Expecting , Expectations Ch. 06


Disclaimer: You guys really gonna make me go through this again? Heavy incest and pregnancy fetish themes. You’ve been warned. If it ain’t your thing, you know the way out. Scram, kid, y’bother me!

Chapter 6- Comfortable With It All

Kelsey had to admit, the difference in Jane was remarkable. Ever since they’d admitted to one another that they were in love, and would always be together, her younger sister seemed like a new woman. She was dynamic and energetic, only occasionally stopped short by bouts of horrific morning sickness. But when she wasn’t green at the gills and trying to turn herself inside out puking, she was the sunshine-y Jane that Kelsey remembered from their younger days.

Jane’s excitement and lust for life had been forced and rather artificial for some time, of course. Knowing that her parents disapproved of her and her lifestyle almost entirely, she felt like an unwanted embarrassment, and it tore her up inside, making her behave even worse. She ended up pregnant by one of a possible set of men, and their parents had never let her live it down, talking about what shame she’d brought to the family.

Worse, they compered her to her older sister Kelsey, married to the stable and respectable Derek, and pregnant with a legitimate child. Through no fault of her own, Kelsey wouldn’t have blamed Jane if she’d hated her after having to endure that level of scorn from her parents. Somehow, though, Jane didn’t, even if she was secretly jealous of their parents’ approval for the ‘perfect’ older sibling.

But then Derek had up and left Kelsey, without so much as an apology or a by-your-leave, abandoning her while she was early in her pregnancy and leaving everyone utterly shocked and dismayed. Jane took no joy in it, per se, but a small part of her was relieved to know that their mother and father now looked at the perfect Kelsey somewhat differently as well, as if she was somehow damaged goods or might have done something to drive Derek away.

No, Jane didn’t like what happened to her sister at all, but she could now conclude that the problem was obviously with her parents, and not just her.

And when they so coolly went off on safari somewhere, while the girls were so close to being due, it inevitably brought Kelsey and Jane closer together. Their relationship as sisters had been a complicated one. They squabbled a lot, fought frequently, but also always had each other’s backs when the chips were down. They competed sexually against one another, seeing who was better with boys or who managed to do something wild first, like try anal or get double-penetrated. The competition had gone on for years, mostly under the radar of their parents, at least where Kelsey was concerned.

It wasn’t all competition in those formative years, mind- they’d learned to masturbate together, practiced kissing with one another, fondled one another’s boobs, but nothing either would consider the least bit lesbian or even bisexual. They’d always been motivated by boys.

And now here they were, holed up in their parents’ ski lodge together, each more than eight months pregnant and inexplicably in love with each other.

And they didn’t care how strange it seemed. It was no one else’s business now, was it?

Jane had convinced Kelsey to join her in dancing around the living room, and the brunette girl was trying not to blush with embarrassment as she waddled and swayed in circles, trying to copy her sister’s movements. Despite being just shy of nine months pregnant, Jane still managed to move seductively, gyrating, slinking and even twerking with ease.

“You’re doin’ great, Kels!” the blonde girl announced cheerfully, slithering slowly in a circle around her sister and fondling her butt as she did so. “My sexy sis is dancing with me, and it’s hot!”

“Ufff, thanks for lying, but you really should get better at it,” Kelsey puffed, already sweating from these weird, unnatural movements for a pregnant woman to make. It didn’t help that they were both buck naked, meaning her huge belly jiggled and her big boobs were flopping everywhere, according to her. “But thanks for trying to make me feel attractive.”

“Oh, you are,” Jane chided cheerfully, pausing in dancing and stepping in front of Kelsey, pressing close to her. Their bellies met, but she didn’t push hard enough to cause discomfort. She was, on the other hand, close enough to squash their breasts together and squirm them about while holding her sister’s hands. “Don’t you keep telling me that I’m not the giant fuck-up our parents always insist I am?”

“You’re not,” Kelsey said sternly, her eyes narrowing slightly. “You are not a fuck-up, Jane. Mom and dad are in the wrong here. They’re wrong.”

“Oh, so I have to believe you in spite of years of conditioning and feeling worthless, but you don’t have to believe me over your goofy perceptions of yourself?” Jane teased, smirking and swinging their hands back and forth. “That’s hardly fair now, is it? Especially since what I’m asking you to believe is alanya escort so much easier.”

Kelsey sighed loudly. “I don’t know how, but in some ways, getting pregnant seems to have made you smarter,” she muttered. “You’re still a total dingbat, so don’t get your hopes up, but you’ve got this frightening slut-logic now that is really annoying, because it can’t be refuted, even if it’s not true.”

