Dragons of Arma – Part 5


Ahhh and here we are again Hi Everybody……. (if you didn’t read that in the voice of doctor nick from the Simpsons there is a problem) well here are chapters 9 and 10 sorry about the wait I had a huge problem with the way 10 turned out had to rewrite it like 7 times. So here they are. For those asking celestial will have a new chapter soon been working on it in secret please be patient I will not stop writing on these stories I have a few issues with the admin looking these over apparently the way I write is suspicious because they keep kicking it back to me. I am posting on another website most should know it but anyways I plan to see these stories to the end. Yes btw I am working in more “Erotica” I am a huge fan of the buildup the foreplay and the torment got to love bdsm. Anybody who is wondering I kind of hear heath like a vin diesel voice especially in is movie the last witch hunter not in looks but the voice.

I did have one post asking if I was going to do a new story and I do have one in the planning stages and I will run the premise by you guys and see if you would want to read it.

– Title pending – Time frame is Near future ten years give or take

Arcturis Pendragon a reputed thief- main character
work in Excalibur (not mystical sword but technogical) finds he is the descendant of Merlin “Mere’lin” and Arthur of old Excalibur was meant for the true king not Arthur. Excalibur opens the paths to Camelot and Avalon (high tech societies that have been here on earth hiding in a sub space reality (they are able to see earth through the fogs to get to earth but can’t return without key. Corruption has worked its way into Camelot and Art Works quickly to find the true king before the corrupt find him..

Pssstt Morganna Lefay is in fact jailed on earth in a stasis field hidden away by Mere’lin for her Dalliances with Arthur …. very possible love interest to main character after he frees her

Anyways on to the story enjoy guys

Chapter 9

We arrive at the restaurant without incident. Walking in we look around and see our group sitting at a table in the back. So we head back to them. I see Kezaban turn his head and notice us. He stands up and draws attention to us. I approach and pull out a seat and put it next to Kezaban and sit Annaliese there. Then walking around the table I see my “seat” is between Ar’Isa and Cyria. I wonder who planned this.

Sitting down I say “Sorry about the wait. I had a little bit of business come up.”

Ursor nods and asks “Was that business the business of fighting across two separate zones?”

I look over at Ursor and say “We will talk about later. I believe that there are a few more important things we should talk about first. Annaliese here has figured out a few things on her own. So I thought this would be a perfect chance to put our heads together.”

The headmaster picks up on the conversations quickly and motions over to the waiter. Very quickly the room is empty except for us. He taps his Percom and says “Haps, Executive Override Teldona, Mike Charlie John-117, Disconnect all Surveillance in the restaurant and establish a jamming curtain around the room.”

“Confirmed Headmaster it is taken care of when you leave the restaurant I will resume normal functions of the area.” A very clipped and precise male voice replies. “By the by sir there seems to be a silent observer. All she says is that she is protecting her “Box”. Should I purge her?” I see the Headmasters eye flick in my direction and I slightly shake my head.

“No let’s see what she does.” He responds before looking at me and saying. “You can continue.”

I nod “Ursor brought me in on this earlier this week. After I got placed as the Class Commander. Starting last year some … ‘Questionable’ activities started happening.”

Kezaban interrupts “What do you mean questionable?”

Annaliese rolls her eyes “there have been a few rapes of humans and AE users alike. A few missing persons too.”

The Headmaster coughs and injects “There have been more than that. Off the record and unofficially. There have been more the staff have found murdered and mutilated remains. We have no way of identifying the remains except for deep tissue DNA scans. Multiple rapes, Assaults, and thefts. They have done everything bolu escort they shouldn’t.”

Kezaban cuts in “Use Daio have her check surveillance we can find the bastards and …”
Annaliese puts a hand on his “Sweet heart if it was that simple do you think we would be here in an empty restaurant behind a jammer screen talking like we are collaborators?”

Ursor Picks up there “Daio is blind we have no idea how they are doing it. There are times when people just disappear. Calls for help go unanswered. Daio is up in a tizzy over it. I brought Heath in to it because he was new blood I could guarantee that he hadn’t been corrupted yet.”

Kezabans’ head snaps up. “Corrupted you mean there are more than those two DiCe members who are involved? … Wait you thought I was corrupted?”

Ursor makes a calming motion at Kezaban “I didn’t know who I could trust. I have been very careful looking into this but I can’t do this by myself anymore. I know that there are somewhere around at least 45 members who have pulled the disappearing act. But I didn’t know if there were others.”

“Wait if we are talking about this why isn’t Commander Flesot here?” Kezaban stops and looks around the table. “They are involved aren’t they?”

