Family Follies


This is a true story. Some readers may be frustrated by the lack of salacious sex, but I’m just recalling what actually happened a long time ago. I was a very inexperienced eighteen year old high school virgin whose sexual prowess was basically nonresistant, but believe me, that changed very quickly.

Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent.

All participants in this story were at least eighteen years old at the time.

Let my story begin –

Eons ago, back in the early 1970’s when I was a high school senior, I had one of the most bizarre life changing experiences.

Let me explain.

My father was a career military officer, and during my senior year in high school, he was deployed overseas for an entire year. I had been an only child but the very month before Dad left, my mother gave birth to my baby sister, Claire. In order to help mom around the house, I tried to pick up any slack by doing the dishes, vacuuming, grocery shopping and a bunch of other stuff so that mom could devote more attention to the baby.

One unforgettable afternoon everything in my life began to go topsy-turvy. After coming home from school I found my mother sitting in the living room distraught and in tears. She was wearing her bathrobe and her hair was wet. She appeared flushed and irritated.

“Mom, what’s wrong?!? What’s going on?!?” I implored. “Is the baby okay? Did something happen to Dad? WHAT?”

“The baby is just fine. She’s fast asleep in her crib and as far as I know, your father’s okay too.”

“Then what’s the matter?”

“My breasts are engorged…I…I’m all stopped up and I feel like they’re going to burst!” She cried out. “The pain is excruciating! I have a fever and feel HORRIBLE!”

Now, as an eighteen year old kid who only forty minutes earlier had been sitting in a civics class, this was totally outside of my wheelhouse, and it certainly wasn’t a situation that I could relate to. The only thing really going for me was my common sense.

“So you’re stopped up or something?” I tentatively inquired, still trying to get a grasp of the situation.

“YES!” Mom said sounding exasperated, “I keep producing milk but I’m stopped up so that the milk is filling up my breasts but none is coming out…YES I’m backed up! The pain is literally killing me!” She cried in near panic.

“I thought you bought that expensive breast pump. Isn’t that helping?”

“NO! That thing is useless!” Mom cried.

“Well geez, I don’t know, have you tried taking a hot shower? Might that help?” I asked.

“Donnie, I’ve already been in the shower for almost an hour AND NOTHING!!!”

“Okay, okay, crap, I don’t know. Look, let’s try the shower one more time and if that doesn’t work I’ll drive you down to urgent care. Okay?”

“Okay, but I don’t know what good the shower will do, I just finished trying that!”

I took Mom’s hand and helped her stand. Then I walked her to the big walk in shower in the master bathroom.

Now kuşadası escort my mother had been raised in a very cloistered and ‘proper English’ environment. In truth, to this very day, I don’t think she could say ‘shit,’ even if she had a mouth full of it. Even as an adult married woman, she was still naive about a lot of worldly things. But even so, my mother was still a real stunner. At 5’7,” Mom had always been a full figured, very well proportioned woman. What I had previously assumed to have been Double C-cup sized boobs were now easily D or even DD cup sizes.

Anyway, as soon as we entered the bathroom, Mom peeled out her robe and stepped into the shower. She stood with her back to me facing the shower head, she held her arms crossed over her breasts just waiting for me to turn on the water. I quickly undressed but kept my underwear on because I still felt I needed to maintain some modicum of modesty in front of my mother.

The water warmed up quickly and I positioned mom directly in front of the flowing stream, making sure it was directed onto her boobs.

“Now Mom, step back a little. That’s right, now lean forward and brace yourself against the wall with your hands. Good, that’s it. Now I’m going to lean over your back and then reach around to carefully try to stimulate your milk flow. All you need to do is relax.” I instructed.

“O-okay.” Mom nervously muttered. We were both blushing and extremely embarrassed.

Now I had the only seen my mother’s breasts maybe once or twice in my entire life and NEVER, EVER would I have dared touch them. Now here I was, standing in the shower with my naked mother and about to fondle her breasts, and WITH HER PERMISSION! Needless to say, I was sporting the erection of my life.

I leaned over mom’s back as I slowly, gently (and not to mention shakily) traced my finger tips over my mother’s rock hard boobs.

“OW!, that hurts! Be more careful!” She admonished.


I continued caressing her like this for about ten minutes or so. I payed special attention to her nipples and areoles. My cock, through my wet cotton briefs, was wedged hard in the crack of Mom’s bum. There was no possible way she hadn’t felt it, but fortunately her mind was focused elsewhere.

“Okay Mom, now I need you to stand up straight. Once you’ve got your balance, lean back against me…yeah, okay…yeah that’s it. Stick your breasts out as far as you can. Aaaah, there, yeah, just like that. Now let’s gently try to stimulate those milk ducts again.” As tenderly as I could manage and with feather light pressure I lowered my finger tips to just above her pubic area and then with light swirling motions I brushed them upwards, over her stomach and then under her boobs and then on to her areoles and nipples. Back and forth I went.

“AAAaaah,” Mom moaned, “My God Donnie, what are you doing?” I could feel Mom sinking back against me.