“Oh, now you’re just being a brat,” Jane pointed out, pulling back slightly to just brush her nipples across Kelsey’s teasing them both and making them shiver. “Is me being right really that painful for you?”

Kelsey rolled her eyes, knowing she wasn’t going to win this one. Well, she had Jane drinking pregnancy smoothies without complaint, so maybe she could let this one by. After all, was Jane thinking she was sexy such a bad thing? Who else did she have to be sexy for? No one. Fuck the world, she loved Jane.

“There, that’s better,” said the blonde sweetly, knowing she’d won and leaning down to give her sister’s breast an affectionate kiss. “Life is better when Kels admits she’s sexy.”

“I admit to nothing, I’m just not arguing with you any more.” Kelsey pointed out. “There’s a difference.”

“Oh, woe is Kelsey,” Jane mocked, attempting to use a deep voice while putting the back of her wrist to her forehead and swooning to the thick, fur rug they were standing on. “Woe, oh woe! She is unwelcomely sexy, and the world must now end, because to disagree with her is certain doom!”

Kelsey shook her head and knelt down heavily next to her prone sister, beginning to tickle her. Jane whooped with laughter, squirming and turning pink quickly.

“Stopstopstop!” she squealed, thrashing about. “I’m gonna pee! Don’t make me pee on the rug! Dad loves this rug!”

“I’m unsexy! Admit it!” Kelsey teasingly demanded, tickling relentlessly. “Say it, whore!”

“N-never!” Jane wheezed, her face almost red now as she tried to control herself. “Never! You’re sexy! You’re the sexiest big sissy alive! I’ll piss and die before I say otherwise!”

Something in the way Jane said that made Kelsey slow down in tickling her little sister, to the place where she was caressing with her fingertips now and allowing Jane to calm down before she really did piss herself. Jane was breathing heavily, but no longer thrashing about like a lunatic. Her colour was slowly returning to normal, and her eyes were closed as she tried to relax.

Had Jane really meant it? She seemed absolutely convinced that Kelsey was sexually attractive, even now, when she was the size of a plant-eating dinosaur. Why would Jane say that if she didn’t mean it? She’d always talked straight and been rather blunt about things before. Did her sister have some weird, secret pregnancy fetish? Was it just rose-coloured glasses because she was in love with Kelsey?

Maybe she was right? Just maybe?

The pregnancies had done weird things to the sisters, for certain. Jane, for example, had mostly kept her trim and sexy figure, although her breasts were somewhat larger than normal, and she looked like she’d swallowed a soccer ball. But from behind, you could barely tell she was almost nine months pregnant.

Unless you smelled her. Poor Jane, her hormones were off, and when she was feeling sick, she often smelled of ammonia and sour milk. She also had terrible morning sickness, even now at the end of her third trimester, and it was pitiful to see her at those moments. She would puke her guts out and described the feeling as being worse than the worst cramps she’d ever imagined. She’d have an almost deathly pallor to her, and sour sweat would stream off her body for hours, accompanied by headaches that would have her weeping in despair and agony.

Kelsey, meanwhile, had been gifted with what could be considered a blessed pregnancy- she’d rarely felt anything even remotely resembling morning sickness at any point, and the pregnancy had given her a healthy glow. Her chocolate brown hair was more thick, lustrous and beautiful than ever right now. Militant about taking folic acid, vitamins and galactogogues, she stayed healthy by walking and getting fresh air.

But that was about all she could do, because her inbound son, Ben, had made her bloat to the size of a small passenger plane. She hadn’t seen her feet or her vagina in months, and she could barely see her huge stomach because of her breasts now.

That was the only soreness she really felt, the lactation. She and Jane both seemed to produce milk so rapidly that they would need to milk one another at least twice a day, or their breasts were sore and sensitive beyond comprehension. It was unreal.

So Kelsey nursed Jane when she was hurting and sick, and Jane fought hard to convince Kelsey that was not, in fact, a blimposaurus, but a lovely and sexually attractive mother-to-be.

Why was Kelsey fighting this so hard?

“You really mean that, don’t you?” she asked quietly, her hands now moving up to Jane’s breasts and caressing them gently. The blonde’s eyes opened, artvin escort and she looked at her sister dreamily, giving a languid nod.

“I really do,” she said softly. “And you don’t have to believe me all at once, because I’m kinda looking forward to working at convincing you.”

“Oh, are you now?” Kelsey lilted, tilted her head and smirking. “And what battle plan have you laid out to accomplish this, if I might ask?”