Ursor and the headmaster nod. I say quickly “they have disappeared several times and had and I quote “more pressing meetings”. So I have done a little checking around currently there are 120 DiCe Members currently not counting me. The Senior Class Commander and Vice are clean. So are the Junior Commander and Vice. Both the Sophomore Commander and Vice are corrupt. Half of the Sophomore DiCe, 15 Members of both the Senior and Junior Dice are corrupt. About 40 total from what I have seen. All of them were not at my Audition. That is why I asked that everyone not talk about my ranking and such to anyone including each other. Until now they didn’t have info on me. I found out earlier that they even went back to Ouroboros. To the monastery where I was raised to find information on me. So we are dealing with 40 corrupt members of the DiCe and whoever they help get accepted this year.”

Kezaban looks down then back up quickly “Why don’t we just clean house toss them out of the DiCe?”

The Headmaster starts shaking his head and Ursor comments “We can’t, if we just toss them out we don’t find out how they are bypassing Daio. The corruption isn’t just in the DiCe it is growing on the island look at the group of people that fought us earlier and how many of them were just watching un-afraid of what would happen to them if they got caught. Now think about this how many of them will be in the jail when we get back. We can’t guarantee that any of them made it back and who do we blame?”

I shake my head “It is worse than that I don’t know who is corrupt I can give you numbers but I can’t identify who is “Disappearing” and then add to the fact that now they know we know something is wrong. Otherwise they wouldn’t have attacked us in broad daylight. It was their way of putting us on notice and telling us that they aren’t afraid of us. They know they can do what they want and we can’t stop them … Yet.”

Cyria speaks up at this point “what are you going to do?”

“At this point there isn’t much we can do. Tactically we go on the defense and find people to help us we gather information and get a bigger picture then we knock on their front door and take the fight to them.” I say looking at Ursor who nods in agreement. Looking around I continue “everyone at this table has to be very careful if you are approached or they try to blackmail you or anything like that you need to come to me. I don’t care if they have your family and threaten to kill them. I have to know or I will never be able to stop them.”

Ar’Isa coughs and says “Why come to you why not Ursor or Grandpa?”

I look her dead in the eye “Because I don’t have a family anymore I don’t have anything they can blackmail me with. If they try to use anyone at this table I will tear down heaven and bring it into hell and make them regret ever messing with me. I am incorruptible …” I laugh then say “well any more corrupt then I already am.”

Ar’Isa rises from her chair and starts talking “Corrupt you are corrupt why should we trust you then?”

I laugh evilly and the headmaster bolu escort bayan looks at his granddaughter and says “Isa sit down you are making a fool of yourself. First off Ursor on my recommendation went to him. Second if you haven’t put two and two together yet…” I start snickering and Cyria joins me. I quickly send the video of the jock calling out three in the auditorium to everyone at the table. With a chuckle the headmaster continues “Commander Dinester here is obviously ranked above S class. Meaning that there is nothing anyone at this table could do to stop him. I could but I think it might take a very heavy toll on me. Besides have you ever heard the saying ‘to kill god you must make a deal with the devil’ that is what we have done. I for one am glad that he is on our side.”

I nod to the headmaster and look around the table “think in terms of chess the Headmaster is the king. He is not allowed to public do much in this instance. Ursor is the Queen as head of the DiCe he can attack and defend with full power of the university behind him. Kezaban you are bishop the pincer you are the direct lance of the DiCe. Annaliese you are the rook you can make calculated moves but without the approval of the king or queen you are stuck in your movements. And before you ask Ar’Isa you and Cyria are the pawns you are the bait you can not do anything as you are not in the DiCe and don’t have any authority to act in our interests. Me I am the Castle my job is offensive and defensive I have the straight line focus. I clear up the board I don’t want to be a leader. I am an avalanche you guys are the pebble to set me in motion. And once I get start people better move out of my way.”

Ursor Smiles and put his hand on the table “I think this is enough of this talk for now.”

The Headmaster nods and says “Agreed let’s talk about better things. Like how things are going with the auditions.”

Ar’Isa smiles and says “You mean we should talk about how evil these auditions are? It takes a really twisted mind to come up with something like this.”

I realize she is trying to dig at me. Getting an idea I scoot out a little so she can see across me to Cyria’s lap and slowly slip my hand under the table. Placing it on Cyria’s leg slowly drawing circles on it. The look on her face is priceless. She closes her eyes and bites her bottom lip. I keep doing it letting Ar’Isa see it. As I start to talk. “Yes it is a little twisted. I love turning things up on their head. Making the weak lead the strong. But now that they are allowed to talk I expect the teams to become better. But I know there will be a few teams that arrogance will take over and the team captain will be plowed under. That is what I want to get rid of. I need teams that will work great together. No matter who is on the team I need to see if they can overcome their weaknesses and work together. Instead of just being aggressive and not seeing the task for what it is. Ignorance is bad in my book.” As I say the last bit, I look at Ar’Isa.

