F Quirk


These F quirk short stories take place after the events of the Quarantined due to Futa Virus, but if you didn’t read them then don’t worry. Just know the Futa virus made nearly everyone a horny futa. Enjoy the story!

“And final announcement of the day; starting Monday, classes will once again be held in person.” A series of groans and moans were heard from everyone who didn’t have their mic on mute. Our teacher, Ms. Clarkson, weathered the storm and once everyone was quiet or muted, she resumed with aplomb. “Yes, Jenny. You have a question?”

“Yeah, um, will we, um, have to wear clothes? Some of our F quirks, not mine, but some of our F quirks make it a bit difficult to wear clothes.”

I glanced down at my own nude form. My futa virus mutation, or F quirk as they had come to be called by everyone online, wasn’t as extreme as some people but ever since growing my dick I preferred to be nude so that I could fuck and jack off easier. Ms Clarkson took the question seriously though and consulted her notes.

“You will need to wear some form of clothing on school grounds. However, the school has been alerted by the government about some extreme cases where some, if not all, clothing is unable to be worn. In those cases, exceptions will be made, but please alert me before Monday with pictures proving your inability to wear clothes. I’ll send you an email with the exception form for you to fill out. Now if there are no further questions, I’ll see all of you on Monday!”

The video class was cut off, leaving me looking at a black screen. A few minutes later, an email with the new decency requirements arrived in my inbox. Time to see how much or how little I have to wear.

Ring ring. Ring ring. Ring ring.

Looks like a couple of my classmates wanted to look over the new rules together. I answered the call and saw at least three of my friends. They were leaning back now that we weren’t in class, and their nudity, and gorgeous bodies, was plain to see.

I could see my own nude form in the corner camera. I brushed a few stray black hairs out from my eyes, and admired my I cup breasts that were bared for the camera while stroking my long and girthy 13 inch cock.

“Hey, Katie! How’s it going?” Claire chirped out, waving through the camera and causing her E cup tits to jiggle seductively.

“Morning, Katie.” Sara groggily nodded as she sipped a cup of coffee, it must not have enough flavor for her, because she rubbed her giant twenty inch cock for a minute and let the precum drip into the beverage.

“Morning, girls.” I replied. “So have you gotten the new rules yet?”

“Not yet.” Sara answered, slurping her coffee loudly. “It just arrived in my inbox, let’s open on three. One. Two. Three.”

On her mark, all three of us double clicked the attachment and began reading. They seemed pretty normal enough at first, just not that normal for the current times.

“Oh come on!” Claire protested. “We’ve got to wear condoms every time we cum? That’s so not cool. At least bras are not required.”

“Do they even make condoms my size?” Sara wondered to herself, before clicking on the online shopping sites. “Huh, looks like they just started making them in all sizes. Guess I should better order some in bulk.”

We chatted over the rules for another few minutes. Commenting about how sex was allowed in the halls, but not in class. Jacking off was allowed in class though, but only with a condom on.

Clothing was absolutely required, even if it was completely cum soaked, and if it was see through or torn, then bathrobes would be provided by the school. The only exceptions to this rule was if a student’s breasts, balls, cock, or other body part had mutated to something too big for clothes to contain.

Unfortunately I wasn’t able to exploit any of the rules to stay nude at school. My bout with the futa virus had left me with a thirteen inch dick and I cup breasts, but my F quirk, or my unique mutation, was just that my cum and breast milk had a coconut flavor.

After talking for another hour or two with my girl pals, we ended the call for lunch. Exiting my room, I saw my roommate, Leslie, working at the dining room table. She was just as nude as I was, her perky B cup tits breathed free while her excessively thick sixteen inch cock swung underneath the table.

“Hey, Katie.” Leslie said, looking up from her laptop. “How was class?”

“It was alright.” I said with a sigh as I opened up the fridge and inspected our food stores. Feeling the cold Avrupa yakası travesti air of the fridge clash with my pulsing dick. “Did you hear about the school starting in person classes again?”