Jane nodded down at her own body. “Battle plan’s laid out right here in front of you, sis. And I’m thinking maybe words might convince you.”

“You think I can be persuaded with mere words?” Kelsey asked with mock skepticism.

“Depends on where I speak ’em…” Jane breathed, reaching over and pulling Kelsey up toward her head, starting to maneuver her sister about. Kelsey giggled and complied, slinging a leg over Jane’s face so that she was straddling it and facing down her sister’s body. The younger girl took gentle hold of her sister’s ass cheeks and began kissing around, slowly working her way between them and making Kelsey sigh.

Jane slid her tongue around Kelsey’s cheeks, teasing inward, delighted to see that her sister was already getting wet. Kelsey had also leaned forward slightly, so that she could continue massaging Jane’s breasts, which felt like absolute Heaven to the blonde as she lay on her back. Jane smiled as Kelsey, moving forward, let in some light and exposed her private areas to her- her pink slit of a pussy, the delicate ridge of flesh that ran back to her puckered little knot…

Jane kissed her lightly on that last place, eliciting a shiver and gasp from Kelsey, who squeezed her breasts in response. She massaged her sister’s warm breasts, looking on in delight as milk started to trickle from them, coating her soft skin in a sheen of sticky fluid. She squeezed her eyes shut and bit her lip as Jane continued to slide her tongue around, working her way slowly down that ridge to her waiting pussy.

“Mmmm, I love you so much, Kels,” Jane whispered from below. “Aren’t we just perfect together?”

You may be right, baby,” the older sister breathed, trying to not push her ass back and smother her sister as she tried to feel all the pleasure now. Jane was making her crazy with the teasing. “Oh, God, Janie, please don’t make me beg…”

“Then admit you’re beautiful,” Jane replied, pausing in her kissing and licking to smile evilly while her sister squirmed and writhed in need. “Say it, Kels. Say you’re beautiful.”

“Gnnn, you whore!” Kelsey whined. “Fine, I’m the most beautiful girl to ever fucking live! Every cock and cunt on the fucking planet lusts for me and submits to my desires! I am the fucking goddess of beauty! Now put your tongue in me, slut!”

Janie sighed happily and pushed her tongue deep inside her sister’s pussy, causing the older girl to groan loudly and shamelessly, clutching Jane’s breasts hard enough to squirt milk beneath her palms and making Jane groan in pleasure. She slid her tongue around, loving how Kelsey moved and writhed around her tongue, so in need and full of passion.

Jane knew without question that she wanted to make her sister happy for their rest of their lives, that this was what she was meant to do. There was no doubt in her mind. This was why her heart hadn’t been broken over all those years, how it managed to survive, so that Kelsey could stitch it back together and make it whole again.

She was so in love.

She began swirling her tongue around, trying to form letters inside her sister. Kelsey giggled as she realized what Jane was attempting to do and concentrated on figuring out what she was spelling.

“I… T… no? Ummmm… it feels like a T, Jane, I -WAAAACK!!!”

Kelsey lunged forward over her sister, trying to bolt as Jane blew a raspberry right on her sister’s pussy. The younger girl gripped Kelsey’s hips hard, not letting her escape, though. She wasn’t letting go, and Kelsey was too un-maneuverable to get away.

“It’s not a T, Kels,” Jane groused, still not letting go. “Try harder.”

“Okay, okay,” Kelsey acquiesced, breathing heavily and trying to control herself. Jane had no idea how close she had come to having Kelsey lose control and piss right in her face. Then again, maybe she did; who knew with her little sister anymore? “I’ll get it right, I promise…”

Jane nodded petulantly and resumed her oral ministrations to Kelsey’s nether regions, taking it slow, but pushing deep inside her with her tongue. She attempted to spell words again, and Kelsey really concentrated, lest she be brutally raspberried again.

“I… L… O… okay, Jane, I think you can skip ahead, I’ve got this word… *giggle!* slow down, slow down, darling… mmmm, that feels so good, baby… I have no idea what that letter is, Jane, I… is my cunt too tight to make the letter? I’m just asking, don’t mumble at me. Is it an M? Okay, M… thennnnnnnn… what… T? No, no, nonononoNONONONO! I’m trying! Y? Y! Uhhhh… mmmmmm, yesssss… that’s… either the number eight burdur escort or a… B? Okay, B. And then a — eep! *giggle!*- not so fast! Okay, okay… I? That’s gotta be a G… S… I… S…S…Y… Oh, I love you too, Jane. So much.”

