, was it? He stood there with me around him for a moment. I tried to look at him. All I saw were a set of arms and a pair of legs.

“Why are you fighting me?”

He thrust slowly and I cried out again. He fucked into me ever so slowly. He continued in this pace until my legs buckled. He gripped me by my waist and moved more forcefully. I moaned and squirmed under him. I couldn’t remember how stirred up I could be. I gripped the mattress and was allowed to thrust back.

“That’s better. Give me your pace.”

I rode him quickly until I started to come. It took me by surprise because it had been so, so long. I didn’t care about the stinky sheets when I rubbed my face into the mattress. He continued to drive into my sucking pussy until I caught myself screaming my joy. He then pulled out abruptly. I listened to him rub at his cock and release into his hand. I watched through my thighs as he removed a condom and tied it shut. He resettled his penis inside his pants and gave my shaking leg a pat.

“She’s a good partner, if she’s willing to learn,” his voice seemed slightly breathy, but not stressed in the least. “Make sure she’s cleaned before the trip.”


The woman had been slightly thinner in the picture, but he’d felt her strength through the brief time that they’d been in each others presence. He slid into the driver’s seat and made the call to set her up at one of his safe places. She might be able to live a normal life, if she was willing to return.

End …to be continued.

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