Leslie nodded, her blue eyes glancing down at her own nude body. “Yeah, I already ordered a bunch of condoms in bulk. Mhmm.” A stream of cum burst from her flaccid cock. Her F quirk was that she would randomly cum no matter the situation. Even if she wasn’t horny or erect.

I could feel my own cock stiffen, and my pussy dripped a little at the sound. We had fucked more than once during our quarantine, although we weren’t in a relationship. It was just fun sex to let out our new urges.

“So any thoughts on going back to school?” I asked. “Other than buying condoms in bulk?”

“Mhm, not really. I’m just hoping that I’ll meet a girl, or a guy if there are any left, with a nice huge cock who can fuck me whenever I’m horny.”

“That would be nice.” I agreed. Leslie and I would fuck each other when ever both of us were free, but memories of cuddling while watching TV on the couch with my boyfriend lingered in my head. It might be pleasant to have someone special I could fuck in front of the TV, or just kiss and call babe. But a big cock was a must.

“Ah fuck. I’m cumming.” Leslie moaned. She had started jacking off while I was daydreaming about a big cocked girlfriend, she must have been thinking about the same thing because her cum splattered all over the table.

Our eyes met for a moment as I handed her a paper towel, both of us internally debated whether we felt like fucking, but we eventually shrugged. We just weren’t feeling it.

“Wanna watch some TV?” I asked, gesturing towards the television.

“Sure. I was about to take a break anyway.” Leslie shut her laptop and got up, her sixteen inch cock standing tall, and pulsing thicker than a coke can.

Together we strode over to the couch where I turned on the first channel that came on. It was one of the new shows that was being made by actors infected with the futa virus, and thus was little more than porn. Very sexy porn with a well written plot, but still porn.

“God, look at that girl go!” Leslie breathlessly said as she began rubbing off to the scene of the girl who was super fucking a supervillain with a ‘super cock’. She preferred to get fucked rather than getting off from her cock so even though I loved getting fucked by her cock, I was usually the one doing the fucking.

“And look at those tits!” I added as I stroked my cock. “They’re even bigger than mine! Do you think those are real, or are they just CGI?”

“Probably real? But you can never be sure these days. I saw a video yesterday where a girl had tits bigger than her whole body, and another whose tits could cum gallons.”

“Gallons of milk?”

“… Possibly. The video didn’t say.”

My cock twitched and released some precum at the prospect of either option. Getting a tit job from those boobs would probably be legendary. Although the mess afterwards would be equally legendary. Not that it mattered, everywhere was a mess thanks to the virus giving everyone cocks that ejaculated at the drop of a hat, literally.

We lost the rest of the day binge watching the show, cumming so many times that we felt completely drained by dinner time, and only had enough in the tank to fuck maybe once before bed. It was only when I was about to fall asleep that I realized that I still needed to buy clothes for school. Eh, I’ll take care of it tomorrow.


It’s time. It’s finally fucking time.

I psyched myself up as I sat in my rust bucket car that had needed to be jumped in order to get here. I was wearing clothes for longer than ten minutes for the first time in forever and it felt really off. Nothing too out of the ordinary, just some jeans and a t-shirt, along with a bra and panties that were designed to feel comfortable for my expanded bust and sizable dick.

“Alright, let’s see what school is like now. Hopefully I’m not the weirdest one in class.” With those encouraging words to myself, I hopped out of my jalopy and made my way towards the school building.

It was a small community college that was surrounded by suburbs as far as the eye could see, so it was moderately packed with people. With old friends chatting and getting reacquainted on the park benches, groups of girls were gossiping Avrupa yakası travestileri in the corners, and futa’s with huge balls were emptying them behind some bushes.

Wait, what?