Jane sighed contentedly and gave Kelsey her reward, snaking her tongue deep inside and wiggling it around while fingering her big sister’s ass. Before long, Kelsey was panting and squirming, her body now covered in a sheen of sweat. She braced herself with one hand, but reached down with the other and massaged Jane’s pussy ardently, making the blonde girl shudder and moan deeply inside her.

“Uh, Jane, yes… mmmm, right there, oh God…” Kelsey rasped, her eyes closed. “Gnnn, do it, baby, yesyesyes, ohhhhhh!”

The combination of Jane’s determined tongue and her fingers probing deeper inside her ass was too much for Kelsey, who went rigid and then shuddered, letting out a loud moan of unadulterated pleasure, cumming all over her sister’s face. She rather gushed, and Jane sputtered as she tried to lick and swallow her sister’s unexpected offering.

Once she was done shuddering and panting, her tongue lolling out of her mouth, Kelsey hastily wiggled backwards until her hips were no longer over her sister’s face, and she was dragging her torso across Jane’s head. Jane kissed eagerly at her sister’s breasts as they passed by, and then they were face to face, with Kelsey looking down at her. They kissed feverishly, sloppily, their tongues sliding all around one another’s faces while Kelsey tasted herself on Jane’s lips.

“Mmmm, should I take care of you now, baby?” Kelsey asked between kisses, swallowing her sister’s tongue. “What would you like me to do? How does my sister-wifey wanna cum?”

Jane shivered as she heard Kelsey refer to her as her wife, the thrill of it pulling her back from the euphoria of kissing. She clasped her sister’s face gently and looked up into her eyes.

“Let’s… let’s use the dildos,” Jane breathed. “I’ve got an idea…”

Kelsey knelt and waited while Jane got up and trotted away. Before long, she returned with the two suction dildos they’d begun using together. Jane smiled wickedly as she knelt down, facing Kelsey and they both instinctively spread their legs wide, exposing themselves to one another. Kelsey watched as Jane spit on the suction cups of both dildos, spread her saliva around to coat the surface, and then squeezed the cups of the two phalluses together, forming an ersatz double dildo.

“Ooh, you wicked, shameless girl,” Kelsey breathed, smiling slyly. “Kudos on the slut engineering skills, my love.”

Jane smiled and held up the toy, waving it gently so that it wobbled back and forth. She kept her eyes on her sister as she licked one of the large heads. “Wanna see if we can meet in the middle?”

Kelsey nodded, having chosen to throw all modesty and sense of propriety to the wind, at least where being in love with her sister was concerned. She wanted to be the shameless slut wife, the one who would do any depraved thing to make the woman she loved so very much happy.

The sisters steadied themselves as they leaned in, with Jane holding the dildos between them. They smiled and giggled as they began kissing and licking at the heads in front of their mouths, swirling their tongues around the rubbery toy. Kelsey closed her eyes as she wet the head with her tongue and mouth, shivering as she felt her knees pressing against Jane’s.

They began to slowly push down the lengths of the dildos, moaning for one another while Jane held them steady between their mouths. Kelsey bobbed back and forth, wondering if they could indeed touch one another’s lips in the middle.

The thought fled her mind for a moment as Jane let go of the dildo suddenly, causing it to drop and Kelsey to almost choke as she bit down on her portion to keep it from falling out of her mouth and hitting the floor. She grabbed hold of it and pulled her mouth off the toy long enough to give her sister a sour look.

“You’re such a brat,” she muttered as Jane snickered and tried to apologize. “If we got married, you’d blow into my mouth when the priest said we could kiss, wouldn’t you?”

“I promise not to do that if you marry me,” Jane managed to say between giggles.

“If?” Kelsey mused, raising an eyebrow. “I’m pretty sure I’m obligated to, just to remove you from the general public and protect it from your troll ass.”

“Oh, I dunno,” Jane pretended to warn. “That’s gonna involve an awful lotta sex, Kels.”

“There are some sacrifices I’m willing to make for the good of humankind, I admit,” Kelsey replied, holding the dildo up and letting her sister put it in her mouth again. “Being in love makes me do crazy things.”

“Mmmmmm, hopefully it makes me a little more sane,” Jane purred as she sucked on the toy. “My big sissy, the calming influence on wild, bratty me…”

Kelsey shook her head and then mimicked her sister, the two of them sucking willfully on the fake cocks, pushing farther down their lengths and closer to one another. They moved their bodies closer as they did so, until their breasts and bellies were pressed, their hands lying gently on one another’s arms. The large bulges in the middle prevented their lips from touching, but they’d gotten damn close.

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