“Just relax, I’m just trying to stimulate things, kütahya escort that’s all.”

Mom lowered her hands and held me by my hips. “Well, things are definitely stimulated.” Her grasp on my pelvis practically made me cum then and there. I couldn’t help but gradually start rocking my hips back and forth, driving my wet, tented erection deeper and deeper into the crack of Mom’s ass. I assumed she was still in such a state she probably wouldn’t even she even noticed.

“Okay Mom, let’s turn you around,” I eventually whispered, “Hopefully I can do a better job than that crappy breast pump.”

Reluctantly we slowly separated. Mom slowly turned to face me, her eyes close. I lowered my head and began to gently lick, kiss and suck on mom’s nipples. I gradually increased the suction when suddenly I sensed what seemed like a tiny plug or nugget of solidified milk popped into my mouth. I’m not totally sure if that was what did it, but almost instantly my cheeks were filling up with my mother’s sweet nectar. Almost immediately her other boob started spraying out milk on it’s own. Several fine little jets of mom’s cream were spraying out in all directions. I was gulping down her sweet milk as fast as I could. It was hard to keep pace and I was getting the milk bath of a life!

“AAAaaah! Yes! Finally! You did it! Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Mom cried out. Mom let out a huge sigh of relief as I switched back and forth between each juicy breasts. I couldn’t believe the volume of milk that was actually being expressed and how many gulps I already had swallowed.

As for me, I thought my cock might explode. I yanked down my shorts, and as soon as I’d freed myself, I came like I never had in my life! I painted the shower with my cum but, any evidence was quickly washed away down the drain.

Mom was holding my head with both hands while my arms were wrapped around her waist. I could not help but drop to my knees and start nuzzling her abdomen.

Over the years as I’ve often thought back on this intimate moment, I can’t stop kicking myself for not taking full advantage of the situation and had at least tried to explore Mom’s hairy bush and wet, sopping pussy. Oh well, you can’t re-write the past.

I had started working my kisses down toward mother’s pubic region when she abruptly said, “Okay Donnie, you’d better stop. I need something left for your little sister.” Mom whispered as she guided my head away.

“Do you think we’ll need to do this again?” I asked.

“Most likely. Would you be willing to help if necessary?”

“Are you kidding, of course!!! Any time at all. I don’t care if it’s three o’clock in the morning! Just let me know!”

“Donnie, you’re the sweetest. Thank you.”

After that, on several occasions, usually late at night, Mom would crawl into my bed. She’d nudge me awake while offering me her engorged tits. I always got a tremendous hard on, but whenever I tried to encourage mom to stroke lara escort me while I was nursing, she would pull away. Once we were finished, she always went straight back to her room and usually with gooey blotches of cum somewhere on her body.

Mom would sometimes wear just her bath robe and sit down at one end of the living room sofa. This was always my cue. I would strip down to my undershorts and lay back with my head on her lap. She would pull open the top of her robe and I’d start suckling. My cock was always at full attention but Mom was always reticent to do anything about it. It was as though she thought it would be like cheating on my father. I tried to explain to her that I was helping her, so why couldn’t she help me, but she never bought it.

It took a couple of months, but eventually mom tentatively touched me through my cotton shorts. Soon thereafter she was squeezing me. Then a few weeks after that, and to my astonishment, she actually slipped her hand under the elastic waste band and gently fondled me. It was then that I stopped wearing underwear during our little sessions.

Mom’s issues with her breast milk eventually eased up. l was pretty sure that she continued to let me nurse a few times just for our mutual pleasure. In reality my baby sister was still nursing, so any concern about her not producing milk was a mute. I found out later that mom was wanting to insure that she was still producing milk when Dad returned because nursing was one of his biggest turn-ons.

About a week after my Dad returned, he and I were sitting on the backyard patio drinking some beers. We talked about what I planned for my future, what colleges I was applying to, things like that when suddenly he said,

“Your Mom told me all about what you did to help her when she was having her…you know…nursing issues.”

“She did!?!” I gasped.

“Hey, don’t worry. You know your mother. There’s no way she could have kept something like that a secret. If I had been home I’d probably have done just about the same thing you did. You did well son. While I was gone, I expected you to step up and help your Mother in any and EVERY way possible. You figured out what needed to be done and did it. I’m proud of you. I also appreciate how sexually charged that kind of thing can be. As you probably know by now, your mother gets easily ‘frustrated’ if she goes too long without…well, you know. So in the future, in order to quell any unfulfilled carnal needs, you two have my blessing to deviate from standard operating procedure and do whatever it takes to keep your mother satisfied, do you copy?”

“Yes, sir, I think so, but is mom aware of this change in procedure?” I asked.

“She’s been fully briefed.” There was a pause, and then Dad continued by saying, “To clarify, the rules of engagement may have changed to a weapons free environment, however there is an exception that pussy fucking will not be tolerated. That is a restricted area reserved for Command action namely ME and absolutely no one else…CLEAR?”

“Roger WILCO (I understand and will comply).” I confirmed.

“Good, enough said.”

And so, my world as I had previously known it was expanding in ways I did not fully appreciate.

For now, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

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