Looking closer at the people bustling around the building, I could see that the old friends were giving each other hand jobs, the groups of girls had the lower ranked members of their cliques sucking them off, and there were even multiple couples fucking on the green grass of the manicured lawn. What on earth was going on?!

Trying not to stare as I made my way through the doors, I could see that there was a huge variety of F quirks on display. Everything from girls with dicks so big that they nearly touched the ground when flaccid and were thicker than their entire bodies, to girls with tits that looked like they held an entire grocery store’s worth of milk, to girls that had balls so full of cum that they audibly sloshed as they bounced in their custom made panties.

“Katie! Over here!” I heard my roommate Leslie calling my name from the study area, although the label on the door had been changed to ‘sex/study area’. I’d have to check that out after class. “Katie, do you remember Jessica? Our lab partner from Biology Class? Look what the virus gave her!”

Leslie was sitting on Jessica’s lap, well, sitting is probably the wrong way to put it. Leslie was impaled on Jessica’s cock. Jessica’s dick was so big that the bulge was visible through Leslie’s stomach and appeared wider than a 2 liter soda bottle. Her tits didn’t seem to have grown that much from what they were before, but with a dick that big it didn’t really matter.

“Hey, Katie. Fuck that’s tight.” Jessica nodded a greeting while awkwardly thrusting. I could definitely understand the awkwardness, I’d long ago lost any sense of shame around Leslie and my friends, but fucking someone in the middle of school? That was a bit too far. “Long time no see. Looks like you really filled out. Did you get any other F quirks from the virus?”

“Just one.” I replied, trying not to stare too hard at my roommate’s copulations so that my own cock didn’t get hard. “My milk and cum taste like coconut for some reason.”

“That’s… a new one. I haven’t heard of that one on the internet so far.”

“Yeah, but at least it’s not something that interferes with daily life.” I recalled a couple examples that I had seen on social media, where people had been unable to reach past their breasts or were constantly banging their excessively big dicks into walls and ceilings. “Well, c’mon, Leslie. If you don’t hurry up you’ll be late for class.”

“Shit! Is it that time already? Thanks for the warning. I’ll catch you later for more, Jessica-” Leslies face had a confused look on it as she put her feet on the floor and tried to lift herself off Jessica’s massive member. “Um, I think I’m stuck.”

“Stuck!?” Jessica and I both exclaimed.

Jessica tried pushing, I tried pulling, but the end result was only a little bit of movement up and down that caused Jessica and Leslie to both cum. Leslie was fortunately wearing a condom, so I didn’t get soaked for my efforts, but ultimately Leslie and Jessica remained stuck together.

Panting for breath, and desperately trying to ignore my raging boner threatening to rip through my jeans, I stepped back to assess the situation. “So how many times do you need to cum for your cock to go soft, Jessica?”

“Usually it’s around a dozen times.” Jessica quietly said. “But I’ve never had anyone get stuck on my cock before, so it might be more.”

“You go on ahead, Katie.” Leslie panted out, her face flushing in pleasure as another load of spunk fired off into her already full condom. “I don’t want to make you late too, just be sure to share your notes with me.”

Sensing that if I stuck around any longer I’d probably free myself of the restrictions of pants and have Leslie suck me off as she got pounded, I wisely retreated. I didn’t want to be late for the first day of in person classes. Who knows how I’d get fucked over if Ms. Clarkson, who was a bit of a bitch at the best of times, caught me entering her classroom after she started her lecture.

I arrived at the small classroom less than five minutes before class started, and I plopped down in my seat with a sigh of relief. Grateful that I hadn’t given into the temptation to join in any of the myriad of fuckery that was occurring in the halls and break rooms.

A few minutes later, just seconds Travesti avrupa yakası before the bell would signal the start of classes (Yes, my community college had a bell system. No clue why.), Ms. Clarkson entered the classroom.

She looked even sexier than she did over the camera. Her long brown hair flowed behind her as her long legs quickly paced between the desks, and her cute glasses only added to her charms. She was fully clothed, wearing a professional looking blazer and a rather short skirt that made me wonder if she had actually been infected with the futa virus.