I can see her stewing a little bit. The Headmaster starts chuckling and says “That is a valid point. My granddaughter is very set in her ways.”

I see her start to bristle and as she says “Somethings have worked for generations. Why change something if it works? It’s not like you’re special. You toy with everyone and enjoy fighting. You’re no different than the next man.” She looks at me with a little spite in her eyes.

I tap my Percom and bring up a file before sending it to her. Once done, I place my hand on Cyria’s leg again and slowly drag my nails from her knee slowly up her leg. When I reach her inner thigh I stop and draw a circle with my nail. I hear her gasp softly and look over at her. She is flushed from the neck down. The lovely red is looking very delectable on her. She looks at me. Her cute little lip bite is showing as she looks at me. The pleading look she gives me makes me smile. I move my fingernail just a little more upwards. All of a sudden she gasps and starts to shudder and shake as her eyes roll up. Then she slumps back in her chair breathing heavily. Ursor is smiling, Kezaban is failing to look elsewhere. Annaliese and Ar’Isa are shooting daggers at me. And the Headmaster is currently eating.

Ar’Isa turns her head away. Standing up, escort bolu she mutters “pig” under her breath before storming away. As she is walking away I see her pull up her Percom. Stopping, she opens the file and starts reading it. I see the instant change in her body language. Her rigidness soon turns to anger as I see her muscle start to tense and shake. She looks back at me with fury in her eyes. She keeps walking out the door.

Standing I say “I think I better go smooth some feathers. I will see all of you back at the arena in half an hour.”

The Headmaster pipes up “You might want to give her a block head start.”

Chapter 10

Walking into the alley I saw Ar’Isa fuming while reading the file. “How did you get this?” she asks me.

Looking at her I sigh and respond with “I have this little bird that can find me just about anything I want to know.” My wrist vibrates.

So I am a little bird now? You know at some point someone will find out about us -P-

I smile to myself before continuing “needless to say all of it is there. A full background on you and your boyfriend.”

I see some tears starting to form in her anger “your lying this can’t be right Robert isn’t cheating on me. He wouldn’t and he isn’t bisexual.” She shakes her head and sniffs.

“Are you telling me or trying to re-assure yourself?” I say. “Everything in there is the truth. I can prove it too. But I will let you find out yourself. You can dig at me and hate me all you want. I think most of the hate is in the fact that you have a boyfriend you are loyal to. Though you have some kind of attraction to me. Then I have just been ignoring you. I knew you had a boyfriend. Cyria doesn’t so I have been going after her. I do like what I have seen so far of her there is a strength hidden there but a shyness that just draws one in. I want to see her blossom.” There is a noise from the alley entrance and I feel Cyria hiding around the corner. Smiling to myself I realize she heard the last part.

I turn and start to head out of the alley. Just before leaving it I stop and turn my head to look at her over my shoulder. “He isn’t worthy of you.” I step out and see Cyria looking at me.
I nod to the alley “Make sure she makes it back to the Arena. I will see you there mon chérie.”

I walk out of the alley and start walking. I hadn’t gone a block before Ursor, Kezaban and Annaliese catch up with me. Kezaban is the first to open his mouth “The Headmaster said he would meet us there.” I nod and he continues “care to fill us in on what happened after you left us with the bodies?”

I pull up the feed from Daio and show them what happened as we walk. We talk more as we walk about theories and such. Reaching the arena we walk in and find we are only missing a few people. I walk up and sit in the judge’s box and begin to go over my notes with Ursor. Kezaban and Annaliese excuse themselves to go check on a few things. The Headmaster comes in with a more demure Ar’Isa and a shy Cyria who brightens as she sees me. As the move into the box Ar’Isa passes me and sits down as Cyria Moves behind me I feel her finger softly trail along my shoulder over my neck and across the other shoulder. I smile realizing she now knows that I am not the only one who can flirt.

The rest of the day passes quickly and I identify the winning teams and their rankings I tell the wild card team that I will be in touch with the day and time for the last audition. I thank everyone for coming before releasing them. Turning to look at the Headmaster I say “Thank you for sparing your time for the day. I look forward to talking to you again.” He nods and takes Ar’Isa’s hand and pulls her up and leads her out. She looks out of it as she follows him.

Cyria’s musical voice comes from behind me “She is taking it pretty hard but she is strong. You know you are very mean. How is a girl supposed to react when she gets the attention of a man who does nothing but tease her?” she starts to walk by me.

I catch her around the waist and pull her into my embrace and kiss her deeply. My tongue dancing with hers. We come up for air after a minute or two. And I growl in her ear “Those weren’t teases those were promises.” I turn and walk off as I reach the door I turn and see her standing there staring at me while she touches her lips. I smile and say “Maybe you are like her and should figure out what you want. Then maybe you can know what to do.” I turn and walk out heading home to rest.

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