“Good morning, class.” Ms. Clarkson said in her professional clipped tone. “I’m seeing several empty seats today, but since I passed most of them in the halls having, ahem, fun. I’ll send the recording of today’s lesson to their email. For those who did not even bother coming to school, I’ll be sending make-up homework. Let their moans about my assignments be a warning for you. Do not skip class!”

After some mundane notes and announcements, Ms. Clarkson mentioned something that made my ears prick up in attention. “Oh, and don’t glare at my bulge, I’m still a bit sensitive about it.”

Evidently Ms. Clarkson had never heard of the White Elephant phenomenon because every eye in the classroom was instantly drawn to her crotch. There was a perceptible bulge there that was pushing out the fabric on the skirt, but nothing I’d look twice at, not even before the virus took out most of the guys on Earth.

“Are you sure you even got infected, Ms. Clarkson?” Ginny, the troublemaker of the class, said with a teasing grin. “Looks to me like you just stuffed tissues down there like you do for your bra.” She pulled down her shirt and took out her ginormous J cup breasts. “This is how it looks after you’re infected with the futa virus.”

There was a series of thwips and thumps as a classroom full of dicks escaped from their skirts and pants and banged against the underside of the desks, mine included. Just because you have an awesome rack as a futa doesn’t mean you’re immune to the effects of a pair of awesome tits.

“Oh fuck.” Ms. Clarkson swore as from underneath her skirt emerged not one, not two, but three magnificent 10 inch cocks. So she had the multi-cock F Quirk. A bit of an uncommon quirk, and getting them in triplicate was even rarer. “I just fucking got these down! Do you girls know how hard it is to satisfy these? It’s like I have triple the libido of all you bitches!”

“Not bad, Ms. Clarkson!” Ginny gave a grinning wolf whistle.

Ms. Clarkson gave an annoyed sigh. “Ginny, get your fat tits up here and lie down on my desk!”

“What are you gonna do, Ms. Clarkson?” Ginny asked, seductively dropping her skirt in the aisle to reveal a six inch hard cock that was dripping with pre cum. “Are you gonna fuck me on the desk?”

Ignoring the taunting, Ms. Clarkson took out three condoms from what was basically a condom napkin dispenser that incidentally was on everyone’s desk, not just the teacher’s. Ginny’s brave slut facade started dropping when she started unwrapping the contraceptives and putting them on.

“Wait, why are you unwrapping those?” She said with a stutter in her step. “Why are you putting on condoms? I thought we weren’t allowed to fuck in class?!”

“That rule only applies to students.” Ms. Clarkson spoke in a firm no nonsense tone as she pushed Ginny onto her back on the desk. “Teachers can fuck in class if they need to either maintain discipline or just feel like it.”

Without a hint of hesitation, she then thrust two cocks into Ginny’s pussy with the third going into her ass. “Fuck that’s tight. Alright class, please open your books to page 34. If you have the e-version then turn to page 37.” Not skipping a beat, she began teaching class as the desk rattled and shook while Ginny’s tits bounced like a bouncy house.

Glancing to the side, I could see a couple of my classmates slowly reaching under their shirts to grope their own tits, and jerking themselves off to the sight. Of course they still opened their books and prepared their notes, we all had plenty of experience of goofing off during online class so we could multitask without issue, we just had to deal with the annoyance of clothes and condoms getting in the way.

Following my colleagues’ example, I unwrapped a condom and put it on while opening my books. I guess in person classes aren’t going to be so bad after all, even with large boobs and a giant cock.

I finally finished my excessively long family friendly story so I’m back here writing short stories. Now I just need inspiration. For the first person who gives me a place, a scenario, and a kink, I’ll write a story just for you! If you want to give me more specifics than the comments will allow then just send me an author message. Live long and fuck hard.

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